Week 02

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Information Technology



1. Shared memory architecture and constructs for specifying parallelism

2. POSIX for shared memory parallel programming

Associated learning outcomes

• Explain the fundamental principles of parallel computing architectures

and algorithms (LO1)
• Design and develop parallel algorithms for various parallel computing
architectures (LO3)

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 2

Shared Memory architecture

❑ Any memory location can be

accessible by any of the
processors or cores within a
❑ A single address space exists,
meaning that each memory
location is given a unique
address within a single range
of addresses.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 3

Constructs for specifying parallelism
A) Creating Concurrent Processes

❑ The first example of a structure to specify concurrent processes is the

FORK-JOIN group of statements described by CONVEY (1963).
❑ FORK-JOIN constructs have been applied as extensions to FORTRAN
and to the UNIX operating system.
❑ FORK statement generates one new path for a concurrent process and the
concurrent processes use JOIN statements at their ends. When both JOIN
statements have been reached, processing continues in a sequential
❑ For more concurrent processes, additional FORK statements are
❑ The FORK-JOIN constructs are shown nested in the figure on the next

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 4

Constructs for specifying parallelism
❑ Each spawned process requires a
JOIN statement at its end,
which brings together the
concurrent processes to a single
terminating point.
❑ Only when all concurrent
processes have completed can
the subsequent statements of the
main process be executed.
❑ A counter is used to keep record
of processes not completed.

FORK- JOIN construct

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 5

Constructs for specifying parallelism
UNIX Heavyweight Processes
❑ The UNIX system call fork() creates a new process.
❑ The new process (child process) is an exact copy of the calling process
except that it has a unique process ID.
❑ It has its own copy of the parent’s variables.
❑ They are assigned the same values as the original variables initially.
❑ The forked process starts execution at the point of the fork.
❑ On success, fork() returns 0 to the child process and returns the process
ID of the child process to the parent process.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 6

Constructs for specifying parallelism
Processes are “joined” with the system calls wait() and exit() defined as:

wait(statusp); /*delays caller until signal received or one of its child

/* processes terminates or stops */
exit(status); /*terminates a process */

A single child process can be created by

pid = fork(); /* fork */
Code to be executed by both child and parent
if (pid == 0) exit(0); else wait(0); /* join */

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 7

Constructs for specifying parallelism
If the child is to execute different code, we could use

pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
code to be executed by slave
} else {
code to be executed by parent
if (pid == 0) exit(0); else wait(0);

❑ All the variables in the original program are duplicated in each process,
becoming local variables for the process.
❑ They are assigned the same values as the original variables initially. The
forked process starts execution at the point of the fork.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 8

Constructs for specifying parallelism
B) Creating Threads
❑ As shown before, the process created with UNIX fork is a “heavy weight”
process. It is a completely separate program with its own variables, stack
and memory allocation.
❑ Heavyweight processes are particularly expensive to create in time and
memory space. A complete copy of the process with its own memory
allocation, variables, stack etc., is created even though execution only
starts from the forked position.
❑ A much more efficient mechanism is one in which independent
concurrent routine is specified that shares the same memory space and
global variables. This can be provided by a mechanism called THREAD
❑ The difference between processes and threads and the basic parts of a
process are shown in the following slide.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 9

Constructs for specifying parallelism
Instruction Pointer Code Segment Heap


Interrupt routines


An instruction pointer holds address of the next instruction to be executed. A

stack is present for procedure calls, and a heap, system routines and files.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 10

Constructs for specifying parallelism
Code Segment Heap

Stack Thread
Instruction Pointer

Interrupt routines

Stack Thread
Instruction Pointer

Each thread has its own instruction pointer pointing to

the next instruction of the thread to be executed. Each
thread needs its own stack and also stores information
regarding registers but shares the code and other parts. A
process can have more than one thread.
FIT3143 Parallel Computing 11
Constructs for specifying parallelism

❑ Creation of threads is faster than creation of processes.

