Regulations UET LHR
Regulations UET LHR
Regulations UET LHR
les [Click]
and Examinations of B.Sc., B.Arch and B. PID Degrees
gree Duration
udent Status
edit Hours Requirement
mesters Nomenclature and Duration, Registration Restrictions
rriculum and Classification of Subjects
pe-A Subjects Evaluation and Contact Hours
pe-B Subjects Evaluation and Contact Hours
pe-C Subjects Evaluation and Contact Hours
ard of Letter Grades
sult Computation Scheme
ard of "W" , "WF" and "I" Grades
petition of Subjects
smissal From the University
ficial Authority for Computation of Result
ard of Degree
an's Honour Roll
ade Change Request
gistration of Students, Fee Payments and Hostel Accommodation
ferment of Studies (Freezing)
tendance Requirements
-Admission on Expulsion due to Absence
ing regulations govern the Semester System of teaching and examination for the
duate degrees awarded by University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore.
e Undergraduate degrees offered at the University under Semester System are classified as
chelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Bachelor. B.Sc. degrees are offered in Engineering disciplines,
chnology disciplines, Computer Science and City and Regional Planning. Bachelor's degrees
e offered in Architecture, Product and Industrial Design and Business Administration.
sculine gender used in the following regulations implies students of either gender, that is,
le students as well as female students.
e medium of instructions and examinations shall be English for all subjects except Islamic
udies and Pakistan Studies for which the medium of instructions and examinations shall be
her Urdu or English.
e term "Guided Study" during Summer Semester implies holding quiz tests, midterm, final
aminations and use of other assessment instruments during the period without regular
aching. Students shall be guided and helped, when required.
e term "Academic Year" refers to the period of study at the university spread over one
lendar year long period. Academic year is further divided into semesters.
e term "Credit Hour (CH)" refers to a unit of academic credit during a semester. Each credit
ur is related to a one or more "Contact hours per week" according to subject type as defined
these regulations [TOP]
e Duration
e minimum duration of the undergraduate degree programs shall not be less than four
ademic years in case of Engineering, Technology, Computer Science, City and Regional
nning, Product and Industrial Design, Business Administration and five academic years in
se of Architecture.
ior to Session 2008, Building and Architectural Engineering was a five years degree program.
e maximum duration of the degree program shall not be more than six academic years for
ograms with a minimum duration of four academic years and seven academic years for
ograms with a minimum duration of five academic years. Under exceptional circumstances,
e Vice Chancellor is authorized to grant extensions up to a maximum period of one year.
tension required beyond one year shall be referred to the Academic Council.[TOP]
nt Status
udents shall be classified as "Regular" students while enrolled at the university during the
nimum duration of their respective degree program.
udents shall be classified as "Casual" students, if they enroll in subjects after completion of
eir minimum degree duration period. Enrollment as a casual student, in a semester, shall
ly be allowed after approval by the Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of the concerned
airman and the Dean (B.Sc Form-6).
Hours Requirement
um credit hours required for the award of degree shall not be less than 140 for degree
with minimum duration of four academic years and 170 for degree programs with minimum
of five academic years.[TOP]
sters Nomenclature and Duration, Registration Restrictions
ere shall be two regular semesters, namely Fall and Spring semesters, during each academic
ar. An optional summer semester shall also be offered, when needed.
ration of fall and spring semesters shall be of 16 to 18 weeks. Regular students shall
gister in prescribed subjects during these semesters and casual students shall register in
lected subjects for grade improvement.
regular student may be allowed to register concurrently as a sit-in candidate in at most eight
) credit hours per semester, with junior classes, for grade improvement during regular
sual students may register in at most twenty (20) credit hours in any of the concurrently
nning regular semesters.
summer semester of 8 weeks duration shall be scheduled during summer holidays. Contact
urs during summer semester shall be doubled to ensure that a course is completed in half
e duration as compared to the regular semester.
student may only register for a maximum of fifteen (15) credit hours during the summer
ring summer semester, selected subjects shall be offered in accordance with departmental
licy for summer semester. [TOP]
ulum and Classification of Subjects
e curriculum, subject identification numbers, the credit hours allocated to each subject and
tailed syllabus shall be according to the proposals made by the Board of Studies and the
ard of Faculty concerned and approved by the Syndicate on the recommendations of the
ademic Council.
