Essay Outline

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State (name of activity):
School holidays Opinions from international
Explain: - When: ___________________ - beautiful beaches

__________________________ - _______________________
Examples (name of dishes):
International students

Connection: - Number:_________________ _______________________

- Nationality: ______________ _______________________

State (name of activity): - Age group: ______________ _______________________

Explain: Reasons for visit

- Good for international Future international student visits

Examples (name of games played): - _______________________
- ________________________
Connection: ________________________
State (name of activity): Accommodation _______________________

- Where: _________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

State the topic: Family Members
What: My family and me Summarize:



Who (your name): Share your feelings about your

State the topic: My parents and their occupation

Where do you live:



State the topic: My siblings

Older brother:

Older sister:

Younger brother:

Younger sister:

State the main idea: Steps you can do on your own. Start with an attention getter: Summarize the main ideas
Explain: i) enroll to martial art classes ___________________________
ii) carry a whistle and pepper spray in your bag ___________________________
Examples: i) learn taekwondo or silat classes at your school or nearby area ___________________________
ii) buy a whistle and pepper spray from outdoor camp shops
State the main idea: ___________________________
State the issue (define crime

___________________________ State two other ways school

children can stay safe on the way
___________________________ home:

MAIN BODY #3 State the exigence (why this issue -

State the main idea: is important) ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

Examples: ___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________
MAIN BODY #4 State the claim (connect to the -
State the main idea: first main body) ___________________________

Explain: ___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
State the main idea:
___________________________ Restate the purpose of writing the
Explain: i) rubbish can be seen everywhere letter:
(Example) (due to lack of dustbins, trash can be seen piling up and
overflowing the bins by the alongside the walkway) ___________________________
iii) ___________________________
State the main idea: Thank the recipient for reading
Start by introducing yourself
(name): the letter and state what you
Explain: i) expect the recipient to do:
ii) ___________________________
State the purpose (why you are
writing the letter): ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
State the main idea: The presence of vandalism is noted within the park.
___________________________ ___________________________
Explain: i) making calls is pointless because public telephones are not working
State the exigence (why this issue ___________________________
Examples: i) For example, say someone needs to make an urgent call due to is important)
unforeseen reason. Then to their horror, the person is unable to ___________________________
make any calls because the public telephones are not functioning. ___________________________
That situation can be dangerous and inconvenient. ___________________________

Start with a greeting: State the main idea: First, you need to practice eating a balance diet. Restate why are writing the letter:
___________________________ ___________________________
Explain: i) make sure to eat more vegetables than meat
___________________________ ii) do not eat a lot of sugary or fatty foods ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________
Examples: i) eat more vegetables like cabbage and carrots for they contain
___________________________ essential nutrients our body needs to stay healthy
ii) reduce on eating candies and fried food for they both can bring ___________________________
___________________________ much harm to our body like cancer and heart attack
Say thank you for receiving the State the main idea:
Write your hope:
letter asking for advice:
Explain: ___________________________
___________________________ MAIN BODY #3
State the main idea: ___________________________

State the reason why you are Explain: Bid farewell:

replying the letter to your friend’s
letter: ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ MAIN BODY #4
State the main idea: ___________________________
Explain: ___________________________



Start with a greeting: State the main idea: First, you need to do some preparations before going into Restate why you are writing the
___________________________ the shop. letter:
___________________________ Explain: i) create a shopping list
(Examples) - include only necessary items with toiletries (such as soaps, ___________________________
toothpastes) and essential food items (which includes tea bags
and bread) ___________________________
ii) calculate your budget ___________________________
- buy what you can afford within the amount you have, or in other
words, do not spoil yourself to buy expensive items ___________________________
Tell her how proud you are of your
sister to study overseas: MAIN BODY #2
Write your hope:
State the main idea: Second, be wise before you make a purchase.
Explain: i) you will save a lot when buying during sales
___________________________ (Examples) - ___________________________
___________________________ ii) compare prices if you want to get the better deal
- ___________________________
State the reason why you are
Bid farewell:
writing the letter to sister: MAIN BODY #3
State the main idea: Thirdly, there are other tips that you can consider in ___________________________
___________________________ saving your day-to-day cost.
___________________________ Explain: i)
ii) ___________________________


