Cytec-Solutions-Vol 16 Solvent Extraction

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Low pH Pyrite Flotation Collector

Development Program 1

Cytec Solutions
For Solvent Extraction, Mineral
Processing and Alumina Processing

Low pH Pyrite Flotation Collector
1 Letter from the
Development Vice President

As we head into 2012, we are all facing another exciting year and it is
clear that the pace of change in our world is continuing to accelerate.
This requires us all to be more agile and flexible in our approach. At
Cytec, we have continued on our strategic path of market needs driven
technology innovation that allows us to “Deliver Technology Beyond
our Customers’ Imagination”. When reviewing the feedback from
our recent customer survey, I was pleased to see that we are meeting
and in many cases exceeding your expectations in bringing innovative
solutions. We remain convinced that the development and deployment
of technology solutions to long term industry challenges is a source of
value for both us and our customers.

The Flotation Matrix 100® and Minchem modeling tools are particularly relevant in the fast
changing environment as they minimize the need for test work through careful experimental
design and high quality data interpretation. In combination with our excellent capabilities in
chemical design and optimization, it is possible for Cytec to continue to bring timely innovation
to our customers even though the pace has quickened. Another key lever in cutting time to
market is collaboration and as many of you know from personal experience this is remains key in
our success.

Over the last 18 months we have brought to market ACORGA® NR, ACORGA® OR, ACORGA®
OPT® 5540, EZ reagents for Electrostatic Separation, and the XR series of collectors as full or
partial NaSH replacement and we are seeing strong interest in all of these products. We have also
made significant progress on several other new product innovations that will be launched in 2012
including a scale control product, ACORGA CB™ for metal extraction processes. We have also
extended our geographic reach by establishing commercial presence in Peru and Serbia.

To address the growing demand for our Phosphine based chemistries including AEROPHINE®
and CYANEX® technologies, we have recently announcement plans to significantly expand
capacity at our manufacturing plant in Canada. This is a sign of our continued commitment to
the mining industry and ensuring we meet future demands.

I trust that you will find the latest edition of Cytec Solutions interesting and a source of
inspiration. Whether your interest is in Mineral Processing, Alumina Chemicals or Metal
Extraction Products there is something here for you.

Thank you for your valued business,

Martin Court
Vice President, In Process Separation
Low pH Pyrite Flotation Collector
Table of Contents
Development Program 11

Solvent Extractions

Copper Solvent Extraction: Behavior of Iron and Manganese

in Electrowinning Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

The Impact of PLS Viscosity on Solvent Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Mineral Processing

Low pH Pyrite Flotation Collector Development Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Use of AEROPHINE® 3418A Promoter for Sulfide Minerals Flotation . . . . . . . . . 16

Alumina Processing

New Flocculants for Improved Processing of High Silica Bauxite . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

The Inhibition of Vishnevite Scale in Chinese Refineries

Using MAX HT® 550 Scale Inhibitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Cytec Mining Chemicals
2 Business Segments

Solvent Extraction Alumina Processing

Almost 40 years in the solvent extraction (SX) Cytec continues to provide the alumina industry
business has translated into extensive experience with value-adding, efficiency-enhancing
and successes in solving difficult problems and in technology for all stages in Bayer Process alumina
introducing many patented formulations. production. Cytec's technological innovations
for alumina processing began with programs
Cytec offers two extraction product families: for the solid-liquid separation processes and the
hydroxyoxime extractants under the introduction of synthetic polyacrylate flocculants
trademark ACORGA® extraction reagents and to replace starch and have continued with a
organophosphorus derivatives under the trademark constant stream of new products.
CYANEX® solvent extraction reagents.
Subsequent development of copolymers for the
CCD circuit provided significant improvements
Mineral Processing in refinery economics and red mud disposal.
Cytec pioneered the release of hydroxamic
Cytec's new reagent technologies are changing the acid flocculants, a quantum leap in flocculant
face of the mineral processing industry. Precision technology for the clarification circuit, providing
targeting of chemistries yields increased recoveries, improved economics, liquor filtration rates and
productivity and safety. Using Cytec products, reduced settler scaling.
customers have been able to attain an entirely new
level of profitability. The development of MAX HT® socialite scale
inhibitor, a revolutionary product that eliminates
Recovering maximum value from mineral ore sodalite scale from heat exchangers throughout
is our primary goal. To that end, Cytec has the Bayer Process, is another testament to Cytec’s
brought advanced tools to precious and base commitment to provide technologically advanced
metals operations for solving increasingly difficult chemistry that brings real value and contributes to
problems. Cytec employs specialty collectors and the sustainability of the alumina industry.
reagents, dewatering aids and antiscalants. These
include highly selective reagents and modifiers All of Cytec's initiatives in alumina are supported
to provide plants with enhanced kinetics, by a global team of field engineers - and a
productivity and throughput. Other advanced vertically integrated supply chain - to support
tools include modeling software and statistical today's programs and technologies with an eye to
process analysis and design tools, as well as future industry needs.
proprietary laboratory and field tests - many of
which have become industry standards.
Copper Solvent Extraction: Behavior of Iron
and Manganese in Electrowinning Solutions 3

Troy Bednarski, Matthew Soderstrom - Tempe, AZ

Introduction The affect of ferric iron on current efficiency

was investigated at various iron concentrations
An important part of the electrowinning process and various current densities. The solution
is managing the iron and manganese in the composition and Hull Cell test conditions are
electrolyte solution. The primary benefits of given below:
controlling these are better current efficiency
and cathode quality. An electrowinning study Solution conditions:
utilizing a Hull Cell was conducted to identify
the behavior and affects of iron and manganese in t Synthetic electrolyte: 45 gpl copper, 155 gpl
the electrolyte during electrowinning. The Hull sulfuric acid
Cell is a test electrowinning cell commonly used t Ferric iron (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 gpl)
in the electroplating industry to test the affects
of various additives. The cell is a trapezoidal Hull Cell conditions:
container which positions a single cathode at an
angle to an anode so the plating occurs at different t 40 Degrees C
current densities as a function of distance down t Lead anode
the cell. The cell may be fitted with a paddle t Copper cathode blank
to vary the agitation in the bath. The plating is t Current density (18.3, 27.4 and 36.3 amp/ft2)
achieved on a batch basis so it is not necessarily t Rectifier amps ( 1, 1.5 and 2 amps)
representative of commercial cells but these tests t Plating time (3hrs 22 min, 2hrs 15 min, and
effectively simulate the relative behavior of iron 1hr 41 min)
and manganese within the electrolyte. t Solution agitation provided with a paddle

Table 1 shows the ferrous ion concentration

Iron Behavior and ORP (oxidation reduction potential) of the
electrolyte following the electrowinning process
Ferric iron in the electrolyte is reduced at the (with a set agitation rate). Although the initial
cathode thus consuming energy; the resulting electrolyte was made up with ferric sulfate, as
ferrous iron is then oxidized back to ferric iron shown, a significant portion of the iron was
at the anode in a constant cycle. This oxidation- reduced at the cathode back to the ferrous state
reduction cycle reduces the current efficiency as resulting in a reduction in the ORP value.
some of the electrons are no longer available for
copper reduction.
Copper Solvent Extraction: Behavior of Iron
4 and Manganese in Electrowinning Solutions

Table 1
Percent Ferrous Iron and Oxidation-Reduction Potential

Initial solution 18.3 amp/ft2 27.4 amp/ft2 36.6 amp/ft2

'F+3 ORP (mV) 'F+2 ORP (mV) 'F+2 ORP (mV) 'F+2 ORP (mV)
0 570 0 605 0 560 0 615
1 625 41 506 42 483 29 506
2 645 38 502 43 489 33 504
3 660 41 502 38 489 31 500
5 675 39 500 39 488 34 498
9.5 690 38 498 40 495 38 501

ORP measured using a Ag/AgCl reference electrode with 4 M KCl filling solution

Under the test conditions, approximately 30- 40% of the ferric iron was reduced to ferrous iron during
electrowinning. Since the reduction of ferric to ferrous consumes an electron which is no longer available
to reduce Cu+2. Any increase in the electrolyte ferric iron concentration will result in a decrease in current
efficiency. Under these conditions, the decrease in current efficiency was also dependent on the current
density as shown in Figure 1. As the current density was increased, the current efficiency also increased for
a given total iron concentration.

Figure 1
Iron Concentration vs. Current Efficiency

Iron concentration vs current efficiency



Current efficiency %

85 18.3 amp/ft2

80 27.4 amp/ft2
36.6 amp/ft2



0 2 4 6 8 10

Initial Ferric Iron Concentration (gpl)

Amps/ft2 calculated based on total cathode area (not taking into account diagonal configuration)
Copper Solvent Extraction: Behavior of Iron
and Manganese in Electrowinning Solutions 5

