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Operations Manual

Radian Research, Inc.

Portable Three-phase
Electricity Standard

Radian Research reserves the right to change

any information provided within this document
without notice. 010813-1A1

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1.0 Product Introduction ..................................................5

1.1 Enhanced Design Features ..........................................................................................6
1.2 Laboratory Applications ..............................................................................................8
1.3 Test Table Applications ................................................................................................8
1.4 Field Testing Applications ...........................................................................................8
1.5 Harmonic Analysis ......................................................................................................8
1.6 Customer Load Testing ................................................................................................8
1.7 Automatic Calculations ................................................................................................9
1.8 Software Packages .......................................................................................................9
1.9 Safety Design .............................................................................................................10

2.0 Configurations Available............................................11

2.1 Generating RD-30 Model Numbers............................................................................11

3.0 Specifications .........................................................14

3.1 Accuracy.....................................................................................................................14
3.2 Input/Output ...............................................................................................................14
3.3 Normal Operating Conditions ...................................................................................15
3.4 Influences Affecting Accuracy ....................................................................................16
3.5 Protection ..................................................................................................................16
3.6 Physical Description ..................................................................................................16

4.0 Operations Overview.................................................17

4.1 Measurement Principle..............................................................................................17
4.2 Internal Reference Set.................................................................................................17
4.3 Output Stage ..............................................................................................................17
4.4 Voltage and Current Inputs* .......................................................................................18
4.5 Auxiliary Power Inputs ..............................................................................................18
4.6 Clamp-On CT Input ...................................................................................................19
4.7 Pulse Inputs..............................................................................................................19
4.8 Pulse Outputs ........................................................................................................... 20
4.9 Analog Sense Input................................................................................................... 20
4.10 Serial Port Communications Terminal........................................................................ 21
4.11 Pickup Terminal ........................................................................................................ 21
4.12 Chasis Ground, Guard, Neutral ................................................................................21
4.13 Built-in-Computer .................................................................................................... 22
4.14 Keyboard .................................................................................................................. 23
4.15 Display ..................................................................................................................... 24
4.16 RD-30 Voltage & Current Taps ................................................................................. 24
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5.0 Service & Routine Maintenance .................................25

5.1 Cleaning .................................................................................................................... 25
5.2 Repair ........................................................................................................................ 25
5.3 Recalibration .............................................................................................................. 25
5.4 Fuse Replacement....................................................................................................... 26

6.0 Warranty ............................................................27

7.0 Quality ..............................................................28

8.0 Operating System & Structure....................................... 29

8.1 RD-30 Start-up Screen............................................................................................... 29
8.2 RR-MobileSuite Start-up Screen ................................................................................. 30
8.3 Configure Device........................................................................................................ 33
8.4 Metrics........................................................................................................................ 37
8.5 Harmonics................................................................................................................... 39
8.6 Trend Chart.................................................................................................................. 40
8.7 Vectors........................................................................................................................ 41
8.8 Run Meter Test............................................................................................................ 42
8.9 Run Standard Test ...................................................................................................... 46
8.10 Softkbd........................................................................................................................ 50

9.0 RD-30 System Configuration and Setup............................52

10.0 RD-Status Indicator LED .............................................53

11.0 Application Information..............................................54

11.1 Meter Testing.............................................................................................................. 54

12.0 Viewing Harmonics.................................................62

13.0 Test Accessories....................................................63

Appendix: RD Current Connector Locking Mechanism..................66

* Appendix: RD Current Connector Locking Mechanism....................................................................................... 66

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Product Intoduction

1.0 Product Introduction

The RD-30 Portable Three-phase Electricity Standard utilizes a lightweight, compact package
while providing a high level of accuracy through design innovations. The RD-30 has a typical
accuracy of 0.01% and a maximum worst case accuracy specification of 0.04%. This specification
includes variables of stability, temperature, power factor, traceability uncertainty, and test system
errors. In addition, this accuracy applies across the entire voltage and current operating range of
the product for an entire year.

The RD-30 utilizes Radian’s new Dytronic measurement technology consisting of a Radian
designed Integrating Analog to Digital Signal Converter. The RD-30’s Dytronic A/D Converter
is combined with Radian’s renowned electronically compensated voltage and current input
transformers and a hermetically sealed reference set to provide the highest degree of accuracy,
stability and versatility offered in a portable three-phase electricity standard.

The RD-30 provides four quadrant three-phase simultaneous measurements for active, reactive,
and apparent energy and power with forward and reverse energy flow also measured. The
potential input, current input and auxiliary power input are totally autoranging. This autoranging
feature was pioneered by Radian Research and makes it impossible to damage the unit by applying
a signal to the wrong tap. The potential input range is 30 to 630 volts, the current input range is
available as either 120 amps or 200 amps per phase. The auxiliary power ranges from 60 to 630

In the field, the RD-30 can be used with a controlled current load, or it can be used with clamp-on
current transformers available from Radian Research to perform customer load tests. In this field
application, the optional power analysis capability can analyze customer load through the 204th
harmonic order. In addition, for improved efficiency, the RD-30 optionally can automatically
calculate and display the error of the meter under test.

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Product Intoduction

The RD-30 also provides a serial communications port which allows direct connection to the RS-
232 serial port of a personal computer. RD-30s with the Built-in Computer option come with RR-
MobileSuite software.

The RD-30 is available in a variety of models offering measurement functions and options to suit
specific needs.

1.1 Enhanced Design Features

Many design features have been added or improved through the engineering process of designing
the RD-30 Dytronic. The addition of A/D and DSP technology, increased PC support and an
enhanced version of Radian’s revolutionary voltage and current transformer input design make
the RD-30 the benchmark of portable standards, second only to the RD-31 portable threephase
reference standard. The RD-30 utilizes Radian Research designed Analog/Digital circuitry
coupled with Digital Signal Processing techniques. These advancements provide a high degree
of flexibility including simultaneous multifunction measurements and harmonics analysis

A/D and DSP Technology

In order to accelerate the testing process, Radian Research has designed and incorporated a
custom integrating Analog to Digital Converter into the RD-30. There are separate A/D circuits
for both the voltage and current axes. Couple this enhancement with the utilization of DSP
technology and the RD-30’s abilities are greatly enhanced. The RD-30 can effortlessly collect
the converted digital signals from the A/D converters and process the data to display every
measurement function supported during a single collection of voltage and current data.

PC Support
For enhanced analysis and testing, each RD-30 is equipped with a communications port. This
port will allow the user to connect to a personal computer running Radian Research software
packages providing for customization of the standard. Different configurations containing input
and output port designations, LCD menu operation and other parameters may be stored in RR-
PCSuite software and downloaded to any RD-30 unit for complete user customization.

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Product Introduction

In addition, the RD-30 can analyze harmonic distortion complete with each order’s phase and
amplitude. This information can be studied in the laboratory with Radian software for a more
complete understanding of conditions at specific meter installations. Additionally, voltage and
current waveforms can be viewed in real-time and then captured for later investigation. Test
results of both revenue billing meters and field standards can be stored enabling complete and
detailed histories to be recorded.

Clamp On Current Transformer Input

The RD-30 features a clamp-on current transformer input per phase. This option allows true
customer load testing without removing the meter from service.

Voltage Inputs, Current Inputs, Auxiliary Power Inputs

The RD-30 provides full autoranging capability for the Potential Input, Auxiliary Power Input
and Current Input using electronically compensated input transformers designed by Radian.
The voltage and current inputs contain an enhanced design of Radian’s original electronically
compensated transformer. This feature ensures the unit will never be damaged by applying a
signal to the incorrect input. Current input options are 120 amps maximum per phase or 200 amps
maximum per phase direct connection.

With the safety of the user in mind, the connections have been updated to an insulated socket
design. The Potential Input and Auxiliary Power are 4mm connections and the Current Inputs are
6mm connections for the 120 amp model and bolt-on current connections for the 200 amp model.

