Culegere de Rezumate - Abstract Book - SRATI 2019
Culegere de Rezumate - Abstract Book - SRATI 2019
Culegere de Rezumate - Abstract Book - SRATI 2019
Romanian Journal of
The 11th Romanian-Israeli Symposium on
ANAESTHESIA Updates in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Volume 26
supplement 1
May 2019
The 18th Congress of Anaesthesia
ISSN 2392-7518 and Intensive Care Nurses
Editorial Office
Emergency County Hospital “Pius Brinzeu” Timișoara, Clinic of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Liviu Rebreanu No.156, Floor 2, Timișoara, Romania
ISSN: 2392-7518
The 45th Congress of the Romanian Society
of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Infections remain among the most important threats in critically ill patients, for whom
early and reliable diagnosis of infection still poses difficulties, but also represents a
crucial step toward appropriate and tailored antimicrobial therapy. Inadequate empiric
antibiotic therapy in intensive care unit (ICU) results indeed in increased mortality and
infection-related morbidity (eg, length of stay, duration of mechanical ventilation, and
risk of septic shock and bacteremia). Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) challenges
established approaches to the management of infections in the ICU, and a major
attention must be directed toward 3 interrelated factors to optimize outcomes in
critically ill patients with infection: the host, the pathogen, and the drug. Ignoring any
one of these factors is potentially hazardous as it discounts their essential contributions
to improving clinical response. Prescribing the appropriate antibiotic not only requires
knowledge of both the pathogen and the ever-changing pathophysiology of critically ill
patients, but also consideration of drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
(PK/PD), through which a chosen dosing regimen will provide optimal exposure at the
infection site.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Antibiotic dosing and optimization through PK/PD indices matched with a thorough
surveillance of AMR, and progress in the implementation of effective antimicrobial
stewardship and infection control programs are likely the crucial steps forward in this
special patient population. They will all be summarized, highlighting the increasing
importance of PK/PD-driven antimicrobial therapy in ICU to challenge the threat of
AMR and improve antimicrobial prescription accordingly.
Patients with liver cirrhosis were considered to be at risk of bleeding due to coagulation
defects, because of prolonged standard coagulation tests, but recent studies
demonstrated a rebalanced haemostasis in cirrhotic patients where the anticoagulant
factors are counterbalanced by procoagulant factors in each hemostatic phase.
However, this balance is not as stable as in healthy persons who have an excess of
pro and anticoagulants and can easily tip towards bleeding or thrombosis in
decompensated cirrhosis.
It is known that sepsis almost invariably leads to haemostatic abnormalities ranging
from insignificant coagulopathy to severe DIC. There is an extensive cross-talk
between inflammation and coagulation. Inflammation not only leads to activation of
coagulation, but activation of coagulation cascade may induce inflammatory activity. In
this way, the uncontrolled systemic expression of inflammation and coagulation
eventually lead to endothelial dysfunction, microvascular thrombosis, ischemia, organ
dysfunction and death. Infections and sepsis are more frequent in cirrhotic patients
than in general population because of impaired immune defense mechanisms.
Septic patients with liver cirrhosis present greater coagulation abnormalities than non-
infected cirrhotic patients/ septic patients without liver cirrhosis as the consumption of
coagulation factors by sepsis induced activation of extrinsic coagulation pathway leads
to a further worsening of coagulation abnormalities already existent in cirrhosis. The
diagnosis of DIC in the presence of hepatic failure is not easy, as some of the elements
included in the usual criteria of DIC are represented by platelet count, fibrinogen levels
or prothrombin time which are modified by the hepatic disease. Supportive treatment
is often needed in bleeding infected cirrhosis patients and a targeted coagulopathy
management guided by point of care global coagulation tests is recommended.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Improving patient safety needs a fundamental culture change in health care. Instead
of first reaction to blame someone for medical error, if there is systematic intention to
reduce the error, education should be at the very top. Medical education cannot
accomplish this shift alone. Teaching hospitals and medical schools together with all
other educational stakeholders in the society, are critical elements of any behavior
change. It is recognized that although the best clinicians and scientists with a highest
knowledge are present in the world, the ultimate challenge lies in getting these experts
to work well together in the clinical environment. [1]
Burning issues are the global manpower problem in anaesthesioliology, intensive
medicine, surgery and obstetric professionals. Significant part of the solution may be
systematic approach to education. Massive disparities in the number of anesthesia and
other healthcare providers, with particularly low workforce density in low- and middle-
income countries are detected. The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery (LCoGS)
estimated that there will need to be a doubling of the specialist physician surgical
workforce (SAO providers: surgeons, anesthesiologists and obstetricians) in order to
achieve UHC by 2030. [2] The WFSA Global Anesthesia Workforce Survey found that
43 countries worldwide had a physician anaesthesia provider (PAP) density of less
than 1 per 100,000 population compared to around 20 per 100,000 in many high-
income countries (HICs). 77 countries had a PAP density of less than 5 per 100,000
population. When non- physician anaesthesia providers (NPAPs) were included in the
analysis, 70 countries still had a density of less than 5 per 100,000. The survey
estimated that over 136,000 additional PAPs would need to be trained at 2016
population levels to achieve a modest workforce density of 5 per 100,000 worldwide.
Education must be at the heart of our global response. Increased numbers of safe
anesthesia providers and intensive medicine professionals will only be possible if we
have good quality educational programs tailored to meet the growing needs. The final
result would be better patient care. [4]
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
In 2015, the World Health Assembly accepted Resolution 68.15 which calls on member
states to strengthen anesthesia and surgical care and encourages the development of
appropriate core competencies that are part of relevant health curricula, training and
education. [5] Main concerns are at the inadequate training of the surgical workforce
and suggests member states to promote emergency and essential surgery and
anaesthesia capacity as components integral to achieving universal health coverage
(UHC). The resolution goes on to ask the World Health Organisation (WHO) to support
member states “to devise policies and strategies that enhance the skills of the
appropriate health workforce for emergency and essential surgical care and
anaesthesia, especially at primary health care and first-referral hospital levels”.
Several global educational efforts are still in a draft and preliminary application status:
‘The Anaesthesia Patient Safety Curriculum’, is a project proposed by the WFSA
Safety and Quality of Practice Committee and WFSA Education Committee. Objectives
of the program would be: to apply theories to promote patient safety, enhance quality
care, and improve anesthesia practice; to communicate effectively with patients,
families, healthcare professionals and public; and to demonstrate leadership skills to
meet the challenges of increasingly complex health care and educational environments
impacting anesthesiologists – to enhance cultural change in anaesthesia provision.
‘A Global Anesthesia Training Framework’ is initiated earlier and accepted by the
WFSA leadership in April 2018. There are numerous pathways for anesthesia provider
training and there has been considerable discussion regarding the best categorization
of training programs for the purpose of this framework. The categories are defined by
competencies rather than specific provider type. Intention was to generate discussion
and serve as a structure for ongoing work and consultation. [6]
‘Strategy for WFSA fellowship Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning’. WFSA Education
Committee and Subcommittee for Monitoring and Evaluation are developing model of
monitoring and evaluation of our own educational efforts thru Fellowships developed
in partnership with National societies, universities and teaching hospitals globally.
1. Kirch D, Boysen P. Changing The Culture In Medical Education To Teach Patient
Safety. Health Affairs. 2010;29(9):1600–3.
2. Meara JG, Leather AJ, Hagander L, et al. Global Surgery 2030: evidence and
solutions for achieving health, welfare, and economic development. Lancet.
3. Kempthorne P, Morriss W, Mellin-Olsen J, Gore-Booth J. The WFSA Global
Anesthesia Workforce Survey. Anesth Analg. 2017;125:981–990.
4. Morriss W, Milenovic M, Evans F. Education: The Heart of the Matter. Anesth Analg.
2018 Apr;126(4):1298-1304.
5. World Health Organization. Surgical Care Systems Strengthening: Developing
National Surgical, Obstetric and Anaesthesia Plans. World Health Organization; 2017.
6. Morriss W, Ottaway A, Milenovic M, et al. A Global Anesthesia Training Framework.
Anesth Analg. 2018;128(2):1.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Technology, Medicine and Law are three entities strongly interrelated which affect our
quality of life, existence, well-being and our behavior.
The world and the Society are constantly changing, but actual rapid and huge
advances in technology and their fast implementation in medicine are about to
restructure our entire society and life: huge amount of jobs will be lost, professions will
disappear and new professions will emerge, human services, care and decision-
making functions are being overtaken by machines in general and in medicine in
While Technology is developing and growing rapidly in an exponential curve, medicine
follows accordingly, only the changes in the LEGAL domain, are extremely slow.
The reasons for that are complex, and can be due to decision making in this domain,
administrative bureaucracy and conservativism, lack of communication and lack of
understanding in the other domains but also by the existance of big political and
financial interests who know that “Legal Vacuum” maintains “Chaos”, and lack of
appropriate legislation, do not prevent them to direct the technologies towards access
the enormous amounts of money making and tremendous power rather than for
general good.
Many positive developments are occurring in medicine, relying on technological
means. Some are already implemented, others are to come but, the lack of regulations
in the presence of missing ethical attitude, can allow “man-kind”, to direct any good
invention and technology to a potentially harming and destructing route, as it was
experienced in the past.
That is why, national and international appropriate legislation, is required in real time
in order to ordinate life and society, where regulation, rights, limits and norms, are
essential in general, and in this situation of changing and challenging world, in
We are now at the alarming point where actual evolution is a real revolution that will
change our whole world, society and existence. It is essential to direct these
advantages toward a positive route before loss of control and loss of power of decision
by humans in favor of machines, in an irreversible way, before it is too late.
Man took control on his environment because he was the smartest.
We are now creating machines which have a bigger memory, the ability to learn,
understand, analyze and implement, how to be smarter than us and how to always
win. On top of that we teach them how to become independent and bypass our
decisions becoming superior in any situation.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
We already have a machine that passed the exams of the medical board of doctors
and another one in another country that was accorded by court, the right to be a legal
Entity. (Not Fake News).
There is a real risk of losing control by man-kind in favor of Intelligent machines. Every
effort should be done to prevent this power of Veto concerning orientation, use and
last decision. There is an urgent need of legislation and regulation in Medicine and
technology and creating platforms of active communication and cooperation between
all players. Technology medicine and law should speak the same language and be
understood in other domains than theirs.
The three domains should interconnect and Synchronize, in spite of the fact that each
one of them has a completely different Rhythm and evolution and is driven by other
huge political and financial interests.
Even if we will be able to predict the future, we should orient it toward the good and
benefit by understanding and implying working together as much, and as soon as
possible, before it is too late.
