Tem Urea
Tem Urea
Tem Urea
DOI: 10.1002/er.6886
Chemical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi Summary
University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran Carbon dioxide conversion into beneficial products has received very much
Department of Theoretical Foundations attention in recent years to decrease industrial CO2 emissions. In this context,
of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of
integration of gas to liquids (GTL) process with an iron-based Fischer-Tropsch
Energy, South Ural State University,
Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation (FT) reactor with ammonia and urea synthesis plants was investigated. The
Faculty of Engineering and IT, main motivation of the proposed integration is to reuse a released CO2 stream
University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, from the GTL process and to enhance the commercial process economy. The
New South Wales, Australia
required hydrogen for ammonia comes from polymer electrolyte membrane
Correspondence (PEM) electrolyzers running by solar power. Latin hypercube design (LHD)
Mehdi Panahi, Chemical Engineering
approach was applied to model the profitability and carbon efficiency of the
Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, process. Optimization was conducted to maximize the carbon efficiency and
Mashhad, Iran. profit index of the overall process using the model-based calibration (MBC)
Email: mehdi.panahi@um.ac.ir
toolbox of MATLAB. The results demonstrated that at the optimum case, the
proposed integration is capable of producing 48 t/h of urea and also utilizing
about 35 t/h of CO2 produced in the GTL process. The results were compared
with another configuration in which a cobalt-based FT reactor was integrated
with ammonia and urea processes. The results suggest that profitability, car-
bon efficiency, and urea production of the process configuration with a Co-
based FT reactor is higher than the iron-based configuration while the wax
production rate of the iron-based configuration is higher than that of the Co-
based process. Techno-economic feasibility study of the zero CO2 emission pro-
cess represents that the carbon efficiency of around 100% could be obtained.
carbon efficiency, CO2 utilization, computer experiment, GTL, urea, zero CO2 emission
16362 © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/er Int J Energy Res. 2021;45:16362–16382.
ZIAEI ET AL. 16363
There are three approaches to overcome the irrepara- analysis. It is deduced from the sensitivity analysis that
ble troubles of the CO2 emission: substituting CO2 emit- the electricity and the capital investment costs of the elec-
ting fossil fuels by renewable sources, carbon capturing trolyzer are the most significant terms in the methanol
and storing underground (CCS), and carbon production economy. From the CO2 utilization point of
capturing and utilization (CCU).4 The vented CO2 is cap- view, their results show that circa 5800 t/y of CO2 could
tured and stored underground in the CCS processes, be reused in the proposed integrated process and saved
while in the CCU approaches, the emitted CO2 is cap- about 5.2 Nm3/y of natural gas. In a research study con-
tured and utilized to produce value-added chemicals. The ducted by Fernandez-Dacosta et al,21 a refinery and a
drawback of CCS is the extra cost that is imposed on the recovered CO2 stream were integrated with DME and
plant. The idea of using CCU as a technique to reuse the polyols production units. Two different process configu-
emitted CO2 for the manufacturing of valuable products rations were discussed including cascade and parallel. In
was applied in the 1970s for the first time.5 The main comparison with the base-case without CO2 recovering
advantage of CO2 utilization is that, CO2 is known as a unit, results show that the cost of process and fuel con-
noteworthy inexpensive source of carbon and even nega- sumption decreased by 9% and 10% respectively.
tive in price when the carbon tax is considered.6 For fur- Abdelaziz and co-workers22 have constructed three inno-
ther reading about likenesses and discrepancies between vative designs which utilize the captured CO2 for the pro-
CCU and CCS see.7 duction of methanol. The environmental and economic
By increasing global warming concerns, more heed considerations and heat integration were evaluated for
has been enticed to uncommon sources of carbon. The three proposed configurations. In another study, a
exploitation of the recovered CO2 in the production of techno-economic study of the integration of a CCS and a -
chemicals is an important research topic in the academia power-to-methanol process with a coal power plant was
and industry communities. This could enhance the profit- accomplished by Bellotti et al.23 The study was performed
ability of the carbon capture process.8-10 CO2 is utilized in three phases as follows:
for the manufacturing of inorganic and organic com-
pounds such as sodium bicarbonate11 and salicylic acid. 1. The influence of the CCS installation and power to
CO2 is also used in the production of synthetic fuels12,13 methanol plant integration on the coal power plant
(like methane, methanol14,15 and dimethyl ether performances was surveyed on four different
(DME)4,16). It can also be used directly in applications scenarios.
comprising welding medium, firefighting equipment, sol- 2. The yearly electricity cost for various scenarios was
vent, refrigerant, dry ice, and process fluid.17,18 analyzed.
