Rural Water Supply in Ethiopia: A Political Economy Analysis
Rural Water Supply in Ethiopia: A Political Economy Analysis
Rural Water Supply in Ethiopia: A Political Economy Analysis
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Cover photo: Women wait in line to fill their jerrycans with water in Tigray, Ethiopia. Photo credit: UNICEF Ethiopia/2014/Tesfaye CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
The author would like to thank all interviewees for generously sharing their experiences, knowledge
and time. This work is part of the ‘UpGro Hidden Crisis: unravelling past failures for future success in
rural water supply’ project within the UPGro research programme – co-funded by the UK Department
for International Development (DFID), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
This report was compiled with the participation of staff from Ethiopia’s Ministry of Water,
Irrigation and Energy at the federal, regional, zonal and woreda levels.
The project team comprises an interdisciplinary consortium of established researchers in physical
and social sciences from:
Acknowledgements 3
Acronyms 6
Executive summary 7
1 Introduction 8
1.1 Background 8
1.2 Research aim and objectives 9
1.3 Data collection 9
1.4 About this report 10
Figure 2 A matrix to map actors’ influence on and interest in a given outcome or project objective 11
Executive summary
Despite millions of pounds spent by charities, and manage water point failure, especially at
taxpayers and water users to increase access the subnational level. This research identifies
to water, many water points still break down patchy information management systems,
prematurely or provide only seasonal access insufficient investments in human capacity and
or poor-quality water to the rural poor in local management arrangements, a slow-moving
sub-Saharan Africa. The UPGro ‘Hidden supply chain and a lack of accountability to
crisis’ research project aims to understand water users as the major factors constraining
why approximately a third of African rural more sustainable water services.
ground water sources fail, delving into the Many of these factors hampering sustainable
technical, political, mechanical, managerial and investment in the water, sanitation and hygiene
hydrogeological conditions that drive either (WASH) sector are not unique to Ethiopia, nor
failure or success in rural water supply (RWS) can they be fixed by project-type approaches.
programmes.1 This study examines the political Furthermore, the sheer diversity between and
economy of RWS in Ethiopia, using a literature within Ethiopia’s regions means that there
review and interviews with government staff and is no blanket solution to rural water point
water sector stakeholders to unpick systemic sustainability. Still, there is room for manoeuvre
obstacles to sustainable access to water. within Ethiopia’s political and institutional
Rather than ensuring existing water services frameworks to improve outcomes for sustainable
are well maintained, there is pressure within water supply. One promising avenue is to support
the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) to expand efforts for data collection on functionality and
coverage to people that are not served by to invest into water resource mapping. Another
improved water services. Achieving Sustainable would be supporting local WASHCOs (Water
Development Goal 6 – to ‘ensure availability and and Sanitation Committees) to become legal
sustainable management of water and sanitation entities with clear roles and responsibilities.
for all’ – will indeed require investments in Lastly, recent experiences of drought have
coverage; however, the focus on expanding provided a window of opportunity to reframe
access has detracted from the imperative to build priorities in the WASH sector for a greater focus
strong institutions that can quickly identify on sustainability.
1 See to learn more about the research project and findings.
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
institutions operating at multiple scales and the
A major gap in understanding water point distribution of power and resources among key
functionality is pinpointing the extent to actors, which have a bearing on service outcomes
which service failures can be attributed to (Franks and Cleaver, 2007; Mollinga, 2008;
local institutional arrangements (e.g. Water Harris, 2011; Pahl-Wostl et al., 2011).
and Sanitation Committees (WASHCOs)), as Here we present preliminary findings from
opposed to the broader societal structures and the political economy research conducted in
dynamics shaping an environment in which Ethiopia in 2016 under UPGro’s ‘Hidden Crisis’
failure is more or less likely (i.e. factors beyond project. Although fairly light-touch, given the
the control of communities). This suggests a time available for fieldwork, the analysis reveals
need to complement the study of water points some of the historical features of Ethiopia’s
and their users with a diagnosis of the wider development trajectory, motivations and drivers
political economy of water governance and of Ethiopia’s rural water supply governance, and
service delivery, analysing the workings of plural WASH institutional characteristics, particularly
those which contribute to water point failure.
1.2 Research aim and objectives being those arising from historical legacies,
institutions (formal or informal) or other
The aim of the political economy research contextual factors (e.g. geography).)
component of UPGro project ‘Hidden Crisis’ is 2. What power and influence do different
to contribute to an understanding of the actors have over the policy-making and
underlying factors that influence water point implementation process, and what are their
(non)functionality, specifically those incentives and motivations? What strategies do
pertaining to the wider political, institutional different actors employ to ‘get the job done’?
and social context of service delivery. Key to 3. What are the outcomes for RWS
this is understanding the motivations and sustainability and what opportunities exist to
strategies of the actors involved, and the support better outcomes?
constraints they face in ‘getting the job done’.
The research The specific objective of the PEA fieldwork
includes investigation of both formal institutions in Ethiopia was to interview a range of key
(their mandates and actions) and informal stakeholders in the RWS sector, at national and
arrangements or interactions that contribute to district level, in order to:
shaping decisions and determining outcomes.
Our research follows a ‘problem-driven’ 1. determine the relative significance of
approach to political economy analysis (PEA), bottlenecks in the service delivery chain –
meaning that the focus is on a specific issue, or set from the enabling environment (policies,
of issues, with a view to identifying ways in which planning and budgeting, monitoring) to
these might be addressed, rather than providing development of water points (targeting
a general analysis of the sector. We adopt the of investments, siting, construction) and
framework developed by colleagues at ODI in their subsequent management
which the problem is conceptualised and (community institutions, backstopping
analysed according to three layers: (1) structural support, supply chains) (see Table 1)
factors; (2) actors’ decision-making logics; and (3) 2. begin to unpick the reasons underlying
‘room for manoeuvre’ (described in Figure 1) (see bottlenecks – looking at the stakeholders
Booth and Golooba-Mutebi, 2009; Harris et al., involved (their capacities, motivations,
2013). constraints), institutional structures and
In line with this framework, our research processes (formal or informal), and the
questions are: broader political and economic context that
has a bearing on RWS service delivery
1. What are the systemic constraints that actors
3. make recommendations to the UPGro
face in delivering sustainable rural water
‘Hidden Crisis’ team regarding in-country
supply (RWS) services? (Systemic
project engagement and communication.
Florence Pichon (ODI) conducted the fieldwork,
accompanied by Roger Calow (ODI) and Seifu • consultant working on the National WaSH
Kebedu (Addis Ababa University). Additional Inventory;
support for triangulating findings was provided • consultants studying the drilling sector
by Gossa Wolde (WaterAid/UPGro). in Ethiopia.
The team was based primarily in Addis,
where WaterAid’s office, Addis Ababa Questions were tailored to the interviewee
University, government ministries, development depending on their area of expertise, covering
partner organisations and (I)NGOs are located. specific aspects of the service delivery chain
Four days were spent meeting regional water and subtly probing to understand the political
bureaus in Bahir Dar, Amhara, the zone in South economy dynamics at hand. We were particularly
Gondor, and two woredas in Amhara – Kobo interested in how participants perceived
and Lay problems and their own role in addressing them,
Gaint. These woredas were included in the UPGro as well
programme. An additional day was spent with the as the ways in which actors ‘get the job done’ in
Oromia Regional Water Offices, based in Addis. spite of various constraints. We concluded some
The woreda governments in Amhara were selected of the interviews by asking the participant how
for their experience of water stress during the the UPGro ‘Hidden crisis’ research might be
2015/16 El Niñ o drought, during which they useful to their work, which other stakeholders
were classified as ‘Priority 1’ through the should be targeted, and recommended forums or
government’s humanitarian response mechanism. formats for engagement and dissemination.
