Pointers Reviewer
Pointers Reviewer
Pointers Reviewer
Held: Yes. Recidivism as an aggravating circumstance
1. RECIDIVISM that modifies criminal liability is not inherent or
integral to habitual delinquency, which the Revised
Par. 9. - THAT THE ACCUSED IS A RECIDIVIST. Penal Code considers as an extraordinary and special
aggravating circumstance. For recidivism to exist, it
- A recidivist is one who, at the time of his trial for
is sufficient that the accused, on the date of his trial,
one crime, shall have been previously convicted shall have been previously convicted by final
by final judgment of another crime embraced in judgment of another crime embraced in the same
the same title of the RPC. title of the RPC. For the existence of habitual
delinquency, it is not enough that the accused shall
have been convicted of any of the crimes specified,
a. That the offender is on trial for an offense; and that the last conviction shall have taken place
ten (10) years before the commission of the last
b. That he was previously convicted by final judgment of offense. It is necessary that the crimes previously
another crime; committed be prior to the commission of the offense
with which the accused is charged a third time or
c. That both the first and the second offenses are
embraced in the same title of the Code;
d. That the offender is convicted of the new offense. • What is controlling is the time of trial, not the time of
the commission of the crime.
• In recidivism, the number of intervening years between • There is no recidivism if the subsequent conviction is
that conviction and his subsequent convictions is for an offense committed before the offense involved
immaterial, provided that the accused was convicted by in the prior conviction.
final judgment.
• Section 7 of Rule 120 , Rules of Court, provides that a
• Even if the accused was granted pardon for the first judgment in a criminal case becomes final:
offense, but he commits another felony embraced in (1) after the lapse of the [period for perfecting
the same title of the Code, the first conviction is still an appeal, or
counted to make him a recidivist since pardon does not (2) when the sentence has been partially or
obliterate the fact of his prior conviction. totally satisfied or served, or
(3) the defendant has expressly waived in
• If the aggravating circumstance of recidivism is alleged writing his right to appeal, or
and proved against an accused, who upon said (4) the accused has applied for probation.
conviction is also a habitual delinquent, the imposable
penalty must consider both the circumstances of • There is recidivism even if the lapse of time between
recidivism and habitual delinquency. two felonies is more than 10 years.
FACTS: Accused Cajara raped 16-year old Marita in Article 62, par. 5.
front of his common-law wife who is the half-sister of
Art. 62. Effect of the attendance of mitigating or
the victim and his two small children. The trial court
aggravating circumstances and of habitual
convicted him as charged and sentenced him to death.
delinquency. — Mitigating or aggravating
circumstances and habitual delinquency shall be taken
HELD: The records show that the crime was
into account for the purpose of diminishing or
aggravated by reiteracion under Article 14, par. 10, of
increasing the penalty in conformity with the following
The RPC, the accused having been convicted of
frustrated murder in 1975 and of homicide, frustrated
homicide, trespass to dwelling, illegal possession of
firearms and murder sometime in 1989 where his
5. Habitual delinquency shall have the following A: There is nothing said in Article 62 par 5. What the
effects: article tells us is that both penalties, the principal penalty
(a) Upon a third conviction the culprit shall be and the additional penalty brought about by the habitual
sentenced to the penalty provided by law for the last delinquency cannot exceed 30 years.
crime of which he be found guilty and to the additional
penalty of prision correccional in its medium and In short, the additional penalty shall be computed from
maximum periods; 20 years minimum supposedly, but take note that
(b) Upon a fourth conviction, the culprit shall be reclusion perpetua is not a divisible penalty. It should be
sentenced to the penalty provided for the last crime of imposed as it is. There is no period to speak of even if
which he be found guilty and to the additional penalty there is a duration. Maybe we should look into that when
of prision mayor in its minimum and medium we tackle computation of penalties.
periods; and
(c) Upon a fifth or additional conviction, the culprit IMPORTANT: the five crimes mentioned: robo, hurto
shall be sentenced to the penalty provided for the last (theft), falsification, estafa, serious physical injuries or
crime of which he be found guilty and to the additional less serious physical injuries. (There are actually six
penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period to crimes.)
reclusion temporal in its minimum period.
Q: Is a habitual delinquent necessarily a recidivist?
Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, the total
A: You have to know what recidivism is. There is a
of the two penalties to be imposed upon the offender,
in conformity herewith, shall in no case exceed 30 reference where the crimes committed must be
years. embraced within the same title of the Code. Habitual
delinquency only has six crimes. You must first look at the
For the purpose of this article, a person shall be title where those six crimes fall.
deemed to be habitual delinquent, is within a period
Physical injuries fall under crime against persons.
of ten years from the date of his release or last
conviction of the crimes of serious or less serious Falsification is crimes against public interest. Robbery,
physical injuries, robo, hurto, estafa or falsification, he estafa and theft are crimes against property.
is found guilty of any of said crimes a third time or So the proposition that a habitual delinquent is
necessarily a recidivist will only hold if the crime
committed by the habitual delinquent posed against
DISCUSSION: The provision answers the question of who the same title of the Code at least for 2 offenses. Never
a habitual delinquent is. mind the third offense.
Note the limitation: that the principal penalty plus the Hence, if the accused was previously convicted of
additional penalty brought about by the habitual robbery, and then there was a conviction for theft, and
delinquency cannot exceed 30 years. then eventually he was again convicted of estafa, the
accused is a recividist because the two crimes (robbery
Under Article 27, the penalty of reclusion perpetua has a and theft) fall under the same title (crimes against
duration of 20 years and 1 day to 40 years. In the property).
graduation of penalties, there is no penalty, except
reclusion perpetua, where 30 years is included. However, if the first crime is serious physical injuries, and
the second crime is falsification and the third is theft,
However, note how the provision is rendered under these crimes DO NOT FALL under the same title. The
Article 62 par 5: “The total of the penalty cannot exceed accused is a habitual delinquent, but he is not a recidivist.
30 years”.
So, the principal penalty, for instance is reclusion what are the four forms of criminal repetition:
perpetua, and then the accused is guilty a third time or recidivism, reiteracion, habitual delinquency and quasi-
oftener. The penalty to be imposed is a nightmare to recidivism.
4. During the eleventh and successive years of his This Article shall apply to any prisoner whether
imprisonment, he shall be allowed a deduction undergoing preventive imprisonment or serving
of thirty days for each month of good behavior sentence.
during detention; and
✓ This article does not apply to prisoners who did not
5. At any time during the period of imprisonment, escape.
he shall be allowed another deduction of fifteen
days, in addition to numbers one to four hereof, ✓ The deduction of ⅕ is based on the original sentence.
for each month of study, teaching or mentoring ✓ Under Article 158, a convict who evaded service of his
service time rendered. sentence by leaving the penal institution on the occasion
An appeal by the accused shall not deprive him of of disorder resulting from a conflagration, earthquake,
entitlement to the above allowances for good conduct. explosion or similar catastrophe or during a mutiny in
which he did not participate, is liable to an increased
penalty (1/5 of the time still remaining to be served – not
to exceed 6 months) if he fails to give himself up within 5. Those who are habitual delinquents.
48 hours following the issuance of a proclamation by the
6. Those who shall have escaped from confinement or
President announcing the passing away of the calamity.
evaded sentence.
ART. 99. Who grants time allowances.
7. Those who violated the terms of conditional pardon
- Whenever lawfully justified, the Director of the granted to them by the Chief Executive.
Bureau of Corrections, the Chief of the Bureau of
8. Those whose maximum term of imprisonment does
Jail Management and Penology and/or the
not exceed 1 year.
Warden of a provincial, district, municipal or city
jail shall grant allowances for good conduct. Such 9. Those who, upon the approval of the law, had been
allowances once granted shall not be revoked. sentenced by final judgment.
1. Persons convicted of offense punished with death ✓ ISL consists of a maximum and a minimum instead of a
penalty or life imprisonment. single fixed penalty.
2. Those convicted of treason, conspiracy or proposal to ✓ Prisoner must serve the minimum before he is eligible
commit treason. for parole.
3. Those convicted of misprision of treason, rebellion, ✓ The period between the minimum and maximum is
sedition or espionage. indeterminate in the sense that the prisoner may be
4. Those convicted of piracy. exempted from serving said indeterminate period in
whole or in part.
✓ The maximum is determined in any case punishable prision mayor, as minimum, and fourteen (14) years,
under the RPC in accordance with the rules and eight (8) months and one (1) day of reclusion
provisions of said code exactly as if the ISL had never temporal, as maximum, would be the proper
been enacted. imposable penalty.
FACTS: Allen Mantalaba was arrested by the So, you apply the indeterminate sentence law and
authorities in an entrapment operation. Allen was 17 because this is a divisible penalty now no longer reclusion
years old when he was arrested. He was found guilty perpetua which is not entitled to the benefits of the
and was imposed the penalty of reclusion perpetua. indeterminate sentence law, reclusion temporal being
divisible you have to take the minimum of the
HELD: Minority must be recognized or appreciated in
indeterminate sentence law from the penalty next lower.
fixing the penalty. Since minority is a special mitigating
What is the penalty next lower than reclusion temporal
circumstance, the penalty should be one degree
lower. Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the in the scale of penalties it will be prision mayor. You have
proper penalty should be prision mayor as minimum to, more or less, know the duration of the sentence,
and reclusion temporal as maximum. reclusion temporal has a duration of 12 years and 1 day
to 20 years, prision mayor has a duration of 6 years and
The privileged mitigating circumstance of minority can 1 day to 12 years, so by degrees they are different, higher
now be appreciated in fixing the penalty that should of course and reclusion temporal but the penalty next
be imposed. Applying the rules, the proper penalty lower in the graduate scale of penalties under Art. 71 is
should be one degree lower than reclusion perpetua, prision mayor, so you can take therefore the minimum of
which is reclusion temporal, the privileged mitigating the indeterminate sentence law from any of the periods
circumstance of minority having been appreciated. within the prision mayor duration, the range that is 6
Necessarily, also applying the Indeterminate Sentence years and 1 day to 12 years.
Law (ISLAW), the minimum penalty should be taken
from the penalty next lower in degree which is prision So, if that is the case if the penalty imposed is 6 years and
mayor and the maximum penalty shall be taken from 1 day as minimum prision mayor, that is still prision
the medium period of reclusion temporal, there being mayor to 14 years 8 months and 1 day of reclusion
no other mitigating circumstance nor aggravating temporal, reclusion temporal 12 years and 1 day to 20
circumstance. The ISLAW is applicable in the present years so 14 years and 8 months and 1 day of reclusion
case because the penalty which has been originally an
temporal in the medium period of reclusion temporal.
indivisible penalty (reclusion perpetua to death),
where ISLAW is inapplicable, became a divisible Why? No other mitigating or aggravating circumstance
penalty (reclusion temporal) by virtue of the presence so you apply the medium eh kung may mitigating
of the privileged mitigating circumstance of minority. circumstance you apply the minimum okay kung may
Therefore, a penalty of six (6) years and one (1) day of aggravating circumstance walang mitigating you apply
the maximum kung neither is present you apply the precursors and essential chemicals, as well as
medium, this is the case here in Mantalaba. instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory
equipment, the same shall be submitted to the
This is a very important case, put an asterisk there not
PDEA Forensic Laboratory for a qualitative and
only insofar as the limited applicability of the Revised
quantitative examination;
Penal Code but even the computation of the
indeterminate sentence law, diba. o A certification of the forensic laboratory
examination results, which shall be done by the
Magandang pang midterms itong kaso na ito, ewan ko
forensic laboratory examiner, shall be issued
lang kung nakikinig kayo.
immediately upon the receipt of the subject
item/s: Provided, That when the volume of
dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous
7. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RULE (Sec 21 RA 9165 as drugs, and controlled precursors and essential
amended) chemicals does not allow the completion of
Custody and Disposition of Confiscated, Seized, and/or testing within the time frame, a partial
Surrendered Dangerous Drugs, (Sec. 21, R.A. No. 9165, laboratory examination report shall be
as amended by Sec. 1, R.A. No. 10640) provisionally issued stating therein the
quantities of dangerous drugs still to be
o The apprehending team having initial custody examined by the forensic laboratory: Provided,
and control of the dangerous drugs, controlled however, That a final certification shall be issued
precursors and essential chemicals, immediately upon completion of the said
instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory examination and certification;
equipment shall, immediately after seizure and
confiscation, conduct a physical inventory of the ATTY. ESGUERRA: Important thing here is really the
seized items and photograph the same in the corpus delicti which is the drug confiscated or seized
presence of the accused or the person/s from from the accused and that’s where Section 21 on the
whom such items were confiscated and/or chain of custody rule insofar as preservation of the
seized, or his/her representative or counsel, integrity and evidentiary value of the seized drugs will
with an elected public official and a come into play.
representative of the National Prosecution So, see, corpus delicti must be the very drug that was
Service or the media who shall be required to seized from the accused that was the subject of an
sign the copies of the inventory and be given a investigation by the police itself transferred to the
copy thereof: Forensic Chemist and eventually presented to court, so
o That the physical inventory and photograph shall there must have been no contamination whatsoever, the
be conducted at the place where the search drug must not have been compromised whatsoever,
warrant is served; or at the nearest police that’s why remember the phrase or the words integrity
station or at the nearest office of the and evidentiary value must be preserved. Yun yung
apprehending officer/team, whichever is minimum, if there were lapses and not observing the
practicable, in case of warrantless seizures: procedure in the conduct of the inventory as explained
later when we took up Section 21 those lapsed must be
o That noncompliance of these requirements explained if there justifiable reasons, if there are no
under justifiable grounds, as long as the integrity justifiable reasons we will see, you know, they are not
and the evidentiary value of the seized items believable the court throw out the evidence and will
are properly preserved by the apprehending acquit the accused.
officer/team, shall not render void and invalid
such seizures and custody over said items.
5. The subsidiary personal liability which the convict • One who commits an intentional felony is responsible
may have suffered by reason of his insolvency shall not for all the consequences which may naturally and
relieve him, from the fine in case his financial logically result therefrom, whether foreseen or
circumstances should improve (as amended by R.A. intended or not.
