Blackspire Unofficial Corpora
Blackspire Unofficial Corpora
Blackspire Unofficial Corpora
This document is for ease of reading and/or searching. The "official" or "legal" version of this
document is actually three separate documents that are also available for download. Last
updated 5/7/22
1 Officers President Shall be chosen from the current membership of the Board of Directors by a
vote by the Board of Directors. Is responsible for establishing an agenda and conducting all business
meetings. Is responsible for coordination of all BOD functions. May not hold any elected kingdom office. BOD president has the authority to sign contracts binding the group that have
been approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Secretary Shall be chosen from the current membership of the Board of Directors by a
vote by the Board of Directors. Will be responsible for maintaining the mailing address of the group. Shall list minutes of all Board of Directors meetings. Shall check any changes to documents by the Treasurer and Financial
Officer to ensure accuracy. May not hold any elected kingdom office. Treasurer Shall be chosen from the current membership of the Board of Directors by a
vote of the Board of Directors. Is responsible for collection of all non-game fees and duties. Has the authority to sign checks drawn against the group’s bank accounts for
expenditures that are authorized by the bylaws or by a vote of the general membership. May not hold any elected kingdom office.
1.7 Quartermaster
1.7.1 Is not a member of the Board of Directors.
1.7.2 May be dismissed by the joint agreement of the Operations Officer and Treasurer.
1.7.3 If, for whatever reason, the position of Property Manager is vacated, the
Operations Officer with the agreement of the Treasurer may appoint a replacement.
2 Membership
3 Elections
3.1 Elections for the offices of Operations Officer, Assistant Operations Officer, and Safety
Officer shall be held every six months, within the third or fourth weekends of the months of
February and August.
3.2 Elections for the office of Financial Officer and Adjudication chief shall be held every six
months, but staggered such that they occur midway between elections for the other offices.
3.3 Elections for other members of the Board of Directors will be held twice yearly, with three
seats being filled in an election held in January and three seats being filled in an election held in
June. Members elected to the Board in this way will serve for a full year.
3.3.1 In the event that one or more elected summer term BOD seats becomes vacated, the
seat may be filled by a general membership vote at the next scheduled althing. This would be a
pro-tem position to be held until the next regularly scheduled summer term election.
3.3.2 In the event that one or more elected winter term BOD seats becomes vacated, the seat
may be filled by a general membership vote at the next scheduled althing. This would be a
pro-tem position to be held until the next regularly scheduled winter term election
3.4 Candidates for the positions of Operations Officer and Assistant Operations Officer may be
required to participate in a specific in-game event to be eligible.
3.5 Candidates for any position must dues paid active members (see above) at the time
of election voting.
3.6 Candidates for any position must be at least 18 years of age.
3.7 No person may hold any of the following two positions at the same time: Operations Officer,
Assistant Operations Officer, Financial Officer.
3.8 Only active members (see above) may vote in elections.
3.9 Winning any election requires a simple plurality (more votes than any other vote-getter taken
3.10 Online voting will happen on Facebook. The Financial Officer or Operations Officer will post
a PDF of the ballot, including instructions on how to submit the vote. The instructions will include
the kingdom email address and instructions of submitting a picture of the ballot as well as a
picture of the voter holding the ballot.
3.10.1 Online voting will be kept open for a minimum of 48 hours.
4 Meetings
5.1 Each subsidiary group must elect one of its members as representative.
5.2 Must sign the standard agreement with the central Amtgard Board of Directors.
5.3 Must be based at a physical location within 150 miles of Salem, Oregon.
5.4 To accept a new subsidiary group the following steps must be followed:
5.4.1 Approval of the Operations Officer and Financial Officer.
5.4.2 Approval by a vote of active members at a general membership meeting.
5.4.3 Signing of the subsidiary group contract by both the Operations Officer and an
appropriate representative of the subsidiary group (which must then be approved by the Board
of Directors).