Interviews: 16 semi-structured interviews Stakeholder mapping: at the end of the
were conducted with key actors in the sector. 2 fieldwork, a stakeholder mapping exercise was
Interviewees were purposively selected based undertaken with three representatives from
on their current role, knowledge, experience, WaterAid, including members of the policy and
and willingness to meet. This included programme teams. This exercise helped us to
representatives from: reflect on the interview findings and to visualise
the relationships between actors in terms of their
• woreda water bureaus in Kobo and Lay Gaint; relative influence on and interest in the long-term
• zonal water bureaus in South Gonder; functionality of RWS. The results of the exercise
• regional water bureaus in Amhara and Oromia; are intended to inform project engagement
• civil servants at the federal level working on strategies with different actors (Figure 2).
water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and
involved in the WASH Emergency Task Force; 1.4 About this report
• major NGOs in the WASH sector based in
Addis, including Save the Children, This report presents findings from fieldwork
Oxfam, World Vision and WaterAid; conducted in Ethiopia in 2016. First, the report
• donors funding and implementing water examines important systemic factors constraining
supply projects, including the UK Department sector performance, including the status of the
for International Development (DFID); water sector in national plans and policies; political
decentralisation and the subsequent
2 All individuals were very willing to participate and showed interest in the UPGro ‘Hidden crisis’ research.
of service delivery; systems that monitor water
point functionality; and significant human and Figure 2 A matrix to map actors’ influence on and
financial resource constraints. Second, the report interest in a given outcome or project objective
looks in more detail at the actors involved and
their interests and influence on service delivery.
This includes national and district government
offices, development partners (international non-
governmental organisations (INGOs)), the private Challenge Work in
sector and, to a lesser extent, local communities. or persuade partnership
Finally, the report provides preliminary conclusions
and recommendations to UPGro partners vis-à-vis
project engagement in Ethiopia.
The election of a reformist prime minister
in 2018 will have significant implications for
Ethiopia’s political landscape and economy from Ignore Develop
now into the 2020 elections. These political or monitor capacity
shifts will affect service delivery in Ethiopia. As
of February 2019, the findings in this report on
Ethiopia’s water sector are still relevant. The
results of this study, however, may become out INTEREST/ALIGNMENT
of date as the effects of political reform trickle
down to the water sector. Source: adapted from Young et al. (2014).
2 Structural and
historical factors
The decentralisation process was designed to
meet the needs of an ethno-linguistically bold, often going beyond the aims of the MDGs
diverse population and maintain peace after a or subsequent SDGs. GTP II, which runs from
long civil war. Decentralisation allows regions 2015 to 2025, builds on the original GTP’s
some broad-based economic growth, but acknowledges
autonomy in creating policy and facilitates multi- that Ethiopia’s economy has not yet achieved the
ethnic representation at the national level. Still, structural change envisaged in GTP I. Through
key informants stressed that national targets and GTP II, the government renews its commitment
priorities do trickle through to regional policies, to inclusive and pro-poor development strategies,
and local governments are often compelled to with a strong emphasis on developing the
follow higher-level directives and help meet manufacturing and agriculture industries and
nationally-set targets (see section 3.5 for more investing in rural service delivery.
detail). The recent changes in Ethiopia’s political
arena have opened space to potentially contest 2.2 Decentralisation
the existing model of ethnic federalism, though to
date these thorny questions have not materialised In 2003, the government instituted a second
in constitutional changes. wave of decentralisation. This created 805
woredas, Ethiopia’s primary unit of local
2.1.3 Progress in poverty reduction government that contains important sector
Ethiopia’s far-reaching constitutional reform departments including health, education, water
has been followed by remarkable development supply and agricultural extension. Underneath
progress. In 2015, Ethiopia was heralded by these woredas sit kebeles, or village areas with a
the international community as one of the population of about 5,000. In the most populous
few countries that met most of its MDGs. regions of Ethiopia, zones were introduced as an
Poverty has declined rapidly, from 63% of the intermediary administrative body above woredas
population in 2005 to 26% in 2011. Material and under the regional governments, though
conditions improved, with a dramatic rise in their oversight over woredas varies from region
GDP per capita from $111 in 2002 to $767 in to region.
2017 (World Bank, 2017). Alongside economic Alongside administrative decentralisation,
growth, the country led gains in primary fiscal decentralisation is relatively well
enrolment education, access to safe water, and established through transfers of block grants
reducing under-five mortality (Lenhardt et from central to regional governments. On
al, 2015; UNECA et al., 2015). Provided the paper, the transfer scheme is based on equity
country maintains its current accelerated pace in
of economic development, a recent World Bank service delivery for all Ethiopians, and respective
report predicts that Ethiopia will become a allocations are determined by a set of criteria that
middle-income country by 2025. The report includes each region’s population, expenditure
notes that rapid growth in the agricultural needs and revenue-raising capacities. Regional
sector, a recent boom in the service sector and budgets are still largely dependent on transfers
the Government of Ethiopia’s (GoE) public from the central government: the highest share
infrastructure investments have contributed of regional budget coming from internal revenue
to Ethiopia’s poverty reduction and economic was 19.95% in 2009/10. The revenue-generating
growth (Moller, 2015). capacity of subnational governments is even
Underpinning these achievements are more constrained at the woreda level due to
Ethiopia’s ambitious development plans that limited institutional capacity and, in some cases,
place poverty reduction and pro-poor spending poor budget control (Ludi et al, 2013).
at the centre of government strategy. Since 2010, Fiscal decentralisation at the woreda level
successive Growth and Transformation Plans works similarly to at the national and regional
(GTPs) have guided the country’s policy on GDP levels. Regions are free to determine their own
growth, social development and infrastructure formula to distribute block grant resources to
investments. The current (GTP II) plan’s vision is the woreda, as long as resources are allocated
in a transparent rules-based manner. In a recent
study, Assefa (2015) found that there has been
a gradual increase in the share of government resources development should be rural-centric
expenditure by regional and woreda governments, and decentralised (OpenWASH, 2016).
though, as noted, the subnational governments’ These basic tenets are reflected in more
limited capacity to raise revenue internally modern articulations of Ethiopia’s major water
results in vertical imbalances in the fiscal system. policies and programmes – the revised Universal
Furthermore, budget from block grants does Access Plan (UAP) II, and the One WASH
not always enable subnational governments National Programme (OWNP). These initiatives
to allocate resources to respond to operate under the principle of decentralised
constituents’ basic services, with horizontal coordination
needs. A 2008 study found that most block grants between relevant ministries and responsibilities
to woredas were absorbed by recurrent costs. The for delivering services progressively devolved to
remaining budget for capital, which amounted to lower levels of government.
about 5%, was determined from directives from In 2005, the UAP set out explicit national
zonal finance and economic development offices, targets for water supply and sanitation across
leaving woredas with virtually no autonomy over Ethiopia, for rural and urban areas. The plan was
their capital expenditure (Development Finance revised to reflect the targets in the GTP II, which
International, n.d.). aims to provide 85% of the rural population with
Though decentralisation legally vests power access within 1.5km to 25 litres per capita per
to lower administrative units, national priorities day of potable water by 2020, and 75% of the
can influence administrative decisions at lower urban population with access within 250m to 40
levels of government. Local governments are (in litres a day per capita. The revised plan endorses
effect) accountable to higher-up bureaucracies, lower-cost technologies and self-supply, in which
as well as to their constituents. Because the individual households are tasked with building
central government retains significant influence or improving their water sources (Ludi et al.,
on priorities through the EPRDF, subnational 2013). Though the plan has not seen the
governing bodies may lack the discretion to intended results within the ambitious timeframe,
respond to local needs if they are at odds with there has been substantial growth in rural water
the dominant political agenda, and lower tiers coverage since the first UAP was developed.