No. 5465, April 21, 1969).
• Rationale: el que es causa de la causa es causa del mal
There is substitution of deprivation of liberty (subsidiary causado
imprisonment under Article 39 of the Revised Penal “He who is the cause of the cause is the cause of the evil
Code, as amended by R.A. No. 10159) for pecuniary caused”
penalties in case of insolvency of the accused, and the
penalty imposed is not higher than prision correccional. • When a person has not committed a felony, he is not
criminally liable for the result which is not intended.
N.B. Subsidiary imprisonment is computed at the rate of
one day for each amount equivalent to the highest When death is presumed to be the natural consequence
minimum wage rate prevailing in the Philippines at the of physical injuries inflicted:
time of the rendition of judgment of conviction by the
trial court (Sec. 1, R.A. No. 10159). 1. That the victim at the time the physical injuries
were inflicted was in normal health.
People v. Alapan 2. That the death may be expected from the
G.R. No. 199527 (10 January 2018) physical injuries inflicted.
3. That death ensued within a reasonable time.
FACTS: In an Information dated 26 May 2006,
respondent Salvador Alapan (Alapan) and his wife The felony committed is not the proximate cause of the
Myrna Alapan (Myrna) were charged with eight (8) resulting injury when:
counts of violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22 (B.P.
Blg. 22). They were convicted. They filed a petition 1. There is an active force that intervened between
seeking the imposition of subsidiary imprisonment for the felony committed and the resulting injury,
and the active force is a distinct act or fact attempted or the frustrated crime shall be imposed in
absolutely foreign from the felonious act of the its maximum period.
accused; or So the consequence may still result into a mitigating
2. The resulting injury is due to the intentional act circumstance, the wrongful act may be different from
of the victim. that intended and a mitigating circumstance may be
appreciated in favor of the accused over and above the
The causes which may produce a result different from consequences in terms of the penalty imposable under
that which the offender intended are: Art. 49.
ATTY. ESGUERRA: ISSUE: Were B and C’s act the proximate cause of A’s
You cannot afford not to understand the this concepts so death?
the resulting, I mean what results from all of these, error
in personae, abratio ictus, praeter intentionem, is that HELD: Yes. B's contention that their intent was
the person who performed the act is liable one way of only to inflict slight physical injuries on A, and should
the other whether or not he says that –no I did not intend only be meted a lesser penalty, pursuant to Article 49
to kill him but I intend to kill another or no I did not of the RPC is unmeritorious. Article 49 of the RPC
intend to harm him that way I only intended to do a applies only where the crime committed is different
lesser harm, that will not detract from his criminal from that intended and where the felony committed
liability. So, better remember these 3 concepts. befalls a different person (error in personae); and not
to cases where more serious consequences not
Article 49 of RPC. Penalty to be imposed upon the intended by the offender result from his felonious act
principals when the crime committed is different (praeter intentionem), as in this case. If the victim dies
from that intended. — In cases in which the felony because of a deliberate act of the malefactors, intent
committed is different from that which the offender to kill is conclusively presumed. In such case, even if
intended to commit, the following rules shall be there is no intent to kill, the crime is Homicide because
observed: with respect to crimes of personal violence, the penal
1. If the penalty prescribed for the felony committed law looks particularly to the material results following
be higher than that corresponding to the offense the unlawful act and holds the aggressor responsible
which the accused intended to commit, the penalty for all the consequences thereof.
corresponding to the latter shall be imposed in its
maximum period. Nacino v. Ombudsman
2. If the penalty prescribed for the felony committed G.R. 234789-91, 3 September 2019
be lower than that corresponding to the one which the Facts: Former President Benigno Aquino III, former
accused intended to commit, the penalty for the PNP Chief Purisima and PNP-Special Action Force
former shall be imposed in its maximum period. (PNP-SAF) Chief General Napenas were charged with
3. The rule established by the next preceding reckless imprudence resulting in homicide for the
paragraph shall not be applicable if the acts death of 44 PNP-SAF members of tin January 2015
committed by the guilty person shall also constitute an (“SAF 44”). According to the complaints, Aquino
attempt or frustration of another crime, if the law should be criminally liable for reckless imprudence
prescribes a higher penalty for either of the latter resulting in multiple homicide because: (a) he
offenses, in which case the penalty provided for the approved the recommendation of Purisima and
Napeñas on the dates on which the operation shall be
conducted; (b) he had full participation in Oplan indication of Aquino's knowledge of these operations
Exodus; and (c) he allowed then suspended PNP Chief to capture high-value targets is dated April 2014; (b)
Purisima to participate not only in the planning of with respect to Aquino's alleged approval of the
Oplan Exodus but also in the running of the operation, "secondary date" of the execution of Oplan Exodus,
and even in giving information and intelligence while records show that following the briefing on January 9,
the operation was ongoing. 2015, Purisima informed Aquino of Napeñas'
preference for the "secondary date" through a text
Purisima should be held criminally liable because message, to which Aquino replied with a simple
despite being already barred from om performing the "Okay."1Aside from the fact that this date was
functions of the PNP Chief due to his suspension, he: recommended by Napeñas himself, Aquino's cursory
(a) himself present when Napeñas gave a briefing and reply was a mere formality, an acknowledgment of a
mission update on Oplan Exodus to the President; (b) preference made by the leader of the operating
gave instructions to Napenas to not inform the DILG troops; (c) Aquino's suggestions during the briefing to
Secretary and the OIC of the PNP regarding Oplan increase the number of troops and coordinate with
Exodus until the morning of January 25, 2015; (c) the AFP appear to be spontaneous remarks to a
continued to involve himself in Oplan Exodus by completed operation plan presented to him for his
exchanging messages with Napeñas before and during information; and (d) nothing on record shows that
the operation; and (d) provided updates to Aquino on Aquino gave orders to Purisima during the conduct of
the progress of the operation. Oplan Exodus. The latter merely forwarded to Aquino
the messages sent by Napeñas on the outcome and
Napenas should be held criminally liable for reckless incidents of the operation, and Aquino, at some
imprudence resulting in multiple homicide because as points, merely asked for clarification.
head of the PNP-SAF, he had direct participation in the
planning and execution of Oplan Exodus which Purisima’s actions are not the proximate cause of the
resulted in the death of the SAF 44. death of the SAF 44 because during the conduct of the
operation, there is no indication that he gave orders to
Issue: Whether the acts of Aquino, Purisima and Napeñas. The record bears that he merely gave
Napenas are the proximate cause of the death of the guidance on the result of his coordination with the AFP
SAF 44, and are bases to hold them criminally liable. and other persons, and asked for updates which he
forwarded to the President. Looking at the big picture,
Ruling: No. Proximate cause is defined as that cause, Purisima's main role in the entire undertaking
which, in natural and continuous sequence, unbroken appeared merely to connect the SAF to the President.
by any efficient intervening cause, produces the injury, Oplan Exodus was admittedly the brainchild of the
and without which the result would not have SAF, led by Napeñas. The fact that Purisima worked on
occurred. And more comprehensively, the proximate the sidelines is an internal recognition of his lack of
legal cause is that acting first and producing the injury, authority to act because of his suspension from office.
either immediately or by setting other events in
motion, all constituting a natural and continuous chain There was negligence on the part of Napeñas in the
of events, each having a close causal connection with planning and execution of Oplan Exodus, but the
its immediate predecessor, the final event in the chain confluence of other factors contributing to its tragic
immediately effecting the injury as a natural and ending, i.e., problems with the Global Positioning
probable result of the cause which first acted, under System (GPS) devices, difficulty of the troops in
such circumstances that the person responsible for negotiating the terrain at night resulting in delay for
the first event should, as an ordinary prudent and the troops to reach their respective positions, and
intelligent person, have reasonable ground to expect failure in communication between the PNP and the
at the moment of his act or default that an injury to AFP, prevents the court from finding probable cause
some person might probably result therefrom. to charge him with reckless imprudence resulting in
multiple homicide.
Aquino’s actions are not the proximate cause of the
death of the SAF 44 because: (a) since December 2010, RSE: Article 4 paragraph 2, according to the provision,
it was the SAF, at most times supervised by Napeñas, criminal liability shall be incurred by any person
that conceptualized and implemented operations to committing a felony although the wrong act be different
capture international terrorist Marwan. The earliest from that which he intended. This is actually the basis of
proximate cause. The obvious implication of the incident, the driver and the conductor did not do
provision is that whatever the consequences of the act, anything to prevent the people with the torches from
which is wrongful, one should be held responsible for approaching the overturned bus.
such consequences.
People v. Iligan
Okay, now I don't know if you have memorized or if you G.R. No. 75369 (26 November 1990)
will dare to memorize the Latin phrase about proximate FACTS: Before the incident, Quinones and 2 others got
cause. El que es causa de la causa es causa del mal into an altercation with Ilagan. They were able to run
causado, He who is the cause of the cause is the cause away from Ilagan. Later on, while the three were
of the evil caused. Kaya ba? Pag yan cinite niyo walking to Quinones’ house, Ilagan suddenly emerged
pagtinanong ko proximate cause, 5 agad kayo. Plus 5. and hacked Quinones in the head with a bolo. The
blow caused Quinones to fall on the highway where he
Vda. De Bataclan v. Medina was ran over by a vehicle causing his death.
102 Phil 181 (1957)
FACTS: A bus traveling from Cavite to Pasay HELD: Under these circumstances, we hold that while
overturned to the side of the highway because its front Iligan’s hacking of Quiñones, Jr.’s head might not have
tire burst. Three of the passengers were stuck behind been the direct cause, it was the proximate cause of
the driver seat. During this time, oil spilled out of the the latter’s death. Proximate legal cause is defined as
bus. The people living near the area responded to the "that acting first and producing the injury, either
calls for help. They carried torches because it was dark immediately or by setting other events in motion, all
as it was already past midnight. constituting a natural and continuous chain of events,
each having a close causal connection with its
Unfortunately, the bus was set ablaze because the immediate predecessor, the final event in the chain
torches ignited the gasoline which leaked and spread immediately effecting the injury as a natural and
around the bus. The bus company claims that the probable result of the cause which first acted, under
proximate cause of the death of the victims was the such circumstances that the person responsible for
torch which triggered the fire and not their negligence. the first event should, as an ordinarily prudent and
intelligent person, have reasonable ground to expect
HELD: A definition of proximate cause is found in at the moment of his act or default that an injury to
Volume 38, pp.695-696 of American jurisprudence, some person might probably result therefrom." In
cited by plaintiffs-appellants in their brief. It is as other words, the sequence of events from Iligan’s
follows: assault on him to the time Quiñones, Jr. was run over
. . . 'that cause, which, in natural and continuous by a vehicle is, considering the very short span of time
sequence, unbroken by any efficient intervening between them, one unbroken chain of events. Having
cause, produces the injury, and without which the triggered such events, Iligan cannot escape liability.
result would not have occurred.' And more
comprehensively, 'the proximate legal cause is that EFFICIENT INTERVENING CAUSE
acting first and producing the injury, either
immediately or by setting other events in motion, all Urbano v. IAC 157 SCRA 1 (1998)
constituting a natural and continuous chain of events,
each having a close causal connection with its FACTS: One morning, Urbano found his palay flooded.
immediate predecessor, the final event in the chain Javier admitted to opening the irrigation canal which
immediately effecting the injury as a natural and angered Urbano. This led to a heated argument which
probable result of the cause which first acted, under ended with Urbano hitting Javier on the palm with a
such circumstances that the person responsible for bolo. The wound was treated but Javier died a month
the first event should, as an ordinary prudent and later due to tetanus.
intelligent person, have reasonable ground to expect
at the moment of his act or default that an injury to HELD: The proximate cause of the death of Marcelo
some person might probably result therefrom. Javier was due to his own negligence, that Dr. Mario
Meneses found no tetanus in the injury, and that
In this case, the proximate cause of the death is the Javier got infected with tetanus when after 2 weeks he
carrier’s negligence in transporting their passengers. returned to his farm and tended his tobacco plants
The tires of the bus were not replaced and during the with his bare hands exposing the wound to harmful
elements like tetanus germs. The medical findings lead Q: May you hold Pedro liable for the death of B and C,
us to a distinct possibility that the infection of the taking into consideration the doctrine of proximate
wound by tetanus was an efficient intervening cause cause?
later or between the time Javier was wounded to the A: YES. He who is the cause of the cause is the cause of
time of his death. The infection was, therefore, distinct the evil caused. If Pedro did not somehow go berserk and
and foreign to the crime. started shooting, even if it was shooting in the air, it
would not have frightened or it would have not caused
RSE: It was the negligence here of the victim. After having fright on B and C. B and C would not have escaped or
been treated he went back to the farm and tended his jumped out of the window of the bus. You can still argue
Tobacco plants where he incurred the germ for the that Pedro was the cause. His going berserk, no matter
tetanus. That’s an efficient intervening cause. how we can sympathize with what happened to him, the
fact of the matter is that he did something wrong. What
Q: What is Error in Personae, Aberratio Ictus and was that wrong? He got his pistol, he got his caliber 22,
Praeter Intentionem? fired it in the air and that frightened the two victims. It's
A: The causes which may produce a result different from a question of logical connection of the causal relationship
that which the offender intended. about the drawing of the gun, the firing of it, causing the
fear on two passengers and the two passengers jumping
Error in Personae is a mistake in the identity of the victim out of the window out of fear and died.
injuring one person mistaken for another. The legal
effect here is a complex crime under article 49. That’s why it's called El que es causa de la causa es causa
del mal causado. He who is the cause of the cause is the
Aberratio Ictus is a mistake in the blow that is when the cause of the evil caused.
offender intending to do an injury to one person actually
inflicts it on another. Q: For instance, one of you actually hates your professor
because he failed you in your subject. Then assuming
NOTE: Take note of the distinction between Error in that we're still doing classes on site. You waited for him
Personae and Aberratio Ictus. That may simply also be at the gate or at the entrance or at the back of the Main
the question, What is Aberratio Ictus? Distinguish it from Building. As the professor was getting out, you actually
Error in Personae. tripped him using your right leg and then he fell on the
pavement, headfirst and then his cranium broke, his skull
Praeter Intentionem, a more understandable concept is broke that cause severe hemorrhage in his head and then
when the act exceeds the intent, that is, the injurious he died.
result is greater than that indented. A: Proximate cause pa rin yan. What was the wrong that
he did? Mantak mo naman, pinatid mo yung professor.