5.5 To remove a subsidiary group the following steps must be followed:
5.5.1 Approval of the Operations Officer and Financial Officer.
5.5.2 Approval by a vote of active members at a general membership meeting.
5.5.3 The subsidiary group that is to be terminated or suspended must be notified at least 15
days prior to the vote for termination/suspension. They must be informed of the date, time and
location of the general membership meeting where the vote will take place.
5.5.4 The representative in question will be allowed an opportunity to speak in their subsidiary
group's defense, in person or in writing, at the general membership where the vote is to take
place. Any other members of the subsidiary group who are present at the meeting will be given
the opportunity to speak in its defense as well.
5.5.5 The effective date of the subsidiary group's removal from the group shall be at least one
week after the date of the general membership meeting authorizing the removal.
5.5.6 Exception: failure of the subsidiary group to abide by the subsidiary group contract may
be grounds for automatic removal of the group; such circumstances are to be reviewed by the
Board of Directors.
5.6 Subsidiary groups may draft their own bylaws and policies so long as they do not
conflict with the bylaws and policies of the group or the subsidiary group contract. They are very
strongly encouraged to use the bylaws and policies of the group as a model for their own
5.7 Are obligated to provide accurate records of the attendance of their functions to the
Treasurer. This shall be the responsibility of the subsidiary group's representative.
5.8 Subsidiary groups may not have their own subsidiary groups (however, see
Subsidiary Group Confederations below).
5.9 Officers of subsidiary groups may not also serve as the main group's Operations
Officer, Assistant Operations Officer, or Financial Officers.
6.1 Subsidiary group confederations are groups of subsidiary groups (sponsored by the
main group) who have gained permission from the main group (through a vote at a general
membership meeting) to be recognized as such.
6.2 Subsidiary group confederations are meant to act as semi-independent entities who
are working towards independent main group status.
6.3 Must have achieved non-profit or not-for-profit status and keep it active.
6.4 Subsidiary group confederations are expected to maintain their own, separate, set of
bylaws. These bylaws may specify details of membership, voting rights, and dues requirements
specific to the subsidiary group confederation.
6.5 With the permission of the Operations Officer and the Financial Officer, subsidiary group
confederations may add independent groups to the subsidiary group confederation. These
subsidiary groups may be required to sign any contracts the subsidiary group confederation
6.6 In the case that the subsidiary group confederation becomes a fully independent main
group, its component subsidiary groups will each independently decide whether they wish to join
the new independent main group as subsidiary groups of its own, or remain as subsidiary
groups of this group.
7.1 Groups based at a physical location more than 150 miles away from Salem, Oregon are
eligible to become Independent Subsidiary Groups.
7.2 Independent subsidiary groups are treated as normal subsidiary groups, with the following
7.2.1 Members of independent subsidiary groups have no voting rights.
7.2.2 Independent subsidiary groups are not required to remit any portion of dues paid by their
8 Dissolution
1 Core Officers
2 Additional Officers
2.1 SafetyOfficer
2.1.1 Shall be the winner of an open ballot election at the same time as the Operations Officer
and Assistant Operations Officer are selected.
2.1.2 Must be an active dues paid member of at least 18 years of age.
2.1.3 May not also hold any of the following positions: Operations Officer, Assistant
Operations Officer, Financial Officer, Adjudication Chief.
2.1.4 Shall maintain a lost and found for the group.
2.1.5 Will check all play equipment for safety and legality.
2.1.6 Will organize games as necessary in the absence of previously scheduled games.
2.1.7 Shall relinquish the position if they miss more than two group functions in a row or more
than three group functions total over the course of their six-month term.
2.1.8 If, for whatever reason, the position of Safety Officer is vacated, the Operations Officer
may appoint a replacement.
