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M.M. 100 TIME – 3 HOUR


Q.1) Write the hindi meaning of the following words:-

(a) I (b) Read (c) School (d) My (e) Morning (f) Class (g) Sister
(h) Brother (i) Father (j) Man (k) Mother (l) All (m) Story (n) House
(o) Children (p) Garden (q) Chair (r) Talk (s) Look (t) Smile

Q.2) Write the English word of the following hindi word:-

(a) gjk (b) ns[kuk (c) NksVk (d) pkjksa vksj (e) esa (f) cxhpk (g) cSBuk
(h) ns[kuk (i) [ksyuk (j) ifjokj (k) ‘ksj (l) gkFkh (m) tkuk (n)
(o) eSa (p) cqykuk (q) Äj (r) dgkuh (s) nknk (t) lnL;

Q.3) Answer the following questions:-

(a) Who is a little boy?

(b) Who is four years old?
(c) When does Ravi go to school?
(d) What is the colour of the house?
(e) How many bedrooms are there in the house?

Q.4) Tick the right word and cross X the wrong words:-

(a) Richa is Ravi’s brother sister friend

(b) Grandfather is young old fat

(c) Mother is a teacher nurse housewife.

(d) The windows are red blue green in colour.

(e) Ravi and Richa play live run in the house.

Q.5) Write the names of the five seasons:-

Q.6) Write the month’s name.

Q.7) Answer the following questions:-

(a) Where is Ravi walking?

(b) Who are on the tree?
(c) Who are swimming in the pond?
(d) Where does mother cook?
(e) Who is older – Ravi or Richa?
Q.8) These words got jumbled up. Arrange them properly and write each sentence correctly:-
(a) small Richa girl is a.

(b) old is Grandmother an woman.

(c) mother kitchen cooks the in.
(d) reads class I Ravi in.
(e) our love we parents.


Q.1) Write the English alphabet in small letter.

Q.2) Vowels fdrus gksrs gSa\ fyf[k,A

Q.3) Vowels ds Á;ksx ls fuEu Words cuk;sa:-

(a) B___LL (b) L__G (c) C__W (d) F__N (e) __GG

(f) N__SE (g) P__G (h) __NT (i) P__N (j) C__P

Q.4) What is word? ‘kCn fdls dgrs gSa\

Q.5) Put the words in proper order to make sentences:-

(a) milk, cow, gives

(b) to, I, school, go
(c) fat, am, i
(d) play, we, cricket

Q.6) Name the ‘Parts of Speech’.

Q.7) Write the name of any 5 animal.

Q.8) Write the name of any 5 vegetable.

Q.9) Write the name of any 5 fruits.

Q.10) Consonants ¼O;atu½ fdrus gksrs gSa\ fyf[k,A


M.M. 100 TIME – 3 HOUR


Q.1) Write the hindi meaning of the following words:-

(a) Give (b) From (c) Us (d) Comes (e) Must (f) Send (g) Soft
(h) Special (i) Want (j) Feel (k) Know (l) When (m) Bark (n) Danger
(o) Wild (p) Long Ago (q) King (r) Grand (s) Castle (t) Plate

Q.2) Write the English word of the following hindi word:-

(a) jkuh (b) lks x;k (c) fdyk (d) vkuan (e) igkM+ (f) tkuk (g)
(h) lcls vPNk (i) pksj (j) vkskj (k) i= (l) cSBuk (m) nq[kh (n)
(o) j[kuk (p) cks>k (q) vkrk gS (r) ls (s) ‘kgn (t) js’ke

Q.3) Answer the following questions:-

(a) Name three kinds of food that we get from animals.

(b) Name four things we get from trees and plants.
(c) How does Jenny go to school?
(d) Who is Ashok?
(e) Who is man’s best friend?

Q.4) Read the sentences below. Some are right and some are wrong. Write ‘R’ for right and ‘W’ for
wrong in the boxes:-

(a) Hens are birds and give us eggs.

(b) Cows have two feet and they give us oil.
(c) We get wool from horses.
(d) Bees are insects and can fly.
(e) Donkeys have two tails and are very weak.

Q.5) Write the name of 5 Domestic and 5 Wild animal name.

