Jelovnik Solaris 2020

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Dobro došli Welcome to

u restoran „Biber“ “Biber” restaurant

„Sve što trebate je ljubav“ “All you need is love”

– Džon Lenon – John Lennon

Ljubav je često motivacija, inspi- Love often motivates, inspires and

racija i tema najlepših umetničkih dela, appears as a topic of the most beau-
ali i pokretač u svakodnevnom životu. tiful art works as well as a driving
force in our day-to-day lives.
Ona je putovanje koje počinje rečju
„zauvek“ i kada je prava i iskrena zais- It is a journey that starts with the
ta se ne završava nikada. word “forever”, and when it is true
and honest, indeed it never ends.
Za ljubav i jelo recept je uvek isti i
For love as well as for food the
bez obzira na to svaka ljubav je ljubav
recipe is always the same, yet each
za sebe, dok je svako jelo sa istim re-
love is a love of its own and each dish
ceptom različito kada ga sprema dru-
with the same recipe is different when
gi kuvar.
it is prepared by another chef.
Iako se priprema jela kuvara razlikuje Although our chefs prepare their
i svako predstavlja posebnu harmoniju dishes differently, marrying the flavours
ukusa, naše kuvare ipak nešto povezuje, harmoniously, they still have some-
a to je ljubav zbog koje su došli u thing in common – love, which is the
Vrnjačku Banju. reason they have come to Vrnjacka
Naše kuvare Jean Marc Labbea iz Banja.
daleke Francuske i Fabiana Agusta Our chefs, Jean Marc Labbe, from
Lopez Corone iz još daljeg Meksika u faraway France and Fabian Agusti
Vrnjačku Banju je dovela ljubav prema Lopez Corone, from, even farther
voljenim osobama, a Vas će u Solaris Mexico have been brought to Vrnjacka
Resorts ponovo dovesti njihova jela. Banja by the love for their loved ones,
and you will come again to Solaris
Ljudi koji žive za ljubav, ljubav su
Resorts because of their food.
utkali i u svoja jela.
The people who live for love have
entwined love in their dishes.
Probajte, ljubavi nikada dosta! Taste it, it’s never enough of love!

Dragi gosti, Dear guests,
Nadamo se da ćete uživati We hope that you will enjoy the
u jelima koja se pripremaju dishes that are prepared with a
sa puno ljubavi. lot of love.
Molimo Vas za strpljenje i We only ask for a pinch of
razumevanje, ukoliko utrošimo patience and a dollop of
malo više Vašeg vreme­na, jer samo understanding if you wait for a bit
tako možete biti posluženi longer, since  it is the only way to
kvalitetnim jelima začinjenim serve high-quality food seasoned
ljubavlju. with love.
Ako imate neke posebne želje, Please, feel free to express any
obratite nam se i mi ćemo dati sve particular preferences, and we will
od sebe da ih ispunimo. try our best to meet them.

Prijatno! Bon appétit!

Napomene: Notes:

(V) vegetarijansko jelo (V) vegetarian dish

(H) jelo spremljeno po Halalu (H) Halal dish
(F) specijalitet kuvara iz (F) specialty of the French chef
Francuske - Jean Marc Labbea – Jean Marc Labbe
(M) specijalitet kuvara iz Meksika (M) specialty of the Mexican chef
- Fabian Agusti Lopez Corone – Fabian Agusti Lopez Corone

Specijaliteti kuvara se poslužuju The specialties of the chefs are

isključivo kada su navedeni kuvari served only when the chefs are in
u kuhinji. the kitchen.

Sva glavna jela se mogu poslužiti All main dishes can be served
1/2 porcije i naplaćuju se 70% od cene Half-portion dish, priced at 70% of
porcije. the full price.

Zbog sveže pripreme hrane na À la carte menu may include 45 min

porudžbinu se može čekati do 45 min. waiting.

Napojnica nije uključena u cenu. A tip is not included in the price.

U slučaju nedobijanja računa niste In case you do not receive a bill,

u obavezi da platite uslugu hrane i you are not obliged to pay for the
pića. service.

. . . . . . . . . . . . 600 din. . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 rsd

Zakuska-meze predstavlja poseb- Appetizers – meze represents a

ni ritual ishrane, koji sa sobom dono­ special ritual in eating which pro-
si uživanja u sitnim zalogajima raz­ vides enjoyment in small bites of
no­vrsne ishrane. various food.
Interestingly, in ancient times
Zanimljivo je da je meze u stara meze mostly included some sort of
vremena obično podrazumevalo neko fruit – an apple or grapes, or, even
voće – jabuku, ili grožđe, ili čak neku something sweet. Much later meze,
poslasticu. Tek kasnije se kao meze at first, included cheese and clotted
služio prvobitno sir i kajmak, pa cream, with other delicious morsels
kasnije i druge đakonije, obavezno uz to follow, and always accompanied
čašu kvalitetnog pića. with a glass of quality drink.