2.3 Quartermaster
2.3.1 Will be appointed by the joint agreement of the Operations Officer and theTreasurer.
2.3.2 Is responsible for holding onto and maintaining the property of the organization.
2.3.3 Upon appointment they will sign a contract which outlines the responsibilities,
expectations, what they should do if they should vacate their position and their understanding of
the financial liability of maintaining the organization's property.
2.3.4 Also known as Property Manager. Property does not include the files which are maintained by the Treasurer. Maintain a list of all property that the organization owns and who is in possession
of said property. Maintain a safe location for all property that is not checked out to other persons. Report to the Operations Officer and Treasurer any missing or damaged
equipment. Is responsible for transporting or making arrangements for transport of property
to requested organization events. Maintain the trailer, keeping it in a working order Maintain a worklog on any maintenance Maintain a travel checklist to ensure safety before and during travel.
3 Polls
3.1 Group officers may run informational polls at their discretion in order to determine how best
to serve the group.
3.2 These are not votes.
3.2.1 They do not have the authority granted to votes at general membership meetings.
3.2.2 They do not have any authority beyond advising group officers how to exercise the
powers already granted to them.
3.3 Group officers may run them at their discretion, including or excluding inactive members,
non dues paid members, non-members, or any other persons whose opinion they are interested
in targeting.
4 Expenditures
4.1 Certain officers are empowered by the bylaws to make expenditures from the group
4.2 Such expenditures must be tracked in the group's financial records and appropriate receipts
must be provided.
4.3 Such expenditures must be publicly announced to the group's membership within two weeks
of the date of the withdrawal of funds.
4.4 No officer has the authority to make any use of the group treasury unless explicitly granted
such authority by the bylaws, and only to the extent granted to them by the bylaws.
5 Referees
5.1 Must have passed a qualifying test administered by the Adjudication Chief with a score of
75% or better within the past six months.
5.2 Have unlimited authority over the conduct of gameplay, subject only to overrule by the
Adjudication Chief.
5.3 Shall use this authority to ensure that games are:
5.3.1 Safe to all participants and bystanders.
5.3.2 Played honestly and in keeping with the spirit of the game rules.
6 Rules Representative
7 Membership
7.1 The Amtgard Code of Conduct as established in the rules of play and the Circle of Monarchs
bylaws should be used as the policy to guide when it is appropriate for group officers to exercise
their authority to suspend members.
7.2 Any indefinite suspension of a member will be reported to the Amtgard Circle of Monarchs.
8.1 Anyone may attend a general membership meeting unless specifically barred.
8.2 Rules of order may be set by the Operations Officer. If so,their enforcement shall be the
responsibility of the Safety Officer.
8.3 Any business brought before a general membership meeting to be discussed prior to a vote
at the next meeting, must be presented in written form in the same wording intended to be used
at the vote.
8.4 A vote of active members may order the Rules Representative to submit a clarification or
revision to the Rules Revision Process.
8.5 Any proposed changes to the group bylaws or policies must come as either a request to
Add, Delete or Modify a specific section of the bylaws or policies, and must include the
8.5.1 The line number of the item to be added, removed or modified.
8.5.2 The current text as written.
8.5.3 The proposed text addition, deletion, or modification.
9 Election Cycle
10 Subsidiary Groups
10.1 Policies of the main group shall have precedence over policies of the subsidiary groups;
subsidiary groups may not overrule policies set by a vote of active members at a general
membership meeting.
10.2 Policies applicable to subsidiary groups shall not apply to independent subsidiary groups
except where explicitly stated to.
10.3 Are entitled to the use of the group's non-profit numbers for requests deemed reasonable
by the Board of Directors.
11 Events
11.5 PacWar
11.5.1 PacWar is an officially sponsored group campout event governed by the policies of the
11.4 11.5.2 A minimum balance of $4000 shall be maintained in the PacWar account.
11.5.3 The PacWar autocrat will have access to a $100 cash fund for small necessary
purchases. Receipts need to be obtained for all purchases with this fund and provided to the
Financial Officer within one week from the end of the event.