❑ A thread will immediately have access to shared global variables.
❑ Synchronization of threads can be done much more efficiently than
synchronization of processes.
❑ Whenever an activity of thread is delayed or blocked, such as waiting for
I/O, another thread can take over.
❑ Multithreading also helps alleviate the long latency of message passing;
the system can switch rapidly from one thread to another while waiting
for messages and provides a powerful mechanism for latency hiding.
❑ Examples of multithreaded operating systems include SUN Solaris and
Windows NT
❑ A widely available standard is PTHREADS (IEEE Portable Operating
Systems Interface, POSIX, Section 1003.1 )

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 12

In shared address space architecture, communication is implicitly specified
since some (or all) of the memory is accessible to all the processors.
Consequently, programming paradigms for shared address space machines
focus on constructs for expressing concurrency and synchronization along
with techniques for minimizing associated overheads.

◼ Concurrency: two or more threads are in progress at the

same time:
Concurrency Thread 1
vs. Thread 2
◼ Parallelism: two or more threads are executing at the
same time

Thread 1
Thread 2
FIT3143 Parallel Computing 13
Thread Basics
A thread is a single stream of control in the flow of a program.
Code segment for computing the product of two dense matrices of size n x n:
for(row = 0; row < n; row++)
for(column = 0; column < n; column++)
c[row][column] = dot_product(get_row(a,row), get_col(b,col));

There are n2 iterations which can be executed independently.

The independent sequence of instructions is referred to as a thread leading to n2
The threads can be scheduled concurrently on multiple processors.

for(row = 0; row < n; row++)

for(column = 0; column < n; column++)
c[row][column] = create_thread(dot_product(get_row(a,row),
FIT3143 Parallel Computing 14
Thread Basics

On a single processor, multithreading generally occurs by time-

division multiplexing (as in multitasking): the processor switches
between different threads.

This context switching generally happens frequently enough that

the user perceives the threads or tasks as running at the same time.

On a multiprocessor or multi-core system, the threads or tasks will

generally run at the same time, with each processor or core running a
particular thread or task.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 15

Advantages and Disadvantages of Threads

Software portability: Threaded applications can be developed on serial

machines and on parallel machines without changes (migrating programs
between diverse architectural platforms).

Latency hiding: One of the major overheads in programs is the access

latency for memory access, I/O and communication. Multiple threads are
executing on the same processor, thus hiding this latency. While one
thread is waiting for a communication operation, other threads can utilize
the CPU, thus masking associated overhead.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 16

Advantages and Disadvantages of Threads

Scheduling and load balancing: A programmer must express concurrency in

a way that minimizes overheads of remote interaction and idling. In many
structured applications, the task of allocating equal work to processors is
easily accomplished. In unstructured and dynamic applications (e.g. game
playing and discrete optimization) this task is more difficult. Threaded APIs
allow the programmer to specify a large number of concurrent tasks and
support system-level dynamic mapping of tasks to processor with a view to
minimizing idling overheads, thus there is no need for explicit scheduling and
load balancing.

Ease of programming, widespread use: Threaded programs are easier to

write than programs using message passing APIs. With widespread
acceptance of POSIX thread API, development tools for POSIX are more
widely available and stable.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 17

❑ A number of vendors provide vendor-specific thread APIs. The IEEE specifies
a standard 1003.1c-1995, POSIX API (Pthreads) – standard threads API
supported by most vendors. Other thread APIs: Win32 or Windows* threads,
NT threads, Solaris threads, Java threads, etc.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 18

2) POSIX* Thread or Pthread

Thread Creation & Synchronization

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 19

POSIX Threads
What are Pthreads?

▪ POSIX.1c standard
▪ C language interface
▪ Threads exist within same process
▪ All threads are peers
• No explicit parent-child model
• Exception: “main thread” holds process information

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 20

int pthread_create(tid, attr, function, arg);

pthread_t *tid
handle of created thread
const pthread_attr_t *attr
attributes of thread to be created
void *(*function)(void *)
function to be mapped to thread
void *arg
single argument to function
❑ Spawn a thread running the function
❑ Thread handle returned via pthread_t structure
❑ Specify NULL to use default attributes
❑ Single argument sent to function
❑ If no arguments to function, specify NULL
❑ Check error codes!
EAGAIN - insufficient resources to create thread
EINVAL - invalid attribute
FIT3143 Parallel Computing 21
Example I: Thread Creation
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

void *hello (void * arg) {

printf(“Hello Thread\n”);
return NULL;

main() {
pthread_t tid;
pthread_create(&tid, NULL, hello, NULL);