In our recently published work, the integration of a 3. Economic analysis for the methanol synthesis process
cobalt-based FT-GTL plant with ammonia and urea pro- was accomplished.23
cess was carried out to utilize the CO2 originated from
the GTL process for urea production.19 Hydrogen and The production of methane and ammonia was presented
nitrogen (the raw materials of the ammonia process) by Castellani and co-workers, where the flue gas was
were produced via polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) chosen as the nitrogen source and CO2 and also hydrogen
electrolyzer and air separation unit (ASU) of the GTL was provided by electrolysis of water from renewable
process, respectively. The energy demand of the PEM sources of energy.24
electrolyzer was provided from the excess generated Bose et al25 investigated the co-production of power
power of the GTL plant. The multi-objective optimization and urea by integration of a coal-fired power plant with a
was carried out to maximize the wax production rate and urea synthesis process to utilize CO2. The feed rate to the
carbon efficiency. The results suggested that the pres- plant is 46 t/h. The economic benefit of 5% and 10% were
ented integration could produce about 434 000 t/year achieved by the shift reaction conversion of 95% and 90%
urea in addition to GTL products and could also utilize respectively. Zhang and colleagues26 considered two pro-
37 t/h of CO2 for urea production.19 The economic feasi- cess structures where CO2 was added to the conventional
bility of a photovoltaic (PV) power plant integrated with methanol process. They combined steam methane
the 5 MW electrolyzer-base methanol production unit reforming (SMR) with dry methane reforming (DMR) to
was survived by Belloti et al20 using response surface produce synthesis gas (syngas). Both processes were sim-
methodology. The major three design variables were ulated in Aspen Plus. The major difference between the
presented including the size of the PV plant, electrical two configurations is the feeding point of CO2. In the first
power cost, and the reduction percentage in capital cost configuration, CO2 is combined with natural gas, and in
of the electrolyzer. For evaluation of these variables, the the second configuration, CO2 is appended to the metha-
RSM approach was applied to accomplish the sensitivity nol reactor. The results showed mitigation in CO2
16364 ZIAEI ET AL.
emission and an enhancement in the energy efficiency of 12 000 bbl/day of GTL products and 576 t/day of ammo-
the proposed processes in comparison to the conven- nia. As derived from the results, the profitability of the
tional one.26 In 2019, Zhang et al27 executed the concep- integrated process configuration was about 1.5 times
tual design of a power-to-liquids (PTL) process and more than the conventional GTL process. Nguyen et al34
hybrid configuration of PTL with a power-to-gas (PTG) proposed three routes to alleviate CO2 emission compris-
process using Aspen Plus software. According to the ing hydrogenation, bi-reforming, and tri-reforming to
techno-economic studies, it was deduced from the results produce 300, 1500, and 3500 t methanol per day. They
that both processes can be considered as candidate tech- perused annualized capital investment and operational
niques in utilizing CO2 for the production of valuable costs and carried out the comparison among different
products. Furthermore, it is deduced from their results presented routes. They concluded that the methanol pro-
that the hybrid configuration is more efficient and profit- duction from hydrogenation with renewable hydrogen
able. The integration of the sequestered CO2 from a sources is a near-zero CO2 emission process. On the other
cement plant with the methanol production unit was pro- hand, two other presented routes have lower total annu-
posed by Meunier and colleagues.28 As concluded from alized cost in comparison with the hydrogenation route.34
their optimization results, circa 103 t/h of CO2 could be The production of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) was inves-
utilized for the production of 64.5 t/h of methanol. tigated in 2019 by Sanchez and colleagues.35 Further-
Pérez-Fortes et al proposed two CO2 utilization con- more, urea production was considered for comparison of
figurations including urea and methanol production. The the processes from a techno-economic point of view.
