Taufik Ambio
Taufik Ambio
Taufik Ambio
A Journal of the Human Environment
ISSN 0044-7447
DOI 10.1007/s13280-018-1082-3
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Abstract Vast areas of wetlands in Southeast Asia are and fauna. Additionally, these ecosystems store large
undergoing a transformation process to human-modified amounts of carbon compared to other tropical wetlands in
ecosystems. Expansion of agricultural cropland and forest Africa and America (Page et al. 2011), especially in
plantations changes the landscape of wetlands. Here we belowground biomass. In addition, wetland ecosystems
present observation-based modelling evidence of increased store large volumes of water in their soils (up to 80–90%)
fire hazard due to canalization in tropical wetland because of the nature of the soil (organic), high rainfall,
ecosystems. Two wetland conditions were tested in South and the restricted drainage under natural conditions, which
Sumatra, Indonesia, natural drainage and canal drainage, creates an environment that is little prone to fire.
using a hydrological model and a drought-fire index Recent human activities in Southeast Asian tropical
(modified Keetch–Byram index). Our results show that wetland ecosystems are increasingly changing the land-
canalization has amplified fire susceptibility by 4.5 times. scape from natural forest into export-oriented agricultural
Canal drainage triggers the fire season to start earlier than cropland and forestry. In many cases, these changes can be
under natural wetland conditions, indicating that the canal attributed to clearance of natural forest. Land-use change in
water level regime is a key variable controlling fire hazard. the last two decades has reduced wetland forest cover by
Furthermore, the findings derived from the modelling 36% in Indonesia and Malaysia (Miettinen et al. 2012).
experiment have practical relevance for public and private This reduction included various measures to create
sectors, as well as for water managers and policy makers, favourable conditions for agronomy and forestry practices
who deal with canalization of tropical wetlands, and in wetlands, for instance drainage through canalization.
suggest that improved water management can reduce fire Canalization is a common practice to drain excessive
susceptibility. water, making wetland suitable for agriculture and forestry
purposes. By draining water, the groundwater table depth
Keywords Canalization Canal water level Fire hazard declines (Hirano et al. 2012; Ishii et al. 2016), depending
SWAP Water management on the water level in the canal and subsurface
Furthermore, climate variability mainly induced by El
INTRODUCTION Niño has increased the pressure on the often drier wetland
ecosystems. During El Niño, prolonged low precipitation
Tropical wetland ecosystems typically have shallow led to lower groundwater tables in wetland ecosystems,
groundwater tables throughout the year that support a which created a drier environment that favours extensive
wealth of endemic species because of their anaerobic, and fires to burn in tropical forests. More than 2.6 million
frequently extreme acidic and nutrient poor conditions hectares of crops and forests in Indonesia were burnt by the
(Yule 2010; Evers et al. 2017). Recent literature explains 2015 fires (Tacconi 2016), the second worst fires of the past
that tropical wetlands in Southeast Asia, including peat two decades in Southeast Asia. The extent and severity of
swamps, are biodiversity hotspots (Kier et al. 2005; Sodhi wildfires has increased during El Niño events (Wooster
et al. 2010; Yule 2010; Evers et al. 2017) for endemic flora et al. 2012; Taufik et al. 2017). Studies reported that fire
susceptibility increased in human-modified wetlands with canalization (Fig. 1c). Additionally, the canals are of
canalization (Hoscilo et al. 2011; Konecny et al. 2016). importance for transportation, logging, and logistics.
