Father Tacdoro Lecture Filial Piety

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This blog site is a final requirement of Teaching Profession subject. The purpose of this blog site is to acquaint the readers what was really teaching profession is. This
contains my personal viewpoint about teaching that includes the reason why I take up prof.ed, my philosophy of teaching, my reflection papers in every lesson of the
teaching profession class, my message to my professor, my prof. ed students, teachers, and students.

Introduction to Teaching Profession

Basically, teaching is one of the noble professions that create another profession. It requires patience, passion, the values, and attitudes. Teaching profession helps to
literate and educates people. Through education, you will know the value of everything .Knowing the right and the wrong one .Know how to read and write that will profit
us in knowing the law of rights under the law. Education can improve one's live. It varies a wide range in our life because it covers life, health, livelihood, interaction, and

According to research teaching is the specialized application of knowledge, skills attributes designed to provide unique service to meet the educational needs of
individual and society. The choice of the learning activities where the goals of education are realized in the school is the responsibility of the teaching profession.

Becoming How a Teacher- a Teacher

Becoming a teacher is not easy. You may undergo lots of challenges before you get on to it. Though teaching for me is challenging, yet, it measures how to determine
and patience you are. Why do I want to become a teacher? What is my reason why I taking up prof.ed? Well, I want to become a teacher simply because I want to impart
my knowledge and my ideas to the young minds. I want to share my experiences in how to survive the hardship of life. Teaching is what my heart’s desire. My heart close to
children and I love to teach them. I believe that through teaching I can mold one child's behavior by encouraging them. Not just teaching them the values but to be an

Way back in my elementary days, I was inspired by my teacher. I find her as my role model. She teaches us by just sharing her past or her life experiences. Giving us the
idea on what a teacher is. Hence, the reason why I wanted to become a teacher. Some say teaching is not an easy task. Teachers played a great role in the society. Teaching
is a fulfilling journey. Sometimes a teacher could be an adviser, a friend and our comforter.

Why not teach

1. Low prestige

2. Too much paperwork - like lesson plans, visual aid, checking papers of students

- Teachers guide, learners guide.

- Teachers required making test paper validity of instruction

3. Too many concerned

4. Too much hardheaded

5. Love threatening

6. Little for oneself

Why teach
1. Teaching depends on / develops on sense of wonder

2. Teaching depends on humanity - creating society/ nations

3. Teaching is having a human adventure.

4. Teaching is a great reward.

My Teaching Career Plan

Honestly speaking, at first, I do not want to enter the world of teaching. I do not want to see myself in front of many. But then that perception of mine changes me
when I decided to shift a course. The course that help me realize how to value education. Before taking up my prof.ed, I asked myself: Is this really I wanted to be? Why
teach? A question that no one else can answer but only me. Until such time now, I discovered myself; teaching is what my heart’s desire.

I want to see myself two years from now teaching in a public school. With my strong determination and of course with the help of God I believe I can be whatever I
want to be. But how can I do it? Well, there should be my basis. A step by step process to achieve my aims in life. After taking this prof.ed, I have to review to pass the LET.
If given a chance maybe I have to set a plan for my master education. Anyways its all by Gods plan.It is His will allow me to enter the teaching world because God knows
what is really my intention. Let His will be done.

My Philosophy of Teaching
What is really meant by teaching philosophy? Well, teaching philosophy is a document in progress. As our teaching changes and our professional identity grows, our
teaching philosophy will also change and grow.

My teaching philosophy of teaching is base on the reality that everybody in my class can relate and express their thoughts and feelings. I will inspire them through
given lectures and share my past experiences on how I survive the hardship of life. I will be a teacher that promote positive learning towards my students. And lastly, I will
provide a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

I truly believe that every child is peculiar. Every child is special. Being a teacher, I will help my students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals
who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions. And most of all I will help my students define their own essence by exposing them to various
paths they take in life and by creating an environment in which they freely choose their own preferred way.

My Reflections in every chapter and in every lesson in teaching profession class


You, the Teacher as a Person in Society

"Teachers ... are most responsible and important member of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth."

- Helen Caldicott
What I've learned in this chapter, as what Helen Caldicott says " Teachers. .are most responsible and important member of the society because their professional efforts
affect the fate of the earth ." The teachers thought, values and actions are somehow shaped by events and by people with whom they come in contact. They, in turn, help,
shape society, its events, people, and its destiny.

I realize that each of us has the role in the society but among of us the teachers has the significant role in the community. They are the ones who creates another
profession. Without them, maybe we do not have to be called literate people and those good leaders of the country. Just like for examples a president, police officers to
protect and help to solve crimes, we do not have attorneys,engineers, doctors and others. In short, teachers help to build lives through education by educating the minds of
the youth.