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Product Introduction

1.2 Laboratory Applications

The accuracy and precision provided by the RD-30 allows it to easily test portable field standards
of lesser accuracy. The optional built-in comparator allows for automatic test result calculations
for the field standard being tested.

1.3 Test Table Applications

Due to its small package size, the RD-30 can easily be used as the reference within test tables
whenever a higher level of accuracy is desired. Programmable pulse outputs coupled with an RS-
232 communications port make it easy to receive data from the RD-30.

1.4 Field Testing Applications

With a weight of only 6.81 kg (15 pounds), the RD-30 is conducive to field-testing applications
where a high level of accuracy is desired. The optional built-in comparator allows for automatic
test result calculations of the meter being tested.

1.5 Power Analysis

Unlike off-the-shelf A/D Converters used in other instruments, Radian’s Dytronic
A/D Converter is specifically designed and optimized for power and energy measurement. This
unique design allows the RD-30 to accurately measure non- sinusoidal waveforms up to and
including the 204th harmonic order. Measurement parameters include the phase and amplitude of
each harmonic as well as the total harmonic distortion. The unprecedented accuracy of measuring
distorted waveforms combines with this optional powerc analysis capability to clearly distinguish
the RD-30 as the definitive portable three-phase electricity standard for both meter testing and
power quality applications. This power analysis option is also useful when testing meters using
customer load.

1.6 Customer Load Testing

For those applications where meter testing with customer load is desired, the RD-30 is an
obvious choice because of its ability to accurately measure energy and power even with distorted
waveforms. The optional clamp-on current transformer inputs on each phase allows for testing
the meter using customer load without the need of interrupting service.

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Product Intoduction

1.7 Automatic Calculations

Optionally, The RD-30 offers a Built-in Computer for two types of applications. For laboratory
applications, the Built-in Computer can accept output pulses from a portable field standard
and automatically calculate and display the error. For field- testing applications, it can also
automatically calculate and display the error of the meter under test. In this field-testing
application, various sensors (for disk rotation, infrared calibration pulses, KYZ pulses, etc.)
may be connected directly to the RD-30 and parameters for the test may be easily entered. At
the conclusion of the test, the results are automatically calculated and displayed on the LCD.
Optional sensors include the RD-DS Meter Disk Sensor, RD-1H Infrared Optical Pickup, RD-
1H/v Visible Optical Pickup, and RD-KYZ Pulse Input Adapter.

1.8 Software Packages

The RD-30 also provides a serial communications port which allows direct connection to the
RS-232 serial port of a personal computer. In addition, Radian offers software packages to suit
various applications.

RR-PCSuite software allows for custom configuration of the RD-30 standard. This custom
configuration includes defining scrolling sequences, scrolling times, defining communication
ports including output pulse values, defining measurement displays, and other operation

RR-MobileSuite software is used with the power analyzer functionality of the RD-30. RR-
MobileSuite provides the ability to view current and voltage waveforms in real time while
providing total harmonic distortion as well as analysis of harmonic order, phase and amplitude.
Waveforms may be saved for further analysis back at the meter laboratory.

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Product Intoduction

RR-Kit software provides a library of subroutines for those customers that desire to write their
own programs to communicate with the RD-30.

PC-Mobile Suite software is an expanded, desktop or laptop version of RR-Mobile Suite which is
the test and measurement software loaded on the RD-30.

1.9 Safety Design

For enhanced safety, the potential, current and auxiliary power input connections to the RD-30 are
designed such that no harmful signals are accessible on the front of the standard. Lead kits may
be purchased from Radian Research.

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Configurations Available

2.0 Configurations Available

2.1 Generating RD-30 Model Numbers

RD-30 Menu for Measurements & Functionality: The last three digits determine the model
options. The first of the last three digits determines the measurement functions; the second of
the last three digits determines if the unit has a Built-in Computer, power analysis, and/or analog
sense capability; the third of the last three digits determines the physical configuration.

Specifying the first of the last three digits: RD-30-Xxx


RD-30-2xx Whrs, Volts, Amps, Watts, VA, VARs,VARhrs, VAhrs, Qhrs,

Phase Angle, Power Factor, Frequency

RD-30-3xx Whrs, VARhrs, VAhrs, Qhrs, Volts, Amps,

Watts, VARs, VA,Vhr, Ahr, V2hr, A2hr, Phase
Angle, Power Factor, Frequency
Min & Max measurements: All indicating

RD-30-4xx Whrs, Volts, Amps, VARhrs, Qhrs, Vahrs,

Watts, VARs, VA,Vhr, Ahr, V2hr, A2hr, Phase
Angle, PF, Frequency
Min & Max: All indicating functions
AVG response: VAhrs, VA, Volts, Vhrs, Amps, Ahrs

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Configurations Available

Specifying the second of the last three digits: RD-30-xXx

-x0x No Built-in Computer, No power analysis, No analog sense input
-x1x Built-in Computer (With color display, Windows CE and RR-MobileSuite Software)
-x2x Power analysis (RR-MobileSuite Software included)(Harmonics, Trending & Vector
-x3x Built-in Computer and power analysis
-x4x Analog Sense Testing for Volts, Amps, Watts, VARS, VA (2mA DC max) -x5x Built-in
Computer and analog sense input
-x6x Power analysis and analog sense input
-x7x Built-in Computer, power analysis and analog sense input

Specifying the third of the last three digits: RD-30-xxX

-xx1 120 Amp (6mm insert) current inputs, Rack Mount
-xx2 200 Amp (bolt on) current inputs, Rack Mount
-xx3 120 Amp (6mm insert) current inputs, Portable
-xx4 200 Amp (bolt on) current inputs, Portable


RR-PCSuite Testing & Analysis PC Software for RD Standards

RR-Kit Software for Custom Application Development
RR-1H Optical Pickup for Infrared LED, 4-Pin plug
RR-DS/sm Meter Disk Sensor with 4-Pin plug, suction mount
RR-DS/f Meter Disk Sensor with 4-Pin plug, field mount
RR-DS/s Meter Disk Sensor with 4-Pin plug, shop mount
RR-KYZ Pulse Input Adapter with 4-Pin plug
RM-1S Remote Reset Switch
RC-XXX Family of Clamp-On Current Transformers and Probes

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Configurations Available

For Example: RD-30-332

200 Amp 3 current input standard complete with built-in comparator, harmonic analysis, 200amp
current inputs, no display, rack mount. Measurement functions include +/- Whrs, Volts, Amps,
VARhrs, VAhrs, Qhrs, Watts, VARs, VA, Phase Angle, Power Factor, Frequency, Min & Max
Measurements for Volts, Amps, Watts, VARs, VA, Vhrs, Ahrs, V2hrs, A2hrs, Phase Angle, Power
Factor, Frequency.

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3.0 Specifications
3.1 Accuracy
All measurement functions excluding harmonic evaluation available on the RD-30 exhibit the
same transfer accuracy at any combination of the normal operating conditions. The errors
associated with these functions are in percent of reading displayed and include variables of
stability, temperature, power factor, traceability uncertainty, and test system errors.

Guaranteed Accuracy: +/- 0.04%

For harmonic evaluation, an RD-30 will exhibit different accuracies of harmonic measurement
depending on their order. The errors associated with these harmonics are in percent of reading at
any combination of the normal operating conditions.

1st – 23rd Harmonic: +/- 0.25%

24th – 64th Harmonic: +/- 0.50%

Even and Odd Harmonic Error Influence: The RD-30 does not care whether the harmonics are odd
or even. The worst-case error is 0.04% starting at the fundamental with a linear error increase of
0.5% at the 64th harmonic order.

