Performance Evaluation of A Petrol Stati
Performance Evaluation of A Petrol Stati
Performance Evaluation of A Petrol Stati
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The main goal of this paper was to develop an integrated simulation-design of experiments (DOE) model
Received 24 June 2015 to optimize a petrol station queuing system and sales rate. Initially, the petrol station operating system was
Revised 8 September 2015
simulated using Witness 2014 simulation software©. Then, the responses of simulation were deployed as the
Accepted 18 October 2015
input of DOE. Two-level full factorial experiments with center points were performed where the simulated
model parameter studied were number of pump, number of cashier and inter arrival times (IATs). The re-
Keywords: sponse variables analyzed were queue length and sales rate. The obtained model from experimental design
Design of experiments revealed that number of cashier and inter arrival time were significant in determining the queue length while
Simulation all the factors and their interaction were significantly affecting the sales rate.
Petrol station
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Queuing system
Service industry
0965-9978/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
16 M.R. Galankashi et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 92 (2016) 15–26
2. Literature review According to the previous literature, this is the first attempt to an-
alyze a petrol station queuing system using an integrated simulation-
Simulation has been practiced to numerous segments including DOE model. Trying to fill the gap in the literature, this paper
services, manufacturing, healthcare, defense and public services [23– proposes an integrated simulation-DOE model to analyze and opti-
27]. It is known as one of the most proper commonly used approaches mize the queuing system of a petrol station by considering differ-
in the field of operations management [28–32]. The appropriateness, ent scenarios, in order to assist managers to efficiently manage their
suitability and relevance of simulation methods is a significant is- enterprise.
sue to study in applied real-world applications, chiefly as there is
a rising necessity to address the difficulties of the entire enterprise 3. Case study
In any service organization, managers are mostly concerned about The case study is located in Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. It consists of
the customers and their profit simultaneously [13,37,38]. The impor- two main platforms. Each of these platforms comprises four fuel dis-
tant structures of a standard queuing system contain line structure, pensers. Every fuel dispenser comprises two nozzles that pump two
demand group, entrance and service procedures, and queue disci- types of Octane 95 and Octane 97 fuels. There is also a supermarket
pline [36,39,40]. The majority of existing studies in service industry in which customers do their shopping (if any) while refueling their
focus on maximizing the customer satisfaction. The type and qual- cars. Two cashiers work in this station; one of them performs cus-
ity of demand or quantity of customers, serving priority, the tolerable tomers’ payments for those who just do the refueling process. The
queue length, the bearable waiting time are the major factors which other cashier performs the shopping related affairs as well as pay-
can affect customer satisfaction. The waiting time and queue length ments for the fuel. Customers have the chance of paying the fuel price
are two important issues that play significant roles in customer in- (Octane 95 or 97) either by cash or with a credit card.
sight about the service quality. Though, to have an optimal service
configuration, both the customer satisfaction and enterprise revenue 3.1. Petrol station layout and process mapping
should be considered simultaneously. Consequently, numerous deci-
sions should be evaluated to attain the best likely scenario which is The petrol station layout is shown in Fig. 1. ‘D1–D8’ indicates the
tolerable from both the customer’s and service provider’s view point number of pumps. Conceptual model is used to map the whole pro-
[41–44]. cess. The whole process and inputs flow through the output is de-
Different approaches have been applied to progress service qual- picted in the process map as Fig. 2. The process commences with cars
ity and subsequently customer satisfaction in petrol service indus- arrival to the station and chooses the desired pump among 8 available
try. Previously, Cornillier, Boctor [45] developed an exact algorithm options. Their selection would be influenced by the least quantity of
for the petrol station replenishment problem. Moazzami et al. [9], fo- cars in the queue and distance to the counters if they cannot find an
cused on simulation, modeling and analysis of a petrol station where empty queue.
a petrol station behavior was simulated as one of the most significant The next process is the payment task which involves paying
sections of service industry. money refers to desired fuel type (petrol 95 or 97). Once the cashier
Design of experiments (DOE) is a mathematical, statistical and received the payment, the pump will be replenished exactly as the
systematic technique in order to determine the relationship between payment quantity (Octane 95 or 97). Refueling process starts once the
affecting process factors and the output of that process. In other drivers comeback to the selected pump and pick the desired nozzle
words, it is utilized to find cause-and-effect and interaction be- (Octane 95 or 97). Afterward, the pump will refill the fuel tank equal
tween parameters where in one-factor-at-a-time approach not pos- to payment. Once the refueling process ended, drivers put the nozzle
sible. Analysis of DOE results is essential to manage process inputs in back and leave the system.
order to optimize the process output [46–48].