As a future teacher, I have to possess dignity and reputation.I have to be careful in my actions because as a teacher you have to be a good role model to your
society.You are respected in how they see you and how the community looks at you.

Lesson 1 - Your Philosophical Heritage

To philosophize is so essentially human - and in a sense to philosophize means living a truly human life.

- J. Pieper
I have learned that the philosophy of education is an essential one. Through this philosophies, you can determine what strategy of teaching you have to use. As well
as your philosophy of life that will serve you as your window to the world and compass in the sea of life. If you want to succeed, you should have the philosophy to mirror
your experiences that lead you to harmonious flow of living.

Now, I realize that without this philosophical heritage the school cannot exist just like the curriculum. This thing is very significant in terms of teaching. Because it will
give ideas on what to teach, how to teach, and how were gonna use it. So in short,it serves as a guide on the path of teaching.

As a future teacher, it depends on what philosophy of education you are using .As long as you can be effective and in the same time efficient in your work .Doing
what is right and doing the right things for the best possible method.

Lesson 2

Formulating Your Philosophy of Education

Philosophy is vital only when the questions are mine and so is the struggle towards an answer.

- W. Luijpen

According to the book, there are many philosophical heritages. But among them, only seven philosophies were discussed. And these are essentialism, progressivism,
perennials, existentialism, behaviorism, linguistic philosophy and constructivism. If am I going to formulate my own philosophy base on this philosophy of education, I will
choice existentialism.

Where in the main concern is to help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings,
and actions.
And if I will formulate my own philosophy, it includes my concept about how a student must be taught in order to come close to the truth. It may answer the questions:
what to teach, how I going to teach, and why to teach. And of course, in formulating philosophy, it always depends on the philosopher.

So, I realize that philosophy of education is very significant. It says they philosophy is the window to the world and compass in life.

As a future teacher, I to formulate my philosophy of education for the guide to meet the learners need in learning.

Lesson 3

The Foundational Principles of Morality and You

In this lesson, I learned that morality refers to the quality of human acts by which we call them right or wrong, good or evil. The foundational morality according to the
book is "Do good and avoid evil". This is contained in the natural law. This principle is expressed in many other ways, different people. Our act is moral when it is accordance
with our human nature. Our intellect and free will make us different from and above the beast.

I realize that our action is right when it conforms to the norm, rule or law of morality. To be moral is to be human. This means that any act that is moral makes an
individual become more of the kind of human being that he / she intended to be. Morality is only for persons because the only person is endowed with an intellect with
which they can think reason out and analyze, we have free will in which we can choose. The natural law is “written in the heart of every man." Yes, this is really true to all
men /women. One need not be schooled to have a sense of natural law.

As a future teacher, I am expected to be people that possess a good moral character. People must know how to do well and avoid evil. They must have the dignity and
good reputation.
Lesson 4

Values formation and you

“Education in values means the cultivation of affectivity, leading the educand through exposure to an experience of value and of the valuable.”

-R. Aquino

I learned that values formation is anchored on belief in transcendent values. What transcendent values mean? It is the values of love, care, and concern for our
fellowmen is values for all people regardless of time and space. They remain unchanged amidst changing time. Transcendent because they are beyond changing times,
beyond space and people. They remain to be valued even if no one values them. I also learned that values have cognitive dimension it includes formation in the cognitive,
affective and behavioral aspects. Value formation is a training of the intellect and will. This includes training the intellect in its power to form ideas, judge, and reason out
and training the will to be strong to desire and act on that which is good.

I realize that values are both taught and caught. This implication says that if they are not taught so probably they are really caught. Yes, values can also be caught. We
sometimes may not be able to hear our mother's advice “Do not drink alcohol" because what she does (she herself drink alcohol) speaks louder than what she says. So, it
only means that the school, home, society and the environment have a greater influence on our value formation than those well-prepared lectures on values.
As a future teacher, I have to be careful with my actions. Why? It is because my students are very attentive .What I did might be followed by my student. In the eyes of
a child what I did wrong will be right to them. Being a teacher I have to act as a role model to them. So, my value formation will necessarily. I have to grow in knowledge
and in wisdom. Since values can be taught and also caught, I will help myself through reading inspirational books. I have to be open and attentive to my value lessons I will
avoid those people who might be a bad influence to me and I will associate with those model teacher. Through these, I believe that it will broaden my horizon, increase my
tolerance and sensitize me to life values. And I can share those values to my students.

