A Trip To The Moon
A Trip To The Moon
A Trip To The Moon
The colour version of "A Trip to the Moon" was thought to be lost forever and was not seen for
more than seven decades, then in 1993 an original nitrate print was discovered in Barcelona, Spain
as part of a private collection. This was then donated to Filmoteca du Catalunya, a Spanish film
Another decade would follow until Lobster Films would obtain the print through a film exchange.
The problem was that the film was in an extremely advanced stage of decomposition, and had to
be carefully peeled back and digitized one frame at a time. Again eight years went by before the
technology had progressed sufficiently for the restoration process to begin in earnest. The
Groupama Gan Foundation for Cinema and the Technicolor Foundation for Cinema Heritage
would collaborate to restore the more than 13 000 frames of the movie at the Technicolor Creative
Services Lab in Los Angeles.
The colour version was finally restored to it's former glory and was seen again for the first time in
more than a century on the opening night of the 2011 Cannes International Film Festival where it
was included as an official selection.
Your classic movie master recommends A Trip to the
Moon(1902) with 4 pills on the madness meter, every single
movie fan out there should see this on at lest once.
You don't even need any pills to go on this trip, but take
them anyway!