Iron/Manganese Behavior Synthetic electrolyte solutions containing 45 gpl

copper, 165 gpl sulfuric acid were generated with
Although iron is a consumer of energy, its the following Fe/Mn ratios.
presence is beneficial to ensure that any
manganese, present as Mn+2 does not oxidize t 30/1 (0.3 gpl Fe and 0.01 gpl Mn)
to higher oxidative states (Mn+4 or Mn+7). The t 10/1 (1 gpl Fe and 0.1 gpl Mn)
oxidation of manganese to MnO happens at the t 4/1 (1 gpl Fe and 0.25 gpl Mn)
anode surface. The MnO can flake off of the
anode surface deteriorating the anode quality. These solutions were tested in the Hull Cell with
This leads to accumulation of lead on the bottom (Table 2) and without (Table 3) agitation at a
of the cell or increases the likelihood of lead temperature of 40 degrees C at a current density
becoming trapped within the cathode affecting of 27.4 amp/ft2.
product quality. Further oxidation of Mn
(especially if the permanganate ion is formed) The results show that the permanganate ion was
will oxidize the organic in the stripping stage of formed with the 4.3/1 Fe/Mn ratio, even with
the solvent extraction process. The oxidation of ferrous iron present in the starting rich solution.
the organic will affect both physical and chemical The presence of ferrous iron in the electrolyte did
performance of the extractant thereby negatively delay the formation of Mn+7 by the oxidation/
impacting the SX process. reduction reaction. When ferrous was present in
the starting solution it took 30 minutes to achieve
The historic rule of thumb to control these issues an ORP value greater that 1100 mV. At a Fe/Mn
has been to maintain a total Fe to Mn ratio of ratio of 9.6/1 or greater no permanganate was
10/1 in the electrolyte to prevent the formation of formed. There was very little ferrous iron present
manganese in higher valence states. At this ratio it in the ending solution when utilizing the 9.6/1
is assumed ~ ½ of the iron will be present in the ratio. This indicates that the ferric iron was
ferrous state. The reduction half-reaction shows reduced to ferrous iron then oxidized back to
that 5 ferrous ions are needed to reduce Mn+7 to ferric due to reduction of higher valence state Mn
Mn+2 as shown in the following balanced half- that would have been generated at the anode. This
reaction equation: was not the case at a Fe/Mn ratio of 30/1. There
was ferrous iron present in the ending solutions in
5Fe +2 + MnO 4 - + 8H + J 5Fe +3 + Mn +2 + 4H 2O the range of 30-40%, similar to the results of
Table 1 when manganese was not present in the
Although a 10:1 ratio of iron to manganese starting solution.
is often recommended, there are a number of
operations which operate at significantly lower
ratios without generating a high ORP value. While
operations with ratios significantly over 10:1 may
still generate Mn at higher valence states if the
total iron concentration is not high enough.
Copper Solvent Extraction: Behavior of Iron
6 and Manganese in Electrowinning Solutions

Table 2
Electrowinning with Cell Agitation

Rich Electrolyte Solution Lean Electrolyte Solution

'F+3 'F+2 'F.O ORP 'F+3 'F+2 'F+2 ORP

(gpl) (gpl) 3BUJP (mV) (gpl) (gpl) (%)
0.98 0 4.3 648 0.98 – – 1115(1)
0.45 0.53 4.3 458 0.98 – – 1118(2)
0.96 0 9.6 648 0.9 0.06 6.3 583
0.29 0 29 615 0.21 0.08 28 503
0 0.32 32 422 0.21 0.11 34 505
@ 5 min, (2) @ 30 min

Table 3
Electrowinning without Cell Agitation

Rich Electrolyte Solution Lean Electrolyte Solution

'F+3 'F+2 'F.O ORP 'F+3 'F+2 'F+2 ORP

(gpl) (gpl) 3BUJP (mV) (gpl) (gpl) (%) (mV)
0.96(1) 0 9.6 642 0.93 0.03 3.1 587
0.29 0 29 627 0.2 0.09 31 545
Copper Solvent Extraction: Behavior of Iron
and Manganese in Electrowinning Solutions 7

Permanganate ion was generated even at a

9.6/1 Fe/Mn ratio when the cell was operated
without agitation, ORP = 1155 at 5 min. During
this test the cell agitation was turned on and
the permanganate slowly started to reduce, as
evidenced by a reduction of the ORP value and a
diminishing of the electrolyte color from purple
back to the original blue. At a Fe/Mn ratio of
29/1 cell agitation did not appear to influence the
formation of the permanganate ion, apparently
sufficient iron was present in the ferrous state.


Iron and manganese are typically present

in copper PLS and can be transferred to the
electrolyte by physical means (entrainment) and
chemical transfer (ferric iron only). The transfer
of iron to the electrolyte will reduce the current
efficiency. This reduction will depend on the iron
concentration in the electrolyte, the cell agitation
dynamics, and the current density.

When manganese is present in the electrolyte

it is important to monitor the ORP and insure
the electrolyte returning to SX will not cause
oxidation. This is typically achieved by having
ferrous iron present in the tankhouse (rule
of thumb 10/1 total iron/manganese ratio)
to prevent the oxidation of Mn to higher
oxidation states. At high oxidation states Mn
can affect organic quality, cathode quality and
cause maintenance and anode stability issues.
Limiting the transfer of Mn to the electrolyte
by controlling physical (A in O) entrainment
is the key to minimizing potential issues.
The Impact of PLS Viscosity
8 on Solvent Extraction


Introduction Figure 1
Impurities Balance Scheme
In commercial scale solvent extraction, the impact
of impurities in a PLS (pregnant leach solution) Impurities H2SO4 with Impurities
is frequently underestimated. Additionally, when Until
impurities are considered, the focus tends to be on is Reached Heap
iron, chloride or nitrate depending on the origin
Cu and Impurities
of the ore
PLS Pond
However, the accumulation of some other
impurities like aluminum and magnesium Raffinate with
Impurities Raffinate
can increase the PLS viscosities. Under these SX
conditions poor physical behaviors may occur,
including increased entrainment and/or reduced
stage efficiency.
Copper Cathode

The typical PLS viscosity in Chilean solvent Figure 1 shows the impurities balance scheme.
extraction operations is between 1.0 and 3.0 cPs. Eventually an equilibrium is reached when the
However approximately 20% of operations have dissolving of impurities in the heap is in balance
viscosities significantly higher than 3.0 cPs. with the precipitation of impurities.

Studies were conducted to evaluate impact of PLS Aluminum and magnesium are two of the common
viscosity on Cu extraction stage efficiency and impurities which tend to build-up within the PLS
phase disengagement. contributing to higher viscosities.

Figure 2 shows aluminum and magnesium

PLS Impurities and Viscosity Data concentrations in the PLS from Chilean operations.

During the leaching process a number of elements Figure 2

other than copper also leach. Depending on the Al, Mg in PLS for Chilean operations
water balance and solubility limits, the build-up of
these impurities can vary greatly. Concentration of Aluminium and Magnesium in PLS
Chilean Plants



Concentration (gpl)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Al SX Plants Mg
The Impact of PLS Viscosity
on Solvent Extraction 9

Figure 3 shows PLS viscosity data for a number of As shown, Al and Mg have the greatest impact
the operations. while iron addition had limited affect on viscosity.

Figure 3
Viscosities in PLS for Chilean Operations Stage Efficiency
Pregnant Leach Solution Viscosity
Chilean Plants
To assess the impact of PLS viscosity on mixer

efficiency kinetics curves were generated for
8.0 various aqueous solutions. Each aqueous solution
was prepared by diluting a real leach liquor sample
Viscosity, cP


5.0 (one with a high content of impurities) with


water and then adjusting Cu and pH to the same
2.0 original values. These solutions were mixed with a
20 Vol % ACORGA® M5640 solution at a mixer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 speed of 600 rpm, under organic continuity at
SX Plants
room temperature. The copper transfer rate data
was used to estimate stage efficiency assuming
Synthetic solutions were prepared containing Cu, three stage mixing, each with one minute
Cu/Fe, Cu/Fe/Al, Cu/Fe/Mg and Cu/Fe/Al/Mg. retention time. The results of this analysis are
These solutions contained Cu=6 gpl, Fe=10 gpl, shown in Table 1.
Al=15 gpl and Mg=15 gpl. The pH of each solution
was adjusted with sulfuric acid to 2.35 and the Table 1
viscosity of each was measured and compared to Aqueous Viscosity and Calculated Stage Efficiency
the solution containing all four metals.
8BUFS Aqueous 4UBHF
Figure 4 shows the percentage contribution of Dilution, % Viscosities, cP Efficiency, %
each element/combination to the total viscosity. 0 7.8 91.6
25 4.2 94.1
Figure 4 50 2.8 95.6
Impact of Cu, Fe, Al and Mg on Viscosity
75 1.7 98.3
Impact of Impurities on PLS Viscosity
Synthetic solution, Cu 6 gpl, Fe, 10 gpl, Al 15 gpl, Mg 15 gpl
100 As shown, the stage efficiency would be expected

to vary from 91.6% to 98.3% dependent on the
aqueous viscosity.
Contribution on viscosity, %








Cu Cu/Fe Cu/Fe/Al Cu/Fe/Mg Cu/Fe/Al/Mg
The Impact of PLS Viscosity
10 on Solvent Extraction

The impact of stage efficiency on copper recovery As shown PLS viscosity has a direct impact on
was modeled for a 2E+1S circuit. The results are phase disengagement time, this effect is especially
shown in the Figure 5 below. apparent under aqueous continuity.

Figure 5 The physical behavior was studied more in depth

Stage Efficiency vs. Cu Recovery in a piloting run.

Stage Efficiency vs. Copper Recovery

2E+1S M5640 20 Vol%, PLS=7 gpl Cu, pH 2, LE=38 gpl Cu, 190 gpl
Piloting Studies
90 A pilot trial was run in a 2E+1S configuration
85 utilizing 100 ml/min flow rates. The PLS was
80 adjusted with 0%, 25% and 50% dilution (Cu
and pH adjusted to original values).
70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Extract Stage Efficiency %
Table 2
Piloting Conditions

As shown the improvement in stage efficiency Circuit Configuration 2+1

from 91% to 98% could lead to a 5% higher Run Time per Test hour 16
copper recovery under the conditions tested. 4QFDJGJD4FUUFS'MPX m3IS N2 1.54
Mixer Retention Time sec 184
Phase Disengagement (PD) 3FBHFOU 20 Vol% M5640
Viscosity of PLS 1 cP 7.81
Phase disengagement tests, under both organic Viscosity of PLS 2 cP 4.21
and aqueous continuity, were completed using Viscosity of PLS 3 cP 2.79
the adjusted PLS solutions. The results are shown
in Figure 6. Figure 7
Pilot Plant Pictures
Figure 6
Phase Disengagement Times Versus PLS Viscosity

Phase Disengagement Time

PLS 1 (7.81 cP) PLS 2 (4.21 cP) PLS 3 (2.80 cP) PLS 4 (1.69 cP)

Org. Cont. Aq. Cont.