Poziv na meze je oduvek predstav- An invitation to meze has always

ljao znak velike pažnje u našoj zemlji. been a sign of deep appreciation in
our country.
To ne predstavlja samo uživanje u It does not only mean indulging
hrani, već i u dobrom društvu. in food but enjoying a good company
as well.
Kvalitetno meso ulazi u sastav
mezea, tako da se slobodno možemo Our meze includes high-quality
pohvaliti domaćim pršutama, sirevi- meat, so we can boast with domestic
ma, kajmakom i medom koji nam prosciutto, cheeses, clotted cream
dolaze iz domaćinstava sa obronaka and honey that come from the farm-
planine Goč. ing households on mountain Goc
Uz Solaris zakusku, najbolje se Solaris Appetizers are best accom-
kombinuje Solaris vino koje će upot- panied with Solaris wine that will
puniti ukus ovih specijaliteta. fully complement these specialties.


ARRABIATA (H) . . . . . . . . . 760 din. ARRABIATA (H) . . . . . . . . 760 rsd
Špagete sa paradajzom i belim Tomato and garlic spaghetti
lukom u pesto sosu in pesto sauce
Italija je poznata po modi, arhitekturi, Italy is well known for fashion,
umetnosti, muzici i naravno, kuvanju. architecture, art, music and, of course,
Italijanski sinonim za gastronomiju je its cuisine. A synonym for the Italian
testenina, pa Vam donosimo priču o gastronomy is pasta, so we bring you a
jednom od najpoznatijih soseva koji su story of one of the best-known sauces,
ključ ovog dobro pripremljenog jela. which is essential for a good preparation
Nije lako odabrati koji oblik testenine of this dish.
najbolje odgovara određenom sosu, jer It is not easy to choose the right
Italijani kažu da ih ima više od 300 shape of pasta to suit best a particular
oblika. Umak Arrabiata italijanski je sauce, as Italians say there are 300
specijalitet i jedan od klasika. Arrabbiata shapes to choose from, The Arrabiata
na italijanskom znači „začinjeno“. sauce is an Italian classic specialty.
Nazivaju je i „začinjenom testeninom“ Arrabiata means “spicy” in Italian.
zbog glavnog sastojka – ljute paprike. It is called “spicy pasta” because of its
Tajna je u upotrebi sušenih ljutih paprika main ingredient – chili pepper. The secret
koje se suše u Italiji tokom jeseni u is in using dried chili peppers, which, in
gotovo svakom domaćinstvu. Italy, are dried in autumn in almost
Osim paprike koju Italijani nazivaju every household.
„pepperoncino“, umak sadrži paradajz i Aside from the pepper that Italians
luk. Ljubitelji začinjene hrane oduševljeni call “pepperoncino”, the sauce contains
su ovim specijalitetom. tomato and onion. Spicy food lovers
simply adore this specialty.

FRUTTI DI MARE (H) . . . . 840 din. GNOCCHI
FRUTTI DI MARE (H). . . . 840 rsd
Njoke sa morskim plodovima
Seafood gnocchi
Dok su osvajali evropski kontinent
Rimljani su otkrili recept za njoke. I dok While conquering Europe, Romans
su Rimljani osvajali evropu, njoke su discovered a recipe for gnocchi. And,
osvojile svet i danas gotovo da nema while Romans conquered Europe,
mesta na svetu gde se njoke ne konzu- gnocchi have conquered the world and
miraju. U kombinaciji sa plodovima today, there is almost no place where
mora u sosu od neutralne pavlake, belog they are not eaten. Combined with
vina i limuna osvojiće čula svakog seafood in cream, white wine and lemon
gurmana. Mnogo je varijacija recepata sauce, they will conquer any food lover.
za njoke, usudite se da probate recept There are many variations on gnocchi
naših kuvara i prepustite se ukusima recipes, however, try our chefs’ ones and
Mediterana. indulge in the Mediterranean flavours.


