Kfoury 2014

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J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem

DOI 10.1007/s10847-014-0385-7


Investigation of monoterpenes complexation with hydroxypropyl-

Miriana Kfoury • Lizette Auezova •
Sophie Fourmentin • Hélène Greige-Gerges

Received: 12 November 2013 / Accepted: 22 January 2014

Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract In this study, we investigated the inclusion Keywords Hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin 

complexation of 2-hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin (HP-b- Monoterpenes  Formation constant  Fluorescence  Static
CD) and eight monoterpenes (eucalyptol, geraniol, limo- headspace gas chromatography  Encapsulation efficiency
nene, linalool, a-pinene, b-pinene, pulegone, and thymol)
in aqueous solution and solid state. The formation con-
stants (Kf) of inclusion complexes were determined using Introduction
fluorescence spectroscopy and static headspace gas chro-
matography. The results indicated the formation of 1:1 Essential oils (EOs) have been used for centuries in food,
inclusion complexes between HP-b-CD and all studied perfumery and traditional medicine [1–3]. They represent
guests. A linear relationship was found between Kf values complex mixtures of volatile aroma compounds synthe-
and the hydrophobic character of the monoterpenes sized in plants to ensure their protection against various
expressed as logP. Solid complexes were prepared by the pathogens. Monoterpenes obtained from the condensation
freeze-drying method in a 1:1 (HP-b-CD:monoterpene) of two isoprene units, are a large group of EOs constitu-
molar ratio. Physicochemical characterization of solid ents. They can be classified into monoterpene hydrocar-
inclusion complexes was carried out using Fourier trans- bons and oxygenated monoterpenes such as alcohols,
form infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calo- esters, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, and phenols. Chemical
rimetry. Finally, the encapsulation efficiency (EE%) of HP- composition and properties of EOs have been subjects of
b-CD was determined using HPLC analysis. Noticeable numerous studies. Moreover, antibacterial [4], antifungal
difference in the EE% was observed between monoterpene [5], antiviral [6], anticancer [7], insecticidal [8], antioxi-
hydrocarbons and oxygenated monoterpenes. These results dant and anti-inflammatory [9] activities of EOs and their
suggested that complexation with HP-b-CD could be a constituents were reported. However, their volatility and
promising strategy to enlarge the application of monoter- low water solubility limit their applications.
penes in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. Complexation with cyclodextrins (CDs) is an effective
tool to increase aqueous solubility of these molecules and
to protect them against oxidation, thermal degradation, and
M. Kfoury  L. Auezova (&)  H. Greige-Gerges evaporation [10]. Moreover, the complexation reversibility
Bioactive Molecules Research Group, Department of Chemistry generates controlled release systems of the encapsulated
and Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences-2, Doctoral School of aroma [11, 12]. CDs are cyclic oligosaccharides, consisting
Science and Technology, Lebanese University, Fanar, Lebanon
of six, seven or eight glucopyranose units (named a-, b-
e-mail: laouezova@ul.edu.lb; auezova_l@hotmail.com
and c-CD, respectively). A basket-shaped structure of CDs
M. Kfoury  S. Fourmentin (&) with a hydrophilic outer surface and a relatively hydro-
Univ Lille Nord de France, 59000 Lille, France phobic cavity explain their ability to act as molecular cage
e-mail: lamotte@univ-littoral.fr
for hydrophobic guests (G). CDs form inclusion complexes
M. Kfoury  S. Fourmentin with a wide range of organic compounds, which enter
ULCO, UCEIV EA 4492, 59140 Dunkerque, France partly or entirely into their lipophilic cavity. The strength

