Haramaya University College of Social Scinces and Humanities School of Foreign Language and Journalism
Haramaya University College of Social Scinces and Humanities School of Foreign Language and Journalism
Haramaya University College of Social Scinces and Humanities School of Foreign Language and Journalism
My special thanks, deepest love and appreciation also goes to my family for their financial and
moral support throughout my study in the university.
Table of Contents
List of Tables...............................................................................................................................................iv
CHAPTRE ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................1
1.2 BACKGROUNDOF THE STUDY............................................................................................................1
1.3. STETMENT OF THE PROBLEM...........................................................................................................2
1.4. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................................3
1.4.1. General Objective......................................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Specific Objectives......................................................................................................................3
1.3. RESEARCH QUESTIONS.....................................................................................................................3
1.5. SIGNIFICANCES OF STUDY.................................................................................................................4
1.6. SCOPE OF THE STUDY.......................................................................................................................4
1.7. ORGANISATION OF THE STUDY.........................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................5
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...............................................................................................................5
2.1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................5
2.2. WHAT IS COMMUNICATION?...........................................................................................................5
2.3. ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICATION.....................................................................................................6
2.3.1 People.........................................................................................................................................6
2.3.2 Message......................................................................................................................................6
2.3.3 Channel.......................................................................................................................................7
2.3.4 Noise...........................................................................................................................................7
2.3.5. Feedback....................................................................................................................................7
2.4. INTERCULCHURAL COMMUNICATION..............................................................................................7
2.4.1. Culture and communication......................................................................................................7
2.4.1 Strategy for improving intercultural communication..................................................................8
2.4.2. Problem of Intercultural communication...................................................................................8
2.4.3. Stereotype.................................................................................................................................8
2.4.4. What is ethnocentrism?.............................................................................................................9
CHAPTER THREE:.......................................................................................................................................10
METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................................10
3.1. Methodological approach...............................................................................................................10
3.2. Tools of data collection...................................................................................................................10
3.3 Size and Sampling technique of the study.......................................................................................10
3.4 subject of the study.........................................................................................................................10
3.5 Data analysis and presentation........................................................................................................11
CHAPTRE FOUR..........................................................................................................................................12
DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS........................................................................................................12
4.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................18
SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION.......................................................................................................18
5.1. Summary.........................................................................................................................................18
5.2. RECOMMENDATION.......................................................................................................................18
APPENDIX A..............................................................................................................................................21
Appendix B................................................................................................................................................24
Interview questionnaire............................................................................................................................24
List of Tables
Table 1 .Communication problem.............................................................................................................12
Table 2 .Effect of ethnocentrism................................................................................................................13
Table 3. Happening of ethnocentrism........................................................................................................14
Table 4. Degree of ethnocentrism influence..............................................................................................15
Table 5 .Minimizing ethnocentrism...........................................................................................................16
1. Introduction
In this chapter, background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, and
limitations of the study are included.
Even if the concept of communication is broad, scholars defined communication from different
angles and perspectives. But they have common ground for their definition. For example Harter
and Nelson (2003) define communication as "communication comes from the Latin word”
communicare". This means "to make common or to share” and it can be also defined
communication as process by which meaning between individuals through common of symbols,
signs or behaviors. Nelson Thompson gives definition for communication for present purpose is
“social interaction through messages’’ (1990).
different cultural background and communicate each other, there is the existence of
communication problem.
The existence of ethnocentrism is one major factor that makes intercultural communication to be
complex. The communication expert Devito (203) also explains how much ethnocentrism is
danger for intercultural communication on counters as follows. Ethnocentrism is one of the
biggest obstacles to intercultural communication, in the tendency to see others under their
behaviors through your own culture filters, often as distortions of your own behaviors. It is
tendency to evaluate the views, believe and behaviors of your own culture as superior, as more
positive local and cultural then those of other culture "Devito (2003).
By considering the above fact the study is motivated to contact the research to identify the role of
ethnocentrism in intercultural communication.
Specially places like University where students learn languages, culture and background of
knowledge are different are highly affect area of ethnocentric views and then their existence,
proper learning and teaching process and living together would fall at risk. As Ethiopian context
it is known that university is the main physical context where intercultural communication
occurs frequently. It is assumed that the attitude of ethnocentrism is seen among students since
the backgrounds of students are different, on the other hand positive interaction would have its
own contribution to create good learning environment and opportunity for the students. That is
why the study will take initiation to examine the effect of ethnocentrism on student’s
intercultural communication the case of Haramaya university sociology students.
This study is mainly significant for institutions, especially for universities. And it may also
provide a general awareness about ethnocentrism and its effects on intercultural communication.
According to the objective of the study the researcher selected students from sociology department.
The reason why the researcher included students from sociology department is to make the study
manageable.Also sociology student is interrelated with this study then the other departments as they
study about society and the researcher can access full three of ethnics.