Istorija pripremanja supa i čorbi sta- The history of soup making is proba-
ra je verovatno koliko i samo kuvanje. bly as old as cooking itself.
Od davnina su supe i čorbe rado Soups have been greeted on the
viđen deo obroka, a svi mi smo kao mali menus since ancient times, and we all,
uživali u čorbama i supama koje su nam as children, enjoyed soups and pottages
od srca pripremale bake. lovingly prepared by our grandmothers.
Čorbe su lako svarljive i okrepljujuće Soups are easily digested and that
i zato su često na mnogim trpezama. is why they are often served at many
Zanimljivo je da se čorba prvi put u
restoranskoj ponudi našla u Parizu, u 18. An interesting fact is that soup was
veku. Upravo u ovoj zemlji romantike i served for the first time in a restaurant
mode, spravljene su prve supe u kojima in Paris in 18th century. It is in this
se i danas uživa u restoranima širom country of fashion and romance that
sveta. the first soups were made and they are
still enjoyed in the restaurants all
Uobičajeno je da supu ili čorbu jede- around the world.
mo pre glavnog jela, ali iskustvo nam
govori da ima i onih koji u savršenom It is customary to eat soup before the
ručku uživaju obrnutim redom, odnosno main course, however, the experience
najpre konzumiraju glavno jelo, a po- suggests that there are those who enjoy
tom celu priču zaokruže upravo supom. a perfect lunch in a reversed order, that
is, start with a main course and bring
Bez obzira kada je jedete, u svakom the end to the story with a soup.
slučaju u nadolazećim hladnim danima
uvrstite je u svakodnevnu upotrebu. A Regardless of your preferences, in-
ako do sada niste odabrali svoju clude it in your daily use, especially dur-
omiljenu, možda je pravo vreme da to ing the upcoming colder season. And, if
učinite. you still have not chosen your favourite,
perhaps it is time to do so.

Pileća supa Chicken soup

sa brokolijem . . . . . . . . . . 250 din. with broccoli . . . . . . . . . . . 250 rsd
Potaž dana (V) . . . . . . . . . 250 din. Pottage of
the day (V) . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 rsd
Francuska supa
od luka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 din. French onion soup . . . . . . 280 rsd
Juneća čorba . . . . . . . . . . . 250 din. Beef pottage . . . . . . . . . . . 250 rsd
Pileća čorba . . . . . . . . . . . 250 din. Chicken pottage . . . . . . . . 250 rsd


FILE FORESTIERE . . . . . . . 870 din. FILLET FORESTIERE . . . . . 870 rsd

Pileći file sa pečurkama Chicken fillet with
i pesto sosom mushrooms and pesto sauce
prilog: krompir i grilovano povrće Side dish: potatoes and grilled
Piletina je jedan od omiljenih sasto-
jaka za lagani obrok, koja ima blag, fini Chicken, with its mild, delicate, fla-
ukus. Istinski gurmani će sigurno uživati vour, is one of the favourite ingredients
u jedinstvenom ukusu ovog specijaliteta for a light meal. True gourmets will most
i buri savršene mešavine ukusa pilećeg definitely appreciate the unique flavour
mesa kombinovanog sa raznovrsnim of this specialty and its multifarious
pečurkama i prelivom od aromatičnog blend of chicken meat and a variety of
pesto Genovese sosa. Ovaj najpoznatiji mushrooms drenched in a fragrant pes-
italijanski sos je predivnog mirisa i uku- to Genovese sauce. This best-known
sa, a sa Solaris specijalitetom ćete se na Italian sauce is deliciously aromatic and
kratko osetiti kao da ste u Italiji, flavoursome, and with this Solaris spe-
živopisnoj državi na obali Jadrana. ciplty you will, for briefly, feel as if being
Genovese sos se pravi od pažljivo odab- in Italy, a picturesque country on the
ranih sastojaka poreklom iz krajeva u Adriatic coast. Our pesto Genovese is
kojima rastu mediteranski sastojci pu- made from the carefully chosen ingredi-
nog ukusa, a beru se u trenutku kada je ents with full flavours, grown in the
priroda najdarežljivija. Mediterranean regions and picked at
Piletina se odlično slaže sa skoro nature’s most lavish moments.
svim povrćem i prepuna je vitamina i Chicken goes exceptionally well with
minerala koji su potrebni za pravilno almost all vegetables and is packed with
funkcionisanje organizma. vitamins and minerals necessary for our