requirements of utility, process efficiency, CO2 utiliza- Based on the results of their optimization, the production
tion, and investment cost evaluation were appraised in of DMC is desirable with consideration of urea produc-
their study.29 In 2017, the integration of a coal-fired tion. For a production capacity of 342 t/d, the DMC
power plant and a CO2 recovering unit with a GTL plant investment cost is about 91 MM€ and the production cost
were investigated by Rafiee and co-workers.30 In their of €520/tonne is proposed. From the result of the sensitiv-
procedure, a post-combustion CO2 capture (PCC) process ity analysis, it is obvious that the price of methanol plays
is augmented to a 300 MW power plant to capture and a significant role in the DMC production cost.35 Table 1
purify CO2. The captured CO2 stream is fed to the provides a brief review of the CO2 utilization processes.
reformer of the FT-GTL process. The possibility of CO2 According to the science of catalysts, the catalysts
utilization is perused for three various case studies. function in the FT reactor depends on hydrogen adsorp-
Panahi and co-workers continued the same work and tion capacity and desirable CO hydrogenation activity.36
appointed multi-objective optimization (MOO) to the FT- The FT catalysts with sufficient CO hydrogenation activ-
GTL process for CO2 utilization with staged FT reactor. ity includes Ni-, Co-, Fe- and Ru-based catalysts.37
Three objective functions were proffered, where the Among them, Co- and Fe- based catalysts are broadly
results showed that the production of wax and carbon used in commercial FT-GTL processes. Fe compounds
efficiency could be increased by the staging of the FT are highly abundant in nature, attractive from an eco-
reactor.31 In 2018, Fazeli and co-workers have investi- nomical point of view, and have low selectivity to paraf-
gated the potential of CO2 utilization in an iron-based fins. On the other hand, Co has a low selectivity to
FT-GTL process with two distinct syngas production olefins and high selectivity to paraffins. Co-based cata-
technologies, that is, auto thermal reformer (ATR) and lysts show more resistance to deactivation in comparison
SMR.32 The enhancement of carbon efficiency as well as to Fe-based catalysts.38 Water gas shift (WGS) is active on
wax production rate in two detached conditions were an iron-based catalyst so a fraction of the CO present in
specified. Based on the results of their research, the opti- the syngas feed to the FT reactor is converted to CO2
mal carbon efficiency of about 70% was reported for both through this reaction.
cases and the CO2 intakes of 0 and 166.4 t/h and wax pro- In this paper, the integration of the ammonia and
duction rates of 68.17 and 101.4 t/h were illustrated for urea plants with an iron-based FT-GTL process is sur-
ATR and SMR routes, respectively. veyed. The raw materials of the ammonia plant, nitrogen,
In 2018, Ostadi et al33 integrated a GTL process and and hydrogen are grabbed from the air separation unit
ammonia synthesis unit, in which about 99% pure hydro- (ASU) of the GTL process and PEM electrolyzer respec-
gen is provided by a heat exchange reformer (HGR) and tively. The carbon efficiency and the overall profit index
the nitrogen was taken from an ASU. The proposed inte- of the integrated process were maximized separately. The
grated configuration produces sufficient power and water two mentioned objective functions were specified using
and also there was no necessity for a separate CO2 recov- space-filling design by suggesting five independent vari-
ering unit and water gas shift (WGS) reactor. The pro- ables. Space-filling design is a set of mathematical and
posed configuration was capable to produce circa statistical approach for computer experiment model
ZIAEI ET AL. 16365
CO2 utilization
Reference source Product(s) Highlight(s)
19 Natural gas GTL products, urea Co-based FT-GTL plant integrated with urea-ammonia processes, response
surface methodology applied to model carbon efficiency and profitability
20,23 Coal Methanol Integration of photo voltaic (PV) power plant with PEM electrolyzer
21 Natural gas DME, polyols Recovering CO2 from refinery and integrating with DME, polyols
production plants
22 Natural gas Methanol Economic and environmental study of three novel methanol production
processes from captured CO2
