Skript Presentation Unilever
Skript Presentation Unilever
Skript Presentation Unilever
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good afternoon everybody
For the first, i would like to say thank you to Mam Anggita because give me a change for do
it this presentation and thanks to all participant who comes today.
Okay, today i will do the presentation about Company Profile PT Unilever Indonesia, but
before that, i want to introduct my self for the first. My name is Putri Julia Ningsih,
A.Md.Ab, i born in Pontianak, 22 July 2022, i live at Tebu Street, gg. Gandapura 1A, in
Unilever I work as a Public Relation Officer, and i ever studied at the Pontianak State
Polytechnic majoring Business Administration.
Oke, you guys already know who i’m, right?
Slide Content of Presentation
If already know my name, next i will tell you what the content of presentation today. First i
will explain about company profile of PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk., second i will show you
and explain about the vision and mission if PT Unilever Indonesia, third i will explain about
the organization structure of PT Unilever Indonesia, fourth i will show you many
archivement that PT Unilever Indonesia got in 2021, and the last i will introduct you guys
many kind of product by PT Unilever Indonesia.
Slide Company Profile
Oke, we can go for the first topic of presentation today. Today i would like to explain about
Company Profile PT Unilever Indonesia. Have you ever heard of PT Unilever
Indonesia?........ yeah you are already know about PT Unilever Indonesia, right?. What kinds
Unilever products do you know? put your hand up. Oke what your name? .... what kinds
Unilever Products you know?.... That right, it’s for you (give a gift).
Okay, Unilever Indonesia is a company which production many kinds of products like beauty
and personal care products, food and refreshman products, and home care products.
PT Unilever Indonesia The Company’s journey began when it was established under the
name Lever’s Zeepfabrieken N.V. on 5 December 1933. In 1980, the Company changed
name to PT Unilever Indonesia, as recorded in deed No. 171 by public notary Mrs Kartini
Muljadi, S.H., dated 22 July 1980. On 30 June 1997, the Company underwent a further
change of name to become PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk.
The Company’s business is organized into two divisions: Home & Personal Care and Foods
& Refreshment. Home and Personal Care brands driven by purpose and innovation.
Meanwhile, Foods and Refreshment brands are made from high quality, sustainably sourced
ingredients with the great taste, authenticity, and nutrition.
The Company’s portfolio comprises a mix of legacy global brands, iconic local brands and
exciting new brands designed to meet increasingly sophisticated and value driven consumer
expectations. All of them have purpose and innovation at their core and at the forefront of
drive to make sustainable living commonplace through profitable and sustainable growth.
The Company has nine factories which are located in the Jababeka Industrial Zone in
Cikarang, and Rungkut in Surabaya. Head office occupies a 3-hectare site at Bumi Serpong
Damai, Tangerang that can house more than 1,500 employees. The Company’s product
portfolio, comprising 43 core domestic brands marketed through a network of more than 800
independent distributors who serve thousands of stores across the country.
Next, i would show you guys a video of our office areas....
This our office environment, it includes various facilities and room like main reception and
atrium, cafetaria, mushola, day care, hair salon, gym, west entrance, magnum cafe, buavita,
ICC, multifuncion room, meeting suite, general workplace, lift lobby.
That our office environment so comfy and aesthetic right? Are you interested to working at
Slide vision and mission
Next we can move to second content of presentation it is about Vision and Mission PT
Unilever Indonesia.
Vision PT Unilever Indonesia is To earn the love and respect of Indonesia by touching the
lives of every Indonesian everyday. Based on this vision, we hope to continue to be the trust
and friend of the Indonesian people in their daily lives and can continue to meet the daily
needs of the Indonesian people.
Next what the our mission to fulfill that vision?
1. We work to create a better future every day. (we work hard to inovate and provide the
best for indonesian people every day.)
2. We help people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and services
that are good for them and good for others. (We will ensure that Indonesian people feel
comfortable with the products and services we provide for them)
3. We inspire people to take small, everyday actions that can add up to a big difference for
the world. (We also inspire Indonesian people and take small actions that are expected to
make big changes for the world in the future. we often do socialization about protecting
the environment both on social media and going directly to the field and we also help
reduce the use and volume of plastic waste in Indonesia.)
4. We will develop new ways of doing business that will allow us to double the size of our
business while reducing our environmental impact. (we take actions that will reduce our
environmental impact, by using recycled plastic for our product packaging, using solar
power in office buildings, and carrying out environmentally friendly production
That all vision and mission our company. We know to achieve this goal is not easy, but we are trying
our best to achieve that goal for the convenience of consumers and to keep the environment well
Slide Company Structure
Next, we talk about our company structure. PT Unilever Indonesia is a company in the form of a
limited liability company, which in running the company, the capital obtained consists of shares.
therefore above the president director there is a