Organic COncoctions Manual
Organic COncoctions Manual
Organic COncoctions Manual
Learning Outcomes:
LO1. Prepare for the production of various concoctions and extracts
LO2. Processing and packaging concoctions and extracts
Assessment Criteria:
1. Work and storage areas are cleaned, sanitized and secured.
2. Raw materials used are cleaned and freed from synthetic
3. Tools, materials and equipment used are cleaned, free from
contaminations and must be of “food grade” quality
4. Personal hygiene are observed according to OHS procedures.
5. Raw materials are prepared in accordance with enterprise practice.
6. Fermentation period is set based on enterprise practice.
7. Various concoctions are fermented following to organic practices.
8. Concoctions are harvested based on fermentation period of the
9. Concoctions are contained in sanitized bottles and containers.
10. Packaged concoctions are labeled and tagged in accordance with
enterprise practice.
11.Packaged concoctions are stored in appropriate place and
temperature following organic practices.
12.Production of concoctions are recorded using enterprise
Assessment Criteria:
• Work and storage areas are cleaned, sanitized and secured.
• Raw materials used are cleaned and freed from synthetic
• Tools, materials and equipment used are cleaned, freed from
contaminations and must be of “food grade” quality
• Personal hygiene are observed according to OHS procedures.
• Tools in the preparation of concoctions
- plastic pail with cover (3 L capacity)
- chopping board
- weighing scale, 2 kilo capacity
- plastic pail without cover
- strainer or nylon screen, fine mesh net
- storage container with cap (1.5 L capacity)
- stone (weight), 0.5 kg
- knife
- marker pen
- masking tape
- storage tool/cabinet
- scissors
- First Aid Kit
- wooden ladle
- wooden box or bamboo split-open or plastic tray
- waste can
• training equipment:
- LCD projector with screen
- desktop computer or laptop
- printer
• reference materials
- hard copy of the procedure in preparing various concoctions
- Philippine National Standard as fertilizer, and pesticides
- checklist of allowed materials based on Appendix 2 of PNS
Assessment Methods:
• Demonstration
• Observation with Questioning
• Written Examination
Learning Outcome Summary
Assessment Criteria:
• Raw materials are prepared in accordance with enterprise practice.
• Fermentation period is set based on enterprise practice.
• Various concoctionsarefermented following to organic practices.
• Concoctions are harvested based on fermentation period of the
• Concoctions are contained in sanitized bottles and containers.
• Packaged concoctions are labeled and tagged in accordance with
enterprise practice.
• Packaged concoctions are stored in appropriate place and
temperature following organic practices.
• Production of concoctions are recorded using enterprise
• tools:
- plastic pail with cover (3 L capacity)
- chopping board
- weighing scale, 2 kilo capacity
- plastic pail without cover
- strainer or nylon screen, fine mesh net
- storage container with cap (1.5 L capacity)
- stone (weight), 0.5 kg
- knife
- marker pen
- masking tape
- storage tool/cabinet
- scissors
- First Aid Kit
- wooden ladle
- wooden box or bamboo split-open or plastic tray
- waste can
- record book
- plastic bottles with resealable caps
• training equipment
- LCD projector with screen
- desktop computer or laptop
• facilities
- booth/temporary shed
- storage area
Assessment Methods:
• Demonstration
• Observation with Questioning
• Written Examination
Information Sheet 4.1-1
Preparing for the Production of Various
Concoctions and Extracts
Learning Objectives:
The current economic situation and the prevailing condition of our natural
resources including the rising cost of inorganic fertilizers requires farmers
nowadays to look into alternative measures to sustain the farming business
The following are the needed to know-how organic concoctions and extracts
that would eventually help the farmers improve their farming.
Indigenous Microorganisms
►►The use of IMO as foliar fertilizer- Mix 2 tablespoons of IMO per liter of
clean water and directly spray to plants. Spray the IMO mixture into the leaves
of the plants or the soil early in the morning at 4:00 – 6:00 AM or in the
afternoon at about 5:00 PM until sunset (when microorganisms are very
►►In rice fields, spread immediately newly threshed rice straws, to avoid
burning, and spray the whole area with IMO at least 2 times before land
preparation or plowing, at 8 tbsp/liter for this purpose.