I will present:
1 An overview of new technological domains and their implementation in modern
2 Dilemmas questions and problems arising from the present situation in the future
vision combining medicine and innovations
3 Legal and Ethical Dilemmas arising from the combination of Medicine and Technical
4 Eventual proposal of solutions.
This lecture is about the relationship between intracranial dynamics and the airway
The expected and unexpected difficult airway situations in neuroanesthesia and their
respective management options, and the potential postoperative airway related risks
due to the neurosurgical procedures will be reviewed.
Airway management in the neurosurgical patient is sometimes a challenging situation.
In achieving and maintaining a patent airway, especially when the patient has
intracranial hypertension or limited intracranial compliance, it is important to consider
its impact on the central nervous system (CNS) and the wellbeing of the patient (1).
Anesthesiologist may experience the following conditions in neurosurgical patients.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Medical errors endanger patient safety, hence they represent a serious public health
problem. Sources are manifold, encompassing anything between treatment plan and
diagnostic algorithm.
To reduce their incidence, healthcare providers must identify the root cause, devise a
preventive strategy and consequently measure its success.
Anaesthetic drug errors occur at alarming frequency. Misidentification of syringes
and/or drug ampoules is often the commonest cause.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
In 2015 The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery (LCoGS) revealed that 5 out of 7
people do not have access to safe and accessible surgery and anesthesia when they
need it. Together with the World Bank DCP-3 they also showed that by the year 2030
there will be a deficit of more than 2.2 million specialists surgeons, anesthesiologists
and obstetricians around the world. At least 70,000 operating rooms around the world
are performing surgery without basic equipment, eg. without a pulse oximeter that
works. The risk of dying from anesthesia during surgery in some parts of West Africa
is as high as 1: 133, while in high-income countries the risk is <1: 200,000. In many
low-income countries 9 out of 10 anesthesia departments do not have the equipment
for safe anesthesia in children.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Faced with this inescapable reality, the World Federation of Anesthesia Societies
(WFSA), a global organization that unites anesthesiologists from more than 150
countries around the world, committed to global health responds with diverse
strategies that are channeled through its four pillars of action:
1. Promotion, giving a global voice to our profession;
2. Education and Training: granting scholarships for internships in quality postgraduate
courses, as well as training for colleagues in Essential Pain Management courses
(EPM), Primary Trauma Care (PTC), SAFE obstetric and pediatric anesthesia courses
(SAFE Ob and SAFE Paeds), publishing the ATF (Anesthesia Training Framework,
3. Innovation and Research: encouraging fellow researchers to present their projects
and awarding prizes to the most innovative;
4. Safety and Quality: three areas implementing safety, Personnel, Infrastructure and
Equipment and Drugs, co-publishing with WHO The International Standards for Safe
Practice in Anesthesia 2017. In conclusion: The WFSA raises incredible value to the
money that comes from its member and contributing companies, giving high priority to
Education in Anesthesia, for bridging the workforce gap and make Universal access to
Safe Anesthesia possible.
This question is not witout importance. Still today, almost two hundreds years after the
beginning of the modern era in Anesthesiology, and when which each single developed
country posseses a well established medical specialty (called Anestheiology, or
Anesthesiology and Critical Care, or Perioperative Medicine) our role in the operating
room (OR) and outside it is not well understood.
For most of the public it is clear that we serve our patients, but what is our relations to
our perennial partners, the surgeons, and how do we share the responsibility on the
surgical patient in the perioperative period?
Years ago, in order to define the place of the anesthesiologist in the OR, I used the
term "backstage director", the professional who is in charge with everything which
happens on stage, without being seen, known or even pecepted.
The public ignorance regarding our role as physicians taking care of the patient and
being in charge with his/her safety in the OR and outside is evident, even in the most
developed countries. A paper published in 2015 in the UK mentioned the fact that “you
have to get used to being invisible as an anaesthetist. A large percentage of the public
had no idea that we are medically qualified……Patients always remember the name
of their surgeon, never that of the anaesthetist”.
We have passed a long way since the famous general anesthesia performed by Bill
Morton in 1846. We practice today a safe profession, having in mind, first of all, the
patient's well being. Anesthesia morbidity and mortality is going down all the time.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
The anesthesiologist is the physician and the physiologist of the OR. We enlarged our
sphere of practice to almost every single domain of the medical profession, and as a
result one third of our daily activity is performed outside the OR.
But the paradox is that in spite of the tremendous progress of our specialty, the public
ignorance regarding our role in medicine hardly changed during all these years.
A survey performed some years ago in Israel showed that, still, some 33% of the
questioned people thought that the surgeon is in charge with the patient's stability in
the OR.
The situation is not better in Romania. A study published in 2017 by Onutu et al.
reported that only one third of the public knows that the anesthesiologist is the
professional in charge with monitoring the vital functions during the surgical procedure.
Even our peers do not always offer a correct consideration to our profession, and
many-instinctively or not-try to minimalize our role in deciding, for instance, the type of
anesthesia which would fit the patient.
If so, what can be done in order to improve the current situation?
First of all we, the anesthesiologists, have to improve our own campaign of making our
role better understood by the public opinion. There is a clear need to improve our
contact with the patient candidate for a surgical procedure. The preanesthetic visit is a
superb opportunity to explain what is our role in the management, and thus improve
the patient knowledge about what we are doing and also increase his/her degree of
confidence in our specialty.
The second task refers to medical students. It is our obligation to take the opportunity
of clinical courses in our medical schools and help the student discover the beauty of
our profession and its importance in patient management.
Keeping the extra OR in our own hands is another crucial point. Limiting our activity to
the OR has as a result a less exposure towards the large public.
Last but not least, one has to pay attention to the way our profession is reflected in the
media. We must infuse good news, report current advances and inspire confidence in
our ability to preserve patient's homeostasis.
The above tasks are a must.
As a very well-known American anesthesiologist recently wrote:
"Because, if things do not change, in the near future you might need one for yourself
and you will not find him/her".
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
The risk score, risk prediction model may be used for an accurate pre-operative
assessment and prediction of adverse outcome in non-cardiac surgery. The ASA-PS,
Surgical Risk Scale, Surgical Risk Score, Charleston Comorbidity Index have been
validated in multiple studies (1). The Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) may be used
to asses perioperative cardiovascular risk but the predictive accuracy is moderate.
Cardiac biomarkers, ECG changes and some other variables such as GRF can
improve the predictive ability of RCRI (2)
The updated ESA guidelines on the pre-operative evaluation of an adult undergoing
non cardiac surgery, recommend ASA-PS to stratify mortality risk and ASA-PS, RCRI
(Revised Cardiac Risk Index), NSQIP MICA (Myocardial Infarction and Cardiac Arrest
Index) to asses perioperative morbidity risk (2).
Pre-operative biomarkers may improve risk stratification. Cardiac biomarkers most
frequently used in clinical practice are C-reactive protein (CPR), BNP, Troponin T and
I. (3). Preoperative measurement of natriuretic peptide may be used for risk
stratification in intermediate or high-risk patients undergoing major vascular and
thoracic surgery (2). Perioperative Troponin measurement (in particular hsTnT), is
useful for predicting adverse cardiovascular outcomes (MINS, MACE or mortality) (4).
Postoperative measurements of TnT improves risk stratification after noncardiac
surgery and may help identify patients requiring further therapeutic interventions.
1. Moonesinghe SR, Mythen MG, Das P, et al. Risk stratification tools for predicting
morbidity and mortality in adult patients undergoing major surgery: qualitative
systematic review. Anesthesiology 2013; 119: 959 – 981.
2. De Hert S, Staender S, Fritsch G, Hinkelbein J, Afshari A, Bettelli G, et al. Pre-
operative evaluation of adults undergoing elective noncardiac surgery: Updated
guideline from the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018;
35(6): 407-465.
3. Janković RJ, Marković DZ, Sokolović DT, Zdravković I, Sorbello M. Clinical indices
and biomarkers for perioperative cardiac risk stratification: an update. Minerva
Anestesiol 2017; 83:392-401.
4. Writing Committee for the VISION Study Investigators. Association of postoperative
high-sensitivity Troponin levels with myocardial injury and 30-day mortality among
patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. JAMA. 2017;317(16): 1642-1651.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Transferred to "Grigore Alexandrescu" Hospital ORL unit, later ICU. Cranial and
cervical CTs confirm the presence of the tumor that completely encompasses the
tongue. Was performed ligation of external carotid arteries and excision of the tumor
and of the cervical lymph nodes. Histopathological exam: small blue cells, possibly
Ewing’s sarcoma. In a very good condition, with tracheostomic cannula, he is
transferred to IOB for specific treatment. Discussion: Adolescent with tongue’s base
tumor, considered as inoperable, transferred for massive bleeding, ligation of external
carotid arteries allows the resection of the tumor, the tongue being repositioned in the
oral cavity. Particularity of the case: The condition of the patient considered
therapeutically outdated was spectacularly modified by the intervention of the ORL and
ICU team.
Caring for the organ donor from the time of diagnosis of brain death to organ harvesting
has as objective the viability of the organs to be taken to guarantee the success of the
1. Ensuring blood irrigation of the organs to be collected by hemodynamic rebalancing
2. Protection of oxygenation by respiratory support
3. Ensuring metabolic balance and nutrition
1. Hemodynamic instability is the result of vegetative disorders with two consequences:
myocardial dysfunction and vasoplegia. In a first stage, sympathetic hypertonia and
excess catecholamine show severe tachyarrhythmia associated hypertension. It is a
time when catecholamines decrease and hypotension occurs. Other factors also
contribute: hypovolaemia, osmotic diuresis, hypo and hyperthermia, myocardial
2. Respiratory being mechanically controlled can develop neurogenic pulmonary
edema, there is a complication of hemodynamic and pulmonary disorders. As
therapeutic targets on the haemodynamic line, adequate infusion pressure (TAM> 6-7
mmhg, PVC 10-12 cmH2O, TAS > 90mmhg, TAD> 60mmhg). They will use macro and
micro electrolytic solutions.
3. Other therapeutic targets in brain death:
- Insipid diabetes has therapeutic goals to replace fluid and electrolyte losses,
suppression of mannitol administration, administration of vasopressin or
- Endocrine imbalances. Pituitary hypothalamic axis is conserved. Thyroid (low level of
T3, normal or low level of T4). Thyroid hormones are not recommended. Adrenalysis
(ACTH and normal cortisone).
- Hydrogenic and EAB debilitating. They will correct haemostasis disorders, they know
several causes, anemia, platelet dilatation, coagulopathies and CID. The treatment
includes blood products of fresh frozen plasma, globular concentrates, platelets,
- Parenteral or enteral nutritional support through the endogastric tube.
- Infections: samples for haemocultures, uroculitis, sputum. It can institute antibiotic
- Hipo and hyperthermia.
