Flash Steam - TLV - A Steam Specialist Company (Worldwide)
Flash Steam - TLV - A Steam Specialist Company (Worldwide)
Flash Steam - TLV - A Steam Specialist Company (Worldwide)
Principal Applications for Steam Flash steam is no different from normal a. Additional Note
steam, it is just a convenient name 2. Calculating the % Flash Steam
Types of Steam used to explain how the steam is Generated
formed. Normal or “live” steam is 3. Volume of Flash Steam generated
Flash Steam
produced at a boiler, steam generator, a. Calculating Flash to Condensate
How to Read a Steam Table or waste heat recovery generator – Ratio (Metric)
whereas flash steam occurs when high
b. Calculating Flash to Condensate
2. Steam Heating pressure / high temperature condensate
Ratio (Imperial)
is exposed to a large pressure drop
3. Basics of Steam Traps 4. What to Do With Flash Steam?
such as when exiting a steam trap.
4. Steam Trap Selection
High temperature condensate contains
5. Steam Trap Problems an excess of energy which prevents it
from remaining in liquid form at a lower pressure. The result is that the excess energy
6. Steam Trap Management causes a percentage of the condensate to flash.
7. Water Hammer
Flash Evaporation During Condensate Discharge
8. Risk Mitigation
9. Steam Quality
Condensate discharged out of the orifice of a trap partially evaporates (flash evaporation)
due to the pressure difference (illustration).
So what happens when condensate kept under pressure at 184 °C (363 °F) is released
to atmosphere? The condensate contains too much energy (enthalpy) to remain
entirely liquid, and a portion of it evaporates, causing the temperature of the
remaining condensate to drop to the saturation temperature (i.e., 100 °C or 212 °F if
discharging to atmosphere). This phenomenon is known as flash evaporation.
state). To compensate for the excess amount of energy, part of the water molecules
absorb the excess energy as latent heat and evaporate to form steam.
Additional Note
One of the first things that come to mind when visualizing flash steam are the steam
clouds that can appear outside a non-sub-cooling trap releasing to atmosphere. These
steam clouds can often be misinterpreted as a live steam leak when in fact they are
simply comprised of flashed condensate with fine water droplets in suspension, caused
by the flashing of hot condensate being released to atmosphere.
For a more detailed explanation, please read the article: Is My Trap Leaking Live
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The greater the pressure difference, the larger the amount of flash steam generated at
To understand with great detail, the specific volume of condensate at 100 °C (212 °F)
3 3
is 0.00104 m /kg (0.0167 ft /lb), and the specific volume of atmospheric steam is
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1.67 m /kg (26.8 ft /lb). When high temperature condensate at 1.0 MPaG (145 psig)
is discharged to lower pressure such as atmosphere, 16.1% by mass of that
condensate flashes into steam. The resulting volumetric ratio can be contrasted as
Condensate Volume: (1 - 16.1%) x 0.00104 m /kg =
0.000873 m /kg
3 3
Steam Volume: 16.1% x 1.67 m /kg = 0.269 m /kg
Flash to Condensate Ratio: 0.269 m /kg / 0.000873
m /kg = 308:1
Condensate Volume: (1 - 16.1%) x 0.0167 ft /lb = 0.0140
3 3
Steam Volume: 16.1% x 26.8 ft /lb = 4.31 ft /lb
Flash to Condensate Ratio: 4.31 ft /lb / 0.0140
ft /lb = 308:1
Reusing flash steam generated by a higher pressure system for use in a lower
pressure system can enable considerable energy savings in addition to improving a
plant's working environment by reducing vapor clouds. When trying to implement a
waste heat management system, condensate recovery systems and flash steam
recovery systems are often evaluated together as a pair.
Flash steam from a high pressure system is recovered into a flash tank and reused as steam
in a low pressure system.
Also on TLV.com
Steam and Condensate Training Seminars
Flash Steam Generated by Hot Condensate
Steam Compressor
Steam Bulletin: Archive - Email Magazine