►►Spray IMO immediately after leveling with the same dosage. Use IMO every
7-10 days on newly planted seedlings until maturity for rice, corn, vegetables
and fruit trees at the rate of tablespoons per liter.
►►For foliar spray to orchids, ornamentals, vegetables, cereals and fruit trees.
Use 2 tablespoons FAA per liter of clean water. Use new sprayer, otherwise
clean the sprayer thoroughly before using. Spray the leaves of plants or the
soil. Spray every 7 days on newly planted seedlings until fruiting stage. Spray
early in the morning at 4:00 AM to 6:00 AM or in the afternoon at 5:00 PM
until sunset when organisms are most active.
►►On corn: 7 days after sowing and every 10 days thereafter until milking
►►Spray mixture into leaves or soil preferably at both ends of the day (4:00-
6:00 AM or 4:00 PM until sunset when microorganisms are most active. Apply
every 7 days to the following crops: Rice- from booting stage up to a week
before harvesting; Corn: 45 to 90 days of tenure; Fruits, vegetables and
bananas: from bearing stage up to a week before harvesting.
■■ As seed treatment before sowing – soak the seeds in 0.2 % solution for 4 to
5 hours to facilitate germination and as a start-up solution to germinating
■■ As a natural growth enhancer – FPJ made from actively growing plant parts
and fast growing plants may contain natural growth hormones and mineralized
nitrogen that promotes plant growth. Mix 1 teaspoon of FPJ per liter of water
and spray on the leaves or apply directly to the soil around the plants from
seedling stage up to pre-flowering stage. You can apply weekly or depending on
plant vigor. Please note that with the use of FPJ, there is no overdose; you may
use it liberally. However, the soil must be watered first before applying FPJ to
avoid scorching of the roots.
1. TM provides the plant with small quantities of all major nutrients and full
range trace elements. It is best to apply TM as foliar fertilizer because plants
can absorb nutrients about 20 times faster through the leaves.
5. You can apply undiluted TM over a compost heap to provide moisture and
distribute beneficial microorganisms and nutrients to all parts of the compost
heap. If you decide to produce and use this kind of Liquid Organic Fertilizer
(LOF), you must have the following:
• Dependable source of partially dried animal manure
• Labor for collecting, processing and application of TM
• Capital for purchasing the needed materials for making TM
■■ Use tea manure as foliar fertilizer – dilute tea manure with equal amount of
water and spray weekly throughout the different growth stages of the plant.
■■ Use full strength or undiluted tea manure as soil drench before planting.
■■ Dilute tea manure with equal amount of water, and then apply directly to
the soil to provide micronutrient to the plant and energy for increased
microbial activities.
►►To use, dilute this pure culture with 20 parts water or 1:20 ratio as basic
lactic acid bacteria concoction.
►►Use 2-4 tbsp/gal of water (clean water) spray or add to water as feeds of
animals. For bigger animals: use 2-4 tbsp of diluted lactic acid bacteria serum
without diluting it further with water.
►►Use as spray to plant leaves to fortify phyllosphere microbes. Spray to soil
compost to build-up good microorganism colony.
►►Cut out holes or vents (2 square inches) on two opposite sides of the plastic
►►Transfer a minimal amount of the mixture into bottles and make sure that
the contents do not spill out of the vents.
►►Using a piece of rope or tie-wire, hang the bottles from fruit trees or
vineyards. For low-lying crops, pour solution in coconut shells or any bowl-like
container and strategically place near plants.
1. 1 kg celery
2. 1 kg carrots
3. 1 kg cucumber
4. 1 kg muscovado sugar
5. Used or old pail or plastic container
6. Manila paper (unprinted)
Learning Objectives:
Previously, you were able to familiarize all the different types of concoctions
and extracts necessary in organic farming including their uses and
This section will discuss in detail the different procedures in processing these
different concoctions and extracts.
The following are the points to consider in selecting the materials for the
different concoctions:
Indigenous Microorganisms
1. Cook a kilo of rice, preferably organic. After cooling, put the cooked rice in a
bamboo, wooden, earthen or ceramic container. Avoid plastic or aluminum.