11.5.4 The bidding process for PacWar will be open from August 1st and end on September
1st. The group officers will review the bids and will announce their decision of who won the
bidding process by October 1st.
11.5.5 Changes to this subsection and all subsections thereof may only be made by a
super-majority vote of 2/3 of the active members voting.
11.6 Winterbash
11.6.1 Winterbash is an officially sponsored group campout event governed by the policies of
subsection 11.4
11.6.2 A minimum balance of $3500 shall be maintained in the Winterbash account.
11.6.3 The fund held in reserve for Winterbash must first be used to secure the site before it
may be used on any other expense for the event.
11.6.4 The bidding process for Winterbash will be open from March 1st and end on April 1st.
The group officers will review the bids and will announce their decision of who won the bidding
process by May1st.
11.6.6 Changes to this subsection and all subsections thereof may only be made by a
super-majority vote of 2/3 of the active members voting.
12 Trailer Policy
12.1 Operations Officer, Treasurer and Property Manager will each have a key to the trailer.
12.2 Maintenance
12.2.1 Maintenance will be the responsibility of the Property Manager.
12.2.2 They will make a report to the membership at a General Meeting when there is needed
maintenance and request an estimated amount of money to fix it. If the Operation Officer chooses to donate the cost of parts to the kingdom they
do not need to approach a General Meeting.
12.2.3 Once fixed they will provide the appropriate receipts to the Treasurer and return any
unspent money.
13 Miscellaneous
14.1 Introduction
14.1.1 The Board of Directors of the Kingdom of Blackspire is committed to conducting its
affairs honestly, ethically and in compliance with local, state, and federal rules and regulations.
14.2 Reporting Responsibility
14.2.1 It is the responsibility of all members of the Kingdom of Blackspire to report
violations or suspected violations of laws, regulations, or policies, mundane or otherwise.
Attempts to resolve any such concerns normally should be made by contacting the
appropriate local park official, or if necessary, the appropriate Kingdom official. Reports
also may be made to relevant external entities or governmental agencies responsible for
the enforcement of laws containing non-retaliation provisions.
14.3 No Retaliation
14.3.1 Retaliation against a member of the Amtgard community for making a good faith report
of potential Amtgard-related policy violations or local, state, or federal law is prohibited and will
not be tolerated. The BOD will review complaints of retaliation and any attempted or actual
retaliatory action may subject the violator to disciplinary action. Members of the Amtgard
community who believe that they have been retaliated against in violation of this policy may
submit a written or oral complaint to local park or Kingdom officials, who may refer the complaint
to the BOD for review and disposition.
15 Gate Procedures
15.1 By the week before the event, the autocrat or their designee will obtain the gate supplies.
15.1.1 Anyone that is working a gate shift should be sober in order to handle and be
responsible for Kingdom funds. In addition, no one working a scheduled gate shift should be
actively consuming alcohol.
15.2 The Gate-crat will set up the cash drawer with the startup monies and select one person
per shift to be in charge of the money.
15.2.1 The cash handler will verify the startup funds and be held accountable for any
discrepancy in funds at close of their shift.
15.2.2 Cash handler will set up the sign in sheet.
15.3 As people arrive, sign people in one person at a time.
15.3.1 Cash handler will collect the admittance fee and give any change due. Unless waived by Corpora or Operations Officer’s instruction, i.e. visiting
Kingdom Officers
15.3.2 Second person on shift will verify the person’s age, put on the appropriate wristband,
and give out any handouts, favors, and additional paperwork.
15.4 At the close of the shift, the cash handler will reset the cash drawer with the start-up
money. 15.5 At shift change, the oncoming cash handler will verify the funds in the cash drawer
and take over the signing-in of people using a new sign-in sheet.
15.6 The cash handler going off shift will total the number of people who signed in and count the
monies received that shift.