State the main idea: First, let us have a look into the achievements made by
Start by greeting your audience: Mr. Hammaker. Restate why you are giving the
Explain: i) ensured 100% passes English language speech and share opinion of the
“Good day and greetings firstly to (Examples) - the Form 5 students that he taught last year in 2019 all passed in teacher:
our guest of honour, Mr. Bill the SPM for English, with grades ranging from C to A+.
Hammaker*, formidable principal, “To sum up, my farewell speech is
respected teachers, and lastly, my ii) recipient of the Innovative Teacher Award nothing but to pay my respect to
fellow students.” Mr. Bill Hammaker, who has done
- due to his passion in teaching, Mr. Hammaker was awarded the
Innovative Teacher Award by the Ministry of Education in 2015. so much in his capacity as not just
my favourite English teacher, but
Introduce yourself and state the also to many people.”
purpose of your speech: Connection: What led to his achievements can only come from what he has
given to us in the past years.
“I, <your name>, of class Form 5 MAIN BODY #2
Share one good memory of your
Penyu, stand before you as I would State the main idea: Second, Mr. Hammaker has contributed so much to the
like to deliver my farewell speech school.
to our beloved and retired teacher.” Explain: i) Head of English panel
“I will never forget the time when
(Examples) - he sent me home from school
Provide brief details about your because I missed the bus. It was at
ii) Teacher advisor – debating team that time he told me that
favourite English teacher:
- experience is the best teacher
anyone can have.”
- number of years teaching at
your school iii) Organiser – charity events
- previous schools -
Wish your teacher well for the
future and thank the audience:
“For those who may not know, Mr. Connection: After all the years of hard work, the time has come for Mr.
Hammaker has taught in this Hammaker to enjoy his retirement. “Mr. Hammaker, I wish you all the
school for the past decade. Prior to MAIN BODY #3 best in your future endeavours
our school, he has also taught at State the main idea: Thirdly, Mr. Hammaker has shared with me about his and may you enjoy your retiring
SMK Taman Avengers and SMK retirement plans. . years. To all, thank you for lending
Kota Justice League. Yet through me your ears.”
Explain: i)
his professional career, he has
done so much.” (Examples)

*For this example, we shall use the

name Mr. Bill Hammaker as the ii)
favourite English teacher who is
going to retired.
N Who are the main characters? Where is the story
T Or are you the main character? taking place?
R What should we know When did this
O about the character(s)? story happened?
↓ ↓
T What is going to happen in
I the story?
O What caused the character(s)
N to face this challenge?

M MAIN POINT #1:  For each main
A point, describe
I what did the
N character in
the problem.
 Make sure to
MAIN POINT #3: leave the
D climax in the
Y final main

↓ ↓
What is the
N How did the
C problem got
message of
L solved?
the story?
S What lesson
I How did the does the
O story end? reader should
N learn?
N Who are the main characters?  Assad Where is the story
At Kuala Lumpur City Centre shopping complex
T Or are you the main character?  Tracy taking place?
R What should we know When did this
Both are best friends in school In December during the school holidays
O about the character(s)? story happened?
D ↓ ↓
What is going to happen in
T Tracy wanted to borrow Assad’s to make a call
the story?
O What caused the character(s)
Tracy forgot where he misplaced the phone
N to face this challenge?

M MAIN  After Assad handed his phone to Tracy, Assad saw a  Tracy needed the phone to inform his mom that he  For each main
A POINT #1: rare comic book on sale. will be coming home late. point, describe
I  Tracy made a call after getting the phone.  After the call, Tracy lost sight of Assad. what did the
N character in
MAIN  Luckily, Assad was just a few meters away staring at  Tracy was about to give back Assad’s phone, then
the problem.
POINT #2: the comic book by the bookshop. realized it was not in his hand.
B  Tracy said he has that comic book and he can lend it to  As a result, Assad panicked and screamed at Tracy.
 Make sure to
O Assad.
leave the
D MAIN  Tracy tried to cool Assad down, but Assad kept on  Tracy felt bad and apologized to Assad. climax in the
Y POINT #3: stressing out.  Assad felt hopeless, but then, Tracy’s pocket vibrated final main
 Assad felt betrayed by Tracy for losing his phone. and the phone was in his back pocket of his pants. point.

