Marine Engineering Progress in 1997: Annual Review

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74 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

Annual Review

Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

This report gives a summary of the major developments achieved in marine engineering technology in Japan
and abroad in 1997 prepared by the Editors Committee of MESJ based on the manuscripts written by the chairmen
and members of the research committees.
Each section gives an objective summary of researches, indicates the data showing the present technical level
and improvements in production and performance of marine equipments, and introduces new products worthy of
special attention.
In writing these articles, the authors specially intended to make only a very brief statement concerning advances
in the field of fundamental engineering, to make reference as much as possible to the previously published journals
of the related societies for research papers and technical informations, and to restrict the introduction of individual
products and achievements only to the most representative ones.
The authors express their deep gratitude to the companies for providing them with informations required in
compiling this summary.
1.General, 2. Diesel Engines, 3. Steam Turbines, 4. Gas Turbines and Turbochargers, 5. Boilers, 6. Shafting
System, 7. Auxiliary Machinery and Outfitting works, 8. Deck Machinery, 9. Fuels and Lubricating Oils, 10. Nuclear
Ships, 11. Automatic Control, 12. Electronics Technology, 13. Electrical Equipment and System, 14. Ocean
Engineering Machinery and Offshore Structures

1. General most remarkable topic. On the other hand several

major ocean developing facilities are constructed, con-
1.1 Trend structing or planned recently in Japanese Shipbuilders
In the beginning of 1997 a big piece of the wrecked after previous hard times of market shirinkage such as
vessel “MS NAKHODKA” reached just off the Japa- huge scale of floating land base (Mega-float), floating
nese coast and astonished Japanese people. This figure production and storage vessel (FPSO), oil rigs so on.
deeply impressed us and urged volunteer spirits to save
the marine lives from the spilled oil. Also this accident 1.2 Order Results2)
made ourselves to commence the discussion how to The order results in Japan in 1997 was 410 ships
reduce the maritime distress. Nevertheless a lot of and 12,999,000 GT on the Ministry of Transport ship-
accidents are reported from all over the world and never building permission base (ships of 2,500 GT or above
seem to cease. On the other hand Japanese people have or of 90m or above in length). The results account for
realized the fact that Japan is surrounded by the ocean 102% in the number of ships and 122% in GT, com-
where a lot of vessels are frequently going around and pared with the results in 1996. Domestic ships in-
we have reassured importance of the sea trade. creased to double resulting in 533,000 GT, and ex-
In the mid of 1997 deep depression of economies ported ships increased by about 20% resulting in
in the south east Asian countries outburst. In those 12,466,000 GT, compared with those in 1996. Break-
countries including Japan the depreciation of the cur- down by kind of ships shows that cargo ships decreased
rency, market stagnation, trade contraction, share mar- by 7% resulting in 7,677,000 GT and oil tankers in-
ket shrinkage etc. were reported. We have already been creased to double resulting in 5,295,000 GT.
aware that the framework of the worldwide marine
market are going flexible in these years. The crisis in 1.3 Topics
those countries added difficulty for future forecasting 1.3.1 L.P.G. Carrier
in marine field. The 35,418 cubic meter multipurpose L.P.G. Car-
Looking through the articles published in the Jour- rier “BRUGGE VENTURE” was completed and deliv-
nal of MESJ we found that the study for reduction of the ered to BLACKBREAD SHIPPING Ltd. in April 1997
exhaust gas emission from the marine engines was the at Nagasaki Shipyard of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

(20) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 75

Co. Ltd. The vessel has three independent prismatic Shimabara. She carries 430 passengers and 51
cargo tanks which are allowed to load LPG (propane, cars in service speed of 31 knots by two main
butane), anhydrous ammonia, VCM, propylene, Buty- diesel engines.
lene, Butadiene.
The vessel is directly propelled by one set of two- 1.3.4 Deep Sea Research Ship
stroke cycle slow speed diesel engine. The research ship “KAIREI” was completed and
delivered to Japan Marine Science Technology Center
1.3.2 Highly Advanced Training ships in March 1997 at Sakaide Shipyard of Kawasaki Heavy
(1) The training ship “HIROSHIMA MARU” was Industries Co., Ltd. She engaged as the mother ship of
completed and delivered to Hiroshima Mercantile “KAIKOU” which is underwater submergible un-
Marine College in January 1997 at Kure Shipyard manned cable vehicle (maximum depth over 10,000m).
in Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries Co., In order to efficiently assist the underwater work of
Ltd. This ship was planned to train sea men who “KAIKOU” she equips a lot of electronic instruments
will be onboard the vessel in 21st century therefore for navigation, for positioning and for assisting under-
she equips highly advanced navigational equip- water activities which information are connected each
ment and research equipment. other through LAN system. Especially the noise emit-
The ships is propelled by the controllable pitch ted into underwater prominently reduced.
propeller, driven by one set of four-stroke cycle The ship equips two sets of controllable pitched
medium speed diesel engine. propeller, two main engines and two rudders by which
(2) The training ship “SEIUN MARU” was com- she attained high maneuverbility.
pleted and delivered to Institute for Sea Training,
Ministry of Transport in March 1997 at Yokosuka 1.3.5 Global Marine Research Ship
Shipyard in Sumitomo Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. The research ship “MIRAI” was completed and
This ship was designated to train and educate sea delivered to Japan Marine Science Technology Center
men who will be onboard the highly advanced and in September 1997 at Tokyo Shipyard of Ishikawajima
automated vessel. Especially several means were Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. and at Nagasaki
introduced to reduce the noise and vibration in Shipyard of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. She
order to serve the good training and educational was converted to highly advanced maritime research
atmosphere on board. vessel from the nuclear-powered ship “MUTSU”.
The ships is propelled by the controllable pitch The main propulsion is two electric motors driven
propeller, driven by one set of two-stroke cycle by the four main diesel generators. Using these affluent
slow speed diesel engine. power she can sail through rough ocean in high latitude
or icy sea near arctic region.
1.3.3 High speed ferry
(1) The high speed ferry, “UNICORN”, was com- 1.3.6 Experiment of Reduction of Emission from
pleted and delivered to Higashi Nippon Ferry Co., Marine Diesel Engine
Ltd. In May 1997 at Shimonoseki Shipyard of Shipbuilding Foundation Association announced
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. The ship that the experiment of the new facility for reducing the
cruises at 35 knots in normal services and achieved emission of exhaust gas from the marine diesel engine
42.4 knots at maximum speed. She is put into was satisfactorily completed. This research was con-
shuttle service of about 155 km distance between ducted by Kawasaki Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. intro-
Aomori and Hakodate within 2 hours with carry- ducing this system on existing merchant vessel. The
ing 423 passengers and 106 cars. result confirms expected performance and durability of
The main propulsion is four sets of water jet this new facility.
respectively driven by the one set of the high speed
diesel engine each of 8,840 ps output. References
(2) The high speed ferry was completed and delivered 1) Maritime Technology and Safety Bureau, Minis-
to Kumamoto Ferry Co. in March 1998 by try of Transport, Annual summary of the Issue of
Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Ship Construction Permits 1996
She is the first car ferry which is applied their [Masaki NAKAMURA]
original SSTH (Super Slender Twin Hull) con-
cept. She reduces cruising time to 30 minutes from
previous one hour between Kumamoto and

October 1998 (21)

76 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

2. Diesel Engines tion in the world is 10,216,595 kW, and increased by

14% compared with that of the previous year. In the
2.1 Trend in the World low speed diesel engines, MAN B&W engines occu-
According to the Annual Analysis by the maga- pies 64% of the whole engines, running ahead of the
zine The Motor Ship, the shipbuilding output in the second-ranked Sulzer engines occupying 27.5%. Even
world in 1996 is 986 ships at 38,462,872 DWT, and in the medium-speed engines, MAN B&W engines
increased by 102 (11.5%) in number at 3,958,080 DWT ranked the fourth in the previous year, jumped to the top
(11.5%). with its share of 19.2%, followed by Wartsila, Pielstick,
The total deadweight in Japan occupies 43.2%, MaK, and Sulzer whose share is 14.7~12.2% respec-
and 80.8% of the world production is shared by the Far tively.
East 4 countries including Japan and Korea ranking the Reorganization of the diesel engine manufactur-
second in the world (30.1%), China ranking the third ing industry including merging of Caterpillar with
(4.4%), and Taiwan raking the fifth (3.1%). The MaK, and purchase of New Sulzer Diesel by Wartsila
building output of Denmark, who ranked the third in the was marked.
previous year was decreased to 1/3, and retracted to the
ninth rank. (Table 2.1-1). 2.2 Domestic Trend by Statistics of Nippon Kaiji
Though the increase in new shipbuilding in the Kyokai
world is welcome, cyder tonnage is not being scrapped, According to the statistics by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai,
expressing the anxiety for the excessive bottoms and 385 newly-built ships were registered with NK class in
the drop of freightage. 1997, showing the increase by about 5% compared with
Similarly, according to the statistics of the maga- 365 ships in 1996. (Table 2.2-1) Among the total
zine The Motor Ship, the results of the total manufac- newly-built ships, 382 ships are equipped with diesel
ture of diesel engines in the world in 1996 by the engines, and the total output is 2.44 x 106 kW (3.32 x
manufacturer are indicated in Tables 2.1-2~4, and 1080 106 PS), showing greater increase by 17% compared
engines were mounted on 974 ships. The total produc- with 2.08 x 106 kW (2.83 x 106 PS) in 1996. This is

Table 2.1-1 Analysis of Shipbuilding Output by Countries (1996)

(22) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 77

Table 2.1-2 All Diesel Engines in the World (1996) Table 2.1-4 Medium-Speed Engines in the World

Table 2.1-3 Low speed Engines in the World (1996)

Table 2.2-1 Output Classification of Main Engines Mounted on Newly-Classed Ships

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78 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

attributable to the fact that the engines from 7,353 kW (2) A study on water emulsion fuel operation
(10,000 PS) to 14,706 kW (20,000 PS) class in output In order to understand the problems in the fuel
per 2-stroke engine was greatly increased in number. injection system to be suitable for the water-
The rest of 3 ships are equipped with the steam emulsion fuel operation, the capacity of the fuel
turbine, with the total output of 59,100 kW (80,376 PS). pump and the kind of the fuel valve were changed
in the test engine, and the effect of the fuel injec-
2.3 Studies at Ship Research Institute tion characteristics on the combustion by the water
Emission control from ships will be scheduled to emulsion fuel and the Nox reduction effect were
come into force on and after January 1,2000 because studied. As a result, promotion of atomization of
the Protocol to add the Annex specifying the air pollu- the fuel by using the fuel valve of small nozzle hole
tion prevention to the International Convention for the diameter was effective to improve the combus-
Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified tion, but the Nox reduction ratio at the same water
by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/ addition ratio (the ratio of water to be mixed in
78) was adopted by IMO (the International Maritime fuel) was reduced. Fig. 2.3-2 shows the emission
Organization). In addition, the engines for transport are characteristics of Nox by the difference in the
regarded recently to be a problem as major source of nozzle hole diameter of the fuel valve and the
generation of CO2, N2O, etc., which are the substances water emulsion fuel.
to cause the global warming effect, the Ship Research (3) A study on deNOx equipment for marine use
Institute has been challenging the researches concern- The selective catalytic reduction system was in-
ing reduction of harmful exhaust gas to be emitted from stalled, and the reduction effect of Nox to various
marine engines in order to control the air pollution by operational conditions was analyzed using the test
ships. engine, and the effectiveness to marine diesel
engines was examined.
Studies in 1997: (4) A study on evaluation of harmful exhaust gas from
(1) A study on the effect of the fuel composition on the ships and examination on the trend
harmful exhaust gas Pursuant to the study in the previous year, the
The effect of the difference in the conditions of effect of the operational condition of the ships and
operating the engines and fuel properties on the the secular changes on the emission of the harmful
composition of the harmful exhaust gas was stud- exhaust gas was examined through the measure-
ied by changing the kind of fuel oil to be used in the ment of exhaust gas on actual ships based on the
medium-speed 4-cycle diesel engine for experi- joint research with the Maritime Safety Agency
mental use. As a result, the increase in N2O was and the Institute for Sea Training.
more remarkable as the residual fuel contains
more sulfur. The emission characteristics of N2O
by the fuel are indicated in Fig. 2.3-1.