bjects are classified as:
1. "Theory" wherein the primary mode of teaching shall be lectures given by teachers
supplemented by home assignments. For the purpose of these regulations, subjects of
this type shall be referred to as Type-A;
2. "Practical" wherein the primary mode of teaching shall be experiments, studio
laboratory, designs, drawings, assignments and projects conducted/executed by
students as specified in the syllabus. For the purpose of these regulations, subjects of
this type shall be referred to as Type-B;
3. "Comprehensive Projects" wherein students engage in design and development of a
project under direct supervision of teachers in a laboratory/ studio/ workshop/
industry, spread over one or two regular semesters in an academic year. For the
purpose of these regulations, subjects of this type shall be referred to as Type-C.[TOP]
A Subjects Evaluation and Contact Hours
Type-A subjects, there shall be a mid-term examination of one hour duration and a final
amination of at least one and a half hour duration. These examinations shall carry 30 and 40
rcent weight respectively. The teacher shall schedule additional assessment instruments
ch as quizzes, assignments, presentations, seminars, group discussions, field study reports
c. as specified in the syllabus or as determined by the teacher. These assessment
truments shall carry the remaining 30% weight of the subject. Students joining late during
e first semester due to official delays shall be provided an opportunity to make up for the
ssed assessment instruments by the concerned teacher.
ere shall be one contact hour per week for the duration of a regular semester for each credit
ur assigned to Type-A subjects.[TOP]
B Subjects Evaluation and Contact Hours
Type-B subjects, each Experiment, Studio work, Jury Presentation, Design, Drawing, Project
Assignment shall be considered an independent assessment instrument. Relative weight of
ch independent assessment instrument shall be determined by the concerned teacher in
mputing the cumulative performance, on a scale of 100, of all assessment instruments
mpleted during the regular semester or summer semester. Students joining late during the
st semester due to official delays shall be provided an opportunity to appear in all the missed
sessment instruments by the concerned teacher.
ere shall be two to three contact hours per week for the duration of regular semester for
ch credit hour assigned to Type-B subjects.[TOP]
C Subjects Evaluation and Contact Hours
Type-C subjects, each exercise, project or assignment shall be assessed for process during
life time (Continuous Assessment) while the end product shall be assessed, right after its
bmission, through Viva-Voce /Jury examination (Terminal Assessment).
ntinuous Assessment and Terminal Assessment of Type-C subjects may carry 60 and 40
rcent weight respectively.
ternal Examiners/ Jurors shall be involved in the assessment of all Type-C subjects.
ere shall be two to four contact hours per week for the duration of regular semester for each
dit hour assigned to Type-C subjects as specified in the curriculum.[TOP]
rd of Letter Grades
e subject teacher shall award letter grades to the students in consultation with the
airman of the concerned degree awarding department. Letter grade in each Type-A subject
all be awarded on a Relative Scale whereas, letter grade in Type-B and Type-C subjects may
awarded on an absolute scale if deemed fit by the subject teacher.
llowing steps in awarding letter grades on a relative scale shall be followed:
1. Minimum marks threshold linked to content mastery shall be established for award of a
passing letter grade. Students earning marks below this threshold shall be awarded "F"
2. Students earning marks above the minimum threshold are listed in descending order of
merit. Passing letter grades are awarded based on a normal curve or any other method
as deemed suitable, according to the table given below, with "A+" being the highest
passing grade and "D" being the lowest passing grade.
3. An upper limit on percentage of students in a subject who can earn a particular passing
grade may be placed, if required.
e letter grades and their corresponding grade points (GP) are given in the table below.
Table: Letter Grades & Corresponding Grade Points
A B+ B B- C+ C C- D F W WF I
4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.0 0 - - -
bjects repeated to improve grades, excluding "W" or "WF" grades, will be shown on the
nscript with a suffix "R". [TOP]
lt Computation Scheme
Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade point Average (CGPA) shall be computed
to the following formula:
, where 3 is the number of subjects in the semester for which GPA is computed.