of government often follow directives and Given Ethiopia’s population growth, however,
nationally-set indicators (see section 3.5). the absolute numbers of those without access to
water remains fairly constant (Lockwood and
2.3 Key WASH sector laws and Bekalu, 2016).
More recently, the OWNP folded UAP
institutions targets into its framework for promoting a well-
Before examining governance factors that affect coordinated approach to WASH in rural, urban
RWS in Ethiopia, this section provides a brief and pastoral contexts. The OWNP pulls the
overview of water point access in Ethiopia and strategies of previous government water policies
the institutions that are designed to deliver RWS. into a comprehensive framework to align
The evolution of Ethiopia’s formal water planning, funding and monitoring for Ethiopia’s
sector began in 1995 when the GoE established WASH sector. The programme is designed to
a Ministry of Water Resources and promote strategic harmonisation between the
deconcentrated regional water bureaus tasked finance,
with policy, coordination, and regulatory water, health and education sectors to meet WASH
functions. The first water sector policies, targets, and establishes a coordination structure at
articulated in the water sector strategy national, regional and woreda levels comprising
documents, promote community management National WASH Steering Committees, National
and participation of all stakeholders WASH Technical Teas, WASH Programme
in water resource management. They also advocate management Units, and Wash Coordination
for local communities to take full responsibility offices. A two-stage roll-out is planned, with the
for operation and maintenance costs. The 2003 second phase lasting through to 2020.
water sector strategy states that Ethiopia’s water Over time, the GoE’s rural water strategy
has adopted a number of different service
delivery models, now including community
contracting (under the CMP project, currently borehole should be drilled, but execution remains
in its third phase) and facilitated self-supply. All impossible because drillers cannot transport
are based on a set of community management construction materials over escarpments where
principles, either explicit or implicit, that place roads have not yet been developed.
responsibility for operations and maintenance Climate, too, plays a role in Ethiopia’s
on users. While critics of the voluntary economic development and in RWS specifically.
community-based management model refer to The GFDRR (2011) links Ethiopia’s propensity
it as the state abdicating its responsibility for to drought to five famine events in the past 35
public services, proponents point to the model years. The GTP II states that ‘unanticipated
as a way of building community ownership for natural disaster, like that of drought, is likely
infrastructure and expanding access within the to be the major threat for achieving economic
realistic resource and capacity constraints of a growth target.’ Drought in Ethiopia has serious
low-income country. implications for rural water security; ground
water can play a role in buffering the impacts of
2.4 Geography and environment low rainfall but accessing it becomes problematic
when shallow sources like hand-dug wells fail
Ethiopia has relatively plentiful groundwater (Calow et al, 2010).
supplies, but its geology makes drilling challenging Fieldwork for this report was conducted in
compared to river deltas or plains in other November 2016, shortly after a severe El Niño
countries (Weight et al., 2013). The topography weather event triggered a drought in northern
is diverse, with highlands, midlands, lowlands Ethiopia. World Vision conducted a real-time
and the Great Rift Valley dividing Ethiopia into water point monitoring study at the height of
two major plateaus. This topography combined the drought (January–March 2016). The study,
with limited road infrastructure renders some which was not published, showed that 85%
rural areas very difficult to access (ibid.). In of hand-dug wells had failed by January 2016
Amhara, regional and district-level officials (see Box 2 in section 3.3). The 2016 drought
identified inaccessibility as a serious challenge for highlighted that Ethiopia’s investments into
expanding RWS. The government may conduct improved sources, particularly for low-end
a hydrogeological study and determine that a technologies, are vulnerable to the country’s
climactic variability.
3 Bottlenecks to
sustainable rural
water supply
3.1 Pressures to expand coverage maintenance, though woreda officials mentioned
that kebeles had consistent issues with water
The first bottleneck to service delivery is low point failure. Investing in rehabilitation is not
political (and correspondingly poor budgetary) rewarded by regional or zonal governments.
prioritisation of operation and maintenance. Budgetary allocation from the region can even
Though policy documents like the UAP stress depend on the woreda’s history of investment
that at least 15% of total financial requirements in new schemes: one key informant at the zonal
for achieving WASH goals should be dedicated level explained that more ‘active’ woredas (i.e.
to ‘rehabilitation and expansion’ of existing those that focused on expanding coverage) could
rural water schemes, the bulk of WASH sector receive more budget the following year.
investments are dedicated to creating new There are a multitude of reasons for
schemes.3 As schemes proliferate, there has unbalanced capital versus rehabilitation
been no corresponding increase in the budget expenditure, and the problem is not specific to
for rehabilitation work. In the short term, the Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, however, there are a four
strategy is effective for enabling the GoE to broad reasons for sector-wide investment in
climb towards the coverage targets set out in the new infrastructure. The first, and perhaps most
UAP and the GTP II. The focus on expanding obvious, is to serve the proportion of the rural
access, however, crowds out investment into the population that still lacks access to improved
softer elements of water provision – the skills, services. The water sector attracts resources
equipment and resources to maintain existing because it is a key poverty reduction sector, and
infrastructure – and calls into question the the EPRDF have shown a continued commitment
sustainability of the existing strategy. to rural service provision since taking power in
Regional officials in Amhara and Oromia
the early 1990s. Water scarcity, too, is a push
emphasised that planning rehabilitation of
factor for internal migration by the rural poor. In
schemes comprised only a small fraction of
discussions with woreda government officials in
their work, which was instead largely focused
SNNPR and Amhara, the government appeared
on expanding coverage. Nationwide, capital
to be trying to limit large-scale relocation of
spending accounts for roughly 80% of the total
populations by ensuring basic service provision.
budget (Lockwood and Bekalu, 2016). At the
Water access is clearly important for people’s
woreda level, capacity to maintain infrastructure
material conditions, and providing basic services
is minor, and woreda budgets reflect this. In
is part of the government’s longstanding rural
Kobo, only about 4% of budget was allocated to
development strategy.
3 UAP detailed expected financial requirements for new scheme construction, rehabilitation and expansion, and
miscellaneous expenses between 2011 and 2015. These expected costs were broken down by region but were not
A second factor in the strong emphasis on
expanding coverage is the government’s outward- achievements towards new investments, rather
facing ambitions. The GTP II makes clear that than investing into existing systems (Oxford
the GoE aims to join the ranks of middle-income Policy Management, 2015).
countries by 2025. Transitioning to middle- Last, and perhaps most important, Ethiopia’s
income status would be a symbolic victory for community management model assumes
the Ethiopian government, distancing it from communities themselves can sustainably
an international reputation still coloured by manage water points. With operations and
the infamous 1984 famine and recurrent food maintenance (O&M) costs theoretically covered
insecurity (such as the severe El Niño drought by communities, there is no need to allocate
in 2015). Though middle-income country status additional budgets or ensure systems are in
is defined in per capita economic terms, and place to provide regular servicing or repair
not measured by service provision, ensuring of equipment. Though key informants at the
water access for all is one of the GoE’s methods federal, regional and woreda level admitted rural
of demonstrating broad-based and equitable WASHCOs are often incapable of dealing with
development. Achieving national targets is a technical or financial issues that arise, Ethiopia’s
vehicle for international recognition and securing rural water provision is dependent on their
status as a development success story at a time capacity to maintain water points. Woreda water
when the EPRDF’s hold on power has recently offices are ostensibly responsible for providing
been challenged by pockets of resistance in backstopping support, but backstopping
Oromia and Amhara in 2016. responsibilities are not clearly defined and
A third reason for the strong emphasis woredas have limited capacity (human, financial
on capital investment is donor complacency. and technical) to provide periodic support to
According to a key informant, donors have done WASHCOs (see section 3.3). The system is
little to demonstrate the value of investing in governed by a basic rule of thumb: if there is no
water point maintenance. Donors hold particular news from the WASHCO, the water point must
sway in the web of development actors working be working.