Fig. 2.3-2 NOx Emission Characteristics by Water

Emulsion Fuel (difference by water ad-
Fig. 2.3-1 N2O Emission Characteristics by Fuel dition ratio and nozzle hole diameter)

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Annual Review 79

2.4 Development and Production by Domestic 93 rpm) was completed as the main engine for
Manufacturers the container carrier, and the shop trial was
2.4.1 Akasaka Diesels Limited carried out in July, 1997. The crank shaft of
(1) New model and development in 1997 inequi-angular ignition type was employed on
No new model was manufactured in 1997, but the this engine to control the engine vibration and
technology to detect an abnormality in the cylin- the hull vibration by reducing the guide force
der pressure and apply the result to the diagnosis moment. To improve the slidability between
by constantly monitoring the torque fluctuation the cylinder liner and the piston ring, the high-
(torsional angle) of the crank shaft was studied as top land piston with longer top land was adopted
the abnormality diagnosis technology of the diesel in the piston crown.
The torsional angle of the crank shaft was mea-
sured by fitting a gear-type electromagnetic pick-
up to fore and aft ends of the crank shaft of the 3-
cylinder 4-cycle engine, and calculating the differ-
ential phase in the signal of each sensor. (Refer to
Fig. 2.4.1-1)
Fig. 2.4.1-2 and Fig. 2.4.1-3 show the torque
pattern of each cylinder in the normal condition of
the engine and the condition where the cylinder
pressure was dropped in No. 1 cylinder. As shown
in Fig. 2.4.1-3, the peak of the torque of No. 1
cylinder was lower than that of other cylinders,
and it can be clearly detected that the pressure in
No. 1 cylinder was dropped. Fig. 2.4.1-1 Outline of Measuring Apparatus
Thus, by constantly monitoring the torsional angle
of the crank shaft, the abnormality in the cylinder
pressure can be checked.
(2) RENOLD Hi-Tec Elastic Coupling
Seventy five RENOLD elastic couplings capable
of ensuring the safe navigation without breakage
of rubber, which has been manufactured since
1995, were manufactured and delivered as of De-
cember, 1997. At the beginning of the manufac-
ture, the elastic coupling was sold at the HOLSET
elastic coupling, and because HOLSET Company
changed its name to RENOLD Hi-Tec Company,
and the product was renamed to RENOLD elastic
coupling on the market. Most of the products were
delivered to fishing boats, in addition to some Fig. 2.4.1-2 Torque Pattern of Each Cylinder
products are equipped on the patrol boats, training
ships and cement carriers, with satisfaction of
many customers.
(3) Engines manufactured in 1997
4-cycle engine 46 sets 118,200 PS
2-cycle engine 43 sets 299,260 PS
Total 89 sets 417,460 PS

2.4.2 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.

(1) Engines developed in 1997 and technical topics
1) The engine of the latest specifications, Kawasaki
MAN B&W l0L80MC(Mk5) type (cylinder
bore: 800 mm, stroke: 2,592 mm, number of
cylinders: 10, output: 46,700 PS, engine speed: Fig. 2.4.1-3 Torque Pattern of Each Cylinder

October 1998 (25)

80 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

2) The super-long stroke engine, Kawasaki MAN

B&W 6S50MC-C type engine, which is re-
duced by about 10% in overall length, about 5%
in height, and about 10% in weight, and in-
creased by about 10% in output, compact in size
and high in output, was developed, and its
assembly was started. The 6S46MC-C type
engine is the first model in the world, and the
type approval test by classification societies
was carried out in February, 1998. To achieve
high output with the compact engine, the novel
design was adopted including the twin stay bolt,
aluminum metal, deep cylinder cover, and the
high-top land piston to secure the reliability, and
at the same time, the roller guide housing was
integrated with the cylinder frame, and the con-
nection ratio was optimized to realize the com-
pact structure.
Table 2.4.2-1 indicates the main particulars of
6S50MC-C engine, and 6S46MC-C engine, and
Fig. 2.4.2-1 shows the design philosophy of
MC-C type engine, and the major changes in
design from the existing engine S50MC.
Photo 2.4.2-1 Test Apparatus
Table 2.4.2-1 Principal Particulars of 6S50MC and
6S46MC-C Type Engines

3) As a part of the studies on the air pollution

prevention from ships, the research was com-
missioned from Association for Structural Im-
provement of the Shipbuilding Industry, and the
research and development of the new deNOx
system for marine use has been implemented Photo 2.4.2-2 M/V OLYMPIAN HIGHWAY
with hydrocarbon as the reducing agent since
fiscal 1993. (2) Number and horsepower of main engines for ma-
The fiscal 1997 is the final fiscal year of the rine use
research and development, and the test appara-
tus was equipped on board the car carrier M/V
OLYMPIAN HIGHWAY, which has been en-
gaged in service, and the on-board test was
carried out using a part of the exhaust gas from (3) Rationalization of Production Facility
the main engine, and the confirmatory test of the To cope with the increase of engines in number,
performance and durability of the denitration the exclusive assembly line for the engines of 50
catalyst was carried out. (Refer to Photos 2.4.2- cm class in cylinder bore was constructed. This
1 and 2.4.2-2) system is epoch-making in the assembly of heavy
works, where the engines up to 300 tons in weight

(26) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

October 1998
Annual Review

Fig. 2.4.2-1 Design Philosophy of S-46/50MC-C Engine, and Major Changes in Design (Compared with the same scale)

82 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

are assembled in the assembly-line system through

the roller bearing. The assembly man-hour was
greatly reduced, and the engine of the weight
exceeding the crane capacity can be integratedly
shipped in this system. Twenty engines can be
operated annually on the existing one operation

2.4.3 Kobe Diesel Co., Ltd.

(1) New Model developed in 1997: nil
(2) Annual results of manufacture
The following engines were manufactured in 1997.

Fig. 2.4.4-1 12DK-36

Table 2.4.4-1 Principal Particulars of 12DK-36

2.4.4 Daihatsu Diesel Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Type Engine
(1) New Model developed in 1997
1 Development of 12DK-36 type diesel engine
The photo of the general view and principal par-
ticulars of the engine are indicated in Fig. 2.4.4-1
and Table 2.4.4-1 respectively. The engine is
equipped with V-type 12 cylinders, and developed
focusing on the excellent reliability, excellent du-
rability, and great extension of the maintenance
interval. The environmental maintenance in the
engine room was also taken into consideration,
achieving the remarkably low noise and vibration
level compared with those of the conventional
engines. The “product friendly to the earth” is the
target of the company, and this low Nox engine
clears the international standards on Nox emis-
sion, and further, the fuel consumption is on the
top class for this category. This engine is the one
with the maximum output in the DK series having model of the DK series, and the 5-cylinder engine
a large number of experiences, and most suitable was put on the market in 1996. Recently, the small
for not only the main engine in the marine field auxiliary engine 3DK-20 type of 600 PS class was
which is the targeted market, but also for the developed with the handy bulk carriers and
generator engine for the electric propulsion ship Panamax bulk carriers as the target. The photo of
which has been extensively talked about. The the general view and the principal particulars of
engine can be served for the generator engine for this engine are indicated in Fig. 2.4.4-2 and Table
the normal service of 5MW class per engine in- 2.4.4-2 respectively.
tended for South-east Asia countries. In particu- The engine is of 3-cylinder in-line type, coping
lar, the output range can be freely selected by with the extensive range of output from 500 PS to
being provided together with the in-line type en- 1,740 PS with the same bore. The stable combus-
gine of the same bore in the electric propulsion tion with residual fuel can be realized through the
ship, and in addition, simplification can be made in 3-cylinder design compared with 6, or 8 cylinder
the aspect of controlling the spare parts because of engines of the smaller cylinder bore with same
the same bore. output. Excellent economy is realized by the low
2 Addition of 3-cylinder engine to DK-20 type se- fuel consumption and high efficiency.
ries (2) Annual results of manufacture
As for the DK-20 type engine, 6 and 8 cylinder The following marine engines of not less than 100
engines were put on the market in 1993 as the first PS were manufactured in 1997.

(28) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 83

7RTA58T 19,040 PS x 103 rpm, for the main

engine for the AFRAMAX tanker built by NKK.
The development targets of the RTA58T type
engine are as follows based on the experiences
with the conventional RTA series engines, and
the particulars of the engine as the main engine
most suitable for the market requests were de-
1) Output and engine speed optimum for the
ship planning
2) Realization of low fuel consumption and im-
provement of the propeller efficiency by the
super-long stroke
3) Excellent reliability
4) Reduction in maintenance works
Fig. 2.4.4-2 3DK-20 5) Simplification of installation and outfitting
The principal particulars and the section of
Table 2.4.4-2 Main Particulars of 3DK-20 Type the DU-Sulzer RTA58T type engine are indi-
Engine cated in Table 2.4.5-1 and Fig. 2.4.5-1 respec-
2 DU-Sulzer RTA96C Engine
The first model of the DU-Sulzer RTA96C
Engine which had been developed as the diesel
engine of the maximum output in the world for
the over-Panamax high-speed container carrier,
was completed in March, 1997, and after the
confirmatory tests over about 3 months on the
reliability and various performances, and the
Nox test were carried out, the engine was deliv-
ered to the customer. The first engine is the
main engine, 11RTA96C (55,300 kW x 100
rpm), for the 6,214 TEU container carrier for
NYK built by IHI, and the second engine is the
main engine, 12RTA96C (65,880 kW x 100
rpm(R1)), for the 6,674 TEU container carrier
Main Auxiliary Total for P&OCL built by IHI.
engine engine The engine was developed focusing on security
Number(sets) 40 474 514
Output(PS) 77,550 479,520 557,070
(kW) 57,038 352,687 409,725 Table 2.4.5-1 Principal Particulars of DU-Sulzer
RTA58T/RTA96C Type Engines
2.4.5 Diesel United, Ltd.
(1) New Model developed in 1997
1 DU-Sulzer RTA58T Engine
Following the DU-Sulzer RTA48T-type engine
completed in 1996, the DU-Sulzer RTA58T-
type engine which had been developed as the
main engine for medium to small bulk carriers
and tankers was completed in February, 1997,
and after the confirmatory tests for about 1
month on the reliability and various perfor-
mances were carried out, the engine was deliv-
ered to the customer. The first model is the

October 1998 (29)

84 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

Fig. 2.4.5-1 Section of RTA58A Engine Fig. 2.4.5-2 Section of RTA96A Engine

of the reliability which is dominantly requested The cylinder bore was increased than that of the
for the main engine for the container carrier, RTA84C type engine for the purpose of high
following the design philosophy of the DU- output, while the piston stroke was approxi-
Sulzer RTA84C type engine with many experi- mately equal to that of the RTA 84C type engine
ences as the main engines for container carriers. to miniaturize the engine.

Photo 2.4.5-1 General View of RTA96C Engine

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Annual Review 85

The principal particulars, the section, and the indicated in Table 2.4.6-1 and Fig. 2.4.6-1 re-
photo of the general view of the RTA96C type spectively.
engine are indicated in Table 2.4.5-1, Fig. 2.4.5- 2 V34HLX
2 and Photo 2.4.5-1 respectively. The highly efficient V34HLX engine with high
(2) annual results of manufacture output was developed as the latest model of the
The following engines were manufactured in 1997. medium-speed engine HX•HLX series which
has been proved to be excellent in reliability,
and economical as the main engine for marine
use. The principal particulars and the photo of
the general view of the 16V34HLX type engine
are indicated in Table 2.4.6-2 and Fig. 2.4.6-2,
2.4.6 Niigata Engineering Co., Ltd. respectively.
(1) Development of New Model
1 28HLX
The engine was developed as the engine with
the specification of 280 mm in cylinder bore and
6,750 kWm in maximum output, targeting the
output of one class upward on the basis of the
HX series engines with many experiences in
engines for marine and land use.
The engine is characterized in the high output,
excellent performances, compact size and light
weight, and at the same time, excellent reliabil-
ity simple structure and easy maintenance. The
principal particulars and the photo of the gen-
eral view of the 16V28HLX type engine are
Fig. 2.4.6-2 Photo of General View of 16V34HLX
Type Engine

Table 2.4.6-2 Principal Particulars of V34HLX

Type Engine

Fig. 2.4.6-1 Photo of General View of 16V28HLX

Type Engine

Table 2.4.6-1 Principal Particulars of 28HLX Type Engine

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86 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

3 ZP-31CP type z-propeller

The ZP-31CP type Z-propeller of 1,544
kW(2,100 PS) in the rated input horsepower and
having the controllable pitch propeller (CPP)
function, was developed based on the 360° full-
turn, Z-type propulsion system of the fixed pitch
propeller (FPP) with many experiences. Be-
cause it is the CPP, the power of the main engine
can be distributed to the drive of the fire-extin-
guishing pumps, hydraulic pumps, generators,
etc., in addition to the drive for the propulsion
system, and the electric propulsion system is
characterized in that the speed control of the
drive motor is unnecessary. The main particu-
lars and the photo of the general view of the ZP-
31CP type propulsion system are indicated in
Table 2.4.6-3 and Fig. 2.4.6-3 respectively.
(2) Annual results of manufacture
Table 2.4.6-4 indicates the total number of pro-
duction of main engines, auxiliary engines, turbo
chargers, elastic couplings, Z-type propulsion sys-
tems, and water-jet propulsion systems in 1997,
and the total output of the main engines and Fig. 2.4.6-3 Photo of General View of ZP-31CP
auxiliary engines. Propulsion System

2.4.7 NKK Corporation Table. 2.4.6-4 Results of Production in 1997 (Janu-

(1) Annual results of manufacture ary to December)
The NKK-SEMT-PIELSTIK engines for ship pro-
pulsion manufactured by NKK in 1997 include 6
PC2-6 type engines, 2 PC4-2 type engines, total-
ing 8 sets and 197,600 PS.