Q.6) Look at the word-groups below. In each group, there is one word which does not match the other
words. Cross the odd word.
(a) Bus Pilot Wheels Seats

(b) Jenny Juhi Seema Amit

(c) Table Burrow Nest Kennel

(d) School Teacher Road Children

Q.7) Answer the following questions:-

(a) Where did the king and queen live?

(b) What did the queen eat?

(c) What do dogs eat?

(d) Do you like dogs?
(e) What things are soft and blue?

Q.8) Pick out the correct Adverbs from the box and fill in the blanks with those.
Very always sweetly sometimes joyfully there

(a) I _________ go to school by the school bus.

(b) Put the book _________ on the table.
(c) Our teacher speaks __________.
(d) This ice cream is __________ cold.
(e) The children play together ____________.
(f) In the morning, I _____________ see an aeroplane.


Q.1) Write the English alphabet in small letter.

Q.2) fy[kkoV ds fopkj ls letters fdrus Ádkj ds gksrs gSa\

Q.3) Put capital letters in proper places and rewrite the following sentences:-

(a) i have a dog.

(b) bats fly.
(c) is it an ox?
(d) he is to go.
(e) the sun is set.

Q.4) How many vowels are there in the English alphabet? Write them.
vaxzsth o.kZekyk esa fdrus Loj gsa\ muds uke fyf[k,A

Q.5) Complete these words, putting in the missing vowels:-

(a) B__LL (b) J__G (c) B__ __K (d) C__P (e) T__P

(f) B__S (g) P__N (h) C__T (i) SH__P (j) H__N

Q.6) Arrange the letters in each of the following to make a word:-

(a) KYE (b) NIP (c) DEB (d) TNA (e) GGE

Q.7) What is a word? Give examples. ¼’kCn fdls dgrs gSa\ mnkgj.k nhft,A½

Q.8) Sentence ¼okD;½ dh ifjHkk”kk fyf[k,A

Q.9) fuEu okD;ksa esa ‘kCnksa dks lgh Øe esa fyf[k,&

(a) is Ravi he.

(b) ill is Jill.
(c) Neha girl is a.
(d) to I schoo go.



M.M. 100 TIME – 3 HOUR


Q.1) Write the hindi meaning of the following words:-

(a) Proud (b) Dweller (c) Great (d) Ancient (e) Vast (f) Carriage (g) Bridge
(h) Witch (i) Troop (j) Battle (k) Wicked (l) Forest (m) Village (n) Near
(o) Angry (p) Common (q) Fur (r) Creature (s) Rare (t) Greedy

Q.2) Write the English word of the following hindi word:-

(a) ykyph (b) n;kyq (c) ikyrw (d) f’kdkj (e) lkekU; (f) rksM+uk (g) ew[kZ
(h) Mj (i) xyh (j) fitjk (k) ;q) (l) eos’kh (m) lR; (n) >hy
(o) egku (p) yackbZ (q) f’k[kj (r) cQZ (s) xgjk (t) jsfxLrku

Q.3) Answer the following questions:-

(a) What is the name of our country?

(b) What stands in the north of our country?
(c) Who are fairies and witches?
(d) How do fairies and witches travel?
(e) Why were the villagers angry with the tiger?
(f) What did the villagers do with the tiger?
(g) Why do people love cats?
(h) What is a pride?
(i) Who fly to our country during winter?
(j) Which animals are compared to charging troops? Why?

Q.4) Fill in the blanks with the words from the box:-
ancient south length freedom domestic

(a) From the north to the ___________, India is 3200 km long.

(b) India is a great and __________ country.
(c) The _________ of this ribbon is two feet.
(d) India won her _________ on 15th August, 1947.
(e) Cows and goats are _________ animals.

Q.5) Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for false statements:-
(a) There are no lakes in India.
(b) Giraffes and zebras are Indian animals.
(c) Cows and buffaloes are called cattle.
(d) We find bridges only on rivers.
(e) All Indians speak one language.

Q.6) Write one Antonym of each of the following word:-

(a) Ancient (b) Mighty (c) Vast (d) Cold (e) Different

Q.7) Write the names of the following:-

(a) The holy river of India.