24 Captured CO2 Methane, ammonia The process is a viable CO2 recycling when renewable excess energy is
from flue gas used
25 Coal Power, urea Coal power plant integrated with urea production process
26 Natural gas methanol Adding CO2 to conventional methanol production plant using various
reformer types
27 Captured CO2 Synthetic natural gas Profitability analysis of hybrid configuration of PTL and PTG with CO2
(SNG), liquid fuels utilization
28 Natural gas Cement, methanol Co-production of methanol and cement using captured CO2 from acement
29 Natural gas Methanol, urea Integration of methanol and urea processes
30 Coal GTL products GTL process integrated with coal-fired power plant
33 Natural gas GTL products, Co-production of ammonia and GTL process using heat exchanger
ammonia reformer
34 Captured CO2 Methanol Production of methanol using three different ways containing
from flue gas hydrogenation, bi-reforming and tri-reforming
Present Natural gas GTL products, urea Modeling and optimization of carbon efficiency and profitability of
work integrated GTL and urea-ammonia processes using Latin hypercube
design, zero-emission feasibility study
construction. The main difference between the presented FT reactors in parallel. The FT reactors' volume is equal
study and the previous work19 is the reactions mecha- to 2000 m339 (In this study the upgrading unit has not
nism taking place in the FT reactor leading to different been studied). In the base case of the propounded inte-
product distribution, process carbon efficiency, natural gration, the urea and ammonia production rates are in
gas intake to the fired heater, and CO2 emission to the turn 1503 kmol/h (25.6 t/h) and 765 kmol/h (45.9 t/h).
air. These owe to the fact that water gas shift is negligible The required hydrogen for ammonia comes from the
when cobalt-based catalysts are used in the FT reactor. In PEM electrolyzer. The PEM power demand is supplied by
this research, techno-economic analysis of a zero CO2 surplus produced power from the GTL process. The pro-
emission integrated iron-based FT GTL process with duced oxygen in the PEM electrolyzer is utilized in one
ammonia, and urea is presented. Solar photovoltaic cells auto thermal reformer (ATR) to reduce the size of one of
are used for power production, and the profitability com- the air separation units (ASU) and consequently the total
parison of the optimized overall flowsheet with the Co- cost of investment. In the proposed configuration, the
based integrated GTL process is discussed. feed rate of natural gas which is evenly distributed
between the two trains of the GTL plant is 16 390 kmol/h
(276 t/h). The natural gas composition was taken from
2 | P R O C E S S DE S C R I P T I O N the study of Panahi et al40 (CH4: 95.5%, C2H6: 3%, C3H8:
0.5%, n-C4H10: 0.4%, and N2: 0.6%, all in molar basis).
The integrated GTL process with ammonia and urea pro- The natural gas feed is preheated up to 455 C in a fired
cess layout is illustrated in Figure 1. In the presented heater and is conveyed to the pre-reformer for converting
integration, the GTL plant with the same capacity as the of heavier hydrocarbons than methane to syngas.
Sasol Oryx GTL process was simulated. As shown in In a GTL process, the fired heater is utilized for sup-
Figure 1, there are two similar trains with two iron-based plying the following energy requisitions19,40:
16366 ZIAEI ET AL.
• Heating the oxygen inlet stream of the ATR to 200 C, Due to the high temperature of ATR effluent, the
• Heating the inlet streams of the pre-reformer to 455 C, ATR reactions were supposed to reach equilibrium.19,44
• Heating the outlet of the pre-reformer to 675 C before The effluent of the pre-reformer should be heated up to
entering the ATR, 675 C before entering to the ATR. The ATR outlet is
• Preparing the superheated steam for the ASUs and fixed at 1030 C by adjusting the flowrate of oxygen to the
recycled tail gas compressors, ATR.45 In order to separate the water content of the syn-
gas stream, the ATR exit stream was cooled to 255 C by
An excess 10% of the total considered power of the crossing through a heat exchanger. The heat of this hot
fired heater was propounded to guarantee the energy stream is used to procreate medium pressure (MP) steam
supplement for other power-demanding equipment, and then it is cooled down to 38 C.