15.7 Cash handler will obtain a tamper-resistant cash envelope and place the money inside.
15.8 The person going off shift will take possession of all filled out sign-in sheets and the sealed
cash bag from that shift to either the Autocrat, Gate-Crat, Treasurer, or Financial Officer as
15.9 The Gate-crat will reconcile the gate money with the Autocrat at gate closing.
15.10 Any monies generated through fundraising (including but not limited to auction, donation,
etc.) will be held by the Autocrat or their designee until event reconciliation.
15.11 Prior to the next BOD meeting, the autocrat will meet with the BOD Treasurer to reconcile
the event, matching up sign-ins to the gate receipts, verifying the gate startup funds are correct,
and turn in any unspent monies and all receipts. If there are more receipts than the fronted
monies, these will be approved by the approving authority.
15.12 The BOD Treasurer or Financial Officer will report to the BOD on the event, stating
whether the event turned a profit, lost money, or broke even.The event sign-in sheets will be
turned over to the Financial Officer for appropriate disposition.
15.13 The BODTreasurer or Financial Officer will deposit all the funds into the Kingdom bank
account as soon as possible.
15.14 If any of the above-mentioned parties are not at the event, their duties will be given
temporarily to one of the BOD members.
1 Awards Standardization
1.1 The kingdom is bound by all agreements ratified by the Amtgard Circle of Monarchs,
including the interkingdom Awards Standardization Agreement which can be found among the
Bylaws and Rulings of the Circle of Monarchs and is listed for reference in the current version of
the Amtgard Rules of Play.
1.2 As this agreement will be referenced repeatedly in this document it will be referred to simply
as "Awards Standardization" for concision.
2 Monarch
2.1 The kingdom's Operations Officer shall be known in-game as its Monarch.
2.2 Only those who qualify at Crown Qualifications may try for Monarch.
2.3 May award the following:
2.3.1 Titles of Nobility (at the Monarch's discretion) Has the authority to delegate the awarding of noble titles to land holders as
outlined under section 15.12.8 of this document.
2.3.2 Non-noble Titles (at the Monarch's discretion)
2.3.3 Peerage (per Awards Standardization)
2.3.4 The following Orders (per Awards Standardization): Battle Crown Dragon Flame Garber Lion Owl Rose Smith Warrior
2.3.5 The following Orders (at the Monarch's discretion): Griffon Hydra Jovious Mask Walker of the Middle Zodiac
2.3.6 The following Titles of Masterhood (per Awards Standardization): Master Battle Master Dragon Master Garber Master Lion Master Owl Master Rose Master Smith Master Warrior (also known as Warlord Master Hydra (to members holding 10 or more Orders of The Hydra) Master Reeve (to members with 12 or more credits as Reeve)
2.3.7 Titles of Paragon in a specific Class (at the Monarch's discretion)
2.4 May create new honors, awards and titles that do not conflict/compete with those listed in
this document or the Awards Standardization.
2.5 Titles and honors may never be awarded to members of another kingdom without that
kingdom's Monarch's permission.
2.6 May become eligible to receive these titles at the end of their term, if it was served with
2.6.1 Knight of the Crown (per Awards Standardization)
2.6.2 Duke/Duchess (or Grand Duke/Grand Duchess for serving two or more terms as
3 Regent
3.1 The kingdom's Assistant Operations Officer shall be known in-game as its Regent.
3.2 Only those who qualify at Crown Qualifications may try for Regent.
3.3 May bestow the following Orders (per Awards Standardization):
3.3.1 Dragon
3.3.2 Garber
3.3.3 Lion
3.3.4 Owl
3.3.5 Rose
3.3.6 Smith
3.3.7 Warrior
3.3.8 Crown
3.3.9 Battle
3.4 May bestow the following Titles of Masterhood (per Awards Standardization):
3.4.1 Master Dragon
3.4.2 Master Garber
3.4.3 Master Lion
3.4.4 Master Owl
3.4.5 Master Rose
3.4.6 Master Smith
3.4.7 Master Warrior (also known as Warlord)
3.4.8 Master Hydra (to members holding 10 Orders of the Hydra)
3.4.9 Master Reeve (to members with 12 or more credits as Reeve)
3.5 May create new honors and awards in keeping with their duties that do not conflict/compete
with those listed in this document or the Awards Standardization.