4. Model development
Cheng and Kleiinen [49], established optimal DOE with simula-
tion models of nearly saturated queues. The application of computer
The problem in this case can be classified into two categories: first,
simulation have been suggested and executed to solve the problems
it is related to the service level which petrol station provide to the
of variation in incorporated manufacturing systems. Though, a sim-
customers and the second one, refers to the pumps and cashiers idle
ulation model merely acts as a device in investigating performance.
times. In addition, based on the observations, the IATs, fuel and pay-
Tsai [31], focused on assessment and optimization of joined manu-
ment choice varies depending on the time and the type of cars. This
facturing system operations with the aim of experimental design in
problem worsens in unusual times such as rush hours or holidays.
computer simulation. The results show that this approach can con-
Consequently, top managers may be dissatisfied with the efficiency of
sider the assessment and optimization of operating situations in mul-
the petrol station due to its crowdedness or under capacity usage. In
tifaceted systems concurrently.
addition, managers have to pay for maintenance, cashiers and many
A comparison of experimental designs for simulation-based sym-
other expenses which can be avoided by optimizing the petrol station
bolic regression of manufacturing systems was provided by Can
queuing system.
and Heavey [50]. The objective was to identify a robust sam-
pling approach. In a very recent study, Li et al. [13] developed a
4.1. Model assumption
Simulation-based experimental design and statistical modeling for
lead time quotation. This work developed a simulation-based sta-
Following assumptions are considered in simulation modeling:
tistical method to offer high-quality and responsive forecast of a
new job’s flow time through the system, that reduces the ability • All customers have 4 choices to select from; petrol types (Octane
of precisely quoting lead times in real time. The method incorpo- 95 or 97) and payment method (by cash or credit card).
rated analytical queuing analysis, design of experiments, and statisti- • No customer leaves the system after entering the Queue.
cal modeling. • Shopping from petrol station supermarket was considered in the
Previous studies on this field show that the simulation results can system.
be used as an input to design of experiment. Simulation and DOE are • There is no jockeying in the system (changing the Queue lines).
some tools to analyze the behavior of a system. In this study the be- • The observation process (data collection) was completed in nu-
havior of the petrol station queuing system was simulated and the merous days of the week and different hours of the day.
model outputs were used as the raw data of DOE. • Some fluctuations in the petrol rates were ignored.
M.R. Galankashi et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 92 (2016) 15–26 17
4.2. Data collection they refuel Octane 95 or 97 to record their IATs, to be distinctly con-
sidered in simulation model. Cashier time is the next element of the
The required data was collected and recorded regarding to the model. There were two cashiers in the model. Their process time was
process map. Stop-Watch technique was deployed for collecting and recorded to be used in cashiers’ elements of model. Refueling time is
recording the required data. All data were collected in 4 h periods the duration time when the drivers pick the nozzles till put it back.
(from 4:00 A.M. to 11:59 P.M.) during 4 weeks. This long-term pe- The cycle time of each pump is founded to be a dependent variable of
riod was helpful to consider the rush hours (weekends, holidays and refueling quantity and independence of total required time of leaving
etc.) and consequently the normality of gathered data. After gather- the system. Therefore, the fuel consumption data was collected ac-
ing enough sets of interrelated data, a probability distribution was cordingly. Each fuel type sales quantity (based on liter) was collected
fitted to prove the process randomness. The process of data collec- to be used for verification process (see Section 6).
tion did not interrupt the operating system. EASYFIT© software was used for data analysis and fit the proper
The inter arrival time is the time between each car arrival into the probability distribution. The collected data of each activity was
petrol station and the next. The cars were followed to check whether put into EASYFIT© and tested for numerous dissimilar continuous
18 M.R. Galankashi et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 92 (2016) 15–26
Table 1
Probability distributions fitting of collected data.
Table 2
Model verification results.
No. Station % Busy Replication time Utilized time Mean No. of operations No. of operations % Difference
Name (min) (min) (min) (Manually) (Witness report)
probability distributions. Chi-square, Anderson–Darling and Kol- Total number of operations was selected to inspect the model’s
mogorov–Smirnov tests were used simultaneously to analyze the reasonableness and verification. Initially, it was computed manu-
data to fit the proper probability distribution. Table 1 tabulates the ally and subsequently compared to the result of simulation model.
best probability distributions of each element. Table 2 illustrates that the variation percentage is less than 5% (the
satisfactory level) which is desirable.
