Ears 7. Hearingl
Ears 7. Hearingl
Ears 7. Hearingl
5x), chronic otitis externa (swimmers ear) (380.15-380.16, 380.23), or severe external ear deformity (380.32, 738.7, 744.01, 744.3) that prevents or interferes with the proper wearing of hearing protection. :
Atresia is the absence or closure of the external ear canal. Microtia is gross hypoplasia or aplasia of the pinna (external ear flap) with a blind or absent external auditory meatus. Sometimes you will see ear lobes with multiple or large holes from piercings. The holes may elongate over time even causing split ear lobes. Various types of trauma may hook into the lobe causing extensive damage. Whether a large hole or deformed lobe is disqualifying or not depends on your judgment as not only how it may interfere with the proper wearing of hearing protection, but also how it might affect military bearing and image of the soldier. When in doubt about a large hole in the ear or elongated lobe, check with the service liaison.
b. Current or history of Mnires Syndrome or other chronic diseases of the vestibular system (386.xx).
Any vestibular disorders that cause chronic or intermittent symptoms to such a degree as to interfere with military training/service activities, including vertigo, dizziness and imbalance is disqualifying. Mnires Syndrome always comes to mind with vertigo, but this is rare under the age 40. If you see this syndrome in a younger applicant, check for syphilis (otosyphilis), thyroid disease, or an old head injury.
e. History of any inner (P20) (CPT 69801-69930) or middle (P19) (CPT 69631-69636, 69676) ear surgery excluding successful tympanoplasty (CPT 69635) performed during the preceding 180 days.
Tympanoplasty type I is a simple patch of the TM, perhaps to patch up a perforation after the removal of PET (pressure-equalization tubes) inserted with a myringotomy for OM (otitis media), this is not PDQ after 180 days. But, tympanoplasty II or III also includes OCR that is Ossicular-Chain Reconstruction (malleus-incus-stapes) manipulation often done for a cholesteatoma, and is disqualifying. (TM Malleus Incus Stapes cochlear acoustic nerve CN-8)
f. Current perforation of the tympanic membrane (384.2x) or history of surgery to correct perforation during the preceding 180 days (P19) (CPT 69433, 69436, 69610, 69631-69646).
It is not uncommon to see ear tubes still stuck in applicants TMs. This is a perforation, and should be referred to their HCP. Also, any TM perforation should be closely evaluated for ETD discussed below.
g. Chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) as evidenced by retracted tympanic membrane, or recurrent otitis
media, or the need for pressure-equalization (PE) tube within the last 3 years.
ETD is common in chronic sinusitis, allergies, GERD, cleft palate defects, and anyone who smokes. These patients often notice intermittent ear fullness or blocking, ear popping or cracking, mild hearing loss, tinnitus, and/or occasional poor balance. But, dont forget that a small tumor can cause this, especially if unilateral. On physical you will see a severely retracted TM, possibly with the prominent middle ear bones projecting through the TM. Recurrent OM is defined as 3 or more episodes of acute OM in 6 months, or 4 episodes in one year. With a history of 2 or more episodes of OM after the 13th birthday, there is a highly likelihood of ETD. Any ear infection after age 12, accurately detail all subsequent episodes
a. Audiometric hearing levels are measured by audiometers calibrated to the standards in American National Standards Institute (ANSI S3.6-2004) (Reference (i)) and shall be used to test the hearing of all applicants. b. Current hearing threshold level in either ear greater than that described in subparagraphs 7.b.(1)-(3) of this enclosure does not meet the standard:
(1) Pure tone at 500, 1000, and 2000 cycles per second for each ear of not more than 30 decibels (dB) on the average with no individual level greater than 35 dB at those frequencies. (2) Pure tone level not more than 45 dB at 3000 cycles per second or 55 dB at 4000 cycles per second for each ear.
* 500-1000-2000 is now separated from 3000 and 4000 and has different criteria. Adding the 500, 1K and 2K cannot come to more than 90 or an average of 30, and no value over 35 on each one separately.
MEPS Audiometer Test Strip: You will notice looking under FREQ on the left-hand side is a vertical column: 1kT - .5k 1k 2k 3k 4k 6k 8k (8k is not used)
The 1kT is an initial testing sound and is repeated as the 1k, and the medical techs write in box 71a the better of the two values. (Not using the lower of the two values is an IG hit.) You will also notice that box 71a uses 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 6000 Hz levels instead of kilohertz or K. The 6000 level is not used in MEPS profiling but it is used by the USAF. Their rule is 55 dB is H-2, and over 55 dB is disqualifying in this
6000 Hz range. The liaison may ask you to repeat the 6000 if the applicants first test value was too high. The paper test strip will print out the value in dB that the applicant hears in each FREQ level. (See b.(1) above) Under each ear you will see 2 columns. The CT column is the actual test value, and the BT column is baseline test used if the machine is comparing to a previous test. You will mostly see AA that means not used.