in the WASH sector, but they have favoured
alignment with the GoE-led approach to WASH 3.2 Patchy monitoring and
and are increasingly channelling investments into information
the Consolidated WASH account. Supporting
national institutions reduces fragmentation and 3.2.1 The challenges of designing – and
duplication across donors and ministries, but maintaining – a monitoring and information
pooling funds can also reduce donors’ ability system (MIS)
to emphasise a sustainability agenda. A 2016 The emphasis on demonstrating progress
report by the UK Independent Commission towards national WASH targets (see section 2.1)
for Aid Impact (ICAI) assessing DFID’s WASH has imbued data collection efforts with a political
investments points out that, ‘DFID programmes undercurrent. Accurately tracking non-functional
assume that governments will take water points may force the government to revise
responsibility for WASH facilities’, effectively access figures downwards, raising questions
passing the responsibility onwards rather than about the sustainability of WASH investments
undertaking systematic sustainability checks that expanded greatly over the past decade.
(ICAI, 2016). As it stands, WASH results are reported by the
In a value for money analysis of DFID’s WASH government as outputs (schemes constructed,
2013–2015 contributions, rehabilitation of water for instance), with no information about the
points was not mentioned as a major activity yield, quality and consistency of water access.
in Ethiopia (though it was in Bangladesh and Beneficiary numbers are estimated from a
Nigerian WASH programmes). DFID measured standard planning format, without verification
its contribution to progress by tracking ‘cost per of the actual number of users benefitting from
person who gained access to new public water a particular water point (key informant). The
point’ – an indicator that skews programme politics of data are not unique to the WASH
sector (demographic data, for example, is also
highly sensitive), but in the WASH sector this methodology into their data collection efforts to
sensitivity can discourage government sustain such an expansive national data set.
authorities from investigating and reporting A second WASH inventory is planned for
failure that reduces downstream access. spring 2018, and the initiative is designed to
The primary mechanism through which the build the government’s capacity to maintain the
government updates data on the functionality data set themselves. The inventory will track a set
of water points is through the National WASH of core performance indicators that demonstrate
Inventory (NWI). Prior to the first NWI in 2012, functionality, and which inform government
the government reported that 79% of the rural progress towards national targets. As with the
population had access to improved sources first NWI, the initiative is donor driven, and
– a major discrepancy with independent data still subject to the same issues of ownership and
collected through the World Health Organization sustainability that limited the long-term success
(WHO) and UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)’s of the first NWI. When asked, a technician in
Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP). The NWI the woreda water office of Lay Gaint was aware
was a serious upset to the official narrative of the second NWI undertaking, but was not
on water sanitation and access, readjusting aware that collecting the data was intended to
Ethiopia’s water access figures down to 52% be a continuous endeavour. The rationale for
of the rural population. The NWI audit showed undertaking a NWI cannot only be understood at
that more than a quarter of existing water points the federal level, but must make sense to staff at
were non-functional. The audit also introduced woreda and kebele levels of government. Sharing
a new method of calculating access figures, this information combats the mentality that data
adding the metric of distance to the scheme collection is a one-off effort, or confined to the
(Welle, 2013). Users who resided within 1.5 km rhythms of projects.
of the facility were counted as beneficiaries, In the Somali region, the second NWI is
rather than a lump sum of users that a particular moving away from paper-based data collection
scheme could potentially serve (270 for a and adopting smartphone technologies that
hand-dug well, for instance). The combination allow the government to improve data collection.
of discovery of non-functional water points However, this change does not itself make
and introduction of a new calculation methods data or results available at the woreda level.
required a substantial downwards revision of Expanding objective reporting systems to
Ethiopia’s data on water access. determine coverage percentages is not the goal
While useful as a reality check on water access of the initiative. Information should be used at
figures, the NWI raised a few concerns. First of the woreda level to respond to the estimated
all, the first NWI cost $5 million. Logistically, it 20–40% of schemes that are not working (key
was a major undertaking, requiring about 70,000 informant). At the woreda level, there is greater
data collectors (Open University, n.d.). The price potential to address the nuances of functionality
tag, human resource demands, and the time to understand the consistency and quality of
required for a one-off inventory limits possibility water flows. At the national level, the monitoring
of integrating the method into ‘normal’ data and evaluation (M&E) system is still reliant
tracking methods. Secondly, ownership of the on a binary ‘functional’ versus ‘non-functional’
results was limited largely to the federal level, understanding of the water provision that people
where staff had access to computers and were actually receive at the source.
able to understand the database (Welle, 2013).
A significant gap remains to achieve universal 3.2.2 Siting without mapping
access that cannot be overcome without In addition to an incomplete database on
subnational governments. Kebele and woreda functionality, hydrogeological maps for
governments require access to the same data water supply in geologically-challenging
that informs decision-making at the national contexts are not available to government
level, and will need to integrate a consistent staff. As of yet, Ethiopia has no aquifer-scale
groundwater assessment, and national-level
civil servants citied this as a major constraint programmes to
to the sustainability of water infrastructure
investments. The government has detailed maps
of some landscapes for irrigation, but mapping
programmes do not meet the needs of the WASH
sector (key informant).
When it comes to drilling boreholes
and shallow wells, the responsibility falls
on the regional water bureau to conduct
hydrogeological investigations and oversee
drilling operations on behalf of the woredas.
Regional governments contract work to private
or state enterprises, and contracts are based on
works completed, which is mostly assessed on
the well’s depth rather than whether it
produces water. Due to contracting
arrangements, and because borehole siting and
design is completed by regional governments,
the drillers are not responsible when boreholes
fail to produce.
In many aquifers, yields vary over short
distances, which can render siting with incomplete
information particularly challenging (UNICEF
and Skat Foundation, 2016). Required borehole
depth is often overestimated in tender documents
to compensate for uncertainty, which raises the
costs of drilling. Still, the country has a relatively
high drilling success rate, reaching 75–85% in
the highlands: regional officials estimated that
it was 80% in Amhara in 2015 (RWSN and
WSP, 2006; key informant). In the lowlands, the
success rate can drop to 60% in areas with low
potential (key informant). Information about
why boreholes fail is not available, however; this
data does not appear to be logged and
to inform future assessments. Though improved
hydrogeological knowledge may not change
success rates in areas where they are relatively
high, it could lower costs of drilling by making
required depths more accurate.
Though poor siting can result in unproductive
boreholes or high drilling costs, in Ethiopia
it does not appear to be an opportunity for
corruption. In a study of Ethiopia’s rural water
sector, Calow et al. (2012) do not find any
evidence of a siting bias that would demonstrate
that regional water bureaus give preferential
treatment to powerful actors when choosing
where to site boreholes and shallow wells.
Regardless, the study recommends
strengthening government oversight of drilling
ensure shallow wells are constructed according Programme management units (PMUs),
to norms and provide sufficient yield. responsible for implementing
In the absence of aquifer scale assessments
or technical guidance for siting, government
staff are left with only a patchwork of
hydrogeological information from government
irrigation projects and from project-led NGO
work. Project-based mapping remains the norm
across the country.
