Autocad Lab Manual
Autocad Lab Manual
Autocad Lab Manual
Aim: - To study about special features, advantages and applications of Auto CAD in detail.
Requirements: -
Theory: -
CAD means Computer Aided Design or Drafting. Auto cad is most widely used software developed by
auto desk. Auto cad is a drafting package in almost all engineering branches. There are drafting packages
like cad are DIAP, CAMD, and Delights. Auto cad is one of the most popular cad packages. It is a
general purpose computer aided design. We can draw geometrical entries like plan, section and elevation
of a building.
Advantages: -
We can make accurate and precise drawings like plan, section and elevation of a building.
Improved engineering productively.
Reduced engineering personal requirement.
Drawing modification or eraser to intake.
Drawings prepared in the software can be stored safely.
Applications of CAD: -
Preparation of Architectural drawings in the Auto CAD
Preparation of maps of an area
Preparation of Building drawings.
Preparation of circuit layouts for water distribution and sewer systems.
Result: -
Studying of Auto CAD, its applications and its advantages is done.
Experiment No: 2
Aim: - To study different softwares for Auto CAD.
Requirements: -
Auto CAD Software
Intel Pentium IV, or compatible
Microsoft Windows XP (Professional, Home Edition, or Tablet PC Edition), Windows 2000
Professional SP4
512 MB RAM (minimum)
750 MB free disk space
1024x768 VGA with true color (minimum)
Mouse or other pointing device
CD-ROM drive
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 SP1
Theory: -
CAD means Computer Aided Design or Drafting. Auto cad is most widely used software developed
by auto desk. Auto cad is a drafting package in almost all engineering branches. There are drafting
packages like cad are DIAP, CAMD, and Delights. Auto cad is one of the most popular cad
packages. It is a general purpose computer aided design. We can draw geometrical entries like plan,
section and elevation of a building.
Advantages: -
We can make accurate and precise drawings like plan, section and elevation of a building.
Improved engineering productively.
Reduced engineering personal requirement.
Drawing modification or eraser to intake.
Drawings prepared in the software can be stored safely.
Applications of CAD: -
Preparation of Architectural drawings in the Auto CAD
Preparation of maps of an area
Preparation of Building drawings
Preparation of circuit layouts for water distribution and sewer systems
Result: -
Studying of Auto CAD, its softwares and its advantages is done.
Experiment No: 3
Aim: - To study and practice basic draw commands exist in the Auto CAD.
Requirements: -
Auto CAD Software
Computer Hardware
Commands: -
Poly line
Construction line
Theory: -
Line: The LINE command is used to draw a line between two specified points. First enter the
LINE command or shortcut L in the command area. Mouse Cross hair displays to specify the first
point of the line and next point of the line or enter the distance of the line. Press ESC key at the
end of the line.
Circle: Circles are created with the CIRCLE command. There are several different ways you can
define a circle. Those are defining center point and radius or diameter of the circle. In the 2Point
method Define the circle with points on either end of the circle diameter. In the 3Point method
Define the circle with 3 noncollinear points. In the Tangent, Tangent and Radius method define
the circle by specifying two other objects that are tangent to the circle and the radius of the circle.
Arc: ARC command is used draw partial circles in the Auto CAD drawings. There are seven
methods available to draw an arc in the Auto CAD. Those are
i. Specifying 3 points on the arc
ii. Specifying starting point, center and end point
iii. Specifying starting point, center and included angle
iv. Specifying starting point, center and length of the
v. Specifying starting point, end point and radius
vi. Specifying starting point, end point and included angle and
vii. Specifying starting point, end point and direction of start
Polygon: The POLYGONE command is used to draw a polygon with 3 to 1024 sides by
specifying a circle inscribed or circumscribed with definite radius or by entering side length of the
Ellipse: This ELLIPSE command is used to draw ellipses by giving starting and ending angles
Line: To draw a line, line command is used. Line command can be given by following ways.
Multiline command: This command is used to draw parallel lines with specified effect distance
between two lines. Multiline command can be given in following two ways.
Justification is alignment of two lines w.r.t. reference top/zero/bottom. Scale is spacing between two
parallel lines.
Rectangle Command:
Rectangle is a quadrilateral having two pairs of opposite sides equal and 4 angles are each of
rectangle command can be given in 3 different ways as under.