The Impact of PLS Viscosity
on Solvent Extraction 11

Figure 8 High aqueous solution viscosity may result in:

Pilot Plant Pictures
t Increased dispersion band depths
t Increased A in O entrainment
t Longer phase disengagement times,
particularly under aqueous continuity
t Reduced stage efficiency
t Decreased copper transfer and recovery
t Increased cost to operate

The viscosity of the PLS should be monitored

continuously due to potential impacts on SX
performance. This is especially important for plant
start-up and until a steady state is reached.
Table 3 shows the piloting results for each aqueous
solution. The high PLS viscosity resulted in
significantly larger dispersion bands, and higher A
in O entrainment verses the diluted PLS feeds.

Table 3
Piloting Results

Test Units Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

Viscosity of PLS cP 7.81 4.21 2.79
&YUSBDU0"3BUJP 0.81 0.86 0.91
.JYFS5FNQFSBUVSF&4UBHF °C 25.6 24.9 25.1
%JTQFSTJPO#BOE&4UBHF mm 17.8 2.8 1
&OUSBJONFOU"JO0&4UBHF ppm 71.3 24.2 5.2

Conclusions and Recommendations

In the Latin American region, PLS viscosities

under 3 cPs are common, however there are
a number of operations with viscosity values
significantly higher due to the build-up of
impurities (primarily Al and Mg).
Low pH Pyrite Flotation Collector
12 Development Program

Peter Riccio4UBNGPSE $5

Introduction Experimental Test Procedures

At an established Cytec customer site, low pyrite Table 1

recovery has been an ongoing problem in the Flotation and Condition Times
flotation circuit since plant commissioning in late
2004. Sulfur recovery as an indirect measure of Unit Operation Time, (min)
pyrite was improved from 40% to 65% in mid- Conditioning 1 2
2005 when on site laboratory work confirmed
that AERO® 8045 promoter was a more effective
collector than AERO 407 promoter. However, Conditioning 2 2
sulfur recoveries above 65% could never be $PODFOUSBUF 6
achieved. The customer requested the Ian Wark
Research Institute[1] to complete a surface analysis Fresh plant pulp was taken every day from the
study using Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-ray flotation circuit feed, and diluted to 30% using
Photoelectron Spectroscopy, and Time-of-Flight plant process dilution water (pH 1-2) in a 20 liter
Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy to determine if pail. The pail was agitated using a Denver flotation
clay coated pyrite played a role. It was concluded machine so a 2.5 kg representative sample of
that the pyrite losses to the tail are made up of pulp could be cut for flotation testing. Flotation
a combination of coarse (+ 100um) liberated was done using a Denver flotation machine
particles and finer (-200um) particles that have operating at 1200 RPM's, using a 2.2 liter Denver
been coated by clay fines. The majority of the flotation cell. Flotation times can be seen in
losses appear to be due to the former. A series of Table 1. Collector and frother were added to the
diagnostic tests performed in the Cytec Stamford, conditioning stages as required using a micro
CT research facility using synthetic plant water syringe (neat) or a plastic syringe as a 1% solution.
showed that AERO 8045 was complexing with
metal ions in solution in the harsh, slimy, low The air valve was opened full during flotation. A
pH, environment. The complexed collector was thirty second induction time was allotted in order
unable to make pyrite hydrophobic, and float. The to build froth. Four scrapes (once around the
laboratory screening results showed that AERO cell) were pulled from the flotation cell every 10
3302, AERO 9863, and AERO XD102 would not seconds. Both concentrates were collected in one
complex with ferric, ferrous, or copper in solution, pan. The concentrate and tail were filtered, dried,
and therefore recover more sulfur (as pyrite). and assayed for copper, sulfur and iron.
Theses chemistries were then sent to the customer’s
site for laboratory flotation testing.
Objective Test results are reported in groups by day since
plant pulp was used for testing. At least one
The objective was to formulate a flotation collector standard test using AERO 8045 promoter was run
in the laboratory that will recover pyrite under each day in order to set a benchmark for the set.
harsh operating conditions, and increase sulfur
recovery above 75%.
Low pH Pyrite Flotation Collector
Development Program 13

Tests CY-1 to CY-4 Alternative Several replicates of AERO 8045 under the same
Collector Testing conditions were randomly completed over the
course of the day to determine baseline data
In the first block of tests, the objective was to and test reproducibility. All gave similar results,
determine which collector chemistries could be an recovering approximately 70% of the sulfur,
effective replacement for AERO 8045, and also 41% to 45% of the iron, and 65% to 67% of the
to determine the effective dosage (see Table 2). copper (see Table 3).
AERO 8045 was tested at a high dose (168g/t)
so as to achieve the highest sulfur recovery. A The optimum dosage for AERO 3302 promoter
typical sulfur recovery of almost 63% was achieved is approximately 62g/t where 86% of the total
using AERO 8045. AERO 3302 was tested at less sulfur was recovered. Increasing the dose to
than half the dosage of AERO 8045 (53g/t) and 126g/t did not significantly increase recovery.
recovered 81% of the total sulfur. Almost 90% This is consistent with the previous day's work.
sulfur recovery was achieved when 82g/t of AERO This trend was also reflected in both iron and
3302 promoter was used. Increasing the dose to copper recoveries. All metal recoveries were
124g/t did not increase sulfur recovery. AERO substantially higher as compared to the AERO
3302 was identified as a potential formulation 8045 standard. The best metallurgy was achieved
component. A subsequent experimental design the using 81g/t AERO MX3048 promoter, which
following day was developed and completed using is a formulated collector containing AERO
AERO 3302 as the formulation base. 3302 and AERO XD102. AERO XD102 was
identified in the screening phase, and being
robust in the harsh flotation environment.
CY-6 to CY-14 Baseline Development AERO MX3048 recovering 90% of the total
and Collector Blends sulfur, 62.7% iron. The performance of the other
formulations tested, AERO 9863 and Reagent
The objective of second experimental design was S-10291 were inferior to AERO MX3048. AERO
to develop a statistically significant AERO 8045 MX3048 was chosen for an industrial plant
baseline recovery using replicate testing. AERO trial and renamed AERO MX3048 promoter.
3302 formulations were also tested for comparison.

Table 2
AERO 3302 Dosage Study, Sulfur Recoveries

Test No Collector Collector Dose, g/t Recovery,% S Grade, % S Calc Head, % S

CY-1 AERO 8045 168 62.61 22.50 9.92
CY-4 AERO 3302 53 81.39 30.00 10.87
CY-2 AERO 3302 82 89.97 28.10 11.24
CY-3 AERO 3302 124 89.08 27.30 10.45
Low pH Pyrite Flotation Collector
14 Development Program

Table 3
Dosage and Blend Study

Test No Product Collector Dose, Recovery, Grade, Calc Head, Recovery, Recovery,
g/t %S %S %S % Fe % Cu

CY-7 AERO 8045 141 70.31 20.57 8.74 41.40 67.05

CY-9 AERO 8045 138 70.84 19.68 9.04 42.39 66.74
CY-13 AERO 8045 143 69.22 18.98 9.07 45.42 65.83
CY-12 AERO MX3048 81 90.14 23.62 10.14 62.67 79.72
CY-8 AERO 9863 83 67.51 25.51 8.93 35.27 55.90
CY-10 S-10291 84 80.79 27.61 9.93 49.65 71.98
CY-14 AERO 3302 62 86.60 24.16 9.17 55.75 75.47
CY-6 AERO 3302 86 87.43 26.61 9.63 54.05 74.42
CY-11 AERO 3302 126 86.27 21.33 9.50 60.29 76.22

Industrial Plant Trial Using AERO Half hourly spot samples of the head, tail and final
MX3048 Promoter concentrate were collected as a cross-check with
the plant samples. The sulfur grades in the final
A plant trial quantity of AERO MX3048 tail were quite similar between the plant and spot
promoter was purchased by the customer as samples, reading between 2.2% to 3.2% sulfur.
the product proved to be very effective under
controlled laboratory conditions.
The full plant trial ran for 7 days. Sulfur recovery
ranged from 43% sulfur to 73% sulfur. The The AERO MX3048 promoter trial proved that
scavenger tail grade was lower than the previous the product was successful in reducing sulfur in
day and ranged between 2.4% sulfur to 2.9% the final tails in a low pH, and high dissolved
sulfur. Sulfur Head grade ranged from 3.5% sulfur metal ion pulp. The product also improved total
to 6.1% sulfur. The final concentrate grade was sulfur recovery without the loss of sulfur grade.
not affected with the increase in recovery. Frother In addition, the frother requirements dropped
was turned off the fourth day of the trial which substantially.
was a significant cost savings. The froth was richly
mineralized in both the rougher and cleaner t There was a significant decline in the tail
concentrate. The final concentrate storage tank profile from surveys with the use of AERO
was full, (>92%) and the pyrite filter press needed MX3048. Previous tail profile shows minimal
to be operated so that the extra pyrite could be change in tail grade across the rougher/
stored on a stock pile for use at a later date. This is scavenger cells.
the first time since commissioning that circuit has
performed well, even though the sulfur feed grade t Minimal change in final grade was noticed
was relatively low (2% sulfur). with the increase in recovery.
Low pH Pyrite Flotation Collector
Development Program 15

t Further reduction in tail could be achieved References

by operating at higher pulp levels in all the
rougher and scavenger cells. 1. Bassell, Chris, Kawashima, Nobuyuki, Lewis,
Andrew, Newell, Ray, Ian Wark Research
t The use of stage dosing across all rougher Institute"Surface Analysis and pyrite flotation"
and scavenger cells, except for the last cell, Report to Lane
especially with the new promoter proved to be Xang Minerals (Laos), April 2006.
beneficial in reducing recovery.

t There is a step change reduction in the tail

grade for sulfur from the addition of the
new promoter and also through operating
adjustments made to the float circuit.