which are not included in the flowsheet. Before entering the fresh syngas into the FT section, a
Syngas mostly subtends hydrogen and carbon monox- CO2 removal unit was located to capture CO2 from the
ide with a scant amount of other gases for example car- syngas stream. The main reactions that occur in the iron-
bon dioxide, methane etc. The syngas generation unit based FT reactor are illustrated in reactions (4) to (6).32
transforms natural gas to mainly H2 and CO. There are
numerous paths for synthesis gas production comprising CO þ 3H2 ! CH4 þ H2 O, ð4Þ
SMR, DMR, partial oxidation (POX), ATR, bi-reforming
(BR), tri-reforming (TR), and combined reforming nCO þ 2nH2 ! ðCH2 Þn þ nH2 O, ð5Þ
(CR).32,41-43 In a GTL plant, the most capital-intensive
unit is the syngas production unit in comparison to other CO þ H2 O ! H2 þ CO2 : ð6Þ
units. The presence of oxygen is necessary for ATR and
POX processes, in which a costly ASU is required. In this
study, the ATR is chosen as syngas production technol- Equation (5) denotes olefins and paraffins production.
ogy for the following reasons: The weight fraction of the FT products heavier than
methane follows the reputable Anderson-Schulz-Flory
1. Having H2/CO ratio of about 2, which is a near- (ASF) distribution40,46-48:
optimal condition for the GTL process;
2. The produced nitrogen in ASU is used as the feed- wn ¼ nð1 αÞ2 αn1 , ð7Þ
stock of the ammonia plant.
where n is the carbon atoms number and is larger than
The substantial reactions taking place in the ATR reactor 1, and α is chain growth probability. This concept is
are represented in reactions (1) to (3).19 depicted in Figure 2.32
The kinetic reaction rate and α correlation equation
CH4 þ 1:5 O2 ⇌ CO þ 2H2 O ΔH 298 ðkJ=molÞ ¼ 520, ð1Þ were taken from the work of Fazeli and co-workers,32
Equation (8) and (9).
CH4 þ H2 O ⇌ CO þ 3H2 ΔH 298 ðkJ=molÞ ¼ 206, ð2Þ
9:76 103 P0:5
r FT ¼ kmol=m3
reactor :s
, ð8Þ
CO þ H2 O ⇌ CO2 þ H2 ΔH 298 ðkJ=molÞ ¼ 41: ð3Þ ð1 þ 0:563 PCO þ 4:5 PH2 O Þ 2
ZIAEI ET AL. 16367
FIGURE 3 Base-case of the integrated process [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
TABLE 2 FT-derived products from two trains of GTL process deterministic model. Computer simulations can be very
FT-derived products tonnes/h
complex including many variables with obscurant inter-
relationships. The deterministic character of the com-
LPG 3.2
puter experiments proposed here brings a paradigm shift
Diesel 64.6 in the design of experiment and analysis routes in com-
Gasoline 71.4 parison to those in the physical experiments. The main
Wax 40.1 differences between physical experiment and computer
simulation experiment are summarized below52:
the moles in the make-up natural gas) of the standalone 1. there is no need for replication, randomization, and
GTL process is 67.02% and for the integrated process, this blocking,
amount is 71.65%. In this integration, about 14.8% of the 2. due to lack of random error, a large experimental
generated CO2 in the FT-GTL process is consumed in the region can be explored in computer experiment,
urea plant. 3. simplicity in changing levels of degrees of freedom.
each independent variable and the resultant carbon effi- tion of various correlations between the responses and the
ciency is shown in Table S1 of Data S1. input variables can be initiated. The statistical MBC model
After defining the codes and attaining the test program, fitting toolbox of MATLAB software was used to investigate
the process simulations were done and responses were log- the regression analysis of data from process simulation.
ged to develop the correlation between the variables and the Based on the analysis results gained from the MATLAB
objective functions. The adopted procedure for the present MBC toolbox, it was deduced that models 1 and 2 are the
study is to maximize carbon efficiency and an economic most adequate models to predict the carbon efficiency and
objective function. Thereby, the carbon efficiency and profit profit index (PI) of the plant, respectively. The models' defini-
index (which will be explained in the next sections) were tion terms are presented in Table 4.
appointed as the responses of the experiments. A combina- The statistical parameters of the regressed models for
carbon efficiency and PI are illustrated in Table 5.