USAID and UNICEF are using geographic
information system mapping (GIS) to create
hydrogeological maps for their own projects in
Afar and Somali, but the assessments are limited
in scale and rely on expertise from outside
Ethiopia. Systematic information about
groundwater conditions is needed to support
better siting and design, improve decisions about
suitable equipment, and help mitigate issues of
limited technical human capacity in subnational
OWNP plans, operate at federal and regional for capacity building. Woreda staff are meant to
level to ensure the subnational structures they backstop community management structures, but
coordinate and oversee have the necessary their ability to provide regular support is restricted
information and skills to carry out their by their own staffing and financial constraints.
respective WASH mandates. At the regional level, A number of donor initiatives have been
each bureau (health, water and education) has developed to strengthen human resource
a PMU that oversees woreda and town sector capacity development in the WASH sector. The
offices. Additionally, five regions benefit from GLOWS (Guided Learning on Water and
regional support units (RSUs), which organise Sanitation) approach, developed by a range of
capacity development activities with a particular partners including Research-inspired Policy and
focus on avoiding overlaps between WASH Practice Learning in Ethiopia and the Nile region
stakeholders (Mattila and Worku, 2012). (RiPPLE), MetaMeta, SNV, IRC, the Technical
The national capacity building unit (NCBU) and Vocational Training Centres and Hawassa
is responsible for facilitating the OWNP and University, is designed to train woreda staff and
coordinating capacity-building efforts. Still, WASHCO members in a range of participatory
for RWS, only 2.3% of rural water budget is modules. Practical course modules are a step
earmarked for capacity building, and that cuts in the right direction, but on-the-job training is
across all programme management processes, indispensable to improve rural WASH software,
including planning, implementation, financing and particularly in areas that are relatively isolated
evaluation of the OWNP’s objectives (Lockwood and have chronic issues with water point failure.
and Bekalu, 2016). This is compared to the urban One 2017 pilot in Tigray led by the Relief
water supply, where 12% of the budget is allocated Society of Tigray (REST), called the Wahis Mai
Maintenance Program, invested significantly in
subnational capacity to maintain water points were 30 staff positions in the woreda water office
(Butterworth, 2016). The initiative intended to and 13 were unfilled, including engineers, data
ensure 93% of water points were functional experts, team leaders and geologists. Experienced
at any time, and set a 30-day time limit for staff are particularly difficult to come by. A
repairing broken water points. The scheme technician in the woreda office explained,
covered 4,704 water schemes in 30 woredas. ‘[Skilled] people with experience don’t want to
Some of the schemes involved had sensors live out here.’ Filling staff positions in emerging
installed to send messages when water flow was regions like Somali and Afar is even more
compromised, while others depended on data difficult (key informant).
collected during regular monitoring visits by High staff turnover is another serious
technicians. The project had reportedly constraint to service delivery. For NGOs (e.g.
surpassed its functionality target. This success is WaterAid), having to replicate and refresh
attributed to the project’s initiative to assign trainings every 1.5 years due to staff changes
water technicians to the kebele level, where there is unsustainable, particularly when this
is usually no full-time staffing of water process must be repeated in all woredas where
technicians. At the cluster level, units were they operate. High turnover reduces the
created to handle repairs that were beyond the woreda’s ability to support WASHCOs, as
capacity of the kebele- or woreda-level institutional memory of community-level
government. This additional capacity and regular capacity-building needs is lost when staff
monitoring is a major boost to scheme move on. Furthermore, promotion of technical
functionality, suggesting that targeting support staff is reportedly associated with political
to the subnational government units responsible loyalty, which can
for delivering further reinforce skills gaps (see section 4.2). As
RWS is a costly but effective way of improving Ethiopia’s political landscape changes under Abiy
functionality in the short term. Ahmed’s leadership, this tendency may change.
These human resource constraints
3.3.2 ‘The priority is always drilling’: why have a direct impact on service delivery.
general capacity constraints remain Key
Though these programmes are designed to informants agreed that limited supervision of
improve technical capacity, they reveal a major drilling and construction was common, as the
gap in the necessary skills and human necessary skilled staff were not always available.
resources to effectively deliver and maintain Furthermore, the time lapse between the study of
WASH services. Government officials at the and subsequent construction of a water point is
federal, regional and woreda level and NGO often long enough that woreda staff leave in the
staff interim, leading to costly delays for the drilling
corroborated the need for experienced staff with company (key informant). Any changes in the
technical skills, and consistently identified this as design or construction that were agreed verbally
a bottleneck to service delivery. Still, the capacity between woreda staff and the drilling company
constraints are so daunting and pervasive that are lost when there is woreda staff turnover
they are often ignored in favour of measurable, (drilling contracts are held at the regional level,
visible progress. As one regional official so verbal changes are common when drillers
explained, ‘Human resources support is not a negotiate with woreda water offices).
priority. The priority is always drilling.’ In the WASH sector, human capacity
At the woreda level, staffing technical roles is constraints are intimately tied to financial
particularly challenging. Government positions limitations: even where skilled staff are
are not well remunerated compared to positions available, woredas struggle to provide effective
in the private sector and rural postings are not backstopping support to WASHCOs. In
attractive to highly skilled professionals. In 2013, many cases, woreda water offices do not have
the OWNP cited a shortfall of 40% of technical vehicles or sufficient budgets for fuel. In these
staff – meaning 47,000 unfilled posts (FDRE, circumstances, routine visits are impossible
2013). In Lay Gaint, a woreda in Amhara, there without support from NGOs. Government staff
in Oromia and Amhara identified insufficient
finances in the WASH sector, particularly at the
woreda level, as a constraint to their ability to through the regional government. In 2004, the
monitor RWS. RWSEP programme supported the regional water
This study did not conduct an inventory of bureau to import a stock of spare parts in bulk
rehabilitation equipment held at the regional and from abroad. RWSEP trained woreda staff on
zonal levels in Amhara and Ethiopia, but the (un) preparing budgets and needs assessments for
availability of equipment is an important factor spare parts and then sponsored the distribution
in how responsive the government can be to of spare parts to 19 woredas in Amhara. A
rehabilitation requests. Regions have thousands of 2007 assessment of the programme found that
schemes to maintain, and but have very few cranes there was high demand for spare parts, but no
and hoisting machines to repair boreholes if the action was taken to restock when parts ran out.
pump fails and needs to be replaced. Oromia, for Although they had been trained to do so, the
instance, has 18 zones, and only 7 cranes. woreda water offices did not carry out needs
Regional officials stated that the minimum should assessments or allocate budgets to replace spare
be one crane per zone, given the large distances parts that were out of stock. For WASHCOs, the
involved. While contracting new wells goes procedures to request to buy subsidised spare
through formal procurement that may involve the parts from the woreda were cumbersome and
private sector and state drilling companies, there bureaucratic. Furthermore, the Regional Water
is no appetite from the private sector to get and Energy Resource Development bureau was
involved in major scheme rehabilitation. Whether a not able to re-procure spare parts in bulk because
major scheme breakdown is repaired depends on of strict financial regulations from the regional
the availability of equipment at the zonal or government (Mihretie, 2009).
