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Abstract—In many conventional Internet-of-Things (IoT) An IoT gateway is a crucial element between various smart
applications, data are transferred directly from the sensor devices and cloud applications, which is the core of the
network to the cloud via a gateway for further data process- network layer connecting smart IoT devices of the bottom
ing. However, this typical usage of a gateway is not suitable for
every application. For short-range IoT wireless protocols [e.g., layer (perception layer) to various applications in the upper
Bluetooth low energy (BLE)], multiple gateways are required to application layer [8]. It is responsible for some essential tasks,
achieve broader coverage, which is inconvenient. In this article, such as translating protocols between sensors and the Internet
an edge-based hybrid network system architecture is presented. and providing local data storage [9]–[11]. In many cloud-based
The proposed system consists of hybrid routers and an IoT gate- IoT applications, the data acquired from sensors are directly
way. The router supports two wireless protocols, BLE and long
range (LoRa), and is equipped with a solar energy harvester to transferred to a centralized server via gateway devices for data
extend the router’s lifetime. It can extend the coverage of short- processing, analyzing, and storing, after which data consumers
range BLE network by utilizing LoRa wireless technology, and can access the required information [12]. However, with the
support fundamental edge computing tasks such as preliminary increasing of IoT devices and data, the network bandwidth
data processing. The IoT gateway can support multiple IoT pro- (BW) is becoming a bottleneck of cloud computing. The pri-
tocols, including LoRa, BLE, and XBee. It can perform more
advanced edge computing tasks, such as data filtering, storage, mary limitation of cloud computing is delay [13]. Besides,
processing, user interface, and cloud connection. Three case stud- since the cloud server is typically located in a centralized posi-
ies incorporating a wearable safety monitoring sensor network, tion that is far away from the IoT devices, cloud computing
a healthcare monitoring application, and a smart hospital appli- mainly relies on the Internet protocol (IP) network. As a con-
cation are studied with the proposed edge network system to sequence, once the IP connection becomes intermittent, users
demonstrate its promising capabilities to support IoT applica-
tions. Experimental evaluations indicate that by processing data may lose access to the data and services. This typical usage of
at the edge, the minimal delay is only 11.5 ms. Furthermore, with a gateway and cloud-based computing is not suitable for appli-
the hybrid LoRa network implementation, the BLE network can cations that require real-time and low-latency feedback, such
be extended to 2.4 km. as healthcare, emergency monitoring, and safety applications.
Index Terms—Bluetooth low energy (BLE), edge computing, Edge computing and fog computing are efficient enabling
gateway, Internet of Things (IoT), long range (LoRa), wireless technologies that allow computation and storage to be per-
sensor network. formed or located at the edge of the network in proximity
to IoT devices and sensors rather than processed in the
cloud server [12]–[15]. The concept of edge/fog computing
is proposed by researchers in multiple works in the present
NTERNET of Things (IoT) has become a promising tech-
I nological paradigm in current and future generations of
networking, sensing, and data collection in many environ-
IoT design paradigm [16]–[21]. They can reduce the delay
and latency, improve scalability, address the safety and pri-
vacy issue, and mitigate network traffic burden and BW. Both
ments. It is predicted that by 2030, 100 billion devices will fog and edge computing are heterogeneous network infras-
be connected to the Internet [1]. These devices will be widely tructure and can be connected to edge devices via various
deployed in different IoT application domains, such as smart wireless technologies [e.g., ZigBee, Bluetooth low energy
cities, healthcare monitoring, smart agriculture, and cam- (BLE), long range (LoRa), etc.]. Edge-/fog-assisted system
pus monitoring [2]–[7]. With the increasing demand for IoT design can interoperate with all these edge devices and support
devices, there is a need for a generalized IoT architecture that different IoT services even though the Internet connection is
can support better multiple IoT applications and standards. intermittent.
Manuscript received September 24, 2020; revised December 15, 2020; The terms of fog computing and edge computing can be
accepted December 23, 2020. Date of publication January 11, 2021; interchangeable, but fog computing focuses more on the infras-
date of current version June 7, 2021. This work was supported by the tructure side, where edge computing focuses more on the
Australian Research Council Future Fellowships under Grant FT130100430.
(Corresponding author: Mehmet Rasit Yuce.) things side [12]. In addition, the function of fog comput-
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems ing can sometimes be interchangeable with edge computing.
Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC 3800, Australia (e-mail: According to [22], fog computing and edge computing are;;; synonymous with the tasks executed at somewhere between
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3050445 the cloud and end devices rather than at the cloud center.
c 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Newcastle. Downloaded on June 16,2021 at 01:04:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fog computing emphasizes more on a virtualized platform, application. Section V discusses the second use case, namely,
which can be a distributed infrastructure, such as a dedicated a healthcare monitoring sensor network. Section VI presents
fog server. In contrast, edge computing is closer to the IoT the third use case, namely, a smart hospital application.
devices. The computing can be performed in a dedicated gate- Section VII concludes this work.
way device, a simple network router, or even IoT end devices,
such as a smartphone or smartwatch.
Different wireless protocols are typically required to con- II. R ELATED W ORKS
nect IoT sensors to the edge computing devices. Short-range There have been multiple IoT applications based on edge
wireless protocols such as BLE generally have a limited range computing concepts providing and supporting better QoS for
of up to 100 m, and they cannot connect to the Internet the applications. One typical edge-based architecture to sup-
directly [23], [24]. Hence, multiple gateways are required to port the healthcare industry is presented in [9]. The researchers
enable the Internet connection to cover a larger area and con- propose an edge architecture named BodyEdge, which consists
nect these devices to the Internet. However, gateway devices of a tiny mobile client BodyClient (BE-MBC) and a gateway
are generally more expensive than IoT end devices and com- (BE-GTW) device. The BE-MBC is a software application
plicated in terms of network protocol, hardware, and software that can be installed on a smartphone and communicate with
implementation, which are challenging to implement and will body sensors. Such an edge architecture greatly supports the
increase the total deployment cost. Hybrid networks can be healthcare applications in local environments, and in addition,
utilized to tackle some of these issues by combining long- it reduces the data traffic toward the cloud.
range wireless technologies with short-range technologies to The work [11] presents an edge-based gateway design for
improve the coverage. Emerging low-power wide-area network smart IoT healthcare applications. The features of the smart
(LPWAN) technologies, such as LoRa, Sigfox, and narrow e-Health gateway (UT-GATE) are: 1) local data processing
band Internet of Things (NB-IoT), can be applied to increase capabilities; 2) adaptivity; 3) local storage; 4) local actuation;
the network coverage [25]–[27]. For instance, the work in [25] 5) security; 6) interoperability and reconfigurability; 7) IoT
proposes an information monitoring based on LoRa and NB- device discovery and mobility support; 8) energy efficiency
IoT. The work in [26] proposes an approach by using various support for sensor nodes; and 9) reduced latency. Local data
sub-GHz technologies (e.g., XBee-PRO 900HP and XBee analysis module can greatly improve the system reliability in
868LP) to extend the range of short-range IoT protocols. the case of unavailability of Internet connection. Such an edge-
In this article, an IoT edge architecture incorporating an based smart gateway can help to improve challenges, such
edge gateway and a hybrid edge router that can support as mobility, energy efficiency, scalability, interoperability, and
multiple wireless technologies and applications is presented. security issue.
The proposed gateway can support different wireless proto- Another fog computing-based IoT architecture is proposed
cols, provide local storage, enhance data security, and provide in [26]. The authors propose a hybrid architecture consisting of
local data processing and filtering functions. The edge router micro IoT collectors uHub and more powerful macro gateways
can connect the short-range IoT devices with a remote gateway to combine the short-range radio technologies with long-range
via a LoRa-based LPWAN network. Such an edge system can radio technologies. The uHub provides services in microenvi-
facilitate the deployment process for various IoT applications, ronments using IEEE 802.15.4/IEEE 802.11 technologies. It
extend the range of short-distance IoT protocols, improve the has the ability to collect data from connected networks, store
IoT heterogeneity, as well as provide better Quality of Service data in the local database, transmit the data to the cloud via
(QoS). Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) protocol, as well as
The major contributions of this article are as follows. forward data to macro IoT gateways via a sub-GHz network
1) We propose an edge-computing-based system architec- for further processing. The macro IoT gateway where the data
ture with a hybrid router and an edge gateway for processing is performed has higher performance compared to
connected safety and healthcare IoT applications. uHub and is providing services in wider areas. This approach
2) We design the software architecture of the gateway to is of great importance for smart cities and smart campus mon-
support advanced edge computing tasks. The gateway itoring scenarios with improved connectivity and processing
supports multiple wireless protocols and provides local power of the short-ranged IoT devices.
database, data processing, and cloud connection. Fraga-Lamas et al. proposed a fog computing-based archi-
3) We design the hardware and software components of the tecture using LoRaWAN for smart campus applications [28].
