Swing Grinding Jha
Swing Grinding Jha
Swing Grinding Jha
1. Remove any potential 1a) Body strain from 1a1) Assure operator is Safety Supervisor
fire hazards and lifting/twisting trained in how to lift/twist Operator
combustibles from the without injury
area 1a2) Assure operator has
the strength/capability of
operating the grinder
1b) Potential fire if materials are 1b1) Have a checklist
not moved or other system to
assure materials are
moved to their correct
distance or location.
The operator must
check off the items on
the list prior to beginning
the operation.
1b2) Assure that materials
to be ground are in non-
combustible containers
1c) Seasonal: 1 c1) Drinking water
1. Humidity facility should be available
at work site.
2. Inspect the grinder to 2a) Operator getting caught in a 2a1) Assure that pinch Safety Supervisor
assure it is in good pinch point points are properly Operator
operating condition guarded.
2a2) Assure that operator
is aware of where pinch
points are.
2b) Body strain from lifting 2b1) Assure operator is
grinder trained in how to lift/twist
without injury
2b2) Assure operator has
the strength/capability of
operating the grinder
2c) Dust or particles in eye 2c1) Assure proper eye
from previous activity or protection (full face shield
unkempt workplace or
welding mask)
2c2) Assure
housekeeping is
performed after each
grinding operation, as
needed between
grinding operations and
as needed during
grinding operations
to reduce or eliminate dust
from area.
2d) Potential for breaking 2d1) Assure operator or
grinding wheel if inspection is not other appropriate
performed or performed individual performs
improperly appropriate inspection(s)
prior to each grinding
operation or weekly,
whichever is more
frequent. (The inspection
can be part of the checklist
in 1b1.)
3. Assure all castings 3a) Wasted energy to start and 3a1) Have a checklist Safety Supervisor
and materials to be stop grinder if materials are not or other system to Operator
ground are accessible, accessible assure materials are
but out of way of any moved to their correct
direct hazards distance or location.
The operator must
check off the items on
the list prior to beginning
the operation.
3b) Potential fire or tripping 3b1) Have a checklist
hazard if materials are in the or other system to
way. assure materials are
moved to their correct
distance or location.
The operator must
check off the items on
the list prior to beginning
the operation.
3b2) Assure appropriate
fire protection systems are
in place and operational.
4. Double check 4a) Potential to break 4a1) Assure operator or other Safety Supervisor
the grinding grinding wheel if improper appropriate individual Operator
wheel to assure size or type for operation performs appropriate
is it the proper inspection(s) prior to each
size and strength grinding operation or weekly,
to perform the whichever is more frequent.
operation (The inspection can be part of
the checklist
in 1b1.)
4a2) Assure proper eye
protection (full face shield or
welding mask)
5. Put on 5a) Hearing loss 5a1) Assure proper hearing Safety Supervisor
Personal from excessive protection is used by
Protective noise operator and any other
Equipment exposed people.
5a2) Assure noise levels
require hearing protection
5a3) Assure grinder is
operating at appropriate
velocity and parts are
properly secured to
vibration, noise and potential
for breakage.
5b) Burns from grinding 5b1) Assure proper clothing
dust and sparks (long pants, long sleeve
shirts, leggings and/or
protective sleeves, and
gloves) are worn during
5c) Body strain from 5c1) Assure operator is trained
lifting, movement while in how to lift/twist
without injury
grinding and/or vibration 5c2) Assure operator has
the strength/capability of
operating the grinder
5c3) Assure grinder is
operating at appropriate
velocity and parts are
properly secured to
5d) Dust or particles in eye 5d1) Assure proper eye
protection (full face shield or
welding mask)
5d2) Assure housekeeping
is performed after each
grinding operation, as
needed between grinding
operations and as needed
during grinding operations
to reduce or eliminate dust
from area.
6. Turn grinder on 6a) Potential for breaking 6a1) Assure operator or other Safety Supervisor
grinding wheel if inspection appropriate individual Operator
is not performed or performs appropriate
performed improperly inspection(s) prior to each
grinding operation or weekly,
whichever is more frequent.
(The inspection can be part of
the checklist
in 1b1.)
6a2) Assure grinder is
operating at appropriate
velocity and parts are
properly secured to
7. Grind Billets 7a) Body strain 7a1) Assure operator is trained Safety Supervisor
from in how to lift/twist Operator
lifting/twisting without injury
7a2) Assure operator has the
strength/capability of
operating the grinder
7b) Potential fire if 7b1) Have a checklist or
materials are not moved other system to assure
materials are moved to
their correct distance or
location. The operator
must check off the items
the list prior to beginning the
7b2) Assure appropriate fire
protection systems are
in place and operational.
7b3) Assure housekeeping
is performed after each
grinding operation, as
needed between grinding
operations and as needed
during grinding operations
to reduce or eliminate dust
from area.
( 7. Grind Billets, 7c) Operator getting caught in 7c1) Assure that pinch points are
Continued) a pinch point, or laceration properly guarded.
from contact with grinding 7c2) Assure that operator is aware
surface of where pinch
points are.
7c3) Assure that proper
protective clothing (long pants,
long sleeve shirts, leggings
and/or protective
sleeves, and gloves) are worn
during operation.
7d) Dust or particles in eye 7d1) Assure proper eye protection
from previous activity or (full face shield or
unkempt workplace welding mask)
7d2) Assure housekeeping is
performed after each grinding
operation, as needed between
grinding operations and as
needed during grinding
to reduce or eliminate dust from
7e) Potential for breaking 7e1) Assure operator or other
grinding wheel if inspection is appropriate individual performs
not performed or performed appropriate inspection(s) prior to
improperly each grinding operation or weekly,
whichever is more frequent. (The
inspection can be part of the
in 1b1.)
7e2) Assure grinder is
operating at appropriate
velocity and parts are
properly secured to reduce
vibration, noise and potential for
7e3) Assure grinding wheel is
properly guarded.
7e4) Assure materials are properly
secured during
7f) Wasted energy to start and 7f1) Have a checklist or other
stop grinder if materials are system to assure materials are
not accessible moved to their correct distance
or location. The operator must
check off the items on
the list prior to beginning the
7g) Potential fire or tripping 7g1) Have a checklist or other
hazard if materials are in the system to assure materials are
way. moved to their correct distance
or location. The operator must
check off the items on
the list prior to beginning the
7h) Hearing loss from 7h1) Assure proper hearing
excessive noise protection is used by
operator and any other exposed
7h2) Assure noise levels require
hearing protection
7h3) Assure grinder is operating at
velocity and parts are
properly secured to reduce
vibration, noise and potential
for breakage.
7i) Burns from grinding dust 7i1) Assure that proper
and sparks protective clothing (long pants,
long sleeve shirts, leggings
and/or protective
sleeves, and gloves) are worn
during operation.
7i2) Assure proper eye protection
(full face shield or
welding mask)
7i3) Assure housekeeping is
performed after each grinding
operation, as needed between
grinding operations and as
needed during grinding
to reduce or eliminate dust from
7i4) Assure proper eye protection
(full face shield or
welding mask)
8. Dumping Of a. Faulty Trolley a. Tool checklist before start of job. Safety Supervisor
Debris Usage of safety gloves. Worker
b. Dust b. Dust mask to be worn when
c. Flying Splinters c. Proper PPEs to be worn while
d. Wrong body d. Proper supervision along with
posture during work. awareness about the hazards is to be
provided to workers on timely basis.
e. Thunderstorm e. Stop the work immediately & take
f. Backpain f. Small gaps to be provided within the
work. Periodic medical check up.