, where 2 is the number of total subjects covered in all semesters up to the semester for
PA is to be computed. [TOP]
rd of "W" , "WF" and "I" Grades
1. This option to withdraw shall be available only to students in regular semesters other
than first and second semesters.
2. A student may be allowed to withdraw from a subject in which he is registered.
Applications (on prescribed form BSc-3) to withdraw from a subject shall be
entertained latest up to the 9th study week of the semester. Withdrawn subjects shall
appear in the transcript with a letter grade "W", and shall not be used in computation of
GPA. In the transcript, subjects repeated after withdrawal will not be suffixed with a
rced Withdrawal:
student registered in a subject may not be permitted to continue due to shortage of
tendance or other disciplinary action. Such students shall be awarded a "WF" (Forced
ithdrawal) grade. It shall appear in the transcript as such, and shall not be used in
mputation of GPA. Subjects repeated after forced withdrawal shall not be suffixed with a
maximum of 32 credit hours may be allowed to be withdrawn, with a "W" grade, by a
dent during the entire duration of study for a Bachelor's degree. "WF" grade shall be
unted as "W" grade for the purpose of this allowance.
complete Grade:
udents registered in subjects, like theses, projects, studio work etc., spread over more than
e semester shall be awarded "I" (Incomplete) as an interim grade until the completion of
e subject. This grade shall appear in the transcript as such,and will not be treated as "F"
tition of Subjects
e student shall have to earn a passing letter grade in failing, withdrawn and deficient (in
se of migrated students) subjects. Students are permitted to improve grades of passed
bjects (Form B.Sc-2) only if they do not have any outstanding "F", "W" or "WF" grade or
ficient subjects, in case of migrated students. Concurrent registration for improvement is
owed subject to maximum credit hours restriction, if any.
bjects of Type A and Type B may be repeated;
1. During summer semester; Or
2. He may sit in the mid-term, quizzes and final examination of a Type A subject or fulfill
all the specified requirements of a Type B subject, with junior classes as a sit-in
candidate. It is the responsibility of the repeating student to find time to complete the
required assessment instruments and to resolve scheduling conflicts. The department
shall not make special scheduling arrangements for this purpose nor will it permit
holding of special examinations for sit-in students. The student shall not be given any
attendance relaxation in his regular classes while he is registered as a sit-in repeater
with the junior classes. He shall be awarded zero marks in the assessment instruments
such as class participation etc. He shall be assigned letter grade according to prescribed
guidelines; Or
3. After completion of his eight regular semesters in case of a 4 years program and ten
regular semesters in case of a 5 years program, at the university. In this case, he shall
repeat the subject in a regular semester as a casual student fulfilling all laid down
requirements and shall earn a letter grade on merit.
bjects of Type C can only be repeated after completion of eight regular semesters in case of
years program and ten regular semesters in case of a 5 years program, at the university. In
is case, a student shall repeat the subject in a regular semester as a casual student fulfilling
laid down requirements and shall earn a letter grade on merit.[TOP]
issal From the University
e name of a student shall be removed from the rolls of the university if he fails to maintain a
nimum CGPA of 1.0 at the end of first calendar year of his initial enrollment at the
iversity. A calendar year shall include two regular semesters and one summer semester.
w students, who join late due to administrative reasons, shall be only be allowed to join the
ll semester within six weeks of its commencement. In case the administrative delays are
re than six weeks, they shall be allowed to join the Spring semester. Their calendar year
all commence from Spring semester for the purpose of regulation 14.1.
mission of students, joining the university six weeks after the commencement of Spring
mester, shall be deferred until the following Fall semester.[TOP]
ial Authority for Computation of Result
nts (GP) in each subject, Semester Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point
CGPA) of each student shall be computed and notified by the Controller of Examinations at
f each semester.
rd of Degree
minimum CGPA of 2.0 with no outstanding subject with "W", "WF", "I" and "F" grades in the
escribed curriculum offered during all semesters of a degree program, shall be required for
e award of degree.
udents shall qualify for a "Degree with Honours" if they satisfy the following conditions:
1. Have earned a CGPA of 3.70 or above out of a maximum of 4.00;
2. Have not repeated a subject;
3. Have not withdrawn from a subject with a "W" or "WF" grade; and
4. Have not earned an 'F' grade, during the course of study. [TOP]
udents deferring (freezing) semester(s) may qualify for the award of Honours degree if they
lfill the conditions, however, they shall not qualify for any merit position/rank. All deferred
bjects when studied for the first time, shall not be treated as repeated subjects.
