NLM Sas 4
NLM Sas 4
NLM Sas 4
Give 3 laws mentioned in the previous lesson and briefly explain:
Nursing in hospitals and related health facilities such as extended care facilities, nursing homes, and neighborhood
clinics, comprises all of the basic components of comprehensive patient care and family health. The concept of the modem
hospital as a community health center where in-patient and out-patient care are continuous describes the goal of medical
care in most general hospitals.
The educational qualification for beginning practitioners is a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. The nurse, as a
member of the healthcare team, participates in all phases of patient care of the acutely ill, the convalescing and the
ambulatory patient. The nurse cares for the patient in the hospital or in the out-patient department and plans for the nursing
care needs of the patient about to be discharged. The nurse performs nursing measures that and will meet the patient's
physical, emotional, social and spiritual health needs while in the institution and helps him and his family plan for his further
healthcare needs when he returns home. The nurse's functions involve assessment of the patient’s needs for nursing and
planning for giving or providing the care indicated whether this be personal care, rehabilitation measures or health
instructions. These functions include participation in the research and training activities carried on in the hospital, teaching
auxiliary personnel, and assisting in teaching and supervision of nursing and/or midwifery students, if there are affiliates in
the said institution.
A private nurse practitioner is required
1. to undergo orientation in the hospital as conducted by the Nursing Service office;
2. to have the complete paraphernalia, e.g., blood pressure apparatus, pen light, bandage scissors, red and blue or black
pens, and clip board;
3. to wear full white nurse's uniform (cap, stockings, closed white shoes, I.D. Pin). Uniform blazers may be used if required
by the hospital;
4. to have medical certificate from a certified medical center or laboratory with chest-x-ray result, complete blood count,
urine and stool examination;
5. to give two (2) character references;
6. to acquire, for succeeding years, certificate of three( 3) seminars or continuing education programs attended; and
7. to show certification as an I.V. Therapist by the ANSAP.
The private duty nurse is expected to follow the rules and regulations of the hospital regarding nursing procedures, use
and procurement of equipment and supplies, system of medications, charting, diets, precaution techniques and others. As in
other fields of nursing, he/she is expected to adhere to the code of ethics and practice.
General Guidelines
1. Although a private duty nurse is considered an independent contractor, she/he is directly under the supervision of the
nursing service in the hospital, or of the Head Nurse in the unit. She/he is expected to make a comprehensive verbal
report to the Chief Nurse or Supervisor when they visit the patient and submit a written report to the Head Nurse at the
close of the shift. If relief is needed during meals or in time of other necessities, the Head Nurse should be notified so
that a reliever can be provided.
2. The private duty nurse is responsible for the nursing care of the patient. Nursing care encompasses the patient's welfare
physically, mentally and spiritually. The nurse is equally responsible for maintaining a safe, sanitary, and healthful
environment for the patient, and for the care of equipment used and other facilities provided in the room.
3. The private duty nurse shall endeavor to give complete nursing care before going off-duty.
4. While the private duty nurse on house case is directly responsible to the 'attending physician of the patient, a regular
monthly service audit shall be given to the Director of Nursing Service who referred her/him for employment.
Policies and guidelines for nurses accompanying patients out of the country
1. Passport and other travel papers. All expenses for fees and processing of visa and travel papers are paid for by the
patient or his/her representative.
a. Passport, paid round-trip ticket, and other papers should be in the possession of the private duty nurse at all times.
b. A travel and accidental insurance in the amount of P50,000.00 shall be provided for the private duty nurse and
paid for by the patient or his representative effective 72 hours before departure and throughout the period of stay
abroad while in the employment of the patient.
c. The corresponding amount of salary computed at eight (8) hours multiplied by two (2) shifts and the number of
days the patient plans to be out of the country shall be left in the Philippines for ready withdrawal by the private
duty nurse's authorized representative on designated dates per agreement of parties concerned.
d. A daily travel allowance in addition to the Private Duty Nurse's regular salary while out of the country is negotiable
with the employer.
e. The female private duty nurse who is caring for a male patient must be provided a separate room for rest periods.
f. All hotel, lodging and food expenses while out of town or out of the country shall be paid for by the employer.
2. The private duty nurse is required to:
a. leave with the Private Duty Nurses' Association in the Philippines her/his possible address of destination and
tentative duration of duty;
b. report presence to the nearest nursing organization in the area; and
c. report to the Philippine Nurses Association his/her arrival in the country.
