5 Educ 206 Module For Chapter 5-7 NORIZA B. BOCABO

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Principle & Theories

Educational Management
Assignment - Module 5 – 7
Chapter 5 - 7

Submitted by:


MAED-Major in Educational Management (Section A)

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Christ the King College

1 Semester, AY 2021-2022

EDUCATION 206 – Principles and Theories of Educational Management

MODULE: #5-7


1. Discuss figure 5.1 below

Planning and Control


Planning and Control process - helps managers plan how to use resources,
including people, to achieve particular goals and objectives and to control the
use of resources to achieve those goals and objectives. Furthermore, plans, as
stated above, identify objectives and the actions needed to achieve them.
Planning provides a framework which helps management to develop a plan of
action, to estimate future revenues and costs, to anticipate future events, to
reduce uncertainty about the future and to increase the chances of achieving
the goals and objectives of the organization through coordination of plans.

The control process of management - ensures that every activity of a business is

furthering its goals. This process basically helps managers in evaluating their
organization’s performance. By using it effectively, they can decide whether to
change their plans or continue with them as they are.

Control is the process of using feedback on actual performances and results,

comparing the actual results with the plans, measuring its deviations from plans
and policies and finally taking corrective actions to bring all future activities in
line with the plan. Control Process is critical to the success of an organization.
After plans are set in place, management must execute a series of steps to
ensure that the plans are carried out. The steps in the basic control process can
be followed for almost any application, such as improving product quality,
reducing waste, and increasing sales.

Target and Performance standards - Managers must translate plans into

performance standards. These performance standards can be in the form of
goals, such as revenue from sales over a period of time. The standards should
be attainable, measurable, and clear.
Measurement of standard - Measuring actual performance, If performance is not
measured, it cannot be ascertained whether standards have been met. The
measurement of standard can be done in several ways, depending on the
performance standards, including financial statements, sales reports,
production results, customer satisfaction, and formal performance appraisals.
Managers at all levels engage in the managerial function of controlling to some

Comparison with target and standard - Comparing actual performance with

standards or goals: Accept or reject the product or outcome. The measurement
of performance can be done in several ways, depending on the performance
standards, including financial statements, sales reports, production results,
customer satisfaction, and formal performance appraisals. Managers at all
levels engage in the managerial function of controlling to some degree.

Identification of deviation - Managers must identified and determine why

standards were not met. This step also involves determining whether more
control is necessary or if the standard should be changed. If the deviation is a
result of a plan that is unrealistic or incorrect, the plan may have to be revised
and updated. Thus, planning and control process helps managers plan how to
use resources, including people, to achieve particular goals and objectives and
to control the use of resources to achieve those goals and objectives.

Corrective action: A corrective action is realizing and defining a problem,

containing a problem, determining its cause and taking appropriate action to
prevent it happening again. Its should be considered as a reactive response to
a problem since it is taken when non-conformance is detected. After the
reasons for deviations have been determined, managers can then develop
solutions for issues with meeting the standards and make changes to
processes or behaviors.

2. Cite an experience as a school teacher/school administrator illustrating a

planning scheme that your school usually follows.


The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is one of the planning schemes that
every schools follow. It contains the different programs and projects of the school
for 3 years. It has requirements from one school to another, but their unifying
purpose is to document goals, strategies and action steps that aim to improve
quality education for the learners. The involvement of the school head, teachers
and staff of the school is very important in planning and implementation.

In the SIP, objectives, strategies/ objectives, person responsible, budget and

time frame are found for the different school programs and projects. These
should be followed in order to determine of the school if the targets found in the
SIP are met or not.
3. From your own experience, what are the common issues in your school when
planning? How did your school manage the issue/problem?

Based on my experience, some of the common issues in our school when
planning are the following:
- Lack of participation/ involvement from teachers and other school personnel.
- Only few gives suggestions and comments during planning
- Lack of fund and budget
- Lack of time/ No time management. Most of the time, planning is done in

Our school manage this issues and problems by having proper

communication from the Principal. She is the one who lead in every planning
of the activity. Though only few gives suggestions, we always select the best
suggestions for the benefit or improvement of our school. In order also to
manage the participation and involvement of everyone, our Principal gives
memo for the 100% attendance for every meeting or planning that we had.