's Honour Roll
d of each semester, there shall be a "Dean's Honour Roll" of students earning a Semester
7 and above without any "W" or "WF" or "F" grade during that semester.
e Change Request
may submit a Grade Change Request (Form BSc-1) to the Chairman's Office stating the
ason for change in grade. Grade Change requests must be submitted not later than one
r the first grade was posted or within the first week of the following semester, whichever is
request will be routed to the concerned faculty member. Normally, the only person who can
grade is the faculty member who gave the grade; however, in case that faculty member is no
ailable or cannot be reached, the department chairman has the authority to evaluate the
and change a grade, if required. When a grade is to be changed, the chairman shall forward
o the Dean with justification for change. The result will be modified after approval of the
cellor on the recommendation of the Dean.[TOP]
stration of Students, Fee Payments and Hostel Accommodation
gular students shall be registered for all subjects being offered in a regular semester. Such
dents shall pay prescribed university dues during the minimum duration of their respective
gree programs. Students deferring studies during this period shall continue to pay university
es as regular students during deferral period.
gular students registering during summer semester or as sit-in candidates with next junior
sses, shall pay in advance, an additional fee prescribed for each subject.
sual students shall pay prescribed fee, in advance, for each subject registered during regular
mester and shall not be eligible for university benefits such as hostel accommodation etc.
airman of each department shall register regular, casual and repeating students in subjects
ing taught during that semester in his department. The Chairman has the authority to block
gistration of casual and repeating students beyond a certain number of credit hours keeping
eir past performance in perspective.
gistration roll in each subject of the semester shall be dispatched to the Controller of
aminations within first fifteen days of the beginning of each semester.[TOP]
rment of Studies (Freezing)
udents enrolled in the first semester or second semester cannot apply for deferment. Only
ose students who have completed first year of study at the university are eligible to avail
is facility.
ere shall be no relaxation in the maximum degree duration period for students seeking
student may defer studies for at most two consecutive regular semesters, for medical or
her genuine reasons, with summer semester not being counted. In such cases, the student
all apply (Form BSc-4) to the Chairman concerned, at least 15 days before the
mmencement of the semester, for approval of deferment by the concerned Dean. CAC, after
proval, shall notify deferment for a specified period. The student shall rejoin, after this
ve, in the next junior class in case of two semesters deferment. However, in case of one
mester deferment, he may join his own class subject to his completing the remaining
urses after completion of study of his class. Such students cannot avail the facility of
pearing as sit-in candidates or during summer semester for repetition of subjects.[TOP]
ndance Requirements
udents failing to register, or attend classes, or failing to re-join after expiry of approved
ferment, during the first three weeks after commencement of a semester or after the date of
eir admission in case of new entrants in the first semester (Fall or Spring), shall have their
mission canceled automatically.
udents failing to maintain a minimum attendance of 75% in a subject during a semester
all be awarded a "WF" grade. Chairman in consultation with the respective Dean shall review
ses of students seeking relaxation of up to 10% in attendance requirement. The relaxation
all be allowed after approval by the Dean. Any relaxation in excess of 10% shall be
rwarded to the Vice Chancellor through the respective Dean for final decision.[TOP]
dmission on Expulsion due to Absence
students dismissed after first calendar year (Regulation 14), students whose admission has
eled due to absence, can appeal to the Vice Chancellor for re-admission, within one year
cancellation of their admission, as transfer students. [TOP]
ation Process of Subjects
ation of Type-A Subjects
ation of Type-B Subjects
ation of Type-C Subjects
m Award List
rehensive Award List
ct of Examination of Type A Subjects Under Semester System
ion Papers
ence Material during Tests/ Examinations
ination Schedule
ct of Mid-Term and Final Examinations
ers or Staff acting as invigilators are detailed by the respective Chairman.