3.2 Input/Output
INPUTS 1, 2, 3

 Display Gate: BNC with 150 ohms pull up to 5 volts, clamped at 5.7 volts
 Gate Rate: 200 nS pulse width minimum, maximum 20 Hz repetition rate

OUTPUTS 1, 2, 3

 Type: Open collector, clamped at 27 volts

 Frequency: Max 2.1 MHz (200 nS pulse width minimum)
 Metrics: Selectable, i.e. Watt Hours, VAR Hours, VA Hours, etc.

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Sensor Input Terminal: 4 Pin Lemo

Clamp-On CT Input

Transformer Input 7 Pin Input for Radian Clamp-On Current

3.3 Normal Operating Conditions

Input Potential: 30 - 525 VAC at 50Hz (Autoranging)

30 - 630 VAC at 60Hz (Autoranging)
VAC Not to Exceed (10.5*Frequency)

Input Current Options: 0.02 - 120 Amperes (Autoranging)

0.02 - 200 Amperes (Autoranging)
Clamp-On Current Transformer

Auxiliary Power: 60 - 525 VAC at 50Hz (Autoranging)

60 - 630 VAC at 60Hz (Autoranging)
VAC Not to Exceed (10.5*Frequency)

Power Factor 1.0 to 0.5 (0° to -60°) ± 0.01% typical, ± 0.04% maximum
Power Factor < 0.5 (-60° to -90°) ±(0.1%/ PF) maximum

Operating Temperature: -20°C to 70°C (-4°F to 158°F)

Storage Temperature: -25°C to 80°C (-13°F to 176°F)
Humidity: 0% to 95% non-condensing
Frequency: 45 to 65 Hertz Fundamental
Orientation: Any
Recalibration Interval: 365 Days
Warm-up: 15 seconds

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3.4 Influences Affecting Accuracy

Temperature: +/- 0.0005%/°C Typical

+/- 0.001%/°C Maximum
Above or below Operating Temperature

3.5 Protection

Isolation: Complete Input/Output/Power/Case/Control

Dielectric Withstand: 2.3 kVrms, 60Hz, 60 Seconds
Surge Withstand: IEEE 472 and ANSI 37.90
Potential Input: Littlefuse FLU 44/100
Bussmann DMM-B 44/100
Auxiliary Power: Littlefuse FLU 011
Bussmann DMM-B-11

3.6 Physical Description

Size: 444.5 mm (17.5”) Wide

172 mm (6.75”) Deep
131 mm (5.375”) High

Weight: 6.21 kg (15 lbs)

Shipping Weight: 12.6 kg (28 lbs)

Shipping Dimensions: 662 mm (24.5") Wide

266 mm (10.5") Deep
355 mm (14") High

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Operations Overview

4.0 Operations Overview

4.1 Measurement Principle
The measurement principle is based upon the fundamentals of a high-speed charge-balance
integrating analog to digital signal converter. This is a Radian innovation, but it is based upon
accepted metrology parameters. Radian Research implemented its own analog to digital converter
in the Dytronic family of standards which are specifically designed for power measurement. In order
to measure power and energy with extreme accuracy and wide bandwidth, extensive requirements
must be imposed on the converter.

The RD-30 Dytronic utilizes two separate A/D converters. One accepts a current signal and is
linked with two current references. The other accepts a voltage signal and is linked with two voltage
references. These of course are for the analog voltage and current inputs of the RD-30. Both
operate independently to provide the digital signal processor with signals accurate enough to meet
the requirements of a true portable electricity standard.

By designing an analog to digital converter specifically for power and energy measurements,
Radian is able to reduce many errors associated with commercial A/D circuits. Gain error,
charge timer resolution, signal to noise ratio and signal distortion were major areas dealt with and
improved in development.

4.2 Internal Reference Set

The RD-30’s internal reference set is hermetically sealed in order to protect it from environmental
variables. The internal reference set consists of a voltage reference, a resistive reference and a crystal
time reference.

4.3 Output Stage

The RD-30’s output stage displays the measurements and provides pulse outputs for the selected
measurements. Computer control, with Radian software, allows for customization of output
information, such as programmable pulse output constants.

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Operations Overview

4.4 Voltage and Current Inputs*

The voltage and current inputs are completely autoranging – a design feature that was pioneered
by Radian Research with the RM-10 in 1985. The voltage and current inputs consist of a toroidal
autoranging electronically compensated transformer. The Radian toroid transformer provides
superior immunity to stray fields and the electronic compensation eliminates practically all of the
transformer error.

4.5 Auxiliary Power Inputs

Auxiliary power is required to power the internal workings of the RD-30. It may be derived from
the same signal as the potential input providing that there are sufficient volt-amperes available.
Auxiliary power may also be supplied independent from the potential input source. The power
supply for the RD-30 is a very advanced switching power supply which is inherently capable of
converting the available input power to regulated power over the entire operating range. The con-
verter is so effective at this that the input may be changed freely between the ranges of 60 and 630
VAC during operation without a measurable effect upon operation.

The connections have been updated to an insulated socket design. The Potential Input and Aux-
iliary Power Input are 4mm connections and the Current Inputs are 6mm connections (bolt-on
design for 200 amp models). It is now virtually impossible to touch any live connection while the
unit is in operation.

18 * Appendix: RD Current Connector Locking Mechanism...... page 66

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Operations Overview

4.6 Clamp-On CT Input

The RD-30 features a clamp-on current transformer input. This input can only be utilized with
Radian approved current transformers, as others do not have the inherent accuracy needed to
optimize the RD-30’s accuracy and stability. The input is a seven-pin connector that provides
power, serial communications, and an input for specific clamp-on current transformers.

4.7 Pulse Inputs

The RD-30 Pulse Inputs consist of BNC connectors labeled 1, 2, 3. These inputs are open collec-
tor. Phase A input is labeled as 1, Phase B input is labeled as 2 and Phase C input is labeled as
3. While doing a meter test a RM-1S Remote Reset Switch may be connected to input 3 (Phase C
input) and can be used to gate (start/stop/reset) all three inputs simultaneously. Or, instead of the
RM-1S, any of the Radian pickups may be connected to input 3 (Phase C input). The pickups con-
sist of the RM-1H, RM-DS, and RM-KYZ, all which can be used to test various electricity meters.
While doing a standards test all three inputs can be used individually or simultaneously.

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Operations Overview

4.8 Pulse Outputs

The RD-30 Pulse Outputs consist of BNC connectors labeled 1, 2, 3. These outputs are open
collector. The factory default setting is Output 1 = Total Watthours, Output 2 = Total VARhours,
Output 3 = Total VAhours. However all three outputs are programmable by the customer for per
phase energy or total energy.

4.9 Analog Sense Input

The optional Analog Sense functionality allows the RD-30 to effectively test transducers as well
as first generation electronic meters that have an analog output for calibration. The RD-30 will not
only test these instruments, but it will also automatically calculate and display the error.

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Operations Overview

4.10 Serial Port Communications Terminal

The communications terminal is interfaced via a DB-9 connector. Through the use of this
terminal, a myriad of capabilities present themselves. Not only can each RD-30 software package
be utilized, the RD-30 can actually be re-calibrated through this terminal. Additionally, the flash
memory storage for both the DSP and Xilinx programs is accessible through this terminal making
the RD-30 field upgradable.

4.11 Pickup Terminal

The sensor input terminal on the RD-30 comes in the form of a 4 Pin Lemo connector. Radian
Disk sensors, infrared and visible LED optical pickups can be utilized to sense disk rotation
or equivalent revolutions. See Section 2.1 Generating RD-30 Model Numbers for further

4.12 Chasis Ground, Guard, Neutral

Chassis Ground – ideally tied to the best available earth ground. If the RD-30 is mounted in a
rack, no connection is required. The Chassis grounds main purpose is for safety.

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Operations Overview

Guard – should be tied to the common of the Wye source for Wye usage and left to float in Delta
use applications. Because the Analog Sense is common with the Guard ground, care must be
taken to avoid ground loop problems.