(b) The Indian desert.
(c) The king of Indian fruits.
(d) The biggest Indian animal.
(e) 15th August.

Q.8) Write the Plural of the following Singular words:-

(a) Cow (b) Lion (c) Book (d) Game (e) Girl

Q.9) Write the Feminine forms of the following Nouns:-

(a) Bull (b) Daddy (c) Son (d) Dog (e) Man


Q.1) English Grammar dks fdrus Hkkxksa esa foHkDr fd;k x;k gS\

Q.2) Divide the following sentences into Subject & Predicate:-

(a) The dog is sleeping.

(b) I play hockey.
(c) A clock tells the time.
(d) Rajiv is eating apple.
(e) The earth is round.

Q.3) Name the kinds of Sentences.

Q.4) Translate the following into Hindi:-

(a) You are a good boy.

(b) The sun rises in the east.
(c) Were they present in the party?

Q.5) Name the ‘Parts of Speech’. What is Noun?

Q.6) Choose the Nouns from the following sentences:-

(a) The crowd was very big.

(b) Lucknow is a big city.
(c) Our team is very good.
(d) India has a strong army.

Q.7) Write the definition of Assertive and Interrogative Sentence. Give an example.

Q.8) fdlh Hkh Sentence ds fdrus Hkkx gksrs gsa\ uke fyf[k,A

M.M. 100 TIME – 3 HOUR


Q.1) Write the hindi meaning of the following words:-

(a) Woods (b) Wild (c) Hare (d) Heal (e) Creek (f) Scratch (g) Crooked
(h) Ahead (i) Chew (j) Barn (k) Bough (l) Ride (m) Room (n) Scare
(o) Lawyer (p) Bless (q) Amid (r) Hastened (s) Troop (t) Chariot

Q.2) Write the English word of the following Hindi word:-

(a) [kkyh le; (b) Äwjuk (c) uhps (d) fNikuk (e) jFk (f) lH;rk (g) xkM+h
(h) tknw (i) >qaM (j) xyh (k) lsuk (l) ckyd (m) lgikBh (n)
(o) cwan (p) fojks/k (q) y{; (r) Bhd gksuk (s) [kjksapuk (t) iyd >idkuk

Q.3) Answer the following questions:-

(a) Who was Johnny? Where did he live?

(b) Was Johnny kind to animals? How do you know?
(c) What kind of rabbits did Johnny see when he went to school, or came back?
(d) Why did the rabbits go to the south bank?
(e) Why is the cherry tree called the “loveliest of trees”?
(f) How old is the poet now?
(g) Who was Laloo?
(h) Why was the Gurudev invited to visit Laloo’s home?
(i) How did the woman look like?
(j) What did ancient men dream about flying?

Q.4) Fill in the blanks with the correct words from those given in brackets:-

(a) Johnny ________ not like to kill animals. (do/did)

(b) The pet hen ________ a crooked leg. (has/had)
(c) Sohan and ________ were present there. (I/me)
(d) My uncle invited ________ to dinner. (I/me)
(e) The King of France was _________. (Laurel XVI/Louis XVI)

Q.5) Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false sentences:-

(a) Johnny’s father killed crows with his shotgun.

(b) Aunt Nellie was the sister of Johnny’s father.
(c) Johnny was a kind-hearted boy.
(d) Laloo belonged to a rich family.
(e) Some people made wings and flew in the sky.

Q.6) Form Adjectives from the following Nouns:-

(a) Hope (b) Boy (c) Health (d) Fool (e) Hill (f) Cost (g) Pain
(h) Blue (i) Dirty (j) Friend

Q.7) In the following sentences, the words are all jumbled up. Put them in the correct order and
rewrite the sentences:-
(a) magic man dreamed carpets of many ancient.
(b) wings or some cloth made men of feathers.
(c) when the hen was a buggy’s wheel ran up her overgrowing.
(d) a real Aunt Nellie liked to hunt said that Southern gentleman always.

Q.8) Fill in the blanks with the correct Collective Nouns:-

(a) A ________ of school boys.
(b) A ________ of buffaloes.
(c) A ________ of grapes.
(d) A ________ of lions.
(e) A ________ of clothes.
Q.9) Write any one poem of eight lines of your book.