TANDOORI (H) . . . . . . . . . . 870 din. CHICKEN (H). . . . . . . . . . . . . 870 rsd
Pileći file sa kokosom i ananasom Chicken fillet with coconut and
prilog: pirinač i grilovano povrće pineapple
Verovatno se pitate koje jelo je u pi- Side dish: rice and grilled vegies
tanju. Sama reč „tandor“ vam govori da You are probably wondering what
je ovo sve, samo ne obično jelo. Tandoor dish this might be. The word “tandoori”
je trenutno nezaobilazan na menijima u suggests that it is all but a simple, com-
indijskim restoranima širom sveta. Reč mon dish. Currently, tandoori is un-
Tandoor znači cilindrična pećnica koja avoidable on the Indian menus around
se koristi za pečenje i kuvanje. Hrana the world. Tandoori refers to a cylindri-
koja se kuva u rerni Tandoor poznata je cal clay or metal oven used for baking
kao Tandoori. and cooking. The food prepared in such
Sjajna piletina u sosu od ananasa, ko- an oven is also called Tandoori.
kosa i karija je idealna za ljubitelje slat- Fantastic chicken in curry, pineapple
ko-slanog ukusa. Ovaj spoj sastojaka je and coconut sauce is ideal for sweet-and-
prava oaza za čulo ukusa i mirisa. sour taste lovers, This mix of ingredients is
Osetite Indiju u Solaris Resorts-u. a true heaven for taste and smell senses.

SWEET & SOUR (H) . . . . . . 870 din. CHICKEN (H) . . . . . . . . . . 870 rsd
U susamu sa In sweet and sour sauce
slatko kiselim sosom with sesame
prilog: Side dish:
grilovano povrće, grilled vegetables,
limun pirinač lemon rice
i pečeni ananas and roasted pineapple

Pileće grudi se lepo slažu sa skoro Chicken breasts go really well with al-
svim namirnicama i ukusima. Lagana most all ingredients and flavours. Light
jela prijaju svakome, a kada se u njima dishes agree with everyone, and when
prožimaju različiti ukusi i arome, onda they blend various flavours and aromas,
je to pun pogodak. Ovo jelo je jedno od then it is the best outcome. This dish is
tih, susam i piletina savršeno se slažu, like that – sesame and chicken are a per-
slatko kiseli sos daje sofisticiranost ovo- fect match, sweet and sour sauce gives it
mo jelu, a pečeni ananas će dodatno ob- refinement, and the roasted pineapple
radovati vasa nepca. Ananas zovu i brings joy to the palate. Pineapple is
čudotvornim voćem, jer je prepun vi- called miracle fruit because it is packed
tamina, a pečeni ananas postaje with vitamins, and when roasted it truly
magično voće. Slatko, kiselo, sočno i la­ becomes magical. Sweet, sour, succulent
gano su četiri reči kojima bismo ukratko and light are four words to describe in
opisali ovo nesvakidašnje jelo. short this outstanding dish.
Zvuči primamljivo, zar ne? Sounds tempting, doesn’t it?

CORDON ROUGE . . . . . . . . 930 din. CORDON ROUGE . . . . . . . . . 930 rsd
Pork tenderloin
Svinjski las kare sa pršutom i gaudom
with prosciutto and gouda
prilog: pomfrit i grilovano povrće Side dish: French fries and grilled vegies
Cordon bleu je veoma popularno in- Cordon bleu is a famous international
ternacionalno jelo švajcarskog porekla. dish with Swiss origin. In its basic it
U svom najosnovnijem obliku sastoji se consists of tin slice of meat wrapped
od mesne reznice koja se puni sirom, around cheese then breaded and pan-
hlebom ili je pržena u vrućem ulju, na fried, deep-fried or oven- baked. It was
tiganju, ili pečena u rerni. Prvo pomi­nja­ first mentioned in a cook book in 1949.
nje kordon bleua nalazi se u kuvarskoj
Today, there are numerous variations
knjizi iz 1949.
of the dish, such as veal cordon bleu,
Danas postoje brojne vrste jela kao chicken cordon bleu and ham cordon bleu
što su teleći kordon bleu, pileći kordon (stuffed with mushrooms and cheese).
bleu i šunka kordon bleu (punjen pečur­ Our chef, who worked in prestigious
kama i sirom). Naš kuvar koji je dugo Swiss restaurants, has modified this
radio po prestižnim švajcarskim restor- perfect dish into Cordon Rouge, as in-
anima je ovo idealno jelo modifikovao u stead of a classic combination he has
Cordon Rouge, jer je umesto klasične combined pork tenderloin with pro-
napravio kombinaciju svinjskog mesa i sciutto which apart from a delicious fla-
pršute koja mu osim neodovoljivog uku- vour gives a nice red colour. Adding to
sa daje crvenkastu boju. A kada tu do- that traditional Dutch Gouda cheese,
date i tradicionalni holandski sir gaudu, you really cannot resist this dish. We
ovom jelu ne možete odoleti. Uz ovo jelo recommend a glass of quality wine with
preporučujemo čašu kvalitetnog vina, this dish, since prosciutto is at its best
jer pršutu treba „zaliti“ dobrim vinom. when washed down with wine.