J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem

of host–G complexation depends mainly on the polarity equilibrium, the suspensions were filtered through 0.45 lm
and geometric accommodation between CD cavity and G filters. For the filtrate, the fluorescence spectra were
molecule [10]. These parameters play a critical role in acquired at maximum excitation and emission wavelengths
determining the stoichiometry and formation constant (Kf) of each G compound. Fluorescence measurements were
of the inclusion complexes [13]. performed on a F7000 fluorescence spectrophotometer
Among different CDs, b-CD is the most used due to its (Hitachi, High Technologies Corporation, Japan). The
suitable cavity size for a wide range of G molecules. experiments were carried out in duplicate.
However, its application is limited because of its nephro-
toxicity and low aqueous solubility (1.8 % w/v, at 25 °C) Static headspace gas chromatography (SH-GC)
[1, 2]. b-CD derivatives like 2-hydroxypropyl-b-CD (HP-
b-CD) with improved safety [14, 15] and water solubility HP-b-CD/G complexation was studied by a SH-GC titra-
(50 % w/v, at 25 °C) were synthesized [2]. HP-b-CD is one tion method developed in UCEIV for volatile organic
of the most widely used CD derivatives in food, agriculture compounds [17]. Four concentrations of HP-b-CD were
and pharmaceutical fields [16]. used at constant G concentration (10 ppm). Measurements
The encapsulation of monoterpenes in HP-b-CD has were conducted using an Agilent G 1888 headspace
received increasing attention in recent years [12, 17–22]. Autosampler. The sample was analyzed by GC (Perkin
However, studies concerning the determination of Kf val- Elmer Autosystem XL) equipped with a flame-ionization
ues of HP-b-CD/monoterpene complexes are still few in detector using an Agilent J&W DB-5 column. The GC
number. settings were set as follows: detector temperature, 280 °C;
In the present study, the complexation of HP-b-CD with column temperature, 100 °C for eucalyptol, a-pinene and
eight monoterpenes (eucalyptol, geraniol, limonene, linal- b-pinene, 120 °C for limonene and linalool, 140 °C for
ool, a-pinene, b-pinene, pulegone, and thymol) was geraniol and pulegone, and 180 °C for thymol. An algo-
investigated in aqueous solution by fluorescence spectros- rithmic treatment was then applied to minimize the dif-
copy and static headspace gas chromatography (SH-GC) ference between the experimental and theoretical values of
and in solid state by Fourier transform infrared spectros- the peak area leading to the adequate Kf value [17].
copy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
Furthermore, the encapsulation efficiency (EE%) of HP-b- Preparation of solid HP-b-CD/G inclusion complexes
CD towards the studied monoterpenes was evaluated using
HPLC. 300 mg of HP-b-CD were dissolved in 20 ml of water and
the required amount of G was added (1:1 molar ratio).
Solutions were then stirred (150 rpm for 24 h at
Experimental 25 ± 2 °C). The solutions obtained were filtered (0.45 lm
filter), frozen at -80 °C and lyophilized using a freeze
Materials dryer (Martin Christ, Germany). The final dry powders
were stored at 4 °C prior to analysis.
HP-b-CD (DS 5.6) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
(China). Eucalyptol, a-pinene, b-pinene, limonene, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
thymol were provided by Fluka Chemicals (Germany),
linalool, pulegone, eucalyptol and geraniol were obtained FTIR spectra were obtained in the frequency range
from Sigma-Aldrich (Germany). Methanol was HPLC between 4,000 and 400 cm-1 using Fourier Transform
grade (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany). All solutions were pre- Infrared spectrometer (FT/IR-6300, JASCO, Japan). FTIR
pared with ultrapure water obtained with ‘‘Heal force SNW samples were prepared in the form of potassium bromide
Ultra-Pure Water System’’ (China). pellets. The IR spectra of the freeze-dried complexes were
analyzed and compared with the spectra of HP-b-CD and G
Methods alone.

Fluorescence studies DSC analysis

In a final volume of 5 ml, an appropriate volume of HP-b- DSC analyses were carried out for monoterpenes, HP-b-
CD 0.1 M was added to 0.5 ml of G compound CD, their physical mixtures and inclusion complexes with a
(1.5 9 10-4 M) to reach a range of concentrations from 1 Mettler-Toledo DSC821 differential calorimeter calibrated
to 7 9 10-3 M. The solutions were mixed in a thermostatic with indium (Mettler-Toledo S.P.A., Milan, Italy). Each
shaker at 150 rpm for 24 h at 25 ± 2 °C. After sample (3–5 mg) was heated in a crimped aluminium pan