Q.1) Letters fdrus Ádkj ds gksrs gsa\ fyf[k,A

Q.2) What is Sentence? Define it with examples.

Q.3) Arrange the words in each group in the right order so as to make them meaningful:-

(a) Suresh a song sings.

(b) Renu food cooking is.
(c) You playing are football.
(d) These your not books are.
(e) I not am a doctor.

Q.4) What are the two main parts of a sentence?

Q.5) Divide the following sentences into Subject and Predicate:-

(a) The grass is green.

(b) Mohini reads a book.
(c) I am fond of mangoes.
(d) Kolkata is a big city.
(e) She is a good girl.

Q.6) Sentence dh ifHkk”kk fyf[k,A

Q.7) fuEu okD; fdl Ádkj ds Sentence gSa fyf[k,:-

(a) He has a horse.
(b) Is he a fat man?
(c) Please help the boy.
(d) Shut the door.
(e) Where does he live?

Q.8) Translate the following into English:-

(a) og ,d ÄksM+k gSA (c) gjh ,d f[kykM+h ugha gSA
(b) ;g ,d iqLrd gSA (d) xk; ,d mi;ksxh i’kq gSA



M.M. 100 TIME – 3 HOUR


Q.1) Write the Hindi meaning of the following words:-

(a) Chatter (b) Scold (c) Novel (d) Nonsense (e) Loose (f) Raisin (g) Refuse
(h) Expense (i) Shyly (j) Salty (k) Braving (l) Bulk (m) Swiftly (n) Oak
(o) Scientist (p) Cure (q) Rule (r) Meadow (s) Chorus (t) Scholar

Q.2) Write the English word of the following Hindi word:-

(a) fdlku (b) ‘kkld (c) csbZeku (d) fHk[kkjh (e) dlkbZ (f) fVM~Mk (g) galuk
(h) n`’; (i) xjhch (j) fdjk;k (k) foykflrk (l) oSKkfud (m) ihNk djuk(n) rhj
(o) fiÄyuk (p) dkVuk (q) fd’kfe’k (r) mRlo (s) Bqdjkuk (t) cqjk u ekuuk

Q.3) Answer the following questions:-

(a) Why would Mini’s mother scold her?

(b) What did Bhola tell Mini?
(c) Why did Rahmat become very busy once a year?
(d) Why was Rahmat sent to jail?
(e) How do you know that the Eskimo is tough and courageous?
(f) What does he do with the lance?
(g) Why could not the poet find the arrow the first time?
(h) What happened to the song he sang after this?
(i) What is the main reason that we remember Marie Curie today?
(j) Name Madame Curie’s motherland. What was her real name?

Q.4) Fill in the blanks with correct words:-

(a) Bawakas took the cripple to the _______. (squire/square)

(b) The oil-seller was a _______ and thief. (lair/liar)
(c) The cool water of the _______ made us fresh. (stream/sea)
(d) We lay down on the soft _______. (road/grass)
(e) We saw _______ play for a long time. (he/him)

Q.5) ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false sentences:-

(a) The Kabuliwala was dressed in shirt and trousers.
(b) Ramdayal’s mother tongue was Hindi.
(c) Marie Curie’s childhood name was Marya Skolodovska.
(d) Marya’s father was a government servant.
(e) The cripple was a beggar sitting by the roadside.

Q.6) Rearrange the jumbled words given below and make proper sentences:-

(a) glass bring water of a me quickly.

(b) talking do work stop and your.

(c) speak English mother fluently can my.

(d) short his sister mohan meena is is short but tall
(e) look mangoes taste these sour ripe have taste but a

Q.7) Complete the sentences by adding Subjects and Objects:-

(a) ________ is eating ________.
(b) Did _______ pay ________ to him?
(c) _______ was driving ________.
(d) _______ is watering ________.
(e) _______ bought some ________ for ________.

Q.8) In the following sentences, pick out the Adjectives and point out the Nouns they qualify:-
(a) The way was long, the wind was cold.
(b) I know a funny little man.
(c) I do not want those apples.
(d) The boy ate the whole cake alone.
(e) John is honest, but his brother is wicked.