↓ ↓
O  As the phone vibrated, Tracy quickly took out the
N What is the
How did the phone from his back pocket. It was Tracy’s mother
C overall  One should always be weary of their possession.
problem got calling back to him reminding him not to come home
L message of  Never get mad quickly and be optimistic.
solved? late.
U the story?
 After the call, Tracy handed the phone back to Assad.
S What lesson
I  After getting his phone back, Assad felt relieved.  In any situation, investigate the situation before
How did the does the
O  Assad and Tracy apologized to each other and they coming to any conclusion.
story end? reader should
N both realised how foolish they had been.  To err is human, to forgive is divine.

What happened on that day:  How did the Sports Day competition started? Describe your feelings:
___________________________  Where there any marching? _

___________________________  Sang any songs? __________________________

 How was the speech by the school’s principal?
___________________________ _

Where & when did it happened: __________________________

___________________________ MAIN BODY #2 (in the middle of the competition)
___________________________  What were the events that took place? _
___________________________  Did you participate in any of the sporting event(s)? __________________________
___________________________  If yes, which sporting events did you participated?
 Did you win in the sporting event? _
 If you lost in the event, what mistake did you do? __________________________

Who was there with you: MAIN BODY #3 (what happened in the end)
What did you learn about
___________________________  What happened in the closing ceremony? yourself and your teammates:

___________________________  Did you enjoy the closing ceremony? __________________________

___________________________  Since your team won the Sports Day competition, how many points did your
team have over the next winning team?
 What were the prizes that your team got? _









INTRODUCTION MAIN BODY #1 (The 3r: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) CONCLUSION

What is happening to our  What does the term 3R refers to? Summarize the facts:
environment? __________________________
 Who can do and help out with the 3R? _
 How do we take action with the 3R? __________________________
___________________________ _

___________________________  What is an example of the 3R that you and your school have done?
Why are you writing the article? MAIN BODY #2 (Planting trees and urban farming) _

___________________________  What does ‘planting trees’ and ‘urban farming’ means? __________________________
___________________________  How does a person plant a tree?
___________________________  What can you grow in an urban farming? _

___________________________ __________________________
 Do you know anyone who practice urban farming at home? Or in your
neighbourhood community?
___________________________ _

MAIN BODY #3 (Saving energy)

Why should we care for the State are the benefits of looking
environment?  What type of energy do we need to save? after our environment:
___________________________  Why must we conserve the energy? __________________________
___________________________  What is happening to the energy we have? Are they renewable energy?
 How can a person do to save energy at home? At school? _
 What have you done to save energy in your life? __________________________




State the main idea: The first fact I would like to state is that one must be in
Define the issue: good health in order to get money. Summarize the facts:
Explain: i) one must be awake in order to work
In this day and age, many people (Examples) - as an abled or a disabled person, anyone can earn money if they Weighing up both sides of the
work hard for the money. Yes, that can move their body argument, we can see that money
cash that we all like to put into our and health are important in their
wallets whenever we want to buy ii) money can only come to you if you inherit the wealth own ways.
stuff. Or perhaps let it stay in the - the only way a person can earn money without lifting a finger is
bank account. from inheriting the wealth
State your opinion:
Yet at the same time, there are
Connection: Though health is vital, there are those who would side that money
those who look after their health, Taking everything into
that is their physical well-being to is more important.
MAIN BODY #2 consideration, I would say that
be free from any sickness and pain. health is more important than
State the main idea: Nothing in life is free, so one must have money even to money. The reason for my
So, the question here is which of look after one’s health. conclusion is that you need to be
the two is more important than the Explain: i) everything has a price alive to enjoy money. You don’t
other? (Examples) - one must pay with money because such wealth is not only see a dead person enjoying wealth,
important to us, but also to our family and to many people in right?
ii) wealth is also a social status As the saying goes, “Health is
- not many people like to live like a beggar or a poor person, and wealth.” Which means that the
people do say that money is a key to escape from poverty greatest wealth anyone can have is
their good health.
Connection: Having said, money is important, but at the same time, we can say
that both money and health can get us happiness.
State the main idea: Both money and health can get us the happiness we wish
for ourselves.
Explain: i) when we are in good health, we tend to feel happy
(Examples) - looking after our physical health can lead to good mental health
because we do not feel so much pain
ii) wealth can help us to buy happiness
- with money, we can buy the happiness from the stuff we enjoy
and love to have, which is why everyone always enjoy retail
therapy, the activity of buying what we want to have