Possible outcomes:
❑ Message “Hello Thread” is printed on screen
❑ Nothing printed on screen. This outcome is more likely that previous. Main
thread is the process and when the process ends, all threads are cancelled, too.
Thus, if the pthread_create call returns before the O/S has had the time to set up
the thread and begin execution, the thread will die a premature death when the
process ends.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 22

Waiting for a Thread
int pthread_join(tid, val_ptr); ❑ Calling thread waits for thread with handle
tid to terminate
pthread_t tid ❑ Only one thread can be joined
handle of joinable thread ❑ Thread must be joinable
void **val_ptr ❑ Exit value is returned from joined thread
exit value returned by joined thread ❑ Type returned is (void *)
❑ Use NULL if no return value expected

ESRCH - thread (pthread_t) not found

EINVAL - thread (pthread_t) not joinable

❑ This is the better way to have one thread wait for the completion of another thread.
❑ Pthread_join will block until the thread associated with the pthread_t handle has
terminated. The second parameter returns a pointer to a value from the thread being
joined. This value can be “sent” from the joined thread by use of return or
pthread_exit(). The type of the returned value is (void *) since this is the return type of
the function that was used in the pthread_create call.
❑ pthread_join() can be used to wait for one thread to terminate. There is no single
function that can join multiple threads.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 23

Thread States
❑ Pthreads threads have two states
❑ joinable and detached
❑ Threads are joinable by default
❑ Resources are kept until pthread_join
❑ Can be reset with attributes or API call
❑ Detached threads cannot be joined
❑ Resources can be reclaimed at termination
❑ Cannot reset to be joinable

❑ Pthread_join detaches the thread automatically, so resources can be reclaimed

at that time. This would be why threads can only be joined once during the
❑ Once a thread is detached, whether by attributes or API call, that thread
cannot be set to be joinable.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 24

Example II: Multiple Threads

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h> Better example of waiting for
#define NUM_THREADS 4 threads, in this case, multiple
threads doing the same
void *hello (void *arg) { function. Notice that there must
printf(“Hello Thread\n”); be one call for each thread
} needed to be “joined” after
termination. Also, the joins are
main() { done in the order of the
pthread_t tid[NUM_THREADS]; thread’s creation. Thus, if the
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; last thread created is the first to
i++) finish, it will not be joined until
pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, the previous threads have
hello, NULL); finished.

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS;

pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 25

What’s Wrong?
Problem is passing *address* of “i”; value of “i” is
changing and will likely be different when thread is
allowed to run than when pthread_create was called.
What is printed for myNum?
void *threadFunc(void *pArg) {
int* p = (int*)pArg;
int myNum = *p;
printf( “Thread number %d\n”, myNum);
. . .
// from main():
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL,
threadFunc, &i);

Time thread0 thread1 thread2 index

0: created 0
1: created 1
2: get *arg 2 // value of *arg is 2

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 26

Solution – “Local” Storage

void *threadFunc(void *pArg)

int myNum = *((int*)pArg);
printf( “Thread number %d\n”, myNum);
. . .

// from main():
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
tNum[i] = i;
pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, threadFunc,

Solve the problem of passing *address*

of “i” by saving current value of “i” in
location that will not change. Be sure
each thread gets pointer to unique
element of tNum array.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 27

Pthreads Mutex Variables
❑ Simple, flexible, and efficient
❑ Enables correct programming structures for avoiding race
❑ New data types to declare objects
❑ pthread_mutex_t
❑ the mutex variable
❑ pthread_mutexattr_t
❑ mutex attributes
❑ Mutex must first be initialized before it can be used.

Mutex can only be “held” by one thread at a time.

Mutexes can be shared between processes, but only if
the Pthreads system supports the functionality.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 28

int pthread_mutex_init( mutex, attr );

pthread_mutex_t *mutex
mutex to be initialized
const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr
attributes to be given to mutex

ENOMEM - insufficient memory for mutex

EAGAIN - insufficient resources (other than memory)
EPERM - no privilege to perform operation

Can also use the static, default initializer: PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER

pthread_mutex_t mtx1 = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
which uses default attributes

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 29


int pthread_mutex_lock( mutex ); ❑ Attempts to lock mutex

❑ If mutex is locked by another thread, calling
pthread_mutex_t *mutex thread is blocked
mutex to attempt to lock ❑ Mutex is held by calling thread until unlocked
❑ Mutex lock/unlock must be paired or
deadlock occurs
EINVAL - mutex is invalid
EDEADLK - calling thread already owns mutex


int pthread_mutex_unlock( mutex );

