Science 9 CM Q1
Science 9 CM Q1
Science 9 CM Q1
SUBJECT : Science
TEACHER : Ms. Crisanta U. Ganado
UNIT TITLE : Living Things and Their Environment
understanding of: A1.1 Explain how the respiratory and A1.1a Pre-Assessment A1.1a Concept mapping, Short A1.1a Offline: My Distance Cleanliness and
conduct an circulatory systems work together to transport answer, Labeling exercise Learning Buddy Book Page Orderliness
information nutrients, gases, and other molecules to and 201-202 Online: Google
dissemination from the different parts of the body.
Classroom for output
1. how the S9LT-la-b-26
activity on submission.
different effective ways of Self-Discipline and
structures of the taking care of the Self-Sacrifice
circulatory and respiratory and
respiratory circulatory systems A1.1b Offline: My
systems work based on data Distance Learning Buddy
together to gathered from the Book Page 203-205 Online:
A1.1b Short answer
transport oxygen- school or local Google Classroom for
A1.1b Self-assessment
rich blood and health workers. output submission.
nutrients to the
different parts of
the body;
A1.1c Offline: My Distance
2. the prevention, Learning Buddy Book Page
detection, and 206 Online: Google
treatment of Classroom for output
diseases affecting submission.
the circulatory
and respiratory A1.1c Completing the Table
systems. A1.1c Explore
A1.1d Offline: My Distance
Learning Buddy Book Page
208-209 Online: Google
Classroom for output
A1.1e Self-assessment
A1.2 Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the A1.2a Explore A1.2a Fishbone diagram, Checklists, A1.2a Offline: My Distance Cleanliness and
functioning of respiratory and circulatory Short answer Learning Buddy Book Page Orderliness
systems. 212-213 Online: Google
S9LT-lc-27 Classroom for output
Self-Discipline and
A1.2c Enrichment
understanding of: A2. Explain the different patterns of non- A2.1 Pre-Assessment A2.1 Short answer A2.1 Offline: My Distance Justice and Equality
Mendelian inheritance. Learning Buddy Book Page
239-240 Online: Google
S9LT-Id-29 Classroom for output
1. how genetic
information is
organized in
genes on
chromosomes; A2.2 Offline: My Distance
Learning Buddy Book Page
2. the different 240-241 Online: Google
patterns of Classroom for output
A2.2 Explore A2.2 Hands-on, Observation, Short
inheritance. submission.
A2.11 Enrichment
understanding of: A3. Relate species extinction to the failure of A3.1 Pre-Assessment A3.1 Short answer A3.1 Offline: My Distance Self-Discipline and
make a multimedia populations of organisms to adapt to abrupt Learning Buddy Book Page Self-Sacrifice
presentation of a changes in the environment. 251 Online: Google
timeline of Classroom for output
how changes in extinction of S9LT-Ie-f-30 submission.
the environment representative Love of Country
may affect microorganisms,
species plants, and
extinction. animals. A3.2 Offline: My Distance
Learning Buddy Book Page
251-252 Online: Google
A3.2 Explore A3.2 Picture Analysis, Short answer Classroom for output
understanding of: A4. Differentiate basic features and A4.1 Pre-Assessment A4.1 Short answer A4.1 Offline: My Distance Honesty and Integrity
design and conduct importance of photosynthesis and respiration. Learning Buddy Book Page
an investigation to 261 Online: Google
provide evidence S9LT-lg-j-31 Classroom for output
1. the structure that plants can submission.
and function of manufacture their
plant parts and own food.
involved in A4.2 Offline: My Distance
photosynthesis; Learning Buddy Book Page
262-266 Online: Google
2. the structure Classroom for output
A4.2 Self-Assessment A4.2 Short answer
and function of submission.
mitochondrion as
the main
involved in A4.3 Offline: My Distance
respiration. Learning Buddy Book Page
266-267 Online: Google
Classroom for output
A4.5 Explore
The learners…
A5. Conduct an information dissemination A5. (S) Cardiovascular Scaffold 1. Research and lists all the Internet Search, Video Cleanliness and
activity on effective ways of taking care of and respiratory diseases possible ways that can be done in making and editing apps, Orderliness
the respiratory and circulatory systems based are on the rise and now proper caring the circulatory and Microsoft Publisher or any
on data gathered from the school or local belong to the top five respiratory systems. other apps for making
health workers. leading causes of information pamphlet
morbidity in the Self-Discipline and
From Unit Topic 1 Performance Standard Philippines. With proper Self-Sacrifice
care of the circulatory Scaffold 2:
and respiratory systems,
Video: Script writing, video taking
the diseases can be Service and
and editing.
prevented and one’s life Generosity
can be extended. Information Pamphlet: Designing
and making the information
In line with this, (R) as a
Jingle: Lyric and melodic
concerned citizen, (G)
you were chosen to
conduct an information
dissemination activity on
the effective ways and Scaffold 3: Output Presentation
practices of taking care
of the respiratory and
circulatory systems. (P)
The activity will be
based on the data
gathered from your
survey, (A) which will be
presented to the local
community through any
of the following: