LCT Manual
LCT Manual
LCT Manual
Topic 5 (LCT Operator Manual)
Release 3.1
Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................................1
List of Tables................................................................................ 21
Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................23
1.1 Equipment Covered................................................................... 23
2.3.3 Pushbuttons........................................................................................ 29
Chapter 6: Commissioning.......................................................... 47
6.1 Introduction ............................................................................... 47
Bank Status........................................................................................................ 78
Upgrade NE ....................................................................................................... 80
Global>Download .............................................................................................. 82
Partition ............................................................................................................ 82
Inventory ............................................................................................................ 85
Re-configure Card/unit....................................................................................... 89
Exit ............................................................................................................ 95
Set DCC IS-IS Metrics and IS-IS/ES-IS System Config to Default ................. 121
Delete SNC Protection (VC-12, VC-2, VC-3 and VC-4) .................................. 227
VC Configuration.............................................................................................. 228
15.5 Disable Fault Action for PDH Trib Input AIS ......................... 270
16.5 Loss of Signal Alarm and Error Free Check ......................... 275
16.5.1 64x2 Mbit/s Core Trib Card or 3x34/45 Mb/s Generic Trib with 75W
Unbalanced Terminations. ............................................................... 275
16.5.2 64x2 Mbit/s Core Trib Card or 3x34/45 Mb/s Generic Trib with 120W
Balanced Terminations..................................................................... 276
16.5.3 2048 Kbit/s HDB3 2^15-1 PRBS for 2Mbit/s Trib cards. .................. 277
List of Figures
Figure 2-2: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC Window - Accessed via LCT ............................... 27
Figure 2-6: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC Window - Fault Management Menu .................... 31
Figure 2-7: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC Window - Status Menu (LCT).............................. 32
Figure 2-8: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC Window - Connections Menu .............................. 32
Figure 8-8: Core Card Pop-up Menu (Core Card Protection Highlighted) .................................. 75
Figure 9-1: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window (Logging Out) ......................................... 95
Figure 10-30: Create Reachable Address Prefix - Port Type Q Selected................................. 123
Figure 10-31: Create RAP (Port Type DCCr or DCCm Selected)............................................. 123
Figure 10-34: Create Manual Adjacency - DCCr or DCCm Selected ....................................... 126
Figure 10-37: Comms Performance Counts Per DCC Interface ............................................... 130
Figure 12-1: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC Window - Status Menu (LCT).......................... 189
Figure 12-2: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC Window - Status Menu (LCTS) ....................... 189
Figure 12-4: Setting the NE Online Warning Dialogue Screen ................................................. 190
Figure 13-31: Create SNC Protection - Signal Degrade Tab .................................................... 225
Figure 13-33: Create SNC Protection - Tandem Connection Tab ............................................ 226
Figure 13-48: Selecting a Port From the CC Details Screen .................................................... 242
Figure 16-1: 2Mb/s 120W Balanced Tributary Test At RJ45 Patch Panel................................. 278
Figure 17-1: Example Subnetwork ............................................................................................ 294
Figure 17-2: Contra-directional.................................................................................................. 295
Figure 17-3: Co-directional ........................................................................................................ 295
Figure 17-4: Contra-Directional ................................................................................................. 296
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List of Tables
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Chapter 1:
1.1 Equipment Covered
This manual covers the operation of the Local Craft Terminal (LCT) software for the
following equipment:
· At the LCT or
· Through the Local Craft Terminal Subsystem (LCTS) that runs under the
ServiceOn Optical Element Manager network management system.
Following commissioning, the LCT presents a menu-driven control system. From this,
subject to security provisions, you can access the interactive display screens that
enable you to perform the LCT’s management, control, and monitoring functions.
Where functions are not relevant to the LCTS, or are not available through it, these
functions are clearly marked throughout the procedures in this manual.
Thus, in this book, where reference is made to the LCT, that information applies to
both the LCT and the LCTS unless specifically stated otherwise.
Note: The LCTS LEDs are not updated in real-time. These are only updated when
the shelf is redrawn. This means that when the shelf is first opened the LEDs
accurately reflect the NE state and when the shelf is redrawn. The only way to
see real-time alarms in ServiceOn Optical Element Manager is to use RTAM.
Chapter 3: LCT Software Installation describes how to install the LCT software on the
computer. This chapter does not apply to the LCTS.
Chapter 4: LCT Log in describes how to run the LCT software and log in. It also
includes details how the password security level controls access to the various
functions available throughout the software.
Chapter 5: Before Commissioning describes what you need to do before you start
commissioning the SMA1/4UC.
Chapter 8: Card Pop-Up Menus describes the various pop-up menus available from
the cards you can insert into the SMA1/4UC, and further describes the functions
available from the menus and the operation of the functions.
Chapters 9 to Chapter 14: give a run through the totality of main LCT menus and
functions as follows:
Chapters 15 to 18 provide a targeted walk through of the use of the LCT in the initial
configuration and interconnection of a SMA1/4UC within a subnetwork. There is a
certain amount of duplication of material with Chapters 5, 6 and 7
Chapter 2:
LCT Presentation And Operation
This chapter describes the layout of the LCT screens and the menus available through
them. It also describes general keyboard and data entry operation and finally
describes the Print function that is available throughout the software.
Note: The screens used throughout this manual are for illustration only. The actual
contents of the screens may vary depending on the equipment you are using
and its configuration.
If you are using the LCT, continue from Local Craft Terminal.
If you are using the LCTS, continue from Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC.
Once at this opening window, you can select the following menus:
- Log into the NE using the LCT software. Refer to Chapter 4:. Once you
have logged in, you gain access to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window which allows you to begin managing and monitoring
the equipment. However, before you can log in, you must complete the
commissioning of the equipment. See the Commission menu below.
· Configuration menu: This allows you to backup data from the equipment to
external storage media, or to restore previously backed up data to the
equipment. Refer to Chapter 7: After-Commissioning Procedures.
· Successfully log onto the LCT software - in this case the screen title includes
the text Local Craft Terminal, as in Figure 2-2: Local Craft Terminal:
· Open a NE from the LCTS running under the ServiceOn Optical Element
Manager - in this case the screen title shows the SMA1/4UC.
Figure 2-2: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC Window - Accessed via LCT
Icon Meaning
! Card failed
LCTS only - LEDs on the LCTS display are indicative only. To verify the alarm
situation with LED alarm indications, use the real time monitor (RTM) in MV36.
Procedures are described in the order in which they appear on the various menus,
working across the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window menu, from File to
Each procedure is preceded by a Path, which shows the sequence of menu selections
you need to make to access that procedure. For example the following path for Set
Filter is illustrated in Figure 2-4.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC screen > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Historic Alarm > Set Filter
· Menus, menu options and some data fields have a letter underlined in their
title. To select the item, press the underlined letter whilst holding down the
<Alt> key, for example, <Alt>+<F>, <Alt>+<H>, etc.
· Cursor (Arrow) Keys: Use the arrow keys (up, down, left, right) to position
the cursor over the option. Select <Enter> or <Return>.
To navigate between options within the same field, use the Cursor keys.
· When you have navigated into a field that allows entry of a value, use the
keyboard keys (letters and/or numbers as appropriate to the field).
· Use the <backspace> key to delete an existing entry in a field that you want
to amend.
· Icon Menu Selection: with the keyboard, use the <Tab> key to move the
highlight to the required icon (for example a slot), then either press <shift>
and <F10> together, or press the menu key:
which is located to the lower, right-hand of the keyboard, usually near the
right-hand <Ctrl> key.
· Drop down lists: A down arrow on the end of a data entry field indicates
these. To select from a drop down list, press <Tab> to highlight the field,
then press the up and down cursor arrow keys to move through the list.
Select <Enter> to select the currently highlighted value.
· Left Click: To select a menu, option or field, position the cursor over the item.
Click the left-hand mouse button.
· Right Click: To call up pop-up menus, click the right-hand mouse button.
· Drop down lists: (See above under keyboard entry for a description of
these.) Click the arrow at the end of the field and move the mouse cursor
through the resulting list. Click on the value you require to put it into the data
entry field.
2.3.3 Pushbuttons
Throughout the LCT screens, the pushbuttons shown in the table are used. When
present, they normally appear at the bottom of each window. The presence or
absence of each button depends on the screen currently on display, but at least one of
these buttons will be available.
Button Effect
Removes the window without applying any changes that were not
previously applied.
Accepts any changes that have been made in the window, and
OK removes the window. Also used to indicate that you acknowledge
information in the window before removing the window.
Figure 2-6: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC Window - Fault Management Menu
Figure 2-7: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC Window - Status Menu (LCT)
Most menu options bring up a menu offering further options for selection.
· Configuration > Shelf > Configuration which shows a graphic of the shelf
layout. This allows for operations that include configure/unconfigure/modify
cards, etc.
Where an option does not lead to a further menu of options, it will usually bring up an
information/action screen that enables you to perform the desired observation/action.
The information/action screens allow you to exit back to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window, usually by way of a Cancel button.
1 Where a screen or menu displays a Print option, select Print to display the
following screen.
· collate the copies (print all pages for copy one, then all pages for
copy two and so on) or
· not collate (this prints all page ones, then all page twos and so on).
2 Select OK to print.
Chapter 3:
LCT Software Installation
3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes how to install the LCT software onto the PC.
Note: This chapter applies to the LCT only. The installation of the LCTS is covered in
the separate ServiceOn Optical Element Manager network management
system documentation.
The LCT comprises application software running on an IBM compatible PC. The PC
itself is not an integral part of the SMA1/4UC installation but is connected to the
SMA1/4UC as required. Marconi produces and supplies the application software. The
PC can be, but is not necessarily, supplied by Marconi.
The LCT is not dedicated to any particular SMA1/4UC. With the correct software
loaded to hard disk, you can use it to connect and commission most of Marconi's NEs.
· IBM PC Compatible
· CD-ROM drive fixed. Sixteen speed or better (May be swappable with floppy
· Floppy Drive Single 3.5 inch 1.44 Mbyte (May be swappable with CD_ROM
· Windows XP
The above PC requirement can be met with the Marconi Notebook D600 as supplied
by the Dell Computer Corporation as a Standard Product.
Connection to the SMA1/4UC is via a cable from the RS232 interface of the PC to the
‘Local Terminal’ connector on the SMA1/4UC Ancillary Unit. A 5m made-up cable is
available for this purpose - Marconi codes 1HAU61913AAF.
Note: If the new installation is to replace a previous issue of 32-bit LCT software
(after release 1.21.3), then the previous installation will be over-written.
However, if you have a 16-bit LCT (that needs replacing), then it will not be
over-written, you will have to delete it.
The procedure to install the LCT software should in most cases only need to be done
once at the initial commissioning stage, and is explained below.
3 Select the Start button and then Run. The window in Error! Reference
source not found. allows you to browse to the correct location of the
executable file (Setup.exe). Click on OK to begin the installation process.
The LCT set up begins and the Local Craft Terminal Setup window displays.
When you have read the information displayed on this screen, select Next to
continue or Cancel to exit the setup.
If you continue, the program installs the LCT software to the computer hard
The LCT software installation progress displays in the form of a bar graph
indicating the percentage of installation completed.
On completion, the screen states that the setup has finished copying files to
your computer. You are then instructed to restart the computer before you can
use the LCT software.
4 Select FINISH, and the computer will automatically restart. The LCT shortcut
icon (see is now available on the Windows desktop.
Note: If this new installation is to replace a previous issue of 32-bit LCT software
(after release 1.21.3), then the previous installation will be over-written.
However, if you have a 16-bit LCT (that needs replacing), then you will have to
manually delete this previous version.
Chapter 4 LCT Log in describes how to run the software and log into the system.
1 Select About The Local Craft Terminal (LCT) from the path shown.
2 If you are satisfied that new software is required, you can install the new
Comms/Controller software by downloading new software to the SMC banks.
Note: The Comms Controller and the traffic cards are partitioned cards in the sense
that they card software banks that can contain alternate versions of the
application software.
Software download allows you to load new software without disturbing traffic carried
by the SMA. You can access software download:
· Directly from the Comms/Controller on the Core A card (SMC > Bank
Status) and download to the equipment cards. or
Note: If the new software is incompatible, but allowable for a specific card, or you
change the Comms/Controller software, then you must repeat the
commissioning procedure.
Path: Start > Programs > Marconi Communications LCT > NE Software Install
1 Select NE Software Install from the path shown. See Figure 3-2.
2 The Select Source File screen prompts you to locate the software for
The Installation screen shows the relevant file and header details.
If the details are as required and the information is correct, select Install to
access the Select Destination Directory screen.
Note: In the Select Destination Directory screen you can select a directory,
but cannot change the file name.
3 Select OK to send new software to the selected directory. The LCT responds
with an Installation Progress screen see Figure 3-6 Installation Progress.
During the installation process, the data of the current disk is downloaded and
an Information screen appears, asking you to insert the next disk into the
drive if required.
If you want to abort the download, select Abort at any time before the
download has completed.
Note: If an error message displays, the download has failed. Take the
appropriate corrective action.
6 Once the software has downloaded to the hard disk, then you can perform a
software download to the cards.
Path: Start > Programs > Local Craft Terminal > View NE Software Header
1 Select View NE Software Header from the path shown to display the Install
Software Download Header screen showing the file and directory details.
2 When you have finished viewing, select Cancel to return to the Local Craft
Terminal opening window.
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Chapter 4:
LCT Log in
Note: This chapter does not apply to the LCTS running under the ServiceOn Optical
Element Manager network management system.
Select the Windows Start button, then select Programs and Marconi Communications
LCT to access the LCT icon.
Select the Local Craft Terminal 32 icon to run the LCT software. A box on the screen
indicates that the LCT is being loaded, together with a Stop button, which you can use
to halt and exit the loading process.
Alternatively, you can simply click the LCT Windows Desktop Shortcut Icon on the
Windows Desktop:
4.3 Log In Introduction
You must log into the LCT to gain access to the menu functions. LCT Security gives
more information on this.
Read and write access is only available once any Element Manager (EM) facility is
either not functional or has specifically relinquished control. Casual user access is
available at all times.
Authorised Administrator users may change their own and other users’ passwords in
the Configuration > LCT User Admin option from the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
An administrator has full access to all LCT functions, and is the only level of LCT
operator who can do the following:
· Add, delete or change lower level LCT user passwords - up to nine other
users can be created and the level of user specified (an LCT administrator
cannot change EM passwords at any level, but an EM system operator or
administrator can change an LCT administrator’s password). The passwords
are stored in the element memory.
System Operator
A System Operator has access to all LCT functions, apart from the administrator-
specific functions described above.
Casual Operator
Casual operators are restricted to read-only operation and a small sub-set of write
operations. These write operations are of local significance, associated with alarm
Path: Local Craft Terminal opening window > File > Log in
1 Select Log in from the path shown through the Local Craft Terminal opening
window. This displays the Log in bulletin board, containing the User Name
and Password fields. Click the left mouse button in the User Name field, and
type your user name, then press <Tab> to access the Password field.
2 In the Password field, type your current password (the default for the Admin
user is SDHMUXES), this must contain a minimum of eight and a maximum of
fifteen ASCII printable characters (a space is not a valid character).
Note: For security reasons, the password is not shown in the field as you
enter it, but as a series of stars (********).
3 Press <Return> or select OK, this sends the details to the Controller/Comms
Card for validation. The Controller/Comms Card responds either by allowing
access to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window, or issuing an error
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Chapter 5:
Before Commissioning
5.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the initial conditions that must apply before you can start
commissioning. Once the equipment has been commissioned, you can start using the
LCT to manage the equipment
The initial conditions that must apply before starting commissioning proper are:
- The subrack
5.2 Pre-requisites
5.2.1 SMA1/4UC
Complete the installation process for the SMA1/4UC - fit all cards required for the
particular application fit any unequipped card positions with blanking plates.
Note: There are no end of shelf power supplies on the SMA1/4UC. The Core A,
Comms/Aux/Ancillary and 2M tributaries have on board power supplies.
Generic tributary cards require an LTU that provides the power for them. The
48V power is fed to the PWR/LCT LTU which filters it and passes it to the
other cards.
Chapter 6:
6.1 Introduction
Note: Commissioning is available from the Status menu in the LCTS running under
ServiceOn Optical Element Manager.
· For the LCT - selecting the Commissioning menu from the Local Craft
Terminal opening window.
· For the LCTS - selecting Commission from the Status menu on the Local
Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
· Controller commissioning - when using the LCT, you must commission the
Controller part of the Core A card before you can login to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window, which contains the management and
monitoring functions for the NE.
Comms Commissioned
Before starting commissioning, make sure that you have the necessary resources and
data to hand.
· Operator user name and password for the product being commissioned
· For the Comms commissioning path - the comms data: transport layer,
gateway interfaces and Network Service Address Point (NSAP) address.
Note: In most cases the multiplexer will be either a new installation, or will have been
decommissioned and have had a new/different Core A card fitted (thus
requiring re-configuration).
Note: You can use the Restore IS-IS Static Data function from the Configure menu
to download routing tables.
TCM Type: allows you to choose the type of Tandem Connection Monitoring
for enhanced fault detection and monitoring of performance across different
network operator’s boundaries.
Shelf Configuration
Note: This screen can also be accessed through the Configuration > Shelf >
Configuration function from the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
That function allows you to amend the shelf configuration after commissioning
is complete.
4 Repeat this process of selecting a card until the desired shelf configuration is
complete (or see Adopt New Units (Global Adopt) below).
Note: If you attempt to unconfigure a slot that contains a core card, switch
card (if only one is fitted), or a card that is carrying traffic, then the
Comms/Controller prevents this and returns an Invalid Response
6 Select Cancel in the Shelf Configuration screen, to return to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
1 Select Comms from the path shown. The Transport Layer Configuration
screen appears as in Figure 6-4.