J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem

at a scanning rate of 10 °C/min between 50 and 300 °C (150 9 4.6 mm, Agilent Zorbax Eclipse XDB-C18). The
temperature range under a nitrogen flow of 40 ml/min. An column temperature was maintained at 25 °C. 20 ll of
empty pan sealed in the same way was used as reference. the samples were injected into the HPLC column. The
Reproducibility was checked by running the sample in mobile phase consisted of MeOH:H2O and was set as
triplicate. follows: for linalool and pulegone, 65:35 (v/v), for
eucalyptol, geraniol and thymol, 70:30 (v/v), for limo-
Encapsulation efficiency (EE%) nene, a-pinene and b-pinene 85:15 (v/v). The flow rate
was 1 ml/min. The absorbance was monitored continu-
For each monoterpene, three batches of HP-b-CD/ ously at 204 nm since all the studied monoterpenes
monoterpene inclusion complex were prepared. 10 mg of absorb at this wavelength. Monoterpenes were identified
the freeze dried inclusion complex were dissolved in and quantified based on analytical standard curves. The
methanol (10 ml). The samples were maintained in an HPLC method was validated in terms of linearity,
ultrasonic bath for 15 min and saturated NaCl solution repeatability and limit of detection. The EE% was cal-
(0.05 ml) was then added to accelerate the precipitation. culated using the following equation:
Samples were centrifuged at 18,0009g at 4 °C for EMC ðmgÞ
30 min. 0.1 ml of supernatants were taken and added to EE% ¼  100; ð1Þ
TMC ðmgÞ
0.1 ml of an appropriate internal standard and 0.2 ml of
methanol. Samples were then analyzed by HPLC (Hit- where EMC stands for the experimental monoterpene
achi VWR L-2130) using a C18 column 5 lm content which is the extracted amount of monoterpene
from its solid inclusion complex and TMC is the theoretical
monoterpene content which is the amount of monoterpene
a initially used to prepare the solid inclusion complex.


Results and discussion


[HP- -CD] M In the present study, inclusion complexes of HP-b-CD and

eight monoterpenes were prepared and characterized both
in aqueous solution and in solid state.

500 Investigation of inclusion complexes in aqueous

290 310 330 350
Effect of HP-b-CD on the fluorescence behavior
of monoterpenes

b Figure 1 shows the fluorescence emission spectra of pule-

gone and b-pinene (as example) in aqueous solution for

2500 different HP-b-CD concentrations. All studied monoter-

penes, with the exception of thymol, were found to exhibit
[HP- -CD] M no or low fluorescence yield in the absence of HP-b-CD.
1500 Thymol showed noticeable emission intensity, due to its
aromatic ring moiety. Upon addition of HP-b-CD, the
fluorescence intensity of monoterpenes was enhanced and
500 increased gradually with its concentration. This intensity
increment can be obviously seen from the plots (F - F0)
0 against HP-b-CD concentration (Fig. 1), where F and F0
280 300 320 340
(nm) are the fluorescence intensities of inclusion complex and of
free G, respectively. The best fluorescence enhancement,
Fig. 1 Fluorescence spectra of a pulegone (1.5 9 10-5 M) and b b- F0 /F0 (F0 , fluorescence intensity in the presence of the
pinene (1.5 9 10-5 M) in absence and presence of HP-b-CD. highest HP-b-CD concentration), was obtained for the HP-
Concentration of HP-b-CD: curves (1 ? 8); (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and
7 9 10-3 M). Inset plots of fluorescence intensity enhancement b-CD/linalool inclusion complex (Table 1). It might be due
(F - F0), as a function of HP-b-CD concentration to the better fit of linalool inside the HP-b-CD cavity in

J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem

Table 1 Emission wavelengths of monoterpenes in absence (k1) and approaches and SH-GC (Kf3), fluorescence enhancement ratios (F0 /
presence (k2) of HP-b-CD, Kf values of HP-b-CD/monoterpene F0), logP values, and encapsulation efficiency (EE%)
complexes calculated from Benesi–Hildebrand (Kf1), Scatchard (Kf2)
Guests k1 (nm) k2 (nm) Kf1 (M-1) Kf2 (M-1) Kf3 (M-1) F0 /F0 LogP EE%