e Completion
sal of Answer Scripts
fer of Credits of Subjects For Migrated Studentsbr
fer of Credits of Subjects For Re-admitted Students
fer of Credits of Subjects For Double Degree Students
ation Process of Subjects
ation of Type-A Subjects
r mid-term and final examinations of Type-A subjects, the teacher of a subject shall set the
estion paper of that subject, supervise its examination, mark the answer books and prepare
e award list.
ery teacher of Type-A subjects shall return the marked quizzes, assignments, etc. and mid-
rm examination scripts to the students for review, and in case of presentations etc. display
e earned score of each student, within one week of the event. Mid-term scripts, however,
uld be recovered from the students and deposited with the chairman concerned.
the end of scheduled teaching period of a semester but before commencement of the final
aminations, the teacher shall prepare and display the Interim Award List. Composition,
play, correction, and reporting requirements/procedures of Interim Award List shall be as
escribed in these rules.
achers would mark the final examination scripts, and prepare and display Comprehensive
ard List within one week of the examination of the subject.
e students may be shown the final examination marked scripts before submission of
mprehensive Award List to the Controller of Examinations, if they so desire.
ation of Type-B Subjects
achers of Type-B subjects shall keep all students informed of their performance at every
ge in each category of task performed. Immediately after the end of each stage/assessment
ent, teachers shall prepare and display a list of earned score of each student in that
ge/assessment event.
the end of semester and before the end of examination period, teachers shall prepare and
play the Interim Award List. Content and other requirements regarding Interim Award List
all be as prescribed in these rules.
ter following the procedures and requirements regarding Interim Award List, the teachers
all prepare and display Comprehensive Award List within one week of the end of the
heduled teaching period.
ation of Type-C Subjects
achers of Type-C subjects shall keep all students informed of their performance at every
ge in each category of task performed. Immediately after the end of each stage/assessment
ent, teachers shall prepare and display a list of earned score of each student in that
sessment instrument.
the end of first of the two semesters of a Type-C subject and before the end of examination
riod, teachers would prepare and display an Intermediate Award List. This list would be
ilar to the Comprehensive Award List of Type-A and Type -B subjects except that letter
ade assignment based upon this list will be limited to "I" Grade.
the end of second of the two semesters of a Type-C subject and before the end of
amination period, teachers shall prepare and display the Interim Award List. Content and
her requirements regarding Interim Award List shall be as prescribed in these rules.
ithin one week of the conduct of Viva-voce/Jury examination, internal and external
aminers shall prepare and display Comprehensive Award List.
m Award List
terim Award List would show the percentage as well as weighted score of each
ge/assessment instrument of that subject including the mid-term examination in case of
pe-A subjects.
e copy of the list shall be submitted to the Chairman and additional copies shall be displayed
the Notice Boards for at least two working days to permit students to point out any
omalies, errors, omissions etc. in the list.
e teachers shall give due consideration to any anomalies, errors, omissions etc. in the list
inted out by any student, and may correct the list. Any corrections etc. in the list shall be
ported by the teacher to the Chairman.
y further processing of the list shall be carried out only after it has been displayed on the
tice Boards for the mandatory period and decisions regarding all matters pointed out by
dents have been taken.
rehensive Award List
e Comprehensive Award List shall show, for each student:
1. The Comprehensive award showing weighted combination of the Interim Award and
Final Examination award in percentage format; and
2. Letter Grades corresponding to the comprehensive award.
e teacher would assign letter grades to the comprehensive award in consultation with the
airman as prescribed in the rules.
e Comprehensive Award List shall be displayed on the notice boards for students to see and
cuss anomalies, if any.
e copy of the Comprehensive Award List shall be sent to the Controller through the
airman of the Department and one copy each shall be retained by the chairman and the
ct of Examination of Type A Subjects Under Semester System
ion Papers
1. All question papers are set by the concerned teacher.
2. The paper setters, who also ensure their correctness, supervise the photocopying or
duplicating of the papers.