2. Cover the mouth of the container completely with manila paper and plastic
cover, fixed in place with a rubber band, to prevent water or small insects from
getting in.
3. Put the covered container, protected from possible rain, under the trees, in a
bamboo grove, a forest floor, or wherever a thick mat of leaves has formed.
Leave it there for three days.
4. After whitish moldy filaments have formed, transfer the entire contents of
the container to a larger glass or earthen jar and add one kilo of brown sugar
or molasses, preferably organic.
5. Cover the jar with clean cloth or paper, fixed with a rubber band. Keep the
jar in a dark, cool place. Let it ferment for seven days, until it appears muddy.
This is your IMO concoction.
2. Cut the plant materials into small pieces (an inch size) so that the juice can
be easily extracted.
3. Put the chopped plant materials in a pail or container, add crude sugar or
molasses which is ½ of the total weight of the plant source, then mix
thoroughly using the wooden ladle. Make sure that all plant materials are
mixed with sugar so that the juice can be extracted easily.
6. Store the container with the mixture in a cool dry shady place. Make sure
that the storage area is not infested with cockroaches or mice, because they
might feed on the mixture and contaminate the extract. In 7 days, plant juice is
extracted and fermented. The plant extract will change its color from green to
yellow, then to brown and will smell sweet and alcoholic.
8. After 7 days, lift the mixture and squeeze hard to get the remaining extracts.
1. Broil bones. Roast eggshells until they turned into deep brown.
3. Transfer the mixture into a container and cover with Manila paper and tie
up with plastic straw or rubber band.
4. For bones: Allow to sit for 30 days or until bones soften or dissolve
completely. For eggshells: Allow to sit for 2 weeks (15 days) or until dissolved
4. Put a net on top of the mixture and put weight to compress the mixture.
Stone is a good material used to weigh down the mixture.
6. Store the container with the mixture for 7 days in a cool dry shady place.
Make sure that the storage area is not infested with cockroaches or mice,
because they might feed on the mixture and contaminate the extract. In 7
days, fruit juice is extracted and fermented. The fruit extract will change its
color from yellow orange to brown, and will smell sweet and alcoholic. After 7
days, lift the mixture and squeeze hard to get the remaining extracts.
1. Wash the ginger and peel it then cut it into an inch size. Cut the garlic into
halves and remove the peel.
2. Transfer sliced materials into a pail. Add molasses which is 20% of the total
weight of materials. Mix well using a wooden ladle and cover with a clean
Manila paper and tie with plastic straw or rubber band.
3. Preserve for a duration of 3 days then remove cover and add 2.2 liters of
coconut vinegar. Replace cover.
7. OHN is now ready to use and this is OHN1. After extraction, add the same
amount of coconut vinegar then add 200 grams of sili and 100 grams of
panyawan. Soak it for 7 to 10 days.
8. This is now your OHN2 ready for use. You could repeat procedure no. 7 for
the third extraction.
3. Place the manure tea bag inside the 200 liter plastic drum
and put weight. Stone makes a good weight to keep the
manure tea bag in the bottom of the drum.
4. Pour water over the tea bag leaving a 20% air gap and cover with cloth or
5. After 1 week, the color of the tea is rich dark brown and is ready for use.
1. Pour rice wash (solution generated when you wash the rice with water) into a
2. Allow 50-75% air space in the container.
3. Cover container loosely (not vacuum tight, allowing air to move into the
container). Put container in a cool area with no direct sunlight.
4. Allow rice wash to ferment for 5-7 days at a temperature of 20-25 degrees
5. The rice bran will be separated and float like a thin film on the liquid
smelling sour.
6. Extract 100 ml from the fermented first wash liquid of the cooked rice. Take
the liquid between the bottom and top layers of the fermentation.
7. Remove the 100 ml of milk from a pack and add the extracted rice liquid in a
1 liter milk pack.
8. Return the cover of the pack and seal it with a masking tape. Mark it with
the name and date of fermentation.
8. Ferment in 5 days. Drain the liquid (whey) and filter, separate the sludge
from the liquid.
9. Measure the liquid and add the same amount of molasses. Keep it in a
plastic container. This is ready to use or you have an option to keep it for 7
days before using it.