Eucalyptol 311 309 1,200 1,112 334a 5.24 3.13c 88.0 ± 2.8
Geraniol 311 309 1,320 1,064 712 5.88 3.47c 85.1 ± 2.8
Limonene 305 304 1,667 1,700 2,787a 5.86 4.38d 15.4 ± 1.5
Linalool 307 304 1,500 1,260 596a 9.54 3.50d 90.3 ± 0.9
a-Pinene 307 305 2,000 1,842 1,637a 7.37 4.48d 24.9 ± 0.6
b-Pinene 308 305 1,667 1,671 3,151a 6.63 4.16d 20.9 ± 4.1
Pulegone 311 309 867 798 676 5.79 2.76d 82.1 ± 1.9
Thymol 309 306 1,400 1,313 806 3.27 3.30d 90.6 ± 3.0

F0 /F0 enhancement of the guest fluorescence in the presence of 7 9 10-3 M of HP-b-CD

See [18]
See [17]
See [37]
See [38]

comparison to other monoterpenes [23]. The same Determination of formation constants (Kf)
enhancement of fluorescence intensity upon complexation
with CDs has been previously demonstrated for a number Fluorescence studies
of hydrophobic compounds such as eugenol, anethole [24],
aflatoxins [25] and acyclovir [26]. The formation constants (Kf) were estimated assuming a
The observed enhancement of fluorescence intensity 1:1 stoichiometry for the inclusion complexes between HP-
suggested that the studied monoterpenes had been suc- b-CD and the monoterpenes. The following expression can
cessfully incorporated inside the CD cavity, forming non- be written:
covalent inclusion complexes. The fluorescence HP-b-CD þ G
HP-b-CD=G; ð2Þ
enhancement might be due to several interactions
between CD and the encapsulated G. For instance, the with overall Kf:
spatial restrictions inside the cavity might lead to an ½HP-b-CD/G
increase of the G molecule rigidity [27] and the inhibi- Kf ¼ : ð3Þ
tion of its ‘‘free rotor’’ effect [28]. In addition, the
hydrophobic cavity of CD possesses high electron den- The Kf values of the inclusion complexes were deter-
sity produced by the non-bonding electron pairs of the mined based on fluorescence intensity. Two different
glycosidic oxygen bonds localized inside the cavity [27, approaches, the modified Benesi–Hildebrand’s [33] and
29]. Furthermore, encapsulation protected the fluorophore Scatchard’s [34] methods were applied.
from external quenchers and reduced its interactions with According to Benesi–Hildebrand’s [33] approach, the
water [28, 30]. The fluorescence intensity enhancement equation can be written as follows:
was found to be associated with a bathochromic shift 1 1 1 1
(1–3 nm) of maximum emission wavelength (Table 1). A ¼  þ : ð4Þ
DF Kf  k  Q  ½G ½HP -b- CD k  Q  ½G]
hypsochromic shift of maximum excitation wavelength
was also observed (data not shown). These observations [HP-b-CD] and [G] are, respectively, the initial con-
provided an evidence of the G translocation from water centrations of HP-b-CD and G. DF denotes the variation in
into the hydrophobic cavity of HP-b-CD, a less polar the fluorescence yield of G upon HP-b-CD addition. Q is
medium [31]. Zhan et al. [32] reported similar wave- the quantum yield for the complex, and k stands for an
length shift for eugenol encapsulated in different CDs. instrumental constant. The initial HP-b-CD concentration
Thus, for all studied monoterpenes, enhanced fluores- was chosen at least ten times higher than that of the G. In
cence and maximum wavelengths shifts were observed these conditions, the concentration of free HP-b-CD, at the
upon HP-b-CD addition, proving their encapsulation in equilibrium, was presumed to be approximately equal to its
HP-b-CD cavity. initial concentration [35]. Kf values were calculated by

J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem

a 0.012 R = 0.9845






0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
1/[HP- -CD] (M-1)

b 100000 2000000
R = 0.9573

(F-F0 )/HP- -CD]

Area (µV.s)


0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012
(F-F0 ) [HP- -CD] M

Fig. 2 a Benesi–Hildebrand and b Scatchard plots for HP-b-CD/ Fig. 3 Representation of the experimental points (filled diamonds)
pulegone inclusion complex obtained for HP-b-CD/thymol compared with theoretical titration
curve (dashed lines) for a 1:1 complex