regional level. Though demand for spare parts was high,
the private sector did not move systematically
3.4 A slow moving supply chain in areas where public attempts at facilitating
the supply chain failed. Regional officials
Without a functional supply chain, even explained that it was expensive to hold onto
menial repairs can incapacitate a water point stocks of equipment, which discouraged private
for months. Ethiopia’s WASH supply chain is sector from entering the market. Ordering
constrained by availability of spare parts, which specific fittings through local suppliers could be
are imported primarily from India or China. expensive and cause extended delays. In Amhara
Importing materials drives up the cost – hand and Oromia, the challenge of sourcing spare
pumps and equipment are subject to VAT, parts was exacerbated by insufficient budgetary
import tax (5–15%) and withholding tax (2%) allocations for maintenance. The extent to which
(RWSN and WSP, 2006). Key informants in the supply chain is an obstacle to water point
regional government stressed that these functionality is likely to vary between regions.
materials were expensive and that supplying
spare parts was one of their O&M primary 3.5 Accountability to whom?
challenges due to
shortage of foreign exchange to pay for materials. 3.5.1 Community management model has
The problem is further exacerbated because hand weak ability to hold to account
pump importers prefer to import complete units In theory, provision of water supply is a
rather than separate spare parts. Challenges in public responsibility, and politicians and
sourcing spare parts have an impact on the length government officials can be held accountable
of time taken to complete construction. by their constituents for providing access
A number of WASH supply chain projects to water (or not). In practice, the rise of
have been trialled in Ethiopia without long- community management models has passed
term success. The Rural Water Supply and this responsibility in part onto the constituents
Environmental Programme (RWSEP) in Amhara themselves. Community management encourages
is a particularly relevant example, as the local ownership and puts volunteer WASH
project’s ambition was to test whether it would Committee members, or WASHCOs, in charge of
be possible to create a public supply chain
scheme sustainability. Community management
is the dominant model in the government’s RWS is to approach local government offices directly
strategy and is designed to promote ‘genuine about a specific problem. Unless it is approached
participation and planning in facilities that by the WASHCO or members of the community,
respond to real needs’ to move people further the woreda water office assumes the scheme
along the water technology ladder (UAP II). is functional. Information asymmetries can
Yet the rhetoric of ownership and quickly arise when WASHCOs choose not to
empowerment often falls short in reality. For approach the water bureau about malfunction,
shallow and deep borehole construction, the either because the WASHCO lacks confidence
regional government is responsible for in the woreda water office’s capacity to act,
procuring, contracting and overseeing cannot afford to travel to the bureau, does not
construction of schemes.4 In a woreda-managed understand what kind of support to request, or
project, the scheme is handed to the WASHCO because water users have the option to shift to
after construction is completed. Communities other (often unimproved) sources.
are Training WASHCOs is important not only for
then expected to fund and organise routine improving management capacity, but also for
maintenance through water tariffs paid by improving WASHCOs’ ability to hold woredas to
users. In practice, key informants reiterated that account. In government-managed schemes, training
WASHCOs were far too frequently incapable of WASHCOs is at best minimal. A woreda
of maintaining functional water points. As one water technician explained that NGO- or donor-
national civil servant explained, the oversight managed schemes have a stronger emphasis on
capacity of WASHCOs is ‘unsophisticated’, training than woreda-managed schemes,
and woreda offices lack adequate operating generally with better results.5 Of all government-
budgets to travel to water points for systematic sanctioned modalities for rural WASH, the CMP
checks. Oromia regional officials confirmed approach
this, lamenting the difficulties of rural wash in particular stands out as focusing intensively on
and the need for backstopping: building WASHCOs’ capacity to manage schemes.
CMP WASHCOs are in charge of all steps of
A region has thousands of pumps, most water scheme planning and implementation,
of them with failures. Somebody has to including procurement, so that the WASHCO acts
follow up, but it is nearly impossible for as ‘project manager’. According to key informants,
us. In towns, people can be self-sufficient the emphasis on training is vital to improve the
and self-administrating, but in rural community’s awareness of the kinds of technical
areas we have to give some support. It’s support woredas can and should provide. As one
difficult with population increase and key informant in the NGO sector (not working
increasing water needs. The situation is on CMP specifically) described:
getting beyond our control.
When communities are reluctant, or
Despite these challenges with community do not understand the process, they
management, the RiPPLE research programme are not able to report to the woreda.
in Ethiopia found that woreda staff were often Their water point can collapse and
unaware of O&M problems experienced by they will not report it. If we strengthen
WASHCOs. WASHCOs’ primary route to hold WASHCOs, [reporting] will happen.
government accountable for service provision When we invest into the community at
the grass roots level, the system works.
4 For shallow wells and boreholes, retaining this responsibility at the regional level is logical. Regional governments have
greater capacity and can batch together contracts to achieve economies of scale, though they do not always do so.
5 The Finnish government-funded CMP programme has a very strong emphasis on WASHCO training at all steps of water
scheme planning and implementation. To build a sense of ownership, WASHCOs act as ‘project manager’ of the water
scheme during construction.
Information asymmetries about functionality
are exacerbated because WASHCOs and governments through the government
communities have no systematic feedback role bureaucracy. Inconsistencies in the WASH access
in the M&E system. Except in the CMP model, data are manifold. Conversations with regional
WASHCOs are not granted a broader role officials
in participatory planning or budgeting in the in Oromia focused on the high levels of scheme
woreda. Their inputs did not seem particularly failure; yet Oromia’s official data on scheme
valued, either; as the zonal official explained, functionality in 2016 showed a 7% failure rate for
WASHCOs are ‘weak’, often lack legal status shallow wells and a 4% failure rate for hand-dug
and operate without technical expertise. Though wells. Though the survey was completed at the end
the government has shown commitment to of August, towards the end of the second rainy
expanding rural water coverage, investing into season, the rate of failure seemed exceptionally
WASHCOs’ management capacity and including low – particularly given the admission that ‘nearly
them more systematically in data collection all pumps have [some form of] failure’ and that
has not been prioritised. Partly because of this, providing backstopping support in rural areas is
accountability between service users (through ‘nearly impossible’ (key informant).
WASHCOs) and woreda water bureaus is Data is distorted in both directions:
generally weak. functionality and access are over- and under-
reported. Access figures can be tied to funding,
3.5.2 Upward-facing accountability though the criteria for fund allocations vary
‘Upward-facing’ accountability within depending on the region. In some cases, local
government bureaucracy is a feature of government units may under-report access to
Ethiopia’s service delivery, in which woreda water points in order to receive more funding.
governments are responsible for implementing Alternatively, local government units could
a vision developed primarily at the national over-report access by ignoring non-functional
level (WaterAid, 2016). The political schemes, helping to demonstrate strong
establishment remains the primary instrument progress towards targets and gain favour from
of change, higher levels of government. This may have
and subnational governments’ political and been
administrative decisions are strongly influenced the case in Oromia, though regional officials
by the national government’s objectives. In the could not explain the discrepancy. Data can be
water sector, this plays out through a target- massaged at multiple levels – kebele, woreda,
driven approach, in which woreda governments zone, regional or federal – and tracing back
contribute to the national goal of achieving inconsistencies gets caught in a tangle between
98.5% RWS coverage. ‘real’ data and ‘official’ data. Key informants
The target-driven approach create pressures believed that the government has the capacity to
for civil servants to show that they are make decisions based on accurate information
delivering WASH services to their but chooses to do this only behind closed doors.
constituencies in rural areas, and this pressure Even when transparency and accuracy could
results in distortions improve service delivery, the government is not
in the data that are relayed up by subnational willing to compromise the image of Ethiopia’s
progress that it projects internationally.