2.4.8 The Hanshin Diesel Works, Ltd.

(1) Development of New Model
Since the manufacture of Kawasaki MAN B&W
2-cycle engine was commissioned by Kawasaki line-up from the 4L35MC engine of 3,520 PS to
Heavy Industries, Ltd. in 1986, this type of engines the 8L35MC engine.
have been manufactured. The principal particulars and the section of the
The 8L35MC engine of 7,040 PS was newly newly manufactured 8L35MC type engine are
manufactured in the MARK6 rating advancing the indicated in Table 2.4.8-1 and Fig. 2.4.8-1 respec-
(2) Annual results of manufacture
Table 2.4.6-3 Principal Particulars of ZP-31CP
Total number of manufactured engines:
Propulsion System
99 sets (all for main engines)
Total horsepower: 265,500 PS
(3) Related equipment
In addition to the diesel engines, the following
controllable pitch propellers were developed as
the integrated manufacturer of the ship propulsion
Controllable pitch propeller: A115EN61 type
Brake horsepower and number of revolution:
6,800 PS x 190 rpm
Diameter of propeller: 4,200 mm

(32) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 87

Table 2.4.8-1 2.4.9 Hitachi Zosen Corporation

(1) Development of New Model
Type of engine
機 関 形 式 8L35MC 1 The first model of 12K90MC was completed in
Maximum October, 1997 as the main engine for the 6,600
連 continuous
続 最 大output
出 力 PS 7040
TEU container carrier. The principal particu-
Engine speed
回   転   数 rpm 210 lars are indicated in Table 2.4.9-1. (Refer to the
Number of cylinders Photo 2.4.9-1.) The engine aims at low wear
シ リ ン ダ 数 8
and low lub. Oil consumption by the high strength
Diameter of cylinder
シ リ ン ダ 径 mm 350 dual cast cylinder liner, the special profile work-
ing of the internal surface of the liner, and the
行      程 mm 1050
CPR top ring.
Brake mean
effective pressure kgf/cm 2
18.67 To cope with the stringent request for the high
efficiency and the low noise level of the turbo
Mean piston speed
平均ピストン速度 m/s 7.35
charger, the axial flow silencer was equipped on
Maximum the suction port of the turbo charger to clear the
cylinder pressure kgf/cm2 148
regulated value.
機  関  weight
重 量 kgf 84000 2 The first model of 8S50MC-C in the world was
completed in October, 1997 as the main engine
for the refrigerated cargo ship.
The engine is the first model of the new compact
B&W engine S-MC-C series, and S/D was
increased to 4.0 and the mean effective pressure
was increased to 19 bar to increase the output by
10%, and the engine length was reduced by
10%. The twin stay bolt is adopted as the new
design to eliminate the effect of small deforma-
tion of the main bearing part. The main bearing,
the crank pin bearing and the crosshead bearing

Table 2.4.9-1 Main Particulars of 12K90MC

Number of cylinders 12
Cylinder bore 900 mm
Engine speed 94 RPM
Output 74,640 BHP
Mean effective pressure 18 bar
Fig. 2.4.8-1 Section of L35MC Engine

In the controllable pitch propeller, the gear-shift-

ing hydraulic pressure in increased to miniaturize
the gear-shifting device, and the assembled blades
of the propeller boss was adopted, and the lubrica-
tion system is of the grease charge type.
In the oil purifier, the LG3 and LG6 type filters
were developed as the filter for the engines using
marine diesel oil and the filter for treating the drain
from the stuffing box of the 2-cycle engine based
on the previously developed lubrication oil purify-
ing device, and the FG10,20 and 30 type fine filters
for fuel oil were developed for line-up.
Photo 2.4.9-1 12K90MC Engine

October 1998 (33)

88 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

are of the aluminum shell bearing excellent in (3) Production Facility

high temperature fatigue strength, and the reli- The horizontal machining center was introduced
ability is improved by adopting the high top land to improve the productivity in machining me-
piston and the CPR ring in the combustion dium-sized works of the diesel engine.
chamber. (Specifications of the horizontal machining cen-
(2) Annual results of manufacture ter)
* Total horsepower: 792,000 BHP * Type: HS6A
* Total engines: 56 sets * Capacity: Stroke X-axis 1.3 m
Y-axis 1.0 m
2.4.10 Makita Corporation Z-axis 1.0 m
(1) Development of New Model ATC: 360 pieces (tool ID)
The first model of the low-speed 4-cycle L30M APC: 6 surfaces
engine which was developed by Makita, and * Objective works:
adopted the hydraulic drive of the air intake/ cylinder liner, guide shoe, crosshead pin, etc.
exhaust valve and the chain drive of the cam shaft,
was mounted on the 2-engine 2-shaft car ferry, and 2.4.11 Matsui Iron Works Co., Ltd.
the continuous operation for 24 hours a day has (1) Development of New Model: nil.
been implemented with satisfactory results. (Re- (2) Annual results of manufacture
fer to Photo 2.4.10-1.) * Total number of engines: 20 sets
In the L31M test engine, the increase in the fuel * Total output: 26,700 PS
consumption was suppressed to 0%, and the con-
centration of Nox generation was reduced by 25% 2.4.12 Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding
in the Nox reduction test (by combination of the (1) Engines developed in 1997 (January to December)
fuel injection timing delay with the increase in the The needs of the customers were met by increasing
compression ratio) which was carried out in 1996. the rating by the step-by-step increase in the maxi-
Aiming at the further Nox reduction with the same mum engine speed and the brake mean effective
engine, the fuel injection system provided with the pressure while 14 years have passed since the
pre-injection was researched and developed in the MITSUI-MAN B&W long-stroke 6L60MC en-
joint research with the Japanese Marine Equip- gine was developed in 1983.
ment Association as the subsidy business of The Reviews including the basic structure were per-
Nippon Foundation in 1997 fiscal year, and reduc- formed taking advantage of the technical potential
tion of the Nox generation concentration by 48% and experiences obtained in the rating increase,
was successful. and a novel S-MC-C engines have been developed
(2) Annual results of manufacture in which novel ideas to break through the conven-
* Main engines for marine use tional common knowledge were employed every-
4-cycle engine 2 sets 2,600 PS where. The S-MC-C engine was developed as the
2-cycle engine 38 sets 187,665 PS compact engine of the next generation where the
Total 40 sets 190,265 PS weight is reduced by 10%, the length is reduced by
10%, and the output is increased by 10% irrespec-
tive of longer stroke. The principal particulars are
indicated in Table 2.4.12-1. The first S-MC-C
model of the 6S50MC-C engine (cylinder bore:
500 mm, piston stroke: 2,000 mm, mean effective

Table 2.4.12-1 Principal Particulars of S-MC-C

Photo 2.4.10-1 Car Ferry in Service Loading 2 sets

of L30M

(34) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 89

pressure: 19 bar, number of cylinders: 6, and

output: 12,670 PS) was completed at Tamano
Works of MES in April, 1997. The photo of the
general view, the section, and the shop test perfor-
mance curves of the engine are indicated in Photo
2.4.12-1, Fig. 2.4.12-1, and Fig. 2.4.12-2, respec-
tively. The engine was delivered to a German
shipyard as an exported one. The first model of the
12K50MC engine (cylinder bore: 500 mm, piston
stroke: 1,370 mm, mean effective pressure: 18 bar,
and output: 16,100 kw) of higher speed and shorter
stroke K50MC, was completed in October, 1997.
The engine was exported to Malaysia as the prime
mover for the generator.
(2) Items related to Nox reduction
The protocol regarding the air pollution preven-
tion from ships was adopted at the Conference
held at Head Quarter of IMO (London) in Septem-
ber, 1997. As for the nitrogen oxide (NOx), the
object is the diesel engine of not less than 130 kW
in output which will be mounted on the ship to be
built on and after January 1,2000, or the major
conversion of which will be performed on and
after the same day. MES has achieved the mea-
sures to reduce NOx in which the NOx limit by the
IMO is cleared and the economy and reliability are
Fig. 2.4.12-1 Section of S50MC-C Engine

Photo 2.4.12-1 General View of 6S50MC-C Fig. 2.4.12-2 Performance Curve (ISO Condition)

October 1998 (35)

90 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

not damaged on the actual ship together with the Now, the line-up of the UEC-LSII of series en-
licenser. The NOx regulation by the IMO is basi- gines is reinforced, and at the same time, develop-
cally coped with the Low NOx Atomizer. MES ment of the UEC52LSE type engine is underway
applied the NOx measures for the first time to two as the latest one.
sets of the main engine 7S50MC (9,635 kW x 123 In 1997, development and design of the UEC37LSII
rpm) for the shuttle tanker to be built by Tsuneishi to cover the intermediate range between the devel-
Shipyard and delivered to UGLAND Company, oped UEC33LSII and UEC43LSIIwas completed
and carried out the shop trial of the main engine. as the line-up reinforcement. The development
Under the presence of DNV class surveyor, the enables the flexibility by the UEC-LSII series
NOx emission of 12.3 g/Kwh was measured, which engine for the planning needs of diversified kinds
is below the limit of 17 g/kWh in E3 cycle, and the of small ships, and, in particular, extensive de-
Certificate on Compliance with NOx regulation mand on UEC37LSII is expected around the main
was issued. The ship is operated in a mode so as engine for ships engaged in domestic waters.
to comply with the IMO regulation. When the The UEC52LSE type engine whose development
NOx reduction by over 30% is required, water is just started is designed for higher output and
emulsion is adopted, and this system has been miniaturization compared with the LSII type en-
sufficiently experienced with the shore-based gine, and has the top level specifications as the
power generating plants, presenting no problems. large low-speed 2-cycle engine of 19 bar in brake
(3) Annual results of manufacture mean effective pressure and 8.5 m/s in mean piston
1) Number of production and output of marine speed.
diesel engines (not less than 100 PS) in 1997 Principal particulars, the output range map, and
* Low-speed diesel engines (including single the section of the UEC-LSII type engine and the
exported engines) UEC52LSE type engine are indicated in Table
: 98 sets, 1,815,830 PS 2.4.13-1, Fig. 2.4.13-1, and Fig. 2.4.13-2, respec-
* Medium-speed diesel engines tively.
: 3 sets, 14,010 PS On the other hand, as the Mitubishi-Sulzer engine,
2) The Mitsui-MAN B&W NA turbo charger is the first model of 7RTA58T engine which is the
mounted on S, K, L-MC engines, and 75 sets latest model was completed in December, 1997,
were manufactured in 1997. The models of and the 12RTA84C-UG type engines as the main
production are three kinds, including NA70, 57 engine for large high-speed container carriers have
and 48. been continuously manufactured.
(2) Annual results of manufacture
2.4.13 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (large en- * Main engine for marine use:
gines) Large engine: 38 sets 1,069,210 PS
(1) Engines developed in 1997 Medium/small engine:
MHI has autonomously developed the UEC en- 7,546 sets 4,068,250 PS
gine which is a large low-speed 2-cycle engine * Auxiliary engine for marine use:
since 1955. 1,598 sets 834,630 PS

Table 2.4.13-1 Principal Particulars of UEC-LSII Type Engine

(36) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 91

Fig. 2.4.13-1 Output Range Map of UEC-LSII/LSE Type Engine

ber, 1997 by Yanmar are roughly as follows. The

following two models were developed as the main
engines for medium to small fishing boats.
1) 6KY-ET Engine
The engine was developed on the concept of the
engine easy to handle, light in weight, and
compact in size as the main engine for medium
to small fishing boats. In the engine, improve-
ment of the torque characteristics at the medium
to low speed, clean exhaust gas, great reduction
in fuel consumption, and rapid acceleration were
realized by employing the twin turbo and the
special combustion system.
The principal particulars and the photo of the
general view are indicated in Table 2.4.14-1 and
Fig. 2.4.14-1, respectively.
2) 6LX-GT Engine
The 6LX-GT engine was developed as a part of
the lightweight, compact and high-output diesel
engine GT series as the main engine for medium
to small fishing boats. In the engine, the high-
pressure injection was realized by employing

Table 2.4.14-1
Fig. 2.4.13-2 Section of UEC52LSE Engine

2.4.14 Yanmar Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.

(1) Engines developed in 1997
Newly developed main engines and auxiliary en-
gines for marine use between January and Decem-

October 1998 (37)

92 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

the Yanmar-original unit injector, and the stable

combustion performance in the range from the
low speed to the high speed was obtained through
the optimum matching with the combustion
chamber. Importance is attached to the daily
service and maintenance performance, and it is
taken into consideration that every equipment
necessary for examination is arranged on the
steering side.
The principal particulars and the photo of the
general view are indicated in Table 2.4.14-2 and
Fig. 2.4.14-2, respectively.
For the purpose of the series expansion of the
6N21 type engine developed in 1996, the 8N21
type engine was developed as the main engine,

Fig. 2.4.14-3

Table 2.4.14-3 Principal Particulars of 8N21

Fig. 2.4.14-1 6KY-ET Engine Engine

Table 2.4.14-2

the auxiliary engine for generators for marine

use capable of coping with low fuel consump-
tion, low air pollution, and residual fuel.
The principal particulars and section of the
engine are indicated in Table 2.4.14-3 and Fig.
2.4.14-3, respectively.
(2) Annual results of manufacture in 1997

Fig. 2.4.14-2 6LX-GT Engine [Yoshisuke HAMAMOTO]