3.6 At the end of their term, if served with excellence, they may receive the title of
4 Prime Minister
4.1 The kingdom's Financial Officer shall be known in-game as its Prime Minister.
4.2 At the end of their term, if served with excellence, may receive the title of Baron/Baroness.
5 Champion
5.1 The kingdom's Safety Officer shall be known in-game as its Champion.
5.2 Only those who qualify at Crown Qualifications may try for Champion.
5.3 May bestow the following Orders (per Awards Standardization):
5.3.1 Smith
5.3.2 Warrior
5.3.3 Battle
5.3.4 Titles of Paragon in a specific Class (at the Champion's discretion)
5.4 The Champion shall be the defender of the crown.
5.5 At the end of their term, if served with excellence, may receive the title of Defender.
6 Guildmaster of Reeves
6.1 The kingdom's Adjudication Chief shall be known in-game asits Guildmaster of Reeves.
6.2 May bestow the following Orders (per Awards Standarization):
6.2.1 Battle
6.2.2 Warrior
6.2.3 Titles of Paragon in a specific Class (at the Guild Master of Reeves' discretion)
7 Reeves
8 Monarch's Guard
9 Class Guildmaster
9.1 Must keep the members of their class following the proper rules for that class.
9.2 Shall help new members of the class learn the rules for their class.
9.3 Shall encourage garb, equipment and personas applicable to their class.
9.4 Shall monitor their classes in play and present ideas for relevant rules clarification and rules
revisions to the Monarch and Althing.
9.5 Class guildmasters may be removed from office by a ⅔ vote of all members of a class and
approval of the Monarch and Prime Minister.
10 Arts and Science Guildmasters
10.1 If popular interest permits, a Guildmaster may be elected to head an arts and sciences
guild, at the same time as the Monarch and Regent are elected.
10.2 Such Guildmasters are responsible for encouraging the interest, growth and application of
their particular discipline.
10.3 Such Guildmasters may adopt additional duties as appropriate to their discipline, for
example a Guildmaster of Garbers may take it upon themselves to assess garb and present
Order of the Garber recommendations to the Regent, or a Guildmaster of Heraldry may take it
upon themself to maintain a registry of the heraldry of the kingdom's members.
11 Althing
13 Order of Precedence
13.1 Monarch
13.2 Prime Minister
13.3 Regent
13.4 Grand Duke
13.5 Archduke
13.6 Champion
13.7 Duke (both the title and the Holder position in a Duchy enjoy this rank)
13.8 Count
13.9 Marquis
13.10 Viscount
13.11 Baron (both the title and Holder position in a Barony enjoy
this rank)
13.12 Knight
13.13 Baronet
13.14 Warlord
13.15 Lord
13.16 Master (only the specific title "Master" confers this rank)
13.17 Esquire
13.18 Guildmaster of Reeves
13.19 Captain of the Monarch's Guard
13.20 Weaponmaster
13.21 Warmaster
13.22 Guildmaster of an Arts and Sciences Guild
13.23 Guildmaster of a Class Guild
13.24 Any court position appointed directly by the Monarch or Regent
13.25 Master Rose or Master Smith (equivalent rank)
13.26 Head of a fighting company
13.27 Head of a household
13.28 Squire
13.29 Reeve
14.7 Dragonmaster
14.7.1 Shall be held once a reign.
14.7.2 The sponsor for this event will be the Regent. The regent may appoint someone else to run the event.
14.7.3 The winner will hold the title of Dragonmaster until the date of the next Dragonmaster.
14.7.4 Those competing for Dragonmaster will be required to enter a minimum specified
number of cultural events, as set by the sponsor. In the event no requirement is set the
requirement shall be seven items entered into at least five different categories
14.7.5 Multiple entries are allowed in a contest, but a single entry may not be entered in more
than one contest.