- Nursing.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) remains a major public health problem and is a major
cause of death and disability in, predominately, the young male population, mostly as
victims of traffic accidents or falls. Of the estimated 200 patients with head injuries per
100,000 population admitted to hospitals 10% are generally classified at admission as
severe (Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) ≤ 8), another 10% as moderate (GCS 9–12), and
the rest as mild (GCS 13–15). In the latter fortunately, there is full neurological recovery
in most of these cases, although some of them may even suffer from long term sequels.
Of the subjects with severe TBI, approximately one-third die, even in the best of
centers. Of the survivors, a sizeable fraction demonstrates significant long-term
disability. Mortality and long term disability are the consequences of primary and
secondary brain injuries.
Primary brain injury (brain contusions, intracerebral bleeding, diffuse axonal injury)
result from direct impact of biomechanical forces on skull and brain tissue and can be
classified as focal, diffuse or a combination.
Delayed or secondary brain injuries result from various secondary insults as
hemodynamic and respiratory instability, mass lesions i.e. due to progression of
hematoma or new hematoma within the first 24 hours after injury affecting vulnerable
areas of the brain (i.e., penumbra zones), and are associated with higher mortality,
slower recovery, and poorer outcome at six months.
Pathophysiology and mechanisms responsible for some of the deleterious effects of
brain injuries involve structural and functional alterations, disruption of blood–brain
barrier and autoregulation, neuroinflammation, and cytotoxic events. However, many
other factors including genetic predisposition might be involved additionally.
To date standard management comprises surgery if indicated, supportive therapy, as
well as therapies directed to neuroprotection in order to prevent or at least limit
secondary insults leading to secondary brain injury as there is no causal treatment for
TBI. Interventions have to be started at the site of the accident and be maintained
throughout emergency room, intensive care unit and patient ward. Moreover, specific
neuro-rehabilitation in the post-acute care is a mainstay to reduce long term sequels
after brain injury.
Moderate to severe TBI require treatment in an ICU in close collaboration of a
multidisciplinary team. Major goals include all measurements to prevent secondary
brain injury and to optimize frame conditions for recovery and early rehabilitation.
Moreover, e.g., age-related comorbidities and treatments additionally may have a great
impact. Therefore, individual and tailored treatment approaches based on monitoring
and findings in imaging and respecting pre-injury comorbidities and their therapies are
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
With this strategy, we are able to cover all important aspect of anaesthetic practice and
keep the anaesthesiologist informed with the latest scientific developments.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Historically, red blood cell (RBC) transfusion has been a well-defined therapeutic
procedure for treating moderate-to-severe anemia, it save lives and improve health;
For many decades, the decision to transfuse red blood cells (RBCs) was based upon
the "10/30 rule": transfusion was used to maintain a blood hemoglobin concentration
above 10 g/dL (100 g/L) and a hematocrit above 30 percent.
Over the past years, however, this arbitrary transfusion trigger has gradually been
lowered towards a more “restrictive” one (RTT; hemoglobin level between 7 and 8
g/dL), due to the lack of clinical evidence demonstrating an improved outcome with
liberal RBC transfusion practice and with the aim of reducing transfusion-related
complications and costs.
Despite numerous publications regarding safe thresholds of blood transfusion, there
are studies showing over-utilization of RBC transfusion. Anemia and iron deficiency
continue to be undervalued in most clinical settings.
Three main goals of optimization of RBC transfusion policy are:
Detect and treat anemia; Prevent or minimize blood loss; Enhance patient's
physiological reserve to tolerate anemia.
Patient blood management (PBM) programs can achieve these goals by reducing
variation in transfusion practice and managing patients with non transfusion - and, if
appropriate, transfusion-treatment modalities. PBM is an evidence-based,
multidisciplinary approach to optimizing the care of patients who might need
The need to establish a PBM in hospitals and the need for improved education is clear.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Patient blood management in septic shock implies the use of three powerful double-
edge swords: transfusions (an optimized transfusion strategy), iron and erythropoietin.
Sepsis associated anemia pathogenesis is not fully understood. Still, treatment is
mandatory. Blood loss, hemodilution during volume resuscitation, decreased lifespan
of erythrocytes, bone marrow suppression and apoptosis of erythroid precursors, as
well as dysregulated iron metabolism due to inflammation, all contribute to the
occurrence of anemia in sepsis.
Transfusion of red blood cells, the oxygen transporters, aims to prevent cellular
dysfunction that appears when oxygen consumption exceeds oxygen delivery in the
tissues, avoiding tissue hypoxia and organ ischemia. More than half of the patients
with septic shock receive at least one unit of red blood cells in the first week of
hospitalization. However, increased transfusion rates in sepsis seem to be associated
with poorer outcomes and have been attributed to the transfusion-induced immune
suppression. Since the initial implementation of early-goal-directed therapy that
imposed a hematocrit of 30% as transfusion threshold, transufion targets have been
debated. More recent studies, like the TRICC and TRISS trials, cited by current
recommendations guidelines, demonstrated that lowering transfusion targets might be
beneficial. But how low can we go? Iron administration has also been questioned as
an adjuvant therapy in sepsis associated anemia. Even though iron is required for
efficient erythropoiesis, it is also essential for bacterial survival as a nutrient. Thus,
hepcidin-induced iron sequestration might represent a protective mechanism. The
response of erythropoietin, which is induced by hypoxia and anemia, is blunted is
sepsis. In preclinical models of sepsis, erythropoietin administration has resulted in
pleiotropic beneficial effects, but clinical studies have failed to demonstrate
There are still many open questions regarding patient blood management in sepsis.
There are guidelines which should be implemented and therapy should be tailored
according to patients’ needs.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Fumatul și anestezia
Smoking and anaesthesia
G. Gurman
Omer, Israel
The next step would be the preoperative assessment, by evaluating the patient's ability
to tolerate effort and also trying to assess the response to bronchodilators.
Finally the recommendation is to admit this patient to the hospital a couple of days
before surgery, in order to perform all the necessary tests, including the pulmonary
functions tests.
How I would anesthetize this patient?
Without entering into all the details, some points are very important:
*make sure that the patient is calm, by using small doses of benzodiazepines in the
morning of surgery;
*avoid bronchospasm during tracheal intubation by using lidocaine i-v and assure a
deep level of general anesthesia before intubation;
*some data from the literature indicate the positive response to a single dose of
corticosteroids, just before induction;
*do not reduce PaCO2 bellow 40;
*some people indicate the need for an arterial line in order to be able to assess the
patient's blood gases level;
*use a volatile for maintenance of anesthesia, it woud produce bronchodilation;
*insert an epidural catheter and use it for intra- and postoperative analgesia.
End of surgery and anesthesia.
There is no "cookbook" attitude towards this patient! The COPD patient needs an
individualized approach in the immediate postop period. He is a proper candidate for
being kept a good number of hours in the recovery room (or what the Americans call
the Postanesthesia care unit –PACU) with continuous assessment of vital signs and
taking into consideration a need for transfer to an ICU.
Extubation must be done when the patient is still under deep anesthesia, but one has
to be aware of the danger of residual muscle relaxation. Epidural analgesia would for
sure reduce the need for opiates, which is crucial in preventing respiratory depression.
Lessons to take home.
Smoking is the leading cause of COPD and it represents a real challenge for the
anesthesiologist during all the perioperative period.
There is never too late to convince your patient to quit smoking.
COPD is a disease which influences the main vital organs: lungs and heart, and this
makes any surgery and any anesthesia a hazardous procedure.
The COPD patient must be prepared for anesthesia, efficiently monitored during
surgery and careful supervised in the immediate postoperative period.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Analgezia nevraxială este încă cea mai bună alegere în intervențiile colo-rectale
Neuraxial analgesia is still the best choice in colorectal procedures
Dan Dîrzu, Nadina Tintiuc
Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Iuliu Hațieganu”, Cluj-Napoca, România
Colorectal surgery is commonly performed for cancer and other pathologies such as
diverticular and inflammatory bowel disease. Despite significant advances, such as
laparoscopic techniques and multidisciplinary recovery programs, morbidity and
mortality rates remain high. Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) is an evidence-
based multimodal perioperative protocol focused on stress reduction and the
promotion of a faster return to function. Pain control is an integral part of ERAS
protocols for colorectal surgery but even so, some national audits show that pain
control did not improved much in the past few years. While multimodal analgesia
remains the mainstay of therapy for postsurgical pain, opioids have undesired side
effects including delayed recovery of bowel function, respiratory depression, and post-
operative nausea and vomit (PONV). Epidural analgesia as the main method for pain
management has certain advantages: better pain relief, lower doses of opioids, a better
gastrointestinal recovery, reduced incidence of postoperative ileus and PONV, earlier
discharge and lower readmission rates. With all proven advantages of epidural
analgesia some dogmas are preventing their extended use. In experienced centers
epidural use for the prevention of pain after colorectal procedures is not associated
with severe hypotension as a protocolised approach focuses on avoidance of
prolonged, unnecessary or too deep block. Ambulation or voluntary urinary emission
is also possible early after surgery. Procedure specific postoperative pain management
(PROSPECT) is an initiative lead by European Society of Regional Anesthesia and
Pain Therapy (ESRA) aiming to create protocols for a better pain control. Current
version of PROSPECT protocol for colorectal resection recommends thoracic epidural
anesthesia with a mixture of local anesthetic and opiates to be used for all open
colorectal surgeries pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative. Same
recommendations apply for laparoscopic procedures performed to patients at high
risks for pulmonary complications.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Conferințe • Conferences
Nu, deoarece grație efectelor respiratorii ale opioizilor atât parturienta, cât și nou-
născutul, impune monitorizare mai complexă atât în timpul nașterii cât și după, precum
sporește și necesitatea în adiministrare de O2.
Nu, deoarece nici metoda inhalatorie de analgezie prin utilizarea de Entonox, agenți
halogenați nu asigură efectul analgezic dorit, ba mai mult ca atât, cele din urmă impun
anumite cerințe de dotare și organizare a sălii de naștere.
Sunt mult prea multe de ”NU” pentru această metodă de analgezie, și, timp în care
există alternative, nu pare logică utilizarea de rutină a metodei date.
ERAS strategies are now common to most surgical specialties and bring about a
particular benefit to patients after cardiac surgery. Multimodal analgesia is cardinal and
ultrasound driven regional techniques are a promising path towards a recent changing
paradigm of opioid-free anaesthesia. Erector spinae muscle plane block (ESMPB) and
paravertebral block (PVB) provide safe analgesia with efficacity similar to that elicited
by epidurals. We argue that a minimalistic approach encompassing non-opioid drugs
and single shot ESMPB/PVB can provide optimum pain relief and substantial opioid-
sparing effect without any further need for continuous nerve block infusion.
Results: Out of 466 handed questionnaires 330(71%) were recovered and analysed.