V1, 2, 3 / VN – the three VN connections should be tied together, via twisted wire pair, with their as-
sociated Potential Inputs (V1, V2, V3). At the Device Under Test (DUT), each VN should be broken
out from its associated twisted wire pair and each tied to the DUT Neutral with the three Potentials
(V1, V2, V3) tied to the three Potential connections of the DUT. The three Potentials (V1, V2, V3) of
the DUT should be tied to the associated three Potentials of the source. If using a Wye source, the
Neutral from the DUT, containing the three VNs, should be tied to the Wye source neutral. If using
a Delta source, the DUT Neutral, containing the three VNs, should be allowed to float.

4.13 Built-in Computer

For RD-30s ordered with the Built-in Computer option, the display screen is a color active, QVGA
LCD. The diagonal display size is 14.4 cm (5.7”). The display’s pixel format is 320 (H) x 240
(V) and the display is backlit with a single CCFT.

The RD-30 display incorporates “touch screen” technology that allows the user to easily ma-
nipulate the display. The RD-30 is shipped with a stylus to be used in conjunction with the touch

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Operations Overview

RD-30s with the Built-in Computer option also includes an Expansion Memory slot on the back
panel for use of Flash Memory cards. The card slot is located as shown in the following drawing.
See Section 2.1 Generating RD-30 Model Numbers for further information.

After inserting the Flash Memory Card into the Expansion Memory slot navigate to My Computer
and see that the card has been recognized. The following window shows the Storage Card Icon in
the My Computer Folder.

4.14 Keyboard
The keyboard connection is for interfacing a PS-2 keyboard to the RD-30. The keyboard connec-
tion will only come with the Built-in Computer option (See Section 2.1). This will allow the user
to input data via an external keyboard as opposed to the internal “softkbd” onscreen keyboard.

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Operations Overview

4.15 Display
For RD-30s ordered with the display option, the display screen is a color active, QVGA LCD. The
diagonal display size is 14.4 cm (5.7”). The display’s pixel format is 320 (H) x 240 (V) and the
display is backlit with a single CCFT.

The RD-30 display incorporates “touch screen” technology that allows the user to easily ma-
nipulate the display. The RD-30 is shipped with a stylus to be used in conjunction with the touch

RD-30s with the display option also includes an Expansion Memory slot on the back panel for use
of Flash Memory cards. The card slot is located as shown in the following drawing.

4.16 RD-30 Voltage & Current Taps

All Voltage and Current Taps are autoranging.

210.9375 Range 1 0.0328A Range 1
191.4063 - 421.8750 Range2 0.0320A - 0.0656A Range 2
382.8125 Range 3 0.0640A - 0.1312A Range 3
0.1280A - 0.2624A Range 4
0.2560A - 0.5248A Range 5
0.5120A - 1.0496A Range 6
1.0240A - 2.0992A Range 7
2.0480A - 4.1984A Range 8
4.0960A - 8.3968A Range 9
8.1920A - 16.7936A Range 10
16.3840A - 33.5872A Range 11
32.7680A - 67.1744A Range 12
65.5360A Range 13

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Service & Routine Maintenance

5.0 Service & Routine Maintenance

The RD-30 Dytronic portable electricity Standard is virtually maintenance free. The elimination
of all contacts, switches and tap selections on the primary side of the input transformers
significantly improves reliability by eliminating both service components and the opportunity for
operator error. Other than cleaning of the outside surface and the yearly recalibration, no routine
maintenance is required.

5.1 Cleaning
Cleaning of the RD-30 may be performed with a clean, dry lint-free cloth dampened slightly with
a mild window cleaner. The areas around the top terminals should be buffed dry with another
cloth, which is completely clean and totally dry.

5.2 Repair
It is recommended that Radian Research perform all repairs. We have excellent automated testers
with which every internal module can be tested quickly to original factory specifications. A final
calibration and quality control inspection to original factory specifications is performed quickly
and thoroughly. If the RD-30 is in need of repair then contact Radian Research or your local
Radian Research Representative and request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number.
You will need to provide the model number and serial number as well as a detailed description of
the problem.

5.3 Recalibration
Recalibration is recommended yearly. A periodic cross check against a Radian RD-21 or RD-
22 or RD-31 is recommended to preclude the possibility of a failure in either. Prudence would
dictate having a dedicated RD-21 or RD-22 or RD-31 for cross check purposes. With the RD-
21 or RD-22 or RD-31 it is feasible to sample test units at various points as a “backup” test.
In addition, it is recommended that one take advantage of Radian’s recalibration service as a
very cost effective method to maintain traceability Radian Research’s Calibration Laboratory
maintains primary transfer standards that are directly traceable to NIST. Radian Research’s
Calibration Laboratory also maintains several RS-703A Automated Calibration Systems as
working secondary standards.

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Service & Routine Maintenance

The RS-703A Automated Calibration System collects a data point on a RD Radian standard
every 5 (five) seconds on up to sixteen standards simultaneously, collecting literally thousands
of data points on an overnight run. In addition each RS-703A provides computer control over
an environmental chamber to ensure proper temperature range operation of the standard being
tested. Please contact Radian Research for further information on recalibration and recertification

5.4 Fuse Replacement

Fuse replacement is not very likely because of the elimination of the primary side switching.
However, fuses are included and are accessible without disassembly. There are four fuses: three
potential input and one auxiliary power. All fuses are located under the red potential and auxiliary
power inputs. Fuse replacement is performed as follows:

1. Remove the red terminal of the circuit with bad fuse by rotating 90
counter-clockwise and then lift out the unit.
2. Remove the fuse by rotating it clockwise in the retaining screw.
3. Replace the fuse by rotating it clockwise in the retaining fuse.
4. Replace the terminal in the same orientation it was removed and rotate it 90
clockwise to lock in place.

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6.0 Warranty
Radian Research warrants each of our products to be free from defects in material and
workmanship. Our obligation under this warranty is to repair or replace any instrument
or component therein which, within two years after shipment, proved to be defective upon
examination. Radian will pay local domestic surface freight costs for return shipment of the
product back to the customer.

In addition, all Radian Dytronic Multi-measurement Standards are warranted to be substantially

stable in calibration over time. If within one year after factory calibration the standard does not
meet its specifications, we will repair and recalibrate the unit at our cost. Our calibration records
retain the value of each of the three reference elements to six decimal positions.

For a period of ten years, we warranty any fully autoranging reference standard from catastrophic
failure caused by failure to range properly. This warranty is voided by disassembly of the units
beyond removal of the case for recalibration.

If warranty service is required then contact Radian Research or your local Radian Research
Representative and request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. You will need to
provide the model number and serial number as well as a detailed description of the problem.

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7.0 Quality
Radian Research is committed to meet and exceed the quality expectations of our customers for all
of the products and services that we provide.

• The RD-30 meets all applicable ANSI and IEC specifications.

• Radian Research’s calibration procedures are in compliance with
MIL-STD-45662A and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994.
• Radian Research’s primary transfer standards are traceable to NIST.
• Radian Research’s quality system is ISO-9001-2000 certified.

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Operating System and Structure

8.0 Operating System and Structure

The RD-30 series of three-phase electricity standards are equipped with a single board computer
incorporating a RISC processor and running the Microsoft® Windows® CE operating system.
This embedded system architecture insures a user-friendly operating interface while providing a
myriad of communication and application options.
The measurement application software provided with the RD-30 is Radian Research’s custom
developed, RR-MobileSuite. RR-MobileSuite allows the user to test meters, test standards, verify
site installations, and monitor and trend data. Another software application key to the use of the
RD-30 is a program called “softkbd.” The “softkbd” software is an onscreen keyboard tool uti-
lized to input data into the RD-30 from the touch screen.

8.1 RD-30 Start-up Screen

When the RD-30 is powered, the Windows CE Desktop will initially appear then Windows CE
will automatically launch RR-MobileSuite. After successful power-up the front panel LED will
show green and RR-MobileSuite will initiate.