4 Actors’ roles and
Examining the role of different actors in are expected to contribute cash, labour or other
Ethiopia’s WASH is woven throughout section 3 in-kind contributions of at least 15% of the
of this report, but this section makes explicit the project’s capital cost (FDRE, 2011).
roles of different actors in the process. WASHCOs work on a voluntary basis and the
system for re-electing committees and holding
4.1 WASHCOs and the community them to account is difficult to establish. Though
some WASHCOs are capable of fulfilling their
Ethiopia’s water sector is founded on a roles, there is a growing body of research that
community management model (see section 3.1). shows that there are limits to what can be
On paper, the most important actor for ensuring realistically achieved through volunteerism
functionality is the WASHCO, which collects fees, (Moriarty et al, 2013; Chowns, 2015). The
defines by-laws, liaises with local administration WASHCO system operates under an implicit
and manages water access for each individual assumption of common interest and community
water point. In practice, however, WASHCOs cohesion; over the course of this research, we
are only as strong as their members; those that found that two WASHCOs in drought-affected
receive more training and support may be more woredas in Amhara had been disbanded after
effective, but the woreda-managed water bureaus significant conflicts over water during the 2015
do not (and often cannot, given their available El Niño event. In places where water availability
physical and financial resources) provide this is in question, it is likely that disagreements
support. It is important to note that major over water access and use make it even more
repairs, such as those to hand pumps involving challenging for volunteer WASHCOs to
repairs effectively manage water points (Moriarty, 2013;
to pipes, cylinders and concrete works, require Chowns, 2015).
more manpower, funding and know-how than a
WASHCO is trained to provide. 4.2 Woreda water offices
Through WASHCOs, communities are
responsible for covering O&M costs. Major Woreda water offices have limited room for
rehabilitations easily outstrip rural communities’ manoeuver, given their limited budgets and
ability to pay and WASHCOs’ capacity to capacity (see section 3.3), but woredas are
perform repairs. For smaller maintenance works, nonetheless essential for providing support to
there is evidence that WASHCOs can raise WASHCOs and sharing information with higher
these funds locally. The 2007 evaluation of the levels of government on issues that WASHCOs
WASH supply chain (see section 34) found that cannot be reasonably expected to fix. In woreda-
communities could pay for spare parts but, in managed projects, woredas administer the funds
the absence of strong private sector involvement, on behalf of WASHCOs. Woredas also play a key
the government was not capable of maintaining role in channelling procurement and contracting
a supply to match demand. Communities requests for shallow wells or boreholes to the
also participate in water point development zonal or regional level. Woredas often oversee
and management by providing cash or other the drilling of boreholes, though the limited
contributions; in all modalities, communities
availability of technical staff and frequent
turnover can compromise the quality of their from these meetings is often lacking, which
oversight. reduces their policy influence (key informant).
In theory, woredas are indispensable for In their efforts to show return on investments
alerting regional and zonal governments to for taxpayers at home, donors can inadvertently
water point failure or water stress in their uphold the status quo. In most cases, donors
locality. In practice, however, even collecting this report WASH results by outputs, because
information can be a top-down endeavour. When downstream measurement of outcomes would
water points were failing in Lay Gaint woreda in be time-consuming and costly. Instead, donors
Amhara, it was the zonal official who requested end up counting water systems constructed, and
regular information from water-stressed woredas use these figures as a basis for assumed service
so that he could help regional-level officials plan level outcomes (ICAI, 2016). Though donors are
an appropriate response. Woreda officials can concerned with verifying results, they have not
be politically motivated to report (or not report) shown the same interest in testing results and
information upwards, and reporting failure has adapting programmes (Calow et al, 2013).
the potential to affect career prospects or the The closest donors have come to promoting
following year’s water office budget. However, a system that tracks sustainability was the first
including woreda water offices in data collection NWI, which was a donor-driven exercise with ‘a
on water point functionality is key to ensure clear bias in both the design and implementation
they maintain an overview of the situation of the NWI process towards interests at the
and connect regularly with water users. The central level, namely sector donors’ (Welle et
ownership of any data collection process is not al., 2012). The original design of the survey was
sustainable nor does it ensure uptake if it is held based on a UNICEF pilot project rather than on
outside of the decentralised water management the information needs of subnational government
structure. Without better information about post- entities delivering WASH. Though the NWI
construction needs, issues of supply chains and was perceived as useful to attain more accurate
insufficient investment in rehabilitation cannot figures about coverage, the results were not
be rectified. In the case of shallow wells, much easily accessible for woreda-level governments to
of this reporting will be directed up to zonal or use in quotidian water point management. It
regional governments, who have the equipment remains to be seen whether the second NWI will
to repair shallow wells and the economies of be another one-off data collection effort or be
scale to bundle together reparation work. integrated with daily woreda water management
4.3 Donors and UN agencies Donors can influence the choice of
technologies and the areas where investments are
Donors and UN agencies have scope to influence concentrated, as evidenced by the recent El Niño
the national WASH agenda, though as more funds drought response. In the wake of high levels of
for the WASH sector flow through the water point failure, UNICEF has promoted a
government systems, including the Consolidated move towards investing into multi-village
WASH Account, donors’ roles are concentrated in reticulated schemes
the Joint Technical Reviews and Multi- in drought-affected woredas, relying on deep
Stakeholder Forums. These meetings of WASH boreholes or high-yielding springs that are more
sector partners are held at regular intervals and resilient to climate stresses. UNICEF’s five-year
serve as a platform for coordinating with the strategy includes a much greater emphasis on these
government and other stakeholders on work multi-village schemes, and meetings with regional-
towards GTP II targets, and on aligning planning level officials in Oromia revealed that UNICEF
and investments. The core WASH donors are was the main partner pushing for more focus on
DFID, the World Bank, African Development investing into sustainable water supply in low-
Bank, UNICEF lying areas frequently in ‘emergency’ mode. Because
and the Government of Finland, who have all they supplied equipment and budget, donors and
demonstrated some commitment to a multi- UN agencies were perceived by regional
sectoral approach led by the GoE. Still, follow-up government
as key for rehabilitation and sustainability in more
challenging hydrogeological areas.
4.4 Private sector rehabilitation. Whether a major scheme
breakdown is repaired often depends on the
Though the government explicitly acknowledges availability of equipment at the zonal or regional
the role of the private sector in the One WASH level.
National Programme Document (2013) and
in the GTP II, there is a limited market for the 4.5 NGOs
private sector in rural areas beyond service
contracts for project implementation. Private Although they play a significant role in providing
sector enterprises that distribute parts and and supporting WASH services, particularly in
repair systems in rural Ethiopia face significant marginalised or arid woredas such as in Afar
challenges, including disbursed communities, and Somali, NGOs receive very little mention in
high transportation cost; and limited availability the One WASH programme policy documents.
of financial and telecommunication services Across interviews, key informants stressed
(Calow et al, 2013; Defere, 2015). that NGOs provide more consistent and better
For shallow wells and deep boreholes, regional quality capacity building than that provided by
governments commission drilling through private the government WASH sector to its own staff
drilling companies or parastatal enterprises. and to WASHCOs, due to financial and physical
Though the drilling sector has grown in the past capacity constraints (see section 3.3). According
decade, with the number of licensed private to key informants in the NGO sector, WASHCOs
drilling companies expanding from 25 in 2005 that received training through the CMP or
to 96 in 2014, the industry is still characterised another NGO model were better able to hold
by a mix of state, NGO and private operators woreda water offices to account for O&M issues.