(38) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 93

3. Steam Turbines 4. Gas Turbines and Turbochargers

3.1 Marine Propulsion Turbine 4.1 Gas Turbines
The main propulsion turbines completed and ac- The operational results of the aero-derivative gas
ceptance-tested at factory in 1997 in Japan numbered turbines have been increased as the main engine for
five in total, including four turned out by Mitsubishi marine use in naval vessels and high-speed ships taking
Heavy Industries, Ltd. (two 26,800 kW machines and advantage of its characteristics.
one each of 28,7000 kW and 5,500 kW machines) and The number of naval vessels on which gas turbines
one turned out by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. are installed in Japan totals 46 as of the end of 1997
(one 29,400 kW machine). including those under construction or planning, and the
Also, two LNGCc built by Mitsubishi Heavy number of gas turbines exceeds 190 sets including the
Industries, Ltd. and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. spare engines.
for the Qatar LNG Project and powered by main pro- The naval vessels which entered in service in 1997
pulsion turbines of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries manu- was “Murasame” type DD class escort vessel (built by
facture and a ship built by Atlantique, France, for MES) which was ordered in 1992 fiscal year, in which
Petronas Marine and powered by the main propulsion 2 sets of the LM2500 gas turbine by GE in US (16,500
turbine of Kawasaki Heavy Industries manufacture PS, manufactured by IHI) and the SMIC gas turbine by
were commissioned in service, respectively, in 1997. RR in UK (13,500 PS, manufactured by KHI) are
The main propulsion turbine for LNGC applica- installed with twin shaft COGAG (Combined Gas
tion is expected to remain in brisk demand in the future. turbine And Gas turbine) system.
Considering the environmental problems, however, the In 1997, one “Murasame” type DD vessel (to be
improved turbine plant operating efficiency for greater built by Hitachi Zosen, and delivered in March, 2001)
saving in energy consumption, etc., which are the was contracted.
challenges to be met hence-forth. As for the gas turbine for on-board generators, the
M1A-25 (1,500 kW) gas turbine developed by KHI
3.2 Auxiliary Turbine itself and the 501-K34 gas turbine by Allison in US
The marine auxiliary turbines, manufactured by (2,500 kW manufactured by IHI) are the main stream
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. and Shinko Indus- now.
tries, Ltd. in Japan, include the generator, cargo oil Three sets of M1A-25 were installed on two
pump, and ballast pump turbines. “Murasame” type DD vessels, and total 6 sets are in
In 1997, 15 generator turbines were manufactured service and 15 sets will be installed on the succeeding
by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. and four by Shinko five DD vessels. Three sets of 501-K34 were installed
Industries, Ltd. Those manufactured by Mitsubishi on three “Kongo” type DDG class escort vessels, and
Heavy Industries, Ltd. were mostly for installation in total, 9 sets are in service and 3 sets will be installed on
LNGCs. the succeeding DDG vessel.
The cargo oil pump and ballast pump turbines As for the high-speed ships for commercial use in
manufactured in 1997 numbered 209 in total, of which Japan 15 water-jet propelled hydrofoils (Jet Foil) with
33 were turned out by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 2 sets of 501-KF(3,800 PS) gas turbine by Allison have
Ltd. and 176 by Shinko Industries, Ltd. been built by KHI, and entered in service.
The world’s oil tankers have now reached the One of the scaled model ships for the next-genera-
stage of replacement causing the rise in demand for tion super-high speed cargo ship “Techno Super Linear
cargo oil pump and ballast pump turbines. Business (TSL)”, Hisho with air-cushion type hybrid support
inquiries about these auxiliary turbines are brisk, and hull (TSL-A) was converted to the disaster relief ship
the prospect is good that the turbine manufacturing and entered in service. 2 sets of MFT-8 gas turbines
activities will continue at a high level henceforth. developed by MHI as the propulsion engine (28,000
The demand for generator turbines for LNGC PS, with the gas generator by TPM in Canada), and 1 set
application also is expected to remain strong hereafter. of TF40 gas turbine (2,000 SHP) by Textron Lycoming
South Korea at present is in so great an economic in US were installed in the “Hisho”.
bind that its LNGC building projects must be seriously In the trend of the novel technology on the marine
affected with consequent impact on the manufacturing gas turbine, the “Technical Research Association of
of marine propulsion and auxiliary turbines in the Super Marine Gas Turbine” comprising 5 Japanese gas
Pacific Asian region. The country’s economic situa- turbine manufacturers was established. The Associa-
tion, therefore, warrants careful attention for some time tion will develop the gas turbine for marine propulsion
to come (2,500 kW class) in which the amount of NOx is about
[Yasunori TASHIMA] 1/10 compared with the existing diesel engines and the

October 1998 (39)

94 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

Fig. 4.1-1 Structure of ICR Gas Turbine WR-21

fuel consumption is approximately equal to that thereof application than conventional MET-SD series. 14 units
from 1997 to 2002. out of total 33 were applied for stationary power gener-
The Intercooled and Recuperated cycle (ICR) gas ating plants. The production of MET-SE series will be
turbine WR-21 (22,000 kW class) in which the aero increased in the future. It is remarkable that an order for
RB211 engine by RR is applied as the base engine, has 8 units of MET42SH for the stationary power generat-
been developed overseas under the contract with the ing plant with compressor pressure ratio of 4 is placed.
US Navy (Royal and French navies are also partici- The contribution of the paper, “An Outline Review of
pated). Fig. 4.1-1 shows the structure of WR-21. The MET Turbocharger Design Features and Improve-
test for the development engine has been conducted at ments Achieved for User-Friendliness”, was made for
the test house in Royal Navy, and the endurance test for the 2nd Symposium on Marine Propulsion System,
500 hours was completed in 1997. Athens.
[Takafumi NAKAGAWA] Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. pro-
duced 75 units of NA 70, NA57 and NA48 turbocharg-
4.2 Turbochargers ers. The numbers of new turbocharger type NA70/T9,
The situation in 1997 of domestic turbocharger NA57/T9 and NA48/S are 12, 13 and 1 unit respec-
manufacturer is summarized below. tively. The production of high efficiency and high-
Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. pressure turbocharger is increasing on the market de-
produced 1,161 units of VTR type turbochargers with mand of high power rate of the diesel engines.
axial turbine. It includes 64 units of VTR4D series, The lifetime of the compressor wheel made of
which was designed for higher-pressure application aluminum alloy is a topic under the severe running
than conventional VTR4E and 4 units of VTR4P series, conditions such as high peripheral speed and high
which can be adopted for compressor pressure ratio up suction air temperature. The investigation on aerody-
to 4. The required compressor pressure ratio for domes- namic design and/or the material of the compressor
tic diesel engine is gradually increasing similar to a wheel might be necessary.
tendency of the European engine builders. Kawasaki Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. produced 40
Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. also units of NA70, NA57, and NA48 turbochargers. The
produced 1,636 units of RU and RH3 type turbocharg- new turbocharger type NA70/T9, NA57/T9 and NA48/
ers with radial turbine, which are about 20% larger than S have the majority of the production and the numbers
the production record of 1996. Especially the produc- are 15, 8 and 16 units respectively.
tion of high efficiency type turbocharger RH3 is in- Niigata Engineering Co., Ltd. produced 340 units
creased. of turbochargers, including 310 units of NR/R, 2 units
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. produced of NA/T and 3 units of NR/S. The production of high
499 units of MET type turbochargers. 33 units were efficiency and high-pressure turbocharger NR/S with
MET-SE series, i.e. MET83SE, MET66SE and radial turbine will be increased.
MET45SE, which can be adopted for higher-pressure [Takashi AKITA]

(40) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 95

5. Boilers by the kind, and the number has been on the same trend
for these several years.
5.1 General Fig. 5.2 shows the weight of production to the
The number of production of boilers for marine number of production of the boilers, and the weight
use has been gradually increased since 1995, and 475 statistics shows the trend that the boilers have been
boilers were produced in 1997, which was about 123% increased in size since 1995.
compared with that in 1996.
In the technological aspect, researches and devel- 5.3 Major Trend
opments have been advanced in miniaturization of the 5.3.1 Main Boiler
boiler combustion chamber, energy saving, exclusive Two sets of main boilers 17T/H and 2 sets of
and mixed combustion of gas/heavy oil including the boilers of 68T/H for LNG carriers were manufactured
gas fired auxiliary boiler, and countermeasures for the by MHI, 4 sets of boilers of 54 T/H were manufactured
air pollution by NOx, SOx, etc., and examination on the by MES, and 2 sets of boilers of 68T/H were manufac-
monitoring system of the auxiliary boiler/exhaust gas tured by KHI, and total 10 boilers were delivered. MHI
economizer. received orders of 2 sets of 21 T/H boilers, 2 sets of 44
T/H boilers, 8 sets of 68 T/H boilers, KHI received
5.2 Number of Production orders of 10 sets of 68 T/H boilers, and totaling 22
Fig. 5.1 and Fig. 5.2 show the production of boilers boilers. Boilers for LNG carriers are delivered to
for marine use during 10 years since 1988 which are Korean shipbuilders and Qatar Project.
summarized in “Statistics of Products in Marine Indus- Demands on the main boilers for LNG carriers will
try” by the Ministry of Transport. be expected.
Fig. 5.1 shows the number of production of boilers
5.3.2 Auxiliary Boiler
Two hundred and seventeen sets of auxiliary boil-
ers were manufactured in 1997, and 170 sets of com-
posite boilers were manufactured. Fig. 5.3 shows the
number of production and the orders received of main
and auxiliary boilers by 8 boiler manufacturers in 1997
with reference to the boiler capacity. On the whole,
both the number of production and the orders received
are on the increase, and the orders received of auxiliary
boilers of medium to large capacity was increased by
about 155% compared with those in 1996 supported by
the demands on tankers are increased.
Fig. 5.4 shows the summary of the number of
production and orders received of the composite boil-
Fig. 5.1 Boiler Production by Annual Report of ers, and the number of production and orders received
Marine Industrial Statistics

Fig. 5.2 Boiler Production by Annual Report of Fig. 5.3 Production and Orders Received of Main
Marine Industrial Statistics and Auxiliary Boilers in 1997 Fiscal Year

October 1998 (41)

96 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

circulation type for turbo-generators (T/G) which have

been employed in VLCCs, container carriers, etc.,
opportunities of employment have been reduced com-
pared with the previous year from the aspect of the
[Takashi KURIMOTO]

6. Shafting System
No remarkable advances were achieved in 1997
except that a large propeller was employed in 5,700
TEU container carrier. Among high-speed crafts, ships
Fig. 5.4 Production and Orders Received of Com- for government and municipal offices, and ships en-
posite Boilers in 1997 Fiscal Year gaged in domestic waters, there were some topics
including the water-jet propulsion system employed in
the super high-speed mono-hull or twin-hull crafts, the
turning CPP equipment mounted on a fire-fighting
ship, and the turning CRP announced as a new technol-
ogy. Their outlines are introduced below.
IHI, MHI and MES built large container carriers of
5,700 TEU type which are the largest class in Japan, and
the first ship was delivered in October, 1997 at Kure
Shipyard of IHI. The propeller employed on this ship
is of 6-blade type, φ8,750 mm in diameter, and 81 tons
in weight.
The main particulars are as follows.1)
LOA × B × D: 299.9 m × 40.0 m × 23.9 m
Gross tonnage: 75,637 tons
Fig. 5.5 Production and Orders Received of Ex-
Main engine: Low speed diesel engine
haust Gas Economizer in 1997 Fiscal Year
53,300 kW × 94 rpm
IHI announced the turning type Contra-Rotating
of the composite boilers of 1-2 T/H class are increased Propeller System “IHI CRP-DUCK” as a novel propul-
by about 110% compared with those in 1996 on the sion system of cargo ships and tankers engaged in
whole. domestic waters, and started the sale. (Fig. 6.1)2) The
No specially new technologies were developed in main particulars of the propulsion system for ships of
the field of the auxiliary boiler, and the Sub Committee 499-749 GT are as follows.
on Boilers of the Energy System Committee, succes- Rated output: 1,330 kW
sively to 1996, achieved the questionnaire survey for Rated input number of revolution: 750 rpm
ship builders and shipping companies on the monitor- Number of revolution of propeller: 225 rpm
ing system of the auxiliary boiler/exhaust gas econo- Forward propeller: 4-blade × φ2,510 mm
mizer for marine use, and the future monitoring system Rear propeller: 5-blade × φ2,200 mm
is summarized based on these results. Advantages including the energy-saving effect
over 10%, improvement in the turning performance,
5.3.3 Exhaust Gas Economizer reduction in hull vibration, and contribution to reduc-
Eighty eight sets of exhaust gas economizer were tion in the engine room space are created as a result of
manufactured in 1997, which is about 120% compared fitting the propulsion system.
with those in 1996. In particular, the number of exhaust MHI delivered the mono-hull type high-speed car
gas economizers of 2.1-3 T/H class was increased from ferry “UNICON” which is highest in speed in Japan at
13 to 36 supported by the demands on tankers, showing the end of May, 1997, and the ship, as a car ferry, is
great increase by about 270%. engaged in the route between Hakodate and Aomori in
Fig. 5.5 shows the number of production and the 2 hours. The propulsion system of the ship employed
orders received of exhaust gas economizers by 8 boiler 4-drive and 4-shaft system in which the main engine,
manufacturers with reference to the boiler capacity. the gear, and the water-jet was combined, and the
As for large exhaust gas economizers of forced water-jet system (Fig. 6.2) is equipped with the steering