Although there has been growing interest in wetland The area is characterized by mineral soils, which mainly
ecosystem studies, fire-drought research that integrates consist of silty clay, and sand at very few places. In the
groundwater as a key variable for fire hazard in wetlands is study site of Baung (105.3°E and 2.74°S, Fig. 1), we built a
limited. Current research mostly uses soil moisture defi- mini-AWS (automatic weather station) to monitor daily
ciency derived from only climate information, such as the weather (rainfall and air temperature) and soil moisture. In
Keetch–Byram Drought Index-KBDI (Petros et al. 2011) this station, we built a piezometer to monitor the ground-
and the Fire Weather Index-FWI (Amiro et al. 2005), as a water depth. In the piezometer, we installed a pressure
proxy for flammability. In wetlands, however, groundwater transducer to measure the water depth every hour. Simul-
tables greatly influence soil moisture dynamics, hence the taneously, we measured atmospheric pressure with a Baro
fire hazard (Wösten et al. 2008; Taufik et al. 2015; Diver (Van Essen Instruments) in the station. Once every 3
Takeuchi et al. 2016; Taufik et al. 2017). The closer the months, we manually monitored the groundwater tables in
groundwater table to the surface, the lower the fire hazard the field to check the pressure-transducer measurements. In
is, as reported by Wösten et al. (2008) and Takeuchi et al. this station, soils were sampled in two different depths
(2016). The position of the groundwater table varies in (0–30 cm and 30–60 cm) to represent the upper and the
response to wet and dry spells. Occasionally, the ground- deep layers using ring sample of 100 cm3. The soils were
water table substantially declines during a prolonged then analysed in a soil laboratory to obtain physical char-
drought, which coincides with strong El Niño events (e.g. acteristics, namely water retention and soil hydraulic con-
1997/1998 and 2015). As expansion of land for product- ductivity. For details on the soil characteristics, readers are
oriented export (oil palm, fibre) takes place, humans now referred to Taufik et al. (2015). The data monitoring at the
also play a key role in groundwater dynamics in wetland site lasted for 2 years, covering two contrasting ENSO
ecosystems through building canal networks (Ritzema et al. conditions, that is, in 2009 (El Niño, dry) and in 2010 (La
2014). This requires research that explores the interplay of Niña, wet).
humans and fires occurring in the changing landscapes of
tropical wetland ecosystems. The aims of this study are SWAP model and data
(i) to quantify the impact of human interference on
increased fire hazard, and (ii) to assess the amplification of Soil Water Atmosphere Plant (SWAP) is a one-dimen-
fire hazard caused by human interference. We used an sional, vertically oriented model to simulate transport of
observation-based modelling approach to connect surface water, solutes, and heat in the vadose zone in interaction
water regimes (including canalization) through a soil water with vegetation development and subsurface hydrology
model that considers groundwater table depth to fire (Kroes et al. 2008, Fig. 2). Its model domain covers the
hazard. zone between the groundwater table and the soil surface on
which vegetation can grow and water ponding (i.e. water
on land) may occur. Water balance components and
MATERIALS AND METHODS groundwater levels are simulated by numerically solving
soil moisture flow using the Richards equation (Eq. 1, Van
Study area and data collection Dam and Feddes 2000). SWAP requires weather data, soil-
hydrological properties, and vegetation characteristics.
Our study area is a wetland ecosystem in South Sumatra,
oh o oh
Indonesia (Fig. 1), within the evergreen humid climate ¼ K ð hÞ þ 1 S; ð1Þ
ot oz oz
zone, that generally experiences some water shortage
during the dry season. The area receives mean precipitation where h is volumetric soil moisture content (m3 m-3), t
of 2540 mm annually, whereof 1700 mm during the wet time (days), z the elevation (m, positive upwards), h soil
season. The peak dry season occurs from August to water pressure (m), S a sink of the system (m days-1),
September, when the median monthly rainfall is below which accounts for external losses like evapotranspiration
100 mm, whereas the typical wet season from November to and drainage, and K(h) the conductivity (m days-1) as a
March. The study region was burnt during the 1997/1998 function of water content (h). The SWAP model uses an
El Niño due to wildfires. In the late 2000s, the region has implicit, backward, finite difference scheme to solve the
been planted with a fast-growing monoculture forest Richards equation. The soil water content, h, (m3 m-3) is
plantation (i.e. Acacia crassicarpa). To create favourable calculated applying the van Genuchten approach (Eq. 2):
conditions for root development, water and nutrient uptake,
excessive water in the wetlands is drained through
Fig. 1 Wetland study site in South Sumatra, Indonesia: a locations of the Baung station and Kenten station in the region. Data from the Baung
