Application Note of Photo Ionisation Detector Spid
Application Note of Photo Ionisation Detector Spid
Application Note of Photo Ionisation Detector Spid
Compound Mixtures
The PID will respond to all detectable volatiles present and it is not possible to measure the
concentration of each individual component. When the formulation of a given mixture is
known, the overall response factor for the mixture can be calculated as follows:
This factor can then be used to reconstruct the concentration of each component. For example, to measure
worker exposure near a vat generating the above volatile mixture, the PID is calibrated with isobutylene and
the response factor is set to 1.56. If the overall reading is 100 ppm, then the concentration of anisole is 20
ppm, acetone is 30 ppm, and ethanol is 50 ppm.
Often mixes are less well defined. Also, the fraction of each chemical component in a vapour depends
on relative rates of volatilisation, saturated vapour pressure, temperature and so on. For personnel safety
monitoring, it can then be advisable to:
1. convert TWA and STEL ppm levels of each component to an equivalent isobutylene concentration.
We shall call this ppm iBueq:
TWAppm iBueq= TWAppm/RF, STELppm iBueq = STELppm/RF
2. Adopt the lowest STELppm iBueq and TWAppm iBueq for the PID detection of the vapour.
All the RFs in this table apply to calibrated responses in units of ppm or ppb, normalised at 25 oC and 1012
mbar pressure. The following equation allows conversion between ppm and mg/m3:
Response factors for important chemicals are identified below. Chemicals are listed according to their most
common name, but the CAS number should be used to more precisely identify each chemical.
The RFs of many chemicals have been measured at SGX Sensortech typically with 10 and 50 ppm of the target
volatile, using ten PIDs containing lamps of different photon energy and intensity and of different sensor
designs. Generally, 50 ppm responses have been used. These RFs are indicated in bold in the table below.
All RFs are subject to some variation due to differences in PID electrode stack design, UV light intensity and
operating conditions. For the greatest accuracy, SGX Sensortech recommends calibrating the instrument to
the target gas at the concentration of desired measurement.
Particular care should be taken in measuring the PID response of gases at concentrations exceeding a few
1000 ppm as non-linearity of PID response varies between chemicals.
Caution should also be taken in making measurements at low concentrations of gas following exposure to
concentrations which are 100’s of times higher, due to the time required for sensor clear down. Calibration of
the detector at divergent concentrations of interest is strongly recommended.
Certain groups of volatiles have been identified, or are suspected, of causing temporary contamination of
the PID window. Given the diversity of volatiles detected by PID, the end user should frequently calibrate, or
bump test the PID application in its initial application to the sensing of less common volatiles.
In the table below, RF’s listed as ‘ZR’ indicate zero response. ‘NA’ that the value is not available, because the
PID response is insignificant at toxic concentrations of the volatile, or its RF is difficult to predict or measure.
* Ionisa�on energies were primarily sourced from P.J. Linstrom and W.G. Mallard, Eds., NIST Chemistry WebBook, NIST Standard
Reference Database Number 69, Na�onal Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 20899, h�p://,
(retrieved and updated from June 10, 2021).