14.7.6 Typical cultural skill contests include (but are NOT limited to): flat art, 3D art,
heraldry,singing, instrumental music, factual writing, composition, weapon and shield
construction,passive construction, court garb, fighting garb, strategic gaming, poetry, brewing
andwine-making, etc
14.7.7 Specific rules for Dragonmaster shall be put out by the sponsor at least six weeks prior
to the scheduled date of the Dragonmaster.
15 Holdings
15.13 Consort
15.13.1 The Consort is a Holding-level office serving a role similar to the Regent.
15.13.2 No powers granted to the Regent in this document should be assumed to apply
equally to a Consort; only those powers specifically granted to Consorts are granted to them.
15.13.3 May award the following Orders (as per Awards Standardization): Dragon Garber Lion Owl Rose Smith Crown Warrior Battle
15.13.4 May create new honors, awards and titles that do not conflict/compete with those
listed in this document or the Awards Standardization.
15.13.5 May hand out up to level 8 awards with Monarch approval for anything above what
their holding status is normally granted per 15.10 of this document.
15.13.6 At the end of their term, if it was served with excellence, may receive one of the
following titles, depending on the status of their Holding: Shire: recommended to be given the title of Master. Barony: recommended to be given the title of Lord. Duchy: recommended to be given the title of Baronet.
15.14 Chancellor
15.14.1 The Chancellor is a Holding-level office serving a role similar to the Prime Minister.
15.14.2 No powers granted to the Prime Minister in this document should be assumed to
apply equally to a Chancellor; only those powers specifically granted to Chancellors are granted
to them.
15.14.3 Should not hold the office for more than two consecutive terms. Exceptions May be made when no replacement candidate is available.
15.14.4 Is responsible for the collection of all fees and dues, including dues.
15.14.5 Should maintain accurate records of the Holding treasury. Will provide a financial update, once a calendar year, to the Treasurer Will have at a minimum a financial ledger, receipt book, and lock box.
15.14.6 Should maintain accurate records of all Holding income and expenditures.
15.14.7 Should keep minutes of Holding level Althings.
15.14.8 Will keep attendance records of all Holding functions.
15.14.9 Is responsible for making these attendance records accessible to the Prime Minister.
15.14.10 Has the authority to expend up to 10% of the Holding treasury per month. Any
further expenditures require authorization by a Holding Althing.
15.14.11 At the end of their term, if it was served with excellence, may receive one of the
following titles, depending on the status of their Holding: Shire: recommended to be given the title of Esquire. Barony: recommended to be given the title of Master. Duchy: recommended to be given the title of Lord.
15.15 Guardian
15.15.1 The Guardian is a Holding-level office serving a role similar to the Champion.
15.15.2 No powers granted to the Champion in this corpora should be assumed to apply
equally to a Guardian; only those powers specifically granted to them.
15.15.3 All references in the Rules of Play to gameplay functions fulfilled by the Champion
apply equally to the Guardian regarding Holding level gameplay.
15.15.4 May award the following Orders (as per Awards Standardization): Smith Warrior Battle
15.15.5 May hand out up to level 8 awards with Monarch approval for anything above what
their holding status is normally granted per 15.10 of this document.
15.15.6 Shall maintain a lost and found for the Holding.
15.15.7 Shall check all equipment for safety and legality.
15.15.8 Will organize games as necessary in the absence of previously scheduled games.
15.15.9 At the end of their term, if it was served with excellence, may receive one of the
following titles, depending on the status of their Holding: Shire: recommended to be given the title of Esquire. Barony: recommended to be given the title of Esquire. Duchy: recommended to be given the title of Master.
16 Principalities
17 Miscellaneous