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Operating System and Structure

8.2 RR-MobileSuite Start-up Screen

If you have closed the RR-MobileSuite software, double tapping on the RR-MobileSuite icon
launches the RR-MobileSuite custom measurement and test software. The RR-MobileSuite Icon is
located on the desktop as show in the following picture.

After double tapping on the RR-MobileSuite icon the RR-MobileSuite startup screen appears as

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Operating System and Structure

The full model number and serial number of the RD-30 appear in the upper portion of the RR-
MobileSuite window. Single tapping on any of the icons automatically launches that specific test,
measurement, or configuration function. Only one test or measurement application can run a time.

A single tap on the View menu at the top left of the of the RR-MobileSuite start-up window opens
a pull down menu appearing as follows:

From the pull down menu, the user has the option to view Metrics, Vectors, Harmonics, and the
Trend Chart. The View tab affords the operator the same functions as if they had tapped the cor-
responding icon in the RR-MobileSuite start-up screen. In addition to the measurement functions,
the View tab also provides the user the option to review pertinent information about the version of
RR-MobileSuite they are running and an alternative means exit to the program.

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Operating System and Structure

A single tap on the Run menu at the top left of the of the RR-MobileSuite start-up window opens a
pull down menu appearing as follows:

From the pull down menu, the user has the option to run a Meter Test or run a Standard Test. The
Run tab affords the operator the same functions as if they had tapped the corresponding Run Meter
Test and Run Standard Test icons in the RR-MobileSuite start-up screen. In addition to the test
functions, the Run tab also provides the user the option to run the AutoCal procedure, perform a
complete firmware Reset, and run a Diagnostics test.

A single tap on the Setup menu at the top left of the of the RR-MobileSuite start-up window opens
a pull down menu appearing as follows:

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Operating System and Structure

From the pull down menu, the user has the option to configure the RD-30. The Setup tab affords
the operator the same function as if they had tapped the corresponding Configure Device icon in

8.3 Configure Device

A single tap on the Configure Device icon opens the following window containing pertinent infor-
mation regarding the RD-30 instrument being used. The model number, serial number, firmware
version, calibration date, and manufacture date are all displayed on the Model tab.

In addition to the device information the model tab provides the user an Update Firmware button
and a Restore factory defaults button. The Update Firmware button prevents interruption from
other software during a firmware update. The Restore factory defaults button resets all changeable
fields back to their factory default state. Above the Update Firmware button and Restore factory
defaults button is a Comment Box. The Comment box is setup to allow a note from the factory to
be displayed. The Device Configuration window also provides the user the ability to configure the
RD-30 BNC Inputs, Outputs, and Pulse Constants.

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A single tap on the BNC Input tab opens the following window.

In the BNC Input tag, the user is given the option of selecting the BNC Input Operation and en-
abling or disabling the Gate Input Beeper. The Gate Input Beeper serves as an indicator that meter
sensors have been aligned correctly for a meter test. The beeper will not actually begin to beep
until the test is started. If any changes are made to the settings in this window, it is required to tap
the Update button to save the changes.

A single tap on the BNC Output tab opens the following window.

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Operating System and Structure

In the BNC Output tab, the user is given the option of configuring the BNC Output terminals.
Ports 1, 2, and 3 may be set to output energy data for Phase A, Phase B, Phase C, and/or a Total
energy value. In other words, the RD-30 may be configured so a polyphase test, with each Port
output corresponding to a single phase energy value, may be run or three polyphase tests with each
Port corresponding to a total energy value may be run. The data output may be any of the mea-
surement parameters, i.e. watthours, varhours, qhours, etc., the RD-30 supports. With any changes
made to the settings in this window, the Update button will have to be tapped to save the changes.

A single tap on the BNC Const tab opens the following window.

The RD-30 is factory loaded with the pulse constants for Radian Research standards. The pulse
constants may be changed by using the “softkbd” (see Section 8.10) or using RR-PCSuite. Once
changed, the Update button must be tapped. The factory default pulse constants programmed can
be viewed below.

Radian Research pulse constants:

Wh 0.000010 Watthours
VARh 0.000010 Voltampere Reactive hours
Qh 0.000010 Reactive hours
VAh 0.000010 Voltampere hours
Vh 0.000000 Volt hours
Ah 0.000000 Ampere hours
V2h 0.000100 Volt2 hours

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A2h 0.000100 Ampere2 hours

Wh+ 0.000010 Watthours positive
Wh- 0.000010 Watthours negative
VARh+ 0.000010 Voltampere Reactive hours positive
VARh- 0.000010 Voltampere Reactive hours negative
Wh Delta 0.000010 Watthours Delta
Time 0.000010 Time (s)
VAh Delta 0.000010 Voltampere hours Delta
VARh Delta 0.000010 Voltampere hours Delta
VARh X Delta 0.000010 Voltampere Reactive hours
(Delta, X Connect)

VARh X WYE 0.000010 Voltampere Reactive hours

(WYE, X Connect)
Wh+ Delta 0.000010 Watthours positive Delta
Wh- Delta 0.000010 Watthours negative Delta
VARh+ Delta 0.000010 Voltampere Reactive hours positive Delta
VARh- Delta 0.000010 Voltampere Reactive hours negative Delta
VARh+ X Delta 0.000010 Voltampere Reactive hours positive Delta
(Delta, X-Connect)
VARh- X Delta 0.000010 VoltampereReactivehoursnegativeDelta
(Delta, X-Connect)
VARh+ X WYE 0.000010 Voltampere Reactive hours positive Delta
(WYE, X-Connect)
VARh- X WYE 0.000010 Voltampere Reactive hours negative Delta
(WYE, X-Connect)

Note: Pulse Constants availability is RD-30 model dependent.

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Operating System and Structure

8.4 Metrics
A single tap on the Metrics icon brings up the following window showing all of the measurement
functions the RD-30 model being used supports. The up/down and left/right arrows may be used
to view the various measurement parameters.

Metrics Definitions:

V Volts
A Amperes
W Watts
V A Voltamperes
VAR Voltamperes Reactive
Hz Frequency
oP Degrees Phase (phase angle between voltage and current)
PF Power Factor
ASn Analog Sense
doP Delta Phase (voltage phase relationship between phase inputs)
V Delta Volts (Delta)
W Delta Watts (Delta)
VA Delta Voltamperes (Delta)
VAR Delta Voltamperes Reactive (Delta)
VAR X WYE Voltamperes Reactive (WYE, X-Connected)
VAR X Delta Voltamperes Reactive (Delta, X-Connected)

Note: Metrics availability are RD-30 model dependent.

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Operating System and Structure

There is a different screen for Instantaneous Measurements, Accumulating Measurements, and

Minimum and Maximum Measurements. By using the stylus to tap on the measurement tab of
interest, the selected measurement results will be displayed. Depending on the model number, all
of the measurements may not fit on the screen at once. If this is the case, the display is scrollable
by using the stylus to tap on the up and down arrows or by using the stylus to grab then move the
scroll bar up and down. There is also a tab on the Metric screen named Options. This is where the
Minimum and Maximum Measurements may be reset, and the Accumulating Measurements are
reset, started, and stopped. The Options screen appears as below.

Under the options tab the Update Interval can be changed to define the refresh rate of metrics in
the instantaneous and accumulator tabs. In addition the Metric Precision and the Voltage and Cur-
rent Threshold can be adjusted up or down. The Voltage and Current Threshold allow the user to
configure the RD-30 to display only data that is greater than the threshold, filtering out noise when
there is no voltage or current active. The precision determines the number of decimal places to
display data.

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8.5 Harmonics
The RD-30 is capable of analyzing harmonics up to the 204th order. By single tapping on the
Harmonics icon, the following screen will appear.