Only 55(17%) included responses to all items, 250(76%) to 8 items. Responders had
a mean age of 59 years, 65% female. 74% of respondents had ≥1 previous
anaesthesia procedure, 28% ≥3. The anaesthetist introduced him/herself (78%) and
explained the goals of preanaesthesia visit (90%). The mean perceived duration of
preanaesthesia consultation was 18(3-60) minutes. 92% respondents perceived giving
all information, 7% complained about the time restrain. 92% remembered the airway
evaluation as the most prominent feature of physical examination. The most frequent
preoperative fears regarded surgery success (52%), postoperative pain (32%) and
never waking up from anaesthesia (31%). 56% reported diminished fears after
preanaesthesia visit and 71% it’s usefulness.
Conclusions: Patient’s perceptions on preanaesthesia visit help to evaluate it’s quality
and help to identify the degree to which the patient’s psycho-emotional needs were
Study Objectives: The critically ill polytrauma patient is highly unstable and therefore a
big challenge for the anaesthesia team. In the present study we wish to evaluate the
opioid and vasopressor demand in the critically ill polytrauma patients, together with
the incidence of hemodynamic events by using different monitoring means, and
through this compare the accuracy of Entropy (State Entropy and Response Entropy)
with standard monitoring methods.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Comunicări orale • Oral Presentations
Material and methods: This was a prospective observational study that included a
number of 72 patients. The patients were assigned to two different groups, namely the
STDR Group (N=35, these patients were monitored using standard methods) and the
ESPI Group (N=37, these patients were monitored using Entropy and SPI). For the
STDR Group we ensured the adequate hypnosis and analgesia based on
hemodynamic changes as part of the standard monitoring methods. For the ESPI
Group we aimed at obtaining an Entropy level between 40 and 60 for adequately
modulating general anaesthesia and an SPI level between 20 and 50 for analgesia
control. identifier NCT03095430. Results: Patients in the ESPI Group
presented with significantly fewer hypotension episodes (N=3) in comparison with the
incidence for hypotension in the STDR Group (N=71) (p<0.05). Furthermore the
Fentanyl demand in patients included the ESPI Group was significantly lower (p <
0.0001, difference between means 5.000 ± 0.038, with a 95% confidence interval
4.9250 to 5.0750). In addition the demand for vasopressor medication was also lower
in the ESPI Group (p < 0.0001, difference between means 0.960 ± 0.063, 95%
confidence interval 0.8.334 to 1.0866).
Conclusions: Anaesthesia-related complications can be reduced, and the
intraoperative status and clinical outcome can both be improved when implementing
the use of multimodal monitoring in the case of critically ill polytrauma patients.
Din totalul anesteziilor, 93.6% au fost anestezii generale intravenoase, 2.3% anestezii
generale IOT, 0.1% anestezii loco-regionale şi 4% analgosedări. Un număr
semnificativ de pacienţi au beneficiat de asistenţa medicului anestezist în afara
blocului operator. Au fost utilizate tehnici anestezice uzuale în cursul procedurilor şi nu
s-au înregistrat complicaţii majore.
Cuvinte cheie: Sedare monitorizată, remote location, radioimagistică intervenţională,
anestezie, ERCP
The present study is a single center, observational, retrospective analysis of the
anaesthetic activity outside the operating room carried out between 1 January – 31
December 2018 in the Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Department for procedures
such as esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, interventional radiology
procedures, and sedation techniques for CT and MRI. 2129 patients that received
diagnosis and therapeutic procedures in remote locations, either under concious
sedation or under general anaesthesia were included in the study.
During the study period 47021 patients were admitted in SCJUPBT; 45.7% of them
needed an anaesthetic procedure; out of these, 9.8% received anaesthesia outside
the operating room for the following procedures: 22.3%
esophagogastroduodenoscopy, 35.2% colonoscopies, ERCP techniques 27.5%,
interventional radiology procedures 4.6%, and 10.4% sedation for CT/MRI.
The mean anaesthesia duration was 45 minutes, with a minimum of 10 minutes and a
maximum of 360 minutes. The mean Propofol dose for one patient was 101 mg
(minimum dose 10 mg and maximum dose 4200 mg – TCI Propofol technique).
Out of the total number of patients included in the study 16% developed intranaesthetic
complications: 68% low blood pressure, 18.8% low SpO2 values, and 13% developed
sinus bradycardia.
The majority of the procedures were represented by total intravenous anaesthesia
(93.6%), 2.3% received general anaesthesia with endotracheal intubation, 0.1%
benefited from regional anaesthesia techniques, and 4% received concious sedation.
A significant number of patients benefited from anaesthesia outside the operating room
with no major anaesthesia-related complications. The most common anaesthesia
techniques were used in order to facilitate the above mentioned interventional
Keywords: monitored sedation, remote location, interventional radiology, anaesthesia,
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Comunicări orale • Oral Presentations
Material and method: Normal human breast cell line MCF10A (ATCC®) and human
breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 (ATCC®) were cultured 2D (standard adhesive
culture plastic plates) and 3D (matrigel). Study groups were treated with different
sevoflurane concentrations (0.5, 2, 3, 4mM) versus sevoflurane untreated groups.
Sevoflurane treated and untreated cells (2D and 3D) were evaluated by optical
microscopy and subject to viability tests. Expression analysis of Akt izoforms was
performed by immunofluorescence. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS®.
Results: Compared with sevoflurane treated 2D normal breast cells, treated 2D breast
cancer cells display inhibited growth at 24 hours, followed by an explosive proliferation
at 72 hours, the most significant effect being present in the 2mM treated group
(p<0.000005). In 3D cultures cancer cells versus normal cells display the same pattern
of tumor growth and the Akt 3 izoform nuclear expression being highest in 2mM treated
Conclusion: Sevoflurane exposure of human breast cancer cells has a significant
impact on tumor growth and on cellular differentiation by modulation of Akt izoforms
expression. Sevoflurane influences the anarchical proliferation of tumor cells and
amplifies Akt 3 izoform expression mainly in the 2mM treated group.
Secțiile implicate au fost ATI (n= 89, cu 69,6% dintre tulpinile MDR, una rezistentă la
carbapeneme și colistin), chirurgie (n=24, cu 16,8% din MDR, cu o tulpină rezistentă
la carbapeneme și colistin), ortopedie, medicală, paleative, dermatologie, nefrologie,
neurologie, oncologie și pneumologie. Șansa OR ca o tulpină Acientobacter baumannii
să prezinte MDR este de 8,0132 ori mai mare pe secțiile ATI comparativ cu celelelate
împreună (95% CI 1,5905 to 40,3719, P = 0,0117). Tulpinile MDR s-au găsit în
secrețiile traheobronșice (n=74; 55,22% din specimene; MDR 97,29%) și plăgi (n=49;
36,56% din probe; MDR 87,75%).
Concluzii. Este necesară introducerea unei fișe pentru germenii MDR intraspitalicești,
cu precizarea terapiei antibiotice din ultimele 30 zile, în absența diagnosticului
microbiologic molecular și genomic.
Cuvinte cheie: Acinetobacter baumannii, MDR, carbapenemaze
Introduction: Acinetobacter baumannii causes 90-95% of human infections, has multi-
drug resistance (MDR), carbapenems production and begins to show resistance to
Aim: Establishing antimicrobial resistance for Acinetobacter baumanii in Arad adult
inpatients in 2018.
Material and methods: Biological samples stored in Whonet program were analysed
with Vitek automated system for antimicrobial resistance, ESBL (extended spectrum
of betalactamases) and carbapenemase production, were statistically processed for
Results: There were 3,287 strains isolated and identified, Gram-negative germs
represented 73% (n=2.389), with uniform hospital departments distribution (p=0.0007).
Acinetobacter baumannii (n=134) strains showed high MDR, 93.28% (n=125); 115 of
them were carbapenemase positive, of which 82 in intensive care units ICU (61.19%);
two strains were resistant both to carbapenems and colistin (1.49%). The involved
departments were ICU (n = 89; 69.6% of the MDR strains, one resistant to
carbapenems and colistin), surgery (n=24; 16.8% MDR, one resistant to both
carbapenems and colistin), orthopedics, internal medicine, palliative, dermatology,
nephrology, neurology, oncology and pneumology. The chance OR for an
Acientobacter baumannii strain presenting MDR is 8.0132 times higher on the ICU
compared to the rest of the departments all together (95% CI 1.5905 to 40.3719,
P=0.0117). MDR strains were found in tracheobronchial secretions (n=74; 55.22% of
specimens, MDR 97.29%) and wounds (n=49; 36.56% of samples, MDR 87.75%).
Conclusions: It is necessary to initiate a record for each hospital MDRs germs,
specifying the prior antibiotic regimens for the last 30 days, in the absence of molecular
and genomic microbiological diagnosis.
Key words: Acinetobacter baumannii, MDR, carbapenemase
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Comunicări orale • Oral Presentations
The diagnostic of pneumonia with atypical germs is done by examinig the febrile
sample with the complement fixation method, that is positive for Chlamydia
pneumoniae with titre of 1/640 and Coxiella burnetii with titre of 1/ 160. After the
treatment for pneumonia caused by atypical germs, complete remission of neurological
status with recovery of the patient was obtained.
Conclusions: Although there have been documented cases of pulmonary infection with
Chlamydia pneumoniae, the particularity of the case is the association of pulmonary
infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae and Coxiella burnetii with severe clinical form,
septic shock and atypical and prolonged neurological disorders.
Aim of the study: To describe the spectrum of nosocomial bacteria isolated from
different sources from patients with ventiltator associated pneumonia (VAP) and its
antibiotic-resistance (ABR).
Material and methods: This is a retrospective, descriptive study. In this study were
analized all microbiological tests performed in 2017 in VAP-patients (UTI, Institute of
Emergency Medicine, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova), bacterial cultivation and
identification (Petri dishes), antibiotic sensitivity (ABS) - disc diffusion test. Descriptive
statistics findings were used.
Results: 590 samples were analyzed. There were 14.61% sensitive (≤25% resistant
UFC) samples. Also, we have identified following ABR bacteria (≥ 50% UFC) from
following sources, tracheal secretions, urine, blood, surgical drains: Ps. aeruginosa
(26,24%), Acinetobacter spp. (24.36%), Kl. pneumonie (18.52%), E. coli (11.32%),
Staphylococcus spp. (5.49%), Enterococcus spp. (5.32%), Proteus mirabilis (2,23%),
Providencia spp. (1.72%), Enterobacter spp. (1.20%), Serratia spp. (0.69%),
Morganella spp. (0.51%), Bacillus spp. (0.34%), Burkholderia spp. (0.7%),
Corynebacterium spp. (0.17%). The associations of 2 or more species - 68.97%. A
complete resistance (≥95% UFC) was found to all available cephalosporins of the I-IV
generation (cefazolin, cefalexin, cefoxitin, cefuroxim, cefoperazone, cefotaxime,
ceftriaxone, cefepime). The highest sensitivity (ABS˃ABR) was recorded for
amoxicillin (60.0%), colistin (71.43%), ertapenem (75.0%), polymyxin (100%) and
teicoplanin (100%).