The RMSE is the root mean square of the errors. The
TABLE 3 Boundary conditions of degrees of freedom
RMSE demonstrates how nearby the data points taken
from the simulations are to the predicted values from the
Independent variable Lower bound Upper bound model. Whereas RMSE and R2 are the absolute and rela-
A (Unpurged ratio) 0.95 0.98 tive measure of fit, respectively. A good regression has
B (Recycle to FT) 0.75 0.85 lower RMSE values and R2 values close to unity.
C (CO2 removal) 0.93 0.99 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
D (Steam/carbon) 0.4 0.6 i¼1 ð^ yi yi Þ2
RMSE ¼ : ð14Þ
E (CO2 intake) 160 000 205 000 n
Predicted residual error sum of squares (PRESS) RMSE Figures 5 and 6 indicate the normal probability of
provide a summary measure of the fit of a model to a the studentized residuals of the objective functions. As
sample of observations that are not themselves used to illustrated in these figures, small deviations from the
estimate the model. From the small values of PRESS straight line of normal probability validates that the
RMSE, it can be concluded that the model can predict presented models are adequate. In Figures 7 and 8,
other points with good accuracy.55 near-zero values of residuals imply the prediction is
As evident from Table 5, the low values of RMSE and exactly correct and the structureless pattern of residuals
predicted RMSE show that the regression models are against predicted value also confirms the model's
adequate. adequacy.
FIGURE 5 Studentized residuals probability plot of carbon efficiency [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
FIGURE 6 Studentized residuals probability plot of PI [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
16372 ZIAEI ET AL.
F I G U R E 7 Studentized
residuals probability plot of
carbon efficiency [Colour figure
can be viewed at
F I G U R E 8 Residuals vs the
predicted value of PI [Colour figure can
be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
The comparison between predicted and simulation The common correlation between the obtained cost and
results of the response values of objective functions is capacity of an equipment is given by
depicted in Figures 9 and 10. These figures illustrate a
good agreement between the predicted and simulation TCI 2 Capacity 2 n
¼ , ð16Þ
results. The green triangles, which overlap on the y = x TCI 1 Capacity 1
line in Figures 9 and 10, demonstrate that the presented
models predict the carbon efficiency and PI appropriately. where, n is the cost exponent (scaling factor), which var-
ies on different processes or equipment.
The principal units of a GTL plant include the auto-
4.2 | Profitability analysis thermal reforming section, the air separation unit, and
the FT-reactor. Owing to the attendance of the PEM elec-
4.2.1 | Analysis of total capital trolyzer in the integrated plant, ASU size decreased by
Investment (TCI) circa 20%. For one train of the base-case flowsheet, the
TCI of the ASU in the standalone GTL configuration is
The TCIs of the integrated process and individual pro- about 123.23 million USD. This amount is reduced to
cesses are compared at the same capacity in this subsec- 105.6 million USD in the integrated process layout (the
tion. All the TCIs applied in this study were brought to scaling factor of 0.75 was applied for cost estimation of
2018 using Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index different capacities).56 The flowrate of oxygen from the
(CEPCI), Equation (15): ASU to the ATR of the standalone process and the inte-
grated process are 194.4 and 155.9 t/h, respectively. In
CPECI2018 the integrated process, the TCI reduction of the ASU
TCI2018 ¼ TCIbase year : ð15Þ
CPECIbase year section of one train of the GTL process compared to the
ZIAEI ET AL. 16373
FIGURE 9 Simulation results and predicted values of carbon efficiency [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
FIGURE 10 Simulation results and predicted values of PI [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
base-case is 14.31%. The extractable power from medium the above explanation, the TCI for the ammonia-urea
pressure (MP) steam of the GTL plant in the base-case plant in the integrated plant is about 416.39 million USD.