(42) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 97

movement and the steering performance at the site,

facilitates the operation for arriving at and leaving the
terminal, enables the fine-controlled operation includ-
ing the ship positioning while spraying the water in the
fire-fighting activities, and remarkably improves the
operational performance. The main particulars are as
LOA × B × D: 35.0 m × 12.2 m × 5.5 m
Gross tonnage: 280 tons
Main engine: Diesel engine
2,000 PS × 2 sets
Turning-type controllable pitch propeller:
2 sets
The swing-up type turning propulsion system de-
veloped by KHI was employed in the self-propelled
barge of Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority also in
Fig. 6.1 IHI CRP-DUCK 1997 following the first system employed in 1995, and
plays an active part as the thruster for special use.
Hitachi Zosen delivered the wave-piercer type car
ferry “SEA BIRD” completely made of aluminum
alloy and 60 m in length which was intended for
Corporation for Aduanced Transport & Technology
and Yasuda Ocean Vessel Co., Ltd., and the car ferry is
now engaged in the service between Nagasaki and
Kushikino. The shafting system is 4-engine, 4-shaft
system, and the length of the shafting system on the
inner side is different from that on the outer side due to
the arrangement of the main engine. The flexible
coupling of lamination plate type is arranged between
Fig. 6.2 Propulsion system of UNICON the water jet pump (Fig. 6.3) and the intermediate shaft,
and the intermediate shaft and the main engine respec-
system and the contra-rotating system for four shafts, tively to eliminate the effect by the deformation of the
enabling the operation such as 4-shaft parallel and 2- hull, and the two-split type roller bearing which is
shaft parallel. commonly used as the bulkhead seal and the bearing is
The main particulars are as follows.3) equipped in the bulkhead part. The roller bearing of
LOA × B × D: abt. 101 m × 14.9 m × 10.3 m two-split type is employed in every intermediate bear-
Gross tonnage: 1,498 tons ing. The intermediate shaft is of hollow structure where
Service speed: 35 knots
Main engine: Medium speed diesel engine
8,840 PS × 1,275 rpm × 4 sets
Water-jet pump: Single stage, axial flow type
× 4 sets
Reduction gear: Planetary gear type reduc-
tion gear × 4 sets
Two sets of CPP, 360°-turning type thrusters manu-
factured by KHI were employed as the propulsion
system of the fire-fighting ship “HIRYU” 4) of Mari-
time Safety Agency built by NKK (delivered in De-
cember, 1997). The system was mounted on the ship
owned by the Maritime Safety Agency for the first
time, and demonstrates its capacity of the transverse
Fig. 6.3 Propulsion system of SEA BIRD

October 1998 (43)

98 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

the hollow ratio = 0.67 for the weight reduction.5) The only whether the compressor is good or bad, but also the
main particulars are as follows. extent of its trouble by the analogous voltage value
LOA × B × D: abt. 62 m × 15.4 m × 10.8 m (D.C. 1~5V). The system can analyze the vibration
Gross tonnage: 835 tons wave from the acceleration transducer by the central
Main engine: High-speed diesel engine processing unit on the circuit board, decide the rotation
2,023 kW × 1,950 rpm × 4 sets trouble of the compressor rotor according to the rule of
Propulsion system: Water-jet propulsion sys- the company and produce the output result. By making
tem × 4 sets a continuous observation of the D. C. voltage which is
The TSL test ship “HISHO” was remodeled to the generated as the diagnosis results every 4 minutes, we
disaster measures ship “KIBO” by MHI. (The remod- can know the appropriate time of an overhaul of the
eling work was completed in March, 1997.)6) Because compressor. By setting the limit value of the voltage,
the accommodation structure was mounted during the we can light a warning lamp, ring a warning buzzer or
remodeling, the shafting system was re-aligned. This stop the compressor (the operation of the refrigerator).
work can be a topic of the shafting system. This system is applied to the only use of the single
screw compressor made by Mayekawa Mfg. Co., Ltd.
References The compressor must be used on shore and driven by an
electric motor. In future, if such a system would be
1) Ship of the World (Feb. 1998) developed for marine and general use, the operators of
2) Horiuchi, Ishikawajima-Harima Engineering Re- ships will be able to do adequate maintenance of the
view, 37-5 (Sep. 1997), 408 refrigeration compressor and not experience a sudden
3) Fune-No-Kagaku, 50 (Aug. 1997), 28 trouble of the refrigerator at sea.
4) Ship of the World (Mar. 1998), 120
5) Kodansen, 327 (May 1997), 31 7.2 Development of the Frosting Control System
6) Fune-No-Kagaku, 50 (Dec. 1997), 49 AFC-800 for the Refrigerating Room2)
[Keiichi NITTA] Protect Co., Ltd. (now AMEFREC Co., Ltd.) has
developed the frosting control system AFC-800 for the
7. Auxiliary Machinery and refrigerating room. Please refer to Fig. 7.1. If this unit
Outfitting Works would be installed in the refrigerating room, it will be
able to prevent loading of the cooling coils by the frost,
In the section of auxiliary machinery & outfitting reduce the time and numbers of defrosting an influence
works in 1997, the apparatus concerning to the refrig- of the frost to the articles in the room, and increase the
eration and cold storage, the attitude control system of cooling efficiency remarkably.
ships, the engine room operator assisting system for AFC-800 consists of some oxide magnetic ce-
ships and so on were developed and studied. ramic plated (ferrite plates). The plates are composed
The further details of there are as follows. of an iron oxide as the main ingredient and several
metal oxides. These plates absorb the VHF and UHF
7.1 Development of the Diagnosis System for the electric waves in the air and produce the voltage differ-
Refrigeration Compressor1) ence of 0.076 mV to the air. And the plates adsorb the
Mayekawa Mfg. Co., Ltd. Developed the diagno- 2H2O which are floating in the air and cause the frost,
sis system named “COCO” for the refrigerator in 1991. remove the electrons of the 2H2O and prevent the
Then they had many achievements on subjects of the microscopic 2H2O from growing crystals (= the frost).
foreseeing diagnosis. In 1997 they have developed the The field test was carried out in the actual refrig-
simplified diagnosis system named “mini-COCO” for eration utility; its room temperature was –25°C and
the refrigeration compressor. This system can be room volume was about 170m3, the numbers of defrost-
mounted on the refrigerator easily and diagnose it at all ing was 6 times per day, the time of defrosting was 30
times and continuously. minutes every defrosting, the operation ratio of the
This system consists of the acceleration transducer refrigerator was about 60% and the work of defrosting
and the circuit board. When the former is attached on by men needs 1 time per month in winter and 2~3 times
the refrigeration compressor and the latter is supplied per month in summer. As a result passing only 13 days
electric power source, the system starts to diagnose the after setting AFC-800 in the room, the numbers of
running operation of the compressor and generated the defrosting decreased to 2 times per day, the time of
D.C. voltage as the diagnosis results at the output defrosting decreased to 15 minutes every defrosting,
terminals on the board. The output result shows not the operation ratio of the refrigerator decreased to about

(44) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 99

Fig. 7.1 Shape and Specification of AFC-800

50%. Also the work of defrosting by men did not need

only one tome after setting this unit.
As these effects can be expected, there are many
achievements of adopting this unit in the refrigeration
utility on shore. We want to apply this unit to the
maritime refrigeration utility after this. If it would be
so, the work of defrosting will decrease and an accident
of slipping and falling on the icy floor will not happen.

7.3 Development of the Ammonia Absorption Re-

Recently, the destruction of the Ozone layer and
the green house effect are becoming global environ-
mental problems. As a result, not only the use of
fluorine-containing alternative refrigerant but also the Fig. 7.2 Flow Diagram
use of ammonia as a coolant is considered again.
Because the Ozone Destruction Performance and the of an inflammable and poisonous gas.
Global Warming Potential by ammonia is zero. In this development, the steam heating 20 USRT
In response to this, an ammonia absorption type demonstration machine was manufactured; the USRT
refrigerator with a plate-fin heat exchanger has been means the United State Refrigeration Tonnage and 1
developed for very low temperature. Hitachi Zosen USRT = 3024 kcal/h ≅ 3.517 kW, and the several
Corporation developed this system in corporation with performance tests for 10 days or more and the long term
Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. And Sumitomo Precision Products continuous running test for 1500 hours are carried out.
Co., Ltd. This system is similar to the previous absorp- As a result, the COP (Coefficient of Operation Perfor-
tion type refrigerator with ammonia as a coolant and mance) reached 0.4, the planned critical value and
water as an absorbent. As shown in Fig. 7.2, this system durability were confirmed on condition that the cooling
almostly consists of only heat exchangers. By adopting water temperature was 32°C and the refrigerating ca-
the plate-fin type heat exchanger whose volume per a pacity was 20 USRT. Furthermore, the design stan-
unit of heat transfer area is about one-tenth of one of the dardization was completed, the 100RT, 50RT and
shell and tube type heat exchangers, the system be- 20RT typed models of an ammonia absorption refrig-
comes compact and very small extremely. The range of erator which had a plate-fin heat exchanger, were
the refrigeration temperature is –20°C~–50°C. This manufactured compactly as shown in Fig. 7.3. For
system is designed and made in safety against ammonia example, on the 20RT typed model, the dimension of

October 1998 (45)

100 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

speed of 35.5 knots, and carrying capacity of 460

passengers with either 94 cars or 32 eight-ton trucks.
She has 4 water jet propulsion systems driven by 4 high
speed diesel engines of total 25,780 PS (18,961 kW).
RCS decreases a ship motion which is introduced
by wave making force because of high speed vessel
herself, by the f ins installed on the bow and the trim
tabs on the stern of her catamaran. It enhances excellent
seakeeping performance for her. The lifting power
produced by these fins and trim tabs is used actively as
force to control pitch and roll motion of her. RCS
consists of ship motion sensors (rate-gyroscope), a
main microcomputer-based controller, hydraulic power
units and driving units for the fins and the trim tabs. Fig.
7.4 shows the arrangement of the system. The rate
Fig. 7.3 Standard Module and An Example of Varia- gyroscope detects rolling and pitching acceleration of
tion the vessel. Under the results of detection, the main
controller calculates angle of the fins and the trim tabs
which is 3 m long, 1.6 m wide and 3.1 m high, we can to produce lifting power which prevents the vessel from
get the refrigerating system with 20 USRT and COP = leaning over. It gives instructions to each actuator of
0.4 on condition that the heating source is steam of 9 the driving unit to reduce wave-induced pitch and roll
atmospheric pressure and cooling water temperature is motion. As a result of numerical simulation of RCS and
30°C. model experiment in a water tank, the following was
known. If the fins and the trim tabs would be controlled
7.4 Development of Ride Control System for as mentioned above under wave length in which the
JETPIERCER4) oscillation of the vessel becomes the maximum, the
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Have developed oscillation will decrease about 20%. RCS modified on
the Ride Control System (RCS) in order to enhance basis of this result was installed on actual vessel, and
excellent seakeeping performance for JETPIERCER, a anti-motion effects was examined. As a result, under
wave piercing catamaran high -speed car ferry. The head sea pitch rate decreases about 65% and up-and-
first vessel of her was named “Hayabusa” (falcon) with down acceleration decreases about 57% in operation of
length of 99.78 m, width of 19.98 m, depth of 7.30 m, RCS than in no operation. When the vessel was running
weight of 2,282 ton, cargo weight of 570 ton, maximum

Fig. 7.4 Arrangement of RCS Components

(46) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 101

commercially, under beam sea pitching rate decreases 2 (1997.7) pp. 94

about 47% and up-and-down acceleration decreases 4) Kawasaki Technical Review vol. 135 (1997.10)
about 36% in operation of RCS than in no operation. pp. 27 and Vol. 126 (1995.7) pp. 3
Anti-motion effects of RCS is large remarkably. 5) JRCS Corporation Catalogue and Kawasaki Tech-
So it is expected that RCS will contribute toward nical Review Vol. 112 (1992.1) pp. 104
keeping vessels comfortable after this. [Nobukazu SHIMADA]

7.5 Engine Room Operator Assisting System for 8. Deck Machinery

Motor Ships5)
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Have developed In the section of deck machinery in 1997, the
engine room operator assisting system for motor ships. studies and developments to control the several oscilla-
This system has been developed for easy operation and tion and vibration generated on large crane barge and
proper maintenance of principal machinery on motor container crane were carried out mainly.
ship. Operator can easily recognize the running condi- The further details of these are as follows.
tion, the performance and their transition of these
machinery by recording, analyzing and diagnosing the 8.1 Development of Damper to Stabilize Load sus-
data from the engine monitor and using the portable pended from Floating Crane1)
measuring equipment for the combustion pressure and Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
others. Has developed active oscillation damping system for
This system consists of data logging computer, use on sling frame of the hook of a 3000 ton crane barge
portable measuring equipment for the cylinder pressure to handle caissons in the construction of Shira-Shima
and others of a diesel engine and personal computer as Petroleum Depository. In this development, measure-
a central processing unit for these data. The soft wares ment of an oscillation of an actual ship on sea, research
consist of three independent analysis soft wares and a on oscillation mechanism of sling flame and logical
diagnosis soft ware. The former three soft wares are for study of damping effect by oscillation damper were
the purposes of analyzing the data trend of the engine performed. Furthermore water tank tests carried out
parts, analyzing the cylinder pressure data or diesel using a one forth scale model.
engine and analyzing the several data of diesel main The crane barge is 94 m in length, 40 m in width,
engine. The user can select and install some of them on 3.8 m draft, 14,645 ton in weight and 11.8 m in height
this system. The latter soft ware is for purpose of of center of gravity. The shape of this barge is shown
diagnosing. Only answering some questions by Yes or in Fig. 8.1. The active damper has damping weight of
No according to the results of the former soft ware, 35 ton, effective stroke ±2.0 m, maximum velocity of
operator can get the diagnosis results. This system 2 m/s and electric motor of 132 kW as basic specifica-
adopts the general personal computer as data process- tion. The structure is shown in Fig. 8.2. Setting on this
ing unit on purpose. So it is able to apply soft ware damper on sling frame of the crane barge, pendulum
which user developed. motion of the cargo is reduced. In the tests using an
As thus system can be complete by adding some actual crane, it was known that horizontal oscillation of
apparatus, not only new vessels but also previous ones the sling frame increases large simultaneously with a
can be mounted and it can be applied to main diesel cycle of rolling of the barge, and right and left oscilla-
engine and generator diesel engine. Now this system is
mounted many vessels as engine room operator assist-
ing system. In addition, this system becomes main
apparatus of “Marine engine training simulator JETS-
101”. This simulator is installed on training ships and
training houses as the educational training facilities of
the maritime high-school. JRCS Corporation takes
charge of sales operation of this simulator.