station were used for model calibration, while data from the Kenten station were applied for drought/fire modelling, b location of the Baung
station in the area of the nine grids of GFED4 at 0.250 resolution, c photo of canal surrounded by the 4-year-old Acacia plantation, and
d schematic diagram of the canal with dimensions
Fig. 2 Modelling framework: a SWAP model set-up with schematic subsurface cross-section, precipitation (P), evaporation (E), through fall
from vegetation (tf), actual evapotranspiration (ETa), overland flow (Qov), and bottom out flux (Qout). Model layers are indicated by the dashed
horizontal lines. A drainage flux (Qdrain) was defined following Hooghoudt approach (Ritzema 1994). By this approach, the drainage flux is
simulated as a function of the head difference between the maximum groundwater level (gwl) midway between the canal/stream and the drainage
level (CWL). b Scheme of water fluxes between the subdomains plant, snow, ponding layer, soil, and surface water
be implemented in the model through the lateral drainage Percent bias (PBIAS) measures the average tendency of
option. In this study, SWAP calculating the drainage flux the simulated data to be larger or smaller than their observed
(Qdrain) was selected, which is driven by the difference counterparts. Ratio of the Root Mean Square Error (rsr)
between the groundwater elevations and the canal/stream between simulated and observed values to the standard
level (Fig. 2a). We argue that the variation of the phreatic deviation of the observations, index of agreement (Id)
groundwater in wetlands of Southeast Asia is less than 2 m, compares the sum of squared error to the potential error. The
as shown in our data and in the literature (Wösten et al. Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r), which ranges from - 1
2008; Hirano et al. 2015), even during El Niño years. This to 1, is an index of the degree of linear relationship between
led us to use a 3-m soil profile (Fig. 2a) for the modelling. observed and simulated data. The kge provides a diagnosti-
In the end, the daily outputs of the model are time series of cally interesting decomposition of the Nash–Sutcliffe effi-
soil moisture profile and groundwater levels. Figure 2 ciency, which facilitates the analysis of the relative
presents the schematization of the SWAP model. importance of its different components (correlation, bias,
Moisture in the vertical soil column is controlled by and variability) in the context of hydrological modelling.
surface water levels of drainage system (canal) through the Our calibration showed that the SWAP model per-
groundwater system (saturated flow in the shallow aquifer). formed well in simulating groundwater tables (Fig. 3). The
Two types of drainage system were defined, i.e. natural onset of the groundwater table drop and its recovery are
drainage and human-modified drainage through wetland well simulated during the El Niño in 2009, whereas there is
canalization. The canalization creates deep open channels some overestimation of the groundwater table during the
in wetlands that reach depths up to 6 m below surface La Niña year in 2010. The well model performance is
depending on operational purposes, such as water transport reflected in the high kge, Id, and r, and low pbias and rsr
and water management. During the wet season, the canal (Fig. 3). By means of this calibration, we determined the
water level is close to the surface, whereas it may sub- values of the key model input data for SWAP, namely
stantially decline during the dry season. In the study site, canal water level (CWL) regime and drainage resistance
controlled drainage is applied through canal blocking (e.g. (DR). The CWL should be not deeper than 130 cm below
Ritzema et al. 2014) to ideally maintain groundwater the surface during the dry season. For the other seasons, we
tables in the range of 40–90 cm (see Evers et al. 2017). applied a canal water level closer to the surface, namely 50
When we use canalization in this paper, we refer to con- and 80 cm below the surface during the wet and interme-
trolled drainage (i.e. reference situation), unless it is stated diate season (May/June), respectively. The calibrated DR
clearly otherwise. For natural drainage, we used a surface was 200 days for the study site with canal drainage. The
water depth of 50 and 100 cm during the wet and dry drainage resistance determines how easy water flows
season, respectively (130 cm during the dry season for through the groundwater system to the drainage system.
strong El Niño years), which drives water losses via the The lower the resistance, the easier water flows. The nat-
natural drainage system that usually can be found in this ural situation is characterized by a higher drainage resis-
kind of regions. These estimates are based upon field tance than human-modified drainage, because of the longer
experiences in Sumatra and Kalimantan. distance between natural channels compared to the drai-
nage canals. We anticipated that the drainage resistance for
Model calibration natural drainage is around three times higher (600 days).
