Q1 Week4 Perdev
Q1 Week4 Perdev
Q1 Week4 Perdev
Department of Education
Region VII
If lesson plan is not Remarks
completed, indicate the □ lesson to
phases/activities completed be
References/Learning If lesson is completed: continued
Materials % and no. of learners who □ proceed
Lesson Objectives Indicate the SLM/SLK attained mastery level (at to new
Date Indicate the competency as
Indicate the lesson objectives in the KSAVs Used, the WHLP, least 80%): ___ lesson
stated in the SLM
Existing LPs, % and no. of learners who □
textbooks, TMs, etc got approximating mastery enrichment
level (50% -79%): _____ lesson for
% and no. of learners who next day
got low mastery level (Below □ reteach
50%): ____
MON 1.Discuss developmental tasks and 1. Identify social challenges like being influenced by SLM, PERDEV Teacher’s Motivation, Group Discussion lesson to
Date: 9/12/2022 challenges being experienced during peers to try risky behaviors (alcohol, tobacco, sex, Guide, PERDEV Reader be
adolescence drugs). continued
2. evaluate one’s development 2. Explain the Social Challenges of Late Adolescence
through the help of significant people 3. Share the challenges experienced during late
around him/her (peers, parents, adolescence.
siblings, friends, teachers, community 4. Encourage oneself to improve relationships with
leaders) others.
3. Identify ways that help one become
capable and responsible adolescent
prepared for adult life.
TUE 1.Discuss developmental tasks and 1. Identify social challenges like being influenced by SLM, PERDEV Teacher’s Group Discussion, Sharing of lesson to
Date: 9/13/2022 challenges being experienced during peers to try risky behaviors (alcohol, tobacco, sex, Guide, PERDEV Reader experiences, Practice for the be
adolescence drugs). Role Play continued
2. evaluate one’s development 2. Explain the Social Challenges of Late Adolescence
through the help of significant people 3. Share the challenges experienced during late
Date Submitted: Sept. 16, 2022 Instructional Supervisor: GERARDO V. CORTES JR.