Command: Rectangle
Specify first corner point: 40, 30 ◄┘ (enter)
(or) (Dimensions)
Circle command:
3p/2p/ПR/<centre point> : 100,100 ( locate point with mouse/ type by key board)
Diameter/ < Radius >: 50 (given radius by mouse/ type radius by kb as 50)
Circle will be drawn having center point (100, 100)
To point: 170, 20
Circle will be drawn having radius 50 and line 1 and line 2 as tangent to circle
4. 3 point method:
Command: Circle
3p/2p/ПR/<centre point> : 3p
Circle will be drawn passing through three points having the co ordinates (60, 70); (150,
100); (100, 50)
To point: 170, 20
Line – 1 & line – 2 can be drawn using mouse radius: 50 circle will be drawn having radius 50 and
line – 1 & line – 2 as tangent to the circle.
Command: Circle
3p/2p/TTR/< cp >: TTR
Arc Command:
Arc command is used to draw arc of a circle. Arc command can be given in 3
different ways as under.
(Angle/chord length)
Included angle : 233.13 ◄┘ (enter)
Method – 4: Command : Arc ◄┘ (enter)
Ellipse Command:
(ii) Specify other end point of axis : (195,90) ◄┘ (enter)
(iii) Specify distance to other axis : 120, B5 ◄┘ (enter)
(Or) (Rotation)
Polygon Command:
Polygon command is used to draw regular polygon shapes. Although one can draw polygon also
with line command but it takes more time polygon command draws polygon faster with high
accuracy.3 sides i.e., triangle, to 1024 sides regular polygons can be draw with polygon command.
Polygon command can be given in 3 different methods as under.
Inscribed in circle/circumscribed
Inscribed in circle : c ◄┘ (enter)
Method – 3: command : polygon ◄┘ (enter)
Donut Command: Donut or dough nut command enables us to draw filled rings and solid circle
required data‟s are
Spline Command: Spline command is used to draw a smooth line passing through number of given
(Start tangent)
- do - : 4, 5.5 ◄┘ (enter)
- do - : 2, 4 ◄┘ (enter)
- do - : 3.5, 0.5 ◄┘ (enter)
- do - : 5, 1 ◄┘ (enter)
- do - : 5.5, 2. ◄┘ (enter)
First two points marked fix one edge of the polygon third point should be specified
diagonally opposite to the second specify fourth point.
Auto CAD 2004 takes the last two points of the first polygon as the first two points for the
next polygon.
Once the command solid is on it will continue unless ◄┘ (entered) i.e., exit.
Pan Command: Pan command moves the drawing on the screen display does not change in shape &
size only its location changes in fact it moves the display window. Cursor changes to a hand shape
cursor by hidden down the pick button you are locking the cursor to its current location. Now cursor
is moved in the desired direction & along with cursor graphics also more when pick. button is
released panning stops only hand cursor move. At the end of stop panning either press ◄┘ (enter)
(or) escape EC.
Erase Command:
Erase command is used to remove object/ object from the drawing it‟s an editing tool. It is nothing
but erase/ rubber as we use for manual drawing. This erase leave zero impression of object/ objects
Select objects : Select by simple window totally (or) by crossing
Window totally
Rotate Command: Rotate command facilitates to rotate the object at defined angle. This command
is used to rotate object about a base point max by 360 where as move command facilitates to move
the object anywhere in the drawing.
Select objects : Select rectangle by clicking on it by mouse ◄┘ (enter) Specify Base pt: Click on pt c
by mouse.
Rotation angle: 450 ◄┘ (enter)
NOTE: Rotation angle should be mentioned only in counter clock wise direction.
Move Command: Move command is used when we can‟t display object to a specified location.
Result: Studying and practicing of all basic draw commands is done in the Auto CAD.