dividing the intercept over the slope of the straight line

obtained in the double-reciprocal plot (Eq. (4)). The major ratio of the obtained inclusion complexes. The plots
advantage of the Benesi–Hildebrand approach is that the obtained for pulegone were shown as example in Fig. 2.
variables remain independent on the abscissa and ordinate Kf calculated by Benesi–Hildebrand and Scatchard
axis, whereas other graphical representations allow the approaches (Table 1) showed similar values ranging from
variables to become mixed. 867 to 2,000 M-1 and from 798 to 1,842 M-1, respectively
According to Scatchard’s approach, the relationship (Table 1). A good correlation was observed between Kf
between fluorescence intensity enhancement (F - F0) and values determined by the two approaches (r2 = 0.9169).
the HP-b-CD concentration is given by the following The obtained values of Kf fell between 200 and 2,000 M-1,
equation [34]: a characteristic range of 1:1 inclusion complexes [36]. It
should be noted that Kf values ranging from 200 to
ðF  F0 Þ
¼ ðF1  F0 Þ  Kf  ðF  F0 Þ  Kf ; ð5Þ 10,000 M-1 were found to be appropriate for drug encap-
½HP -b- CD
sulation in CDs, allowing its controlled release over time
where F0 is the fluorescence intensity of G in the absence [26].
of HP-b-CD, F? is the fluorescence intensity when the G is
essentially complexed with HP-b-CD, F is the fluorescence Static headspace gas chromatography (SH-GC)
at each HP-b-CD concentration, Kf is the formation con-
stant of the inclusion complex and [HP-b-CD] stands for HP-b-CD/monoterpenes complexation was also investi-
the initial concentration of HP-b-CD. For a 1:1 complex, a gated using SH-GC. For all the studied monoterpenes,
plot of (F - F0)/[HP-b-CD] versus (F - F0) gives a experimental variations of their peak areas with HP-b-CD
straight line, with a slope equal to -Kf. concentration fit well with the 1:1 complex theoretical
For all studied monoterpenes, a good linearity was curve (Fig. 3). This indicated that the stoichiometry of the
observed by both treatments indicating 1:1 stoichiometric obtained inclusion complexes was 1:1, confirming the

J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem

a R = 0.8872 indicating the formation of inclusion complexes with a

molar ratio other than 1:1. On the other hand, a strong
correlation was found between the logP bibliographic
1500 values of the monoterpenes [37, 38] and Kf values obtained
from fluorescence (Fig. 4) and SH-GC (data not shown)
K (M-1 )

1000 studies. Thus, the main driving force of the complexation

seemed to be related with the hydrophobic character of G.
Correlations between Kf values of CD/aroma complexes
and logP were also observed in other study [35].

0 Solid inclusion complexes investigation

2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Log P
FTIR spectroscopy analysis
b 2000 R = 0.9232
FTIR spectroscopy had been commonly applied to prove
the formation of CD/G inclusion complex [39]. None of the
complexes studied in this paper was previously character-
ized by FTIR spectroscopy. FTIR spectra of b-CD/geraniol
K (M-1)