Chapter 6 – Organizing

1. Why is organizing considered as one of the most important functions of a



Organizing creates and maintains rational relationships between human,

material, financial, and information resources by indicating which resources
are to be used for the specified activities and also when, where, and how they
are to be used. The organizing function leads to an organizational structure
which defines precisely the authorities and the responsibilities. Organization
structure is the pattern of relationships among various components or parts of
the organization which prescribes the relations among various activities and
positions. It defines the system of relations between elements, factors, and
activities within the organization. The organizational structure is to be
designed for some concrete conditions and objective needs of the
organization. The following are the important factors which are to be taken
into consideration in the process of designing of the organizational structure.

Answer :

Organizing considered as one of the most important functions of a manager

because it helps the management in many ways. Organizing aligns the
various resources towards a common mission. Efficient Administration
It brings together various departments by grouping similar and related jobs
under a single specialization. This establishes coordination between different
departments, which leads to unification of effort and harmony in work. It
governs the working of the various departments by defining activities and their
authority relationships in the organizational structure. It creates the
mechanism for management to direct and control the various activities in the

Resource Optimization
Organizing ensures effective role-job-fit for every employee in the
organization. It helps in avoiding confusion and delays, as well as duplication
of work and overlapping of effort.

Benefits Specialization
It is the process of organizing groups and sub-divide the various activities and
jobs based on the concept of division of labor. This helps in the completion of
maximum work in minimum time ensuring the benefit of specialization.

Promotes Effective Communication

Organizing is an important means of creating coordination and communication
among the various departments of the organization. Different jobs and
positions are interrelated by structural relationship. It specifies the channel
and mode of communication among different members.

Creates Transparency
The jobs and activities performed by the employees are clearly defined on the
written document called job description which details out what exactly has to
be done in every job. Organizing fixes the authority-responsibility among
employees. This brings in clarity and transparency in the organization.

Expansion and Growth

When resources are optimally utilized and there exists a proper division of
work among departments and employees, management can multiply its
strength and undertake more activities. Organizations can easily meet the
challenges and can expand their activities in a planned manner.

2. Discuss the following formal relationships in an organization:

A. Line Organization
B. Staff Organization
C. Line and Staff Organization
D. Functional Organization
E. From your experiences (school or otherwise), illustrate where the above
relationships exist


A. Line Organization:
Line organization is the simplest and the oldest type of organization. It is also
known as scalar organization or military type of organization. In the words
of J.M. Lundy, “It is characterized by direct lines of authority flowing from
the top to the bottom of the organizational hierarchy and lines of
responsibility flowing in an opposite but equally direct manner.” An
important characteristic of such type of organization is superior-
subordinate relationship. Superior delegates authority to another
subordinate and so on, forming a line from the very top to the bottom of
the organization structure. The line of authority so established is referred
as “line authority.” Under this type of organization authority flows
downwards, responsibility moves upwards in a straight line. Scalar
principle and unity of command are strictly followed in line organization.
This type of organization resembles with the army administration or
military type of organization. As in case of military, commander-in-chief
holds the top most position and has the entire control over the army of the
country, which in turn is developed into main area commands under major-
Types of line organization:

(1) Simple or Pure Line Organization:

In the ‘Pure Line organization’ the activities (at any level of

management) are the same with each man performing the same type of work
and the divisions primarily exist for the purpose of control and direction. In
practice, such type of organization rarely exists pure line organization

In this type of organization all the workers perform the same type of
work. The departmental divisions are made only for the sake of convenience
of supervision and management.

(2) Departmental line organization:

Under this type of organization, an organization is divided into various
departments headed by different departmental heads. All the departments
operate under the ultimate control of general manager. The orders flow
directly from the general manager to all the departmental heads that in turn
pass on to their respective subordinates. Likewise, the subordinates, inturn,
communicate the orders to the workers under them.

The various departmental heads will be perfectly independent of each

other and they will enjoy equal status the central idea, in the formation of such
departments is not similarly or dis-similarity of functions or activities, but unity
of control and line authority and responsibility from the top of the organisation
to the bottom.

B. Staff Organization
Staff organization are engaged in task that provide support for line groups.
They consist of advisory (legal), service (human resource) or control
(accounting) groups. Staff groups support those engaged in the central
productive activity of the organization.