Q.9) Choose the right answer:-

(A) Bawakas was-
(a) a foolish ruler (b) a good ruler (c) an old ruler

(B) The judge lived in-

(a) a small village (b) a small palace (c) a small town

(C) The judge checked to see-

(a) if Bawakas knew the horse (b) if the horse knew Bawakas (c) if the cripple knew the horse

Q.10) Write any one poem of 8 lines of your book.


Q.1) Put the following words in the right order to make complete sentences:-
(a) Picture is there a (b) Table is his he at (c) Eating rice am I and fish
(d) Stand chair the behind (e) That field a is

Q.2) fdlh Hkh Sentence ds fdrus Hkkx gksrs gSa\ uke fyf[k,A

Q.3) Pick out the Subject and Predicate in the following sentence:-
(a) The sun sets in the west. (b) Shut the window.
(c) It is lying on the table. (d) The dog barks.
Q.4) Pick out the Countable and Uncountable Nouns from the following words:-
House Room Corner Chairs Table Cloth Powder
Soap Husband Pulses

Q.5) Number fdls dgrs gSa\ ;g fdrus Ádkj dk gksrk gS uke fyf[k,A

Q.6) Person fdrus Ádkj ds gksrs gSa\ mnkgj.k nhft,A

Q.7) Write the Feminine of the following Masculine:-

Fox Bull King Son Horse God Actor



M.M. 100 TIME – 3 HOUR


Q.1) Write the Hindi meaning of the following words:-

(a) Blessing (b) Sight (c) Blind (d) Wondrous (e) Mourn (f) Venom (g) Influence
(h) Stung (i) Gesture (j) Suck (k) Generous (l) Orphanage (m) Charity (n) Benevolence
(o) Praise (p) Crest (q) Harvest (r) Pleasure (s) Upset (t) Hope

Q.2) Write the English word of the following Hindi word:-

(a) ÁoDrk (b) peRdkj (c) mRlqdRkk (d) fyQkQk (e) /kwrZ
(f) pkVuk (g) n;kyq (h) nku (i) rqjar (j) igjsnkj

Q.3) Answer the following questions:-

(a) What does the poet ask in the first stanza?
(b) Who has ‘I’ been referred to in the second stanza.
(c) How did Gandhiji help in relieving the African of his pain?
(d) Describe Dr. Kalam’s act of kindness.
(e) Who was Janushruti?
(f) What was he famous for?
(g) Who was Lencho? Where was his house located?
(h) What had Lencho predicted?

Q.3) Answer the following questions in 80-100 words:-

(a) Why did Lencho write a letter to God and what did he write in the letter?
(b) Write in short the conversation between the birds which disturbed Janushruti.

Q.4) ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false sentences:-

(a) In jail, an American convict was looking after Gandhiji.
(b) The sick peacock was lying in the Mughal gardens.
(c) Raikwa was a poor but noble cartman.
(d) The king was powerful and did justice to people.
(e) Lencho lived in a large city.
Q.5) Fill in the blanks:-
(a) The African was feeling a terrible pain because ________.
(b) _______ came to the king, would never return _________.
(c) Gradually, over a period of time ________ was over whelmed by pride and ________.
(d) It was during the meal that just as Lencho had ________, big drops of rain began to fall.
(e) Lencho became _______ when he counted the money.

Q.6) Translate the following into Hindi:-

The house-the only one in the entire valley-sat on the crest of a low hill. From this height one could see the
river and the fields of ripe corn dotted with the flowers that always promised a good harvest. The only thing
the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower. Throughout the morning Lencho-who knew his fields
intimately-had done nothing else but seen the sky towards the northeast.

Q.7) Tick the correct answer:-

(A) Gandhiji was put in jail in- (a) 1915 (b) 1920 (c) 1921 (d) 1922
(B) Dr. Kalam noticed a sick- (a) man (b) boy (c) elephant (d) peacock
(C) Janushruti took due care of his- (a) brother (b) family (c) Subjects (d) cousins
(D) The older boys were working in his- (a) field (b) factory (c) home (d) school

Q.8) Write any one poem of 8 lines of your book.

Q.9) Answer the following in one word:-

(a) One who assists someone. (b) One who keeps accounts.
(c) One who applies for a job. (d) One who participates.
(e) One who serves someone.

