Cent Vidyarthi
Cent Vidyarthi
Cent Vidyarthi
(For Common Application Form, Guarantors Consent Letter & Acknowledgement-Please fill PART-I.) BASIC INFORMATION
Sl Particulars a. Proposed course of Study b. Duration of Course c. Name and address of the College /
Institution in which the student intends to join.
Years Full time Part time
f. g. h. i. i.
above College /Institute / University or accepted for the Course? If so, certified copy of admission/ acceptance Letter should be attached Is the applicant attending any college or Institute at present? If so, furnish full particulars. No. of earning members in the Family & their total income. Whether the student has any working experience? If yes, please give details. Whether the student will take up any part-time employment during study? If yes, please give details. Year of retirement of father Guardian (if in service only)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Non repayable scholarship(s) at Rs._____________ p.a. for ____________ years Loan scholarship(s) and or other repayable financial assistance from other sources Contribution of Parent/ Guarding and /or other Members of the family / relatives towards total expenses Amount of loan required from the bank Earning of the student(if any) Total Rs.__________________ Rs.__________________ Rs.__________________ Rs.__________________ Rs.__________________ Rs.__________________
Particulars of Insurance Policy (ies) (In the case of father/ guardian/ applicant only) Names of the insured Policy No Date Date(s) of Amount of Date of last Maturity yearly premium premium paid
Amount of foreign exchange required. Foreign currency Rupee equivalent Have you obtained the necessary passport, /visa etc? Yes/No.(if yes, give reference) Do you intend to take up any part time employment during the course of studies abroad? If so, give particulars. What are your likely Prospects on your return to India?
DECLARATION: We hereby declare that the information furnished against the foregoing items is true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We also undertake to inform the bank immediately any change in our employment details, address, telephone number including mobile no. etc. for both local and permanent address, Signature of Father/Guardian Place Date Signature of student Signature of Guarantor (if any)