1) Refrigeration, vol. 72 No. 837 (1997.7) pp. 683

2) Refrigeration, vol. 72 No. 833 (1997.3) pp. 204
and Amefrec Technical Reports & Catalogue
3) The Hitachi Zosen Technical Review, Vol. 58 No. Fig. 8.1 Floating Crane Arrangement

October 1998 (47)

102 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

Fig. 8.2 Structure of Mass Damper System (unit: mm)

tion amplitude becomes 3 times than the back and forth.

Furthermore, theoretical calculation method on the
characteristics of combined oscillation of barge and
sling frame at sea is deduced. The following matters
were made clear. The active damper installed on sling
frame is able to reduce the right and left amplitude of
sling frame and shackle to about 1/2~1/3. This system
is able to use effectively control logic for feedforward
mode to counter oscillation with detecting oscillation
on the edge of the jib. As a result of water tank tests
using crane barge model, it was confirmed that experi- Fig. 8.3 Outline of Container Crane
mental values agreed well with theoretical results, and
active damper took the control effect being fit for the By numerical simulations and experiments, it was
aim. made clear that vibration control of girder had no
In the tests using real crane barge of Shira-Shima influence on antisway control of containers. In this
Petroleum Depository, right and left amplitude of sling developed system, the maximum amplitude of girder
frame generated about the maximum ±0.5 m at sea. But vibration has been decreased to half, vibration does not
putting the new damper system in operation, the ampli- remain after stopping trolley. The damping constant
tude decreased to about 1/2~1/3 as the result of the 0.1 has been achieved from 0.0087 for girder vibration
model experiment. It was confirmed that this system produced at inching motion (this motion means mov-
had damping effect attaining the goal and was very ing the trolley a little to fit a certain position). There-
useful. fore, it will be expected that this system will reduce
fatigue of structure of the crane affected by girder
8.2 Development of Vibration Control System on vibration, disagreeable impression to the operators and
Container Crane Girder2) so on.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Has developed
the vibration control system on container crane girder. References
The outline of container crane is shown in Fig. 8.3. This
system reduces horizontal vibration of girder produced 1) Ishikawajima-Harima Engineering Review, vol.
with trolley movement by controlling acceleration of 37 No. 5 (1997) pp. 349
its trolley. The feature of this system is simultaneous 2) Mitsubishi Juko Giho, Vol. 34 No. 1 (1997.1) pp.
control of vibration of girder and containers. To at- 50
tempt this, optimum control theory has been applied. [Nobukazu SHIMADA]

(48) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 103

9. Fuels and Lubricating Oils level of 24 dollars per barrel in the beginning of the
year, taking the price of the Dubai crude oil as an
9.1 Fuels example. However, from the trend of warm winter, the
9.1.1 Trend of Oil Demand price was reduced to 16 dollars after the 1996/1997
The year of 1997 started with the accident of the demand season, and then, shifted on the level of 17-18
heavy oil outflow from M/V Nakhodka, followed by dollars. Then, in spite of the demand season, the price
uneasy news including the bankruptcy of financial was rather dropped down rapidly to 15 dollars at the end
agencies in Japan, the currency crisis in Asia, and the of December. The energy demand was considered to be
disorder of the spot market of crude oil at the year end. braked by the mitigation of the demand/supply balance
However, the world economy was still in good condi- due to the increased allotment of OPEC taken by the
tion following the previous year, reflecting the eco- market in advance, and the financial and currency crisis
nomic growth of Asian countries. The quantity of the in Eastern Asian countries.
crude oil processing in the world on 1997 was 73.6 As for the situation in Japan, the processed quan-
million B/D, and increased by 3% compared with the tity of crude oil was 4.32 million B/D which was
previous year (Table 9.1), and the production increase increased by about 3.6% compared with the previous
of the crude oil production in Middle and South America, year. The import of the petroleum products was 3.17
Africa, Asia and Old Russia was remarkable. (Table million KL which was reduced by 28% compared with
9.2) the previous year mainly due to sharp decrease in the
In the No. 103 OPEC General Conference in heavy oil for the power generation. The export of the
November, the raise of the upper limit of the production petroleum products of crude oil was 9.45 million KL,
framework was agreed to start from the beginning of and increased by 41% compared with the previous year,
1998 so as to cope with the increase in demand in Asian reflecting the substantial liberalization of the petro-
areas. The trend in the price of the crude oil was at the leum products export from July. The domestic sales of
the bond heavy oil (A, C) in 1997 was 5.81 million KL,
and increased by 35.5% compared with the previous
Table 9.1 IEA World Oil Demand
year, and the import of 0.44 million KL (77% reduc-
tion), the domestic production of 4.74 million KL
(122% increase), and the ratio of the import/production
were greatly different from those in the previous year.
(Table 9.3)

9.1.2 Marine Fuel Oils

The heavy oil is the refined mineral oil of appropri-
ate quality as the fuel for internal combustion engines,

Table 9.3 Demand Results of Domestic Bond Heavy

Oil (1997)

Table 9.2 Transition of World’s Crude Oil Produc-


October 1998 (49)

104 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

boilers and various furnaces in accordance with JIS. (2) Proposition of the fuel pretreatment system for the
Though the demand of the fuel oil in transportation trouble-free use of the engine against the impuri-
sector is continuously in a good condition, the demand ties in the fuel oil to damage the engine.
of the heavy oil has been reduced year by year due to (3) Introduction of the challenge by the centralized
promotion of the energy saving, and the energy conver- control system of the properties of the fuel to be
sion attributable to environmental problems. While the fed.
heavy oil yield from the domestic refined crude oil was (4) Change in the sludge precipitation, mixture of
about 43% in 1981, it was dropped to about 29% in FCC catalyst and hard-to-burn contents from the
1996. This is attributable to the result that the product analysis report 5 years ago on the same quality
yield for automobiles fuels was improved by the so- items of the marine fuel oil.
phisticated secondary processing facilities using the (5) Introduction of the results of the property analysis
heavy oil fraction. At the same time, the quality of the of the fuel oil to be daily used on ships in service,
residual product from the upgrading facilities which is and the present situation of the wear of the ring
conventionally used as the main composition of the liner experienced on board ships in service.
heavy oil has been worse than the previous one. (6) Introduction of the present situation of the oil
The 39th MEPC of IMO was held in June, and pollution preventive measures and technology in
concerning the fuel oils, three items namely (1) the Japan, the life prediction model of the outflow oil
upper limit of 5% sulfur content in general waters, (2) with the accident of the heavy oil outflow from
implementation of the monitoring of the sulfur contents MV Nakhodka as an example.
in the fuel oil, and (3) designation of North Sea and
Baltic Sea as the special area were agreed among the References
pending items in he previous Committee, and the agree-
ment was determined to be submitted to the 40th. 1) “Fundamentals of Combustion Technology”, Jour-
MEPC and the diplomatic conference. In the COP-3 nal of the Japan Institute of Energy, Vol. 75, No.
(The Third Conference by the Parties to the Convention 12~Vol. 76, No. 9
of the International Federation on Climate Fluctuation) 2) “Reliability of Present Marine Fuels and Main
held in Kyoto in December, suppression and reduction Propellant Engines”, Journal of the M.E.S.J., Vol.
of the greenhouse effect gas mainly consisting of car- 32, No. 2
bon dioxide was discussed to prevent the global warm- 3) “Quality Control of Marine Fuels by Shipping
ing effect on the national level. Company”, Journal of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 32, No. 2
The quality of the marine fuel oil in Japan is 4) “Present Condition of Heavy Marine Fuel from
designed in accordance with the Japanese Industrial Point of View of Shipping Company”, Journal of
Standards on heavy oil. However, there is a gap the M.E.S.J., Vol. 32, No. 11
between JIS quality items and the actual quality re- 5) “Fuel Oil for Low Speed Marine Diesel Engines
quirements of the heavy oil for marine use, and which and Some Tribological Problems”, Tribologist,
has not been corrected. On the other hand, in the Vol. 42, No. 1
international transaction, the standards of ISO8217 6) “Present Technologies to Cope with Oil Spills”,
(marine fuel oil) have been popular. Thus, discussion Petrotech, Vol. 20, No. 10
was made to frame JIS from the ISO standards which 7) “Special Report - Marine Pollution”, Journal of
are internationally versatile in the industrial world, and the Japan Institute of Energy, Vol. 76, No. 6
it was agreed to amend the present JIS. However, it has [Kenji TSUIKI]
been pointed out that (1) the present ISO standards have
no requirements on sodium which is the desired item by 9.2 Present Situation and Trend of Marine Engine
users, (2) the sulfur content is 5.0% in upper limit, Lubricants
which is higher than the present value, and (3) degrada- 9.2.1 Lubricating Oils for Trunk Engines
tion of the quality is feared. Whether or not these items Because diesel oil is generally used in the high-
are incorporated in JIS is considered as the item of speed trunk engine, the lubricating oil for large vehicles
examination in the regulation works for JIS. of relatively low alkaline level (the lubricating oil
In the literature issued in 1997, classified in accordance with the API standards) is
(1) The basic courses to explain the combustion from used. In the region of this engine, no equipment such
various aspects are introduced, which is excellent as the purifier to discharge the sludge, etc., outside the
references to understand the combustion technol- system is not provided, and the full volume of the
ogy lubricating oil is periodically renewed based on the

(50) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 105

engine manufacturer’s standards. Recently, there are combustion condition due to fluctuation of the oper-
many cases where the high-speed trunk engine is em- ating conditions and the inconsistent fuel oil quality.
ployed on board high-speed ferries, etc., and the use of Temperature: The liner temperature (the tempera-
synthetic lubricating oil of longer service life (several ture at the position of the top ring at TDC) rises up to
times longer than that of the mineral oil) is increased 235-240°C.
from the viewpoint of the resources saving and the Though the effect of the thermal stress on the engine
ecology (waste oil treatment, etc.) in Europe while the design has been sufficiently taken into consideration
use of the mineral oil is popular in Japan. The synthetic regarding the temperature rise, the thermal load to
lubricating oil suppresses carbon generation at piston the cylinder oil is greatly increased. If only the
ring zone and generation of lacquer at the liner, and viscosity change is compared (neglecting the evapo-
emission from the engine can be reduced by the lower ration of the light composition), the following results
consumption of the lubricating oil. can be obtained.
In the medium-speed trunk engine, the use of the (Example): VI = 100, Viscosity @100°C = 20.61
low grade residual fuel is common, and the problem of cSt (SAE50)
migration of the unburnt fuel into the lubricating oil
becomes serious. Because the compatibility of the °C 180 190 200 210 220 230 240
highly refined lubricating base oil with the asphaltene Viscosity 3.29 2.85 2.49 2.20 1.97 1.77 1.60
in the residual heavy oil is generally bad, the oil
companies have developed and provided on the market If the cylinder oil in the above-mentioned example is
the lubricating oil with excellent compatibility so that required to have the viscosity at 180°C equivalent to
the asphaltene content is not turned into sludge in the that at 240°C of the liner, the cylinder oil viscosity
lubrication system. However, only excellent compat- grade will not be less than SAE60.
ibility is just passing the entrance to solve the problem. Because the main base oil viscosity of the cylinder oil
The asphaltene content in the oil causes degradation of is of SAE30 class, and at most SAE40 even when the
the function specific to the lubricating oil, and also additive is added, it is necessary to use the bright
increases the risk of rapid degradation. The medium- stock or the alternative heavy base material in order
speed trunk engine oil having excellent purifying per- to manufacture the cylinder oil of SAE50 class. The
formance of the asphaltene in the system oil, while product using only the base oil of SAE40 will be
keeping various conventional performances and excel- strongly requested if high evaporation loss of the low
lent compatibility, is now under development, and it is viscosity base oil of the Dump-Bell blend cylinder
told that the product will soon be put into the market. oil and the low thermal stability of the heavy base
Though a little apart from the intention of the material are taken into consideration.
marine lubricating oil in this paper, the lubricating oil Pressure: Though Pmax was increased to improve
for the medium-speed trunk engine for IPP (Indepen- the thermal efficiency of the engine, appropriate
dent Power Producer) is explained. measures are taken on the design of the engine. On
In this engine, the severity to the lubricating oil is the other hand, the viscosity of the cylinder oil was
high attributable to the facts that, in comparison with dropped due to the temperature rise of the liner, and
the marine engines, 1) the normal engine load factor is maintenance of the oil film under high pressure
higher, 2) plant managers familiar to the control of the becomes difficult. In addition, the increase in Pmax
lubricating oil are insufficient in number, and 3) the remarkably increases the gas leakage from the ring
cooling capacity is likely to be insufficient, different gap as the wear of the top ring is progressed, forming
from the ships where the engine cooling system can the scuffing environment.
make sufficient use of sea water, and the lubricating oil Time: In the low-speed engine, the fuel oil which is
for the marine trunk diesel engines for IPP is required long in combustion time is often burned, and the liner
to be examined including the ideal way of its control. is exposed to the flame or hot gas for a long time. In
particular, in the high S/B ratio engine, the tempera-
9.2.2 Lubricating Oils for Crosshead Engine ture control of the liner is difficult and the condition
* Cylinder Oil where the cylinder oil is exposed becomes severer.
With the progress of the engine development, the Though the temperature drop of the upper part of the
load condition (factors of temperature, pressure, liner is effective for the mechanical wear, a middle to
time) for the cylinder oil has been greatly changed. lower part is likely to be supercooled (temperature in
There are some situations incapable of being coped the vicinity of the dew point of sulfuric acid), pro-
with by the present cylinder oil to the changes in the moting generation of the chemical wear. Today, the