(Defere, 2015). Six of Ethiopia’s regions (Tigray, One key informant in the NGO sector felt
Amhara, Oromia, SNNPR, Somalia and Afar) that NGOs were under pressure to spend
have enterprises engaged in borehole drilling, resources on equipment and infrastructure
while some of the same regions and two others rather than on capacity building. In liaising with
(Benishugul-Gomuz and Gambella) maintain the government, one NGO was encouraged to buy
drilling capacity within their water resource vehicles and equipment rather than spend time
bureaus (Calow et al, 2012). Calow et al. (2012) and money on training government employees.
point to the potential for unequal terms between However, no other NGO representatives
private and state enterprises, due to the opaque interviewed reported feeling this pressure, though
circumstances under which state enterprises they did state high turnover of government
compete or are single-sourced for bids. officials made it difficult to organise training.
Due to contracting arrangements, drillers
Under certain circumstances, such as the
are not responsible when boreholes fail to
2016 El Niño drought, NGOs are perceived
produce. Regional governments conduct
by government officials as important for
borehole siting and design, though NGO-led
maintaining or restoring scheme functionality.
projects can include separate hydrogeological
The drought’s impacts on water access
assessments. For more complex projects, such
transformed rehabilitation from an overlooked
as rural piped schemes, it can be challenging
activity into a critical emergency response
to hire independent contractors in rural areas.
(See Box 2, section 3.3). UNICEF and NGOs
The projects are reportedly not financially
supported scheme rehabilitation in badly affected
attractive and end up being deprioritised by
woredas in an effort to avoid the exorbitant
those companies. This can result in delays and
expense of water trucking, which was among
difficulties securing a provider.
the most expensive components of the entire
While contracting new wells goes through
emergency response. NGOs formed a core part
formal procurement, there is little appetite from
of the official WASH cluster for humanitarian
the private sector to get involved in major
response and helped feed information into the
government’s response strategy.
5 Recommendations for
sector stakeholders
be treated
Many of the factors that hamper sustainable
investment in the WASH sector are not unique to
Ethiopia, nor can they be fixed by project-type
approaches. Furthermore, the sheer diversity
between and within Ethiopia’s regions means
that there is no blanket solution to rural water
point sustainability.
Still, there is room for manoeuvre within
Ethiopia’s political and institutional frameworks
to improve outcomes for sustainable water
supply. One promising avenue is to support
efforts for data collection on functionality and
invest into water resource mapping. Another
would be to support WASHCOs to become legal
entities with clear roles and responsibilities.
Lastly, recent experiences of drought have
provided a window of opportunity to reframe
priorities in the WASH sector for a greater focus
on sustainability.
as skeleton for more detailed regional data
systems to respond to local data needs. The
NWI will maintain key performance
indicators regarding functionality, water
access, WASHCO management, water quality
and women’s participation in the WASHCO,
among others.
Regional systems, however, can include more
detailed and practical information, such as the
specific make and model of the water point to
help plan for sourcing spare parts.
The roles of the kebele and WASHCO in data
collection and assessment must be
strengthened. Poor links between WASHCO,
kebele and woreda often result in information
breakdown; WASHCOs get discouraged if they
ask for support once and do not receive it; and
kebeles and woreda governments have little
capacity to provide spot checks and
backstopping support (see section 3.3). With the
emergence of mobile technologies, however, a
tool as simple as an SMS could help improve
communication. Supporting woredas, kebeles
and WASHCOs to test different methods of
maintaining communication on the condition of
infrastructure and the technical performance of
facilities is essential for ensuring the NWI
responds to the information needs
of subnational governments – and not only of
officials at regional and national levels. The
second NWI aimed to update the inventory
annually, but a more sustainable system
requires a tool that can be updated in real time
by woreda governments.
through aquifer-scale groundwater assessment,
would improve the sustainability of investments If WASHCOs are also expected to help maintain
in water infrastructure. Where this information up-to-date information on the state of WASH
exists, it is in the form of project-based mapping infrastructure, legalisation could help clarify their
(generally for NGO projects or government-led role in keeping an accurate inventory.
irrigation initiatives), making it challenging to
piece together a coherent picture of resource Leverage drought events to reframe
conditions. As mentioned in section 3.2, the the conversation
government mapping programme does not meet
the needs of the WASH sector. The drought associated with the ongoing El
This information is a public good, and there is Niñ o climate event raised questions around the
a role for donors to help fund its provision. The resilience of services and pre-drought functionality.
One WASH national programme could provide By the peak of the drought, the GoE reported that
a good platform to coordinate efforts to map around 10 million people across six regions were
groundwater availability from regional to woreda in need of emergency assistance; of these, around
level. Stakeholders should combine efforts on six million (in more than 160 priority woredas)
systematic mapping of locally productive zones were affected by acute water shortages (HRD,
in the aquifer. If the sector is to operate under 2016). UNICEF’s pilot survey of RWS in hotspot
‘One Plan, One Budget, One Report’, why not woredas showed that half of all water points
also ‘One Map’? Accurate information about had failed (See Box 2). Due to water shortages,
groundwater conditions for each region will rehabilitation of water points was a major part of
enable better siting and design and potentially the official response.
help governments plan for future water demand Disaster risk reduction literature has long noted
as populations grow and surface water sources that disasters can provide a window of
become increasingly unreliable. opportunity for major institutional and
organisational change (Birkmann et al., 2010).
Support legalisation of WASHCOs During a drought event, the sustainability of
and aim to improve accountability water supply comes into
sharp focus, along with the potential political
As mentioned in section 3.5, many WASHCOs will to mobilise resources. As drought features in
still lack formal legal status. Though WASHCOs GTP II as a major threat to Ethiopia’s economic
do not necessarily have to be legal entities to growth, stakeholders would do well to highlight
perform their role, the legalisation of WASHCOs that sustaining water point functionality in climate
can reinforce their legitimacy and enhance stress depends on better monitoring, siting and
accountability to users. Without legal status, maintenance during ‘normal’ years.
WASHCOs are prevented from managing funds
through bank accounts and circumvent formal 5.1 Conclusion
audits by woreda finance offices. The only real
oversight mechanism communities have is a Ensuring sustainability of services post-construction
widely neglected rule that they should report to remains a challenge in Ethiopia’s WASH landscape.
communities on income and expenditure. National-level policies have prioritised a coherent
All regions have issued proclamations for WASH framework, bringing together ministries
WASHCO legalisation, situating the issue working on water, health, education and finance,
squarely within the national and regional and created a single consolidated account to
priorities (JTR, 2015). SNNPR is leading the channel donor funds for WASH investments. Still,
trend, with other regions following suit. A 2015 much remains to be done to support woreda-
Joint Technical Review claims that legalisation of level governments to provide post-construction
WASHCOs improved tariff collection and savings. backstopping support to WASHCOs.
Furthermore, legalisation equips WASHCO In the absence of significantly more funds,
members with knowledge of their responsibilities. equipment and training available to subnational
governments, there are a few areas in which
to focus advocacy and investment. Improving
the data available to woreda and regional
governments to map resource availability and deliver sustainable water services. Focusing on
providing governments with a platform to the institutional ‘soft plumbing’ of the WASH
track waterpoint functionality are crucial steps sector, rather than on the infrastructure only,
towards supporting the rural WASH sector to has potential to improve cost-recovery and
better site and maintain water points. reduce down-time when water points are
Reaching Sustainable Development Goal 6, to broken. Two methods of doing so are focusing
‘ensure availability and sustainable management on legalisation of WASHCOs and engaging with
of water and sanitation for all’, will not be the needs of woreda WASH offices. If well-
possible without moving away from a singular implemented, these efforts can improve
focus on expanding coverage and concentrating WASHCO and woreda offices’ accountability to
instead on building strong institutions that can communities and their
ability to deliver sustainable water services – now
and in the face of increasing climate stresses.
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