INTRODUCTION MAIN BODY #1 The first time I met Hanushia was during the Form 1 CONCLUSION
State the main idea: orientation day at our school.
Define the topic: Summarize the main points:
Explain: - It was in our Form 1 Penyu classroom, and we were learning
Of all the best friends I ever had, (Examples) English at the fourth period, which was before recess Ever since the beginning of my
Hanushia is one that is most - The English teacher asked us to write our names on the secondary school life chapter,
memorable to me. notebook with a black pen, which I did not have Hanushia has been one best
- Then someone tapped my shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, I friend that anyone can ever ask
We have been the best of friends got your back.” I turned around and it was Hanushia for.
since Form 1 and through the
years, she has been a great help. Connection: That moment when she lent me her black pen, I felt as if someone
told her to look after me in class. Later on, I helped her afterwards. Share your opinion:
From day one of our friendship,
she was friendly, funny and a MAIN BODY #2 After our English class, it was recess and I had the chance After giving much thought, I think
shoulder to lean on. State the main idea: to return the favour to Hanushia. my life would have been in much
of a disaster had it not been for
Explain: - I was lucky to get in line and get a plate of fried rice and a Hanushia being there for me.
(Examples) couple of curry puffs.
- However, there was not enough plates of fried rice to go for
everyone and I noticed that Hanushia looked sad Share your feelings:
- When I asked her why she felt gloom, she replied that she was
hoping to eat fried rice and she missed the chance. As we are near to the end of our
- I told her that she can have my plate because the curry puff was secondary school studies, I would
enough to last me through the day. feel sad if we may end up
Connection: After that meal, we knew we can count on each other for help furthering studies elsewhere apart
through thick and thin. from each other; but at the same
time, we will always be a call
MAIN BODY #3 As the years progress to Form 5, Hanushia and I have away if we ever need someone to
State the main idea: always been there for each other for assistance. hear us out.
Explain: - In Form 3, we gave each other ideas and share information for
(Examples) our Geography portfolio project.
- In Form 4, we joined the debate team and throughout the
district level debate competition, we supported each other to
perform our best, although we lost in the finals.
- Then earlier in the year, although we both competed in
different teams for Sports Day, we cheered for each other to
win the sporting event.
State the main idea: Mr. Hammaker.
Explain: i) ensured 100% passes English language Restate why you are giving the
(Examples) - the Form 5 students that he taught last year in 2019 all passed in speech and share opinion of the
the SPM for English, with grades ranging from C to A+. teacher:

ii) recipient of the Innovative Teacher Award “To sum up, my farewell speech is
- due to his passion in teaching, Mr. Hammaker was awarded the nothing but to pay my respect to
Innovative Teacher Award by the Ministry of Education in 2015. Mr. Bill Hammaker, who has done
so much in his capacity as not just
Connection: What led to his achievements can only come from what he has my favourite English teacher, but
given to us in the past years. also to many people.”
State the main idea: Second, Mr. Hammaker has contributed so much to the
Share one good memory of your
Explain: i) Head of English panel
(Examples) - “I will never forget the time when
he sent me home from school
ii) Teacher advisor – debating team because I missed the bus. It was at
- that time he told me that
experience is the best teacher
iii) Organiser – charity events anyone can have.”