4.3. Model construction
6. Model validation
Different components of the model and their interactions were
constructed in Witness© 2014 software. The model sequence and Validation is apprehensive with construction of the precise model.
process was checked with process mapping to demonstrate the pre- It is used to conclude that a model is a precise illustration of the actual
cise relations, orders of different elements and actions. The model system [52]. Validation is typically attained by calibrating the model.
elements include their fitted distributions supplied by EASYFIT© to This procedure is repetitive till the accuracy of model to be satisfac-
run the whole model in Witness© environment. The scheme of the tory. The required number of replications was found by Eq. (1) which
simulated model in Witness environment is depicted in Fig. 3. was proposed by Ahmed [53] prior to the model validation. The num-
ber of replications to obtain a desirable accuracy is four replicates or
5. Model verification greater.
Verification aims to check the accuracy of developed model. It S(m)tm−1,(1−( α ))
N(m) =
compares the software representation of the model with the real (1)
world operating system. Subsequent to construction of model, its be-
havior was checked visually, to be reasonably similar to real-world Where N(m) is number of simulation runs to achieve the desired level
condition [51]. of accuracy; X̄(m) is the mean estimate of an initial number of runs
20 M.R. Galankashi et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 92 (2016) 15–26
Table 3
Validation of model.
1 2 3 4 5
Actual daily sales rate (l) 10261 10933 10971 11074 11118 10871.4 349.34
Replicates Actual daily Simulated daily Variation The obtained results of simulation modeling were used for fur-
sales rate (l) sales rate (l) ther analysis by design of experiments technique. In this case DOE
1 10261 10261.1 0.00097
is deployed as a mathematical and statistical method in order to an-
2 10933 11679.8 6.83000 alyze, model and optimize the performance of the simulated petrol
3 10971 11017.8 0.42266 station. The petrol station investigated in this research belongs to one
4 11074 11661.8 5.30793 of the largest and most reputable petrol companies in Malaysia. The
5 11118 10776.4 3.07249
Company’s management board decided to improve their service level
Average variation 3.12681
by investigating their queuing system and maintain their competi-
tive edge. Initially, the company’s managers and executives agreed to
Table 5 analyze different factors that could potentially lead to a better queu-
Process factors and levels during simulation. ing system and improve the customer satisfaction. The potential fac-
No. Factors/levels Unit Low Center High tors were extracted from previous literature and customer feedbacks.
(−20%) (0) (+20%) Next, all these factors were investigated and finalized to be reviewed
using a survey. Finally, by distributing a survey and discussing its re-
1 Number of pump (Number) 6 8 10
2 Number of cashier (Number) 1 2 3 sults, managers agreed to consider three mostly influential factors in-
3 Inter arrival times (IATs) (Time) −1 0 1 volved number of cashiers, number of pumps as well as IATs. Here, a
full factorial design involving three factors with two (high and low)
levels (23 , 3FI) was used to explore the significance effect of parame-
Table 6
Various elements’ IATs levels during simulation.
ters on queue length and sales rate. Five center points as the original
simulated model were considered in order to test the linearity as-
Elements/level −1 0 +1 sumption. In order to evaluate the performance of the petrol station
95 cash + shop Neg. exp.(4.0000) Neg. exp.(5.0000) Neg. exp.(6.0000) refer to sales rate and queue length, the number of pump, number of
95 cash Neg. exp.(2.8000) Neg. exp.(3.5000) Neg. exp.(4.2000) cashier and inter arrival times (IATs) were investigated as three fac-
95 card + shop Neg. exp.(29.200) Neg. exp.(36.500) Neg. exp.(43.800) tors in the design. The number of pumps and number of cashiers in
95 card Neg. exp.(36.000) Neg. exp.(45.000) Neg. exp.(54.000) current simulated model was 8 and 2 respectively, where the range of
97 cash + shop Neg. exp.(30.712) Neg. exp.(38.390) Neg. exp.(46.068)
97 cash Neg. exp.(20.176) Neg. exp.(25.220) Neg. exp.(30.264)
each factor for new design sets as +20% upper for high level and −20%
97 card + shop Neg. exp.(124.20) Neg. exp.(155.25) Neg. exp.(186.30) lower for low levels. Table 5 tabulated the mentioned factors and lev-
97 card Neg. exp.(104.22) Neg. exp.(130.28) Neg. exp.(156.36) els. The response variables investigated were queue length and sales
rate. The IATs has different nature from the others factors and should
be determined for each entrance type separately, so the IATs values
m; S(m) is the standard deviation estimate of m number of runs; α is in various levels have been defined as a statistical distribution. The
level of confidence; ε is allowable percentage error; and tm−1,(1−( α )) IATs in high level dedicates a lower arrival time of customers while
2 in low level dedicates a faster arrival time. Table 6 illustrates the high
is critical value of the two-tailed t-distribution at a level of signifi-
and low levels of IATs for each element enters to the system sepa-
cance, given m − 1 degrees of freedom. The values of X(m) and S(m)
rately. In order to verify the accuracy of collected data, 5 replicates
is shown in Table 3.
