5 Educ 206 Module For Chapter 5-7 NORIZA B. BOCABO
5 Educ 206 Module For Chapter 5-7 NORIZA B. BOCABO
5 Educ 206 Module For Chapter 5-7 NORIZA B. BOCABO
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MODULE: #5-7
Planning and Control process - helps managers plan how to use resources,
including people, to achieve particular goals and objectives and to control the
use of resources to achieve those goals and objectives. Furthermore, plans, as
stated above, identify objectives and the actions needed to achieve them.
Planning provides a framework which helps management to develop a plan of
action, to estimate future revenues and costs, to anticipate future events, to
reduce uncertainty about the future and to increase the chances of achieving
the goals and objectives of the organization through coordination of plans.
The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is one of the planning schemes that
every schools follow. It contains the different programs and projects of the school
for 3 years. It has requirements from one school to another, but their unifying
purpose is to document goals, strategies and action steps that aim to improve
quality education for the learners. The involvement of the school head, teachers
and staff of the school is very important in planning and implementation.
Based on my experience, some of the common issues in our school when
planning are the following:
- Lack of participation/ involvement from teachers and other school personnel.
- Only few gives suggestions and comments during planning
- Lack of fund and budget
- Lack of time/ No time management. Most of the time, planning is done in
Chapter 6 – Organizing
Answer :
Resource Optimization
Organizing ensures effective role-job-fit for every employee in the
organization. It helps in avoiding confusion and delays, as well as duplication
of work and overlapping of effort.
Benefits Specialization
It is the process of organizing groups and sub-divide the various activities and
jobs based on the concept of division of labor. This helps in the completion of
maximum work in minimum time ensuring the benefit of specialization.
Creates Transparency
The jobs and activities performed by the employees are clearly defined on the
written document called job description which details out what exactly has to
be done in every job. Organizing fixes the authority-responsibility among
employees. This brings in clarity and transparency in the organization.
A. Line Organization:
Line organization is the simplest and the oldest type of organization. It is also
known as scalar organization or military type of organization. In the words
of J.M. Lundy, “It is characterized by direct lines of authority flowing from
the top to the bottom of the organizational hierarchy and lines of
responsibility flowing in an opposite but equally direct manner.” An
important characteristic of such type of organization is superior-
subordinate relationship. Superior delegates authority to another
subordinate and so on, forming a line from the very top to the bottom of
the organization structure. The line of authority so established is referred
as “line authority.” Under this type of organization authority flows
downwards, responsibility moves upwards in a straight line. Scalar
principle and unity of command are strictly followed in line organization.
This type of organization resembles with the army administration or
military type of organization. As in case of military, commander-in-chief
holds the top most position and has the entire control over the army of the
country, which in turn is developed into main area commands under major-
Types of line organization:
In this type of organization all the workers perform the same type of
work. The departmental divisions are made only for the sake of convenience
of supervision and management.
B. Staff Organization
Staff organization are engaged in task that provide support for line groups.
They consist of advisory (legal), service (human resource) or control
(accounting) groups. Staff groups support those engaged in the central
productive activity of the organization.
2. Better decisions: Staff specialists help the line manager in taking better
decisions by providing them adequate information of right type at right time.
3. Lesser Burden on line officers: The work of the line officers is considerably
reduced with the help of staff officers. Technical problems and specialised
matters are handled by the Staff and the routine and administrative matters
are the concern of Line Officers.
1. Conflict between line and staff authorities: There may be chances of conflict
between line and staff authorities. Line Officers resent the activities of staff
members on the plea that they do not always give correct advice. On other
hand staff officials complain that their advice is not properly carried out.
3. Lack of responsibility: As the staff specialists are not accountable for the
results, they may not perform their duties well.
5. More reliance on staff: Some of the line officers excessively rely on the
staff. This may considerably reduce the line control.
D. Functional Organization
3. Limited duties: The functional foremen have to carry out the limited number of
duties concerning their area of work. This considerably reduces the burden of
work and makes possible for the foreman to carry out the work in the best
possible manner.
Despite the above advantages, this type of organization suffers from the following
1. Conflict in authority:
The authority relationship violates the principle of ‘unity of command’. It
creates several bosses instead of one line authority. It leads to conflict and
confusion in the minds of the workers to whom they should obey and whom
they should ignore.
3. Expensive:
This pattern of organization is quite impracticable and expensive.
Multiplicity of experts increases the overhead expenditure. The small
organizations cannot afford to install such a system.
4. Discipline is slackened:
Discipline among the workers as well as lower supervisory staff is
difficult to maintain as they are required to work under different bosses and
this may hamper the progress of the organization.
5. Lack of coordination:
Appointment of several experts in the organization creates the problem
of coordination and delay in decision-making especially when a decision
requires the involvement of more than one specialist.
E. From your experiences (school or otherwise), illustrate where the above
relationships exist.
Line and Staff Organization - An example is also from the Division Office.
The legal adviser does not actively engage in other activities, but does
provide legal support to those who do. Therefore, staff positions are engaged
in activities that are supportive to line personnel.
Chapter 7 – Directing
The conditions might motivation can be used for example, a worker may
have indifferent or negative attitude towards his work, if he is not rewarded
properly. If suitable rewards are given and supervisor gives positive
encouragement and praise for the good work done, the worker may slowly
develop positive attitude towards the work and helps to reduce employee
turnover and thereby saves the cost of new recruitment and training. The
main reason for high rate of employee turnover is lack of motivation. If
managers identify motivational needs of employees and provide suitable
incentives, employees may not think of leaving the organization.
Answer :