t The feed grade was low towards the end,

hovering at 6% sulfur. However that did not
affect the performance of the float plant as it
normally would. Both concentrate tank level
and density were high.

t The final concentrate grade remained very

consistent at above 50% sulfur with various
head grade and recoveries.

t AERO MX3048 promoter trial proved that

the promoter was successful in reducing the
tail grade step wise, thereby improving the
overall sulfur recovery.

t Further trials involving stage dosing will be

beneficial in reducing further the tail grade
and improve sulfur recovery.

t Further adjustments and fine tuning on the

operating conditions of the float circuit (i.e.
froth level, pull rates and density, and possibly
desliming) is likely to improve sulfur recovery.

t Addition of frother was stopped after the

fourth day of the trial. AERO MX3048
appears to provide some frothing
Use of AEROPHINE® 3418A Promoter
16 for Sulfide Minerals Flotation

Phillip Mingione4UBNGPSE $5

AEROPHINE® 3418A is a unique sulfide mineral and those with xanthogen groups. Some of
promoter produced by Cytec, based on phosphine the advantages ultimately demonstrated by
(PH3) chemistry. It has proven effective as a AEROPHINE 3418A promoter compared to these
collector for the sulfide minerals of copper and traditional collectors include:
particularly lead (galena), as well as for secondary
gold and silver values. AEROPHINE 3418A has t Improved selectivities and recoveries in base
widest application as a Cu and/or Pb collector metals flotation, particularly with complex
for complex ores of Cu-Zn and Pb-Zn, which polymetallic ores.
frequently have significant quantities of associated t Increased recoveries of precious metals
precious metal values. Advantages shown in associated with base metal ores.
the use of AEROPHINE 3418A are improved t Greater selectivity against iron-sulfide gangue
selectivities against Zn- and Fe-sulfides, increased minerals.
precious metals recoveries, reduced total collector t Rapid flotation kinetics.
consumptions for Cu and/or Pb flotation, and t Decreased collector consumption.
increased flotation kinetics leading to higher
recoveries of these values. Operating plant, pilot A further advantage observed in operating
plant and laboratory test data from treating plants, but difficult to quantify, is very stable
different ores are presented, demonstrating the flotation circuit operation. This characteristic of
advantages in use and preferred application of AEROPHINE 3418A facilitates the optimization
AEROPHINE 3418A. of circuit performance, particularly by computer
control, and enables treatment of variable feeds
with predictability.

Cytec operates the only phosphine and Application Ore Types

phosphine derivatives plant in North America,
located in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Specialty AEROPHINE 3418A has found widest
chemicals manufactured at this facility are used application in flotation of copper- and lead-sulfide
in many diverse applications, including solvent minerals, particularly where these are found in
extraction reagents. A unique phosphine-based complex sulfide ores containing sphalerite zinc
sulfide mineral promoter, AEROPHINE 3418A, mineralization, and ores with high levels of pyrite
is also produced in this facility. and/or pyrrhotite. These ore types frequently
contain secondary gold and/or silver values,
The origins of AEROPHINE 3418A promoter the recovery of which can have a significant
date back to the 1960's, when it was established economic impact on the profitability of an
that sulfide mineral collectors based on operating plant whose primary products are base
phosphine chemistry demonstrated efficacy. This metal concentrates. AEROPHINE 3418A has a
new collector chemistry was found to provide particular affinity toward silver and silver-sulfides.
flotation performance differing significantly It is also in use to treat porphyry copper ores
from those of more traditional thiol collector where copper is the only base metal recovered,
chemistries such as xanthates, dithiophosphates, and has been used as collector for the recovery of
mercaptobenzothiazoles, thionocarbamates Ag-jarosites. Test work has given indications that
Use of AEROPHINE® 3418A Promoter
for Sulfide Minerals Flotation 17

nickel-bearing sulfide minerals are also If a visual assessment of this first flotation stage
amenable to treatment using AEROPHINE is favorable, a second addition of AEROPHINE
3418A as collector. 3418A should be made at about 25% of the
currently used collector dosage. The concentrate
Laboratory testing in the zinc flotation stage from this second flotation stage should be kept
with some ores has given indications that separate from the first. If a visual assessment
AEROPHINE 3418A may be effective as an seems to indicate more collector is required, a
activated sphalerite collector. The results when third flotation stage should be carried out in a
using AEROPHINE 3418A promoter as an like manner to the second stage, keeping this
activated sphalerite collector, generally have not concentrate separate from the others.
as frequently shown the advantages more typically
seen of its application to copper, lead and precious If, on the other hand, the first flotation stage
metals flotation stages. The reasons for this are not appears to be non-selective and pulls too much
clear, but are thought in part to be related to the weight, another test should be made with an initial
stoichiometry of Fe within the sphalerite crystal AEROPHINE 3418A promoter dosage no more
lattice. Nevertheless, use of AEROPHINE 3418A than 20-25% that of the normal collector dosage.
in a zinc flotation circuit should not be discounted. Subsequent flotation stage collector additions can
then be made with AEROPHINE 3418A dosages
10-15% that of the standard collector dosage.
Application and Evaluation Techniques
If AEROPHINE 3418A is suited to treating the
There are two basic tenets to follow for proper ore under evaluation, its flotation performance will
evaluation of the potential metallurgical benefits generally be characterized by a heavily mineralized
AEROPHINE 3418A may provide: 1) use staged froth and fast flotation kinetics. If too much
additions of AEROPHINE 3418A for optimum AEROPHINE 3418A is added to the head of
selectivity and control, and 2) use AEROPHINE flotation, the froth may be so heavily mineralized
3418A as the sole collector. Adherence to these two that it will collapse on itself and be difficult to
tenets is strongly recommended. remove from the flotation cell. If more frother
is used to help move the froth off the cell, it is
AEROPHINE 3418A can be a very powerful possible to encounter an overfrothing condition
collector. For initial evaluations on ore presently further along the rougher/scavenger flotation
being treated,the first addition of AEROPHINE stages. Staged additions of AEROPHINE 3418A
3418A promoter should be made at approximately alleviate these conditions.
50% of the dosage of the current collector dosage
in use. The concentrate from this flotation stage AEROPHINE 3418A generally displays little
should be kept for assay, separate from any or no frothing properties. At times this has
subsequent concentrates produced. The preferred required an increase in frother dosage when using
first addition point for AEROPHINE 3418A is to AEROPHINE 3418A as a collector, compared to
a 0.5-3 minute conditioning stage before flotation. the frother dosage required with a collector having
Determining the effects of AEROPHINE 3418A frothing properties. This has proven advantageous
addition to grinding can be reserved for later stages in some plants, as it tends to separate the function
of the investigation. of collector from that of the frother. Optimum
Use of AEROPHINE® 3418A Promoter
18 for Sulfide Minerals Flotation

circuit frothing control can then be more readily recovery,and Zn recovery to the Pb concentrate vs.
achieved by frother dosage alone, without Pb recovery. This will help provide a clear picture
complications of additional frothing contributed of where Ag and Zn are reporting in relation to
by the collector. Alcohol frothers, such as MIBC, some comparative unit recovery of the primary
are generally preferred for best results, although metal being recovered. Under such evaluation,
a number of plants using AEROPHINE 3418A the use of AEROPHINE 3418A promoter
as a collector utilize a glycol-based frother. Staged frequently has demonstrated a greater recovery
addition of frother, with AEROPHINE 3418A of Ag and/or greater rejection of Zn at some
as a collector, is widely practiced. This same established level of Pb recovery, when compared
practice generally applies to laboratory testing. to the same level of Pb recovery provided by a
different collector system.
Having assay results in hand from the flotation
experiments conducted, the metallurgical data Of course, the mineralogical associations of the
will require evaluation. Particularly when dealing metals in question will have a large influence on
with Cu-Zn or Pb-Zn ores, very frequently the attainable metallurgical results, i.e., a selective
containing Au and/or Ag values, certain increase in Ag recovery or decrease in Zn recovery
evaluation techniques tend to best establish and at comparable Pb recoveries. If, for example,
highlight the performance characteristics of additional Ag recovery can only be obtained as
AEROPHINE 3418A. Ag associated with sphalerite or pyrite, it will not
be possible to demonstrate a selective increase in
Take as an example, a Pb-Ag-Zn ore where a Ag recovery to the Pb concentrate through the
majority of recoverable Ag reports to the Pb use of different collectors. Increased selectivities
concentrate. Assume that AEROPHINE 3418A against sphalerite or pyrite may actually result in a
is being evaluated as the Pb circuit collector for decrease in Ag recovery to Pb concentrate; this in
comparison to some standard collector normally spite of equal or improved Pb recoveries or grades
used to treat this ore. The widely used technique when using AEROPHINE 3418A promoter as
of graphing the cumulative concentrate grades the Pb circuit collector. If this situation exists,
(%Pb) vs. cumulative Pb recoveries provided by it is suggested that Ag recoveries be compared
the different collector systems tested is always a to the sum of Pb plus Zn recoveries, plus Fe
good basis for initial comparisons. Very often the recoveries if found to be significantly influential.
use of AEROPHINE 3418A will demonstrate an In this manner, a Pb collector which undesirably
advantage at this level of evaluation,compared to recovers sphalerite and pyrite, thereby seeming to
other collectors. produce higher Ag recoveries to Pb concentrate,
may be shown as not offering any real advantage
Since the example ore contains three different compared to the more elective collector. The
metals of economic importance, and since the plant's metallurgical objectives would define what
distribution of these metals within the concentrates constitutes an advantage.
produced has an impact on the overall economic
return, evaluation of flotation test data should be Figure 1 demonstrates data evaluation from the
carried out further. use of AEROPHINE 3418A as the Pb collector
applied to a Pb-Zn ore,compared to usage of
In this instance, it would be very informative to the standard sodium isopropyl xanthate (SIPX)
plot Ag recovery to the Pb concentrate vs. Pb collector. In this example Zn recovery to the Pb
Use of AEROPHINE® 3418A Promoter
for Sulfide Minerals Flotation 19