Conclusion: (1) The burden of nosocomial mortality are Ps. aeruginosa, Acinetobacter
spp. and Kl. pneumonia. (2) The cephalosporins of all generations are useless in
patients with VAP. (3) It is recommended to use the reserve antibiotics with clinically
proven efficacy. (4) The strengthening of infection prevention and control measures is
Materiale și metode: Studiu retrospectiv, unicentric, care a inclus 472 de pacienți din
Secția de Terapie Intensivă a unul Spital Universitar de Urgență, diagnosticați cu
sepsis sau șoc septic într-o perioadă de 3 ani (1.01.2016-31.12.2018). S-au analizat
valorile RDW și NLR la momentul diagnosticului, scorurile predictive APACHE II și
SOFA și bolile asociate. Pentru valorile RDW, pacienții au fost împărțiți în percentile.
Rezultate: Mortalitatea la nivelul întregului lot a fost de 77.8%, iar mediana vârstei de
76 ani. Curba Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) a descris o capacitate
discriminatorie mare a RDW pentru mortalitatea în terapie intensivă (AUC=0.726
CI=95%, 0.671-0.781, p<0.01) cu o Sensibilitate de 70% și o Specificitate de 91%
pentru valoarea RDW = 17.4 (percentila 75), respectiv 87% și 98% pentru RDW =
19.37 (percentila 90). Analiza multivariată a evidențiat o corelație statistic semnificativă
între RDW și mortalitate pentru pacienții cu RDW > 17.4 (p<0.01), însă pentru valorile
NLR, nu a arătat o corelație semnificativă statistic cu mortalitatea (p=0.58). NLR nu a
prezintat capacitate discriminatorie pentru mortalitate (AUC = 0.52; 95% CI, 0.456-
Concluzii: RDW reprezintă un factor de prognostic negativ la pacientul din terapie
intensivă cu sepsis și șoc septic. Valoarea NLR nu s-a corelat semnificativ statistic cu
mortalitatea în studiul nostru.
Introduction: Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) evaluates erythrocyte’s level of
anisocytosis and is altered in sepsis. Neutrophile-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has
uncertain predictive capacity in sepsis. The objective of this study was to evaluate
prognosis in patients with sepsis using these two hematological parameters. Material
and methods: retrospective, unicentric study, including 472 patients from the Intensive
Care Unit (ICU) of an Emergency Univeristy Hospital, in a 3-year period (1.01.2016-
31.12.2018). We collected RDW and NLR values, APACHE II and SOFA predictive
scores and associated diseases. For RDW values, patients were divided into
Results: Overall mortality was 77.8% and the age median was 76. The Reciever
Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis resulted in a statistical model with very good
discriminatory capacity for mortality in the ICU (AUC=0.726 CI=95%, 0.671-0.781,
p<0.01), with a Sensitivity of 70% and a Specificity of 91% for RDW value = 17.4 (75th
percentile), 87% and 98% for RDW value = 19.37 (90th percentile) respectively.
Multivariate analysis described a significant statistical correlation between RDW and
mortality for patients with a RDW > 17.4 (p<0.01), but for NLR values the model didn't
describe a significant statistical correlation with mortality (p=0.58). NLR didn't have
discriminatory capacity for mortality (AUC = 0.52; 95% CI, 0.456-0.585).
Conclusions: RDW represents a negative prognosis factor in ICU patients with sepsis
and septic shock. NLR value was not significantly correlated with mortality in our study.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Comunicări orale • Oral Presentations
Introduction: Sepsis and acute kidney injury (AKI) appear frequently in critically ill
patients and are independently associated with increased morbidity and mortality. AKI
can precede, coincide with or occur after the diagnosis of sepsis is established.
Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) confers potential benefits to patients
such as inflammation regulation, maintenance of proper fluid balance and aiding in
renal recovery, with a nephroprotective role in sepsis induced AKI.
Materials and method: We retrospectively analysed cases with sepsis that had CRRT
in the ICU of the Timisoara County Emergency Hospital “Pius Brînzeu”, between
01.01.2018 and 15.02.2019.
Results: 52 patients, diagnosed with sepsis with or without concurrent AKI, required
CRRT. The most benefit was seen in ICU patients with both sepsis and AKI, with or
without the addition of a cytokine adsorbing column. The source of sepsis, the type of
filter and the presence of a cytokine adsorbing column had no impact on prognosis.
Additionally, the initial values of creatinine, urea and diuresis have no predictive
significance in the evolution of AKI, time to recovery and the duration of CRRT.
Conclusions and discussion: Although there is no specific treatment in sepsis induced
AKI, early administration of antibiotics, avoidance of arterial hypotension, nephrotoxic
agents and fluid overload can reduce the risk and severity of AKI. The role of CRRT
has not been definitively established. More studies regarding the timing of therapy,
doses, the benefits of various filters and the indications of CRRT are required.
Rata transfuziei de concentrat eritrocitar (CER) a fost similară - 51,2% vs 50% din
pacienți, p= 0,852. În mod remarcabil, rata transfuziei a fost 83% la pacienții cu anemie
preoperatorie, în ambele cohorte. Sângerarea intra- și postoperatorie a fost, de
asemenea, simialră, ca și Hb postoperatorie (9,96±1,41 vs 9,7±1,54 g/dl, p=0,206), pe
când Hb la externare a fost mai mare în 2017 (9,89±1,08 vs 9,44±1,13 g/dl, p= 0,003).
Transfuzia de plasmă proaspătă congelată nu a fost semnificativ diferită (4,9% vs
8,5%, p=0,293), nici cea de trombocite (4,9% vs 8,5%, p=0,293), iar 30% din pacienți
au fost tratați folosind teste viscoelastice de evaluare a hemostazei. 50% din pacienții
transfuzați au primit o singură CER.
Diferențe notabile au existat în implementarea chestionarului de evaluare
preoperatorie a anomaliilor hemostazei (0 vs 36%) și în ce privește screeningul și
tratamentul pre-operator al anemiei (36% din pacienții anemici au fost investigați în
2018, din care 14% au primit tratament preoperator cu fier intravenos).
Concluzii: Deși rata transfuziei eritrocitare este comparabilă cu protocoale restrictive
folosite în studii recente (2), ea râmâne mare. Notabil, o proporție mare din pacienți
sunt transfuzați cu doar o unitate CER pe perioada spitalizării. Aceasta sugerează că
aplicarea măsurilor PBM ar putea duce la o scădere semnificativă a expunerii
pacienților la sângele alogen în timpul chirurgiei cardiovasculare.
1. Filipescu D, Banateanu D, Beuran M, Burcos T, Corneci D, Cristian D, et al.
Perioperative Patient Blood Management Programme. Multidisciplinary
recommendations from the Patient Blood Management Initiative Group. Romanian
Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. 2017 24(2):139-157.
2. Mazer CD, Whitlock RP, Fergusson DA, Hall J, Belley-Cote E, Connolly K, et al.
Restrictive or Liberal Red-Cell Transfusion for Cardiac Surgery. New England Journal
of Medicine. 2017 Nov 30;377(22):2133-44.
Background: Based on mounting evidence, Patient Blood Management (PBM) has
been endorsed by the Romanian Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care and
adopted as a guide by the Ministry of Health (1). Given the multiple recommendations,
its implementation remains a challenge and needs a stepwise approach.
Material and methods: We conducted a retrospective audit of transfusion practice in
our institution, comparing data from Jan-June 2017 with data from July-Dec 2018
(before and after Romanian recommendations were formulated). Information was
collected from electronic and hard-copy records of patients who underwent elective
cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Statistical analysis was performed using
Wizard, v 1.9.29.
Results: We included 282 patients in the analysis, 82 in the 2017 and 200 in the 2018
cohort. Baseline characteristics were comparable regarding age groups, gender and
surgery times. Pre-operative mean haemoglobin (Hb) was slightly higher in 2017
(13,63±1,2 vs 13,045±1,55 g/dl, p= 0,003) and anaemia was more prevalent in 2018
(35,5% vs 14,81%, p< 0,001). However, peri-operative packed red blood cell (PRBC)
transfusion rates were similar - 51,2% vs 50% of patients, p= 0,852.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Comunicări orale • Oral Presentations
Remarkably, transfusion rate was 83% in anaemic patients, in both cohorts. Intra- and
postoperative bleeding was also similar, as well as post-operative Hb (9,96±1,41 vs
9,7±1,54 g/dl, p=0,206), while discharge Hb was higher in 2017 (9,89±1,08 vs
9,44±1,13 g/dl, p= 0,003). Fresh frozen plasma transfusion rate was not significantly
different, 4,9% vs 8,5%, p=0,293), neither was platelet transfusion (4,9% vs 3%, p=
0,43), and 30% of patients were treated using viscoelastic haemostasis tests. 50% of
all transfused patients received only one PRBC.
Notable differences occurred in the implementation of the preoperative haemostasis
anomaly questionnaire (0 vs 36%) and in the screening and treatment of preoperative
anaemia (36% of anaemic patients were investigated in 2018, of which 14% received
intravenous iron).
Conclusions: While transfusion rate is comparable to recent restrictive protocol
practice (2), it remains high. Notably, a large proportion of patients are transfused with
one PRBC during hospital stay. This suggests avoiding transfusion by applying PBM
measures could lead to significant underexposure to allogeneic blood of patients
requiring cardiac surgery.
1. Filipescu D, Banateanu D, Beuran M, Burcos T, Corneci D, Cristian D, et al.
Perioperative Patient Blood Management Programme. Multidisciplinary
recommendations from the Patient Blood Management Initiative Group. Romanian
Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. 2017 24(2):139-157.
2. Mazer CD, Whitlock RP, Fergusson DA, Hall J, Belley-Cote E, Connolly K, et al.
Restrictive or Liberal Red-Cell Transfusion for Cardiac Surgery. New England Journal
of Medicine. 2017 Nov 30;377(22):2133–44.
Următorii autori au avut o contribuție egală în elaborarea acestei lucrări: Ștefan Mihai,
Văleanu Liana, Bubenek Șerban, Filipescu Daniela. Introducere: Există o mare
heterogenitate în strategiile de anticoagulare și monitorizare folosite în timpul
asistenței circulatorii extracorporale (ECLS) (1). Există date limitate în ce privește
corelația dintre testele clasice și cele viscolelastice pe perioada acestor terapii, iar
obiectivele clinice sunt încă nedefinite. Material și metode: Am efectuat un studiu
explorator, printr-o analiză retrospectivă a pacienților cu ECLS (ECMO veno-arterial
sau veno-venos) din instituția noastră între 2015 și 2018. Toți pacienții au fost tratați
folosind un protocol de anticoagulare cu heparină nefracționată intravenos (HNF).