Lesson 5

Teaching as Your Vocation, Mission, and Profession

“One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings"

- Carl Jung

In this lesson, I learned that there are many ways to be a teacher. Teaching as a vocation because it is a calling. Perhaps you never dreamt of becoming a teacher but
you are nowhere to become one. Teaching is also a mission. This word mission comes from the Latin word “mission" which mean “to send" . You are called to be a teacher
and you are sent into the world to accomplish a mission to teach. Teaching is a mission because it is an assigned task. You are expected to write an “accomplishment report
at the end of your mission. Teaching is also a profession. It is our way of rendering service to humanity. You have the willingness to go through a long period of preparation
and a continuing professional development. You must strive for excellence, commit yourself to moral, ethical and religious values and dedicate yourself to public service.
I realize that teaching could be a mission, vision, and profession. You are here because of the purpose. And that purpose is to teach, to educate and to help people to
be literate. You may now, appreciate the value of teaching when you strive for excellence, you make your dream happen and most of all you have the faith that you can
make it.

As a future teacher, If I live up to my name as a professional teacher, then I believe that a meaningful and fulfilled life will not be far behind. No doubt this can readily
happen when teaching has become my passion.

Chapter 2

The Teacher in the Classroom and Community

“The teacher is diplomat and ambassador of fact and sensitivity, as he/she facilitates productive, positive interactions among the multiplicity of personalities, cultures,
beliefs and ideals"

- Unknown
Lesson 1

The National Competency- BasedTeacher Standards (NCBTS)

According to the book National Competency - Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) is a set of competencies (behaviors, attitudes, and skills) that each teacher must possess
to functions effectively and satisfactorily. Based upon the core values of Filipino teachers and on the principles of effective teaching and learning. NCBTS are consist of 7
Domains that represent the desired features of the teaching and learning process, 21 strands that incorporate of the desired teaching performance and the so performance

I realize that as a teacher you are committed and accountable for providing the classroom instruction. They must facilitate the learning by considering the diversity of
their learners. They must acts positively because in the community teacher looks at you as a role model in the society.

As a future teacher, I have to consider the differences among my students in planning for effective instruction in the classroom in terms of their different cultural
background, different language, abilities, different attitudes and their behavior.

Lesson 2

The 21st Century Teacher

“If we teach today as we taught yesterday we rob our children of tomorrow."

-John Dewey

The 21st-century teacher is one who excellent with learning and innovation skills, effective communication skills, information, media and technology skills, and life and
career skills. A teacher must possess them in order to survive in this 21st century and be able to contribute to the development f 21st-century learners.

I realize that to be a highly collaborative teacher, I must equip in learning, literate myself in information and technology, science and economics. Especially, in
nowadays in this highly modernized technology.

As I future teacher I have to possess the 21st-century skills. This is very significant to be an effective and efficient educator in the future. Because how could I teach
my future student in moral, ethical, and the spiritual values if I don’t have those skills.

Lesson 3

School and Community Relations

It takes a village to raise a child.

-African proverb

In this lesson, I learned that parents are the first teachers in the home. They are responsible for the development of values, attitudes, and habits that will be needed as
their children associate with classmates in school. Teachers in the schools continue to enrich the students' experiences at home, thus strengthening the valuable, personal
traits and characteristics initially developed. The members of the community, in addition to the parents, include the local government units, the non-government agencies,
civic organizations, and all the residents. They are highly motivated to participate in the school activities and projects.
I realized that the school and the community are the mainsprings of effective and powerful forces that can create a wholesome climate for mutual gains and betterment.
Their favorable partnership will yield good harvest by establishing a conducive learning environment in the school and an orderly and civic-minded citizenry in the
community. Parents are accountable for the growth of their children especially their behavior but why parents blaming some teacher about their children. The role of the
teacher is to educate the mind and soul of the children and they are not responsible for the growth especially the behavior of the children.

As I future teacher, I am not only educating the minds of my students but also to educate their souls. I have to be compassionate and be a kindhearted educator. I want
my students fell that the school is the best training ground for learning.

Lesson 4

Linkages and Networking with Organization

We cannot live alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.

I have learned that the school and its community, in collaboration with public and private institutions and organizations, are indeed inseparable if they are creating an
impact on the lives of the students and members of the community they are committed to serving. As the saying goes, “we cannot live for ourselves alone." Yes, it is really
true we need our school and of course our community to survive life. It serves as our laboratories in facing our future. It is our guide and in the same times our steps to
build a life in the near future.

I realize that without this linkages and networking with organization our life seems nothing, especially in our studies. This linkage is a big help to us. It is our advantages.
And also it wills a great help to some foundation.

As a future teacher, one thing that comes to my mind, we should give appreciations to this linkage and other networking organization because they give the value of life.
Given the children a hope and to broaden their knowledge and understanding.