concentrate is compared to the Pb recovery. It applying AEROPHINE 3418A to a wide variety

can be seen that the use of 35 g/t AEROPHINE of ores principally for Cu and Pb flotation. If
3418A could reject an additional 2% of the Zn, AEROPHINE 3418A is suited to treating an ore,
compared to the usage of the standard 45 g/t the preponderance of data in hand indicates it
SIPX collector, when the data are evaluated at the will perform best generally when used as the sole
final Pb recovery produced by SIPX. This offers collector in the circuit to which it is being applied.
the distinct advantage of sending more Zn to the The conjunctive use of AEROPHINE 3418A
Zn circuit for recovery. At the same time, there is promoter with differing collectors may have
indication that the use of AEROPHINE 3418A undesirable effects on the flotation performance
can provide additional Pb recovery. When this data provided by AEROPHINE 3418A.
was originally evaluated as % Pb concentrate grade
vs. Pb recovery, an advantage was noted for the Every "rule" has its exceptions, however, and there
use of AEROPHINE 3418A, as well. The greater are a number of plants presently treating Cu-Zn
metallurgical advantage of improved Zn rejection ores, using AEROPHINE 3418A promoter and
was not, however, readily apparent until the data a dithiophosphate in the Cu flotation circuit.
were evaluated as described. Generally there are significant precious metals
values and secondary copper mineralization
Figure 1 associated with chalcopyrite at these plants.
Polymetallic Ore Data Evaluation The use of a dithiophosphate as a secondary
collector with AEROPHINE 3418A promoter
in these Cu flotation circuits has been shown to
35g/t AEROPHINE 3418A
45g/t SIPX offer a metallurgical advantage. It has first been
necessary to establish the flotation performance
of AEROPHINE 3418A as the sole collector,
so as to eliminate any undesirable effects which
a secondary collector potentially may exert on
Pb % Recovery

the flotation system. In these circumstances the
conjunctive use of AEROPHINE 3418A promoter
with a dithiophosphate collector has been shown
84 to be an acceptable collector combination, without
negative impact on the resulting metallurgy.
82 Other thiol type collectors may demonstrate
suitability as secondary collectors with
80 AEROPHINE 3418A, as well.

78 The conjunctive use of xanthates with

14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
AEROPHINE 3418A promoter, for Cu or Pb
Zn % Recovery to Pb Conc. flotation, is very strongly discouraged. There
is overwhelming data to show that such joint
The second tenet to follow when evaluating the reagent usage diminishes the benefits provided
performance of AEROPHINE 3418A is to test it by the AEROPHINE 3418A. The resulting
completely on its own. This advice is based upon metallurgy from the conjunctive use of xanthates
Use of AEROPHINE® 3418A Promoter
20 for Sulfide Minerals Flotation

and AEROPHINE 3418A will trend toward that Figure 2

provided by xanthates used alone or, in some cases, Xanthate Antagonism Pb/Zn Ore – Pb Flotation
inferior metallurgy. Particularly where xanthate is
already in use for Cu or Pb flotation, the urge to
initially evaluate AEROPHINE 3418A as a partial 92
replacement for the xanthate should be resisted.
In these circumstances, proper assessment of the
metallurgical benefits which AEROPHINE 3418A 88
is capable of providing can only be made when

Pb % Recovery
AEROPHINE 3418A is tested as the sole collector.

An example of the antagonistic effect of xanthate, 82

used conjunctively with AEROPHINE 3418A,
is shown in Figure 2. This is an example of Pb 80

flotation on a Pb-Zn ore. Collector dosages used 78

were 60 g/t. From Figure 2 it can be seen that
AEROPHINE 3418A promoter used on its own
provided superior selectivity against Zn compared 74 75:25 AEROPHINE
to the use of xanthate. When a combined dosage 3418A/Xanthate
of 75% AEROPHINE 3418A and 25% xanthate
18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
was used, the resulting selectivity against Zn was
about the same as with xanthate used alone. Note Zn % Recovery to Pb Conc.
also that total Pb recovery is lower than with
either AEROPHINE 3418A or xanthate used on Table 1
their own. Xanthate Antagonism AEROPHINE 3418A
Another example of xanthate antagonism of the
performance of AEROPHINE 3418A is given in Relative Dosage Assays-% Cu
Table 1. These are plant operating data from trial SIPX AEROPHINE 'FFE Conc. 5BJMT % Rec.
periods of AEROPHINE 3418A in a plant treating
1.00 0 1.84 2702 0.20 89.79
a porphyry copper ore. The standard plant collector
0.67 0.33 2.17 2408 0.24 89.81
was sodium isopropyl xanthate (SIPX). The data
0.50 0.50 1.94 28.7 0.21 89.83
given are each one week averages under the reagent
conditions indicated. 0 0.43 2.07 27.1 0.19 91.46

At the initial introduction of AEROPHINE 3418A and AEROPHINE 3418A dosages were equalized,
promoter into the flotation circuit, a conservative without any significant benefit resulting. When the
approach was taken where the AEROPHINE use of SIPX was eliminated, and AEROPHINE
3418A replaced 33% of the normal SIPX dosage. 3418A promoter was used as the sole collector
From the data in Table 1 it can be seen this at 43%of the normal SIPX dosage rate, a
collector combination performed no better than significant improvement in metallurgy was noted.
when SIPX was used alone. Subsequently the SIPX AEROPHINE 3418A has since been adopted as
Use of AEROPHINE® 3418A Promoter
for Sulfide Minerals Flotation 21

the collector at this plant, used without any other Figures 3, 4 & 5
collector type. The dosage of AEROPHINE 3418A Laboratory Dosage Selectivity Phenomenon
has ultimately been optimized at 10% of the
former xanthate consumption. Pb/Zn Ore – Pb Flotation
42g/t AEROPHINE 3418A
96 60g/t AEROPHINE 3418A
In plant applications it may be possible to use a
low xanthate dosage toward the end of Cu or Pb
flotation, where little or no xanthate would be

Cu % Recovery
recycled to the head of rougher flotation. This
possibility can exist where it is desired to recover
principally iron-sulfide minerals, bearing precious 91

metals or small amounts of the primary metal, 90

into a low grade scavenger concentrate. The only 89

area of application where the use of xanthate with 88

AEROPHINE 3418A can be recommended is for 87

18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
activated sphalerite flotation. AEROPHINE 3418A Zn % Recovery to Cu Conc.
generally has not demonstrated advantages in use
as the sole collector for sphalerite as frequently Pyrrhotitic Cu Ore
as it has for the flotation of copper minerals and 30g/t AEROPHINE 3418A
85 35g/t AEROPHINE 3418A
galena. As mentioned previously, this is thought 40g/t AEROPHINE 3418A

to be due to the stoichiometry of Fe within the 80

sphalerite crystal lattice. Use of a xanthate with

Cu % Recovery

AEROPHINE 3418A in Zn flotation has given
promising results with some ores. 70


A peculiar characteristic of AEROPHINE 3418A

promoter, seen only in laboratory flotation
investigations, is its tendency to sometimes 55

produce better selectivities with increasing dosages. 50

8 10 12 14 16 18 20
This phenomenon has been noted with a number % Cu Conc. Grade
of ores by different investigators. The reasons for
the occurrence of this phenomenon in laboratory Cu/Zn Ore – Cu Flotation
flotation are not known, but it is noteworthy that
it has not been observed in actual plant application.
There has, in fact, been a general tendency for
effective plant dosages of AEROPHINE 3418A
Cu % Recovery

promoter to be lower than what may have been
indicated in laboratory investigations. 92
7.5g/t AEROPHINE 3418A
91 10g/t AEROPHINE 3418A

Figure 3 demonstrates increased selectivity against 90

Zn with increased AEROPHINE 3418A dosage, 89

when applied to laboratory Pb flotation on a Pb- 88

Zn ore. 87
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Zn % Recovery to Cu Conc.
Use of AEROPHINE® 3418A Promoter
22 for Sulfide Minerals Flotation

Figure 4 demonstrates increasing selectivities Figure 6

with increasing AEROPHINE 3418A dosages Increased Au Recovery in Cu Flotation
when used for laboratory copper flotation. In
this example, the ore is a massive sulfide with 50g/t AEROPHINE 3418A
pyrrhotitegangue. The improved grades at higher 38 30g/t AEROPHINE 3418A

AEROPHINE 3418A dosages are due to increased 36

selectivity against the pyrrhotite.


Figure 5 shows the phenomenon when 32

Au % Recovery
AEROPHINE 3418A was applied to laboratory 30

copper flotation on a Cu-Zn ore. The increased 28

selectivity against Zn is evident at the higher
AEROPHINE 3418A dosage.

As stated previously, this peculiar trait of 22

AEROPHINE 3418A promoter to sometimes

demonstrate better selectivity when used at higher
dosages seems limited to laboratory testing only. 18

The information is provided solely for the purpose 16

of preparing the flotation investigator, should he or 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92

Cu % Recovery
she encounter this phenomenon in a laboratory
test program.
Figure 7
Selectivity in Cu Flotation
Advantages in Use
50g/t SIPX
The following example highlights the advantages 90 30g/t AEROPHINE 3418A

which the use of AEROPHINE 3418A can provide. 88


Example 84
Cu % Recovery

A laboratory flotation investigation was carried
out on a massive sulfide ore containing 0.67% 80

Cu and 0.7 g/t Au. The principal gangue sulfide 78

mineral was pyrrhotite which carried about half
the Au values. 76


Using a coarse feed granulometry of 50% minus

200 mesh, comparative testing of a variety of
different collectors established AEROPHINE 70

3418A promoter as providing the best combination 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

% Cu Conc. Grade
Use of AEROPHINE® 3418A Promoter
for Sulfide Minerals Flotation 23

of Cu and Au recoveries, and selectivity against to more traditional thiol type collectors. The
pyrrhotite. These benefits are illustrated in Figures unique flotation performance characteristics of
6 and 7. AEROPHINE 3418A can best be realized when
AEROPHINE 3418A is evaluated according to
Figure 6 compares Cu vs. Au recoveries for a recommended application techniques.
test made using 30 g/t AEROPHINE 3418A
and another made using 50g/t SIPX, both
with a flotation pH 10.1. Both tests produced
Cu recoveries of 90-91%. The test made with
AEROPHINE 3418A, however, recovered
significantly more Au per unit of Cu recovery than
did the test with SIPX. The use of AEROPHINE
3418A promoter also demonstrated improved
concentrate grades, illustrated in Figure 7,
compared to those produced by SIPX. This
was principally due to better selectivity against

Since a large portion of Au contained in the ore is

associated with the pyrrhotite, yet AEROPHINE
3418A promoter was shown to be more selective
against pyrrhotite than SIPX, the increased Au
recovery produced by AEROPHINE 3418A is
attributed to improved recovery of some portion of
Au existing in a liberated state.