This estimate is based on drainage theory (Ritzema 1994)
For the calibration process, we used the available daily and field observations of differences between canal and
weather and groundwater table data from almost 2 years of stream distances.
observations (Taufik et al. 2015) from 1 April 2009 to 15
March 2011. These observed data are important, as it Fire hazard assessment
covers a period with climate extremes. Both the 2009 El
Niño and the 2010 La Niña are included. We applied two We used the modified Keetch–Byram Drought Index
approaches for assessing model performance. First, we (mKBDI) to assess daily fire hazard and the associated fire
used a visual inspection of its performance. This approach hazard class (i.e. low, moderate, and high). The hazard
aims to detect model behaviour, and to obtain an overview class follows previous research in Southeast Asia (Ainud-
of the overall performance (Bennett et al. 2013). Then we din and Ampun 2008; Taufik et al. 2015). The daily time-
applied five statistical criteria of goodness of fit (see step calculation of the mKBDI is as follows (Eqs. 3–6):
Bennett et al. 2013) including percent bias (pbias), RMSE-
mKBDIt ¼ mKBDIt1 þ DFt þ RFt WTFt : ð3Þ
observations standard deviation ratio (rsr), index agree-
ment (Id) coefficient of correlation (r), and Kling Gupta Here mKBDI is the moisture deficiency, DF is the drought
Efficiency (kge). factor, RF is the rainfall factor, and WTF is the water
Fig. 3 Hydrograph of observed (obs) and simulated (sim) groundwater tables with the SWAP model during the calibration period. This graph
shows that the model performed well in simulating groundwater table in particular for the dry season, but it slightly overestimates the shallow
levels in the wet season, which are controlled by local site conditions. Goodness-of-fit measures are provided: pbias (percent of bias), RMSE-
observations standard deviation ratio (rsr), index of agreement (Id), coefficient of correlation (r), and Kling Gupta Efficiency (kge). The smaller
the pbias and rsr, the better model performs (Moriasi et al. 2007). On other hand, the model performs well if the Id, r , and kge are high (Bennett
et al. 2013)
table factor on day t. The drought factor (DFt, Taufik et al. The emphasis in this study is to explore the probabilities
2015) on a given day in the metric system is of groundwater table depths and associated fire hazards for
DFt ¼ ð203 KBDIt1 Þ the current state of plantation rather than to reconstruct
historic fire hazards also considering the plantation devel-
ð0:4982eð0:0905Tm þ1:6096Þ 4:268Þ 103 ð4Þ
; opment. The long time series of weather data (1980–2015)
1 þ 10:88eð0:001736R0 Þ for simulation of groundwater levels, and hence, the fire
where Tm is daily maximum air temperature, and R0 is hazard was obtained from the nearby climate station
average annual rainfall. We used 2500 mm/year for the Kenten (latitude/longitude are 2.93°S/104.77°E) in South
rainfall. Sumatra, Indonesia. There is no difference in input data for
Rainfall is considered to reduce the drought index, if it is the calculation of fire hazard (Eqs. 3–6) for the two sce-
more than 5.1 mm/day (Eq. 5): narios (natural and canal drainages), except for the water
8 t t table factor. WTF was computed using different simulated
< ðR 5:1Þ; R 5:1 mm/day, 1st rainy day
groundwater table series based on the two scenarios used in
RF ¼ Rt ; Rt1 5:1 mm/day, 2nd and the next rainy days
: this study, i.e. natural and canal drainage. Then, one of the
0; Rt \ 5:1 mm/day three fire hazard classes was assigned to each day, namely
ð5Þ low, moderate, or high fire hazard.
To analyse the robustness of the predicted fire hazard, a
Then, the water table factor (WTF) takes the following
bootstrapping experiment was designed. From the 36-year
period covered, x random years (ranging from 3 to 36) are
WTFt ¼ 10:64 0:283x 1 hðhÞt 203 : ð6Þ selected to generate the class of fire hazard. Then we only
focus on the high fire class to analyse the uncertainty of the
The mKBDI is scaled from zero to 203 as maximum value.