hybrid router to extend the coverage of short-range BLE The architecture comprises three layers: 1) bottom; 2) middle;
protocol and perform some basic edge computing tasks. and 3) top layer. This is one of the few academic solutions
4) We integrate and evaluate the proposed edge architecture that is based on LoRaWAN infrastructure and fog comput-
with three practical IoT applications, demonstrating its ing methodology. The bottom layer is the node layer, which
promising capabilities. contains multiple LoRaWAN nodes deployed across the cam-
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. pus. The middle later contains multiple fog gateways that
Section II discusses some related works. Section III presents provide fast location-aware responses to the nodes’ requests.
the system architecture and focuses on both the design and By adopting fog computing concept, the fog nodes through-
implementation of the gateway and router. Section IV dis- out the campus support physically distributed, low latency, and
cusses the first use case, namely, a wearable safety monitoring location-aware applications that reduce the network traffic and
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Newcastle. Downloaded on June 16,2021 at 01:04:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
H ARDWARE I MPLEMENTATION OF U SE C ASE 1 response from the router or gateway. Second, the network can
cover a large area with the help of the router. The hybrid
network architecture with BLE and LoRa can significantly
improve the network coverage and reduce the need for multiple
gateway implementations.
1) Hardware Implementation: The wearable sensor node
utilized in this work is an improved version of our previous
work [34]. A higher performance, BLE embedded, and lower
power consumption MCU (nRF52840), and a new power man-
agement circuit are implemented in the wearable node as
demonstrated in Fig. 6. Apart from the BLE network, a long-
range and low-power LoRa module (RFM95) is also included
module (RFM95) supports long-distance data transmission. in the wearable sensor node. Therefore, the sensed data not
There is an onboard environmental sensor BME280 for sensing only can be transmitted via BLE network but also by the
the temperature and relative humidity near the router location. LoRa network to reduce the dependency on multiple gateways.
Therefore, the router itself can be used as an environmental The power management circuit includes an energy harvest-
sensor node to detect the environments. ing unit (ADP5090) and an ultralow-power boost regulator
(MAX17222), which can harvest the energy from solar and
C. Overview of Case Studies With the Proposed Architecture provide enough power for the rest of the circuit with low power
The proposed edge architecture can be integrated with consumption.
different IoT applications. Three use cases are studied to 2) Experimental Implementation: During the test, two
demonstrate how the proposed system can benefit differ- wearable sensor nodes are worn by two subjects. The gate-
ent IoT applications. Different aspects, experiments, and way is installed near the window inside a laboratory that is
results are evaluated and discussed, demonstrating the edge on the second floor. A router node is installed off the campus
system’s promising capabilities to benefit IoT applications and to help route the data packet from wearable sensor nodes to
heterogeneity. the gateway. It is installed at a location where it can directly
connect to the gateway without additional hops.
For network configuration, sensor nodes can communicate
with a router via either BLE or LoRa network or directly with
a gateway via the LoRa network. Therefore, if the sensor node
A. System Implementation is within the BLE network range of a router, the data are trans-
The first case study is a wearable safety monitoring appli- mitted via the BLE. After data are received by the router, the
cation, which must be capable of measuring safety-related router will forward this information to the gateway via LoRa.
environments, transmitting data reliably to the gateway and If it is outside the BLE range, the data will be transmitted
the cloud server, and performing some edge tasks to pro- via LoRa, and these data can also be received by the gate-
vide low-latency decision making. The system architecture is way. Therefore, the data processing module of the gateway is
presented in Fig. 5. The hardware implementation is presented required to filter out all the duplicated data transmitted from
in Table II. The network is tested in a campus environ- the same nodes.
ment to monitor some safety-related environments, such as
temperature, humidity, and ultraviolet (UV) index.
The safety monitoring application has two main require- B. Experimental Evaluation and Discussion
ments: 1) short response time and 2) long-range data transmis- 1) Network Testing: LoRa should be configured to transmit
sion, which can be realized by the proposed edge system. First, data at a relatively long-range while maintaining data rate and
with the integration of the router and gateway, the network average transmission time. Higher spreading factor (SF) results
system can detect and trigger an alarm for the safety work- in longer range but lower data rate and longer transmission
ers as soon as any emergency detected. This is demonstrated time. An increase in BW will reduce the receiver sensitivity
by measuring the time delay that the system requires to get a and lower the transmission time. Lower coding rate (CR) is
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Fig. 11. Website hosted on the local gateway demonstrating the heart rate
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Fig. 13. (a) DER versus number of nodes with fixed spreading factor.