Voltage and current harmonics are viewable by their order, including amplitude and phase
information. The raw data, a waveform plot, or a bar chart is viewable by selecting the applicable
tab at the top of the harmonics screen. To adjust the Base Harmonic number use the stylus and
increment the number up or down by selecting the arrows. The highest Base harmonic available
is the 150th, if selected without any sub-harmonics shown; the RD-30 can show up to the 204th
harmonic. To adjust the number of sub-harmonics viewable use the stylus and increment the
number up or down by selecting the arrows. The highest number of Sub harmonics viewable is
10, numbered 0-9. Below the waveform and the bar chart are shown.

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The Waveform Tab will display the peak to peak measurements in the corners of the graphic. To
adjust the vertical or horizontal scale use the stylus and increment the number up or down by
selecting the arrows.

To make the graphic larger, double tap the graphic and the graphic will become larger. To return
the graphic to its original size double tap again and it will shrink back to its normal state.

8.6 Trend Chart

By single tapping on the Trend Chart icon, the user is allowed to select the measurement metric of
interest and view that metric over time. The Trend Chart screen appears as follows.

The user may choose the measurement function desired to trend by using the stylus to scroll
through the measurement window then tapping on the desired metric symbol. The up and down
arrows may be used for scrolling thru the measurement selection window or the scroll bar may be
dragged up and down to locate the applicable metric. Tapping the clear button clears the data from
the trend chart.

To make the graphic larger, double tap the graphic and the graphic will become larger. To return
the graphic to its original size double tap again and it will shrink back to its normal state.

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8.7 Vectors
A vector representation of the voltage phase relationships and power factors are readily available
by single tapping on the Vectors icon.

The Vector screen appears as follows.

The RD-30 has the ability to select a different scale, select the direction of rotation, or moving the
position of the origin by adjusting the drop down menus in the settings area on the vector screen.
When any changes are made the graph will automatically change along with the setup.

To make the graphic larger, double tap the graphic and the graphic will become larger. To return
the graphic to its original size double tap again and it will shrink back to its normal state.

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Operating System and Structure

8.8 Run Meter Test

A single tap on the Run Meter Test icon opens the following window.

In the Meter Test window, the user defines and sets up the type of meter test to run. In the DUT
tab, the meter under test serial number, Kh value, pulses out per Kh value, and the number of ele-
ments are all entered. In the same window, the user selects the number of Standard Elements being
used for the meter test, if a meter Sensor is being used, and if a single or polyphase meter test is to
be performed. Phase may be set as Phase A for DUT 1, Phase B for DUT 2, or phase C for DUT
3, or Total for any of the DUT’s. The user selects the type of meter test to run. The user can select
to test FL – Full Load, PF – Power Factor, LL – Low Load, or a Demand test. The user can define
the meter function to be tested, the number of test pulses required for completion of the test, the
Demand time for a Demand Test, and if the test is to be designated as an As Found or As Left test.

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Operating System and Structure

A single tap on the Run tab opens the following window.

In the Run tab the user verifies the Meter S/N and the Function to be tested before the test is
started. To begin the test, the user selects the DUT and then taps the Run button.

At the conclusion of the test, the Run window is filled in with data as in the following window.

The Percent Registration, Percent Error, Test Status, Metric Value, Function Tested, Minimum Per-
cent Registration, Minimum Percent Error, Minimum Percent Pulses, Minimum Percent Metric,
Standard Deviation of Percent Registration, Standard Deviation of Percent Error, Standard Devia-
tion of Number Pulses and Standard Deviation of the Metrics being tested are reported.

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Operating System and Structure

To view Standard Test results, a single tap on the View Results tab opens the following window.

After the user taps on the View Results Tab a window provides the user the opportunity to View
all stored results, Transfer the results to a PC, or to Delete all results. The RD-30 allows the
user to store literally thousands of meter and/or standard test results within its onboard memory.
Additional results may be saved to the Memory Expansion Card with the number of results be-
ing stored only limited by the size of the memory card. To transfer the data to the PC tap on the
Transfer to PC button. The following window is displayed.

After inserting the storage card into the RD-30 press ok. Then remove the PCMIA card from the
RD-30 and remove the Flash media from the PCMICA card. Place the flash media into the flash
media card reader provided with the RD-30. It is then possible to transfer the data from the flash
media card to the computer.

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Operating System and Structure

A single tap on the View Results button opens the following window.

In the View Results window, the user has a choice of data format to display the test results. To
change how the results are displayed use the dropdown menu. The options of _Default, CSV_No_
Quotes or CSV_Quotes are available. CSV is defined as Comma Separated Variable. These two
formats are commonly used when information is exported to third party software.

By selecting the Export button the user can save the data, using the search conditions, to the
memory of the RD-30 without having to use the storage card. When selecting the Export button
the RD-30 prompts the user to provide a name to save the data. It is recommended to save the
data as a .txt file. If the file is saved as a .txt file then the Windows CE system can view it using
Internet Explorer. The export data by default is saved in the Flash Fx Disk directory.

When in the Query window a search can be executed to find the test results by Date or by Serial
Number. If neither Date nor Serial Number field are populated the complete results of the Meter
Test(s) along with date, time, etc. are displayed. By selecting the view button with the _Default.
mfm format the following window appears.

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The arrow keys and scroll bars may be used to view all of the test data and specific test informa-
tion saved.

8.9 Run Standard Test

A single tap on the Run Standard Test icon opens the following window.

In the Standard Test window, with the DUT 1, DUT 2, and DUT 3 tabs, the user sets up the test(s)
by entering the device(s) under test serial number, determining the desired function to test, select-
ing to test by time (seconds) or pulses and the duration of either, entering the device under test Kh
(0.00001 for Radian standards), selecting to test by energy per phase or total energy, and entering
the device under test type. Up to three standards, single phase and/or polyphase may be tested at

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Operating System and Structure

Once the Standard Test(s) has been defined, a single tap on the Run tab opens the following win-

In the Run window the user verifies the serial number(s) of the device(s) under test and to also
select, by checking, which, if not all, device(s) under test to run. One to three single phase and/or
polyphase standards may be tested at a time. To begin the test, the user taps the Run button.

At the conclusion of the test, the Run window is filled in with data and test specific information as
in the following window.

The Percent Registration, Percent Error, Test Status, Metric Value, Function Tested, Minimum Per-
cent Registration, Minimum Percent Error, Minimum Percent Pulses, Minimum Percent Metric,
Standard Deviation of Percent Registration, Standard Deviation of Percent Error, Standard Devia-
tion of Number Pulses and Standard Deviation of the Metrics being tested are reported.

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Operating System and Structure

To view Standards Test results, a single tap on the View Results tab opens the following window.

After the user taps on the View Results Tab a window provides the end user the opportunity to
View all stored results, Transfer the results to a PC, or to Delete all results. The RD-30 allows the
user to store literally thousands of meter and/or standard test results within its onboard memory.
Additional results may be saved to the Memory Expansion Card with the number of results being
stored only limited by the size of the memory card. To transfer the data to the PC tap on the Trans-
fer to PC button. The following window is displayed.

After inserting the storage card into the RD-30 press ok. Then remove the PCMIA card from the
RD-30 and remove the Flash media from the PCMICA card. Place the flash media into the flash
media card reader provided with the RD-30. It is then possible to transfer the data from the flash
media card to the computer.

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Operating System and Structure

A single tap on the View Results button opens the following window.

In the View Results window, the user has a choice of data format to display the test results. To
change how the results are displayed use the dropdown menu. The options of _Default, CSV_No_
Quotes or CSV_Quotes are available. CSV is defined as Comma Separated Variable. These two
formats are commonly used when information is exported to third party software.

By selecting the Export button the user can save the data, using the search conditions, to the
memory of the RD-30 without having to use the storage card. When selecting the Export button
the RD-30 prompts the user to provide a name to save the data. It is recommended to save the
data as a .txt file. If the file is saved as a .txt file then the Windows CE system can view it using
Internet Explorer. The export data by default is saved in the Flash Fx Disk directory.