Prolonged extreme wet spells increase soil moisture to
eventually reach saturation, and therefore mKBDI is at
Verification of fire hazard
minimum (0), whereas long-lasting hot and dry spells
create favourable conditions for mKBDI to reach its
To test the performance of the mKBDI, we used monthly
maximum value. The groundwater level also affects the fire
fire area burnt derived from the Global Fire Emission
hazard, i.e. shallow groundwater tables reduce fire hazard
Dataset-GFED (Giglio et al. 2013). The GFED is at 0.25°
through capillary rise. When the groundwater level drops
resolution, which is available from 1996 onward. The
below a critical threshold (e.g. 85 cm below surface in the
drought index (i.e. mKBDI) reflects dryness over a large
study site, Taufik et al. 2015), it does not reduce fire hazard
area and not specifically the Baung station site. Therefore,
because capillary rise cannot sufficiently feed the topsoil
we used nine GFED grid cells (Fig. 1b) surrounding the site
for verification. We verified performance of mKBDI (mean
monthly) for the canal drainage situation in 1996–2015, as groundwater, hence it increases dry conditions that favour
this represented the weather situation that actually has fire.
driven the fires. The canalization in the region started well
before our fire hazard verification period, i.e. in the 1990s. Verification of fire hazard
Totally, there are 240 data points, that is, months for
verification. Our analysis showed that fire events (expressed as area
burnt) were reported for all three fire hazard classes derived
from the mKBDI (Table 1, canal drainage). In total, 172
RESULTS out of 240 months were assigned to the low hazard class,
23 months were in the moderate class, and the remaining
Simulated groundwater tables (45) were categorized as having a high probability of fire.
Of the 172 months that were reported to have a low level,
The time the simulated daily water table is deeper than the 68% (117) of the months had zero burnt area, whereas only
critical threshold (85 cm) is 1.9% under natural drainage 1 month had an area burnt larger than 5000 ha (Table 1).
and 34% under canal drainage (not shown). Furthermore, On the other hand, months with high fire hazard probability
the SWAP simulations also show that ponding is normal were characterized by large area burnt ([ 5000 ha,
for wetland ecosystems under natural drainage, whereas the 22 months).
ponding period becomes eight times shorter under canal Few small areas burnt (\ 100 ha, 3 months) were
drainage. Ponding in excess of 0.10 m depth does not occur reported when the mKBDI of a certain month is in the high
under canal drainage at the investigated site. class. For the moderate probability on fire, most of the
On a monthly scale, the groundwater level is always months had an area burnt of 100–5000 ha. This verification
below the surface during the period August–October under demonstrates that mKBDI is able to classify fire events in
natural drainage. In this period, the minimum groundwater three different hazard levels based on the size of area burnt.
level reaches the critical threshold (- 0.85 m, Fig. 4) only In summary, the mKBDI is useful to identify large area
a few occasions (9 times in 1980–2015). Canal drainage burnt that is characterized by the high fire class.
causes lower groundwater levels below the surface
throughout the whole year compared to natural drainage. Fire hazard behaviour
Groundwater gradually starts to decline in May, and will
reach its deepest levels in October. In the period July– Wetland ecosystems store large volumes of water in their
October, the median groundwater level is below the critical soils because of high organic matter contents, high rainfall
threshold and in November it is still very close. This is both monthly and annually, and the restricted drainage
clear evidence that canalization prolongs periods with low under natural conditions, which creates an environment
that is little prone to fire. About 90% of the time, fire
hazard under natural drainage is at a low level at the
investigated site, and 3.8% of the time at a high level,
which is during a prolonged dry season (Table 2). With
drainage by canalization, low fire hazard level conditions
drop to 72.2% of the time. Canalization causes lower
groundwater levels during the dry season, leading to an
increased presence of the high fire hazard level from 3.8%
Table 2 Fire hazard (% of time) using weather data from 1980–2015. Table 3 Distribution of high fire risk days (average number of days
Two different types of climatic years are introduced: normal and El per month, in %) over the months, and the number of years (%) that
Niño years. Fire hazard is clustered in three classes. Column 2 should high fire risk happens for two drainage conditions using weather data
be compared with column 5, column 3 with column 6, and column 4 from 1980–2015
with column 7
Month Drainage conditions
Hazard class Drainage conditions
Natural Controlled canal
Natural Controlled canal
High fire Number of High fire Number of
Normal El Niño Total Normal El Niño Total level days years (%) level days years (%)
(%) (%)