Connection: After all the years of hard work, the time has come for Mr. Wish your teacher well for the
Hammaker to enjoy his retirement. future and thank the audience:
State the main idea: Thirdly, Mr. Hammaker has shared with me about his “Mr. Hammaker, I wish you all the
retirement plans. . best in your future endeavours
Explain: i) and may you enjoy your retiring
years. To all, thank you for lending
me your ears.”

INTRODUCTION MAIN BODY #1 First, sea turtles come to lay their eggs on the beaches, CONCLUSION
State the main idea: but due to human development, they are losing their
Start by greeting your audience: nesting habitat. Summarize the main points:
Explain: - Sea turtles enjoy laying their eggs in a dark and quiet beach.
“Good day and greetings firstly to (Examples) - However, when the place is too bright or noisy, the sea turtles Ever since that fieldtrip, I realized
our honourable principal, will have to find other places to nest. just how many threats the sea
respected educators, and lastly, my turtles have to endure because of
- With so many houses and building built on the beaches, this
fellow students.” us.
makes even harder for the sea turtles to lay their eggs.
- And when they can’t lay their eggs, then there won’t be any
Introduce yourself and state the baby sea turtles to live.
Share your opinion:
purpose of your speech: Connection: Though some turtles do get to lay their eggs, there is another threat
to them caused by us, that is when people eat the sea turtle eggs.
After giving much thought, we
“I, <your name>, of class Form 3 have to do something to help the
MAIN BODY #2 You may find this hard to believe, but there are people
Awesome, stand before you as I sea turtles, and we can.
State the main idea: who do consume sea turtle eggs.
would like to deliver my speech
about my recent school fieldtrip to Explain: - Many centuries ago, sea turtles were abundant, and not many
a sea turtle hatchery.” (Examples) people do eat sea turtle eggs back then. Share your feelings:
- As time progress, human population grew, which means more
and more people are eating the eggs. If we can save the sea turtles, we
Provide brief details about your
- Nowadays, sea turtles are getting extinct, and if their eggs are will also be saving our seas
school fieldtrip:
being eaten by us, then sea turtles are having a tough time to because the sea turtles are
grow their population. considered to be an important
- when did you went?
species in the seas. Hence, I will
- with whom did you go?
Connection: Now that we know what sea turtles are facing on land, they are also be more than happy to work with
- what is the name of the
being threaten by another harm that we caused, plastic bags. anyone to save our great mariners.
place you visited?

“For those who may not know, last MAIN BODY #3 My last point I want to inform all of you is that sea turtles
State the main idea: are getting choked from eating plastic bags. End your speech by thanking the
month the Environmental Club
organized a fieldtrip to the Turtle audience:
Explain: - Did you know that sea turtles love to eat jelly fish?
Conservation and Information
(Examples) - Well, they do and among the sea turtles that eat jelly fish the Last of all, I would like to thank all
Centre in Padang Kemunting,
most is the leatherback turtle. of you for lending me your ears as
Malacca. As the club president, I
went along with other club - With the rise of plastic bags being end up in our seas, the I delivered my speech.
members and we learned massively number of sea turtles getting suffocated from accidentally
about sea turtles. I stand before eating plastic bags are rising.
you as I would like to raise - You see, we humans can differentiate plastic bags and jelly fish.
awareness on the threats to the For the sea turtles, they don’t and they will always mistaken the
wonderful creature.” plastic bag as their favourite meal.
INTRODUCTION MAIN BODY #1 Mom asked me to buy some bread in the town, which CONCLUSION
State the main idea: explains why I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
What is the event: Summarize the main points by
Explain: - After I made the purchase of the bread, of course I left the stating what was the importance
Looking up the sky, I was admiring (Examples) convenient store and was about to head home. of the event:
the white clouds until I heard an - As I walked out, I noticed how the sky looked so calm with
explosive sound that made me clouds appeared to be big and fluffy. Honestly, I sympathize for the
witness a crime in action, the victims who got traumatic after
robbery that caught everyone by seeing such crime taking place in
surprise. my hometown.
Connection: Suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard the noise.