configuration is 253.2 MW. The TCI of a power plant The simple process information of the integrated pro-
with this capacity is circa 246.1 million USD.57 For the cess and standalone processes are showed in Table 6. As
PEM electrolyzer, the TCI of 165.6 million USD and scal- evident from Table 6, the total fixed capital investment of
ing factor (ie, 0.85) were taken from References 23,50. the integrated plant is 58 million USD less than the
According to Reference 58 it is concluded that the TCI of standalone processes. In addition, the integrated process
the PEM electrolyzer could be decreased to 50 million uses less natural gas and releases less CO2 to the atmo-
USD at the time prospect of 30 years. sphere. The values of total capital cost of the integrated
The pivotal units for syngas preparation in a conven- and standalone processes are mentioned in Table 7.
tional urea-ammonia process comprise natural gas pre-
treatment and purification unit, combined reformers, high
and low-temperature shift reactors, and CO2 recovering 4.3 | Equivalent annual operating
unit. Based on References 59,60, the TCI for the men- cost (EAOC)
tioned units is circa 205.97 million USD, while the TCI of
the whole process with the urea production capacity of The aggregation of the cost of manufacturing (COM) and
45.94 t/h (764.96 kmol/h) is 622.35 million USD. Based on the yearly capital cost is defined as the EAOC.61 The
16374 ZIAEI ET AL.
Natural gas to process side and fired heater Process Products (tonnes/h)
(1) Natural gas feed (16 390 kmol/h) Two trains of Oryx GTL plant + Power plant LPG 3.2
Makeup natural gas (1942 kmol/h) (246 M$) Gasoline 71.4
Diesel 64.6
Wax 40.1
(2) Natural gas (1079 kmol/h) Ammonia and Urea (622.3 M$) Urea 46
(3) Natural gas feed (16 390 kmol/h) Two trains of Oryx GTL plant + Power plant Urea 46
Makeup natural gas (1942 kmol/h) (246 M$) + Ammonia and Urea (416.4 M$) LPG 3.2
+ PEM electrolyzer (165.6 M$) Gasoline 71.4
Diesel 64.6
Wax 40.1
Power plant electrolyzer FT reactor ASU Ammonia- ATR Total
(M$) (M$) (M$) (M$) urea (M$) (M$) (M$)
GTL + power plant 246.1 - 163 123.2 622.3 413.52 1568.2
+ ammonia-urea
Integrated process 246.1 165.6 163 105.6 416.4 413.52 1510.2
yearly capital cost is the amortized fixed capital cost over As depicted in Figure 11, at the same capacities for each
the operating years of the plant to determine an annual run, the profit index of the integrated process is higher than
cost. For example, for a discount rate of 8% and plant the profit index of the standalone processes. At the pro-
operating life of 20 years, the yearly capital cost is 10%. posed design of experiment, the fourth run has the maxi-
The yearly COM can be computed by Equation (17): mum profit index (PI = 1.183) in comparison to the other
points. The decision variables of the maximum PI are [A, B,
COM ¼ 0:3037 FCI þ 2:73 C OL þ 1:23 ðCUT þ CRM Þ, C, D, E] = [0.978, 0.823, 0.964, 0.420, 184 795.918]. The car-
ð17Þ bon efficiency of this point is 0.7513 and also is the highest
one among 50 other points of the DOE.
where FCI is a term for fixed capital investment, COL
defines the cost of operating labor, CUT represent the
price of utilities, with CRM being the price of raw mate- 4.4 | Investigation of different scenarios
rial. The average charges of feedstocks and products were of the process integration
taken from our previous work19 and represented in
Table 8. 4.4.1 | Optimization of integrated process
The yearly profit is equal to the deduction of revenue based on maximizing of the carbon efficiency
from EAOC and sold products. The profit index (PI) is and PI
specified by Equation (18):
Optimization of the defined objective functions (1- maxi-
ðannual profitÞi mization of the carbon efficiency, 2- maximization of
PI i ¼ , ð18Þ
annual profit of the base_case profit index) were performed separately with two differ-
ent methods using model- based calibration toolbox of
where i is the number of runs represented in Table S1 of MATLAB.
