10 Types of Essays
10 Types of Essays
10 Types of Essays
Gr. & Sec: 8 – Socrates
An essay is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument, but the
definition is vague, overlapping with those of a letter, a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short
story. Or in other words essay is a piece of writing that is written to convince someone of something
or to simply inform the reader about a particular topic. In order for the reader to be convinced or
adequately informed, the essay must include several important components to make it flow in a
logical way.
There are several types of essays that can be used in writing an essay. These are the following.
1. Narrative essays - Narrative essays tell a story and often are the most personal type of essay you
may write. They allow you to exercise creativity and imagination. A narrative essay generally has an
opening that gets the reader's attention and provides enough background information for the story
to make sense.
2. Descriptive essays - Descriptive essays provide a detailed description of your subject. This may be
a person, place, thing or event. Descriptive essays, like narrative essays, allow for a more creative
approach to writing. Unlike narrative essays, which provide a complete story, descriptive essays
often focus only on the subject.
3. Expository essays - Expository essays explain a topic neutrally. Writers use expository essays to
demonstrate their knowledge or expertise in a certain area. Teachers often assign expository essays
to test their students' understanding of a topic. These essays often avoid emotion or opinion and
instead focus on factual information.
4. Definition essays - Definition essays are a type of exposition essay that defines a term or idea.
These essays typically examine complex or abstract topics and provide in-depth analysis and
explanations. For instance, a definition essay might discuss what existentialism is or the meaning of
quantum physics. Definition essays are common in academic and research settings.
5. Process essays - Process essays are another type of exposition essay that describes how to do
something or how something works. Process essays usually contain an introduction, the body, and
the conclusion.
6. Compare and contrast essays - Compare and contrast essays discuss two subjects and detail the
similarities and differences between them. These essays include an introduction, at least one
paragraph to explain the subjects' similarities, at least one paragraph to discuss differences and a
conclusion. Compare and contrast essays are common in academic settings. An example of a
compare and contrast essay is one describing the similarities and differences between bees and
7. Argumentative essays - Argumentative essays try to convince the reader to take a certain side
based on the information the writer presents. Argumentative essays rely on facts rather than
emotion to sway the readers.
8. Persuasive essays - Persuasive essays aim to persuade readers to have an opinion or take a side
using facts and emotional appeals. To support an argument or cause, persuasive essays can include
moral and emotional reasoning to connect to the reader.
9. Cause and effect essays - Cause and effect essays detail why certain events or situations led to
other events. Writers create a clear connection between the two sets of events or circumstances
and explain what features of the initiating event created the subsequent incidents. Cause and effect
essays are types of expository essays, so they state facts and avoid subjective opinions.
10. Critical essays - Critical essays provide an in-depth analysis of a topic. They can critique paintings,
books, movies, plays or restaurants. Many college courses, especially literature and humanities
courses, require critical essays as a way to test students' ability to think critically and identify
evidence from a specific work that validates their observations. Critical essays use facts from the
subject to justify an opinion.