SITUATION: That was wrong though you did not intend to kill, that
If Pedro has been dismissed from his employment by the will be Praeter Intentionem.
company by reason of the pandemic. There have been
several forces not really resignation. They've been ERROR IN PERSONAE (Mistake in Identity)
dismissed because businesses have been losing. So
anyway, Pedro was dismissed from employment and People v. Oanis (supra) 74 Phil 257 (1943)
took a bus coming from Makati going North to Quezon, FACTS: Police Officer Oanis and other officers were
City and his thoughts were on his family: how he will be instructed to arrest Balagtas, an escaped convict. On
able to support his family, provide for them specially with the day of the operation, the police officers were given
children who are all of school age in terms of providing tips on where to find the convict. When they arrived
them education. at a house where Balagtas was believed to be at, Oanis
and Galanta saw a man sleeping with his back towards
Then so many things you know crossed his mind and then the door. They shot simultaneously or successively at
suddenly he shouted “Papatayin ko kayo!” and took from him with their .32 and .45 caliber revolvers. As it was
his bag you, a backpack, a caliber 22 pistol and started found later, the man killed was an innocent citizen
firing in the air. This frightened two of the passengers named Tecson. In their defense, the accused claims
who were seated some rows away from Pedro. that there was a mistake in identity.
Passenger B and C jumped while the bus was running.
They fell on the road and died.
HELD: The crime committed by appellants is not Appellants accuse the trial court of engaging in
merely criminal negligence, the killing being conjecture in ruling that there was aberratio ictus in
intentional and not accidental. In criminal negligence, this case.
the injury caused to another should be unintentional,
it being simply the incident of another act performed HELD: The allegation does not advance the cause of
without malice. A deliberate intent to do an unlawful the appellants. It must be stressed that the trial court
act is essentially inconsistent with the idea of reckless relied on the concept of aberratio ictus to explain why
imprudence, and where such unlawful act is wilfully the appellants staged the ambush, not to prove that
done, a mistake in the identity of the intended victim appellants did in fact commit the crimes. In any event,
cannot be considered as reckless imprudence to the lower court was not engaging in conjecture
support a plea of mitigated liability. As the deceased because the conclusion that the appellants killed the
was killed while asleep, the crime committed is wrong persons was based on the extrajudicial
murder with the qualifying circumstance of alevosia. statement of appellant Beronga and the testimony of
one witness. Nonetheless, the fact that they were
RSE: People v. Oanis is a case that likewise gives us an mistaken does not diminish their culpability. Mistake
instance of the privilege incomplete privilege mitigating in the identity of the victim carries the same gravity as
circumstance of fulfillment of a duty. They were carrying when the accused zeroes in on his intended victim.
out actually an order. They got a tip but instead of
ascertaining the identity of the victim, they immediately People v. Esteban 103 SCRA 520 (1981)
shot him while the victim was asleep and that of course FACTS: Earlier in the day, Maravilla and Lulu went to
did not _____ for them. While they were charged with the house of Camaya to collect the balance from a
murder. compromise agreement in the killing of Lulu’s
husband. Camaya said that Esteban would pay the
Supposedly death or now Reclusion Perpetua to death. balance. Later that evening, Maravilla went to the
They were given a privilege mitigating. What was house of Maria Pascua where there was a drinking
appreciated was the privileged mitigating circumstance session. At around 11 in the evening, gunshots were
of incomplete fulfillment of a duty. See the facts of the fired at Maravilla and his companions. The owner of
case. So why they were held liable but afforded or the house Maria was found dead while Maravilla was
accorded the incomplete privilege mitigating fatally wounded but survived due to timely medical
circumstance of fulfillment of duty. intervention.
People v. Gona 54 Phil 605 (1930) HELD: The fact that Esteban intended to kill Maravilla
FACTS: A celebration with liberal supply of alcohol was and in the course of the assault incidentally killed
taking place at a house. The Gona and Dunca got into Maria Pascua makes him liable for murder just the
a quarrel. Later on, Dunca left the house with several same because a person committing a felony is
people. Gona took a bolo and followed the group with criminally liable although the wrongful act done be
the intent to kill Dunca. He hacked someone in the different from that which he intended (Article 4, RPC).
neck which caused the person’s death. It turns out that This rule covers aberratio ictus or mistake as to victim.
the person hacked was Mapudul. Gona’s defense was Esteban is guilty of murder of Maria Pascual and
that there was error in personae as he really intended frustrated murder of Maravilla.
to kill Dunca and not Mapundul.
G.R. No. 205228 (15 July 2015)
HELD: Mistake in killing one man instead of another FACTS: One morning, a Toyota Corolla drove
cannot be considered a mitigating circumstance when alongside a Honda CRV and the passenger of the
it is proved that he acted maliciously and willfully. Corolla shot the CRV causing it to swerve and fall into
a canal. Four men alighted the Corolla and started
ABERRATIO ICTUS (Miscarriage in the Blow) shooting at the driver. A bystander was also killed by a
stray bullet. The accused were convicted of 2 counts
People v. Sabalones 294 SCRA 751 (1988) of murder.
FACTS: 2 vehicles proceeded to the house of Stephen
Lim when Sabalones et. al. fired towards the vehicles HELD: Although the bystander’s death was by no
killing 2 of the passengers and seriously injuring 3 means deliberate, we shall adhere to the prevailing
others. The lower court convicted the accused. jurisprudence pronounced in People v. Flora, where
the Court ruled that treachery may be appreciated in hold of the broom and using its wooden handle, hit
aberratio ictus. In Flora, the accused was convicted of Ronald's head and body. The next day, she got hold of
2 separate counts of murder: for the killing of 2 the broom again, and using its wooden handle, hit
victims, Emerita, the intended victim, and Ireneo, the Ronald's head and body. Accused was convicted of
victim killed by a stray bullet. The Court, due to the parricide. On appeal, accused faulted the trial court for
presence of the aggravating circumstance of finding her guilty of parricide. She also argued that
treachery, qualified both killings to murder. The even assuming she killed Ronald, the mitigating
material facts in Flora are similar in the case at bar. circumstance of lack of intention to commit so grave a
Thus, we follow the Flora doctrine. wrong must be appreciated in her favor.
A. The commission of the offense is inherently The evil intent of the offender is not accomplished
impossible of accomplishment
• The act intended by the offender is by its nature
The evil intent of the The evil intent of the
one of impossible accomplishment.
offender is possible of offender cannot be
• There must be either: (a) LEGAL IMPOSSIBILITY,
accomplishment accomplished
1. when one tries to kill another by putting
in his drink a substance which he The evil intent cannot The evil intent of the
believes to be arsenic when in fact it is be accomplished offender cannot be
common salt; because of the accomplished because it is
2. when one tries to murder a corpse. intervention of certain inherently impossible of
cause or accident in accomplishment or
Legal impossibility occurs where the intended acts, even which the offender had because the means
if completed, would not amount to a crime. Legal no part employed by the offender is
impossibility would apply to those circumstances where inadequate or ineffectual
(1) the motive, desire and expectation is to perform an
act in violation of the law; (2) there is intention to
perform the physical act; (3) there is a performance of
the intended physical act; and (4) the consequence
resulting from the intended act does not amount to a
crime. The impossibility of killing a person already dead
falls in this category.
Intod v. CA 215 SCRA 52 (1992)
On the other hand, factual impossibility occurs when
FACTS: Intod went to Palangpangan’s house, all armed
extraneous circumstances unknown to the actor or
with firearms. They went to the bedroom and began
beyond his control prevent the consummation of the
firing their weapons. However, Palangpangan was in
intended crime. One example is the man who puts his
another city and her home was occupied by her son-
hand in the coat pocket of another with the intention to
in-law and his family. No one was in the room when
steal the latter's wallet and finds the pocket
the accused fired their weapons. RTC convicted the
empty. (Intod v. Court of Appeals, 21 October 1992)
accused of attempted murder.
B. The means employed is either inadequate or
HELD: The accused is guilty of an impossible crime. The
factual situation in the case presents a physical
impossibility which rendered the intended crime
Example: when one tries to poison another but the
impossible of performance.
quantity of arsenic added in his substance was not
sufficient to kill a person.
• Penalty to be imposed in case of failure to commit the
crime because the means employed or the aims sought
are inadequate or ineffectual
Jacinto v. People
592 SCRA 426 (2009)
• When the person intending to commit an offense has
already performed the acts for the execution of the In this case, petitioner performed all the acts
same but nevertheless the crime was not produced by to consummate the crime of qualified theft, which is
reason of the fact that the act intended was by its a crime against property. Petitioner's evil intent
nature one of impossible accomplishment or because cannot be denied, as the mere act of unlawfully
the means employed by such person are essentially taking the check meant for Mega Foam showed her
inadequate to produce the result desired by him, the intent to gain or be unjustly enriched. Were it not
court, having in mind the social danger and the degree for the fact that the check bounced, she would have
of criminality shown by the offender, shall impose upon received the face value thereof, which was not
him the penalty of arresto mayor or a fine from 200 to rightfully hers. Therefore, it was only due to the
500 pesos (Article 59). extraneous circumstance of the check being
unfunded, a fact unknown to petitioner at the time,
Quinto v. Andres (supra) that prevented the crime from being produced. The
FACTS: Garcia, a Grade 4 elementary school pupil, thing unlawfully taken by petitioner turned out to be
and his playmate, Wilson Quinto (about 11 years old) absolutely worthless, because the check was
saw Andres and Pacheco who invited them to go eventually dishonored, and Mega Foam had received
fishing inside a drainage culvert. Wilson assented but the cash to replace the value of said dishonored
Garcia seeing that it was dark inside opted to remain check.
seated in a grassy area about 2 meters from the
entrance of the drainage system. Pacheco, Andres There can be no question that as of the time
and Quinto, entered the drainage system which was that petitioner took possession of the check meant
covered by concrete culvert about a meter high and for Mega Foam, she had performed all the acts to
a meter wide, with water about a foot deep. After a consummate the crime of theft, had it not been
while, Pacheco, who was holding a fish, came out of impossible of accomplishment in this case. The
the drainage system and left without saying a word. circumstance of petitioner receiving the P5,000.00
Andres also came out, went back inside, and cash as supposed replacement for the dishonored
emerged again, this time, carrying Wilson who was check was no longer necessary for the
already dead. Andres laid the boy's lifeless body consummation of the crime of qualified theft.
down in the grassy area. Shocked at the sudden turn Obviously, the plan to convince Baby Aquino to give
of events, Garcia fled from the scene. For his part, cash as replacement for the check was hatched only
Andres went to the house of Melba Quinto, Wilson's after the check had been dishonored by the drawee
mother, and informed her that her son had died. bank. Since the crime of theft is not a continuing
Melba Quinto rushed to the drainage culvert while offense, petitioner's act of receiving the cash
Andres followed her. replacement should not be considered as a
continuation of the theft. At most, the fact that
HELD: The Court ruled that respondents cannot be petitioner was caught receiving the marked money
held criminally nor civilly liable for the death of was merely corroborating evidence to strengthen
Wilson. In this case, the petitioner failed to adduce proof of her intent to gain.
proof of any ill-motive on the part of either
respondent to kill the deceased before or after the 15. ALEVOSIA
latter was invited to join them in fishing. Indeed, the
petitioner testified that respondent Andres used to Par. 16. - THAT THE ACT BE COMMITTED WITH
go to their house and play with her son before the TREACHERY (ALEVOSIA).
latter's death. When petitioner's son died inside the
drainage culvert, it was respondent Andres who There is treachery when the offender commits
brought out the deceased. He then informed the any of the crimes against person, employing means
petitioner of her son's death. Even after informing methods or forms in the execution thereof which tend
the petitioner of the death of her son, respondent directly and specially to insure its execution, without risk
Andres followed the petitioner on her way to the to himself arising from the defense which the offended
grassy area where the deceased was. party might take.
A treacherous attack is one in which the victim • The means, methods or forms used by the perpetrator
was not afforded any opportunity to defend himself or need not insure accomplishment of crime.
resist the attack. The existence of treachery is not solely • The mode of attack must be consciously adopted.
determined by the type of weapon used. If it appears
that the weapon was deliberately chosen to insure the Attacks which show intention to eliminate risk:
execution of the crime, and to render the victim • Victim asleep (People v. Oanis, G.R. No. L-47722
defenseless, then treachery may be properly appreciated 27 July 1943).
against the accused (People v. Labiaga, G.R. No. 202867, • Victim half-awake or just awakened.
15 July 2013). • Victim grappling or being held.
• Victim was a child of tender age (U.S. v. Antonio,
The essence of treachery is the sudden and G.R. No. L-10562, 3 August 1915)
unexpected attack on an unsuspecting victim, depriving
the victim of any chance to defend himself. (People v. As a rule, a sudden attack by the assailant,
Bosito, G.R. No. 209346, 12 January 2015) whether frontally or from behind, is treachery if such
mode of attack was coolly and deliberately adopted by
For treachery to be appreciated, circumstances him, with the purpose of depriving the victim of a chance
must be present at the inception of the attack, and if to either fight or retreat. The rule does not apply,
absent and the attack is continuous, treachery, even if however, where the sudden attack was not preconceived
present at a subsequent stage is not to be considered and deliberately adopted but was just triggered by the
(People v. Loterono, G.R. No. 146100, 13 November 2002, sudden infuriation on the part of the accused because of
391 SCRA 593). the provocative act of the victim, or where their meeting
was purely accidental (People v. Monte, G.R. No. 125332,
Chance encounters, impulse killing or crimes 2 March 2000).
committed at the spur of the moment, or those that were
preceded by heated altercations are generally not Additional rules:
attended by treachery, for lack of opportunity of the a. When the aggression is CONTINUOUS, treachery must
accused deliberately to employ a treacherous mode of be present in the BEGINNING of the assault (U.S. v.
attack (People v. Caratao, G.R. No. 126281, 10 June 2003, Balagtas, G.R. No. L-6432, 22 March 1911).