have been considered for each run. Based on the factorial design, 8
Model validation was done after determining the required num-
more models (according to the mentioned runs in Table 7) were nec-
ber of simulation replicates. The actual daily sales rate was compared
essary to simulated in order to supply the input data of DOE. In addi-
with the results of the five simulation replicates. Table 4 tabulated
tion, current simulation model results were used as the center point
the data for validation. It shows that the average variation percentage
data. Design Expert version 9 software© was utilized to develop the
of five simulation replicates is 3.12681 (less than 5%) which is satis-
factorial design and analyze the collected data. Table 7 illustrates the
Table 7
Completed design layout and experimental results.
Std.Run. No. Run order Factors Response: queue length (number) Response: sales rate (l)
Table 8
ANOVA table (partial sum of squares) for response surface (queue length).
Table 9
ANOVA table (partial sum of squares) after model reduction (queue length).
factorial design and measured queue length and sales rate as the re- augmented. Since the number of pump-(A) is insignificant the values
sponse variables. for the runs considered as the center value. The experiments design
for augmentation and the related result tabulated in Table 10.
These four runs were added to the previous 9 runs and the ANOVA
8. Results and discussion
was tested again. The result after insignificant model terms reduc-
tion (not including those required to support hierarchy) is tabulated
Table 8 depicts the ANOVA table for response of queue length.
in Table 11. The Prob.>F of parameters indicates that the second or-
The value of “Prob> F” for model is less than 0.05 that indicates the
der effect of number of pump (A)2 is added to the previous significant
model is significant, which is desirable and considerably affect the re-
terms in quadratic model. As before, the associated statistics such as
sponse surface of queue length. In the same manner, the main effect
R-square, Adj.-R2 and Predicted R2 , and ‘Adeq.precision’ all are desir-
of number of cashier-(B), inter arrival times (IATs)-(C) and the two-
able. The empirical model was determined based on the significant
level interaction of number of cashier and IATs (BC) are significant
factors and is presented in terms of coded and actual factors as fol-
model terms. Other model terms can be expressed to be not signifi-
cant. These insignificant model terms can be removed and may result
in an improved model. Ŷ = 1.40 + 0.15 × A − 2.06 × B − 1.54
The resulting ANOVA table after model reduction (where the in- ×C + 2.50 × A2 + 1.55 × B × C (2)
significant terms are eliminated from the regression model) is pre-
sented in Table 9. Here the F-value of 61.17 for the model indicates
that the model is still significant, which is desirable. The lack of fit Queue Length = 54.20 − 9.925 × pump − 5.160 × chashier
statistics defined as the ratio of lack-of-fit mean square over the pure − 4.640 × IAT + 0.625 × pump2 + 1.55
error mean square [54]. The value of lack-of-fit should be insignifi-
× chashier × IAT (3)
cant. Here the lack-of-fit ‘F-value’ is 0.12 which is insignificant and
correspondingly desirable. An R-square value of 0.8210 indicates that The same procedure is applied on response of sales rate. The
the model is able to explain about 82.10% of the variation on the ANOVA table result depicts in Table 12. Here, the Prob.>F values
response. The Adj-R2 and Predicted-R2 are in reasonable agreement revealed that the main effects of number of pump-(A), number of
with each other (difference less than 0.2). ‘Adeq. precision’ measures cashier-(B), IATs-(C) and two way interaction of AB, AC, BC and three
the signal to noise ratio. A ratio greater than 4 is desirable [55]. Ratio way interaction of ABC have significant effects on sales rate. Since
of 16.204 indicates an adequate signal. According to the ANOVA re- all the main effect and their interaction are significant on response
sults it can be concluded that this model can be used to navigate the surface of sales rate, so the model reduction procedure is neglected.