AEROPHINE 3418A is a unique sulfide mineral

promoter, based on phosphine chemistry. It has
found widest application for flotation of copper-
sulfides and galena, particularly where these are
found in complex polymetallic ores containing
sphalerite, and ores with high levels of pyrite and/
or pyrrhotite. Use of AEROPHINE 3418A has
demonstrated improved recoveries of base metals
and associated precious metals, with excellent
selectivity characteristics against iron-sulfide
gangue minerals and depressed sphalerite. Other
advantages seen in use are rapid flotation kinetics,
and decreased collector consumption compared
New Flocculants for Improved
24 Processing of High Silica Bauxite

Qi Dai, Matt Davis4UBNGPSE $5 Ruzi Zhang4IBOHIBJ $IJOB

Introduction particles of DSP and these other phases can have

a negative impact on overflow clarity, overflow
An important element in the production of filtration, mud settling and compaction[5, 6]
alumina from bauxite is an effective solid-liquid which cannot be overcome by using conventional
separation in gravity thickeners to generate sodium flocculants and often result in flow cuts. Therefore
aluminate liquor containing low amounts of Cytec Industries has responded to the need for
suspended solids. This process relies heavily on further improvements in flocculant technology
synthetic flocculants that are introduced to the to meet the challenges put forth by the industry’s
slurry feed to enhance the aggregation of red mud increased utilization of low quality bauxite ores.
particles and accelerate the settling of the red mud.
Over the years, new reagents have been developed This paper highlights a new family of polymers
to improve this separation, which include the high incorporating silane functionality that show
molecular weight polyacrylates and hydroxamated improved flocculation of suspended silicate
polyacrylamides that are routinely used today[1, 2]. and titanate solids in the Bayer process[7].
The development of these reagents and the
Despite their widespread utility, these flocculants corresponding performance on slurries generated
are not always able to deal with the settling from processing high silica gibbsitic bauxite has
problems brought on by the decreasing quality been discussed elsewhere[8]. This publication
of bauxite. One such example is with increasing represents an extension of this technology
reactive silica levels in the bauxite. In the Bayer to settler and washer applications at plants
process, silica and silicate minerals (mainly processing high silica diasporic bauxite (with
kaolinite) react with caustic liquor to form sodalite and without sweetening with gibbsitic bauxite),
or DSP (desilication products) particles having a subject particularly applicable to the alumina
the general formula 3(Na20t"M2O3t4J02t industry in China. Data from laboratory settling
t/B2X, where X is an anionic species experiments demonstrating the performance
such as OH-, Cl-, CO23- or SO42- [3]. The 2-step of these polymers on slurry from representative
reaction is thought to proceed according to the Bayer refineries are presented.
following chemical reactions[3, 4]:

3 Al2Si2O5(OH)4 + 18 NaOHȺ Experimental

6 Na2SiO3 + 6 NaAl(OH)4 + 3 H2O (1)
The performance of the new flocculant was tested
6 Na2SiO3 + 6 NaAl(OH)4 + Na2X Ⱥ on red mud slurries collected on-site at a number
of alumina refineries. The data from static cylinder
Na6[Al6Si6O24>t/B2X + 12 NaOH + 6 H2O (2)
tests were used to compare results obtained from
the use of the new silane-containing polymers to
Additional species can accompany DSP in the
those using only a polyacrylate flocculant.
mud depending upon factors such as liquor
chemistry and impurity mineral phases present
On-site evaluation of new reagents at several
in the bauxite. These phases include calcium
refineries was conducted by obtaining thickener
aluminosilicates, calcium silicates, titanium
feed and transferring to 500 ml graduated
dioxide and calcium titanate. The presence of fine
cylinders to conduct laboratory settling tests.
New Flocculants for Improved
Processing of High Silica Bauxite 25

For experiments evaluating the performance in settling rate results, along with the supernatant
the washers, appropriate ratios of overflow and turbidity on the secondary axis, are displayed
underflow were combined to yield representative in Figure 1.
slurries. To account for variation between batches,
measurement of slurry solids and liquor analysis Figure 1
were performed on at least two cylinders per batch. Settling Rate (diamonds) and Supernatant Turbidity
(triangles) Data As a Function of CYFLOC SA
In all experiments, the polyacrylate flocculant Dose When Dosed to Slurry Obtained While
was added to the slurry using a single addition, Processing Diasporic Bauxite. In all experiments, the
followed by 5 gentle mixing strokes of a polyacrylate dose was held constant at 522 g/ton.
perforated plunger. In experiments evaluating the
developmental product CYFLOC™ SA settling 10 350

Supernatant Turbidity (NTU)

aid (one of the new flocculants), the polymer 8

was dosed prior to the standard addition of the 250

Settling Rate (m/hr)

6 200
polyacrylate as described above. A polyacrylate
flocculant dose was chosen to achieve settling 4
rates representative of the plant, which were 2
Settling Rate 50
calculated by timing the descent of the mud Turbidity
0 0
interface, and these experiments were treated as 0 75 150 225 300 375 450
the control. After flocculant addition and mixing CYFLOC SA Dose (g/ton)
were complete, the cylinders were left in a water
bath for a fixed time, after which the supernatant
As seen in Figure 1, increasing the dose of
clarity was measured gravimetrically by filtering an
CYFLOC SA results in a doubling in settling
aliquot of the overflow liquor. When this was not
rate. This large improvement in settling rate is
possible, overflow clarity was determined with a
not accompanied with a significant change in the
supernatant turbidity.

The dose response of the same reagent, CYFLOC

Results and Discussion
SA, was investigated on plant slurry collected
from another Bayer refinery that was processing
The dose response of CYFLOC SA was
diasporic bauxite while sweetening with 10%
investigated on settler feed slurry at a Bayer
gibbsitic bauxite. The dosage of the polymer was
refinery that was processing diasporic bauxite with
varied between 0 and 481 g/ton which was added
an average reactive silica level of 13% and A/S
in combination with a fixed dosage of polyacrylate
(alumina to silica) ratio = 5. The dosage of the new
(154 g/ton). The settling rate and supernatant
polymer was varied between 0 and 408 g/T which
clarity results are displayed in Figure 2.
was added in combination with a fixed dosage of
polyacrylate flocculant (522 g/T). Mud solids were
measured to be 98 g/L. Because it was not possible
to measure supernatant solids gravimetrically, the
performance of the new polymer was assessed by
measuring the turbidity of the supernatant. The
New Flocculants for Improved
26 Processing of High Silica Bauxite

Figure 2 Figure 3
Settling Rate (diamonds) and Supernatant Turbidity Settling Rate (diamonds) and Supernatant Turbidity
(triangles) Data As a Function of CYFLOC SA (triangles) Data As a Function of CYFLOC SA Dose
Dose When Dosed to Slurry Obtained While When Dosed to Slurry Feed from the 2nd Washer.
Processing Diasporic Bauxite and Sweetening with In all experiments, the polyacrylate dose was held
10% Gibbsitic Bauxite. In all experiments, the constant at 120 g/ton.
polyacrylate dose was held constant at 154 g/ton.
10 250
16 5

Supernatant Turbidity (NTU)

8 200

Settling Rate (m/hr)

12 6 150
Settling Rate (m/hr)

O/F Clarity (g/L)

8 4 100
2 50
4 Settling Rate
1 Turbidity
Settling Rate 0 0
0 0 0 50 100 150
0 100 200 300 400 500 CYFLOC SA Dose (g/ton)
CYFLOC SA Dose (g/ton)

From the settling test data in Figure 3, it is

From the data in Figure 2, it is clear that addition apparent that CYFLOC SA can significantly
of the new polymer to red mud slurries results improve flocculation performance in washers,
in improved supernatant clarity compared to the resulting in faster settling rates and lower overflow
addition of conventional flocculants alone. This solids. The data from these experiments show
improvement in clarity was also accompanied by a settling rate more than double that which is
an improvement in settling rate, with observed obtained by the addition of polyacrylate alone.
increases up to 80%. These results illustrate the This is accompanied by a large reduction in the
applicability of this reagent to improve the settling supernatant turbidity.
performance of slurry when the plant is processing
high silica diasporic bauxite and practicing In the mining industry, the dual polymer
sweetening with gibbsitic bauxite. program is widely used, in which a low molecular
weight polymer is added first followed by a
During the course of our evaluations at Bayer high molecular weight polymer. The role of the
refineries, we also observed that improved low molecular weight polymer (often referred
performance in the mud washing circuit could to as coagulant) is to form small mud particle
be realized by the addition of CYFLOC SA. The aggregates which can subsequently be flocculated
dose response of the new polymer was established by the high molecular weight flocculant more
on feed to the 2nd washer of a Bayer refinery efficiently than the case of single polymer
processing high silica diasporic bauxite. The program. There is also a variety of choice of the
dosage of the polymer was varied between 0 and low molecular weight polymer; cationic, anionic,
111 g/ton which was added in combination with inorganic and organic[9]. However, in the Bayer
a fixed dosage of polyacrylate (120 g/ton). The process, flocculation of red mud is almost solely
settling rate and supernatant turbidity results are achieved by high molecular weight polymers with
displayed in Figure 3. occasional cases involving lime and dextran as
New Flocculants for Improved
Processing of High Silica Bauxite 27

flocculation aids. Attempts have been made in the 3. Whittington, B.I., Fletcher, B.L., and Talbot,
past to find or develop coagulant type of polymers C., The effect of reaction conditions on the
to aid red mud flocculation without much success. composition of desilication product (DSP)
This new polymer is the first of this kind that has formed under simulated Bayer conditions,
shown significant improvement in this area. Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 49, (1998), pp. 1-22.