Q.10) Write whether the sentence is statement, question, command, request or an exclamation.
(a) Where does your uncle live? (c) Could you direct me the way to the station, please?
(b) How cold the winters are! (d) Children like to watch cartoon films.
(e) Priya left my book on the table.

Q.11) Write the synonyms of the following words:-

(a) Prosperous (b) Deserve (c) Benevolent (d) Earning (e) Proceed

Q.12) Give the opposites of the following:-

(a) Clean (b) Near (c) Rich (d) Big (e) Strong

Q.13) Make sentences with the help of the following words:-

(a) Powerful (b) Drink (c) Funny (d) Properly (e) Health

Q.14) Give the comparative and superlative degrees of the following Adjectives:-
(a) Rich (b) Many (c) Much (d) Ugly (e) Wide


Q.1) Write an application to your principal requesting him to grant you leave for 2 days. As you are
going Lucknow to visit the zoo.

Q.2) Write an essay- (Any One)

(a) My School (b) My Favourite Teacher (c) My Best Friend

Q.3) Translate the following into English:-

(a) ;g ,d irax gSA (b) og ,d bekjr gSA (c) ;g ,d uhyh dye gSA (d) os fpfM+;k¡ gSaA
(e) esjks ikl dbZ iqLrdsa gSaA (f) mlds ikl 10 xk;sa FkhaA (g) taxy esa ,d
‘ksj FkkA
(h) jes’k ds ikl ,d uhyk dye FkkA (i) ,d dqRrk FkkA (j) Nr ij canj gSA

Q.4) Was/Were dk Á;ksx dc fd;k tkrk gS\ fyf[k,A

Q.5) Is/Am/Are ds Á;ksx dk fu;e fyf[k,A

Q.6) Word vkSj Sentence dh ifjHkk”kk fyf[k,A



M.M. 100 TIME – 3 HOUR


Q.1) Write the Hindi meaning of the following words:-

(a) Pirates (b) Cowboy (c) Please (d) Vivid (e) Probably (f) Unable (g) Sensitive
(h) Startled (i) Eminent (j) Untidy (k) Stamp (l) Crank (m) Debt (n) Curse
(o) Need (p) Shiver (q) Broad (r) Fiery (s) Street (t) Narrow

Q.2) Write the English word of the following Hindi word:-

(a) v’kkar (b) fuxyuk (c) xyk (d) ihNs tkuk (e) fuosnu djuk
(f) tehankj (g) etnwj (h) ifjp; (i) gLrfyfi (j) Vgyrs gq,

Q.3) Translate the following into Hindi:-

Halku and his wife lived in a village. They were poor. They owed money to Sohna, the money lender.
Though it was a cold winter, Halku had not bought a blanket. He said to his wife, “Give me some money.
Sohna, the money lender has already come twice. We should give him the money. That how we can get rid
of him.” “As there are only three rupees,” said Halku’s wife, “We cannot return his money.

Q.4) Answer the following questions:-

(a) From which things did the poet get pleasure?
(b) Why did the woman give instructions to the girl who got into the train? What were the instructions?
(c) How did Hardy spend the day he got Ramanujan’s letter?
(d) What effect did C.S. Carr’s book have on Ramanujan?
(e) Why did Halku want to give the money to Sohna?
(f) Why did Halku’s wife become angry?
(g) From where do you think the poet is watching the rain?
(i) Which things arrested the child first of all on his way to the fair?

Q.5) Answer the following questions in detail:-

(a) Describe the things by which the child was attracted in the fair?
(b) What compliment did the writer give to the girl? Why did he then say that it was a safe remark?
Q.6) Explain the following lines with reference to the context:-
“Went hunting and fishing,
My fantasy was all aglow.”
Q.7) Write the rhyming words of the following words:-
(a) Seas (b) Guide (c) Snow (d) Lane (e) Heat
Q.8) Fill in the blanks:-
(a) “I am getting down at ________” the girl said.
(b) Hardy felt bored looking at the letter from Ramanujan because ________.
(c) In the broad and fiery street, in the narrow lane, _______.
(d) A man stood ________ a pole with yellow, red, green and purple balloons flying from it.
(e) Ramanujan was poor _______.