FILLETS BAUERN ART . . . . . 930 rsd

Pork tenderloin with bacon and
cheddar cheese
Svinjski file sa slaninom i čedar sirom Side dish: potatoes and grilled vegies
prilog: krompir i grilovano povrće
Pork tenderloin is most certainly the
Svinjski file je sigurno najukusniji i most delectable and tender piece of pork,
najmekši deo svinjetine, ali treba biti pa­ but it requires a careful preparation in
žljiv kad se priprema da se ne bi presušio order to not dry it as it is rather lean. Our
jer ne sadrži masnoće. Naši kuvari ovaj u chefs prepare this, basically German, spe-
osnovi nemački specijalitet pripremaju cialty with a special care, enhancing its
sa posebnom pažnjom, pojačavajući mu flavour and juiciness by adding bacon
ukus i sočnost dodavanjem slanine i and onion. A cherry on top to this dish is
luka. Jagoda na šlagu ovom jelu je Čedar Cheddar cheese, the most popular cheese
sir, najpopularniji sir u Engleskoj, ujedno in England and at the same time one of
i jedan od najomiljenijih aromatičnih si- the most favoured aromatic cheeses in
reva u celom svetu. Ovo jelo sadrži omi­ the world. This dish has favourite ingre-
ljene sastojke pravih gurmana. Probajte dients of true gourmets. Taste it and
i uverite se i sami. check it for yourselves.



(H) (M) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.800 din. (H) (M) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.800 rsd

u sosu od paprika i paradajza In pepper and tomato sauce

prilog: grilovano povrće i mladi luk Side dish: grilled vegetables and
spring onions prilog: grilovano
povrće i mladi luk
Opšte je poznato da biftek čini svo- It is common knowledge that tender-
jevrstan poligon za demonstraciju umeća loin steak represents a sort of field to
i mašte šefova kuhinja, koji sa ovom demonstrate chefs’ skills and imagina-
namirnicom kreiraju svakojaka kulinar- tion. They use this ingredient to attain
astonishing culinary achievements. It is
ska dostignuća. Reč je o jednom od naj-
one of the most appreciated meat cuts
cenjenijih komada mesa na svetu, koje je
in the world, which is equally present in
ravnopravno zastupljeno u restoranima
both national and international restau-
nacionalne i internacionalne kuhinje. rants. When you coat this succulent
Kada ovaj sočni komad mesa prelijete piece of meat with pepper and tomato
sosom od paprika i paradajza, dobićete sauce, you will get a bite to take you to
zalogaj koji izaziva zadovoljstvo enorm- heaven. There is also carrot puree, a vel-
nih razmera. A tu je i pire od šargarepe vety addition  to these harmonious fla-
uz koji se ukusi prelivaju i slažu kao pal- vours, as in the most beautiful colour
palette. Enjoy these shades of red
eta boja. Uživajte u ovim nijansama
through the recipe that entwines the
crvene boje kroz recept u koji su utkani
flavours of Central America.
ukusi srednje Amerike.

TERRE ET MER (H) (F) . . . . 2.100 din. TERRE ET MER (H) (F) . . . . 2.100 rsd
Goveđi stek sa gamborima i Beef steak with shrimps and
Chimichuri sosom chimichurri sauce
prilog: pečeni krompir Side dish: baked potatoes and
i grilovano povrće grilled vegetables

O goveđem steku ne treba posebno Beef steak does need much to speak
govoriti. Svi znamo da je to najkvalitet- of. We all know that it is high quality,
niji i najukusniji deo mesa i predstavlja delicious meat cut and stands as a true
pravu gastronomsku poslasticu. U kom- gastronomic treat. Combined with chi-
binaciji sa chimichurri sosom stvara michurri sauce is delivers an explosion