Dozele au fost ajustate folosind aPTT și ACT, testate la fiecare 3-6 ore.
Trombelastometria rotațională (folosind un aparat ROTEM delta disponibil la patul
pacientului) a fost efectuată la indicația medicului curant. Am colectat informații din
datele disponibile electronic și în format fizic. Analiza statistică a fost efectuată folosind
Wizard, v 1.9.29.
Rezultate: 19 pacienți au fost incluși în studiu, cu un total de 50 de ROTEM-uri
analizate. Pentru fiecare ROTEM, teste clasice (incluzând aPTT, INR, ACT, fibrinogen,
număr de trombocite) au fost efectuate și analizate. Am găsit corelații bune între CT
Intem și ACT (r= 0,644, p<0,001) și între raportul CT Intem/ CT Heptem și ACT (r=
0,597, p<0,001), fără ca acestea să fie legate de doza de HNF. Există o proastă
corelație între parametrii viscoelastici și aPTT (CT Intem și aPTT, r= 0,1, p= 0,463).
Numărul de trombocite s-a corelat pozitiv cu A10 Extem (r= 0,583, p<0,001) și MCF
Extem (r= 0,549, p<0,001). Fibrinogenemia a arătat o corelație pozitivă cu A10 Fibtem
(r= 0,588, p<0,001), ca și cu MCF Fibtem(r= 0,584, p<0,001). INR-ul și timpul de
protrombină nu se corelează cu parametrii viscoelastici.
Concluzii: Anticoagularea rămâne un subiect de dezbatere în timpul ECLS. Diverse
protocoale folosesc multiple teste pentru monitorizare, dar considerăm că există un
bun argument pentru folosirea testelor viscoelastice din sânge integral pentru
obținerea acestor informații concomitent. Validarea datelor în practica clinică necesită
cercetare suplimentară.
Bibliografie: 1. Mulder MMG, Fawzy I, Lancé MD. ECMO and anticoagulation: a
comprehensive review. Neth J Crit Care 2018;26(1):6-13.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Comunicări orale • Oral Presentations
Vă prezentăm cazul unei paciente în vârstă de 45 de ani care a supraviețuit unui stop
cardiac prin asistolie cauzat de embolie pulmonară masivă. Activitatea cardiacă a fost
reluată după aproximativ 85 minute de masaj cardiac extern, timp în care s-a
administrat terapia cu substanțe trombolitice (Alteplase). Pacienta a fost spitalizată
timp de 33 de zile, primele 3 zile fiind în secția de Cardiologie, unde s-a inițiat
tratamentul anticoagulant pentru embolie pulmonară simptomatică. Postresuscitare,
pacienta este admisă în secția de Terapia Intensivă. Din istoricul medical al pacientei
reținem diagnosticul de trombofilie ereditară și pe cel de tromboflebită profundă
membru inferior. Datorită imobilizării prelungite postresuscitare, pacienta se
externează cu diagnosticul de mielopoliradiculonevrită cu parapareză flască
incompletă. Inițierea precoce a suportului vital de bază, cât și a celui avansat în stopul
cardiac cauzat de embolii masive, în paralel cu administrarea de substanțe
trombolitice, crește semnificativ șansele de supraviețuire, cu minime complicații
We present a case of a young female patient who survived after a prolonged asystolic
cardiac arrest following massive pulmonary embolism. Return of spontaneous
circulation was achieved after approximately 85 minutes of chest compressions, while
thrombolytic therapy (Alteplase) was administered. The patient was hospitalised for a
total of 33 days. The first 3 days were on Cardiology ward, where anticoagulant
treatment for multiple symptomatic episodes of pulmonary embolism was initiated.
Following resuscitation, the patmient is brought to the Intensive Care Unit. From her
medical history, hereditary thrombophilia and deep vein thrombosis were noted.Due to
prolonged immobilization after resuscitation the patient was discharged with
myelopoliradiculoneuritis. High quality, early initiated basic life support followed by
advanced cardiac life support in cardiac arrest due to embolic disease while
administering full course thrombolytic therapy increases the chances of survival with
minimal neurological impairment.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Comunicări orale • Oral Presentations
Study Objectives: The aim of this study was to emphasize the energetic needs trend
in the critically ill polytrauma patients with sepsis by applying indirect calorimetry (GE
Healthcare, Helsinki, Finland) methods in order to noninvasively monitor the
respiratory gases.
Material and methods: The energy expenditure (EE) was determined for all patients by
indirect calorimetry (IC) (GE Healthcare, Helsinki, Finland), as well as by applying the
Harrison-Benedict (HB) mathematical formula. In a randomized manner, nutritional
therapy was adapted for part of the patients based on IC and for the others based on
the HB equation. Subsequently we monitored the oxygen consumption (VO2), CO2
production (VCO2), and the respiratory quotient (RQ).
Results: There were statistically significant differences between the groups regarding
the EE (kcal/day). Hence, for the group where IC was monitored we observed an
increasing trend, generally higher than 2000 kcal/day (mean 2,542.63 kcal/day), while
for the group where the HB equation was applied, the EE has a relatively decreasing
trend, between 1300 and 1800 kcal/day (mean 1548.46 kcal/day). From a statistical
point of view there is a mean difference of 994 kcal/day between the two groups, with
a standard deviation of 428 kcal/day. There are statistically significant differences
between the two groups (p <0.001) (95% CI = 781.206304 to 1,207.141234). In regard
with the ventilator dependency (days), the mean of differences is -3.318714 for patients
that received nutrition based on IC, with a standard deviation of 4.44167, 95% CI = -
5.527505 to -1.109924 (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Adapting the nutritional therapy based on the individual need of each
patient can bring significant benefits regarding the outcome of the critically ill
polytrauma patient. Further research is needed in the matter of establishing a nutrition
protocol based on EE and RQ.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Comunicări orale • Oral Presentations
Study Objectives: The aim of this study was to emphasize the energetic needs trend
in the critically ill polytrauma patients with sepsis by applying indirect calorimetry (GE
Healthcare, Helsinki, Finland) methods in order to noninvasively monitor the
respiratory gases.
Material and methods: The energy expenditure (EE) was determined for all patients by
indirect calorimetry (IC) (GE Healthcare, Helsinki, Finland), as well as by applying the
Harrison-Benedict (HB) mathematical formula. In a randomized manner, nutritional
therapy was adapted for part of the patients based on IC and for the others based on
the HB equation. Subsequently we monitored the oxygen consumption (VO2), CO2
production (VCO2), and the respiratory quotient (RQ).
Results: There were statistically significant differences between the groups regarding
the EE (kcal/day). Hence, for the group where IC was monitored we observed an
increasing trend, generally higher than 2000 kcal/day (mean 2,542.63 kcal/day), while
for the group where the HB equation was applied, the EE has a relatively decreasing
trend, between 1300 and 1800 kcal/day (mean 1548.46 kcal/day). From a statistical
point of view there is a mean difference of 994 kcal/day between the two groups, with
a standard deviation of 428 kcal/day. There are statistically significant differences
between the two groups (p <0.001) (95% CI = 781.206304 to 1,207.141234). In regard
with the ventilator dependency (days), the mean of differences is -3.318714 for patients
that received nutrition based on IC, with a standard deviation of 4.44167, 95% CI = -
5.527505 to -1.109924 (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Adapting the nutritional therapy based on the individual need of each
patient can bring significant benefits regarding the outcome of the critically ill
polytrauma patient. Further research is needed in the matter of establishing a nutrition
protocol based on EE and RQ.
Trebuie oferită psihoterapie de susținere atât pentru fiecare caz, pentru aparținători cât
şi pentru echipa de îngrijire.
Procentul de supraviețuiri şi calitatea recuperării sunt direct proporționale cu
amploarea rambursării costurilor de Asigurări Sociale asemenea celor de la alte
categorii de îmbolnăviri - cardiace, pulmonare, hepatice, etc.
Importantă este şi conectarea cu alte reţele din domeniu precum: Universitatea din
Münster, Germania, Spaulding Rehabilitation Network, Boston, SUA, Coma Science
Group, Liege, Belgia, Prof. Dale M. Needham, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD, SUA, etc.
The objective of the study: Our study is a retrospective observational between March
2016 and March 2019. 42 patients who underwent TPE (therapeutic plasma exchange)
or DFPP (Double Plasma Filtration) were monitored. The hemodynamic impact has
been studied depending on the method used and the type of replacement used.
Material and method: The 42 patients performed 135 treatment sessions. They were
divided into 3 lots: 75 were TPE sessions with significant plasma loss at the start of
therapy, 45 were TPE without plasma loss, 12 of whom only substituted the remaining
predominantly PPC (frozen plasma), and the last batch (15 sessions) was DFPP.
All patients were monitored for TA and AV during the entire procedure. Any significant
haemodynamic event and especially those requiring intervention with vasopressor or
volume repletion have been reported.
We made correlations between the methods used, the critical period in which the
important hemodynamic adverse event (decrease of TA and / or AV) or the type of
replacement used.
Results: In patients undergoing TPE procedure with significant plasma loss,
hemodynamic impact is felt when this amount represents ¼ of the patient's plasma
volume (76%). In patients who are not losing plasma, these hemodynamic changes
are exceptional and occur in the second half of the procedure, especially when using
a substitute other than PPC (5% albumin, crystalloids). In patients performing DFPP,
especially with the additional 30 KD filter, the tendon drops occur at the end of the
therapy (25%), especially those requiring more than 4 washes of the second.
Conclusions: Plasma purification procedures determine hemodynamic impacts for both
TPE with plasma loss and DFPP.
The final study group included seven patients in whom we determined levels of acetyl-
cholinesterase, cortisol, free triiodothyronine (fT3), free thyroxin (fT4), thyroid-
stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin on admission and after 24 hours. Results
were statistically analyzed using t-test and correlations, setting a standardized
significant P value of 0.05.
All patients in the study group survived after adequate treatment was administered.
Acetyl-cholinesterase level was significantly lower on admission indicating an acute
organophosphate intoxication status (mean difference between determinations 1312
U/L, p = 0.0034). Cortisol level was significantly lower on the second measurement
with a mean difference of 25 ng/ml (p = 0.011). Levels of fT3, fT4 and TSH were also
significantly lower at 24 hours post-exposure (p=0.001). Increase of fT3 correlated with
increase of fT4 on admission with a p = 0.053. Moreover, increase of fT4 on admission
was proportional with the increase of cortisol levels (p= 0.04). Prolactin levels
registered no statistically significant changes.
The present study demonstrates that acute organophosphate poisoning can induce an
endocrine dysfunction. High levels of cortisol can be induced by the accumulation of
acetylcholine as well as by the direct effects of organophosphate compound.