Low 61.2 28.9 90.1 49.1 23.1 72.2
Moderate 2.1 4.0 6.0 7.0 3.7 10.7 June – – 3 3
High 0.6 3.2 3.8 7.9 9.2 17.1 July – – 41 25
August 15 8 66 64
September 40 25 73 89
October 64 31 71 83
under natural drainage to 17.1% of the time. This implies November 56 22 70 36
an amplification of fire susceptibility by 4.5 times when December 94a 3 55 6
natural wetland forest is drained. a
During El Nino 2015
High fire hazard is reported to be low for normal years
and natural drainage conditions (0.6%), whereas this is
7.9% of the time under canal drainage (Table 2). Most high Canalization, however, leads to low groundwater levels
fire hazard conditions under controlled canal drainage during the dry season, which can go well below the critical
events (9.2%) coincide with El Niño. This provides evi- threshold (Fig. 2, controlled canal). About 33% of the time,
dence that El Niño strongly influences fire hazard, which is the groundwater level is below the threshold, which leads
induced by drainage. to an increased frequency of days with a high fire hazard
Fire behaviour is strongly controlled by groundwater level (Table 2). High fire hazard level is recorded for 32 out
level. As anticipated, we found a strong correlation of the of 36 years in the period 1980–2015. This implies that
groundwater level and KBDI with r = - 0.85 and - 0.88 about 88% of the years are at a high hazard level, which is
for natural and canal drainage, respectively. Other vari- about 2.4 times higher than under natural drainage condi-
ables, such as daily rainfall, were only weakly correlated to tions. Seasonally, high fire hazard levels frequently occur
fire hazard level (not shown). This correlation means that during the period July–November, but occasionally they
during prolonged periods with low groundwater levels, also occur in June and December (Table 3). The mean
high fire level is expected to occur. number of high fire hazard level days in the period August–
Under natural drainage conditions, monthly averaged October under canal drainage conditions is 21.4 days per
groundwater levels decline during the period July–October, month (66–73% of the days) for those years that fires
but they rarely exceed the critical threshold (Fig. 2, natu- occur. Moreover, under canalization, the fire season comes
ral). This little drawdown does not create high fire hazard. at least 1 month earlier, starting in July (June not consid-
Totally only 3.8% (503 days) of the days are in the high fire ered because of the low number of years), whereas the fire
hazard class (Table 2) that occurs only in 11 out of season under natural drainage conditions starts in August
36 years. The remaining years have predominantly a low (Table 3). This is evidence that canalization lengthens the
fire hazard level. During warm ENSO years, the fire sus- period with a high fire hazard level in addition to the
ceptibility increases more than five-fold (3.2 vs. 0.6%). substantially larger number of fire years. The higher per-
Table 3 provides the distribution of the average number of centage of high fire level days in December under natural
days with a high fire hazard level for each month (15–94% conditions than under controlled drainage (94 vs. 55%) is
of days for natural drainage, dependent on the month) in caused by the higher number of years that show high fire
those years when fires occur (3–31% of the years). If we hazard under controlled drainage (6% of the years relative
exclude August and December, because of the low number to 3% under natural conditions).
of years when fires occur in these months (\ 10%), the
fraction of days with a high fire hazard level is 40–64% in
the years with fires (22–31%, Table 3). On natural drai- DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
nage, high fire hazard level in December occurred only in
1 year (3%) during the very strong 2015 El Niño; almost This research contributes to the emerging literature that
the entire month (94%) was at a high fire hazard level. attempts to quantify the interplay of humans on
hydrological processes in tropical forest wetlands, includ- same rainfall input, i.e. canal drainage has lower ground-
ing fire hazard, using an observation-based modelling water levels, and hence higher fire hazard than natural
experiment. This includes the interplay between El Nino drainage, and (ii) controlled drainage through canal
and associated lower surface water levels, deeper ground- blocking causes high fire hazard to come at least 1 month
water tables, consequently higher fire hazard. We applied earlier. This outcome confirms a recent study, which
the SWAP model, which showed good agreement with 2 reported increased fire susceptibility in drained wetlands of
year of observations, to simulate time series of daily Central Kalimantan (Konecny et al. 2016), which points at
groundwater tables for a wetland ecosystem in South ecosystem degradation. The finding is in line with similar
Sumatra with input of 36 years of daily weather data. Two experiences in mangrove wetlands where canalization also
wetland drainage conditions were introduced for the SWAP leads to degraded ecosystems (Jaramillo et al. 2018a, b).
