Special Services Presentation - 18 June 2018 Rev 1
Special Services Presentation - 18 June 2018 Rev 1
Special Services Presentation - 18 June 2018 Rev 1
Engineering support
Focuses on aspects of well control and provides the client with a quantitative analysis of the
probability for a successful project:
Visual inspection and quantitative well control analysis of wellhead equipment
Identification of common well control issues during production
Audit based on industry standards/practices, safe practices and our knowledge of processes
Recommended corrective actions and final report issued
Tracking program until action items completed
Critical control points addressed in the wellhead audit:
Well Data – historical information of well
Wellhead Condition
Property Liability
Impact Liability
Pressure/Volume Risk
Digital Cryogenic and conventional processes available
10K capability
Pneumatic motor for feed and rotation w/manual override
Backup capability
Sensitive feed capability
Saddles from 2”- 30” (Specialty Saddles available)
35 deg. Specialty bull plug saddle
Blind flange saddle
Cold Tap saddle
Equipped with 1502 connection for bleed down or pump in operations.
Tools can successfully be operated with a minimum of 100 psi portable compressor.
Units are rated for H2S and CO2 gas
Drill ½” hole
A solid 2” LP plug was screwed into a companion flange outboard of surface casing outlet.
There was no way to remove the plug safely or monitor the pressure behind the plug. A
special Saddle was designed to seal on bull plug allowing Boots & Coots to safely hot tap
the plug at a thirty five degree angle to fully penetrate through to the annulus of the well. The
plug was successfully hot-tapped, trapped pressure bled-down, hot tapped plug was
removed, and proper pressure monitoring equipment was installed.
While drilling a horizontal well the Customer drilled into pay zone unexpectedly.
They took a kick, backside, and drill pipe were bridged off not allowing
circulation. All well control equipment was rated for 10k. Drill pipe had 8500psi
with the top drive safety valve leaking by. Boots & Coots was mobilized to hot
tap 4 ½ “drill pipe and perform a cryogenic freeze operation to safely install a
tree assembly on the drill pipe to gain safe access to the well bore. After the
work tree was installed on the drill pipe and Boots & Coots had safe access to
the well bore Boots & Coots then had the capability to perform a proper kill
Prior to pulling the production string out of the hole (on a live well) with a hydraulic work-
over unit wireline plugs were set in the tubing to provide the required barriers. Once the
tubing joints that contained the plugs reached surface the joints were hot-tapped between
the plugs to relieve the pressure. This operation was performed on approximately 6 wells;
as this operation was performed off-line there were no delays in operations.
The stem of a 5 1/8 10k manual gate valve rigged up on a test tree was broken
during testing operations. As the valve was located in the test tree assembly it
had to be drilled-out to allow access to the test string tubing. A valve drilling unit
was rigged-up and a series of holes, each increasing in size, were drilled into the
gate. The drilling operation was a success and full-bore access to the tubing was
re-established. Wire-line plugs were set in the tubing and the faulty equipment
was replaced.
During a cobra frac operation coil tubing was running in hole to open the sliding sleeves for frac
operation when the coiled tubing began leaking at the crossover. Boots & Coots then froze the coiled
tubing between the gooseneck and the reel allowing a certified welder to safely and properly patch weld
the connection to stop the leak. Well had 4600 psi on the coiled tubing.