October 1998 (51)

106 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

condition to use the cylinder oil becomes severer, 10. Nuclear Ships
and it is necessary to review the base oil viscosity and
TBN (additive, etc.) under the condition to meet the 10.1 Research and Development by Japan Atomic
present situation. Energy Research Institute (JAERI)
Viscosity: The Dumb-Bell blend using the bright 10.1.1 Nuclear Powered Ship “Mutsu”
stock is avoided, and the base oil of SAE40 class The nuclear powered ship “Mutsu” completed the
excellent in thermal stability and oxidation stability experiments, and overhauled in Sekinehama Mooring
is used. Port based on the “Basic plan on the studies necessary
TBN: TBN of the scavenging drain is around 40 (by for the research and development of nuclear ship by
the perchloric acid method), and is sufficient to JAERI” stipulated by the Prime Minister and the Min-
neutralize sulfuric acid if the cylinder oil is adhered ister of Transport on 31st March, 1985. The hull of
to the liner surface, but the corrosion wear is actually “Mutsu” after overhaul was delivered from JAERI to
take place. the Ocean Science and Technology Center so as to be
The inactive reactivity of the cylinder oil additive reborn as the largest sized oceanographic observation
under the atmosphere in the cylinder during engine ship in the world. The remodeling works have been
operation may be one of the causes. It is desired in performed in about 2 years, and the remodeled ship as
future to develop the product having a excellent acid the oceanographic research ship “Mirai” was engaged
neutralization reactivity under the actual operating in the fall of 1997. Sekinehama Port which used to be
condition. fixed port for “Mutsu” is also used as the mother port of
* System Oil “Mirai”, and the service station to perform the servicing
Recently, the increase in the viscosity of the used of oceanographic observation buoys to be mounted on
system oil in the crosshead engine and increase in board “Mirai” and the building the analysis to process
TBN are remarkable. These are exclusively attribut- the observed data are under construction.
able to recycling of the stuffing drain. Though these
items look effective from the aspect of effective use 10.1.2 Studies for improvement of Marine Reactor
of the resources and the economy in a short range, JAERI has advanced the research and develop-
they are not necessarily effective or economical from ment to the improved marine reactor aiming at realiza-
the long-range view point. tion of the future marine reactor together with the
Disadvantages of highly viscous used oil (not less research and development by “Mutsu”. In the case of
than SAE40 level) the marine reactor, the requirements for the output, the
1) Deviation from SAE30 recommended from en- load conditions, and the automation of the operation are
gine manufacturers different depending on the kind of ship to be used, and
2) Reduction of the piston cooling effect/increase the research and development of two kinds of improved
in carbon deposit marine reactors, i.e., a large marine reactor MRX
3) Reduction in mechanical efficiency of engine (Marine Reactor X) and a deep-sea reactor DRX (Deep-
(increase in fuel consumption) sea Reactor X) have been advanced for the installation
4) Reduction of efficiency of purifier and increase onboard an ice-breaking observation ship and a deep-
in heating cost of lubricating oil sea scientific research ship which are expected to be
5) Increase in power consumption of LO pump and realized soon. The conceptual design has already been
purifier pump established on MRX and DRX, and the development of
Disadvantages of high TBN used oil the element technology such as the fundamental test or
1) Poor water separability the like on the passive safety technology, and the
2) Difficulty in removing fine contaminants development of the element equipment such as the
To avoid losses or risks of engine damages caused reactor containment built-in type control rod driving
by the above-mentioned disadvantages, the drain quan- device are advanced in parallel. Consideration has
tity should be reduced by improving the function of the been given to how to advance the design and Studies on
stuffing box, and re-use should be avoided. Without the engineering level including demonstration of the
correct understanding of the actual conditions (degree establishment of the conception, acquisition of the
of oxidation, oxidation stability, thermal stability etc.), thermal hydrostatic data necessary for developing the
the viscosity adjustment of the system oil with the low detailed design, demonstration of the reliability of the
viscosity oil should be avoided. new concept and the operational and maintenance
[Akira TOMITA] performance.
The MRX is the marine reactor to simultaneously

(52) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 107

achieve the high safety, miniaturization and weight 10.1.3 System Research for Practical Use of Nuclear
reduction of the system by employing the integral type Powered Ship
PWR, the reactor built in type control rod driving It is essential to establish the marine plant with
device, the water-filled type containment, and the de- excellent safety and reliability which is capable of
cay heat removing system by the natural circulation. competing with the conventional ships in economy,
The engineering examination of the MRX was and being accepted by the people and the international
completed in 1996 for the present. The JAERI per- society in order to be prepared for the practical applica-
forms the intensive examination on the DRX which is tion of the future nuclear powered ship. For this
considered to be practically applied prior to the MRX. purpose, it is important not only the demonstration by
DRX is the integral reactor where the steam generator the model or test device to simulate the actual condi-
is built in the reactor containment similar to the MRX, tion, but also the establishment of various environment
and the turbine and the generator are built in the necessary for the operation of the nuclear powered ship
containment, and it has been considered since 1989 as such as the establishment of the safety standards which
the super-compact power generating unit, and the con- are operationally and internationally common as the
ception is under examination. In 1997, the detailed ship, The establishment of the repair base. The needs
design of the turbine and the generator, the structural for the deep-sea and oceanographic examination are
and thermal design of the steam generator, and the examined by Marine Reactor Research Committee of
response analyses on the hull motion and the fluctuat- JAERI, with the aim to summarize the requirements for
ing load and the starting method were considered in the practical application of the nuclear powered ship
succession to those in 1996. from the view point on the need side, e.g., what nuclear
In parallel to the design and studies, it is necessary powered ship is required, and what functions are to be
to solve the technical problems necessary for the prac- provided under the expected social environment in
tical application, and the development of the reactor future, and with the aim to extract the problems to be
containment build-in type control rod driving device, solved.
the basic study on the passive safety technology, the In 1997, the trend of the deep-sea and oceano-
study on the water immersion technology of the marine graphic research and development and arrangement of
reactor, the development of the integral reactor compo- requested items (including the prospects at present and
nents, the sophisticated study of the shielding design in near future), clarification of the images of the deep-
technology, development of the sophisticated automa- sea and the undersea navigation observation ship, and
tion system of the marine reactor plant, and the devel- the requested items for the DRX were examined. The
opment of the high burnup core were implemented. oceanographic research ship or undersea navigation
Fig. 10.1 shows the concept of the oceanographic observation ship should be designed to fit to utilization
research ship equipped with the DRX which is under by the researchers in the field of global environment,
consideration. ocean physics, and ocean biography. The design of the

Fig. 10.1 Undersea Navigation Observation Ship Equipped with the DRX

October 1998 (53)

108 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

hull and the DRX is now realizing reflecting opinions References

of famed oceanographic researchers.
1) The JAERI report, JAERI-Tech 97-405, 1997
10.2 Research and Development by Ship Research 2) “A Report on Working Group for Examination of
Institute DRX Utilization to Deep-sea and Oceanographic
In succession to the works in 1996, “Studies re- Research”, Marine Reactor Research Committee
lated to the application of system reliability analysis of the JAERI, 1998
method GO-FLOW” aimed at the establishment of the 3) Materials provided by Izuo Aya (the Ship Re-
element technology for the reliability analysis for the search Institute)
reactor facility to begin with the marine reactor, and the 4) Journal of Japan Navigation Research Institute, 96
reactor accident sequence identification function was (1997), Kondo and two other authors
examined and the accident propagation simulator was 5) Materials provided by Tomoo Otsuji (Kobe Uni-
developed. versity of Mercantile Marine)
In the “Studies on improvement of reliability of [Tomoji TAKAMASA]
power supply facilities of the nuclear powered ship”,
extraction of the self-sequence which is a problem in 11. Automatic Control
evaluating the safety was developed for the fire in
which the countermeasures to avoid the simultaneous Recently there introduced many systems intended
failures are considered to be insufficient. not only for pursuing the control accuracy but also
In the “studies on the numerical simulation of the reducing the burden activities on the crew.
thermal hydrostatic behavior of the marine reactor”, the In particular, employment of the unique idea on
secondary non-stationary thermal hydrostatic analysis propulsion and utilization of the recent computer tech-
code was developed in order to simulate the effect of the nology and GPS are included.
flow fluctuation derived from the ship motion on the
decay heat removing capacity from the core. In the 11.1 Sophisticated Positioning Control
field of the radiation shielding, the evaluation of the AZIPOD of ABB was mounted on the seventh
performance of the high performance shielding mate- ship “ELATION” of Fantasy Class of the Carnival
rial, the safety transportation of the returned radioac- Cruise Line for the first time as passenger ship, which
tive wastes, the development of the high performance was delivered at Kvaerner Masa Shipyard in February,
liquid shielding material, and the development of the 1998.
ceramics type multi-function shielding material were AZIPOD, which is a compact pod containing the
successively implemented. propulsion motor and the propeller, and installed out-
In addition, the effect of the vertical motion on the board a ship, can be freely turned by 360, and has the
natural circulation cooling system was studied in suc- following characteristics compared with the conven-
cession, and the studies on the utilization technology of tional electric propulsion plant.
the human integral function to the reactor plant and the (1) The direction of the propeller thrust can be change-
autonomous and decentralized cooperative function able and then the maneuvering performance is
monitoring system were implemented in succession. improved.
(2) The propulsion system is in the outboard pod, and
10.3 Research and development by other institutes then lower noise can be expected in passenger
Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine achieved cabins, and the inboard space can also be effec-
the studies on the flashing and condensation of the high tively used.
pressure saturated water in the water in the water-filled (3) The system configuration becomes simple, and
containment generated in the small loss of coolant then less maintenance can be realized.
accident of the MRX and DRX (joint study with the Generally these characteristics are enjoyed mainly
Ship Research Institute) and the economical evaluation by passenger ships, special work boats, and ice break-
of the nuclear powered container carrier engaged in the ers. Furthermore precise positioning control can be
arctic polar zone route. Kobe University of Mercantile realized by combining AZIPOD and dynamic position-
Marine successively achieved the studies on the ther- ing system.
mal flow phenomenon of the passive safety system of
the marine reactor (joint study with Kyoto University), 11.2 Voice Operation System
and on the dynamic characteristics and control of the MHI developed the navigation-support system
marine reactor. (SUPER BRIDGE-X) with voice operation system to