4. Smith, P., The processing of high silica

Conclusions bauxites -- Review of existing and potential
processes, Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 98, (2009),
1. Laboratory results conducted with plant slurry pp. 162-176.
demonstrate the effectiveness of new silane-
containing polymers for improved flocculation 5. Peiwang, L., Zhijian, L., Yucai, L., Hailong,
of muds generated from processing high silica C., Fengling, W., and Hong, W., The
diasporic bauxite. influence of the predesilication temperature
of bauxite slurry on the sedimentation of red
2. A 2-3 time improvement in settling rate was mud and the utilization of which in alumina
observed on multiple substrates obtained production, Light Metals, (1994), pp. 133-
from different plants when CYFLOC SA was 136.
added in combination with a conventional
polyacrylate flocculant. 6. Li, S.-M., Ge, L.-Y., and Zeng, X.-Q., The
simulation experiment about silica to the
3. In most cases, this settling rate improvement settling of red mud separation process, Ziran
was also accompanied by a significant Kexueban, Vol. 36, No. 3 (2007), pp. 18-20.
improvement in overflow clarity by capturing
particles that would normally report to the 7. Dai, Q., Spitzer, D., Heitner, H.I., and Chen,
settler overflow. H.-L.T., Use of silicon-containing polymers
to improve red mud flocculation in the Bayer
4. CYFLOC SA was also shown to be effective at process, US Patent Application 2008/0257827
improving flocculation efficiency in the mud A1, (2008).
washing circuit.
8. Davis, M., Dai, Q., Chen, H.-L.T., and
Taylor, M., New Polymers for Improved
References Flocculation of High DSP-Containing Muds,
Light Metals, (2010), pp. 57-61.
1. Rothenberg, A.S., Spitzer, D.P., Lewellyn,
M.E., and Heitner, H.I., New reagents for 9. Heitner, H.I., Foster, T., and Panzer, H.P.,
alumina processing, Light Metals, (1989), "Mining Applications" (Encyclopedia of
pp. 91-96 Polymer Science and Engineering, 2nd Ed.,
Vol. 9, 1987), p. 824.
2. Ryles, R.G., and Avotins, P.V., "Superfloc®
HX*, a new technology for the alumina
industry" (4th International Alumina Quality
Workshop, Darwin, Northern Territory,
1996), pp. 206-216.
The Inhibition of Vishnevite Scale in Chinese
28 Refineries Using MAX HT® 550 Scale Inhibitor


Qi Dai, John Carr, Frank Kula, Jerome O’Keefe4UBNGPSE $5

Introduction scale instead of sodalite or cancrinite commonly

found in other regions. This difference originates
Silica present in bauxite dissolves under Bayer from the type of the bauxite and impurity minerals
alumina digestion conditions and subsequently associated with it. Most vishnevite scale is found
precipitates as a sodium aluminosilicate, in Chinese refineries which process domestic
“desilication product” (DSP). This precipitation diasporic bauxite. Some Chinese refineries process
occurs as scaling on the inside of the heat exchange imported gibbsitic bauxite, and evaporator scale in
tubes and causes significant loss of heat transfer. those refineries is exclusively sodalite (not shown
The impact of scale and options for dealing with in Table 1).
the scaling problem is well documented[1,2]. The
current method to clean the heater tubes is a Performance testing of MAX HT in China began
combination of acid and mechanical cleaning that with the first generation product in diasporic and
is unsatisfactory from an economical, safety, and gibbsitic bauxite refineries. Standard laboratory
efficiency perspective[3]. tests showed that the product performed well in
both refineries, achieving complete inhibition
In 2004, Cytec developed the MAX HT® of sodium aluminsilicate at expected dosages
technology to prevent the aluminosilicate (typically 15-40 ppm). The test work continued
scale growth in refinery evaporators and heat after the development of the second generation
exchangers[4]. Since then MAX HT has successfully MAX HT. More recently, we discovered that
eliminated the formation of sodalite scale under the second generation product is not only
various process conditions[2,3,5,6]. This technology more solids tolerant but also more effective in
was originally limited to double stream refineries, inhibiting vishnevite scale than the first generation
becoming ineffective at high solids (single stream) product. This paper presents the laboratory
and low solids conditions. A second generation results simulating the formation and inhibition of
product, MAX HT® 550, was developed that was vishnevite scale using both first generation MAX
shown to work more robustly at low solid levels HT and second generation (MAX HT 550) scale
encountered in some double stream refineries[7, 8]. inhibitors.

The effectiveness of MAX HT is influenced

by the type of scale (mineralogy) formed at a Vishnevite Scale
particular refinery. Development work focused on
inhibiting sodalite scale that is prevalent in many Chemically, sodium aluminosilicate scale is usually
Bayer plants. When scale other than sodalite is either sodalite or cancrinite, with cancrinite the
predominant, MAX HT technology may have predominant scale in higher temperature plants.
reduced effectiveness requiring increased dosages Vishnevite forms a solid solution series with
to inhibit scale formation. The tendency and type cancrinite in which the main substitution is
of aluminosilicate scale to form in a particular between CO3 and SO4. K+ incorporation may
refinery will depend on a wide variety of factors, also occur.
related primarily to the type of bauxite and process
conditions. Table 1 shows some characteristics of
the scales in various regions of the world. Chinese
refineries have been shown to form vishnevite type
The Inhibition of Vishnevite Scale in Chinese
Refineries Using MAX HT® 550 Scale Inhibitor 29

Table 1
Scales from Various Bayer Refineries in Different Regions

Wt% in scale
Plant Region/ Country Scale from Scale
A Europe &WBQPSBUPS $BODSJOJUF 3.8 0.5 0.05
C 4PVUI"NFSJDB -- 4PEBMJUF 1.5 0.7 0.3
G "TJB &WBQPSBUPS 1.7 0.04 0.04
* $IJOB &WBQPSBUPSTU&GG Vishnevite 7.8 10 0.05
+ $IJOB &WBQPSBUPS Vishnevite 6 16 3.5
, $IJOB &WBQPSBUPS Vishnevite 4 7 1
- $IJOB &WBQPSBUPS -- 4.56 3.17 0.26

*Chinese refineries processing diasporic bauxite

t Cancrinite (Na, Ca)7-8(Al6Si6O24) the chemistry of all evaporator scales is sodium

(CO3, SO4, Cl)1.2-2.0 1-5H2O aluminosilicate, vishnevite scale contains markedly
t Vishnevite (Na,Ca,K)6-7(Al6Si6O24) more SO3 and K2O than sodalite and cancrinite
(SO4, CO3, Cl)1.0-1.5 1-5H2O scales (Table 1).
t Sodalite Na8(Al6Si6O24) Cl
Domestic Chinese bauxite is predominantly
Structurally, sodalite has a roughly spherical unit diasporic, and has high amounts of clay minerals
cell of ca. 9Å and is isometric (cubic). Vishnevite including kaolinite, illite and pyrophyllite[9,10]. The
and cancrinite have rod like structures and unit preference of forming vishnevite scale over sodalite
cells of ca. 12.7 X 5.15 Å and are both hexagonal. and cancrinite is due to the impurity minerals in
All have very open structures and, as a result, low Chinese bauxite, especially illite and pyrite. As
densities that probably contribute to their ability described above, vishnevite forms when K
to lower heat exchanger efficiency. substitutes some Na and SO4- is incorporated as
anions in the crystal. Illite is the source of K+, and
Vishnevite scale is a unique type of aluminosilicate pyrite is the source of SO4-. The presence of SO4-
scale commonly found in evaporators in Chinese can promote the formation of vishnevite[11].
refineries processing domestic bauxite. While
The Inhibition of Vishnevite Scale in Chinese
30 Refineries Using MAX HT® 550 Scale Inhibitor

Methodology Figure 1 below shows initial synthetic attempts

at forming vishnevite scale in the laboratory by
Details of the laboratory scale inhibition test altering various liquor/digestion conditions.
can be found in[1,2]. The same method is used in
both the Cytec R&D laboratories and in alumina Figure 1
refinery laboratories. In the Cytec laboratories, XRD Spectrum of an Initial Attempt at Making
tests are performed primarily in synthetic Vishnevite Scale in the Laboratory
Bayer liquors containing 0.8 g/L SiO2, 45 g/L
[S20085-101C.raw] carbonate scale - 1ds1ss0.3mmrs
Al2O3, 160 g/L NaOH, 40 g/L Na2CO3 and 2500

20 g/L Na2SO4. The composition was designed 2000

to promote reasonable amount of sodalite

precipitation in the liquor in 16 hours. To
generate vishnevite solids, the formulation was
modified by substituting 50% NaOH replacement 500

with KOH (on a molar basis). Increasing Na2SO4 0

01-071-5356> Sodalite - Na8(Al6Si6O24)

above 20 g/L did not seem to promote the 01-070-8054> Quartz- Ơ- SiO2
01-086-1155> Anatase - Ti0.784O2
formation of vishnevite. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Two-Theta (deg)

The test method allows for a large number of tests

to be done rapidly with results that have proven Figures 2 and 3 show the effect of incorporating
to be predictive of performance. The amount increasing amounts of potassium hydroxide in the
of precipitated solids in each test is used as a synthetic liquor. Vishnevite scale was successfully
measure of inhibition performance; the less the formed followed by a phase that had higher degree
precipitation, the better the performance. of potassium cation substitution.