eksploziju ukusa. of flavour. Chimichurri sauce, originat-

ing from Argentina, has spread around
Chimichuri sos, poreklom iz Argen- the world in a very short time. → Won-
tine, veoma brzo se proširio čitavim sve- dering why? The answer is simple – it
tom. Pitate se zašto? Odgovor je jed- complements any kind of meat. The ex-
nostavan, jer daje kompliment svakom act translation is a blend of a few things
mesu. Tačan prevod znači mešavina and the basis of this sauce is always the
nekoliko stvari i osnova ovog sosa je same, but the interesting thing is that
ista, a ono što je interesantno je da sva- each chef gives it a personal touch by
ki kuvar daje sopstveni pečat kombi- combining different ingredients.
nacijom različitih sastojaka. And then, just when you think that
this fabulous bite has reached its per-
A onda, kada pomislite da je ovaj
fections, you realize that the climax
fantastični zalogaj dostigao savršenstvo,
comes with the shrimps, whose prepa-
shvatite da vrhunac dolazi sa gambori-
ration is a great secret of our chefs. We
ma, čiji je način pripreme velika tajna
are going to keep it because the best
našeg kuvara. Nećemo vam je otkriti, jer
things must remain mysterious, but we
najbolje stvari moraju da ostanu
know for sure that this unlikely match,
mistične, ali znamo da je ovaj spoj ne-
an array of flavours and aromas, are
spojivog, mnoštvo aroma i ukusa, samo only a part of the experience while the
deo onoga što ćete doživeti dok se za- bites of this specialty are melting in
logaji ovog specijaliteta tope u vašim your mouth.

DIJONNAISE (H) . . . . . . . 1.700 din. DIJONNAISE (H) . . . . . . . . 1.700 rsd
Goveđi stek sa dižonskim senfom, Beef steak with Dijon mustard,
neutralnom pavlakom i belim vinom single cream and white wine
prilog: krompir i grilovano povrće Side dish: potatoes and grilled

Sladokusci tvrde da je dobro priprem- Food lovers claim that a well prepared
ljen goveđi odrezak iskustvo koje svako beef steak is an experience that everyone
treba da doživi. Neka ovaj dan bude should try. Let this be a day about new
posvećen novim iskustvima. Probajte experiences. Try this dish, because its
ovo jelo, jer njegovom savršenstvu do- perfection is contributed by the king of
prinosi kralj među senfovima, Dižonski mustard, Dijon mustard that presents a
senf koji predstavlja polovinu svetske half of the world mustard production,
proizvodnje senfa i samo u Francuskoj and in France only, there are more than
ima više od 20 različitih vrsta ovog pop- 20 varieties of this popular sauce made
ularnog sosa od semena slačice. Jačinu of mustard seeds. Its strong flavour is
njegovog ukusa ublažiće neutralna pav- mellowed by single cream, and refinement
laka, a notu prefinjenosti daće kvalitet- added by quality white wine.
no belo vino.


LIGNJE PROVINCIAL (H). . . 1.100 din. SQUIDS PROVINCIAL (H). . . 1.100 rsd

Lignje u umaku Squids in relish

prilog: pirinač i grilovano povrće Side dish: rice and grilled vegetables

Nema čoveka koji nije poželeo makar There is not a person in the world who
jednom u svom životu da se iste sekunde hasn’t wished to be able to teleport to the
teleportuje na morsku obalu i oseti miris seaside in a second to smell the Mediterra-
mediterana. Lignje Provincial spremljene nean at least once in their life. Squids Pro-
od strane naših kuvara u umaku od parada- vincial, prepared by our chefs, in tomato,
jza, belog luka i belog vina sa dodatkom garlic and white wine relish with parsley
peršuna i ruzmarina podsetiće vaša čula na and rosemary will evoke the faraway sounds
šum talasa i daleke obale mediterana. Lig- of the waves at the Mediterranean cost.
nje iliti Calamari kako ih Italijani zovu, kao Squids or calamari, as Italians call them,
jelo su počele da se spremaju na meditera- first were prepared at the Mediterranean
nu, dok su se kasnije proširile na ceo svet. and thne spread throughout the world.
Amerikanci su ih najpre koristili kao mamac Americans first used them as baits, after
za ribu, nakon čega su shvatili da im se which they realized that the treat that re-
morska poslastica kojoj je potrebno malo quires short preparation and a few drops of
spremanja s ljubavlju i par kapi belog vina white wine was already on the hook.
već nalazi na udici.
There is a myth that the largest squid
Mit je da je najveća lignja na svetu viđe­
seen on the Maldives was 53 metres long,
na na Maldivima bila duga 53 metara, ali
however, a fact, not a myth is that you will
ono što nije mit već istina, je da ćete najuku­
try the most delicious squids with a glass of
snije lignje uz čašu odgovarajućeg belog
best white wine right here, in Solaris.
vina jesti upravo u Solarisu.