403 SCRA 482).
b. When the assault WAS NOT CONTINUOUS, in that
For treachery to be considered, two elements there was an interruption, it is sufficient that treachery
must concur: was present AT THE MOMENT THE FATAL BLOW WAS
(1) the employment of means of execution that gives the GIVEN (U.S. v. Baluyot, G.R. No. L-14476, 6 November
persons attacked no opportunity to defend themselves 1919).
or retaliate; and
(2) the means of execution were deliberately or Cirera v. People
consciously adopted. (Fantastico, et al. v. People, G.R. G.R. No. 181843, 14 July 2014
No. 190912, 12 January 2015) Facts: Miguel arrived at a wake where Austria was
playing a game of lucky nine, and asked for money
The mere suddenness of an attack should not be from the latter. In response, Austria asked Miguel to
the sole basis in finding treachery. There must be keep quiet. Naval arrived and asked Austria to go
evidence to show that the accused deliberately or home. There was an exchange of words between
consciously adopted the means of execution to ensure its Naval and Miguel. Austria stood up and felt that he
success. (People v. Oloverio, G.R. No. 211159, 18 March was stabbed. As he ran home, he noticed Miguel
2015) armed with a knife, this time chasing Naval. Austria
was hospitalized and was confined for more than a
Rules regarding treachery: month.
• Treachery is applicable only to crimes against persons.
However, in several cases of robbery with Issue: Whether treachery may be appreciated in this
homicide, treachery was appreciated as a generic case
aggravating circumstance (People v. Escote, Jr., G.R. No.
140756, 4 April 2003). Ruling: No. The attack might have been done on
impulse or as a reaction to an actual or imagined
provocation offered by the victim. In this case, G.R. No. 218581, 27 March 2019
petitioner was not only dismissed by Austria when he
approached him for money. There was also an Facts: Lumahang, Velitario and Pornelos were
altercation between him and Naval. The provocation attending a wake when Lumahang appeared fuming
might have been enough to entice Cirera to action and mad. Suddenly, Lumahang approached Pornelos from
attack private complainants. behind and stabbed him in a hook motion with knife in
his left hand. Pornelos, who was hit on the buttocks,
Therefore, the manner of attack might not have been quickly ran towards an alley. Without warning,
motivated by a determination to ensure success in appellant then turned his ire on Velitario and stabbed
committing the crime. What was more likely the case him repeatedly on different parts of his body.
was that Cirera’s action was an impulsive reaction to
being dismissed by Austria, his altercation with Naval, The RTC convicted Lumahang of the crimes of Murder
and Naval’s attempt to summon Austria home. and Less Serious Physical Injuries. While the CA upheld
Generally, this type of provocation negates the Lumahang's conviction for Murder for the killing of
existence of treachery. This is the type of provocation Velitario, it did, however, downgrade Lumahang's
that does not lend itself to premeditation. The conviction for the stabbing of Pornelos and convicted
provocation in this case is of the kind which triggers him of only Slight Physical Injuries.
impulsive reactions left unchecked by the accused and
caused him to commit the crime. Issue: Whether the CA erred in appreciating the
qualifying circumstance of treachery.
People v. Vega y Ramil
G.R. No. 216018, 27 March 2019 Ruling: Yes. Treachery undoubtedly exists on the
attack against Pornelos because (1) the parties were
Facts: attending a wake, and were thus not expecting an
Accused-appellant Don was charged with the crime of attack from happening; (2) the attack was made
Murder after allegedly repeatedly stabbing the suddenly and from behind. The attack on Pornelos was
Manuel Isip on different parts of his body with a therefore clearly attended by treachery.
bladed weapon, which caused his immediate death.
The accused-appellant pleaded self-defense, alleging The same is not true, however, for the attack on
that while they were attending a birthday party, the Velitario. Lumahang had already made an attack
victim punched him and charged towards him with a against Pornelos who, after being stabbed on the
bladed weapon, so he stabbed the victim. The RTC buttocks, was able to successfully run away towards
convicted Don, which Decision was affirmed by the CA. safety. Velitario was already apprised that there was
danger nearby as he saw the commotion between
Issue: Pornelos and Lumahang. It is true that Velitario was
May the aggravating circumstance of treachery be unable to defend himself from Lumahang's attacks not
appreciated in this case? because he was not given an opportunity to do so, but
simply because he was not able to react in time from
Ruling: No. The following circumstances negate the the initial attack on Pornelos. With the removal of the
presence of treachery: (a) the stabbing incident qualifying circumstance of treachery, the crime
happened during a drinking spree in which Don was committed by Lumahang against Velitario is therefore
already a part of; (b) in killing Manuel, Don merely Homicide and not Murder.
picked up a bladed weapon from his table - there was
no mention in the records as to who owned the said People v. Aseniero
weapon. In a similar case, the Court held that G.R. No. 218209, 10 April 2019
treachery cannot be presumed merely from the fact
that the attack was sudden. The suddenness of an Facts: Romeo found guilty of Murder under Art 248.
attack does not, of itself, suffice to support a finding of The prosecution presented the testimony of the friend
alevosia, even if the purpose was to kill, so long as the of the victim, and saw the accused hack the victim with
decision was made all of a sudden and the victim's a bolo. The victim, Dominador had started a
helpless position was accidental. relationship with Analyn, one month after the break-
up with accused. The defense presented testimony
People v. Lumahang y Talisay that they Analyn and the accused were still
sweethearts at that time but were quarelling. When There is no showing that appellants and their co-
the accused approached Analyn, he was kicked by accused knew Jun was going back to the area at that
Dominador, the victim. The victim unsheathed his late time of the day and that they had planned to
knife while the accused unsheathe his bolo, and there attack Jun there and then. On the contrary, appellants
was a bloody fight. Romeo was found guilty of Murder and their co-accused appeared to have spontaneously
under Art 248 for killing Dominador. acted as soon as they saw Jun back in the area. Even
after Jun fell to the ground and appellants alternately
Issue: Whether treachery was present and was hit him with broomstick handles, he still managed to
correctly considered in qualifying the crime to murder get back on his feet and run for his life. And although
Argie subsequently waylaid and stabbed him in the left
Ruling: No. Romeo was only guilty of Homicide. side of his body, he did not stop running. The only time
Treachery was not established beyond a reasonable he did was when Argie caught up and stabbed him
doubt. The attack was preceded by an altercation. another time. Evidently, although Jun did not expect
Each one of them is forewarned of an impending the sudden and concerted attack of his assailants who
attack by either of them. Also, it was the victim who were each armed with either a chair, broomstick
first assaulted the accused. The attack made by the handles, or a knife, he was not rendered totally
accused was not sudden or unexpected as it was the defenseless or prevented from escaping his assailants.
victim who first attacked the former. (See also: People In fact, he was able to get back on his feet and run for
v. Noellito Dela Cruz, G.R. No. 227997, 16 October his life, albeit in the end, he still lost his life due to the
2019) stab wound he sustained in his trunk.
Exceptions to the general application of criminal law Warship Rule — a foreign country’s warship is
- Article 2, RPC, “Except as provided in the treaties considered an extension of the territory of the country
or laws of preferential application…” that it represents. Similar with an embassy, it cannot be
- Article 14, Civil Code, “… subject to the principles subject to the laws of another country. (Reyes, p.30)
of public international law and to treaty
stipulations.” iii. Principles of Public International Law
Persons exempt from the operation of our criminal laws
i. Treaty Stipulations by virtue of the principles of public international law:
An example of a treaty or treaty stipulation is the Bases (1) Sovereigns and other chiefs of state.
Agreement entered into by the Philippines and the US on (2) Ambassadors, ministers, plenipotentiary,
March 14, 1947 and expired on September 16, 1991. ministers resident, and charges d’affaires.
Another example would be the VFA signed on February
10, 1998 where the Philippines agreed: • a consul is not entitled to the privileges and
immunities of an ambassador or minister
a. US military authorities shall have the right to (Schneckenburger v. Moran, 63 Phil 250).
exercise within the Philippines all criminal and • under the Constitution, members of Congress
disciplinary jurisdiction conferred on them by the are not liable for libel or slander in connection with any
military law of the US over US personnel in RP; speech delivered on the floor of the house during regular
b. US authorities exercise exclusive jurisdiction or special session.
over US personnel with respect to offenses, including
offenses relating to the security of the US punishable US v. Sweet 1 Phil 18 (1901)
under the law of the US, but not under the laws of RP; FACTS: Sweet was an employee of the US army in the
c. US military authorities shall have the primary Philippines. He assaulted a prisoner of war for which
right to exercise jurisdiction over US personnel subject to he was charged with the crime of physical injuries.
the military law of the US in relation to: (1) offenses Sweet interposed the defense that the fact that he was
solely against the property or security of the US or an employee of the US military authorities deprived
offenses solely against the property or person of US the court of the jurisdiction to try and punish him.
personnel; and (2) offenses arising out of any act or
omission done in performance of official duty. HELD: The case is open to the application of the
general principle that the jurisdiction of the civil
ii. Laws of Preferential Application tribunals is unaffected by the military or other special
character of the person brought before them for trial,
Parliamentary Immunity under Section 11, Article VI of unless controlled by express legislation to the
the Constitution - Members of Congress are immune contrary.
from arrest for all offenses punishable by not more than
6 years imprisonment while Congress is in session. Liang v. People 355 SCRA 125
FACTS: Petitioner is an economist working at the Asian
An example of a law of preferential application would be Development Bank (ADB). Sometime in 1994, he was
R.A. No. 75, which penalizes acts which would impair the charged before the MeTC of Mandaluyong City with 2
proper observance by the Republic and inhabitants of the counts of oral defamation for allegedly uttering
Philippines of the immunities, rights, and privileges of defamatory words against his colleague. Thereafter,
duly accredited foreign diplomatic representatives in the petitioner was arrested by virtue of a warrant. After
Philippines. fixing petitioner’s bail, the MeTC judge received an
office of protocol from the DFA stating that petitioner
R.A. No. 75 exempts from arrest and imprisonment, as is covered by immunity from legal processes under
well as from distrain, seizure or attachment of property, Section 45 of the Agreement between ADB and the
Public Ministers, Ambassadors and Domestic Servants of Philippine Government. As a result, the MeTC judge
Ambassadors and Public Ministers except (a) when such dismissed the criminal case without notice to the
person is a citizen or an inhabitant of the Philippines and prosecution.
the writ issued against him is founded upon a debt
HELD: Petitioner is not covered by the immunity. For purposes of sexual intercourse and lascivious
Courts cannot blindly adhere to the communication conduct in child abuse cases under RA 7610, the
from the DFA that the petitioner is covered by any sweetheart defense is unacceptable. A child exploited
immunity. It has no binding effect in courts. The court in prostitution or subjected to other sexual abuse
needs to protect the right to due process not only of cannot validly give consent to sexual intercourse with
the accused but also of the prosecution. Secondly, the another person.
immunity under Section 45 of the Agreement is not
absolute, but subject to the exception that the acts LAVIDES v. CA
must be done in “official capacity.” Slandering a FACTS:
person could not possibly be covered by the immunity Lavides was charged with violation of Sec. 5(b) of R.A.
agreement as the same was not committed in the No. 7610 for luring a sixteen (16)-year old girl into a
performance of petitioner’s official duty. hotel to have carnal knowledge. Subsequently, 12
informations for the same violation was filed against
Each incident of sexual intercourse and lascivious act
Child prostitution and other sexual abuse with a child under the circumstances mentioned in
(section 5[a], R.A. no. 7610) Art. III, 5 of R.A. No. 7160 is thus a separate and
distinct offense. The offense is similar to rape or act of
Those who engage in or promote, facilitate or induce lasciviousness under the Revised Penal Code in which
child prostitution, which includes any of the following: each act of rape or lascivious conduct should be the
• Acting as procurer of child prostitute; subject of a separate information.
• Inducing a person to be a client of a child prostitute;
• Taking advantage or influence to procure a child as NOTE: For every act of sexual intercourse or lascivious
prostitute; conduct committed against the child, under the
• Threatening or using violence towards a child to circumstances of Sec 5 of Child Abuse Law, there is a
engage him as a prostitute; or separate and distinct offense so you will have to file
• Giving monetary consideration goods or other separate informations per act. Hindi siya continuing.
pecuniary benefit to a child with intent to engage
such child in prostitution. VARIANCE PRINCIPLE
There must be peril to one’s life which may The reasonableness of the necessity depends
either be: upon the circumstances particularly the time and
location where the aggression took place.
a. actual – that the danger must be present, that
is, actually in existence, or The means employed by the person making a
defense must be rationally necessary to prevent or repel
b. imminent- that the danger is on the point of an unlawful aggression.
happening. It is not required that the attack already
begins, for it may be too late. The reasonableness of the means adopted is not
one of mathematical calculation or "material
Retaliation is different from an act of self-defense. In commensurability” between the means of attack and
retaliation, the aggression that was begun by the injured defense but the imminent danger against the subject of
party already ceased to exist when the accused attacked the attack as perceived by the defender and the instinct
him. In self-defense, the aggression was still existing more than reason that moves the defender to repel the
when the aggressor was injured or disabled by the attack.
person making a defense.