Chapter 3

On Becoming a Global Teacher

Being world - class does not mean going internationally and showing our best out there. Being world-class is a passion and commitment to our profession; being world-class
is giving our best to teaching. Being world -class starts right inside the classroom.

- Conrado de Quiros
Lesson 1

Global Education and Global Teacher

Benchmarking is learning the best from the best practices of the world's best educational systems.

In this lesson, I learned that global education is a curriculum that is international in scope which prepares today's youth around the world to function in one world
environment under teachers who are intellectual, professionally and humanistically prepared. Global education is all about diversity, understanding the differences and
teaching the different cultural groups in order to achieve the goals of global education as presented by the United Nations. However, global education provides equal
opportunity and access to knowledge and learning tools which are basic rights of every child in the global community. A global teacher is competent who is armed with
enough skills, appropriate attitude, and universal values to teach students with both time-tested as well as modern technologies in education in any place in the world.

I realized that global education is a concept that brings us to understand the connectivity of each member citizen on the planet. Because of this development; we have
to learn the diversity in cultures in order to address the global standards for education set by the United Nations.

As a future teacher, I have to equip with a wider range of knowledge of the various educational system outside the country. I have to possess the 21st-century skills so
that I can relay the educational access to my students.

Lesson 2

A Closer Look at the Education Systems of Selected Countries of the World

Benchmarking is learning the best from the best practice of the world's best educational systems.

I learned that there are different countries of the world, Australia, United Kingdom, China, Japan, South Africa, New Zealand, United States of America and the
Philippines. These countries will provide examples of the different educational systems in particular parts of the globe.

I realized that the various educational systems will give you the baseline information on what kind of education prevails in these selected countries. The certificate is one
of the requirements for higher or tertiary education which is available in almost all countries. With the implementation of the K to 12 in the Philippines, the number of the
years in basic education is now equal to those of other countries in the world.

As a future teacher, I have to familiarize some of the educational systems. It will help us to broaden our knowledge. I shall be guided by UNESCO's principles education
for All and that is education is anchored on the five pillars which are learning to be able to know, to do, to be, to live together and learning to transform.

Lesson 3

Multicultural Diversity: A Challenge to Global Teachers

All men are pretty much alike. It is only by a culture that they are set apart.

In this lesson, I learned about the concepts of the multicultural education. The diversity of learners in the multicultural classroom. The diversity of learners has now
become a local and global concern among learners. Even in our classrooms, diversity has been recognized as an element that needs attention. Each learner differs to one
another. We differ in race, ethnic, and religious groups, languages, economic status, and family background are some of the factors that require multiple approaches in

I realize that in multicultural diversity, no two learners are the same. Children in all classrooms are heterogeneous. Yes, it is really true because we are different from
one another. We are peculiarly created by God. We do have individual differences.

As a future teacher, as what Fraser -Abner said to assist me in understanding my multicultural learners have to avoid serotyping in my students. I have to learn as
much about and become as sensitive to and aware of racial, ethnic, cultural and gender groups other than my own. And of course, I have to plan activities within a
multicultural framework while making my classroom a safe and secure haven for all the students.

Lesson 4

Broadening Teaching Perspectives: Teacher Exchange Programs

We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own.

-Ben Sweetland

From this lesson, I learned that to become a global teacher, you need to broaden your teaching perspectives. Since educational technologies and innovative teaching are
imperative in today's time. There are various activities of the Global Teacher Exchange Program have provided learning experiences to the participating teachers in the
development of their personal and professional lives.

Lesson 5

Bringing the World into Classroom through Educational Technology

“Digitally -mediated learning encompasses more than knowledge of new technology tools. Educators must be prepared to mediate learning through ever -evolving digital
tools. Media is rapidly taking over teaching as students learn for gaming, open source knowledge, virtual scenarios, avatars and Second Life. Educators must prepare for
facilitative roles that can harness these opportunities to best student advantage."

-Jane Bailey

In this lesson, I learned that technologies as a link to new knowledge, resources and high order thinking skills have entered classrooms and schools worldwide. With a global
perspective, educational technologies and innovative teaching are imperative in today’s time.

I realized that in today’s generation, technology is essential to make learning easy. Technology provides support to the solution of meaningful problems. It acts as a
cognitive support to learners. It promotes collaboration as well as independent learning.

As a future teacher, I have to equip in technology and innovation to relay the learning’s to my future students. Because through technology to develop students' higher
order skills and creativity.
Chapter 4

The Professionalization of Teaching

The policy goals should be to ensure that all children have access to skillful teachers to make the teaching profession more attractive to talented young adults, and to
produce humane and intellectually lively learning communities for both students and teachers.