Applicants will often ask if they flunked the hearing test because they see all the zeros. They sit
so long in the morning looking at their records and think that zeros must be bad.
Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is the cause of 90% of all hearing loss. It requires finding the cause since the cause may be correctable to stop any further HL. It is called Nerve deafness and is due to either cochlea disease or a CN-8 disease see diagram above. Audiologists can do two other tests to differentiate between the two: Otoacoustic Emission testing (OAE) diagnoses cochlea disease, and Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) diagnoses Cranial CN-8 disease, particularly an acoustic neuroma.
Air-Bone Gap: The audiologist will do two hearing tests, one using
pure-tones in the ear (standard hearing test) and the other by putting a bone vibrator over the mastoid bone for bone conduction, then plotting both curves on the audiogram chart. There should not be any more than a 10 dB difference between the two (AC & BC) in normal hearing with air conduction always being a little higher than bone conduction. If there is more than 10 dB difference (AC>BC), then there is an air conduction hearing loss. Bone conduction is never worse (higher) than air conduction. (BC>AC does not happen). A hearing loss with no air-bone gap (AC and BC are within 10 dB of each other) is a sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). Mixed Hearing Loss (SNHL + AC HL), you will have both AC and BC high due to the SNHL, and AC>BC by more than 10 dB for the air conductive loss.
(To do a Rinne test, use a low-pitched tuning fork, 128 or 256 Hz is best. Tap it so it is vibrating and
quickly touch the base to the mastoid bone and count the seconds until the applicant no longer hears it. Immediately move it to 1-2 cm from the ear canal and count the seconds until the applicant no longer hears it. Normally the air-conduction time should be approximately twice as long as on the mastoid bone conduction time. If the BC>AC then you have a conductive hearing loss in that ear. (This is called a negative Rinne test. A normal Rinne test (AC>BC) is called a positive test. Confusing? Just note that Rinne test BC>AC.)
Once you have determined whether there is a conductive hearing loss in the ear with the one-sided hearing loss, then apply the Weber test to the middle of the skull (top of the head or center of the forehead or chin), then simply ask the applicant if the vibrating sound is louder in one ear or the same in both ears. (You can just ask the applicant to hum and ask him in which ear is the hum the loudest) If the applicant tells you it is louder in the same ear that you just confirmed a conductive hearing loss along with the Rinne test. But lets mix things up here. Take the same applicant with a one-sided hearing loss and in doing the Weber test, the applicant states that it is louder in the opposite ear from the side with the hearing loss. This is mixed up (Rinne indicates AC loss in one ear but the Weber is louder in the opposite ear (Rinne is negative in one ear and the Weber lateralizes (is louder) to the opposite ear). This indicates a mixed hearing loss (combined conductive and sensorineural loss in that same ear). If it gets much deeper than this, you had better rely on a formal audiology consult. Weber-Rinne Tests Summary: Weber without lateralization Rinne both ears AC>BC Rinne left BC>AC Rinne right BC>AC Normal Weber lateralizes left Weber lateralizes right
Sensorineural loss in right Sensorineural loss in left Conductive loss in left Combined loss : conductive and sensorineural loss in left
Combined loss : conductive and sensorineural loss in Conductive loss in right right
speech. For example, if an applicants AI is .75, he is likely to hear 75% of a typical one-on-one conversation, or conversely, he will miss 25% of a conversation. This modifies a hearing loss into a single number making it easier for audiologists to advise patients on what to expect without aid. Speech Recognition Threshold (SRT): This is the lowest (softest) level at which you can barely understand speech 50% of the time. Spondee words (two-syllable words), e.g. baseball, cowboy, are spoken by the audiologist and the person is asked to repeat what they hear. If you have normal hearing (SRT 5dB), you hear perfectly at 21 feet and catch some words at 100 feet. If you have a mild loss (SRT 30 dB), you can hear perfectly only at one foot, and catch only some of the words at 18 feet. With an SRT of 70, you will hear nothing without the help of a hearing aid. (SRT and WR have nothing to do with each other, dont smoosh these two tests together in your mind.) Word Recognition (WR), older term is Speech Discrimination (SD): The purpose of WR testing is to determine how well you hear and understand speech in a perfectly-quiet environment when the volume is set at your Most Comfortable Level (MCL). Your WR score tells how much difficulty you will have communicating. If your WR is poor, speech will sound garbled to you, and you will not be able to repeat it. This is reported in percentages, 100% means you heard and repeated everything perfectly. WR score under 50% means your word recognition is poor, and you will understand only 50% of the conversation. You will have great difficulty following a conversation, even when it is loud enough for you to hear. SPRINT: SPeech Recognition In Noise Test: Sprint is a speech recognition test for military use. It predicts how different degrees of hearing loss might affect a soldiers ability to carry out their individual missions with background noise. In other words, a speech-in-noise test. The test is given with a background of multi-talker babble noise of +9dB. This does not affect normal hearing; they can identify over 95% of the monosyllabic words correctly. However, H-3 profiles may have a lot of difficulty, and SPRINT will tell if they are deployable or not.