When in the Query window a search can be executed to find the test results by Date or by Se-
rial Number. If neither Date nor Serial Number field are populated the complete results of the
Standard Test(s) along with date, time, etc. are displayed. By selecting the view button with the
_Default.mfm format the following window appears.

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The arrow keys and scroll bars may be used to view all of the test data and specific test informa-
tion saved.

8.10 Softkbd
Information may be entered using the onscreen keyboard internal to the RD-30. To access the
onscreen keyboard, use the stylus and double tap in the field where data entry is needed. Another
method to access the onscreen keyboard is to use the stylus and single tap the very bottom of the
display. A tool bar will open. Tap on the Start button located on the newly opened tool bar. Next,
use the stylus to single tap on the Programs icon. In the end single tap on the “softkbd” icon. The
onscreen keyboard will now appear. When opened, the onscreen keyboard appears as follows.

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Operating System and Structure

The onscreen keyboard may be moved around on the display by tapping in the darkened box
containing the words “Input Panel” and dragging it to a newly desired location. To enter
information, simply use the stylus to tap in the box where an input is required. This will create a
cursor in that field. Next, use the stylus to type on the keyboard to input the correct information.
When done entering information, the onscreen keyboard may be closed by following the same
procedure, which opened it. To close the bottom tool bar, use the stylus and simply tap on the
display anywhere above the tool bar.

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System Configurations and Set-Up

9.0 RD-30 System Configurations and Set-Up

Similar to a desktop or laptop computer, the RD-30 has various system functions and tools such as
the on-screen keyboard, stylus, etc. that may be configured to the user’s preference. These system
functions and tools may be configured from within the RD-30’s Control Panel. To access the RD-
30’s Control Panel, close all applications that are open. This will return you to the RD-30’s desktop.
Next, double tap on the My Computer icon then double tap on the Control Panel icon. The Control
Panel screen will then open displaying the system tools and functions that may be configured. RR-
Kit an optional, Radian developed software package available for custom configuration of and
communication with the RD-30.

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Status Indicator LED

10.0 RD-30 Status Indicator LED

The RD-30 has the ability to run diagnostics on itself. On the front panel an LED is used as a
status indicator. The following table will help define the status of the RD-30 when the unit is
powered up.

Solid Yellow RD-30 in full Auto-Calibration mode.

Solid Green All Systems Operational.
Flashing Yellow Boot Loader Mode, used for hardware upgrades.
Solid Red Hardware Failure
Flashing Red Memory Error/Auto-Calibration Error.

Upon power up the RD-30 is design to run a full Auto-Calibration. Once calibration is complete
the LED will change to solid green. If the LED flashes Red after the Auto-Calibration then it
failed to calibrate correctly.

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Application Information

11.0 Application Information

Please note all application information in this manual is to describe test procedures utilizing the
RD-30’s QVGA Display, Built-in-Computer, and Power options.

11.1 Meter Testing

The RD-30 can be used in the field or in the laboratory to test single or three phase meters where a
high degree of accuracy is required. The meter test may be actuated manually by using a snap-
switch or automated by the use of various Radian Research sensors that will sense disk revolu-
tions, infrared and visible optical pulses, and KYZ signals.

Manual Meter Testing Using the RM-1S Switch

Step 1
Make all appropriate connections (see Figure 10.1) so the DUT (Device Under Test) and RD-30
are powered by the same source. Connect the RM-1S to the applicable Input Port (see Section

Figure 10.1 Manual Testing a 3 phase Induction Meter with a RM-1S

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Application Information

Step 2
Initiate power on the potential and current sources. Apply power to the RD-30. Upon successful
power up, the RD-30’s LED will be green and RR-MobileSuite will have launched (see Section

Step 3
Using the stylus, single tap on the Run Meter Test icon. The meter test screen will now appear
(see Section 8.8).

Step 4
Use the onscreen keyboard (see Section 8.10) to enter the DUT serial number

Step 5
Use the onscreen keyboard to enter DUT Kh value.

Step 6
Use the stylus and the arrow keys on the Meter Test screen to enter/select the Pulses per Kh, #
Seconds or Pulses, DUT Elements, Test Type, Standard Elements, Phase and State. Be sure to
deselect Sensor for this manual test. Repeat Step 6 for all applicable DUT(s).

Step 7
Use the stylus and the arrow keys on the Meter Test screen to enter/select the number of repeats to

Step 8
Use the stylus and navigate to the Run Tab. The test routine is now awaiting an input from the
RM-1S. When the flag on the meter disk appears, depress the RM-1S switch to begin the test.
This will be the start of the first disk revolution of the test. Depress the RM-1S each time the flag
appears until the number of pulses has been achieved.

Step 9
Once complete, the Percent Registration, Percent Error, Test Status, Metric Value, Function Tested,
Minimum Percent Registration, Minimum Percent Error, Minimum Percent Pulses, Minimum
Percent Metric, Standard Deviation of Percent Registration, Standard Deviation of Percent Error,
Standard Deviation of Number Pulses and Standard Deviation of the Metrics being tested are

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Application Information

Step 10
Using the stylus, select the Save Button and navigate to the View Results Tab. Select the View
Results Button and enter the date of the test. Select the View Button to view the results.

Sensor Meter Testing Using the RR-DS, RR-1H, or RR-KYZ Sensors

Step 1
Make all appropriate connections (see Figures 10.2, 10.3, 10.4) so the DUT and RD-30 are
powered by the same source. If using the new RR 4-pin Lemo type sensors, connect the sensor
to the RD-30 Pickup port being careful to align the reds dots on both the sensor and Pickup port.
If using the older RM BNC type sensors, connect the sensor to the appropriate Input Port (see
Section 4.7).

Figure 10.2 Testing a 3-Phase Induction Meter with a RR-DS/f Meter

Sensor with Field Mount

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Figure 10.3 Testing a 3-Phase Solid State Meter with a RR-1H Infrared
Optical Pickup

Figure 10.4 Testing a 3-Phase Solid State Meter with a RR-KYZ Pulse
Input Adapter

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Application Information

Step 2
Initiate power on the potential and current sources. Apply power to the RD-30. Upon successful
power up, the RD-30’s LED will be green and RR-MobileSuite will have launched (see Section

Step 3
Using the stylus, single tap on the Run Meter Test icon. The meter test screen will now appear
(see Section 8.8)

Step 4
Use the onscreen keyboard (see Section 8.10) to enter the DUT serial number.

Step 5
Use the onscreen keyboard to enter DUT Kh value.

Note: If performing KYZ testing, the meter’s Ke factor should be entered in place of a
Kh value. Ke is the watthour pulse constant of each pulse from the pulse initiator (KYZ).
The value of the Ke is dependent upon the meter Kh and the type of test conducted. The
Ke factor of any meter may be calculated by using the following constants.

Kh = Watthour constant. The number of watthours represented by one revolution

of the disk. Also called the disk constant.

Mp = Number of revolutions per pulse

Example Calculation:

Ke = (Kh) x (Mp); if Kh = 1.8 watthours per revolution and Mp = 1 revolution per

12 pulses, then,

Ke = (1.8 Wh/1 rev) x (1 rev/12 pulses) = (1.8 Wh/12 pulses) = 0.15 Wh/pulse

Step 6
Use the stylus and the arrow keys on the Meter Test screen to enter/select the Pulses per Kh, #
Seconds or Pulses, DUT Elements, Test Type, Standard Elements, Phase and State. Repeat Step 6
for all applicable DUT(s).

Note: If performing KYZ testing, enter one pulse per Ke value.

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Application Information

Step 7
Use the stylus and the arrow keys on the Meter Test screen to enter/select the number of repeats to

Step 8
Use the stylus and navigate to the Run Tab. Select the appropriate DUT(s) by checking the
associated box at the bottom of the screen.