2.1. Introduction
THE study focus on the broaden concept of communication and one of its contexts, I.e.
intercultural communication. Primarily on the major intercultural problem is ethnocentrism. This
chapter includes concept and related literatures which have direct and indirect relation with the
topic of the study. The study will tries to review concepts and related previous studies.
2, A process thought which participates create and share information with one another in order to
reach mutual understanding.
3, An activity in which symbolic content is not nearly transmitted from one source to other. But
exchange between human agents, who interact with a shared situational and for discursive
4, A process where people in groups using the tools provided by their culture, creative collection
representation of realty.
Communication is a process of exchanging ideas between individual and groups it is the process
of giving information or making emotion idea known to someone .It involve the exchange of
ideas. Meaning is exchanging between individual through a communication system of symbolic,
singular behaviors. Communication is the mechanism through which human relations exist and
It is process by which meaning is exchanging between individuals through communication
system of symbols, singular behaviors, communication is the mechanism through which human
relation exist and develop .It is the process whereby one person tell anther something through the
written or spoken words. Call how and well known psychologist said communication is the
process by which one individual to modify the behavior of the individual’s communication.
It is the process transmitting feelings attitudes, factory’s believes and ideas between human
beings (Biruenu).It is the exchange of meaning between individuals through a common system of
symbols (I,A Richard).
It is the sum of the entire things one does one when he wants to create understanding in the mind
of anther. It involves a systematic and continues of felling, listening and understanding (Louis
The generalized that, those scholars definition emphasize the social and cultural aspects of
communication. Another focus on behavioral and cognitive aspect (2 and 5)(Meson
2006).Another writes Allyn and Bacon(2001) define process of making sense out of the world
and sharing that sense with other through verbal and non verbal.
2.3.1 People
Obviously communication involve people "AL level of communication take place between and
among all types of senders, person are those who encode the message and act as the receivers.
Person is those who decide the message" (Gamble 1999]
2.3.2 Message
In any of communication except intra personal communication level,we send and receive both
verbal and nonverbal message. "Messages are context of a communication act” (Ibid)
2.3.3 Channel
We send and receive messages with and through all our sends. In this time we use medium or
2.3.4 Noise
In the context of communication noise is similarity something and anything that interferes on
distorts of sending and receiving messages.
2.3.5. Feedback
Whenever there is a communication with one or more persons. We also receive information in
return. The verbal and nonverbal cues that we perceive and the reaction of our communication
function is Feedback (Ibide).It tell us how we are coming across.
Culture consist of system of knowledge, believe, values , customs, behaviors and artifact that are
equerries shared and use by its members during daily living (Gambel 1999). Culture is the
system of activity and discourse which have been codified by using and which reflect the
conversation practice of a group ( Marsen 2006).
Taking the above definitions as the base, let us see other scholar's definition and concept of
intercultural communication .According to Devito (2003) the term intercultural communication
refers to communication between person who have different cultural belief, values, or way of
behavior intercultural communication hence forth ICC tend to describe the relation between
members of different ethnic group and language interacting in an inter nation context
2.4.1 Strategy for improving intercultural communication.
Conduct, personal self-assessment one of first step to word improving your intercultural
communication is an honest assessment of your own communication style, belief.
Practice supportive communication behaviors is supportive behaviors such as empathy
courage succession intercultural exchanges, defensive behaviors tend to hamper
Develop sensitivity toward diversity.
Avoid stereotypes cultural generalization go only so far avoid making assumption about
another culture and get to know individuals for them self.
Avoid ethnocentrism you may know your own cultural the best. But that familiarity does
not make your own culture superior to all others. You will more about the strength and
weakness of your own culture by learning or about others.
Develop code of sensitivity. It means learning to use verbal and nonverbal
communication appropriate to the culture or CO culture norms of the individual with who
you are communicating.
2.4.3. Stereotype
According to Thomsen (2003) one factor that we can identify which clearly has an important
bearing intercultural communication is that of stereotyping. And it has the effect of distorting
communication. Stereotyping is simply anther words of over generalization. The different
however is stereotyping characteristic of the group are not only over generalization to apply to
each member of the group, but they are also taken to have the exaggerated negative and positive
view. The value is then taken as arguments to support social or political relationships in regards
to members of those groups. Stereotyping limit our understanding of human behavior and
intercultural discourse. Because they limit view of human activity to just one or two salient
cementation and consider these to be whole pictures.
Furthermore they go on ideologically to use that limited view of individual and groups to justify
preferential or discriminatory treatment by other who hold greater political power (Ibid).
According to Harter [2003] lack of interaction with another culture fosters or promotes high level
of ethnocentrism.
When this scholars put lack of interaction as the factor to foster high level of ethnocentrism, as
the solution they put .this is to communicate effectively with people from norms maybe different
from your own.