C. Line and Staff Organization:

The line and staff organization is an improvement over the above
mentioned two systems viz, line organization and functional organization. The
line organization concentrates too much on control whereas the functional
system divides the control too much. The need was, therefore, for a system
that will ensure a proper balance between the two. The need has been fulfilled
by line and staff organization. The system like line organization also owes its
birth to army. The commanders in the field who are line officers are assisted
by the staff that helps them in formulating strategies and plans by supplying
valuable information. Similarly in organization, line officers get the advice of
the staff which is very helpful in carrying on the task in an efficient manner.
However, staff’s role is advisory in nature. Line officers are usually assisted by
staff officers in effectively solving various business problems.

Important advantages of Line and Staff Organization are:

1. Specialization: This type of organization is based on planned specialization

and brings about the expert knowledge for the benefit of the management.

2. Better decisions: Staff specialists help the line manager in taking better
decisions by providing them adequate information of right type at right time.

3. Lesser Burden on line officers: The work of the line officers is considerably
reduced with the help of staff officers. Technical problems and specialised
matters are handled by the Staff and the routine and administrative matters
are the concern of Line Officers.

4. Advancement of research: As the work under this type of organization is

carried out by experts, they constantly undertake the research and
experimentation for the improvement of the product. New and economical
means of production are developed with the help of research and

5. Training for line officer: Staff services have proved to be an excellent

training medium for Line Officers.

Disadvantages of Line and Staff Organization:

1. Conflict between line and staff authorities: There may be chances of conflict
between line and staff authorities. Line Officers resent the activities of staff
members on the plea that they do not always give correct advice. On other
hand staff officials complain that their advice is not properly carried out.

2. Problems of line and staff authority: There may be confusion on the

relationship of line and staff authorities. Line Officers consider themselves
superior to Staff Officers. The Staff Officers object to it.

3. Lack of responsibility: As the staff specialists are not accountable for the
results, they may not perform their duties well.

4. The system is quite expensive: The appointment of experts involves a

heavy expenditure. Small and medium size organizations cannot afford such
a system.

5. More reliance on staff: Some of the line officers excessively rely on the
staff. This may considerably reduce the line control.

D. Functional Organization

Functional organization also operates at higher level of management. The

whole work in the organization is divided in various departments. Similar type of
work and transactions are put in one department under the control of a
departmental manager or head. Various departments are also known as
functional areas of management viz., Purchases, Sales, Finance, Production, and
Personnel etc. The respective managers of these departments will be responsible
for carrying out various activities of their departments in the organization.

Advantages of functional organization. Following are the main benefits derived

from functional organization:

1. Specialization: This system derives the benefits of specialization. As every

functional incharge is an expert in his area, he will guide using his
specialization and with the help of the subordinates, try to attain the specified

2. Increased efficiency: This type of organization ensures enhanced efficiency as

the workers operate under the expert and competent personnel and perform
limited operations.

3. Limited duties: The functional foremen have to carry out the limited number of
duties concerning their area of work. This considerably reduces the burden of
work and makes possible for the foreman to carry out the work in the best
possible manner.

4. Scope for expansion: Functional organization offers a great scope for

expansion of business enterprise without any dislocation and loss of efficiency
as each man grows on account of his own specialty.

5. Flexibility: It is flexible pattern of organization. A change in organization can be

made without disturbing the whole organization. In the words of Louis A. Allen,
“Function as a whole can he cut by eliminating positions at the lower levels
without seriously affecting its total performance.”

Disadvantages of Functional Organization:

Despite the above advantages, this type of organization suffers from the following

1. Conflict in authority:
The authority relationship violates the principle of ‘unity of command’. It
creates several bosses instead of one line authority. It leads to conflict and
confusion in the minds of the workers to whom they should obey and whom
they should ignore.

2. Difficulty in pinpointing responsibility:

On account of the non-application of the principle of ‘unity of control’, it
is very difficult for the top management to fix the responsibility of a particular
foreman. There arises a tendency for shirking of responsibility.

3. Expensive:
This pattern of organization is quite impracticable and expensive.
Multiplicity of experts increases the overhead expenditure. The small
organizations cannot afford to install such a system.

4. Discipline is slackened:
Discipline among the workers as well as lower supervisory staff is
difficult to maintain as they are required to work under different bosses and
this may hamper the progress of the organization.