(54) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 109

maneuver the ship by the instruction of the voice, and ally achieved based on the intuition and experience of
installed the system onboard the LPG carrier of domes- the dock-master.
tic service which was delivered in October 1997. The The GPS of differential system or the kinematic
interactive voice communication system is capable of system (interference measurement system) is employed
recognizing the human voices of indefinitely many to measure the relative position of the hull based on the
persons even in the noisy surroundings. The system is dock with excellent accuracy. The system comprises
equipped with the following support functions in addi- with two GPSs installed on the ship and one GPS fixed
tion to the voice operating system. at the dock, and calculates the relative position of the
(1) Preventive avoidance of collision/grounding ship accurately in a three-dimensional manner.
(2) Provision of navigational information (naviga-
tional surveillance) 11.4.2 Automatic Track Antenna for Ground TV
(3) Provision of oceanic and atmospheric data Broadcasting for Ships
(4) Navigation planning KHI developed the automatic tracking antenna for
(5) Route tracking the ground TV broadcasting for ships where the clear
(6) Control of ship’s speed (observance of voyage and stable picture can be obtained onboard the ship, and
plan, and energy-saving operation) put it on the market.
The antenna comprises the mechanism which de-
11.3 Applications of Computer Network tects the position and the heading of the ship by the GPS
11.3.1 Next-generation Cargo Monitoring Control and the gyrocompass, automatically selects the opti-
System mum station among about 100 TV stations on the
Asahi Mechatronic Corporation announced the ground which are stored in the microcomputer in ad-
radar-type cargo monitoring and control system “Autro vance, and allows the highly-sensitive directional an-
CARGO2000” made of Autronica in Norway. tenna to track the ground TV station automatically.
The system, in which the Autronica’s high-tech is [Hiroyuki OGINO]
introduced within the compact new radar-type level
gauge GL-100, has the following characteristics. 12. Electronics Technology
(1) Mounted with Windows NT compatible display
program. 12.1 Plant simulator
(2) Reducing the cost for outfitting the equipment by Various kinds of simulators have been introduced
employing Ex-LON field bus network. as effective learning and training means for improve-
(3) Improved maintenance by applying CPU on each ment of seamen’s workmanship.
level gauge. I.E.M. Co., Ltd. (an affiliated company of
Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., (IHI)
11.3.2 Hydraulic Valve Control by Ring BUS began sale of “COMLEX-K” which can easily simulate
Danfoss developed the remote controlling and burning patterns of marine diesel engines. It was
monitoring system “Power Link System” in which the converted for educational aids from the diesel engine
multi-functional hydraulic components and the new burning simulator which was already developed. By
electronic control system are employed. using it, operation principle, performance prediction
RS485 ring BUS is employed in the control moni- etc., of 2 and 4 cycle engines can be realized in the
toring signal network, and the ring main BUS is em- schoolroom without the real engine. The system con-
ployed in the hydraulic drive source network, and those sists of a computer, a color display and a color printer.
are provided with the following characteristics. Yusen Marine Science Co., Ltd. And Mitsubishi
(1) Reducing the amount of cables and pipes, and then Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Delivered a turbine plant
reducing the cost for outfitting the equipment. simulator of LNG ship to Yokoudai Training Center of
(2) Reducing the engineering works for wiring and Nippon Yusen Co., Ltd. (NYK LINE).
piping. This simulator consists of the basic study course
(3) Easy interfacing with other systems by employing and the training course. The basic study course is the
the open system. multi-media educational system and the outline of
(4) Simple and quick start-up of the system. turbine plant, plant operation etc. can be learned using
the personal computer. The training course was mod-
11.4 Application of GPS eled on the Qatar project LNG ship. This system uses
11.4.1 Ship Dock Arrival/Departure Guide System mathematical models of turbine, boiler and relating
Hitachi Zosen developed the support system for auxiliaries, which were programmed by simulation
ship’s arrival/departure which have been convention- language (DBSS) and control language (IDOL). Simu-

October 1998 (55)

110 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

lated performance is almost same as that of the real after then. Positioning accuracy will be improved ten
system times compared with existing GPS.
The engine console, boiler/turbine local control TOKIMEC Inc. began sale of 17-inch radar, which
panel of the simulator are almost same as those of the can indicate DAC (dangerous area of collision), in
real ship. Also the CRT monitoring and operation addition to ordinary vector display and has near target
function have the same display screens as the real ship. discrimination function. TOKIMEC also adopted navi-
In order to improve sense of attendance at the real ship, gation zone danger display for collision avoidance aids
simulated sound generator is provided. of IBS.
Furuno Electric Co., Ltd. Began sale of the com-
12.2 Fleet support system pact radar using new small sized antenna. The outer
In order to achieve ISM (International Safety diameter of antenna is 43 cm. Furuno also sold radar
Management) code effectively, development of the with simplified ARPA and new antenna.
fleet support system are in progress recently. The
system aims at safety and efficiency of navigation by 12.4 Other system
total management from ship/shore. In this system, Asahi Mechatronic Corp. began sale of new ana-
various kinds of information in the ship are integrated logue addressable fire detection system which can
using shipboard local area network (LAN), which are monitor fire outbreak location, flow of smoke and
sent to shore office via satellite communication, in monitor/control emergency doors using CRT graphic
order to obtain support from shore office based on these display.
transmitted data. Furuno Electric Co., Ltd. Began sale of small size
Norway has been developing IT Project (Informa- magnetic azimuth sensor and small size color current
tion Technology in Ship Operation) and built 2 demon- meter etc.
stration ships in 1996 and 1997 at Mitsui Engineering
and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. These ships are the open Bibliography
hatch bulkcarriers owned by Leif Hoegh & Co., ASA,
Dead weight is about 56,700 tons. In these ships, 1) The Motor Ship September, 1997
machinery monitoring system, ballast system, inte- [Takao SATO]
grated bridge system (IBS), shipboard administration
system are installed and they are linked by integrated 13. Electric Equipment and System
communication system. The communication protocol
is MITS developed by Norway. 13.1 Summary
Taiyo Electric Co., Ltd. Delivered ship-shore com- The technology of the ship electrical installations
munication system to two large sized container ships of seems to keep a complete level, accordingly there is
NYK LINE built at IHI. This system applies FLEET scarcely any remarkable developments or new prod-
MASTER (Kongsberg Norcontrol). Various data ucts in the year 1997.
handled by DATA CHIEF 2000 alarm monitoring From last year on, applications of the electric
system are sent from ship to shore office via INMARSAT propulsion system, realization of small size, distributed
upon request message from shore office manager. control and high performance system for the generator
Messages are sent from shore office communication control and electric power management and develop-
computer to ship. After receiving them, data are ment of a circuit-breaker for low voltage system with
sampled, field, and sent back to shore office automati- higher short-circuit breaking capacity which is re-
cally. Time between request to data reception is about quired in order to comply with increase of onboard ship
2 seconds depending on data rate of INMARSAT. electric power are noted as topics in 1997.
Shore office computer for the system display has same In the regulation, SOLAS has been amended with
display software as DATA CHIEF 2000 and can dis- regard to continuous electric supply from the point of
play the same condition as in the ship. view that a black out during navigation causes to
serious accident by tripping propulsion equipment and
12.3 Navigation equipment steering gear, and shall apply to ships constructed on or
Furuno Electric Co., Ltd. Began sale of beacon after 1 July 1998.
receiver for DGPS correction data. As Japan Maritime
Safety Agency planned to operate 13 transmission 13.2 Power supply and Equipment
stations of DGPS correction data stations from 1997, 13.2.1 Electric propulsion system
and 14 stations from 1998 (total 27 stations), DGPS Many electric propulsion systems in Japan have
service will be available in all Japanese coastal area been installed for the passenger ships, the special pur-

(56) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 111

pose ships such as observation ship and survey ship, crew.

which have such characteristics as “superior maneu- It is expecting that many electric propulsion ships
verability”, “low noise and low vibration”, “high re- go into service as a solution of the “gentle ship for the
sponsibility and redundancy”, “maintenanceless”, “eas- earth and the human crew”.
ing arrangement of equipment” and etc.
An example of the installation of electric propul- 13.2.2 Generator control and electric power man-
sion system in 1997 is the thyristor motor propulsion agement
system which has been delivered by Taiyo Electric Terasaki Electric Co., Ltd. and Japan Radio &
Mfg. Co., Ltd. To the fishery survey ship “Shoyomaru” Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd. put respectively the type “GAC-
of Fisheries Agency. 16M” and the type “JACOM-2001/MPC-1” on the
This newly developed high technology survey market, of the small size, distributed control and high
ship is not only equipped with many computer systems performance system for the generator control and/or
and observation instruments for the study, but also electric power management.
provided with high accuracy navigation system which It is possible for the main switchboard to be
keeps own ship position on the routes. reduced to small size by using these devices as the
According, the electric propulsion system is com- synchronous panels could be deleted when the number
ply with the requirements for noise and vibration so that of generators connected to the system is small.
these precision equipment shall not be affected thor-
ough the survey area. 13.2.3 Circuit-breaker with higher short-circuit
The diagram of electric propulsion system for breaking capacity
“Shoyomaru” is shown in Fig. 13.1. Terasaki Electric Co., Ltd. puts the circuit-breaker
type “AH-50CH” on the market, which has been devel-
oped in order to comply with increase of onboard ship
electric power required by the large-sizing of container
The new circuit-breaker has a higher short-circuit
breaking capacity of 135 kA for low voltage system
(rated voltage = 500 V AC).
As the short-circuit breaking capacity of the ordi-
nary circuit-breaker is about 120 kA, the increase of
breaking capacity shall be capable of wide application
for low voltage system.

13.3 Regulation
Ships constructed on or after 1 July 1998 need
comply with the following amendments to SOLAS,
and rules for classification shall be accordingly amended.
* Disconnecting of main bus bar
In the old paragraph, “Where the total installed
electrical power of the main generating sets is in
excess of 3 MW, the main bus bar shall be subdivided
Fig. 13.1 The diagram of electric propulsion into at least two parts which shall normally be con-
system for “Shoyomaru” nected by removable links or other approved means”.
The new paragraph reads, “Where the main source of
electrical power is necessary for propulsion of the
The clutch and break are provided for each main ship, the main bus bar shall be subdivided into at least
engine, propulsion motor and propeller, by which op- two parts which shall normally be connected by
eration modes are changed over. circuit breakers or other approved means”.
In the future as SOLAS’s ISM code goes into It is necessary to confirm each classification for the
effect from July 1998, the responsibilities of the ship selection of the devices as there are differences in the
company for the safety of navigation and the protection interpretation of the “other approved means”.
of environment shall be increasing in spite of the * Restoring propulsion from a dead ship condition
increase of mixed crew ships and the lack for skilled within 30 min.

October 1998 (57)

112 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

The following new paragraph is added, “Where Table 14.1 New Rigs under construction
electrical power is necessary to restore propulsion,
the capacity shall be sufficient to restore propulsion
to the ship in conjunction with other machinery, as
appropriate, from a dead ship condition within 30
min. after blackout”.
The “dead ship condition” means that all energy for
starting the main engine have been lost.
In case of starting the main generator by compressed
air prior to starting the main engine, it is necessary to
consider that the capacity of the emergency genera-
tor shall be sufficient to run the air compressor.


1) Taiyo Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd.: Technical docu-

ment and data of electric propulsion system
2) Yokoyama: Journal of the M.E.S.J. Vol. 32, No. 9
3) Terasaki Electric Co., Ltd.: Catalogs
4) Japan Radio & Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd.: Catalogs
[Naohiko YOKOYAMA]

14. Ocean Engineering Machinery

and Offshore Structures
back log of merchant ships, and only a few orders on
New buildings, order award and future trends are offshore projects were received by domestic shipbuild-
shown in each field as follows. ing companies.

14.1 Offshore oil field development 14.2 Ocean energy

Order for new buildings of drilling rigs have been A floating unit “Mighty Whale” for wave energy
mostly ceased for long time in the world-wide market, absorption was built by Ishikawajimaharima Heavy
but many orders for building new rigs was placed in Industries Co., and will be installed off the Gokasho
1997, and showing activity like a “Mini-boom”. Ac- Bay in Mie prefecture in 1998. A test in actual ocean
cording to advance in technology for development of environment is scheduled, and the unit will be installed
deep water oil fields in Gulf of Mexico and in Brazil, for two years, and its durability, safety and economics
many ship type drilling rigs, which are capable to drill will be checked.
at deep ware, were ordered. (Ref. Table 14.1) Also
Hitachi Zosen Corporation received an order of a semi- 14.3 Ocean Organic Resources development
submersible rig last year, and this semi-sub rig of fifth- Kawasaki Heavy Industries is building a floating-
generation type is now under construction. Other than fish-living-space made of steel. The aim of this floating
new buildings, conversion of a semi-submersible barge unit is to feed and keep fishes like tuna or bonito around
into a drilling rig and conversion of a tanker to a drill the unit, and create a fishery area. The unit will be
ship are under construction. moored by a single point catenary mooring at water
Also, many ships are converted into FPSO or FSO depth of about 900 m to 1,100 m.
which will be oil production units. A FPSO of Tentech
700 design is now under construction at Chiba Yard of 14.4 Ocean space utilization
Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co. The FPSO of Considering the utilization of a ultra-large-float-
Tentech 900 design, which was under construction at ing-structure as an airport, experiments using a floating
Hitachi Zosen Corporation, have been delivered to structure model have been continued from 1995 to
Statoil also. 1997. The experiment was carried out off Oppama
Many inquiries and many order were placed in the Shipyard of Sumitomo Heavy Industries, and the loca-
world, but domestic shipbuilding companies had high tion was between a shipyard’s wharf and a sea berth for

(58) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Table 14.2 Construction record / Under construction in 1997 (1/2)

October 1998
Annual Review

114 Marine Engineering Progress in 1997

Table 14.2 Construction record / Under construction in 1997 (2/2)

(60) Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 26, No.2

Annual Review 115

wave dissipation. As a result of this experiment, it was Ishikawajimaharima Heavy Industries, and a deep sea
confirmed that a large floating structure can be con- research vessel “KAIREI”, which was built by Kawasaki
structed by joining units offshore. Also a large floating Heavy Industries, were completed. Oceanographic
structure is a thin box construction, and there were research capability of Japan has increased greatly.
technical achievements in analyses of elastic response Bouys for ocean observation called “Triton” are manu-
of floating structure, and technical achievements in factured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and will be
design of mooring system. There are building records carried and deployed by “MIRAI”. An anti-rolling
of floating pontoons for wave dissipation or floating device of hybrid type was developed by Ishikawajima
piers. But the most probable project on a large-float- Harima Industries and installed on “MIRAI”. The
ing-offshore-structure to be materialized will be an device will reduce rolling of the ship by using a pendu-
airport for helicopters off Okinawa island, and move- lum mass and a driving motor.
ment on this project will be interested. A study on a deep sea drilling system for scientific
drilling at deep ocean is now underway in Japan Marine
14.5 Ocean Observation Science and Technology Center, and realization of this
An oceanographic research vessel “MIRAI” of project is expected.
Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, which [Shigeki ISHIDA]
was modified from the nuclear ship “MUTSU” built by

October 1998 (61)

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