Figure 2
Analytical Characterization X-ray Diffraction Spectrum of a Laboratory
Prepared Vishnevite Scale with 25% NaOH
The major mineral phases associated with Replaced with KOH in the Liquor
synthetically prepared and Bayer plant scales were
determined by x-ray diffraction (XRD) using a [S20146-6-14raw.raw]
Rigaku Multiflex spectrometer. Elemental data 3500 00-046-1333> Vishnevite - Na8Al6Si6O24(SO4)-2H2O

were obtained via x-ray fluorescence (XRF) using



a Rigaku ZSX Primus II wavelength dispersive 2500

spectrometer. Vibrational spectroscopy was 2000

conducted at an outside laboratory with a Kaiser 1500

Holoprobe dispersive Raman spectrometer using
785nm laser excitation to confirm the presence of
vishnevite scale in synthetically prepared samples. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Two-Theta (deg)
The Inhibition of Vishnevite Scale in Chinese
Refineries Using MAX HT® 550 Scale Inhibitor 31

Figure 3 Results
X-ray Diffraction Spectrum of a Laboratory
Prepared Vishnevite Scale with 50% NaOH Synthetic Liquors
Replaced with KOH in the Liquor
Figure 5 compares the rate of sodalite
[S20146-65B.raw] scale from KOH - 1ds1ss0.3mmrs precipitation to that of vishnevite without
01-078-2203> Vishnevite - MAX HT addition. Vishnevite is formed by

replacing 50% of the NaOH with KOH (on
a molar basis). Vishnevite precipitates out at a
much slower rate than sodalite during the first
eight hours. Data from all other tests show
that at the end of the test (16 hours), the final
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 amount of precipitation reaches the same level
Two-Theta (deg)
of 0.22±0.01g/120 mL. This provides an equal
basis to evaluate MAX HT performance when
Raman analysis was also performed for the comparing sodalite and vishnevite inhibition.
synthetic sample to confirm the presence of
vishnevite scale. Although the sample produced Figure 5
a high fluorescence background masking some of Rate of Sodalite vs. Vishnevite Precipitation
the characteristic bands, the most intense band for without MAX HT
vishnevite is observable at 995 cm-1 (Figure 4).
‹ Sodalite (0% NaOH ‹
Figure 4 replacement)
Precipitation (g/120 mL)

0.15 Vishnevite (50% NaOH ‹

Raman Spectrum for Synthetically Made Scale replacement)

Showing Main Vibration at 995 cm-1. 0.10 ‹




0.00 ‹
0 2 4 6 8 10

Dose (ppm)



Performance of the first generation MAX HT at
50000 various NaOH replacement levels are shown in
0 Figure 6. Results are plotted as percentage of DSP
1150 1100 1050 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250

precipitation vs. blanks, i.e., no inhibitor added;
100% would mean no effect of the inhibitor,
while 0% means complete scale inhibition. As
the inhibitor dose increases, the precipitation
decreases to zero. There is, however, a slight trend
of increasing precipitation as NaOH replacement
increases to 50%, a condition favoring vishnevite
The Inhibition of Vishnevite Scale in Chinese
32 Refineries Using MAX HT® 550 Scale Inhibitor

formation. In contrast, MAX HT 550 displays inhibition. It can also be observed from Figures
the opposite trend (Figure 7) with significantly 6 and 8 that the first generation MAX HT,
improved inhibition at higher NaOH replacement although effective on both types aluminosilicate
by KOH. scales, requires higher dosages to inhibit vishnevite
formation than sodalite formation (No NaOH
Figure 6 replacement).
Performance of First Generation MAX HT
Figure 8
100 U
Comparison of First Generation MAX HT and
‹ No NaOH replacement
U MAX HT 550
Precipitation (% of blank)

80 ‹ U 25% NaOH replacement

50% NaOH replacement
100 ‹
U ‹ MAX HT 25% NaOH
U Precipitation (% of blank) ‹
‹ 80 replacement
MAX HT 550 25% NaOH
40 replacement
60 U MAX HT 50% NaOH
U replacement
20 ‹
MAX HT 550 50% NaOH
40 replacement

0 U
‹ U
0 5 10 15 20 U

Dose (ppm) 0 ‹ U
‹ U
0 5 10 15 20 25
Dose (ppm)
Figure 7
Performance of First Generation MAX HT 550

100 ‹ Plant Liquors

‹ 0% NaOH replacement
Precipitation (% of blank)

25% NaOH replacement MAX HT was also tested in laboratories at a
60 ‹ 50% NaOH replacement number of refineries where evaporator scales
are identified as vishnevite. Two comparative
40 examples are displayed in Figures 9 and 10.
‹ One example was performed using feed liquor
20 to the 1st Effect of the evaporator at Refinery K
‹ (Figure 9) and the other example was performed
using spent liquor of Refinery L (Figure 10).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Consistent with previous test work, MAX HT
Dose (ppm)
550 demonstrates superior vishnevite inhibition
relative to the first generation product.
Figure 8 compares the two generations of MAX
HT in vishnevite inhibition tests using liquors One should not expect that the difference in
with 25% and 50% NaOH replacement by KOH. dosages required of the two generation
The results show that MAX HT 550 is superior products will be the same as those required in
to the first generation in terms of vishnevite a plant. The important point from the results
The Inhibition of Vishnevite Scale in Chinese
Refineries Using MAX HT® 550 Scale Inhibitor 33

presented here is that it is possible to eliminate Commercial discussions surrounding the efficacy
sodalite and vishnevite precipitation with MAX of MAX HT 550 are currently underway
HT 550 at much lower doses than with the first throughout China with multiple customers.
generation product.

Figure 9 Conclusions
MAX HT Performance in Laboratory Tests Using
Feed Liquor to the 1st Effect of the Evaporator at 1. MAX HT 550, the second generation of
Refinery K aluminosilicate scale inhibitor effectively
inhibits scale and is far superior in terms
of vishnevite scale inhibition to the first
Precipitation (% of blank)

80 generation product.

60 2. The performance advantage of the second

generation over the first generation has been
proven in both synthetic liquors and real
MAX HT 550 plant liquors.
MAX HT Gen.1
0 3. Chinese bauxites are predominantly diasporic
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 and contain potassium bearing silicate
Dose (ppm) clays. The presence of potassium in Bayer
liquor causes the formation of ‘vishnevite’; a
Figures 10 potassium aluminosilicate scale in evaporators.
MAX HT Performance in Tests Using Spent Liquor
at Refinery L 4. Sodalite is the common aluminosilicate scale
in low temperature double stream plants,
100 while vishnevite occurs principally in Chinese
MAX HT 550 high temperature plants that process domestic
Precipitation (% of blank)

MAX HT Gen.1 Chinese diasporitic bauxite.
5. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy of
40 synthetic scale samples showed the successful
formation of vishnevite.
6. In the laboratory, synthetic liquor for sodalite
0 precipitation can be modified to form
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 vishnevite by replacing NaOH in the liquor
Dose (ppm) by KOH.
The Inhibition of Vishnevite Scale in Chinese
34 Refineries Using MAX HT® 550 Scale Inhibitor

References 7. Spitzer, D., Rothenberg, A., Heitner, H. and

Kula, F., Polymers for preventing or reducing
1. Spitzer, D., Rothenberg, A., Heitner, H., aluminosilicate scale in a bayer process, U.S.
Kula, F., Lewellyn, M., Chamberlain, O., Dai, patent 7,442,755 (2008).
Q. and Franz, C., Reagents for the elimination
of sodalite scaling, Light Metals (2005), pp 8. Lewellyn, M., Patel, A., Spitzer, D., Franz,
183-188. C., Ballentine, F., Dai, Q., Chamberlain,
O., Kula, F. and Chen, H., MAX HT 500:
2. Spitzer, D., Rothenberg, A., Heitner, H., A second generation sodalite scale inhibitor,
Kula, F., Lewellyn, M., Chamberlain, O., Proceedings of the 8th International Alumina
Dai, Q. and Franz, C., A real solution to Quality workshop (2008), pp 121-124.
sodalite scaling problems, Proceedings of the
7th International Alumina Quality workshop 9. Gu, S., Chinese bauxite and its influences on
(2005), pp 153-157. alumina production in China, Light Metals
(2008), pp 79-83.
3. Oliveira, A., Dutra, J., Batista, J., Lima,
J., Diniz, R. and Repetto, E., Performance 10. Li, W., Liu, J., Liu, Z. and Wang, Y., The
appraisal of evaporation system with scale most important sustainable development
inhibitor application in Alunorte plant, Light issues of Chinese alumina industry, Light
Metals (2008), pp 133-136. Metals (2008), pp 191-195.

4. Spitzer, D., Rothenberg, A., Heitner, H. and 11. Bi, S. (Ed.), Process of alumina production,
Kula, F., Method of preventing or reducing Chemical Industry Press, Beijing, China
aluminosilicate scale in a Bayer process, U.S. (2007), p.69 (Chinese).
patent 6,814,873 (2004).
12. W. Deer, R. Howie, J. Zussman, Rock
5. Spitzer, D., Chamberlain, O., Franz, C., Forming Minerals, Vol. 4, Longman, Green
Lewellyn, M. and Dai, Q., MAX HT™ and Co. LTD, Ppp 289-295,
sodalite scale inhibitor: Plant experience and 310-315
impact on the process, Light Metals (2008),
pp 57-62.

6. Riffaud, J.P., James, P.D., Allen, E. and

Murray, J.P., Evaluation of sodalite scaling
inhibitor – A user’s perspective, International
Symposium on Alumimum: From Raw
Materials to Applications – Combining Light
Metals 2006 and the 17th International
ICSOBA Symposium, Montreal, Canada,
Oct. 1-4, 2006, Bauxite and Alumina Session,
paper 29.7.
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