SALMON (H). . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.100 rsd
SWEET & CHILI (H). . . . . . 1.100 din. Salmon in sweet and sour sauce
Side dish: rice and grilled vegetables
Losos u slatko ljutom sosu
prilog: pirinač i grilovano povrće
Summer brings fish and fish specialties
Sa letom dolaze i mirisi sveže ribe i ribljih scents. And a true synonym for summer is
specijaliteta. Međutim, sinonim leta je sva­ certainly a delicate salmon, perfectly
kako prefinjeni losos koji odlično ide uz osve­ matching refreshing white wine. This juicy
žavajuće belo vino. Uz vrele letnje dane ovo dish is perfect for hot summer days.
sočno jelo se idealno uklapa.
In the kitchen of “Biber” restaurant salm-
U kuhinji restorana Biber, losos se lagano on is slowly baked so as it does not lose the
peče, kako ne bi izgubio vitamine i minerale vitamins and minerals that make its fla-
koji čine njegov ukus fantastičnim. Kombi- vour. A mix of sesame, ketchup, honey and
nacija susama, kečapa, meda i limuna daje lemon provide that mystical flavour to the
taj mističan ukus lososu. A onda je tu Oyster salmon. And then, there is the Oyster sauce,
sos, koji ima lepu ravnotežu između slatkog beautifully balancing between sweet and
i slanog ukusa koji u kombinaciji sa čilijem savoury, combined with chili to add the
stvara tu divnu vezu slatkog i ljutog. spicy tone.

NAČIN (H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.100 din. FLORENTINE (H). . . . . . . . . . 1.100 rsd
prilog: aromatični krompir Side dish: aromatic potatoes
Njegovo veličanstvo Losos. Mnogima Its majesty salmon. A favourite sea fish
omiljena morska riba. Često je konzumiraju of many people. It is often consumed even
i oni koji nisu veliki ljubitelji ribe, jer lososu by those who do not prefer fish, for salmon
malo ko može odoleti. Rado ga na trpezu is hard to resist. Also, it is often on the ta-
uvrste i oni koji ribu izbegavaju zbog sitnih bles of those who avoid eating fish because
kostiju. of the small bones.
Losos se savršeno kombinuje sa različitim Salmon creates a perfect mix with a va-
vrstama povrća. Naši kuvari su sočnom lo- riety of vegetables. Our chefs added to suc-
sosu dodali nekoliko sastojaka koji su ovo culent salmon a few other ingredients that
jelo učinili besprekornim. Miks posebno will truly elevate this dish. A mix of care-
probranih pečuraka, mirisne tikvice i aro­ fully selected mushrooms, zucchini and fra-
matična rukola, kombinovani sa neizbežnim grant arugula, blended with inevitable lem-
limunom i neodoljivim čeri paradajzom on and irresistible cherry tomatoes will cre-
stvoriće pravu eksploziju ukusa na vašim ate an unforgettable explosion of flavours
nepcima. Čitavu lavinu aroma i ukusa laga- in your mouth. This avalanche of flavours
no će smiriti neutralna pavlaka. and aromas will be calmly balanced by sin-
gle cream.
Uživajte u ovom jelu uz čašu prohlađenog
vina. Enjoy this dish with a glass of chilled

(H-bez slanine) . . . . . . . . . . 990 din. (H-without bacon). . . . . . . . . 990 rsd
Riba sa slaninom u limunovom soku Fish with bacon in lemon juice
prilog: grilovano povrće Side dish: grilled vegetables

Značaj konzumiranja ribe nije potrebno The importance of eating fish is beyond
posebno navoditi. Riba obezbeđuje visoko­ commenting. Fish provides high quality
kvalitetne proteine i sadrži mnoge vitamine proteins, containing many vitamins and
i minerale. Posebno su bitne omega 3 masne minerals. Especially important are omega 3
kiseline, koje povoljno utiču na srce i mozak, fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart
kao i na razvoj i reprodukciju. and brain as well as for growth and repro-
Pastrmka pripremljena na ovaj način
mnoge naše goste ostavlja bez teksta. La­ The trout prepared in this manner leaves
koću ukusa koje pastrmka ima, pojačava many a gues speechless. The lightness of
slanina koja joj daje nesvakidašnji ukus, a trout flavour is elevated by bacon which
limunov sok je ono bez čega bi ovaj recept adds exceptional flavour, and lemon brings
izgubio na značaju. something this recipe couldn’t do without.
Solaris trout is our recommendation for
Solaris pastrmka je naša preporuka za sve
one koji žele lagani obrok, a ujedno su i pra- those seeking a light meal but being gour-
vi gurmani. mets at the same time.