1. Mix the sugar, water and vinegar in a basin or any available container
that could accommodate the mixture. Clean and wash the vegetables
thoroughly and drain for 5 minutes.
2. Slice to ¼ of an inch size.
3. Mix all vegetables in a container.
4. Add the muscovado sugar.
5. Put nylon screen on top of the mixture then put weight by using mineral
water container.
6. Wipe the mouth of the pail and cover with manila paper.
7. Tie with rubber band and label the concoction.
8. Ferment it for 20-21 days and extract the liquid.
9. Filter the liquid and keep it in a plastic container.
3 C’s (Carrots, Cucumber, Celery)
10. Clean and wash the vegetables thoroughly and drain for 5
11. Slice to ¼ of an inch size.
12. Mix all vegetables in a container.
13. Add the muscovado sugar.
14. Put nylon screen on top of the mixture then put weight by using
mineral water container.
15. Wipe the mouth of the pail and cover with manila paper.
16. Tie with rubber band and label the concoction.
17. Ferment it for 20-21 days and extract the liquid.
18. Filter the liquid and keep it in a plastic container.
Let Us Review!
To protect the concoctions from any form of contaminations, the following must
be observed:
• Use of indigenous materials like bamboo
• Use of protective materials such as screen, covers, stray animals
• Wash materials during preparation
• Use of PPE properly
• Clean/sterilize utensils to be used
• Spray OHN, LABS, IMO
• Clean and sanitize the area
• Avoid direct exposure to sunlight
• Maintain required temperature
The procedure in the application of organic sanitation is system-wide using
organically produced disinfectants thru concoctions and sprayed all over the
place where the possible sources of destructive bacteria/germs are. The
sanitation procedure shall include strict clean area (well ventilated, free from
any contamination, well organized, well protected facilities) with periodic
inspection using the principles of 5 Japanese S. Concoction products are not
harmful to the environment and to human as well as to the animals. The
commercial sterilization is cleaning the area thru the use of chemicals
commercially produced, which is very expensive and hazardous to the
environment and the people.
The following are the ways in using concoctions as food supplement for
• Fermented Fruit Juice – a natural taste enhancer. Mix two (2)
tablespoons of Juice to one (1) liter of clean drinking water at a dosage of
two (2) times week. In severe cases double the dosage. This can be mixed
also with the feeds at the same frequency.
• Fermented Plant Juice – a natural growth enhancer. Mix two (2)
tablespoons of juice to one (1) liter of clean drinking water at a dosage of
two (2) times week. In severe cases double the dosage. This can be mixed
also with the feeds at the same frequency.
• Fermented Amino Acid – a natural amino acid. Two (2) table spoon of
FAA mix with one (1) liter of clean drinking water at a dosage of two (2)
times a week. In severe cases double the dosage. This can be mixed also
with the feeds at the same frequency
• Oriental Herbs Nutrients – a natural immune booster. Mix two (2)
tablespoon of OHN in one (1) liter of clean drinking water at the dosage of
2 – 4 times a week. In severe cases, triple the dosage. This can also
mixed with the feeds at the same frequency.
• Indigenous Micro-Organism – a beneficial micro-organism. Two (2) table
spoon of IMO mix with one (1) liter of clean drinking water at a dosage of
two (2) times a week. In severe cases, double the dosage. This can be
mixed with the feeds of the same frequency.
• Lactic Acid Bacteria Serums – a natural enzymes. Two (2) tablespoon of
LABS mix with one (1) liter of clean drinking water at a dosage of two (2)
times a week. In severe cases, triple the dosage. This can be mixed with
the feeds of the same frequency.
• Natural Calphos Micro-Nutrients – two (2) tablespoon of CALPHOS mix
with one (1) liter of clean drinking water at a dosage of two (2) to four (4)
times a week. In severe cases, double the dosage. This can be mixed with
the feeds of the same frequency.
• 3Cs (Celery, Carrots, Cucumber)- a natural health enhancer. Mix five (5)
tablespoon of 3Cs with one half (1/2) liter of clean drinking water and
administer it orally to the animal (good for fever, poor appetite).