Experiment No: 4
Drawing Plan of a building in Auto CAD
A) Plan of a Single Storeyed building in Auto CAD
Result: Drawing Plan of a Single Storeyed building is done in the Auto CAD
B) Plan of a Multi Storeyed building in Auto CAD
Result: Drawing Plan of a Multi Storeyed building is done in the Auto CAD
Experiment No: 5
Drawing Section and Elevation of a building in Auto CAD
A) Section and Elevation of a Single Storeyed building in Auto CAD
Aim: To draw Section and Elevation of a Single Storeyed building in Auto CAD
Requirements: -
Auto CAD Software
Computer Hardware
Commands: -
Dim linear
Set the units and drawing limits for the drawing in the format option as required
Section Procedure:
Draw rectangles of dimensions 0.9mX0.3m, 0.6mX0.6m, 0.4mX0.6m and 0.25mX3m using
RECTANGLE command to represent C.C bed, footing, basement and height of building
Arrange all of them in required position using MOVE command
Draw a rectangle with depth of 120mm to represent slab of the building
Draw the parapet(0.45m Height and 150mm thick), sunshades, doors, windows and
lintels(150mm thick and 15mm bearings) in the section using LINE or RECTANGLE
Draw the Shahabad tile flooring over C.C of 100mm thick using LINE command
Hatch the section using HATCH command in required portions of the drawing
By projecting lines from plan and section draw the elevation of the building with paneled door
and window with steps in front of door
Result: Drawing Section and Elevation of a Single Storeyed building is done in the Auto CAD
B) Section and Elevation of a Multi Storeyed building in Auto CAD
Aim: To draw Section and Elevation of a Multi Storeyed building in Auto CAD
Requirements: -
Auto CAD Software
Computer Hardware
Commands: -
Dim linear
Set the units and drawing limits for the drawing in the format option as required
Section Procedure:
Draw rectangles of dimensions 0.9mX0.3m, 0.6mX0.6m, 0.4mX0.6m and 0.25mX3m using
RECTANGLE command to represent C.C bed, footing, basement and height of building
Arrange all of them in required position using MOVE command
Draw a rectangle with depth of 120mm to represent slab of the building
Draw the parapet(0.45m Height and 150mm thick), sunshades, doors, windows and lintels(150mm
thick and 15mm bearings) in the section using LINE or RECTANGLE command
Draw the Shahabad tile flooring over C.C of 100mm thick using LINE command
Hatch the section using HATCH command in required portions of the drawing
By projecting lines from plan and section draw the elevation of the building with paneled door and
window with steps in front of door
Result : Drawing Section and Elevation of a Multi Storeyed building is done in the Auto CAD
Experiment No: 6
Detailing of building components like Doors, Windows, Roof Trusses
Aim: To draw components like doors, windows and roof trusses of a building in Auto CAD
Requirements: -
Auto CAD Software
Computer Hardware
Commands: -
Dim linear
Set the units and drawing limits for the drawing in the format option as required
Draw a rectangle using RECTAGLE command with dimensions equal to door dimensions
Command Sequence:
Specify first corner point:
Specify the second corner point:
Using OFFSET command draw a parallel rectangle inside the above drawn rectangle
Command Sequence
Command: OFFSET
Specify the offset distance:
Select the object to offset:
Draw the wooden panels with required dimensions using RECTANGLE and OFFSET
Move all those panels into exact position by using MOVE command and hatch to show wooden
portion and glazed potion using HATCH command.
Command Sequence:
Command: HATCH
Select the pattern: Glass
Add pick points:
Do the same for drawing windows and roof trusses
Result: Drawing Components like Doors, Windows and roof Trusses of a building is done in the
Auto CAD
Experiment No: 7
Exercises on development of working drawings of buildings in Auto CAD
Aim: To prepare Drawings for a building in the Auto CAD
Requirements: -
Auto CAD Software
Computer Hardware
Commands: -
Text or M TEXT
Dim linear
Set the units and drawing limits for the drawing in the format option as required
Draw the plan of the building with all rooms in the correct position using commands like
LINE, RECTANGLE, OFFSET and MOVE with reference to the given line diagram
Draw the section of the building with components like C.C bed, footings, basement and
walls with sections and elevations of doors and windows with specified dimensions and in
exact position using MOVE command
Hatch the required components of the section using HATCH command
Draw the Elevation of the building by projecting lines from the plan and section
Draw the site plan of the building with required spaces all around the building with details
like car parking, plinth area, passages and location of the septic tank using RECTANGLE
and LINE commands
Draw the Key plan of the building which should show the position of the building among
the surrounding structures and road network
Draw the Title block at the left bottom corner of the drawing using LINE and OFFSET
commands to write signature of the owner and surveyor
Draw a tabular form above the title block and draw the details like Foundation details,
Doors schedule and window schedule using LINE and M TEXT commands
Draw the North Arrow above the table using required commands to show the direction and
orientation of the drawings
Using TEXT command write the details like room sizes, their name like bedroom or kitchen
and sizes of steps
Sanitary Lines:
Draw the plan of the building with all rooms in the correct position using commands like
LINE, RECTANGLE, OFFSET and MOVE with reference to the given line diagram
Draw two parallel lines in front of the building plan with a distance of 3.75m between them
to represent the road using LINE and OFFSET commands
Draw the details like Tap, Shower, Water closets, vent pipes, Water basins, septic tank,
flushing cisterns and sinks in the rooms of the plan using necessary commands
Draw a line between two road lines using LINE command to represent main sewer pipe
Draw a perpendicular line from the above drawn line up to points like Water closets, Septic
tanks and sinks to represent waste collecting pipes of the building
Using TEXT command write all the details