Q.9) Tick the correct option:-

(A) Where the girl was going on- (a) Delhi (b) Mussoorie (c) Dehradun (d) Rishikesh

(B) The girl was- (a) deaf (b) dumb (c) lame (d) blind
(C) Hardy sent a message to- (a) Ramanujan(b) Einstein (c) his wife (d) none of these
(D) Although Halku was warm now, he didn’t go out into the-
(a) field (b) house (c) forest (d) orchard

Q.10) Write one word for the following:-

(a) A traveler in space. (b) A list of books (c) One who lacks courage.
(d) One who believes in fate. (e) One who travels on foot.

Q.11) ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false sentences:-

(a) Ramanujan was a great geologist. (b) Hardy was a great mathematician.
(c) The child was going market along with his parents. (d) His parents were holding his hands.

Q.12) Write any one poem of 8 lines of your book.

Q.13) Write the opposite of the following words:-

(a) Bored (b) Ordinary (c) Genius (d) Arrive (e) Perturbed


Q.1) Write an application to your principal requesting him to grant you leave for 5 days. As you are
going Delhi to attend a marriage function.

Q.2) Write an essay- (Any One)

(a) My Favourite Book (b) My Favourite Festival (c) Pollution

Q.3) Translate the following into English:-

(a) rqe Ldwy tkrs gksA (b) canj Nr ij ukprk gSA (c) dqRrs lM+d ij ugha
HkkSadrs gSaA
(d) D;k rqe mUgsa tkurs gks\ (e) os cxhps esa dc tkrs gSa\ (f) canj isM+ ij D;ksa
dwn jgk Fkk\
(g) eNfy;k¡ ikuh esa ugha rSj jgha gSaA (h) lw;Z iwjc esa mx pqdk gSA (i) D;k ekrkth
rqEgsa Mk¡V pqdh gSa\
(j) og lqcg ls D;k dj jgk gS\ (k) firkth us rqEgsa ugh cqyk;k gSA
(l) yM+fd;ksa us Qwy rksM+kA (m) rqe firkth ds lkFk cktkj ugh x;sA
(n) rqEgsa fdlus ijs’kku fd;k\ (o) fcYyh pwgs dk ihNk dj jgh FkhA
Q.4) Present Indefinite vkSj Present Perfect Continuous dk igpku vkSj buds lHkh Hkkxksa dk fu;e

Q.5) Write a letter to your friend inviting him to your house to spent summer vacation.

Q.6) What are the two parts of any sentence? Name them.

Q.7) Define ‘Sentence’ and ‘Word’.

Q.8) Has, Have vkSj Had dk Á;ksx fyf[k,A

Q.9) Read the following lines carefully and correct the spelling wherever it is necessary:-
English is an international languge. It is the language of trad and all over the word. It has a rich litere and a
vast store of knowlege.

Q.10) Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ wherever necessary:-
_____ young boy in _____ story seventeen oranges. He was not _____ professional thief. But one day, he
stole seventeen oranges at _____ docks and was caught by ______ policeman whose name was Pongo.
Pongo wanted to punish him in order to make ______ example of him. He locked him in _______ room and
went out to look for ______ witness.



M.M. 100 TIME – 3 HOUR


Q.1) Write the Hindi meaning of the following words:-

(a) Distant (b) Impatient (c) Prey (d) Drag (e) Astronaut (f) Miracle (g) Trip
(h) Space (i) Weaver (j) Wild (k) Shroud (l) Robe (m) Squealing (n) Threshold
(o) Whined (p) Jackal (q) Dare (r) Argue (s) Terrible (t) Universe

Q.2) Write the English word of the following Hindi word:-

(a) cuk gqvk (b) Nr (c) iwoZt (d) ‘ks[kh ekjuk (e) >qaM
(f) okLro esa (g) pkVuk (h) ÄwaÄV (i) fnu dh ‘kq:vkr (j) vafre laLdkj

Q.3) Translate the following into Hindi:-

In a distant forest, a group of monkeys was in search impatient of some water to drink. The summer had
dried up many ponds. The monkeys were getting impatient by each passing minute. A very wise monkey
was their leader. After searching for a long time, they finally came to large pond. All the monkeys began to
jump with joy. What they did not know was that a huge giant had came across the pond earlier and had
started living in the pond.