The reasonableness of the means used will
In self-defense, the person must have no time nor depend upon the NATURE and QUALITY of the weapon
occasion for deliberation and cool thinking. used by the aggressor, his PHYSICAL CONDITION, SIZE
and other circumstances, and those of the person
The unlawful aggression must come from the person defending himself, and also the place and occasion of the
who was attacked by the accused. assault. (People v. Rabanal, G.R. No. 146687, 22 August
There is no unlawful aggression when there is agreement
to fight because where the fight has been agreed upon, 3. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the
each of the protagonists is at once assailant and person defending himself.
assaulted. But when the aggression is ahead of the
stipulated time and place, it is unlawful. Requisite is complied with when:
The rule now is STAND GROUND WHEN IN THE RIGHT. a. When no provocation at all was given to the
So, where the accused is where he has the right to be, aggressor by the person defending himself; or
the law does not require him to retreat when his
assailant is rapidly advancing upon him with a deadly b. When, even if a provocation was given, it was
weapon. not sufficient; or
• The belief of the person may be considered in c. When, even if the provocation was sufficient,
determining the existence of unlawful it was not given by the person defending himself; or
d. When, even if provocation was given by the
Ex. If the aggressor used a toy pistol but the accused person defending himself, it was not proximate and
believed it was a real gun, he may claim self-defense. immediate to the act of aggression.
No. The elements of self-defense are as follows: (a) Here, it becomes apparent that the evidence on
unlawful aggression; (b) reasonable necessity of the record does not support Miranda's contention that
means employed to prevent or repel it; and (c) lack of Pilo employed unlawful aggression against him. Pilo
sufficient provocation on the part of the person was merely throwing stones at the house of Miranda.
defending himself. These requirements are absent in Miranda himself admitted during the trial that Pilo did
this case. not throw stones at him, much less, utter any
invectives, or threatening words against him.
A failed to prove any unlawful aggression on
the part of either B or C, which is a condition sine qua People v. Vega y Ramil
non for the justifying circumstance of self-defense to G.R. No. 216018, 27 March 2019
There can be no self-defense unless the victim Accused-appellant Don was charged with the crime of
committed unlawful aggression against the person Murder after allegedly repeatedly stabbing the
who resorted to self-defense. Being the party Manuel Isip on different parts of his body with a
initiating the attack, and overbearing with a deadly bladed weapon, which caused his immediate death.
weapon, A cannot successfully claim that there was The accused-appellant pleaded self-defense, alleging
unlawful aggression. Verily, for unlawful aggression to that while they were attending a birthday party, the
be appreciated, there must be an actual, sudden and victim punched him and charged towards him with a
unexpected attack or imminent danger thereof, not bladed weapon, so he stabbed the victim. The RTC
merely a threatening or intimidating attitude, as convicted Don, which Decision was affirmed by the CA.
against the one claiming self-defense. Evidently, the
contrary happened in this case. Issue:
May accused validly invoke self-defense?
Miranda v. People
G.R. No. 234528, 23 January 2019 Ruling: No. First, there is no unlawful aggression on
the part of the victim. Aside from Don's self-serving
Petitioner was charged with Frustrated Homicide for statement that it was Manuel who punched and
repeatedly hacking the victim, Winardo Pilo, inflicting attacked him, not one of the persons present at the
mortal wounds on his body. The latter was only saved incident corroborated his account. Second, even
by timely medical assistance. Petitioner claimed self- assuming that there was unlawful aggression, the
defense, alleging that the victim threw stones at his means employed by Don in repelling the alleged attack
house, hitting his left cheek, and that he hacked Pilo to by Manuel was not reasonably necessary. Manuel was
stop his attack. unarmed and had his back turned while Don used a
bladed weapon to "repel the attack" and stab Manuel
Issue: repeatedly. Lastly, the third requisite requires the
person mounting a defense to be reasonably
Whether petitioner validly invoked self-defense. blameless. In this case, Don was not entirely blameless
as the reason why Manuel scolded him was because
RULING: he was breaking things and making unnecessary
No. The most important element of self-defense is disturbance. It was also Don who suddenly rushed to
unlawful aggression. This is a condition sine qua non the victim and stabbed the latter several times in the
for upholding self-defense. Significantly, the accused chest.
must establish the concurrence of three elements of
unlawful aggression, namely: (i) there must have been Velasquez v. People
a physical or material attack or assault; (ii) the attack G.R. No. 195021, 15 March 2017
or assault must be actual, or, at least, imminent; and
(iii) the attack or assault must be unlawful. To be sure, Facts: The victim, Jesus, arrived at his nipa hut and
the accused must show that the aggression caused by discovered accused Ampong who was in the premises
the victim in fact put his life or personal safety in real without Jesus’ knowledge. Jesus shouted invectives at
Ampong. Ampong left the nipa hut, but was chased by 1. Unlawful aggression;
Jesus. Failing to catch Ampong, Jesus made his way
back to his house. He was then met by Ampong and Unlawful aggression may not exist as a matter of
the other accused who hit him with a stone, at least fact, it can be made to depend upon the honest belief of
three times, struck his back with a bamboo stick and the one making a defense.
punched him on his left cheek. Accused invoked self-
defense. Ex. The sons of A honestly believed that their father was
the victim of an unlawful aggression when in fact it was
Ruling: Accused failed to establish the elements of their father who attacked B. If they killed B under such
self-defense and defense of relative. circumstance, they are justified.
(1) There’s no unlawful aggression: Accused’s entire
defense rests on proof that it was Jesus who initiated 2. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to
an assault by barging into the premises of the nipa hut. prevent or repel it;
However, accused presented nothing more than a self-
serving, uncorroborated claim that Jesus appeared out The gauge of reasonable necessity of the means
of nowhere to go berserk therein. employed to repel the aggression as against one’s self or
in defense of a relative is to be found in the situation as
(2) The element of reasonable necessity of the means IT APPEARS TO THE PERSON REPELLING THE
employed to prevent or repel the aggression is absent: AGGRESSION (the defender).
Even if it were to be granted that Jesus was the initial
aggressor, the beating dealt to him by the accused was 3. In case the provocation was given by the person
still glaringly in excess of what would have sufficed to attacked, the one making a defense had no part therein.
neutralize him. It was far from a reasonably necessary
means to repel his supposed aggression. There is still legitimate defense of relative even
if the relative being defended has given provocation,
(3) Aside from their self-serving and uncorroborated provided that the one defending such relative has no part
claim, accused failed to present proof third requisite, in the provocation.
i.e., lack of sufficient provocation.
N.B. Like in self-defense, the motive of the person
defending himself or his relative is immaterial.
• Relatives by affinity, because of marriage, are
RELATIVES THAT CAN BE DEFENDED: the parents-in-law, son or daughter-in-law, and
brothers or sisters-in-law.
1. Spouse • Death of the spouse terminates the relationship
2. Ascendants by affinity; unless the marriage has resulted in
3. Descendants issue who is still living, in which case the
4. Legitimate, natural or adopted brothers and relationship of affinity continues.
sisters, or relatives by affinity in the same degrees. • Consanguinity refers to blood relatives. Brothers
5. Relatives by consanguinity within the fourth civil and sisters are within the second civil degree;
degree. uncle and niece or aunt and nephew are within
the third civil degree; and first cousins are within
Relatives by affinity, are those who, because of the fourth civil degree.
marriage, are parents-in-law, son or daughter-in-law,
and brothers or sisters-in-law. DEFENSE OF STRANGER
Tan v. Standard Vacuum Oil, Co. (1952) For her defense, Ty claimed that she issued the checks
because of “an uncontrollable fear of a greater injury.”
Anita Tan is the owner of the house of strong She averred that she was forced to issue the checks to
materials. On May 3, 1949, the Standard Vacuum Oil obtain release for her mother who was being
Company ordered the delivery to the garage of Rural inhumanely and harshly treated by the hospital. She
Transit Company 1,925 gallons of gasoline using a alleged that her mother has contemplated suicide if
gasoline tank-truck trailer. The truck was driven by she would not be discharged from the hospital.
Sto. Domingo, who was helped by Igmidio Rico. While
the gasoline was being discharged to the underground Ty was found guilty by the lower courts of 7 counts of
tank, it caught fire, whereupon Sto. Domingo drove violation of BP22.
the truck across the road and upon reaching the
middle of the street he abandoned the truck which HELD: The Court sustained the findings of the lower
continued moving to the opposite side of the first courts. The evil sought to be avoided is merely
street causing the buildings on that side to be burned expected or anticipated. If the evil sought to be
and destroyed. The house of Anita Tan was among avoided is merely expected or anticipated or may
those destroyed and for its repair she spent P12,000. happen in the future, the defense of an uncontrollable
fear of a greater injury” is not applicable. Ty could have
Issue: Who may be held civilly liable? taken advantage of an available option to avoid
committing a crime. By her own admission, she had
Held: Considering the above quoted law and facts, the the choice to give jewelry or other forms of security
cause of action against the Rural Transit Company can instead of postdated checks to secure her obligation.
hardly be disputed, it appearing that the damage
caused to Anita Tan was brought about mainly Moreover, for the defense of state of necessity to be
because of the desire of driver Sto. Domingo to avoid availing, the greater injury feared should not have
greater evil or harm, which would have been the case been brought about by the negligence or imprudence,
had he not brought the tank-truck trailer to the middle more so, the willful inaction of the actor. In this case,
of the street, for then the fire would have caused the the issuance of the bounced checks was brought about
explosion of the gasoline deposit of the company by Ty's own failure to pay her mother's hospital bills.
which would have resulted in a conflagration of much
greater proportion and consequences to the houses
nearby or surrounding it. It cannot be denied that this Article 69. Penalty to be imposed when
company is one of those for whose benefit a greater the crime committed is not wholly
harm has been prevented, and as such it comes within excusable. - A penalty lower by one or two degrees
the purview of said penal provision. than that prescribed by law shall be imposed if the
deed is not wholly excusable by reason of the lack of
Ty v. People some of the conditions required to justify the same or
439 SCRA 220 (2004) to exempt from criminal liability in the several cases
mentioned in Article 11 and 12, provided that the
FACTS: Ty's mother Chua Lao So Un was confined at majority of such conditions be present. The courts
the Manila Doctors' Hospital from October 1990 until shall impose the penalty in the period which may be
June 1992. Being the patient's daughter, Ty signed the deemed proper, in view of the number and nature of
"Acknowledgment of Responsibility for Payment" in the conditions of exemption present or lacking.
the Contract of Admission. Ty's sister, Judy Chua, was
also confined at the same hospital. The total hospital Incomplete Justifying or Exempting circumstance
bills of the two patients amounted to P1,075,592.95. When majority of the elements of the crime are present,
Ty executed a promissory note wherein she assumed it can be justified or exempted.
payment of the obligation in installments. To assure
payment of the obligation, she drew 7 postdated
checks against Metrobank payable to the hospital
So it talks about 3 elements because there is no majority the accused in the commission of the crime – principal,
with only 2 elements. Therefore, if there is an incomplete accomplice or accessory under Articles 17 to 19. Vis-à-vis
justifying or mitigating circumstance, there must be an Articles 50 to 57. You should be able to appreciate the
indispensable element. importance of understanding what a Privilege Mitigating
Circumstance is and Special Mitigating Circumstance
In the case of defense of relative, self-defense and under Article 64, par. 5. Even Special Aggravating
defense of strangers, it is unlawful aggression. So, the Circumstances requiring the imposition of the penalty on
element of unlawful aggression should be present in the maximum period.
cases of complete and incomplete self-defense.
So here, unlawful aggression being present, the accused
3 elements in self-defense: must be given an PMC of Incomplete Self-defense.
1. Unlawful aggression
2. Reasonable means of the necessity
3. There is no sufficient provocation 20. INSANITY
Q: Now, there are 3 elements and unlawful aggression Exempting circumstances (non-imputability) are those
is indispensable, what if there is only 1 element? And grounds for exemption from punishment because there
that element present is unlawful aggression, may the is wanting in the agent of the crime any of the condition
accused in this case may claim incomplete selfdefense? which make the act voluntary or negligent. While the act
is criminal, the actor is not liable. There is, however, civil
A: Yes. While Art. 69 requires the presence of 2 elements liability.
of the majority of the requisites for a justifying
circumstance, the jurisprudence states that the presence The exemption from punishment is based on the
of unlawful aggression alone can justify the appreciation COMPLETE ABSENCE of intelligence, freedom of action,
of an incomplete self-defense. or intent, or on the absence of negligence on the part of
the accused.
Yung unlawful aggression, kahit na 1 out of 3, sabi ng
Supreme Court, pwede to lower it at least one degree. An Imbecile or Insane Person: An imbecile or an insane
person, unless the latter has acted during a lucid interval
When we navigated Book 1, we have taken complete and (Art. 12, par.1).
incomplete justifying circumstances—its consequences,
effect, we have seen this in Article 69. The issue has Insanity
been, under Article 69 preference is made on the
majority of the requisites present. If unlawful aggression There is a complete deprivation of intelligence in
is indispensable, unlawful aggression must be present, committing the act but capable of having lucid intervals.
plus ANY of the 2 requisites. During a lucid interval, the insane acts with intelligence,
and thus, not exempt from criminal liability.
What if there is only unlawful aggression?
Mental retardation includes the following: (a)
That’s only 1 out of 3. That will still be majority. There is idiot, whose mental age is equivalent to the average two-
already a number of cases holding that the presence of year old child; (b) imbecile, whose mental age is is
unlawful aggression will entitle the accused to the equivalent to the average seven-year old child; (c) moron
Privilege Mitigating Circumstance under Article 69; and or feebleminded, whose mental age is equivalent to the
that will entitle him not with 2 degrees lower because average twelve-year old child; and (d) “borderline”
Article 69 mentioned a penalty lowered by one or two intelligence, whose IQ is between 70 to 89.
degrees. But the case holding that unlawful aggression
will entitle the accused to a PMC at least 1 degree or one In exempting circumstance, there is a difference
penalty next lower in degree. between actual age and mental age. In exempting
circumstance of imbecility, what is important is the
We have gone to Article 71 on graduation of penalties – mental age of the accused. An idiot, whose mental age is
we should understand how it operates: one, two or three 2 years, and imbecile, whose mental age is 7 years old
degrees lower. We have seen the interplay of the stages are exempt from criminal liability. (People v. Butiong,
of commission under Article 6 and the participation of G.R. No. 168932, 19 October 2011)
PROCEDURE WHEN AN IMBECILE OR INSANE Based on the records, he had been administered
COMMITTED A FELONY medication to cure his mental illness, but there was no
showing that he suffered from complete deprivation
1. The court shall order his confinement in one of of intelligence. On the contrary, the medical
the hospitals or asylums established for persons afflicted, professionals presented during the trial conceded that
which he shall not be permitted to leave without first he had been treated only to control his mental
obtaining the permission of the court. The court must condition.
obtain the opinion of the Director of Health before
permitting his release (Art. 12, (1) par. 2). Insanity must be pleaded so that it may be appreciated
as an exempting circumstance. The reckoning insofar as
2. When the person is sane at the time of the insanity is concerned is at the time of the commission of
commission of the crime, but he becomes insane at the the crime. Insanity occurring after the commission of the
time of the trial, he is criminally liable. The trial, however, crime, especially during trial, may only suspend the
shall be suspended until mental capacity of the accused proceedings against the accused.
be restored to afford him a fair trial.