Where and when did this happen? Share your opinion:

MAIN BODY #2 Right about across the road, I saw a few people running
Unfortunately, this robbery took State the main idea: out of the bank screaming and one shouted, “There’s a I kept thinking why the robbers did
place in my hometown and just robbery!” what they did, but one thing for
after the clock struck 1pm in the Explain: - I saw three persons who dressed all in black from head to toe. sure, they committed a terrible
afternoon. This is my story of how (Examples) - One of them had a gun and a bag, then I saw another two crime that is just plain wrong.
it all happened. person which one had another gun and the other carried a huge
- Then one of the robbers screamed at the people, and shot the Share your feelings:
gun again.
- They made their escape on two motorbike and went separate I really hope the police will be
ways. able to catch the bad guys and
- Though I could not see their faces, but I was able to remember prison them because seeing them
the registration plate of one of the motorcycles. flee makes my blood boil.
Connection: As I was watching the whole ordeal, I could only hope that the
police can arrive in time to catch the thieves.
MAIN BODY #3 About ten minutes later, the police came and began their
State the main idea: investigation.

Explain: - The police had officers conducting several duties from collecting
(Examples) evidence to calming the victims down.
- The police asked anyone to come and assist the investigation by
recalling what they saw.
- I volunteered and informed them the registration plate of one
of the motorcycles.
- The officer thanked me and assured me that they will get to the
bottom of this to solve this crime.
INTRODUCTION MAIN BODY #1 Living on Tioman Island means having to enjoy the sights CONCLUSION
State the main idea: of living on a fantasy island.
Summarize the main points:
What is the name of the place? Explain: - Living in Tioman Island would mean I will enjoy the natural
(Examples) sceneries of the beach and life under the sea. Overall, if I can pack my stuffs to
Living in the big city like Kuala - Places like Tekek or Juara are just a couple of the places where move and live on Tioman Island,
Lumpur has its perks, but if there is one can enjoy seeing waves and see school of fish swimming that will be a dream come true as I
one place in Malaysia that I want around in the water. can dwell myself to the
to move and live there right now, - Also, I find the sight of coconut trees on the beach to be surroundings.
then my answer will be Tioman
Share your opinion:
Connection: With so much to see, there are also many activities to enjoy living
Where is this place located? on Tioman Island.
The choice of living on Tioman
Why did you choose to write about Island is one that suits my
MAIN BODY #2 Whenever I think of Tioman Island, I would think of all the
this place? personality for I am an easy-going
State the main idea: pleasurable things I can do on the island.
Located along the eastern Explain: - On the island, I can go for hiking in the jungle where there is
coastline of Johor, this paradise
(Examples) path laid out for anyone to enjoy. Plus, the path will help
island is the one place where I Would you recommend or not
people to navigate through the rainforest and not get lost.
want to enjoy the sweet island life. about this place?
- Then underwater, I can put on some scuba gear and go scuba
diving to be marvel at the sight of the sea life.
In fact, I would highly encourage
Have you been to this place? If everyone to come and visit Tioman
yes, with whom? Island if they have the chance to
appreciate the beauty of nature
The last time I went to Tioman there.
Island was the family vacation I Connection: Simply said, these activities will definitely made me enjoy living the
went with my folks back in June of simple life where I would not feel so stressed out.
2016. MAIN BODY #3 If I can move to Tioman Island right now, that will make
State the main idea: my life feel serene and at peace.
Explain: - Being on the island, I will not encounter traffic jams on the
(Examples) roads that I would have to endure every single day in Kuala
- In addition, the seafood will be abundant and that will make my
tummy go full and never have to worry about food.
- Not to mention the people on the island are super friendly, and
they would make the perfect neighbours because they are
always eager to help out anyone.