Therefore, normalizing acetyl-cholinesterase levels can solve the adrenal dysfunction.
This study identified changes in thyroid hormone levels, suggesting the possibility of a
non-thyroidal illness in these patients.
Study Objectives: Research has shown that good communication between Intensive
Care Unit (ICU) personnel and patients and/or families translates into improved clinical
outcomes and better mental health in the long term for the families of patients following
hospitalization. Currently, there is no systematic research about communication with
ICU patients and their family members in Romanian hospitals.
Objective: To understand what are the guiding principles and standards, both written
and implicit, that are shaping communication in Romanian ICUs as well as the
limitations and opportunities for improved communication with patients and families.
Material and methods: We designed and conducted 11 interviews with intensive care
doctors working in five different medical university centers throughout Romania.
Results: Among others, we identified three main need areas in order to improve lives
of not only patients and families but also of healthcare employees working in Romanian
ICUs. First refers to debating and lobbying for a specific legal frame for caring people
at the end of life in ICUs.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
Comunicări orale • Oral Presentations
Second is about missing protocols and especially guidelines endorsed by RSAIC for
communicating with patients and their families by team members bearing different
roles in care. And the last, refers to an important need to design and implement training
programs in order to enable care givers to cope with specific communication
challenges in ICUs.
Conclusions: Further quantitative research needs to be done in order to better
understand the specific needs of the care givers and families, what is the current level
of satisfaction with the ICU experience of the latter and to measure impact of actual
interventions related to communication in Romanian ICUs.
Collecting blood samples for determining the arterial blood-gas analysis (ABG) is one
of the most important monitoring methods for the critically ill patients, contributing to a
better therapy guidance, as well as to the correctly adapting ventilatory parameters for
mechanically ventilated patients, both invasively and non-invasively. Inadequate
sample collection can lead to flawed results that will further negatively influence
treatment as well as the evolution of critically ill patients.
We carried out a prospective, observational, non-randomized study in the Department
of Anesthesia and Intensive Care of the “Pius Brînzeu” Emergency County Hospital in
Timisoara, Romania, between February and April 2019.
We included 90 patients in the study and collected both arterial and venous blood in
order to determine ABG parameters. We established the standard for correct sample
collection. Samples were then distributed in 3 study groups: AC group - arterial blood
sampled correctly, AG - arterial blood sampled incorrectly, VG - venous blood sampled
incorrectly. The data were analyzed statistically and the following parameters obtained
from the study groups were compared: pH, pO2, SO2, pCO2, potassium, blood
Flawed sample collection in the case of ABG analysis influences the parameters
included in the study, having a major impact on the therapeutic conduct, underlying the
necessity of personnel training for a correct management of the critically ill patients.
Current guidelines do not also recommend, how to diagnose and predict the acquired
deformations of trachea.
It is possible to suggest that proper diagnosis of acquired deformations of trachea can
predict for intensivists the problems during mechanical ventilation. Medical documents
of 200 middle age and elderly patients, who underwent chest computed tomography (
CT) were retrospectively studied and analyzed including during mechanical ventilated
Our study demonstrated existence of acquired tracheal deformations in elderly and
very old patients with frequency > 90%:
1. S-like trachea and horizontal position of left main bronchus were detected
predominantly in female group. (Frequency 77,8 % & 22,2%.)
2. Saber sheath deformation was diagnosed only in male group. (Frequency 18.5%.)
3. Chest X-ray and CT chest (axial and coronal views) is the best tools for diagnosis of
acquired tracheal deformations.
This study showed new data devoted to acquired deformations of trachea, what kind
of tracheal deformations is possible to meet in patients of different age and gender,
what kind of comorbidities may be the cause of tracheal deformations, algorithm of
radiological examination for effective detection of acquired tracheal deformations.
According to our results we proposed some possibilities to prevent leaks and aspiration
during mechanical ventilation.
Results: CLIF-C-OF (7.9 [6-10] vs. 13 [10-16]), CLIF-C-Ads (56 [36-68] vs. NA [00-
00]), CLIF-ACLF (35.6 [10-49] vs. 66.2 [48-79]), CHILD-PUGH (10.1 [7-12] vs. 11.5 [9-
13]), MELD(i) (22 [10-40] vs. 27.1 [18-37]), MELD-Na (22.2 [14-40] vs. 27 [19-37]).
ACLF with septic origins: deceased 13/14 (93%). ACLF with non-septic origins:
deceased 1/14 (7%).
Conclusions: The studied parameters proved to be with a low sensibility and low
specificity when it comes to predicting the mortality rate of patients with ACLF. The
leading factor of decompensation and mortality is the sepsis.
Results: In this study were included 25 patients who underwent liver transplantation,
36 % women and 64% males, with a mean age of 50.56 (±10.28) years and a mean
MELD score of 18.52 (±6.56).E arly (<48 hours),after LT, 10 patients (40%) develop
AKI according to the Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) Classification. NGAL and
cystatin C values at 4 hours after LT were significantly higher in AKI lot (p=0.0015,
respectively p=0.01). AUROC for NGAL at 4 hours after hepatic reperfusion was 0.867
and for cystatin C 0.747. Cold ischemia time has been correlated with AKI.
Conclusions: NGAL and cystatin C at 4 hours after hepatic reperfusion have an
independent predictive role of AKI. Early therapeutic intervention in patients at risk may
prevent the occurrence of AKI.
Sesiune asistenți • Nurses Session
Comunicări orale • Oral Presentations
Material and methods: We conducted a study that included nurses who participated in
a course on the theme of HCAI management, during February-June 2018. In order to
assess their knowledge, at the end of the course we used a 25-item questionnaire from
the following areas: HCAI, hand hygiene, disinfection and sterilization, standard
precautions and precautions regarding the mode of transmission, accidental exposure,
medical waste management. The statistical analysis was performed using SPSSv23.0.
Results: A number of 236 nurses was included, 94,9% females and 5,1% males, of an
average age of 45,6 years old and with a 15 year average professional experience.
95% had secondary education degrees and 5% higher education degrees. We
identified the following three areas in which nurses had difficulties of indicating the
correct answer to the questions: hand hygiene, HCAI, disinfection and sterilisation.
Conclusions: The curriculum of the CME course regarding HCAI management needs
continuous improvement according to the required CME identified by assessing the
nurses’ level of knowledge on hand hygiene and HCAI.
Obiectivul studiului: Depistarea factorilor de stres cu cel mai mare impact psiho-
emoțional asupra asistențiilor medicali (AM) din secția de terapie intensivă și
mecanismele de coping utilizate de către asistenți.
Material și metodă. 30 de AM împărțiți în grupe în funcție de vechimea în muncă și
nivelul de pregătire au fost evaluați în privința stresului la locul de muncă (Nursing
Stress Scale) și a mecanismelor de coping (Ways of Coping).
Rezultate: Nu au fost diferențe referitoare la răspunsul la stres și mecanismele de
coping între AM cu pregătire diferită. AM de grad unu au avut un nivel mai crescut de
stres comparativ cu AM principali (p=0.0003). Cei mai frecvenți factori de stres au fost:
decesul (18%), volumul de muncă și pregătirea inadecvată (15%) și nesiguranță în
acordarea îngrijirilor (14%). Cei mai importanți subfactori sunt: observarea suferinței
pacientului (m=1,94) și personalul insuficient (m=1,93).
Cele mai folosite mecanisme de coping au fost rezolvarea planificată a problemelor
(28%), reconsiderarea (27%) și căutarea de suport social (21%).
Concluzii: Nivelul de stres a fost mai ridicat la AM începători comparativ cu cei
experimentați, factorii predispozanți fiind: decesul pacienților și situațiile care duc la
deces, urmat de volumul de muncă. Lipsa de personal suficient pe secție este un factor
important de stres pentru AM. Metodele de coping utilizate au fost rezolvarea
planificată a problemelor, reconsiderarea și căutarea de suport social.
Rezultate: Atât în 2016 cât și în 2017, pacienții vârstnici (peste 60 ani) au reprezentat
majoritatea din numărul total de pacienți tratați în Clinica ATI Oradea. Din totalul de
2210 pacienți tratați în anul 2016, 1493 (67,56%) au fost pacienți vârstnici, iar în 2017
din cei 2089 pacienți, 1449 (69,36%) au fost vârstnici. Media zilelor de spitalizare a
fost de 4,05 in 2016 și de 4,37 zile în 2017. În timp ce numărul pacienților tratați a
scăzut în 2017 față de 2016 cu 2,95%, consumul de antibiotice a crescut cu 31,80%.
Concluzii: Pacienții vârstnici reprezintă majoritatea pacienților tratați în Clinica ATI.
Consumul de antibiotice pentru această categorie a crescut semnificativ în anul 2017
comparativ cu 2016. Dată fiind creșterea de 31,80% a consumului de antibiotice în
Clinica ATI într-un scurt interval de timp, 1 an, ar fi necesare și oportune măsuri de
optimizare rațională a utilizării antibioticelor în acest departament al spitalului.
Introduction: Intensive Care Units are generally hospitals departments were the
consumption of antibiotics is significantly higher compared to medical or surgical
wards. The increased use of broad-spectrum antibiotics or reserve antibiotics has led
to selection of multidrug resistant pathogens. Elderly patients because of the increased
number of comorbidities are more susceptible to nosocomial infections.
Material and Methods. The study is retrospective and observational conducted in the
Clinical County Emergency Hospital of Oradea. The purpose of the study was to
analyze the antibiotic consumption in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital in 2016
and 2017 in patients over 60 years of age. Data was collected using the IT system of
the hospital.
Results: In both years, 2016 and 2017, elderly patients (>60 years old) represented
the majority of the total number of patients treated in the Intensive Care Unit of the
Clinical County Emergency Hospital of Oradea. They represented 67.56% (1493
patients) of the total number of patients treated in 2016 (2210 patients) and 69.36%
(1449) of the total number of patients treated in 2017 (2089 patients). Average
hospitalization time was 4.05 days in 2016 and 4.37 days in 2017. While the number
of treated patients decreased from 2016 to 2017 by 2.95% the antibiotic consumption
increased with 31.80%.
Conclusions: Elderly patients represent the majority of patients treated in the Intensive
Care Unit. Antibiotic consumption in this category increased significantly from 2016 to
2017. Given the substantial increase of 31.80% in antibiotics consumption in the
Intensive Care Unit during a very short interval, 1 year, we believe that are necessary
immediate measures to optimize rational antibiotic use in this hospital department.
Sesiune asistenți • Nurses Session
Comunicări orale • Oral Presentations
Disecția acută de aortă reprezintă o patologie complexă, una din cele mai mari urgențe
din chirurgia cardiacă, care necesită intervenția rapidă și precisă a echipei medicale
de terapie intensivă atât în perioadă preoperatorie, cât și în cea postoperatorie.