Step 9
Tap the RUN Button to initiate the test. Once complete, the Percent Registration, Percent Error,
Test Status, Metric Value, Function Tested, Minimum Percent Registration, Minimum Percent
Error, Minimum Percent Pulses, Minimum Percent Metric, Standard Deviation of Percent
Registration, Standard Deviation of Percent Error, Standard Deviation of Number Pulses and
Standard Deviation of the Metrics being tested are reported.

Step 10
Using the stylus, select the Save Button and navigate to the View Results Tab. Select the View
Results Button and enter the date of the test. Select the View Button to view the results.

11.2 Standards Testing

The RD-30 can be used in the field or in the laboratory to test one (1), two (2) or three (3) single
phase standards or one (1) three phase standards where a high degree of accuracy is required. The
standards test may be achieved by counting a designated number of pulses from the input port(s) or
by counting the number of pulses on from the input port(s) over a designated amount of time. The
input ports can be configured to accept either Radian Research or non-Radian Research standards.

Step 1
Make all appropriate connections (see Figure 10.5) so the Device(s) Under Test (DUT) and RD-30
are powered by the same source.

Step 2
Initiate power on the potential and current sources. Apply power to the RD-30. Upon successful
power up, the RD-30’s LED will be green and RR-MobileSuite will have launched (see Section

Step 3
Using the stylus, single tap on the Run Standards Test icon. The standards test screen will now
appear (see Section 8.9).

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Step 4
Use the onscreen keyboard (see Section 8.10) to enter the DUT1 serial number.

Step 5
Use the onscreen keyboard to enter DUT Kh value.

Step 6
Use the stylus and the arrow keys on the DUT screen to enter/select the Pulses or Time Duration,
Test Function, Phase and DUT Type. Repeat Step 6 for all applicable DUT(s).

Step 7
Use the stylus and the arrow keys on the Standard Test screen to enter/select the number of repeats
to perform.

Step 8
Use the stylus and navigate to the Run Tab. Select the appropriate DUT(s) by checking the
associated box at the bottom of the screen.

Step 9
Tap the RUN Button to initiate the test. Once complete, the Percent Registration, Percent Error,
Test Status, Metric Value, Function Tested, Minimum Percent Registration, Minimum Percent
Error, Minimum Percent Pulses, Minimum Percent Metric, Standard Deviation of Percent
Registration, Standard Deviation of Percent Error, Standard Deviation of Number Pulses and
Standard Deviation of the Metrics being tested are reported.

Step 10
Using the stylus, select the Save Button and navigate to the View Results Tab. Select the View
Results Button and enter the date of the test. Select the View Button to view the results.

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Application Information

Figure 10.5 RD-30 Testing Three Standards

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Viewing Harmonics

12.0 Viewing Harmonics

The RD-30 can analyze harmonics up to the 64th order. Data on volts and amps is available.
Harmonics may be viewed and analyzed during a meter test or as a stand-alone test.

Step 1
Make all appropriate connections so the RD-30 is powered from the source to be analyzed.

Step 2
Power on the potential and current sources. Power on the RD-30. Upon successful power up, the
RD-30’s LED will be green and RR-MobileSuite will have launched. (see Section 8.1)

Step 3
Use the stylus and single tap on the Harmonics icon. The Harmonics screen will then appear.

Step 4
Use the stylus to scroll to the harmonics order that is to be viewed and analyzed. Amplitude
and phase data is available. A waveform and bar chart view is also available.To adjust the Base
Harmonic number use the stylus and increment the number up or down by selecting the arrows.
The highest Base harmonic available is the 150th, if selected without any sub-harmonics shown;
the RD-30 can show up to the 204th harmonic. To adjust the number of sub-harmonics viewable
use the stylus and increment the number up or down by selecting the arrows. The highest number
of Sub harmonics viewable is 10, numbered 0-9.

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Test Accessories

13.0 Test Accessories

RR-DS Meter Disk Sensor

The RR-DS is a reflective pickup assembly used to sense the disk rotation of an induction type me-
ter. The pulses generated by the RM-DS are fed into the PICKUP port of the RD-30. Evaluation of
different types of meter designs is fully automated when the Built-in Computer option is utilized.
The RR-DS is available in two (2) different mounting options. The RR-DS/f Disk Sensor with Field
Mount features a Velcro strap that attaches around the meter cover. This allows the sensor to sense
disk rotation from the side of the meter. The RR-DS/sm Disk Sensor with Suction Mount features
an L-bracket with three (3) suction cups that attach to the front of the meter cover. This allows the
sensor to sense disk rotation from the front of the meter.

RR-1H Optical Pickup for Infrared LED

The RR-1H is used to sense the infrared pulses from the calibration LED of solid-state meters. The
pulses from the RR-1H are fed into the PICKUP port of the RD-30. Evaluation of different types of
meter designs is fully automated when the Built-in Computer option is utilized. The wide angular
displacement of this sensor allows for fast, non-critical alignment. Also, automatic gain control cir-
cuitry of the RR-1H assures operation in all ambient sunlight conditions. The RR-1H/v is available
for those solid-state meters with a visible calibration LED, and terminates in a BNC Connector instead
of a lemo connector. Therefore, the RR-1H/v attaches to port 1 instead of the pickup terminal.

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Test Accessories

RM-OA Optical Adapter

The RM-OA Optical Adapter is used with solid-state meters whose infrared calibration pulse is emit-
ted from the optical communications port. The RM-OA magnetically couples to the communication
port of solid-state meters. The suction cup of the RD-1H is attached to the clear polycarbonate cover
of the RM-OA. The RM-OA incorporates a rare earth permanent magnet for exceptional holding
power over the life of the product.

RR-KYZ Pulse Input Adapter

The RR-KYZ Pulse Input Adapter is used to sense the KYZ output pulses of induction or solid-state
meters. The Pulses received from the meter’s KYZ output are conditioned and fed into the PICKUP
port on the RD-30. The testing of KYZ equipped meters is done automatically with the Built-in
Computer option of the RD-30.

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Test Accessories

RM-1S Remote Reset Switch

The RM-1S Remote Reset Switch is a normally closed push button switch. The RM-1S connects
directly to Port 1 of the RD-30. The switch of the RM-1S is hermetically sealed. The push-button
has positive tactile feel to provide instantaneous feedback of the switch action.

RM-Metronic Sensors
Older sensor designs such as the RM-DS Disk Sensor, RM-1H Infrared Optical Pickup, RM-1H/v
Visible Optical Pickup and RM-KYZ Pulse Input Adapter can be used with the RD-30, but must be
connected to Port 1 because they terminate in a BNC connector

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RD Current Connector Locking Mechanisim

Appendix: RD Current Connector Locking Mechanism

The Radian RD-2X and RD-3X (120A) Dytronic Standards utilize 6mm locking style connectors
for the current inputs.

Note: These connectors are very specialized and feature beveled edges and a locking ring. Do
NOT use straight ¼” current connector studs. Radian offers various jumpers and adaptors to fit
most applications.

When connecting to the current inputs, insert the 6mm current plugs slowly into the current input
receptacles on the RD standard. Do not use excessive pressure when inserting. Only a minimal
amount of force is required to engage the locking mechanism.

RD-3x Shown RD-2x Shown

NOTE: Pushing the current plug too hard may engage and then disengage the locking mechanism
in one move. To prevent this, gently push the plug into the receptacle and allow the lock to

Once the locking mechanism is engaged, pull on the current plug outward. You should NOT be
able to remove the plug.

RD-3x Shown RD-2x Shown

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RD Current Connector Locking Mechanisim

To disengage the locking plug, firmly insert the current input plug further into the receptacle until
you feel a slight click. This click indicates that the locking mechanism is disengaged. You can
then pull the current plug completely out of the receptacle.

RD-3x Shown RD-3x Shown

RD-2x Shown RD-2x Shown

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