5. Lack of coordination:
Appointment of several experts in the organization creates the problem
of coordination and delay in decision-making especially when a decision
requires the involvement of more than one specialist.
E. From your experiences (school or otherwise), illustrate where the above
relationships exist.

 Line Organization – in school, our School Principal is positioned at the top of

the organizational structure and has clear lines of distinction between her and
her subordinates or the teachers.
 Staff Organization – in the Division Office, the human resource department
employees help other departments or different schools by selecting and
developing qualified teachers or applicant. Staff authority gives staff personnel
the right to offer advice in an effort to improve line operations.

 Line and Staff Organization - An example is also from the Division Office.
The legal adviser does not actively engage in other activities, but does
provide legal support to those who do. Therefore, staff positions are engaged
in activities that are supportive to line personnel.

 Functional Organization - an accounting department might have authority to

request documents they need to prepare financial reports, or a human
resource manager might have authority to ensure that all departments are
complying with equal employment opportunity laws. Functional authority is a
special type of authority for staff personnel, which must be designated by top

Chapter 7 – Directing

1. What is the difference between influencing people by a.) motivation b.)



The difference between influencing people by motivation and authority

power are: Motivation is the process of stimulating people to action to
accomplish desired goals. Motivation depends upon satisfying needs of people.
If it helps to identify and satisfy the needs of human resources in the
organization and thereby helps in improving their performance. It is the reason
why every major organization develops various kinds of motivational program
and spends crores of rupees on these program. helps to improve performance
levels of employees as well as the organization. Since proper motivation
satisfies the needs of employees, they in turn devote all their energies for
optimum performance in their work. A satisfied employee can always turnout
expected performance. People influencing Motivation helps to change negative
or indifferent attitudes of employee to positive attitudes so as to achieve
organizational goals. While people influencing power /authority to change
the behaviour of others and make them do things that they might not do
otherwise. The trouble with power is that, for the group, there is no alternative
but to comply – which means that power is often achieved through fear or
coercion. Power forces people to complete a task, where motivation helps them
understand why that task is necessary. Power relies heavily on forcing team
members to do something through the use of threats, whether they’re implied or
explicit. Intimidation is achieved by creating the belief that if an employee does
not comply, they will face punishment – whether that means being fired, losing
out on a promotion or being berated in a public space. This kind of negative
leadership can create the feeling amongst team members that they have no
choice but to do things a certain way.

6. Under what conditions might each of the two can be used?

The conditions might motivation can be used for example, a worker may
have indifferent or negative attitude towards his work, if he is not rewarded
properly. If suitable rewards are given and supervisor gives positive
encouragement and praise for the good work done, the worker may slowly
develop positive attitude towards the work and helps to reduce employee
turnover and thereby saves the cost of new recruitment and training. The
main reason for high rate of employee turnover is lack of motivation. If
managers identify motivational needs of employees and provide suitable
incentives, employees may not think of leaving the organization.

3. Many would accept the premise that communication is very important in an

organization yet often ill-practiced or not-at-all.
Comment by citing why this happens and how this practice can be avoided

Answer :

Many would accept the premise that communication is very important in

an organization yet often ill-practiced or not-at-all this happen because
Everyone has their own communication style. Some people are very direct while
others prefer a more indirect approach. Some use detailed data, while others rely
on generalities, and so forth. Occasionally, one person is so entrenched in their
way of communicating, they find it difficult to communicate with others who rely
on a different style. Another one is Conflict can happen for a variety of reasons
and when it does, it becomes a ill practice to effective communication. Then
Inability to Listen to Others because Active listening is an important aspect of
effective communication. You cannot engage with someone if you are not
listening to them because you will tend to make assumptions about their needs
based on your perceptions versus reality. This practice can be avoid by talking
and engage with team members. Discover if any hidden problems impact their
performance. Once you understand what the problem is, address it as needed or
refer them to another member of the organization who can help. If necessary,
host a workshop in which employees learn more about the importance of listening
and how to improve their listening skills. . Let other team members read all
written correspondences before sending them. Allowing others to check your
work increases the chances of finding and correcting even the smallest errors.
We all should actively engage in reflecting on our own communication skills. The
above list of communication barriers, is a great place to start. Reflection, empathy
(putting yourself into the other’s shows), and practice will help you hone your
skills. However, no one is perfect, so it is also important to recognize and
acknowledge when you make a mistake, which is the first step in keeping the
doors to effective communication open.

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