Nikada nije dovoljno svežine i ludih Freshness, wild mixes of ingredients,

kombinacija, slanih i kiselih ukusa. A savoury and sour flavours are never
kada se slože i boje, nema ničeg enough. And when the colours match as
privlačnijeg. well, there is nothing more appealing.
Bez salata obroci nisu potpuni. Osim Without salads meals are not
što su dodatak jelima, one su izvor vi- complete. Apart from being side dishes,
tamina i energije. they are a great source of vitamins and
Salate se mogu služiti i samostalno u
vidu obrok salata i idealne su za vrele Salads can be served as full meals in
letnje dane. the form of a salad dish, thus being a
perfect choice during hot summer days.
U ponudi restorana "BIBER " ima ve-
liki broj raznolikih salata među kojima Restaurant “Biber” offers a large
ćete sigurno pronaći idealnu po vašem assortment of salads among which you
ukusu. will certainly find one to your taste.

Ljuta paprika. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 din. Hot peppers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 rsd

Mešana salata. . . . . . . . . . . 240 din. Mixed salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 rsd
Srpska salata. . . . . . . . . . . . 270 din. Serbian salad. . . . . . . . . . . . 270 rsd
Šopska salata. . . . . . . . . . . 290 din. Sopska salad. . . . . . . . . . . . 290 rsd
Grčka salata. . . . . . . . . . . . 330 din. Greek salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 rsd
Mix zelenih salata Mixed green salad
sa čeri paradajzom with cherry tomatoes
i parmezanom. . . . . . . . . . . 330 din. and parmesan. . . . . . . . . . . 330 rsd


Opšte je poznato da svaki dobar ob- It is common to finish a good meal

rok treba završiti slatkim zalogajem. with something sweet. Thus, the sym-
Tako je harmonija ukusa zadovoljena, a phony of flavours is completed, and a
konzument zadovoljan. Pripremi dezer- consumer is satisfied. Every home cook
ta svaka domaćica prilazi sa posebnom approach dessert preparation with  a
pažnjom, jer zna da je to ono što daje special care, because they know that it
celinu jednom obroku. is something important to round a suc-
cessful meal.
Kada gostimo nama drage osobe
veoma nam je važno da dezert bude When hosting our beloved, we find it
nesvakidašnji, jer svi dobro znamo da important for a dessert to be out of the
će, ukoliko je posle dobrog ručka po­ ordinary, because we all know that a
služen i dobar dezert, naši gosti otići great dessert served after a good lunch
pre­puni pozitivnih utisaka. means that the guest will leave with
positive impressions.
Za vas pripremamo poslastice, koje
će zadovoljiti ukuse kako ljubitelja tra­ For you, we prepare sweet treats that
dicionalnih kolača, tako i ljubitelje sa­ will satisfy the tastes of both those who
vremenih recepata. love traditional cakes and those more
inclined toward more trendy desserts.

Dnevni kolač . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 din. Cake of the day. . . . . . . . . . 300 rsd

Palačinke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 din. Crepes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 rsd
Jaffa torta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 din. Jaffa cake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 rsd
Cheesecake. . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 din. Cheesecake. . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 rsd
Sacher torta . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 din. Sacher cake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 rsd
Tri leće . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 din. Thres leches cake. . . . . . . . 250 rsd
Baklava . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 din. Baklava. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 rsd


Privoleti dete da sedne za sto i pojede Persuading a child to sit at a table

obrok, ponekad je prava umetnost. and eat a meal sometimes is really
Ishrana dece često roditeljima zadaje difficult, and feeding their children often
mnogo muke. Budući da je naš resort causes a lot of troubles to parents. As
prevashodno namenjen porodicama, our Resort is mainly focused on families,
možemo se pohvaliti da smo rado we can boast that we have been listening
osluškivali želje mališana i sa zado- to kids wishes and created, with great
voljstvom kreirali poseban meni kojem pleasure, a special menu they will not
neće odoleti. be able to resist.

Neka vaši mališani uživaju u zaloga- Let your children enjoy the bites we
jima koje smo kreirali specijalno za njih, created especially for them and you
a vi uživajte u njihovoj radosti, jer su enjoy in their joy for getting the meal
dobili obrok koji su i priželjkivali. they have wished for.

Pizza na tortilji . . . . . . . . . . 220 din. Tortilla Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 rsd

Špagete „Bolonjeze“. . . . . . 350 din. Spaghetti Bolognese . . . . . . 350 rsd
Bečka šnicla Vienna Steak with
sa pomfritom . . . . . . . . . . . 380 din. French fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 rsd
Pileće belo meso Grilled chicken
na žaru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 din. breasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 rsd
Mini pljeskavica Mini burgers with
sa pomfritom . . . . . . . . . . . 320 din. French fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 rsd


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