MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design
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In this report, the healthy collective is an organization which wants a IS solution for the customer
relationship diagram. This is an organization to make the community healthy. The healthy
collective organization is working with health providers, social enterprises and all the levels of
government, nonprofit supporting organizations, charities and many more. These all are very
helpful to give support and achieve an operational objective. This organization also collects
funding from various aspects for helping the people with no profit. This organization has various
stakeholders that together create the big network. To provide the best solution to the
organization, different diagrams are created in this report. The context diagram, level 0 DFD
(Data Flow Diagram) and its decomposition will also include in the report. The entity-
relationship diagram and its logical and physical database design will be involved in the report.
The three processes that are considered to be important in the level 0 Data Flow Diagram will
involve in the report. The different diagrams that help in providing the IS solution to the Healthy
collective organization and all these wills include in the report. This report will provide all the
designs that are very helpful for the organization to enhance customer relationship management.
Question 1
Context diagram
A context diagram is a diagram that shows the contact between a system and other factors that
are external with which the system is interaction designed. The organization takes health
wellness practitioners, citizens and various other stakeholders that are important for the
organization to work well. The company has a large network that involves pharmacies, and GPs.
The company wants to make the community healthy and this organization work with all the
government levels, social enterprises, health and wellbeing and many more. This is the diagram
that helps in creating an understanding of the system. Here, Healthy collective is an organization
that wants to take the IS solution for customer relationship management system. Some of the
clients of the organization are West Beach Surf Lifesaving Club, Norwood Swimming Club,
Terry White Chemmart and many more. The Healthy Collective organization performs and
serves various services like offering management, transaction management, sharing document,
sales management, customer feedback management and customer management. These are the
most common and basic functions that are performed by the Healthy Collective organization.
These are the different functions and in this, there are also sub-functions done to complete these
significant and major functions. This is the complete context diagram for a healthy collective
organization. The context diagram includes the different management and processes that are
completed or managed by the organization. This organization help needy peoples in different
countries also for this the complete management of every department is very essential. The
healthy collective has done some types of management suggesting customer management,
offering management, transaction management, sharing documents, sales management and
customer feedback management. These are the 6 primary processes that are done by the
organization's healthy collective.
Question 2
three main functions or processes are selected for the level 1 DFD diagram and
these are sharing the document, customer feedback management and sales
system of Healthy Collective. All the functions that are performed in two
directions are supported and handled by Healthy Collective. The database is
important because it stores all the information and also helps in taking any
decision. The Healthy Collective is the one that is directly connected to the
database. The database stores all the information regarding the Healthy
Collection. The database stores all the information that is required to store and
also gives all the information for any of the functions that are performed in
Healthy Collective. In the level 1, data flow diagram the three important
processes from 0 level data flow diagram are selected. The six processes are
available on 0 level data flow diagram from these sharing documents; sales
management and customer feedback management are selected. For this, the
internal processes are included in the level 1 DFD diagram. The sharing of the
are the three systems that are maintained by a healthy collective and customer
relationship management system. And the complete system is associated with
the database of the healthy collective from which all the data is extracted and
stored. The complete system of level 1 data flow diagram includes a database of
Entity relationship diagram is a type of flow chart that shows how the different
entities are interrelated to each other in a complete system. Entity relationship
diagram shows all the entities and the sub entities in a diagram of a complete
system (Smartdraw, 2022). Here, the healthy collective is an organization that
helps the people to be healthy and this organization want a IS solution for
customer relationship management system. The entity relationship diagram
shows the entities that are present in healthy collective organization and their
relation. The entity relationship diagram shows the different entities such as
login, user, roll, permission, customer, schedule and product and each entity have
different parts that are associated to each entity. The different attributes that are
related to each entity describe all about a particular entity. The relationship
between the each entity is shown with the help of "manage" and "has". These are
the two that shows the relationship between the different entities to the
organization healthy collective.
Question 5
Data stores
The data storage is very important for an organization. Data storage significantly
means that documents and file that are recorded digital you’re manually and
saved in a system for the future. The document can be stored digitally and
manually or by the use of any other media or method. The database is stored the
data in a file in a particular manner with the help of tables. The database also
handles or manages the data and also removes the redundancy and any kind of
error in the data (Satzinger, et.al., 2015). The healthy collective is an organization that
has the people and different countries and this organization works with all the
level of government, charities and many more associations that are for helping
people. So to store the data and management of data is very important for the
organization to use the data in future or work well. Like the entity relationship
diagram show all the entities for those tables can be created and for which the
data is stored by different attributes. The different entities are like login, user,
role, permission, customers, schedule and product. In this the complete data is
organization. In level 1 data flow diagram the complete process is shown and in
this the three important processes are included from level 0 data flow diagram.
The storages are very useful for the data of Healthy collective that is important
for the organization and make the future use of data and information for the
company easy.
Question 6
This report concludes all about the system design and analysis. The Healthy Collective is an
organization that provides the health services with no profit. The main aim of the organization is
to make the community healthy. The company has various stakeholders and they are working
together to help the people. The organization has large network and it work with health and
wellbeing providers, social enterprises and with all the levels of government. This report
includes the context diagram that includes all the services that are provided by the organization.
The Level 0 and level 1 diagram also show the complete function and response of all the
functions. The Healthy Collective want IS solution for customer relationship management. The
entity relationship diagram is a diagram that shows the relationship between the different entities.
These all the major diagrams that are included in the report are important for the Healthy
Collective organization. The physical and the logical design of the database is created in this
report. The organization wants to help the help and they serve their services to the different
countries also. The physical design of the database is includes in the report. The 3 NF (normal
form) is important to reduce the redundancy of the database. So, they need a good customer
relationship management system to provide the good services to the customers.
Peterson. R. (2022). What is Normalization in DBMS (SQL)? 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF Database
Satzinger, J. W., Jackson, R. B., & Burd, S. D. (2015). Systems analysis and design in a changing world
(7th ed.). Cengage Learning. https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.torrens.idm.oclc.org/lib/think/
Valacich, J., George, J., & Hoffer, J. (2015). Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design, Global
Edition (6th ed.). Essex, England: Pearson Education Limited. https://ebookcentral-proquest-