1000 [40], b-CD/pulegone and c-CD/pulegone complexes were

reported in the literature [41].
The FTIR spectra and prominent peak assignments of
HP-b-CD, limonene, linalool and their subsequent inclu-
sion complexes were shown in Fig. 5 and Table 2,
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 respectively.
Log P As can be seen in Fig. 5a and Table 2, HP-b-CD spec-
trum showed prominent absorption bands at: 3437 cm-1
Fig. 4 Relationship between a Benesi–Hildebrand and b Scatchard (free O–H stretching vibrations), 2930 cm-1 (C–H
formation constants (Kf) and hydrophobicity parameter (logP) of
stretching vibrations), 1373 cm-1 (C–H deformation),
1156 cm-1 (C–O stretching vibrations) and 1034 cm-1
(C–O–C stretching vibrations) [42, 43]. The OH stretching
results obtained by fluorescence spectroscopy. Kf were peak of HP-b-CD presented an overlapping of primary and
calculated using an algorithmic treatment developed pre- secondary groups [44]. The IR spectrum of limonene
viously (Table 1) [17]. These values were in agreement (Fig. 5b) showed the following characteristic bands:
with those obtained from fluorescence spectroscopy, with 3077 cm-1 (=C–H stretching vibrations), 2964 and
the three monoterpene hydrocarbons showing the highest 2921 cm-1 (C–H stretching vibrations), 1644 cm-1 (C=C
Kf values. stretching vibrations), 1442 and 1375 cm-1 (C–H defor-
To the best of our knowledge, few are the studies con- mation vibrations) and 889 cm-1 (C–H deformation
cerning the determination of Kf values of HP-b-CD com- vibrations in the gem-disubstituted alkene). Whereas the
plexes with the studied monoterpenes. Saito et al. [19] spectrum of linalool (Fig. 5c) displayed the characteristic
determined the Kf for linalool, limonene, a-pinene, b- bands at: 3440 cm-1 (O–H stretching vibrations),
pinene, and geraniol inclusion complexes with HP-b-CD. 3086 cm-1 (=C–H stretching vibrations), 2971 and
However, the values obtained were higher than those 2922 cm-1 (C–H stretching vibrations), 1644 cm-1 (C=C
obtained in our work, certainly due to the difference in the stretching vibrations), 1450 and 1374 cm-1 (C–H defor-
applied experimental approaches. Namely, authors used the mation vibrations), 1113 cm-1 (C–O stretching vibrations),
same CD concentration for different G concentrations, 919 cm-1 (C–H deformation vibrations in the vinyl) and
while in our study the G concentration was constant and 834 cm-1 (C–H deformation vibrations in the trisubstituted
CD concentration varied [19]. Kf values reported in the alkene). The spectra of inclusion complexes showed small
literature for HP-b-CD/linalool were 1610 M-1 [20], differences in comparison to that of HP-b-CD. This indi-
958 M-1 [21], 720 M-1 [12] and for HP-b-CD/limonene cated that no covalent interactions between encapsulated
3350 M-1 [20], which were consistent with our results. molecules and C–C, C–O–C, and OH groups of HP-b-CD
Solubility diagram for HP-b-CD/thymol was investigated existed [45]. Moreover, no new peaks were observed
by Demian [21]. However, the Kf value could not be demonstrating that no new chemical bonds were created.
compared to our result since the slope was more than unity, However, the hydroxyl group absorption band of HP-b-CD

J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem

Fig. 5 FTIR spectra of a HP-b- a 100

CD, b limonene, c linalool and
their relative inclusion

complexes, d HP-b-CD/ 50
limonene and e HP-b-CD/
linalool 3437
3400 2400 1400 400
Wavenumber (cm-1)

b 90 c 90


60 1644
30 1644
889 919
0 30
3400 2400 1400 400 3400 2400 1400 400
Wavenumber (cm-1) Wavenumber (cm-1)

d 90


1652 852
60 1647
30 20
3400 2400 1400 400 3400 2400 1400 400
Wavenumber (cm-1) Wavenumber (cm-1)

Table 2 Wavenumbers (cm-1) assignment of FTIR spectra of HP-b-CD, limonene, linalool and their relative inclusion complexes
Chemical functional groups Wavenumber (cm-1)
Vibration modes HP-b-CD Limonene HP-b-CD/limonene Linalool HP-b-CD/linalool

t(O–H) 3,437 – 3,362 3,440 3,386

t(=C–H) – 3,077 O/l 3,086 O/l
Methylene/methyl t(C–H) 2,930 2964, 2921 2,931 2971, 2922 2,930
Alkene t(C=C) – 1,644 1,652 1,644 1,647
Methylene/methyl d(C–H) O/l, 1373 1442, 1375 O/l, 1375 1450, 1374 O/l, 1374
t(C–O)/(C–O–C) 1156, 1034 – 1155, 1034 1,113 1155, 1034
Vinyl d(C–H) – – – 919 945
Alkene gem d(C–H) – 889 852 – –
Trisubstituted alkene d(C–H) – – – 834 852
O/l overlapped

was slightly shifted towards lower wavenumbers and 852 cm-1, attributed respectively to C=C stretching
showed a substantial decrease in intensity as well as vibrations and C–H deformation vibrations in the gem-
broadening, upon complexation. These findings could be disubstituted alkene of limonene, were also reproduced in
explained by the formation of hydrogen bonds between G inclusion complex spectrum (Fig. 5d). In the case of lin-
molecule and HP-b-CD as well as by the release of alool, the bands at 1647, 945, and 852 cm-1 attributed to
included water molecules from the cavity [40, 41]. It C=C stretching vibrations, C–H deformation vibrations in
should be noted that the bands of free G molecules were the vinyl and C–H deformation vibrations in the trisubsti-
generally covered up by the peaks of HP-b-CD/G complex tuted alkene of linalool were also found in HP-b-CD/lin-
because the quantities of G molecules were no more than alool inclusion complex spectrum (Fig. 5e). However, they
10–15 % (w/w) in the inclusion complexes [11]. Never- had a decreased intensity due apparently to low quantity of
theless, for each G molecule, some characteristic bands G molecule in the complex and its restricted vibrating and
were reproduced in its corresponding inclusion complex bending inside the HP-b-CD cavity [46]. In addition, these
spectrum (Table 2). Thus, the bands at 1,652 and peaks showed slight shifts relative to those of the