Career opportunities in nursing education are better today than before. There is a chronic teacher shortage in all nursing
education programs. Nurses who like to consider teaching as their field of expertise will have to consider the following
The Nurse Corps
When the famed Tandang Sora led the nursing of the sick and wounded Katipunan revolutions in 1890, military nursing
in the Philippines may be said to have begun. However, the Nurse Corps we know today dates back more precisely about
three decades ago, shortly before the outbreak of World War II.
Commonwealth Act No. 1, commonly know as the National Defense Act, clearly provided the establishment of a medical
service in the army of the Philippines. However, the component corps were not specified. On September 5, 1938, the
National Defense Act was amended by Commonwealth Act. No. 385 whereby the different corps of the medical services
were explicitly spelled out, with the Nurse Corps being one of them. This is the date celebrated by the Nurse Corps as its
foundation day.
Inspite of the legal basis for its existence, the Nurse Corps was not organized until about mid-1940, when President
Manuel L. Quezon issued Executive Order No. 2167, dated April 15, 1940. This provided for the rules of the organization of
the Philippine Army Nurse Corps Reserve intended to be mobilized in the event the Philippines would be involved in the
impending war in the Far East. In accordance with this new legislation, nurses began to be commissioned as early as July
1940. At about this time in the US Army, the Army nurses were given only relative ranks as officers. Perhaps this was the
reason why those who were first commissioned under the Nurse Corps were only given relative ranks as second and third
lieutenant depending on their age, education, and experience.
To emphasize the female composition of the Corps, the term Nurse Corps as provided for in C.A. 385, was changed to
the Female Nurse Corps, pursuant to Commonwealth Act No. 569, dated June 7, 1940. By the end of 1941, there were
about 200 nurses commissioned into the Nurse Corps. For some unknown reasons, the legal basis of the Nurse Corps'
existence under the Philippine government became Executive Order No. 267, the provision of which was very far from the
benefits given by the USAFFE. To prevent a retrogression in the status of the military nurses, they began the long and
Many school nurses do not update themselves on the current issues in nursing making them unaware of changes in the
nursing practice.
School nurses should enjoy working with children and should be able to work through, and with others to achieve their
objectives. They should accept the educational functions of the school and be committed to the promotion of health through
Clinic nursing requires that a nurse possess general skills. Usually a doctor has been in general practice for a number of
years. It is with him that the nurse acts as a receptionist, answers phone, does the billing, takes x-rays and ECGs, changes
dressings, gives injections (such as BCG, DPT, or measles vaccine), and assists in physical examinations. The nurse may
even do autoclaving of instruments, keep records, order and store supplies, make follow-up calls and referrals for patients.
Teaching patients and their families has become an important function of the clinic nurse. Nurses in this field must have
excellent teaching and communication skills, exhibit organizational and leadership ability, possess good assessment skills,
and have good insight in order to anticipate and interpret the needs of their patients.
The advantages of clinic nursing are favorable working hours, the satisfaction of working with people they know and like
and who know and like them in return. Efficient clinic nurses are trusted in their judgement and share in planning the care of
the patient.
Generally, and on the average, clinic nurses receive a slightly lower salary than hospital nurses. A written contract
setting forth the professional and personal arrangements between the nurse and the employer can be mutually beneficial.
Multiple Choice
1. Nursing in hospitals and related health facilities such as extended care facilities, nursing homes, and neighborhood
clinics, comprises all of the basic components of comprehensive patient care and family health. This field of nursing is:
a. Hospital or Institutional Nursing
b. Public Health Nursing or Community Health Nursing
c. Industrial or Occupational Health Nursing
d. Nursing Education
ANSWER: ________
2. In what section of the RA 9173 are qualifications of nursing service administrators be found?
a. 28
b. 29
c. 31
d. 33
ANSWER: ________
3. The beneficiaries of the comprehensive nursing specialty program are obligated to serve for how long in any Philippine
a. 1 year
b. 2 years
c. 3 years
d. 4 years
ANSWER: ________
5. The following are the qualifications of Nursing Coordinator for Staff Development, except.
a. 2 years clinical experience
b. 4 years clinical experience
c. Master’s Degree
d. None of the above
ANSWER: ________
9. Who led the nursing of the sick and wounded Katipunan revolutionaries in 1890?
a. Elipido Quirino
b. Tandang Sora
c. Nurse Corps
d. Manuel Quezon
ANSWER: ________
The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students. You can now ask questions and debate among yourselves.
Write the correct answer and correct/additional ratio in the space provided.
1. ANSWER: ________
2. ANSWER: ________
3. ANSWER: ________
4. ANSWER: ________
5. ANSWER: ________
6. ANSWER: ________
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