Insanity during the service of the sentence will only cause
People v. Haloc the accused to be committed to a mental institution.
G.R. No. 227312, 5 September 2018
The presumption is that of SANITY. We are
Facts: Accused Haloc was apprehended by barangay all presumed to be sane.
officials after he hacked Allan and his brother, Amel.
As a result, Amel died while Allan sustained injuries on People v. Roy
his upper arm. In his defense, accused invokes the G.R. No. 225604, 23 July 2018
exempting circumstance of insanity, and alleged that
he was prescribed medicines administered to a patient Facts: Accused was charged before the court for raping
suffering psychosis. AAA. Defense argues that accused is an imbecile, thus
completely deprived of reason. Accused invokes said
Issue: Whether accused is entitled to the exempting exempting circumstance.
circumstance of insanity.
Issue: Whether accused may invoke imbecility as an
Ruling: No, accused is not entitled to the mitigating exempting circumstance.
circumstance of insanity. The defense of insanity rests
on the test of cognition on the part of the accused. Held: No, imbecility requires a complete deprivation of
Insanity, to be exempting, requires the complete rationality in committing the act, i.e., that the accused
deprivation of intelligence, not only of the will, in be deprived of reason, that there be no consciousness
committing the criminal act. of responsibility for his acts, or that there be complete
absence of the power to discern.
Mere abnormality of the mental faculties will not
exclude imputability. The accused must be so insane The law presumes that every person is sane. Anyone
as to be incapable of entertaining a criminal intent. He who pleads the exempting circumstance of insanity
must be deprived of reason, and must be shown to bears the burden to prove that he was completely
have acted without the least discernment because deprived of reason when he committed the crime
there is a complete absence of the power to discern or charged. Note that the proof of an accused's insanity
a total deprivation of freedom of the will. must "relate to the time immediately preceding or
simultaneous with the commission of the offense with
The accused-appellant did not establish the exempting which he is charged." Here, the defense failed to
circumstance of insanity. His mental condition at the overcome the presumption of sanity.
time of the commission of the felonies he was charged Doctor’s report could not positively and certainly
with and found guilty of was not shown to be so severe conclude that accused’s state of imbecility afflicted
that it had completely deprived him of reason or him at the time he raped AAA. Moreover, the trial
intelligence when he committed the felonies charged. court’s observation of the actions of accused negated
complete destruction of intelligence at the time the
rape was committed.
did immediately after he committed the offense showed
Verdadero v. People that he was actually in full control of his faculties. The
G.R. No. 216021, 2 March 2016 insanity plea was not given credit in this case.
Facts: A was charged with the killing of B. A raised the
defense of insanity. Acting on the Order of the RTC, Dr. People v. Junie
C conducted a mental examination on A. Dr. C G.R. No. 223566, 27 June 2018
confirmed that: (i) A was already brought to Cagayan The courts have established a clearer and more
Valley Medical Center; and (ii) A was diagnosed with stringent criterion for insanity to be exempting as it is
schizophrenia. Dr. C agreed with Dr. D that A had required that there must be a complete deprivation of
suffered a relapse on the day of the stabbing incident. intelligence in committing the act, i.e., the accused is
deprived of reason; he acted without the least
Issue: Whether A is exempt from criminal liability. discernment because there is a complete absence of
the power to discern, or that there is a total
Ruling: Yes. A was officially diagnosed to have deprivation of the will. Accused-appellant's claim that
suffered a relapse of schizophrenia. Generally, he allegedly failed to remember what had happened
evidence of insanity after the commission of the crime on 11 February 2011, neither qualifies him as insane
is immaterial. nor negates the truth that he was fully aware that he
had killed his victims. Accused-appellant's statement
It, however, may be appreciated and given weight if right after he surrendered— "If I want to kill a lot of
there is also proof of abnormal behavior before or people, I could but I only killed my family" —
simultaneous to the crime. In exonerating A on the persuasively disproves his claim of not knowingly or
ground of insanity, the Court does not totally free him voluntarily killing his victims.
from the responsibilities and consequences of his acts.
Article 12(1) of the RPC expressly states that "[w]hen Article 79. Suspension of the execution and service of
an insane person has committed an act which the law the penalties in case of insanity. — When a convict
defines as a felony, the court shall order his shall become insane or an imbecile after final sentence
confinement in one of the hospitals or asylums has been pronounced, the execution of said sentence
established for persons thus afflicted, which he shall shall be suspended only with regard to the personal
not be permitted to leave without first obtaining the penalty, the provisions of the second paragraph of
permission of the same court." circumstance number 1 of Article 12 being observed in
the corresponding cases. If at any time the convict
Instead of incarceration, A is to be confined in an shall recover his reason, his sentence shall be
institution where his mental condition may be executed, unless the penalty shall have prescribed in
addressed so that he may again function as a member accordance with the provisions of this Code. The
of society. He shall remain confined therein until his respective provisions of this section shall also be
attending physicians give a favorable observed if the insanity or imbecility occurs while the
recommendation for his release. convict is serving his sentence.
The statements made by the accused, on the basis of the ✓ Only execution of personal penalty is suspended: civil
testimony of the witnesses, will show that the accused liability may be executed even in case of insanity of
really thought of what he was about to do or what he has convict.
done. Such statements evoke the observation that he ✓ An accused may become insane:
was in full control of his mental faculties. - a. at the time of commission of the crime -
exempt from criminal liability.
There is one case where the SC also disregarded the - b. at the time of the trial - court shall suspend
defense of insanity invoked by the accused, who hearings and order his confinement in a hospital
committed the crime of homicide. After killing the victim until he recovers his reason.
he took off his bloodied shirt, wrapped the knife he used - c. at the time of final judgment or while serving
in the shirt and threw it in the garbage bin. He, then, sentence - execution suspended with regard to
went to nearby province where he hid for a year or two. the personal penalty only.
SC said that the claim
of insanity cannot prosper because the acts he
✓ See Exempting Circumstance of Minority for P.D. No.
603 and Rule on Juveniles in Conflict with Law.
21. COMPLEX CRIMES ART 48,RPC grave felonies, and complex crime proper where an act is
a means to commit another act or crime:
Art. 48. Penalty for complex crimes. — When a single act
constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies, or For the latter, examples are:
when an offense is a necessary means for committing the 1. Estafa through falsification
other, the penalty for the most serious crime shall be
imposed, the same to be applied in its maximum period. Special Compex Crimes - Excepted, meaning not
including, under Article 48. The law in those offenses
TWO KINDS OF COMPLEX CRIMES already provide a single penalty for the two crimes
1. COMPOUND CRIME - When a single act constitutes committed.
two or more grave or less grave felonies 1. Robbery with Homicide
2. COMPLEX CRIME PROPER - When an offense is a 2. Rape with Homicide or Kidnapping or Ransom, etc
necessary means for committing the other.
Light Felonies – Also excepted under Article 48. The
COMPLEX CRIME PROPER article talks of grave and less grave felonies only.
In estafa, the basis of the penalty is the fraud or the ISSUE: Whether an accused who is charged with the
amount of the defraudation. In falsification of private complex crime of Malversation of Public Funds thru
document, there is also damage. Therefore, damage is a Falsification of Official/Public Documents involving an
common element of these two crimes, so much so that amount that exceeds Php22,000.00 is entitled to bail
when you use damage as an element in favor of one, you as a matter of right.
cannot use it in favor of the other.
HELD: The appropriate rule is to grant bail as a matter
What crime should you charge the accused? of right to an accused who is charged with a complex
It depends on the circumstances of the case. The facts of crime of Malversation of Public Funds thru
the case will tell you whether the crime that was really Falsification of Official/Public Documents involving an
intended to be committed was estafa or was it simply amount that exceeds P22,000.00
falsification, but you cannot complex the two.
Following Temporada, for the complex crime of
People v. Valdez Malversation of Public Funds thru Falsification of
G.R. No. 216007-09, 8 December 2015 Official/Public Documents involving an amount that
(Cf. Section 40 of R.A. No. 10951, amending Section exceeds P22,000.00, the "prescribed penalty" is
217 of the Revised Penal Code: if misappropriation of reclusion temporal in its maximum period to reclusion
public funds or property exceeds P8.8 Million, the perpetua. After trial, should the commission of such
penalty is reclusion perpetua and non-bailable) crime be proven by the prosecution beyond
reasonable doubt, the "imposable penalty" is
FACTS: Luzviminda S. Valdez, a former mayor of reclusion perpetua in view of the RPC mandate that
Bacolod City was charged with 4 counts of violation of the prescribed penalty of reclusion temporal
Section 3 (e) of R.A. No. 3019, and 4 counts of the maximum to reclusion perpetua shall be applied in its
complex crime of Malversation of Public Funds thru maximum.
Falsification of Official/Public Documents under
Articles 217 and 171, in relation to Article 48 of the The falsification, which is the means used to commit
RPC. State Auditors of the Commission on Audit the crime of malversation, is in the nature of a generic
Region VI conducted a post-audit of the disbursement aggravating circumstance that effectively directs the
vouchers (D.V.) of the Bacolod City government. imposition of the prescribed penalty in its maximum
period. The phrases "shall be applied" and "shall
Based on the verification conducted in the impose," found in Articles 63 and 64, respectively, of
establishments that issued the official receipts, it was the RPC, are of similar import as the phrase "shall be
alleged that the cash slips were altered/falsified to imposed" found in Article 48. Both Articles 63 and 64
enable Valdez to receive reimbursement from the refer to the penalty to be imposed after considering
government in the total amount of P279,150.00. the aggravating or mitigating circumstance/s. Finally,
the "penalty actually imposed" is still reclusion
The Ombudsman charged accused with the complex perpetua, considering that the ISL finds no application
crime of Malversation of Public Funds thru as the penalty is indivisible.
Falsification of Official/Public Documents, and
recommended “no bail”. To note, Article 48 of the RPC on complex crimes does
not change the nature of the constituent offenses; it
While Valdez was still at-large, she filed a “Motion to only requires the imposition of the maximum period
Set Aside No Bail Recommendation and to Fix the of the penalty prescribed by law. When committed
Amount of Bail.” Thereafter, a warrant of arrest was through falsification of official/public documents, the
issued against Valdez, causing her to subsequently file RPC does not intend to classify malversation as a
capital offense. Otherwise, the complex crime of Anything less than P8.8M is bailable. Anything more than
Malversation of Public Funds thru Falsification of P8.8M is nonbailable because it is punishable by
Official/Public Documents involving an amount that reclusion perpetua.
exceeds P22,000.00 should have been expressly
included in R.A. No. 7659. If truly a non-bailable 22. STAGES OF COMMISSION, ART. 6
offense, the law should have already considered it as
a special complex crime like robbery with rape, • A felony is consummated when all the elements
robbery with homicide, rape with homicide, and necessary for its execution and accomplishment are
kidnapping with murder or homicide, which have present.
prescribed penalty of reclusion perpetua. • It is frustrated when the offender performs all the acts
of execution which would produce the felony as a
Observe that bail is not a matter of right in plunder consequence but which, nevertheless, do not produce
committed through malversation of public funds, but it by reason of causes independent of the will of the
the aggregate amount or total value of ill-gotten perpetrator.
wealth amassed, accumulated or acquired must be at • There is an attempt when the offender commences the
least P50,000,000.00. In contrast, an accused who is commission of a felony directly by overt acts, and does
alleged to have committed malversation of public not perform all the acts of execution which should
funds thru falsification of official/public documents, produce the felony by reason of some cause or accident
which is not a capital offense, is no longer entitled to other than this own spontaneous desistance.
bail as a matter of right if the amount exceeds
P22,000.00, or as low as P22,000.00. Such distinction OVERT ACT – some physical activity or deed, indicating
is glaringly unfair and could not have been the intention to commit a particular crime, more than a
contemplated by the law. mere planning or preparation, which if carried to its
complete termination following its natural curse,
The crime committed in this case is malversation of without being frustrated by external obstacles nor by
public funds through falsification of documents. This case voluntary desistance of the perpetrator, will logically and
was decided in 2015 before a RA10951. necessarily ripen into a concrete offense (Rait v. People,
G.R. No. 180425, 31 July 2008).
The only issue here is that there is a complex crime.
Remember, insofar as malversation is concerned what INDETERMINATE OFFENSE – It is one where the purpose
will be the determinative factor? It is the amount of of the offender in performing an act is not certain. Its
misappropriated funds or property. For falsification of nature in relation to its objective is ambiguous (Reyes, p.
public documents, under article 171, the penalty is 97; see People v. Lamahang, G.R. No. L-43530, 3 August
steady. The issue here is whether or not malversation 1935).
station is non-bailable.
At a certain point, if you go by the computation of The subjective phase is that portion of the acts
penalties, it may reach reclusion perpetua. constituting the crime included between the act which
begins the commission of the crime and the last act
The disquisition of the Supreme Court in this case is that performed by the offender which, with the prior acts,
never has it been the intention of the Congress to make should result in the consummated crime.
malversation a heinous crime, nor to deprive one who is
charged of malversation with his entitlement to bail. OBJECTIVE PHASE
• Period after the performance of all the acts
Therefore, malversation is bailable. Republic Act No. which would produce the crime
10951 – This is a new law which affects the crime of • the result of the acts of execution, that is, the
malversation. It has a simpler approach because, now, if accomplishment of the crime.
the value all of misappropriation, insofar as the • If the subjective and objective phases are
government funds or property is concerned, is more than present, there is consummated felony. (U.S. v.