- Linda Darling – Hammond

Lesson 1

Basic Laws on the Professionalization of Teaching

Basic Laws are:

1.1 Presidential Decree 1006, entitled providing for the Professionalization of Teachers, Regulating Their Practice in the Philippines.

1.2 The Republic Act No. 7836 known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994- this law recognized the vital role of teachers in nation-building.

The act created the Board for Professional Teachers - gives the Licensure Examination for Teachers ( LET). Passers of the LET are granted the license to teach.

1.3 Republic Act No 9293

"An act amending certain sections of Republic Act Numbered seventy- Eight Hundred and Thirty-six (R.A.NO. 7836) otherwise known as the “Philippine Teacher
Professionalization Act of 1994.
As a future teacher, I should be licensed, with possessing dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence.

Chapter 5

Becoming a Professional Teachers

"There is no more noble profession than teaching a great teacher is a great artist, but his/her medium is not canvas, but his human soul.


The code of Ethics for Professional

Teachers A professional teacher is a licensed professional who possesses dignity and reputation, with high moral values as well as technical and professional
competence...She /he adheres to, observes, and practices a set of ethical and moral principles, standard, and values.

In this lesson, it tackles the articles of the code of ethics for teachers, their limitations, the teacher and the state, the community, the profession, the teaching community
and the like.
I realize that teachers should have a moral and ethical value because they play a great role in the community. So they must act accordingly.

Letter to the Professor

Dear Professor,

My deepest sincerely and gratitude to our professor, you are a facilitator of learning. I really appreciate the way you shared your thoughts on this subject, the teaching
profession. I thank you for the knowledge you imparted to us. You really tried your best in order to have the quality learning to your students.

I know how patient you are in terms of your student’s individual differences. I salute you, sir, for doing your job well. You are to be called as one of the 21st-century
teachers. Why? Because you are adequately equipped with the learning and innovation skills, effective communication skills, Info, Media and Technology skills and the life
and career plan.

One thing I learned from you sir is to give value education. And what matters most for all the discussion we made I was able to gain something that will always treasure for
my whole life.


Eulalia Abid,

Prof.Ed Students

Letter to the Teacher

To our dearest teachers,

You are a prime mover of your students. I know being a teacher is not an easy task. It requires patient. But every time you encourage your students will help them to realize
that education is a tool to achieve their goal.

As our second parents, I am always being thankful for all the teachers. I know that a teacher is not an easy task. It requires patient. But every time you encourage your
students will help them to realize that education is a tool to achieve their goal. Even how hard the situation. May you be remembered because you made learning exciting
and also interesting.

Thank you.
Eulalia Abid,

Prof.Ed Students

Letter to the Student

Our Dear Student,

We all know that serious study is definitely no easy task. It is challenging yet exciting. Success is not just a wink of an eye. It requires effort. Will to study and of course your
determination is tested. Sometimes you come up with a painful process. But if you have the will and the determination for your future then you can have the success.

To my dear student, whatever task given to you, believe that you can do it.

According to Dr. Brenda and Dr.Maria Rita as a student, remind yourself of this principle of learning: "Learning is an active process. Only you can learn for yourself and no
one can do the learning for you. The greater is your insolvent in activities, the greater is the amount you get and that one thing for sure.

Eulalia Abid,
Prof.Ed Students

Letter to the Prof.Ed Student

Our dear Prof.Ed,

According to some quotations, “success comes only to people who work for it ".So if you have the goals as a future teacher, work for it to have the success.

You as a future teacher, gaining this 18 units is not easy as it. You really have to give efforts, time, and of course your willingness to study. The time, effort and money
will not be wasted for as long as you learned. You do not care for how much you spent but you care for how much you learned.

To my dear Prof. Ed student good luck and May the Almighty God bless you always.

Eulalia Abid,

Prof.Ed Students
Curriculum Vitae

Eulalia A. Abid

#155 Capistrano - Del Pilar Streets

9000 Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines

E-mail address: aeulavie@gmail.com

Contact number: 0927-875-1338

Educational Attainment



Professional Education 18 units

Bukidnon State University

MOGCHS External Studies Center

Don Apolinar Velez Street

Cagayan de Oro City 9000


Bachelor of Arts SY 2015-2016

Major in English Language

Bukidnon State University

MOGCHS External Studies Center

Don Apolinar Velez Street

Cagayan de Oro City 9000


Sagay National High School SY 2003-2004

Bonbon Sagay, Camiguin Province


Manuyog Elementary School SY 1999-2000

Manuyog Sagay, Camiguin Province

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