simulation, i.e. natural and canal drainage conditions for a Our findings show that there is substantial amplification
mature acacia plantation. Of the two wetland drainage of fire hazard when natural forest is drained for agronomy.
types tested, canal drainage generates longer periods with First, the frequency of high fire levels increases by
low groundwater levels (Fig. 2, controlled canal). Next, we 4.5 times (Table 2). The increase means that fire suscepti-
calculated the daily modified KBDI using the simulated bility under drained conditions is higher and occurs in the
water tables to assess daily fire hazard for each drainage dry season for 9 out of 10 years. In addition, the number of
condition. Our verification of the simulated fire hazard days experiencing high fire hazard levels has risen by 70%
level by using 20 years of observed monthly area burnt in the period August–October (Table 3). The number of
revealed that fire may occur on each day irrespective of the years having a high fire hazard level rose 3.6 times. Fur-
estimated fire hazard level. A condition of large area burnt ther, our modelling experiment reveals that drainage
([ 5000 ha) occurs only when the fire hazard level is high, lengthens the period with high fire hazard level through an
and the opposite, no or a small area burnt occurs when the earlier start of the fire season. By applying a bootstrap
fire hazard level is low. approach, we found that our prediction of fire hazard (un-
Hydrological studies in tropical wetlands found very der canal drainage) was robust, as shown by low variation
low groundwater levels during the dry season due to in the prediction (0.7%). The amplification applies for
canalization, for instance, in the ex-Mega Rice Project, controlled drainage conditions, therefore the question
Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. This is consistent with our remains how large the amplification will be in case of
substantial difference (between natural and canal drainage) uncontrolled drainage in this type of ecosystem.
in number of days with groundwater levels below the Our modelling experiment shows that, if the drainage is
critical threshold (i.e. 24%). Prolonged low groundwater uncontrolled (with canal water levels reaching to 3 m depth
levels create conditions that favour wildfire. For a peat- during the dry season), prolonged low groundwater
swamp forest in Kalimantan, Wösten et al. (2008) showed tables are inevitable. Hence, days with high fire hazard will
that the probability of high fire hazard increases when the increase substantially, from 17% (controlled drainage) to
groundwater level drops below 40 cm. Other studies under almost 40% (Fig. 5). In other words, without improved
similar hydroclimatological conditions used a groundwater water management, the expected frequency of high fire
table depth of 100 cm as critical threshold for fire (Wösten hazard levels will be more than twice as high (relative to
et al. 2006; Takeuchi et al. 2016). Here, we apply 85 cm as the reference) and will occur each year. The very low
critical groundwater level for identifying high fire hazard. groundwater levels will likely influence the endemic flora
The critical groundwater depth is not constant for all wet and fauna (Kier et al. 2005; Sodhi et al. 2010) that can only
tropical ecosystems but depends among others on soil survive under un-impacted hydrological conditions (Evers
properties (Taufik et al. 2015). et al. 2017). A lot of effort has been proposed to restore
Although there is substantial understanding on how low degraded wetland, including canal blocking (Ritzema et al.
precipitation enhances fire hazard, our results highlight the 2014; Ishii et al. 2016), with the purpose to maintain
fact that efforts to understand fire hazard without examin- groundwater levels as close as possible to natural condi-
ing the role of soil moisture and groundwater table depth tions. Improved water management is anticipated to pro-
miss a critical contributor to fire hazard in wetland vide an adequate basis for endemic biodiversity and
ecosystems (Wösten et al. 2006, 2008; Takeuchi et al. additionally to control wildland fires. However, maintain-
2016; Taufik et al. 2017). In other studies, like on hydro- ing groundwater levels as high as possible needs to be
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