P8.8M, it becomes punishable by reclusion perpetua and Eduave, 2 February 1917)
therefore nonbailable.
Elements: DISCUSSION: In arson, there is jurisprudence to the
1. The offender commences the commission of the effect that even the mere discoloration, as a
felony directly by overt acts; consequence of the burning, when there is no really
2. He does not perform all the acts of execution burning to speak of, will already consummate the crime
which should produce the felony; of arson. In theft, the ability of the accused to dispose of
3. The offender’s act is not stopped by his own the property unlawfully taken which belongs to another
spontaneous desistance; and consummates the crime. His ability to dispose of it is not
4. The non-performance of all acts of execution an element of the crime.
was due to cause or accident other than his own
Elements: 1. the nature of the offense
1. The offender performs all the acts of execution; Example: In arson, it is not necessary
2. All the acts performed would produce the felony that the property is totally destroyed by fire. The crime
as a consequence; of arson is consummated even if only a portion of the
3. But the felony is not produced; wall or any other part of the house is burned.
4. By reason of causes independent of the will of
the perpetrator. 2. the elements constituting the felony
Example: In theft, the mere removal of
In frustrated felony, the offender must perform all the the personal property belonging to another with intent
acts of execution. Nothing more is left to be done by the to gain is sufficient to consummate the offense.
offender, because he has performed the last act In estafa, the offended party must
necessary to produce the crime. actually be prejudiced or damaged.
People v. Aca-ac (2001) HELD: The act of killing becomes frustrated when an
offender performs all the acts of execution which
Rape is either attempted or could produce the crime but did not produce it for
consummated. There can be no frustrated rape.
reasons independent of his or her will. Here, BBB's Formal Crimes – always consummated. The mere fact of
survival was independent of the perpetrator's will. having done it consummates the crime, such as in:
1. Slander
While it is true that mere presence at the scene of the 2. Adultery
crime at the time of its commission, without actively 3. Libel
participating in the conduct thereof, is insufficient to
prove that the accused conspired to commit the crime, Importance of Stages of Commission – As we have seen
Wenefredo and FFF' s act of standing near the victims in Articles 50-57, and when we took up degree of the
and Benito, while wielding bolos, does not partake of participation of the accused, it will give you an idea of
this nature. The Court is sufficiently convinced that what the criminal responsibility of the accused is:
their presence thereat has no doubt, encouraged 1. Was the crime consummated?
Benito and increased the odds against the victims, 2. Was he a principal?
especially since they were all wielding lethal weapons. 3. Was the crime simply frustrated?
4. Was he an accomplice?
Marasigan v. Fuentes 5. Was the crime attempted?
G.R. No. 201310, 11 January 2016 6. Was he an accessory?
Facts: Fuentes threw an object at Marasigan from
behind. Thereafter, Fuentes reappeared with his It could be a combination of all these, and the graduation
respondents and punched Marasigan on the face. of penalties will depend, under Article 50-57, on how you
Fuentes picked up a stone and attempted to hit will arrive at the appropriate penalty that will be imposed
Marasigan's head with it. Marasigan parried the stone on the accused based on degree of participation and
with his hand. Lindo and Calilan took hold of each of stage of commission.
Marasigan's arms. The DOJ ruled that the crime was
less serious physical injuries, and not attempted MURDER AND HOMICIDE – Article 249 gives you plain
murder supposedly because the evidence killing – no other attendant circumstances such as
is equivocal on whether respondents had any relationship or other qualifying circumstances.
homicidal intent. Specifically, Secretary Devanadera
pointed out that the medico-legal findings indicated Insofar as murder is concerned, remember the qualifying
that petitioner sustained nothing more than aggravating circumstances that you find under Article
contusions and abrasions; and that while he suffered a 248. Presence of one of them will be enough to qualify
fracture on the metacarpal bone on the second digit the killing to murder.
of his right hand, it was found that his injuries would
take less than 30 days to heal. Attempted or Frustrated Homicide or Murder? – How
will we determine:
Issue: Whether accused should be held liable for less
serious physical injuries or attempted murder. 1. Determine if there is a qualifying circumstance to make
it murder
Ruling: Accused should be held liable for attempted 2. Determine if it is homicide or murder either in the
murder. The fact that Marasigan was successful in frustrated or attempted stage based on the nature of
blocking the blow with his hand does not, in and of wounds inflicted upon the victim.
itself, mean that respondents could not have possibly
killed him. It does not negate any homicidal intent. It Would it have caused the death of the victim?
remains that respondent Fuentes attempted to hit a. Yes – Frustrated homicide or frustrated murder as the
petitioner on the head with a hollow block while case may be depending on the presence or absence of
Calilan and Lindo made efforts to restrain petitioner. qualifying aggravating circumstances
There is also reasonable basis for appreciating how the
attack on petitioner was made with respondents b. No – only attempted homicide or murder as the case
taking advantage of their numerical superiority. may be. If the wounds are superficial, albeit there is
intent to kill, it will only be attempted homicide or
Article 6 providing for stages of commission
– if this can be memorized, will help a lot for the purposes RAPE – The old case of Iriña saying that there can be
of the bar. frustrated rape is abandoned in Orita. In the latter, the
slightest penetration in the labia majora is enough to N.B. The treble division of persons criminally responsible
consummate the crime of rape by sexual intercourse. for an offense rests upon the very nature of their
participation in the commission of the crime.
In Campuan, there was only an attempted rape because
the evidence did not show that there was any The ACCESSORIES are not liable for light felonies because
penetration. There is no longer frustrated rape. in the commission of light felonies, the social wrong as
well as the individual prejudice is so small that penal
THEFT – In the case of Valenzuela, in which the accused, sanction is deemed not necessary for accessories
after stealing, ran but was caught. He was contending
that he cannot be liable for consummated theft because RULES RELATIVE TO LIGHT FELONIES
he was not able to dispose the thing that was stolen.
1. Light felonies are punishable only when they have
The SC said that the mere unlawful taking of personal been consummated.
property belonging to another consummates the crime
of theft. The ability of the accused to dispose the thing 2. But when light felonies are committed against persons
stolen is not an element of the crime of theft. There can or property, the are punishable even if they are only in
be no frustrated theft. It can ONLY be attempted on the attempted or frustrated stage of the execution.
3. Only principals and accomplices are liable for light
BRIBERY – Here, the accused attempts to offer a reward, felonies.
promise, gift, or consideration so that the public officer
will perform an act that is contrary to law. 4. Accessories are not liable for light felonies, even if they
are committed against persons or property.
What if the public officer receives the thing offered and
eventually returns it? Is it attempted or frustrated N.B. Only natural persons can be the active subject of
bribery? crime because of the highly personal nature of the
NO. It will be attempted corruption of a public official. criminal responsibility.
ROBBERY – there can be attempted frustrated robbery Only a natural person can be the offender because:
under Article 297. There is a special complex crime of
attempted or frustrated robbery with homicide, which 1. The RPC requires that the culprit should have acted
shows that the law recognizes the possibility of with personal malice or negligence. An artificial or
attempted or frustrated robbery. juridical person cannot act with malice or negligence.
Two or more persons who took part in the commission Further Dacillo’s admission that he participated in the
of the crime are principals by direct participation, when commission of the crime by holding Rosemarie’s legs
the following requisites are present: made him a principal by direct participation.
1. That they participated in the criminal resolution; and
2. That they carried out their plan and personally took Benito v. People
part in its execution by acts which directly tended to the G.R. No. 204644, 11 February 2015
same end.
Facts: Agbulos is a jeweler. She entered into several
First requisite – Participation in the criminal resolution transactions for the sale of jewelry with Abadilla.
Agbulos received pieces of jewelry from Abadilla and
Two or more persons are said to have agreed that Agbulos would return the pieces of
participated in the criminal resolution when they were in jewelry in the afternoon should Agbulos fail to sell
conspiracy at the time of the commission of the crime. them. During all these transactions, Agbulos was
accompanied by Benito. On their third transaction,
It is well settled that a person may be convicted Agbulos failed to sell the jewelry. Abadilla deposited
for the criminal act of another where, between them, the checks issued by Agbulos to her, which were all
there has been conspiracy or unity of purpose and dishonored. Upon investigation, Abadilla learned that
intention in the commission of the crime charged. the jewelry she gave to Agbulos were delivered by
Benito to a pawnshop under the name “Linda Chua.”
Second requisite – that the culprits “carried out their Agbulos and Benito were charged with estafa.
plan and personally took part in its execution, by acts
which directly tended to the same end.” Ruling: Benito is neither a principal by direct
participation or a conspirator to the crime of estafa
committed by Agbulos. Only Agbulos received the 2. That such inducement be the determining
pieces of jewelry from Abadilla, and Benito was merely cause of the commission of the crime by the material
"present during the negotiation." Even assuming that executor.
Benito accompanied Agbulos, this does not prove that
Benito received any jewelry from Abadilla. Moreover, PROPOSAL TO COMMIT A
when Agbulos failed to return the jewelry in the PRINCIPAL BY FELONY
afternoon she received on June 9, 14, and 16, 1994, INDUCEMENT
she was already presumed to have misappropriated
the jewelry, for which there is no more need to There is an inducement to commit a crime.
present any act to prove the misappropriation.
Consequently, the estafa had already been The principal by The mere proposal to
consummated when "Linda Chua" allegedly pawned inducement becomes commit a felony is
the jewelry on June 17, 1994. Benito, who was liable only when the punishable in treason and
allegedly "Linda Chua," cannot be held criminally liable crime is committed by rebellion. The person to
with Agbulos. "There can be no ex post the principal by direct whom the proposal is made
facto conspiracy to do that which has already been participation. should not commit the
done and consummated." crime; otherwise, the
proponent becomes a
PRINCIPAL BY INDUCEMENT principal by inducement.
“Those who directly force or induce others to commit a
a. By using IRRESISTIBLE FORCE RSE: Those are the two crimes in the RPC
b. By causing UNCONTROLLABLE FEAR consisting of proposal:
(a) proposal to commit treason and
2. BY DIRECTLY INDUCING ANOTHER TO COMMIT A (b) proposal to commit rebellion.
There is no other felony of this nature under the RPC.
a. By giving price, or offering reward or promise.
b. By using words of command. Proposal, under Art. 8, is not really punishable unless
there is a specific legal provision providing definition on
Requisites: punishment of penalty for such conspiracy and proposal.
1. That the inducement be made directly with
the intention of procuring the commission of the crime; e.g.
and Under the RPC, there is conspiracy to commit:
a. A thoughtless expression without intention to • Treason
produce the result is not an inducement to • Rebellion
commit a crime. • Coup d’ etat
• Sedition
b. The inducement may be by acts of command, • Under Art. 187 (Combination in Restraint of Trade)
advice, or through influence, or agreement for
consideration. Other conspiracies punished under SPL – conspiracy to
• Terrorism
• Sale, distribution, and transportation of dangerous of the prosecution, and casting reasonable doubt on
drugs the culpability of Ambagan.
• Arson
RSE: You have seen that without a principal by direct
EFFECTS OF ACQUITTAL OF PRINCIPAL BY DIRECT participation who committed the crime, the criminal
PARTICIPATION UPON THE LIABILITY OF PRINCIPAL BY liability of one who purportedly induced the principal by
INDUCEMENT direct participation to commit the crime cannot be
• Conspiracy is negated by the acquittal of co- established.
• One cannot be held guilty of having instigated So it will depend first on the commission of the crime and
the commission of a crime without first being the criminal liability of the principal by direct
shown that the crime has been actually participation to the extent that there is an evidence
committed by another. shown that the principal by inducement forced the
principal by direct participation to commit the crime
Ambagan v. People then both of them should be held criminally liable. The
G.R. Nos. 204481-82, 13 November 2015 inducement consists of simply,
Facts: Two persons were killed during the July 5, 2004 Q: Under exempting circumstances, if the principal by
shooting incident supposedly induced by accused direct participation has no option but to follow the
Ambagan. According to one prosecution witness, instruction of somebody who has exerted force upon
Ambagan allegedly uttered the sentence, "Sige, yan him, compelled him with a threat to his life then the
pala ang gusto mo. Mga kasama banatan na ninyo principal by direct participation commit the crime, will
yan!" which impelled his bodyguards to open fire at the principal by direct participation be held liable?
Santos and Bawalan. However, this testimony was not A: No. Remember it is an exempting circumstance on the
corroborated by the second prosecution witness who part of the principal by direct participation. The one who
was supposedly nearer the accused at the time of the should be held liable is the principal by inducement who
incident. actually exerted force.
However, this Court is not inclined to believe Hence, the principal by direct participation in our
that Ambagan indeed made the declaration that problem is exempt from criminal liability. But the
started the fray. The court a quo failed to take note of exemption does not apply to the principal by
substantial inconsistencies in the testimonies of star inducement.
prosecution witnesses Patam and Ronnel Bawalan.
These contradictions refer not only to minor details e.g. LEADER OF A GROUP
but even to the facts constituting important aspects of
the case, seriously eroding the weight of the evidence
Q: Sometimes the inducement may come from a leader • To be liable as principals, the offender must fall under
of a group in the case of US vs. Indianan (?) wherein the any of the three concepts defined in Article 17.
chieftain of the tribe simply told his men to attack a • There is collective criminal responsibility when the
group of Christians and kill them and the principal by offenders are criminally liable in the same manner and
direct participation committed the killing and the to the same extent. The penalty to be imposed must be
question is W/N Indianan himself may be held liable? the same for all.
• Principals by direct participation have collective
A: Yes. He is liable. It’s like a esprit de corps to follow their criminal responsibility. Principal by induction, except
leader. So there is moral ascendancy towards his men to the one who directly forced another to commit a crime,
follow and kill his victims. and principal by direct participation have collective
criminal responsibility. Principal by indispensable
e.g. PRIZE, PROMISE OR REWARD cooperation has collective criminal responsibility with
the principal by direct participation.