INTRODUCTION MAIN BODY #1 First and foremost, make time to entertain yourself with CONCLUSION
State the main idea: some laughs.
Summarize the main points:
What is the name of the place? Explain: - Research have shown that when we enjoy doing something that
(Examples) makes us laugh, we are releasing certain hormones in our body Overall, if I can pack my stuffs to
Living in the big city like Kuala that will make us feel good. move and live on Tioman Island,
Lumpur has its perks, but if there is - Students should include some time to watch funny videos in that will be a dream come true as I
one place in Malaysia that I want YouTube, Instagram or Tik Tok to make them smile. can dwell myself to the
to move and live there right now, surroundings.
then my answer will be Tioman
Island. Connection: If watching videos is not an option, then maybe a good shower will
do. Share your opinion:

Where is this place located? MAIN BODY #2 Another option that students can do to calm themselves is The choice of living on Tioman
Why did you choose to write about State the main idea: by taking shower or doing relaxation activities like praying Island is one that suits my
this place? and meditating. personality for I am an easy-going
Explain: - When our body feels the water, whether cool or warm, the person.
Located along the eastern (Examples) muscle will feel less tensed and so is the heart.
coastline of Johor, this paradise - In addition, praying or meditating can calm our mind so that we
island is the one place where I can focus on our health. Would you recommend or not
want to enjoy the sweet island life. about this place?

In fact, I would highly encourage

Have you been to this place? If everyone to come and visit Tioman
yes, with whom? Island if they have the chance to
Connection: As you can see, activities like taking showers is something that you appreciate the beauty of nature
The last time I went to Tioman there.
do on your own, which brings me to the next point.
Island was the family vacation I
went with my folks back in June of MAIN BODY #3 Speaking of doing things alone, students should also avoid
2016. State the main idea: other stressed people as much as possible.
Explain: - Just being near to one such person can be toxic and then end
(Examples) up being stressed.
- Students should be advised to isolate themselves from these
stressful people just like how we would quarantine from
anyone that has COVID-19 virus.

MAIN BODY #1 First and foremost, make time to entertain yourself with
State the main idea: some laughs.

Explain: - Research have shown that when we enjoy doing something

(Examples) that makes us laugh, we are releasing certain hormones in our
body that will make us feel good.
- Students should include some time to watch funny videos in
YouTube, Instagram or Tik Tok to make them smile.

Connection: If watching videos is not an option, then maybe a good shower will

MAIN BODY #2 Another option that students can do to calm themselves is

State the main idea: by taking shower or doing relaxation activities like praying
and meditating.
Explain: - When our body feels the water, whether cool or warm, the
(Examples) muscle will feel less tensed and so is the heart.
- In addition, praying or meditating can calm our mind so that we
can focus on our health.
Connection: As you can see, activities like taking showers are something that you
do on your own, which brings me to the next point.
MAIN BODY #3 Speaking of doing things alone, students should also avoid
State the main idea: other stressed people as much as possible.
Explain: - Just being near to one such person can be toxic and then end
(Examples) up being stressed.
- Studies have shown that when a person is near to a stressful
person, their stress level will increased to the point of having
bad temper and increased above normal heart rate.
- Students should be advised to isolate themselves from these
stressful people just like how we would quarantine from
anyone that has COVID-19 virus.


State the main idea:
Start with an attention getter: Summarize the article:
___________________________ ___________________________
Explain: i)
___________________________ (Example) ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
State what is the issue: State the main idea: Share your opinion:
Explain: i) ___________________________
___________________________ (Examples)
ii) ___________________________
State what is the purpose of the
article: MAIN BODY #3 Write a proverb that relates to the
State the main idea: article:
Explain: i) ___________________________
___________________________ ii)


Define online shopping: State the main idea: First, you need to do some preparations before going into Restate why you are writing the
___________________________ the shop. letter:
___________________________ Explain: i) create a shopping list
(Examples) - include only necessary items with toiletries (such as soaps, ___________________________
toothpastes) and essential food items (which includes tea bags
and bread) ___________________________
ii) calculate your budget ___________________________
- buy what you can afford within the amount you have, or in other
words, do not spoil yourself to buy expensive items ___________________________
State your purpose: MAIN BODY #2
State the main idea: Second, be wise before you make a purchase. Write your hope:
Explain: i) you will save a lot when buying during sales ___________________________
(Examples) -
___________________________ ii) compare prices if you want to get the better deal
- ___________________________
State the reason why you are
writing the letter to sister: Bid farewell:
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

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