J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem

a components. The endothermic peak corresponding to the

free G disappeared, suggesting a complex formation.
Similar observations were done for b-CD/thymol inclusion
Exo complex [47]. Moreover, the broad endothermic peak,
Heat flow (w/g)

corresponding to the free HP-b-CD has been shifted,

indicating that G molecules had replaced water molecules
in the cavity of HP-b-CD after inclusion complex forma-
tion. The same effect, with lower intensity, was also found
in their relative physical mixtures (Fig. 6d, h). It might be
c explained by the diffusion of these highly volatile G into
d the CD cavity during the heating process provided by the
DSC analysis [48]. The DSC results confirmed that mon-
50 100 150 200 250 300 oterpenes were successfully included into the cavity of HP-

e Encapsulation efficiency

For each monoterpene, an HPLC method was developed to

Exo determine the EE% of HP-b-CD. EE% is a quantitative
Heat flow (w/g)

parameter indicating the amount of included monoterpene

in the solid complex. EE% values were calculated using
Eq. (1) and are listed in Table 1.
As can be seen in Table 1, the oxygenated monoter-
penes (eucalyptol, geraniol, linalool, pulegone and thymol)
g were entrapped in HP-b-CD cavity much more effectively
(EE% [82.1) than monoterpene hydrocarbons (limonene,
h a- and b-pinene; EE% from 15.4 to 24.9 %). The lower
50 100 150 200 250 300 values of EE% obtained for monoterpene hydrocarbons
might be due to their very low water solubility. For such
highly hydrophobic molecules, increasing starting ratios of
Fig. 6 DSC thermograms of (a) linalool, (b) HP-b-CD, (c) HP-b-CD/
linalool inclusion complex, (d) HP-b-CD/linalool physical mixture, HP-b-CD to G may produce higher inclusion of these
(e) b-pinene, (f) HP-b-CD, (g) HP-b-CD/b-pinene inclusion complex molecules and may be more adequate for their complexa-
and (h) HP-b-CD/b-pinene physical mixture tion [49]. On the other hand, a small amount of water
miscible solvent could be added to increase the solubility
respective free compounds, providing an evidence of host– of G in the medium [50].
G interactions. Similar results were obtained for other Shukla et al. [50] found no statistically significant dif-
studied G indicating the formation of inclusion complexes ference (at the 5 % level) between EE% of b-CD and that
with HP-b-CD. Thus, the FTIR results clearly indicated of HP-b-CD. Indeed, our results concerning geraniol and
that HP-b-CD was able to form inclusion complexes with thymol were consistent with literature data for EE% of b-
all monoterpenes studied in solid state. CD [47]. To the best of our knowledge, no other reports on
EE% values for the studied monoterpenes have been
DSC analysis published.

The thermograms of HP-b-CD, linalool, b-pinene, their

inclusion complexes and physical mixtures were presented Conclusion
in Fig. 6 as examples.
The thermogram of HP-b-CD showed a very broad HP-b-CD inclusion complexes of eucalyptol, geraniol,
endothermic band, between 100 and 150 °C (Fig. 6b, f), limonene, linalool, a-pinene, b-pinene, pulegone, and
indicating dehydration process. The DSC curves of linalool thymol were successfully prepared as demonstrated by
and b-pinene illustrated sharp endothermic peak at about fluorescence spectroscopy, SH-GC, FTIR and DSC. The
204 and 167 °C (Fig. 6a, e, respectively). However, the main driving force of complex formation was hydrophobic
thermal behavior of the freeze-dried inclusion complexes interactions as was evidenced by the strong positive cor-
(Fig. 6c, g) was different from that found for the individual relation between the Kf values of inclusion complexes and

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