First, you have to know when to suspect it. You will see a hearing loss only in the higher frequencies. Classically, it is described as a spike in the 4 KHz called a noise notch. Practically speaking, the loss will spill over to the frequencies on either side, 3 to 6 KHz. (Repeat the test on
a different hearing machine to be sure.) Then ask the applicant if he has been exposed to any loud noise or music in the past two days. This can range from listening to an iPod/mp3 player, long use of a cell, loud car radio, discos or rock concerts, or perhaps, they mow lawns. Often they remember the incident and tell you they had temporary ringing afterward. One MEPS station found a recruiter in his van that turned the radio up very loud on the 4-hour drive to the MEPS causing most of his applicants to have a temporary hearing loss. This is a noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) seen as a high-frequency hearing loss (HFHL). If there is a positive history of recent noise exposure, you can temporarily disqualify the applicant with an RJ date of 2 days of noise deprivation, then repeat the hearing test. Impress on them that during this time that they do not listen to ANYTHING louder than the conversational voice you are now using with them, including little or no cell phone use. (See Applicant Handout below.) Do not disqualify a bilateral HFHL without the 3rd noise deprivation test, or the waiver authority will simply return it and ask you to do it.
A sudden SSHL (past 72 hours) is a medical emergency to save their hearing. They usually will have some tinnitus and/or dizziness also. The most common cause is a viral infection (60%), although it can be autoimmune, vascular, and tumors (acoustic neuromas). Only about 70% fully regain their hearing. If the onset is progressive over time, the concern is always a slowgrowing acoustic neuroma. Although benign, if not treated, it can slowly and permanently erode the delicate inner ear bones (M-I-S). For this reason, the wavier authority will not waiver a one-side hearing loss without at least a formal audiology consult and inner ear imaging (MRI or CT).
Supplemental Information:
Commonly used abbreviations: AD is the right ear. AS is the left ear. AU is both ears. HFHL is high-frequency HL, LFHL is low frequency HL. SNHL is a sensorineural hearing loss.
VA 10% disability for tinnitus is commonly seen in prior service applicants. This would show up as a discrete HFHL in the ear with tinnitus. As you know, the pitch of the ring is usually only in one frequency, usually 3000 KHz or higher. The loudness of the tinnitus will add about 5-10 dB to the hearing levels on the hearing strip. Otherwise there are no tinnitus tests or physical examination findings that can be done in MEPS. On a practical note, you will seldom find any significant hearing loss in these individuals.
85 dB Risk Level 90 dB 100 dB 115 dB 130 dB 140 dB 150 dB 170 dB subway train; lawn mower power saw iPod race-car noise jet engine Rock concert Shotgun blast
Noise does to your ears what the sun does to your skin, it burns it. It destroys the small hair cells in the inner ear. A single loud exposure, or lower chronic exposure over time can do it. Prolonged exposure to sounds above 85 dB without any protection can damage your hearing. A common example is using an iPod at 115 dB for only 15 minutes a day can cause a hearing loss; doctors are now making a diagnosis of iPod ear. Do not ever listen to an iPod for over 60 minutes a day, and even then keep it to less than 60% of the full volume, or you will likely suffer a hearing loss.
We want to leave you with these interesting bullets: The most common hidden disability in America Hearing Loss. More than one in 10 Americans has hearing loss, latest count 30 million and growing. Noise-induced hearing loss affects one in 30 Americans, and 15% of all teenagers. News item 14 March 2006: of all high school students have some hearing loss from their music players. Listening to your mp3 player 5 hours a week will cause hearing loss.