The other situation is if there is a prize promised or
reward or somehow induced the principal by direct People v. Montealegre
participation. 161 SCRA 700 (1988)
CASE: For example, gun for hires. They are hired actually FACTS: Abadilla was eating at a restaurant when he
to kill and there is somebody who paid for their services. detected the smell of marijuana smoke coming from a
If they are caught and they rat on the principal by nearby table. Intending to call a policeman, he went
inducement who gave them the money… outside and saw a police and reported the matter. The
police approached the table and held Montealegre
Do you remember the case of a businessman in Subic and Capalad. Capalad suddenly pulled out his knife
wherein the triggerman admitted that the principal by and started stabbing the police at the back. The police
inducement is the younger brother? In this case, the released the 2 in order to draw his gun but
evidence was established that the latter gave Montealegre restrained the police so that Capalad
instructions and he really is a principal by inducement. may continue stabbing. The 3 grappled and the police
was able to draw his gun and fired at the 2 assailants.
EFFECTS OF ACQUITTAL OF PRINCIPAL BY DIRECT A chase ensued. Capalad was shot which resulted to
PARTICIPATION UPON THE LIABILITY OF PRINCIPAL BY his death. The police also died because of the wounds
INDUCEMENT inflicted by Capalad.
• Conspiracy is negated by the acquittal of co-defendant.
• One cannot be held guilty of having instigated the HELD: The accused was correctly considered a co-
commission of a crime without first being shown that the principal for having collaborated with Capalad in the
crime has been actually committed by another. killing of the police officer. The 2 acted in concert. Even
if the accused did not himself commit the act of
PRINCIPAL BY INDISPENSABLE COOPERATION stabbing, he is nonetheless equally guilty thereof for
“Those who cooperate in the commission of the offense having prevented the police from resisting the attack
by another act without which it would not have been against him. The accused was a principal by
accomplished.” indispensable cooperation.
Requisites: RSE: Here very clearly, there was conspiracy even if they
did not actually discuss that they will kill the police. What
1. Participation in the criminal resolution, that is, Montealegre did here, and ultimately he was the only
there is either anterior conspiracy or unity of criminal one convicted here because his co-conspirator died, the
purpose and intention immediately before the issue is W/N he can be held criminally liable.
commission of the crime charged; and
What was his participation? Montealegre was a principal
2. Cooperation in the commission of the offense by direct participation because without him helping, the
by performing another act, without which it would not police would not have died.
have been accomplished.
Remember that Capalad was killed by the police likewise.
PROBLEM: You have to think of another situation Q: For instance, A commissions B to kill X. There was a
wherein the victim, X, were actually killed by A with the reward or consideration. B without the knowledge of A
help of B and C. B by holding his arms and C holding his borrowed a gun from a friend C of his unsure of how B
legs. will use the gun. B kills X. Can you hold the friend C
liable as principal by indispensable cooperation?
In this case, there is no doubt that A, B and C acted in
concert. A who stabbed the victim is a principal by direct A: Definitely not. First, he did not know the criminal
participation, and B and C who held the arms and legs intention of B. Second, B could have borrowed a gun
are principals by indispensable cooperation. elsewhere and not necessarily from C. That does not
make it “indispensable.”
But there is conspiracy that the act of one is the act of
all. Q: In one case, where a band of robbers/kidnappers
rented a motorized banca from X. The band of the
People v. Fronda accused went to an island used the banca and
222 SCRA 71 (1993) eventually killed their victim. What is the liability of X
who owned the banca?
FACTS: The Balaan brothers were abducted and killed
by members of the New People’s Army. Fronda and A: The owner of the banca cannot be held to be a
Padwa accompanied the rebels to the victims’ house. principal by direct participation. The band could have
They were the ones who tied the hands of the victims rented another motorized banca not rented by X.
and supplied the spade and crowbar for digging the Therefore, there is no indispensable cooperation on the
graves. The trial court convicted Fronda and Padwa as part of the owner.
principals by indispensable cooperation.
HELD: The accused are only accomplices for the crime
can be committed even without their participation. An Accomplices are those persons who, not being included
accomplice is one who cooperates by previous or in Art. 17, cooperate in the execution of the offense by
simultaneous acts and his participation is of a minor previous or simultaneous acts.
character. He must be aware of the criminal intent and
participates by supplying material and moral aid for its • In quasi-collective criminal responsibility, some
execution. of the offenders in the crime are principals and
the others are accomplices.
RSE: The accused were only liable as accomplices but you • The participation of an accomplice presupposes
could say at first glance should have been held as the commission of the crime by the principal by
principals by indispensable cooperation. direct participation.
• When there is no conspiracy between or among
You have to look at it at the point of view of W/N the the defendants but they were animated by one
participation of the accused indeed shows that they and the same purpose to accomplish the criminal
cooperated in the criminal design of the co-accuse. objective, those who cooperated by previous or
simultaneous act but cannot be held liable as
There must be a showing that their acts tended towards principals are accomplices.
the same end that is the accomplishment of the crime • An accomplice does not have a previous
intents to do. agreement or understanding or is not in
conspiracy with the principal by direct
If the participation is somehow ambiguous, the acts participation.
cannot be pinpointed to accomplish the criminal design.
The rule is this, REMEMBER: ambiguous situation should CONSPIRATOR
be resolved in lesser criminal liablity. The lesser liability They know and agree with the criminal design.
in this situation is that they should be treated simply as
accomplices. That’s where the thin line lies.
Conspirators know Accomplices know about the
the criminal criminal intention only after RULES:
intention because the principals have reached • The one who had the original criminal design is
they have decided on the decision to commit a the person who committed the resulting crime.
said course of action. crime. Accomplices only agree • The accomplice, after concurring in the criminal
to cooperate in its execution. purpose of the principal, cooperates by previous
or simultaneous acts.
• When the cooperation is by simultaneous act,
the accomplice takes part while the crime is
being committed by the principal by direct
Conspirators decide Accomplices merely assent to participation or immediately thereafter.
that a crime should the plan and cooperate in its • The accomplice in crimes against persons does
be committed. accomplishment. not inflict the more or most serious wounds.
Conspirators are the Accomplices are merely
authors of a crime. instruments who perform acts
not essential to the
perpetration of the offense. Cooperation is Cooperation is not
indispensable in the indispensable in the
commission of the act. commission of the act.
1. There is a community of design; that is, knowing
the criminal design of the principal by direct
participation, he concurs with the latter in his
2. he cooperates in the execution of the offense by People v. Gambao
previous or simultaneous acts, with the intention G.R. No. 172707, 1 October 2013
of supplying material or moral aid in the
execution of the crime in an efficacious way; and FACTS: Lucia Chan was abducted and brought to a
3. there be a relation between the acts done by the resort in Laguna. The abductors demanded
principal and those attributed to the person Php20,000,000.00 as ransom. The police eventually
charged as accomplice. rescued Chan and arrested the perpetrators. Among
those arrested was Perpenian, who was 17 years old
• The community of design need not be to commit the at the time of the commission of the crime. She
crime actually committed. It is sufficient if there was a chatted with the abductors and claimed that she
common purpose to commit a particular crime and that thought that there was only a swimming party.
the crime actually committed was a natural or probable
consequence of the intended crime. HELD: An accomplice cooperates in the execution by
• The cooperation of an accomplice is not due to a supplying material and moral aid in relation to the acts
conspiracy. done by the principal. In this case, her presence gave
• When the acts of the accused are not indispensable in moral support to the abductors as she kept quiet and
the killing, they are merely accomplices. did not tell the police even when there was obviously
a crime being committed. She is an accomplice to the
• The accomplice merely supplies the principal with kidnapping.
material or moral aid without conspiracy with the
latter. Santiago v. People
• The wounds inflicted by an accomplice in crimes against G.R. No. 200233, 15 July 2015
persons should not have caused the death of the victim.
FACTS: Santos, who had been married to Estela Galang c. by assisting in the escape or concealment of the
since 2 June 1974, asked Santiago to marry him. principal of the crime, provided he acts with abuse of his
Santiago, who was a 43-year-old widow then, married public functions or the principal is guilty of treason,
Santos on 29 July 1997 despite the advice of her parricide, murder, or an attempt to take the life of the
brother-in-law and parents-in-law that if she wanted Chief Executive, or is known to be habitually guilty of
to remarry, she should choose someone who was some other crime.
“without responsibility.” Santiago was convicted as
principal to the crime of bigamy. “knowledge of the commission of the crime”
HELD: Her punishment as a principal to the crime is • Mere possession of stolen property does not
wrong. People v. Archilla holds that the second spouse, make the accused an accessory where the thief
if indicted in the crime of bigamy, is liable only as an was already convicted.
accomplice. In referring to Viada, Justice Luis B. Reyes, • Entertaining suspicion that a crime has been
an eminent authority in criminal law, writes that "a committed is not enough.
person, whether man or woman, who knowingly • Knowledge of the commission of the crime may
consents or agrees to be married to another already be established by circumstantial evidence
bound in lawful wedlock is guilty as an accomplice in
the crime of bigamy." Therefore, her conviction should RSE: Read Article 58, RPC. Take note of this in connection
only be that for an accomplice to the crime. with Art. 19 who acted with abuse of public functions are
concerned. There is additional penalty provided for
RSE: That is an important case. Take note of that in under Article 58.
bigamy, the other party whom the other married party ARTICLE 58, RPC. Additional penalty to be imposed
which is the subsequent marriage is not liable to the upon certain accessories. - Those accessories falling
crime of bigamy but only an accomplice. within the terms of paragraph 3 of article 19 of this
Code who should act with abuse of their public
ACCESSORIES (ARTICLE 19, RPC) functions, shall suffer the additional penalty of
Accessories. — Accessories are those who, having absolute perpetual disqualification if the principal
knowledge of the commission of the crime, and without offender shall be guilty of a grave felony, and that of
having participated therein, either as principals or absolute temporary disqualification if he shall be guilty
accomplices, take part subsequent to its commission in of a less grave felony.
any of the following manners:
“commission of the crime”
1. By profiting themselves or assisting the offender to • the crime committed by the principal must be
profit by the effects of the crime. proved beyond reasonable doubt.
2. By concealing or destroying the body of the crime, or
the effects or instruments thereof, in order to prevent its “without having participated therein either as
discovery. principals or accomplices”
3. By harboring, concealing, or assisting in the escape of
the principals of the crime, provided the accessory acts “take part subsequent to its commission”
with abuse of his public functions or whenever the • The accessory takes part AFTER the crime has
author of the crime is guilty of treason, parricide, been committed.
murder, or an attempt to take the life of the Chief
Executive, or is known to be habitually guilty of some Modes of incurring criminal liability as an accessory:
other crime.
An accessory does not participate in the criminal OFFENDER TO PROFIT BY THE EFFECTS OF THE CRIME
design, nor cooperate in the commission of the felony, • The accessory must receive the property from
but with knowledge of the commission of the crime, he the principal. He should not take it without the
subsequently takes part in 3 ways: consent of the principal, or else, he is not an
a. by profiting from the effects of the crime; accessory but a principal in the crime of theft.
b. by concealing the body, effects or instruments of the • When is profiting by the effect of the crime
crime in order to prevent its discovery; and punished as the act of principal, and not the act
of accessory?
• When a person knowingly acquired or received • However, an accessary is not exempt from
property taken by the brigands. criminal liability if the principal is his nephew or
CRIME TO PREVENT ITS DISCOVERY. An accessory is NOT EXEMPT from criminal
liability even if the principal is related to him, if such
BODY OF THE CRIME –“corpus delicti” which means that accessory:
a specific offense was in fact committed by someone (a) PROFITED by the effects of the crime, or
(b) assisted the offender to profit by the effects of the
3(A): Public officers who harbor conceal or assist in the People v. Talingdan
escape of the principal of any crime (not light felony) with 84 SCRA 19 (1978)
abuse of his public functions
FACTS: Bernardo and Teresa lived together but their
Requisites: relationship has gotten bitter. Bernardo knew that
1. The accessory is a public officer; Teresa had an illicit relationship with Talingdan.
2. He harbors, conceals, or assists in the escape of
the principal; During the testimony of Bernardo and Teresa’s child,
3. The public officer acts with abuse of his public she testified that on the day of Bernardo’s killing,
functions; and there were four men inside their house while
4. The crime committed by the principal is any Bernardo was in the field. Later, when Bernardo went
crime, provided it is not a light felony. to the kitchen, Talingdan and Tobias fired at Bernardo
and thereafter climbed the stairs. Seeing that
3(B) Private persons who harbor, conceal or assist in the Bernardo was alive, Talingdan and Tobias fired at him
escape of the author of the crime – guilty of treason, again. Teresa then went out of her room, and
parricide, murder, or an attempt against the life of the threatened her child that she will kill her if she would
President, or who is known to be habitually guilty of reveal the incident.
some other crime.
HELD: One who conceals or assists in the escape of the
Requisites: principal in the crime can be held guilty as accessory.
1. The accessory is a private person; There is morally convincing proof that Teresa is an
2. He harbors, conceals or assists in the escape of accessory to the offense. She was inside the room
the author of the crime; and when her husband was shot. As she came out after the
3. The crime committed by the principal is either: shooting, she inquired from the child if she was able to
(i) treason, (ii) parricide, (iii) murder, (iv) attempt recognize the assailants and when the latter identified
against the life of the president, or (v) that the the 4 accused as the culprits, Teresa did not only
principal is known to be habitually guilty of some enjoin her daughter not to reveal what she knew to
other crime. anyone but she went to the extent of warning her not
to tell anyone or else she would kill her. Later when
An accessory is exempt from criminal liability, when the the police came, she claimed she had no suspects in
principal to the crime is his: mind. She, thus, became active in her cooperation
1. spouse, with the 4 accused.
2. ascendant,
3. descendant, RSE: About accessories, you have to consider PD 1829 on
4. legitimate, natural or adopted brother, sister or Obstruction of Justice in connection with Article 19 on
relative by affinity within the same degree. accessories.