Data S1. The definition of the optimization problem is as
The profit index of the base-case (row 49 in Table S1 below:
of Data S1) was assumed to be 1 (ie, 100%) and the profit Find:
indices of the standalone processes and the overall inte- Unpurged (A), recycle to FT (B), CO2 removal from
grated process were calculated and compared with this syngas (C), steam/carbon (D), and CO2 intake to
value. ATR (E).
ZIAEI ET AL. 16375
TABLE 8 Average prices of raw material and products higher profit index as well. The results of the optimiza-
tions for carbon efficiency are indicated in Table 9. Here-
Utility Cost
inafter, the optimization results of the fmincon in Table 9
LPG $1/kg
is referred to as “optimum case.” Table 10 demonstrates
Diesel $0.73/kg the optimization results of the case that the profit index
Gasoline $0.88/kg is maximized. As it is evident in Tables 9 and 10, the
Electricity $0.06/kWh profit index of the integrated process with carbon effi-
CO2 tax $50/tonne ciency maximization is more than the one with PI maxi-
mization. For each degree of freedom, the optimal value
Ammonia $261.8/tonne
of that decision variable is depicted in Figures 12 and 13,
Urea $254.28/tonne
for carbon efficiency and PI maximization, respectively.
As can be seen from these figures, some of the constraints
are activated at their upper or lower bounds.
0:95 < A < 0:98 The total optimum carbon efficiency in the integrated
process with an iron-based FT reactor is about 75.94%,
0:75 < B < 0:85 where the optimum value of carbon efficiency in our pre-
vious work19 is circa 81.57%. Despite the higher price of
0:93 < C < 0:99 the cobalt catalyst, the profitability index of the inte-
grated process with the Co-based FT-GTL plant is
0:4 < D < 0:6 approximately 5% higher than that of the integrated pro-
cess with an iron-based FT reactor (current study).
160 000 < E < 205 000 Table 11 demonstrates the key differences between the
iron- and cobalt-based integrated processes.
As can be seen from Table 11, the integrated process
For each of the objective functions, the optimizations with Co-based FT reactor consumes less makeup natural
were accomplished using the local fmincon method and gas and the total CO2 emission is about 44.2 t/h less than
genetic algorithm (ga) global optimization method. From the iron-based integrated process. Additionally, the car-
our previous study,19 it was concluded that the case with bon efficiency of the iron-based GTL process is lower
higher carbon efficiency in the integrated process has the than the cobalt-based configuration while the wax
16376 ZIAEI ET AL.
value Observed
(D) Steam/ (E) obtained value
Optimization (A) Unpurged (B) Recycle (C) CO2 natural CO2 from from the Obtained
technique ratio to FT removal gas intake model flowsheet PI
Fmincon 0.98 0.85 0.9648 0.4 182 500 0.758 0.7594 1.1996
(optimum case)
ga 0.98 0.8488 0.9754 0.4023 202 491 0.762 0.7562 1.1957
FIGURE 12 Independent variables of the carbon efficiency maximization [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
FIGURE 13 Independent variables of the PI maximization [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
production rate of the iron-based FT reactor is higher block diagrams of the integrated processes with cobalt-
than that of the cobalt-based process which owes to the and iron-based FT reactor are presented in Figures 14
higher chain growth probability of the FT reactor. Simple and 15, respectively.
ZIAEI ET AL. 16377
F I G U R E 1 4 Simple schematic of
the cobalt-based GTL process
integrated with urea and ammonia
units19 [Colour figure can be viewed
at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
F I G U R E 1 5 Simple schematic of
the cobalt-based GTL process
integrated with urea and ammonia
units [Colour figure can be viewed at
16378 ZIAEI ET AL.
4.4.3 | The feasibility investigation of using emission tax was assumed that is, $50, $100, and $200/
solar power in process integration tonne of the emitted CO2.64
F I G U R E 1 6 Integration of the
proposed process with solar power
plant (the 58.36 MWASU is
eliminated) [Colour figure can be
viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
F I G U R E 1 7 Integration of the
proposed process with solar power plant
(the 74.5 MW ASU is eliminated)
[Colour figure can be viewed at
ZIAEI ET AL. 16379
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