EINVAL - mutex is invalid
EPERM - calling thread does not own mutex
pthread_mutex_t *mutex
mutex to be unlocked

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 30

Example III: Use of mutex
#define NUMTHREADS 4
pthread_mutex_t gMutex; // why does this have to be global?
int g_sum = 0;

void *threadFunc(void *arg)

(Point out features and
function calls of
example code)
int mySum = bigComputation();
pthread_mutex_lock( &gMutex );
Q: Why not just put
g_sum += mySum; // threads access one at a time
bigComputation() into
critical region?
pthread_mutex_unlock( &gMutex );
} A: Thread would exclude
all other threads from
int main() {
running their own,
independent calls to
pthread_t hThread[NUMTHREADS];
bigComputation. This
would make the code
pthread_mutex_init( &gMutex, NULL );
for (int i = 0; i < NUMTHREADS; i++)

for (int i = 0; i < NUMTHREADS; i++)

printf (“Global sum = %f\n”, g_sum);

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 31

Condition Variables

❑ Semaphores are conditional on the semaphore count

❑ Condition variable is associated with an arbitrary conditional
❑ Same operations: wait and signal
❑ Provides mutual exclusion

❑ This box is meant to call out the difference between a

semaphore and a condition variable. The semaphore is
conditioned on the value of the semaphore (zero or non-
zero), while condition variables can be triggered on any
arbitrary condition the programmer cares to write.
❑ Mutual exclusion is provided by having threads wait on the
condition variable until signaled. Once signaled and woken
up, if the conditional expression evaluates correctly, a
thread will proceed; otherwise, the thread should be
directed to return to waiting on the condition variable.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 32

Lost and Spurious Signals
❑ Signal to condition variable is not saved
❑ If no thread waiting, signal is “lost”
❑ Thread can be deadlocked waiting for signal that will not be sent
❑ Condition variable can (rarely) receive spurious signals
❑ Slowed execution from predictable signals
❑ Need to retest conditional expression

❑ Two problems that can arise from using condition variables. Both of these are taken
care of when using the algorithm on the next slide.
❑ Lost signal – condition has no memory, thus, if no thread is waiting on the condition
variable, all signals on that condition variable will do nothing. If a thread “blindly”
waits on a condition variable, it can be deadlocked if there is no other signal to wake it
up. (Thus, the conditional expression is checked before a thread will wait.)
❑ Spurious wakeups – on some multi-processor systems, condition variable code could be
slowed down if all signals were to be made predictable. (Thus, the correct algorithm
requires a retest of the conditional expression after a thread is signaled after waiting
on the condition variable. Spurious wakeups should put the thread back to waiting on
the condition variable.)

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 33

Condition Variable and Mutex

❑ Mutex is associated with condition variable

❑ Protects evaluation of the conditional expression
❑ Prevents race condition between signaling thread and threads waiting on
condition variable

❑ Condition variables are always paired with a mutex. The mutex is used to protect
access any variables that are used in the conditional expression. This access will be
in testing the conditional and updating variables that are involved in the
conditional test. In other words, the mutex must protect the code from race
conditions between a thread signaling the condition variable with a thread waiting
on the condition variable.
❑ The only job of the mutex should be to protect variables used in the conditional.
This will ensure proper utilization of condition variables and prevent lock
contention performance problems when a mutex is overloaded by being used in
other parts of the code.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 34

Condition Variable Algorithm

Negation of condition
needed to proceed
acquire mutex;
Mutex is automatically released
Avoids problems with lost while (conditional is true) when thread waits
and spurious signals wait on condition variable;
perform critical region computation;
update conditional; May be optional
signal sleeping thread(s);
release mutex;