design space. Here, the F-value of 83.36 for the model indicates that the model is
The significance curvature implies that there is a nonlinear re- significant, which is desirable. Since the model reduction was un-
lationship between factors and queue length. Thus, four further ex- necessary, the lack-of-fit statistics are removed from the results. An
periments have been added to the previous design for obtaining a R-square value of 0.9419 indicates that the model is able to explain
second-order regression model in order to justify the available curva- about 94.19% of the variation on the sales rate. The Adj. R2 and
ture. Four axial points on the center of significant factors edge were Predicted-R2 are in reasonable agreement with each other (difference
22 M.R. Galankashi et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 92 (2016) 15–26
Table 10
Augmentation test and results of design.
1 8 2 −1 2 1 1 2 1
2 8 2 +1 1 2 1 2 2
3 8 1 0 1 1 3 2 1
4 8 3 0 1 1 1 1 1
Table 11
ANOVA table (partial sum of square) for response surface model after augmentation.
Table 12
ANOVA table (partial sum of squares) for response surface (Response: sales rate).
less than 0.2). ‘Adeq. precision’ ratio of 22.903 indicates an adequate Fig. 4(a) depicts the normal probability plot of residual for re-
signal. According to the ANOVA results it can be concluded that this sponse surface queue length. It is visible that the residual are gen-
model can be used to navigate the design space. erally fall on a straight line which is desirable and implies that the
Hence, the curvature in this response is insignificant, it can be error are distributed normally. Hence, the residual versus predicted
concluded that the relationship between the factors follow a linear plot is shown in Fig. 4(b) which has no obvious pattern and the data
relationship and the obtained linear regression model are able to pre- are scattered randomly. As well, the diagnostics plots of normal prob-
dict accurately. The empirical model was determined based on the ability and residual versus predicted value for response of sales rate
significant factors and is presented in terms of coded and actual fac- are shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b). The data in both responses are desir-
tors as follows: able and it can be concluded that the proposed models are adequate
and there is no need for any further violation assumption.
Ŷ = 11159.32 + 220.17 × A + 848.59 × B − 1427.62 × C
Fig. 6 (a) and (b) illustrates the 3D surface and counter plots for
+277.0 × A × B + 203.05 × A × C queue length response surface at center level for number of pump (8
−289.94 × B × C + 251.57 × A × B × C (4) pumps). The curvilinear is visible in both plots which is in accordance
with the obtained quadratic model. The counter plot revealed that at
Sales Rate = 10092.21 + 133.17 × Pump + 2333.005 any particular levels of number of cashier the best surface finish is
obtainable when the number of pump is at somewhere at the center
× Cashier + 352.61 × IAT − 113.06 × Pump
of number of pump range. This is compatible with the fact that (num-
× Cashier − 150.04 × Pump × IAT − 1296.2 ber of pump)2 term is significant. As well Fig. 7 (a) and (b) depicts the
×Cashier × IAT + 125.78 × Pump × Cashier × IAT 3D surface and counter graphs for response surface of sales rate. It
(5) can be obtained from these graphs that at any different levels of fac-
M.R. Galankashi et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 92 (2016) 15–26 23
Fig. 4. (a) Normal probability plot, (b) residual versus predicted values plot for response queue length.
Fig. 5. (a) Normal probability plot, (b) residual versus predicted values plot for response sales rate.
Fig. 6. (a) 3D surface for queue length, (b) counter plot of response queue length.
tors the curvature is insignificant and the obtained regression model obtainable when the factors; number of pump and IATs are at low
is adequate to justify the very slight curvilinear. level while number of cashier is at high level. Hence, the optimum
Fig. 8 (a) and (b) illustrates the cube plots of responses queue value of 13759.2 l for sales rate is obtainable when the factors; num-
length and sales rate respectively based on the obtained models. It ber of pump, number of cashier is at high level and IATs is at low
is visible that the optimum value of 1.68 ∼ 2cars for queue length is level.
24 M.R. Galankashi et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 92 (2016) 15–26
Fig. 7. (a) 3D surface for sales rate, (b) counter plot of response sales rate.
Fig. 8. (a) Cube plot of predicted response for queue length, (b) cube plot of sales rate.
desirable queue length and sales rate defined within the range of 2–6
and 10,000–13,000 l, respectively.
Table 13
Confirmation tests.
No. pump No. cashier IATs Predicted value Actual value Error (%) Predicted value Actual value Error (%)
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