The reason why the researcherselected these regions is by considering the number of population
on the study area from Oromia 10 students, Amhara 6 students and Tigray 4 students may take as
a sample in questionnaire. In general 20 students are as the sample of this study.
3.5 Data analysis and presentation
First the data gathered through interviews and questionnaires were categorized based on the
themes they belong to. Then the data gathered through interviews were analyzed qualitatively,
whereas data collected through questionnaires were put in tables and interpreted.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents data analysis and interpretation of the data collected from primary sources.
These sources helped the researcher to produce quantitative and qualitative data to explain the
essence of the study.
The data basically collected through questionnaires and interviews as basic data gathering tools.
Questionnaires were distributed to the respondents to achieve the objective of the study; the
researcher has focused on the following basic points as the basic data of the study.
Total 20 100%
From the above table, more than half respondents have recognized as they face a communication
problem in the campus differently with other time. Respondents have tried to put situations what
the face, many of them mention the problem of language difference and miss understanding of
other culture.
Similarly, an interviewee noted that,
We face the communication problem in our campus, differently from the other
time, there is numbers of language, deferent background , believe and view .In
this case some of the students is practice the ethnocentrism and stereotype on the
students .Because they are miss understanding the other culture and
language .Also our country population is who is have not deepest education
background they have not awareness to other language and improve the
communication problem.
Total 20 100%
According to the above table almost all respondents agreed upon the effect of the ethnocentrism
on student’s intercultural communication.
These respondents have tried to answer its effect as follow, they wants to communicate only with
peoples which they belongs acting to reject others culture. This perception may create negative
attitude toward others.
In the same way the response from an interviewee also supports the above given idea as
No 15 75%
Total 20 100
The above table shows that ethnocentrism does not happen always when people interact different
The feedback of many respondents provides on table and they agreed on it.
On the other hand when we discuss by interview, the respondents said that:
If the people interact different culturally ethnocentrism is not happen, this can if
one nation love the other culture, language, understand the other nation
background. Also if the government should work on the educate all of family about
the ethnocentrism as well as stereotype is a risk ethnocentrism is have not happen.
But if there is not awareness, make our culture and language supporter the other it
may happen.
medium 2 10%
Low 4 20%
Total 20 100%
Stand from the above table, the degree of effective ethnocentrism on students’ intercultural
communication is high.
This means all are agreed up on the influence of ethnocentrism on students intercultural
communications and the degree of influence average is high.
Table 5 .Minimizing ethnocentrism
Total 20 100%
From the above table, it can be undersood the way of the opportunity to minimize
ethnocentrism because almost they are agreed happy on it.
The data gathered through an interview also goes in line with what has been mentioned
The findings of the study suggest that additional attention should be given to
potential factors that may reduce ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism has the potential to
lead to negative stereotypes, negative prejudice, and negative behaviors against
ethnic group members. Therefore, intercultural communication a significant
contribution to the reduction of ethnocentrism.Intercommunication examining which
specific factors help reduces ethnocentrism.
This study focused on two likely potential factors related to ethnocentrism, and the results
indicated that both intercultural communication sensitivity and multiculturalism are significant
predictors of ethnocentrism. The major significance of this study is that it provides empirical
evidence that higher levels of intercultural communication sensitivity may lead to reduced
ethnocentrism. That ways are the following
5.1. Summary
When the study conducted, the researcher aimed to identify the problem of intercultural
communication accordance with effect of ethnocentrism. In order to achieve the stated objective,
the researcher employed the quantitative and qualitative approach. The primary data collection
tool where used such as questionnaire.
By reminding of literature review findings on the research and based on the conclusion, the
researcher forward the following recommendations, so as to show the gate way of intercultural
communication problems. To minimize the effects of ethnocentrism and to develop intercultural
Student should generate the experience of accepting others culture during intercultural
Students should open minded and being a critical thinker at any time there are
intercultural communication.
Universities like Haramaya University should be responsible for creating awareness
students how to like through difference.
Allyn and Bacon [2001] , Professional communication skill
David Jary and Julice [200] Collins internet Linking sociology dictionary.
Joseph A .Devito [2003}, Human communication .Hunter college of city University of New
Neil Tompson [2003], communication and language, a hand book of theory and practice
Sky marsen [2006], communication studies. Palgrave foundation oxford advanced learners
Dear respondents
This purpose of study is carried out the effect of ethnocentrism on Intercultural communication
communication by taking Haramaya University in case of sociology students.
Stand from this the questionnaire have designed to gather data for this study. This research
conduct as a partial fulfillment for the requirement of the first degree in journalism and mass
Please feel assured that your privacy and information you will give with confidentiality. Thank
you for your corporation.
A. Yes B. No
2. How do you evaluate your communication with people who have different culture?
A. Yes B.NO
A. Yes B. no
A. Yeas B. No
A “Yes “ B “No”
Appendix B
Interview questionnaire
Q1. How do you evaluate your communication with people who have different culture with you?