Pacientul cu disecție acută de aortă necesită o atenție deosebită. Ajuns în secția
noastră de terapie intensivă, este primit de echipă medic-asistentă medicală-infirmieră
într-un salon izolat. Urmează monitorizarea standard neinvazivă a pacientului,
recoltarea setului complet de analize și a grupului/Rh-ului, recoltarea bilanțului
bacteriologic complet, efectuarea ecografiei transesofagiene, montarea cateterelor
arteriale (radială și femurală) și a celui venos central. Disecția de aortă de tip B se
monitorizează și se tratează medicamentos, iar cea de tip A se tratează chirurgical.
În postoperator, pacientul operat de disecție de aortă va fi așezat pe un pat cu terapie
pulmonară și antiescară. Va fi monitorizat standard și invaziv, se vor recolta set
complet de analize și EAB, se vor efectua EKG, radiografie toracică și ecografie
transtoracică. Asistenta medicală are un rol esențial în îngrijirea postoperatorie, ea
urmărind cu cea mai mare atenție tensiunea arterială, ritmul cardiac, saturația de
oxigen, diureza și drenajul. Complicațiile care pot apărea în această perioadă sunt
redutabile (tulburări de ritm, sângerări, disfuncție respiratorie, disfuncție renală,
tulburări neurologice), experiența asistentei medicale în recunoastrea primelor semne
ale acestor complicații fiind foarte importantă. La fel de importantă este capacitatea
asistenței medicale de a monta, mânui și interpreta valorile indicate de numeroasele
aparate folosite în postoperator la pacientul cu disecție acută de aortă (Invos, AirVO2,
Statutul de Institut de Urgență pentru Boli Cardiovasculare ne-a permis să acumulăm
o mare experiență în tratarea și îngrijirea pacienților cu disecție acută de aortă datorită
numărului mare de cazuri care ajung la noi. Astfel am reușit că echipa să funcționeze
impecabil, viteză de acțiune și de reacție să fie mare, iar îngrijirile acordate de către
asistentă medicală să fie la cele mai înalte standarde.
Acute aortic dissection stands out as a complex pathology and one of the most
consequential emergencies in cardiac surgery. Rapid and accurate input from the
intensive care team is paramount for optimal outcome both before and after surgery.
Patients with acute aortic dissection need specialized care. In our intensive care unit,
it is standard to ensure patient admission to isolation rooms. Following institution of
regular non-invasive monitoring, advanced diagnostic and monitoring procedures are
implemented: complete blood count and biochemistry, extensive microbiological
screening, transoesophageal echocardiography, insertion of arterial (radial and/or
femoral) and central venous catheters.
Medical treatment alone is custom treatment for type B aortic dissection whilst surgery
usually benefits type A aortic dissection.
Sesiune asistenți • Nurses Session
Comunicări orale • Oral Presentations
and he keeps on the severe hypoxemia, without tracheal secretions, with good
ventilation. The diagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism (d-dimers high) is
suspected, but the diagnosis cannot be confirmed by cardiological exam. A thoracic-
abdominal-pelvic CT scan confirms the diagnosis of TPE. Following treatment with
heparin 1500 IU / hour, in the lack of thrombolysis indication, the patient improves his
status, being extubated after 5 days and he is discharged after 21 days in stable state.
PTE must be evaluated whenever clinical conditions are suggestive.
Introducere: Regăsit în natură sub mai multe forme, cromul își manifestă variat
toxicitatea la nivelul organismului uman. El este un potent alergen, putând produce
insuficiență respiratorie acută bronhospastică.
Prezentarea de caz clinic: Prezentăm cazul unui bărbat în vârstă de 46 de ani, lucrător
în industria cromului, care se prezintă la spital pentru un episod brusc instalat de
bronhospasm sever cu insuficiență respiratorie acută și hipoxemie severă, care
necesită intubație și ventilație mecanică. Primul episod a fost înregistrat în urmă cu 2
săptămâni, când pacientul a prezentat wheezing și rash cutanat. Episodul
bronhospastic se remite după administrarea de corticoterapie și curarizare. Pacientul
este extubat la 24 de ore de la admisie. Anamneza exclude antecedente alergice și
indică o expunere profesională la vapori de crom. Dozarea cromului în sânge
evidențiază un nivel de 22 de ori peste limita admisă. La 3 zile pacientul este externat
cu recomandarea de evitare a expunerii la vapori de crom. Evaluarea la 6 luni nu
evidențiază alte episoade, ba chiar și o normalizare a nivelului de crom.
Discuție: Insuficiența respiratorie acută reprezintă un eveniment rar după expunerea
la crom, însă trebuie să reprezinte un diagnostic diferențial, mai ales la pacienții fără
istoric alergic, lucrători în industrie care prezintă un episod unic de bronhospasm sever,
în contextul unui nivel de crom anormal.
1. Wilbur S, Abadin H, Fay M, et al. Toxicological Profile for Chromium. Atlanta (GA):
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (US); 2012 Sep. 3, HEALTH
Particularitatea cazului: Precum atestă cazul expus, îngrijirea promptă a bolnavilor cu
insuficiența respiratorie acută este esențială pentru reducerea morbimortalității
asociate. Pe langă măsurile de susținere a funcțiilor vitale, diagnosticul etiologic
ghidează tratamentul și trebuie stabilit neîntârziat, mai ales în situațiile în care
circumstanțele de producere nu sunt clare de la început.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
e-Postere • e-Posters
1. Winiszewski H, Aptel F, Belon F, Belin N, Chaignat C, Patry C, et al. Daily use of
extracorporeal CO2 removal in a critical care unit: indications and results. Journal of
Intensive Care [Internet]. 2018 Dec [cited 2019 Feb 17];6(1).
For the remaining 4 patients (11.42%) classified as ASA III, the incidence of delirium
was 100%.
Conclusions: The assessment of emergence delirium by using the Nursing Delirium
Screening Scale shows an high incidence of emergence delirium in abdominal surgery.
Introducere: Sindromul Proteus este o maladie genetică rară (mutație la nivelul genei
AKT1), în prezent, pe glob fiind aproximativ 200 de indivizi diagnosticați. Tabloul clinic
este variabil, incluzând malformații la nivel cutanat, osos, vascular dar și la nivelul altor
țesuturi și organe, gigantismul parțial cu supracreșterea digitală sau a membrelor fiind
unul din aspectele patognomonice.
Prezentare de caz: Pacientă în vârstă de 26 ani, cu sindrom Proteus, este internată
pentru tumoră ovariană dreaptă gigantă, de 50/40 cm. La examenul obiectiv se
decelează pacientă cu retard mental sever, necooperantă, supraponderală, cu
dismorfism facial, dinți protruzivi, importantă scolioză toracală, elefantiazis membre
inferioare și formațiune masivă cu efect compresiv intraabdominal și restrictiv toracic.
Radiografia cord-pulmon descrie pahipleurită bilaterală. Postoperator, evoluția a fost
Discuții: Anamneza a fost extrem de dificilă și incompletă, având în vedere lipsa totală
de cooperare din partea pacientei care a limitat și posibilitatea efectuării unor
investigații complementare utile evaluării anestezice preoperatorii (CT torace, probe
ventilatorii, examen ORL complet). Dismorfismul facial, macroglosia și macrosomia
hemifacială au reprezentat criterii de posibilă intubație dificilă. Dimensiunea
impresionantă a tumorii, scolioza și pahipleurita bilaterală au contribuit la disfuncția
respiratorie restrictivă importantă. Prin efectul compresiv pe vena cavă inferioară,
complicațiile hemodinamice și trombo-embolice au reprezentat riscuri anestezice
Particularitatea cazului: Sindromul Proteus este de două ori mai frecvent la bărbați
decât la femei, fiind subdiagnosticat datorită manifestărilor clinice variabile ca
severitate, despre supraviețuirea pe termen lung nefiind informații clare. Deși este o
afecțiune bine documentată, managementul anestezic specific este foarte puțin
Introduction: Proteus syndrome is rare genetic disease (mutation of AKT1 gene). At
the moment, there are around 200 people diagnosed worldwide. Clinical features
include malformations of skin, bones, vessels, but other tissues or organs may be
involved. Partial gigantism with excessive growth of digits or limbs is one of the
pathognomonic aspects.
Case presentation: A 26-year-old female with Proteus syndrome is admitted for a giant
ovarian tumor, of 50/40 cm. The examination of the patient reveals severe mental
retardation, facial dimorphism, protrusive teeth, important scoliosis, elephantiasis of
lower limbs and a voluminous abdominal mass with excessive compression of internal
organs and restriction of the thorax. Chest X-ray shows bilateral pachypleuritis.
Postoperative evolution was favorable.
Sesiune medici • Physicians Session
e-Postere • e-Posters
Discussions: Anamnesis was extremely difficult due to the lack of cooperation of the
patient. Further tests could not be performed for a complete preanesthetic assessment
(chest CT scan, spirometry, ENT examination). Facial dimorphism, macroglossia and
macrocephaly were the criteria for a difficult intubation. The impressive size of the
tumor, scoliosis and pachypleuritis were factors in the restrictive respiratory
dysfunction. Compression of the inferior vena cava resulted in hemodynamic and
embolic risks.
Case particularity: Proteus syndrome is twice more frequent in men than women. It is
usually underdiagnosed because the clinical signs have variable severity and
regarding long term survival there is little information. Although it is a well documented
disease, particular anesthetic management is not clear.
Methods: In the period August 2012 and February 2016, 436 unicentric patients
diagnosed with colorectal cancer and who followed surgical intervention, were
retroactively examened in order to determine the risk factors for the occurrence of
anastomotic fistula. Patients were divided according to postoperative evolution, those
with the fistula and the control group, without the fistula. Depending on preoperative
serum hemoglobin level, the groups were divided into 4 subgroups (1: Hb 7-9 g / dl, 2:
Hb 9,1-11 g / dl, 3: Hb 11,1-13 g / dl, 4: Hb 13,1 -15 g / dl). The proportion of other risk
factors for the anastomotic fistula was also evaluated.
Results: We found that out of 34 patients with Hb = 7-9 g / dl, 24% developed fistula
(p = 0.70). In group 2, 48% of 50 patients had anastomotic fistula (p = 0.001). In group
3, 6% of 224 patients had a fistula (p = 0.61). In the fourth group, 0.7% of 143 patients
developed fistula (p = 0.30). An increased incidence of fistula was also detected in
patients with BMI ≥ 30 (p = 0.002) and in patients with alcohol addiction (p = 0,02)
compared to the control group. 3 (6.2%) out of 48 patients who developed anastomotic
fistula died.
Conclusions: We established that a serum hemoglobin level of 9.1-11 g / dl is linked
with a greater incidence of fistula. A more in-depth study can be made should we hold
more data related to this topic.