(b) DER versus number of nodes with 5 min transmitting interval.
Fig. 12. Contact tracing and hand hygiene activities monitoring in smart
hospital applications. messages over a period of time, which can be used to present
the network scalability and packet delivery rate. Here, we
configure the LoRa modem the same as case study 1 with
VI. C ASE S TUDY 3—S MART H OSPITAL FOR C ONTACT different transmitting intervals, number of nodes, and SFs.
T RACING AND H AND H YGIENE M ONITORING The results are presented in Fig. 13. As can be seen from
A. System Implementation Fig.13(a), the DER increases as the transmitting interval
increases and decreases with the increasing number of nodes.
The third case study is a smart hospital application tar-
The DER is still higher than 0.97 when there are 50 LoRa
geting contact tracing and hand hygiene monitoring. The
nodes. Higher SF increases the time of air, which will result
system architecture with single ward scenario is presented
in higher packet collision and lower DER. With SF 12, the
in Fig. 12 [35], which consists of wearable BLE devices,
DER reduces significantly to approximately 0.82 compared
two smart hand-washing dispensers, a hybrid router, an IoT
to SF 7 and 9 as demonstrated in Fig.13(b).
gateway, and a cloud server. Within a hospital ward, when a
A further field test involving ten LoRa routers (SF 9, CR
health professional wearing a wearable BLE device enters the
4/7, and BW 125 kHz) to simulate a 10-ward hospital envi-
room, his/her ID information and present time can be con-
ronment has been tested with the gateway. Routers are placed
stantly monitored and recorded by smart dispensers as well as
in a building where the furthest one is 130 m from the gate-
any hand-washing activities. The monitored information will
way. Each router is configured to transmit data to the gateway
be forwarded to the gateway and cloud server. Therefore, the
at an interval of 5 min. Over a period of 10 h, 1200 LoRa
health professional’s close contacts as well as places he/she
packets are transmitted, and 1190 packets are successfully
has been to can be recorded for contact tracing purposes. The
received. The DER is 0.991. From the above results, the
hand-washing information recorded by smart dispensers can
proposed edge architecture is cable of covering a small-sized
also be utilized to improve hand hygiene compliance rates.
hospital and providing a reliable network solution. Since the
Our edge architecture can play important roles in reliable
router is responsible for each ward’s data collection and pro-
wireless data collection and edge computing tasks for this
viding any feedback if necessary, the BLE network coverage
smart hospital application. In a multiple wards scenario, each
is greatly enhanced by LoRa and the system’s response time
ward can be regarded as an isolated edge system. Only the
can be further shortened by local data processing capabili-
router collects, manages, and forwards any data from dis-
ties at the router and the gateway. Furthermore, the private
pensers and wearable IDs to the gateway via a private LoRa
and encrypted LoRa network does not rely on any commer-
network. The private network only covers targeted hospital
cial LoRa networks, which can address better the privacy and
buildings, which is secure, reliable and can protect better the
security concerns in the smart hospital settings.
privacy of healthcare works as all the data are encrypted dur-
ing the transmission and only accessible by authorized people.
Data storage, analysis, security, and cloud connection func-
tions can be performed to support the contact tracing and hand VII. C ONCLUSION
hygiene monitoring. Such usage of the proposed edge archi- In this article, we have introduced the design of an edge
tecture reduces the requirement of a gateway in each ward, architecture consisting of a hybrid router and a gateway that
improves the network coverage, and supports several edge can be used for various IoT applications. The IoT gateway
computing tasks. has been designed to support multiple protocols and perform
some higher level edge computing tasks, for instance, local
data storage, cloud connection, data processing, local UI, and
B. Experimental Results and Discussion data filtering. The hybrid router can extend the range of short-
An open-source LoRa network simulator named range wireless protocols such as BLE to a remote location
LoRaSim [36] is utilized to test the network scalability. via a LoRa network. It can also perform some fundamental
In this simulator, users can define the number of nodes, edge tasks, for example, preliminary data filtering, data stor-
average sending interval, simulation time, and LoRa modem age, and prompt response. The system has been verified and
configuration to simulate the data extraction rate (DER). DER studied with three practical IoT applications to demonstrate
is defined as the ratio of received messages to transmitted its feasibility. Such a system architecture can be integrated
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less sensor network, wearable biomedical sensors,
IoT-connected healthcare applications, and energy
harvesting techniques.
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