3. Question papers are kept in the safe custody of the teacher till the start of examination.
He shall bear legal and moral responsibility for the safe custody and secrecy of the
question papers
ence Material during Tests/ Examinations
lass tests, mid term/final examination, the subject teacher announces such books, notes or
terial that can be referred to by the students during the test or examinations. All other
tes, papers, etc., are withdrawn from the examinees.
ination Schedule
man of the department publishes the mid term and final examination schedule at least two
fore start of the examinations in accordance with the university academic calendar.
ct of Mid-Term and Final Examinations
ct teacher shall be the Superintendent for the conduct of examination. The chairman shall
achers or staff as Deputy Superintendent and Invigilators for the conduct of examinations.
rintendent shall ensure the following:-
1. That all answer books used in the examination are signed or initialed. The teacher may
require the students to answer on the question paper itself. No other answer books are
to be used in these cases.
2. Answer books are issued to the invigilators 5 minutes before the commencement of the
examination and retrieved at the end of the examination.
3. The absentee report, if any, is prepared and forwarded to the Chairman's office at the
end of each examination.
ers or Staff acting as invigilators are detailed by the respective Chairman. They ensure the
1. That the students are identified through means such as university identification card.
2. That the students are warned against the use of unfair means and have been advised to
surrender mobile phones, notes, papers or other unauthorized material before the
commencement of the examination.
3. That the students are not allowed to talk with or copy from other students during the
4. That no student is allowed to join the examination 30 minutes after its commencement.
5. That no student is allowed to submit the answer sheet and leave the examination room
within 30 minutes of commencement of examination. Visits to toilets are carefully
6. That the question papers and answer books of a student detected using unfair means or
assisting another candidate, are taken away and the matter is reported to the
respective chairman. The superintendent records all available evidence to be used as
written proof later on.
7. That the students write their registration numbers, name and class on the front cover of
each additional answer sheet used. If more than one answer book is used, these are
stapled together.
ubject teachers, being the Superintendent(s), shall supervise distribution of the question
the students according to the schedule published. In case of multiple Examination Centers,
achers (Superintendents) shall be available in or near the examination center during
ion of their subject to clarify any query and to collect answer books after the examination.
e Completion
who are eligible for the award of degree, are required to submit a Degree Requirements
n Form (Form BSc-5) to their respective chairman for onward submission to the Controller
ations. Degree status would be decided only after receipt of this form.
sal of Answer Scripts
heets of mid term and examinations will be stored in the respective department for four
years after declaration of result of that semester. The sheets would be destroyed
fer of Credits of Subjects For Migrated Students
udents from other HEC approved universities and programs accredited by PEC or PCATP, may
ply for migration to this university in the same programs, in accordance with University's
gration Rules. Following conditions shall govern transfer of subjects (credits) to the
iversity for subjects studied elsewhere. Subjects that do not satisfy these conditions shall
t be transferred nor given any credit.
1. The course must correspond to a course offered by UET or be deemed equivalent in
depth and intensity.
2. Applicant must have received at least "40%" marks in case of absolute grading system
or a minimum of "C" grade or higher in a letter grading system similar to the one in this
university. In case of any other grading system, the department shall decide with the
above minimum limits in perspective. In case, both letter grades and marks are
mentioned on the transcript, only letter grade will be considered for the purpose of
transfer of semester credits.
e accumulative credits accepted for transfer in any program should not exceed one-half
0%) of the total credits required to complete that particular program, in any case.
e credits transferred are counted towards the degree requirements of the student. However,
A of transferred credits shall not be counted towards the calculation of CGPA, and that only
ransferred" shall be written against those subject(s) in which transfer of credits was
owed. In addition, migrated students shall not be eligible for a merit position nor Honours
grating student may be deficient in subjects as compared to the class which he has joined.
ch a student shall repeat these subjects. In case, he is studying a particular subject for the
st time, it will not be classified as repeated subject for him.
fer of Credits of Subjects For Re-admitted Students
" and "grades of subjects" in which they have earned a grade of "C" or above shall stand
d and they shall be placed in the semester recommended by the department.
fer of Credits of Subjects For Double Degree Students
urs of subjects, as recommended by the concerned department, in which they have earned a
of 40% marks or a minimum grade of "C" ( as the case may be) during their first degree
within the university shall stand transferred and they shall be placed in the semester
nded by the department. The credits transferred are counted towards the degree
ents of the student. However, GPA of transferred credits shall not be counted towards the
n of CGPA, and that only "Transferred" shall be written against those subject(s) in which
f credits was allowed. In addition, double degree students shall not be eligible for a merit
or Honours degree.
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