Q.4) Answer the following questions:-

(a) Why were the monkeys getting impatient?
(b) Where did they come in search of water?
(c) Who was Kalpana Chawla? Why did many women think her as their inspiration?
(d) How many crew members were killed in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster?
(e) Write about the main stages in the life of a man.
(f) What is the colour of the robes of a new born child?
(g) Who came along as Father Wolf prepared to go hunting? Why was he despised by the wolves?
(h) Who was Shere Khan? What information did the Jackal give about him?
(i) Where was Galileo born? In which country did he live and work?
(j) Why did Galileo change his subject of study at the university?

Q.5) Tick the correct option:-

(A) The summer had dried up: (a) rivers (b) wells (c) ponds (d) seas
(B) Kalpana Chawla was born in: (a) New Delhi (b) Punjab (c) Rajasthan (d) Haryana
(C) Tabaqui is the name of a: (a) Wolf (b) Jackal (c) Lion (d) Fox
(D) A friend of Galileo introduced him to: (a) Science (b) Mathematics (c) History

Q.6) Fill in the blanks:-

(a) All the monkeys began to _________ with joy.
(b) The monkeys did not know the existence of the _________.
(c) Kalpana Chawala was an _________ scientist and astronaut.
(d) Father Wolf and his family lived in the _________.
(e) The jackal Tabaqui had a ________ tail.

Q.7) Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false sentences:-
(a) A very wise monkey was their leader. (b) We have come here for the first time.

(c) Kalpana Chawla studied at Tagore Public School. (d) Her husband is a businessman.
(e) Mother Wolf had four cubs.

Q.8) Correct the mis-spelt words:-

(a) Dictent (b) Saarch (c) Falen (d) Actualy (e) Bambo (f) Enouf (g) Enngry

Q.9) Write any one poem of 8 lines of your book.

Q.10) Use the following words in your own sentences:-

(a) Weave (b) New (c) Night (d) Cloud (e) Peacock

Q.11) Write the synonym of the following words:-

(a) Surrounded (b) Running (c) Unaware (d) Strict (e) Excellence

Q.12) Write the opposite words of the following:-

(a) Everything (b) New (c) Bright (d) Remember (e) Man

Q.13) Explain the following:

Weavers, weaving at break of day,
Why do you weave a garment so gay?
Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild,
We weave the robes of a new born child.


Q.1) Write an application to your principal requesting him to arrange the sport goods in your school
for preparation of annual sports day.

Q.2) Write a letter to your father to send you some money to buy some books.

Q.3) Present Continuous vkSj Present Perfect dk igpku vkSj blds lHkh Hkkxksa dk fu;e fyf[k,A

Q.4) Write an essay- (Any One)

(a) Our National Festival (b) My Brother (c) Benefits of Computer
Q.5) Write the Ist form of the following verbs:-
(a) Shown (b) Allowed (c) Watched (d) Jumped (e) Kept

Q.6) Make plurals of the following nouns:-

(a) Giant (b) Monkey (c) Pony (d) Couple (e) Leader

Q.7) Translate the following into English:-

(a) og d{kk esa ukprk gSA (b) rqe dsyk ugh [kkrs gksA
(c) D;k rqe mls i<+krs gks\ (d) og rqEgsa dc ekjrk gS\
(e) og Nr ij irax mM+k jgk gSA (f) yM+fd;k¡ Qwy ugha rksM+ jgh gSaA
(g) jesa’k dqRrs dks D;ksa ekj jgk gS\ (h) cPpk lks pqdk gsA
(i) mUgksaus [kkuk ugh [kk;k gSA (j) D;k rqe diM+k /kqy pqds gks\
(k) os i= dc fy[k pqds gSa\ (l) lqcg ls ckfj’k gks jgh gSA
(m) ge ,d ÄaVs ls irax ugh mM+k jgs gSaA (n) og nks cts ls Nr ij D;ksa i<+ jgk gS\

Q.8) Pick out the verb from the following sentences:-

(a) I saw a parrot sitting on a tree. (b) They are good students.
(c) I taught Ravi English. (d) You flew the kite yesterday.

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