❑ Conditional in while test is the negation of the condition needed to proceed in to the critical
region. For example, if (x > 0) is needed to get past condition variable, test will be while (x<=
0). This is the most important part of the algorithm presented. The while test prevents…
❑ LOST SIGNALS since the conditional is tested before the thread waits. If the condition is
false (able to proceed), the thread will not wait
❑ SPURIOUS WAKEUP since the thread will retest the while condition. If the condition is still
true (not able to proceed), the thread will go back to waiting. [This is not prevented, but
handled properly so that the code works as expected even when spurious wakeups occur.]
❑ As will be seen shortly, the mutex is released when the thread waits on the condition variable.
❑ The “update” and “signal” steps can be done external to the algorithm, dependent upon the
requirements of the application. However, programmer must be sure the variables involved
are updated while protected by the mutex associated with the condition variable.
FIT3143 Parallel Computing 35
Condition Variables
pthread_cond_init, pthread_cond_destroy
initialize/destroy condition variable
thread goes to sleep until signal of condition variable
signal release of condition variable
broadcast release of condition variable

Condition Variable Types

❑ The Pthread condition variable object.
Data types used ❑ New data types used to declare objects.
Condition variable must first be initialized
pthread_cond_t before it can be used.
❑ Condition is used to have threads wait until
the condition variable some condition has been met.
pthread_condattr_t ❑ Condition variables can be shared between
processes (in shared memory), but only if the
condition variable attributes Pthreads implementation supports the
Before use, condition variableFIT3143
(and Parallel
mutex) must be initialized
Computing 36
int pthread_cond_init( cond, attr );

pthread_cond_t *cond
condition variable to be initialized
const pthread_condattr_t *attr
attributes to be given to condition variable

ENOMEM - insufficient memory for condition variable

EAGAIN - insufficient resources (other than memory)
EBUSY - condition variable already intialized
EINVAL - attr is invalid

Can also use the static, default initializer: PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER

pthread_cond_t cond1 = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
which uses default attributes

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 37

int pthread_cond_wait( cond, mutex );
❑ Thread put to “sleep” waiting for signal on
pthread_cond_t *cond ❑ Mutex is unlocked
condition variable to wait on ❑ Allows other threads to acquire lock
pthread_mutex_t *mutex ❑ When signal arrives, mutex will be
mutex to be unlocked reacquired before pthread_cond_wait
EINVAL - cond or mutex is invalid
EINVAL - different mutex for concurrent waits
EINVAL - calling thread does not own mutex

❑ The calling thread will block (sleep) until such time as a pthread_cond_signal is issued that
wakes up the threads. Upon going to sleep, the mutex (held because the thread has the
mutex via the standard algorithm already presented) is unlocked. This will allow other
threads that may be wanting to wait on the condition variable to enter the wait algorithm
and for threads that need to update the variables used in the conditional expression the
chance to lock the mutex to make changes.
❑ Before the pthread_cond_wait function returns (after the thread receives a signal), the
mutex will be automatically reacquired (locked). This gives the thread mutually exclusive
access to the conditional expression variables (if needed) and why the standard algorithm
releases the lock when done.
FIT3143 Parallel Computing 38

int pthread_cond_signal( cond ); ❑ Signal condition variable, wake one waiting

❑ If no threads waiting, no action taken
pthread_cond_t *cond
❑ Signal is not saved for future threads
condition variable to be signaled
❑ Signaling thread need not have mutex
❑ May be more efficient
❑ Problem may occur if thread priorities

EINVAL - cond is invalid

If the signaling thread does not hold the associated mutex, the problem
when using thread priorities would develop if a high priority thread is
waiting and lower priority thread might lock the mutex (at the start of the
condition variable algorithm) before the higher priority thread got the
chance to reawaken and lock the mutex. By holding the mutex when
signaling, in this situation, the lower priority thread will block in the
attempt to lock the mutex and the higher priority thread will be given
preference to acquire the mutex when it is released by the signaling thread.
FIT3143 Parallel Computing 39

int pthread_cond_broadcast( cond ); ❑ Wake all threads waiting on condition

pthread_cond_t *cond ❑ If no threads waiting, no action taken
❑ Broadcast is not saved for future threads
condition variable to signal
❑ Signaling thread need not have mutex

EINVAL - cond is invalid

Each thread waiting on the condition variable will be signaled and, in turn,
as the mutex becomes available, return from the pthread_cond_wait call.

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 40

▪ Parallel computing on shared memory
– Single address space: Any memory location can be accessible by any
of the processors or cores within a processor.
– The basic concept of threads
– Thread creation
– Thread synchronization using mutex
– Thread signaling using condition variables

FIT3143 Parallel Computing 41

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