The Network Planner supplies the three transport layer components. Under
normal conditions, the Comms/Controller supplies the screen with default
2 If the three transport layer components are supplied by the Network Planner
continue with Step 3, if they are not proceed to Step 4 to use the default
3 Set the three transport layer component fields to the values supplied by the
Network Planner.
5 Select Continue to exit the Transport Layer screen and display the Gateway
Interface Configuration screen.
If you need to change the default settings, the Network Planner supplies the new
values. Under normal conditions the Comms/Controller supplies default values as
shown in Figure 6-5.
6 If the Network Planner has supplied the Information for the fields, proceed with
Step 7, if not go to Step 8 to accept the defaults.
1 Set the NSAP Selector, Routing Mode Level 1 or 2, (Default 2) Manual Area
Address and System ID fields (in Hexadecimal characters only) to the settings
supplied by the Network Planners.
Note: Set the Packet NPDU Lifetime Control field to between 1 to 127
(Default 30) as required for this network (the Network Planners
supply this value).
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Chapter 7:
After-Commissioning Procedures
7.1 Introduction
On successfully completing commissioning, inspect the status statements on the
Local Craft Terminal opening window, as shown in Figure 7-1.
If the status statements are satisfactory, you now need to perform the following tasks:
· Restore IS-IS Static Data if required (only makes sense in the comms
controller has been commissioned with this data)
· Set the NE status to on-line - this applies the settings from the Controller to
the traffic cards. See Chapter 12: Status Menu for details. Once the NE is
set on-line, you can then proceed to configure other SMA1/4UC facilities.
Note: This chapter also describes the Restore SDH/Card Configuration Data
function. Whilst not being a procedure you should perform after
commissioning, it is included here as this is where it best fits due to its menu
position. You can in fact use this function in place of
commissioning/recommissioning if you have backed up data from a previously
commissioned SMA1/4UC that you want to copy without going through the
same commissioning procedures over again.
Shelf Power-up:
Following a shelf power-up, it takes a finite time for the shelf to regain its configuration.
You must allow the equipment to reconfigure completely before logging in. The
Comms Controller lower amber LED flickering indicates that the start-up sequence is
in progress. When the start-up sequence is complete, the LED on the Comms
Controller Card will remain on.
· EM Comms Link Fail Alarm: This alarm is raised by default on power-up, and
requires a link to EM-OS to clear it. You must set the alarm to ’Not
monitored’ on networks with no EM-OS.
On Completion
Once you have completed all commissioning, after commissioning and configuration
procedures, you can do one of two things with the LCT:
· Leave the LCT connected and use it for local management and monitoring
· Logout to return to the Local Craft Terminal opening window then select
Exit to return to Microsoft Windows. You can then disconnect the LCT
without affecting the SMA1/4UC.
Use this function to enter a remote NE’s address. This function then allows you to log
onto the remote NE, which will behave as though it is connected to the local NE. The
Network Planner should supply the remote NE’s address.
All LCT functionality will be available for the remote NE, apart from the Remote NE
Management function, which will be greyed out.
Note: When logging onto the remote NE, your access rights to that NE will be
governed by the user name and password you supply to it. Thus it is possible
to have read-only access to the local NE and read/write access to the remote
Note: When Comms is established to the remote NE, the remote NE’s Local Craft
Terminal opening window is displayed and the status line (bottom left hand
corner of the LCT screen) indicates ‘Remote’. On exiting from the remote NE
the display returns to the Local NE’s Local Craft Terminal opening window
and the ‘Remote’ indication is removed from the status line.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Status > Remote NE
1 Select Remote NE Management from the path shown to display the Remote
NE Management screen - see Figure 7-2.
2 Set the NE NSAP Address to the address given by the network planners (in
hexadecimal characters only).
3 Select Apply to send the data to the Comms/Controller, noting that the
Establishing Comms message displays until comms is established with the
remote NE.
Note: If the remote NE requires a different build of LCT to the local NE, then
the LCT will inform you, terminate the System Error Monitor display
and return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Once data has been backed up, it can then be restored to another NE during the
commissioning procedure, or copied back to the originating NE following a data loss.
Due to the time to carry out a full backup or restore procedure, we recommend that
this feature is only used as a part of a commissioning or re-commissioning procedure.
However, you can restore individual files on a commissioned multiplexer as and when
they are required.
Path: LCT - Local Craft Terminal opening window > Configuration > Backup
SDH/Card Config Data
Path: LCTS - Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Status > NE
Configuration > Backup
1 Select Backup SDH/Card Config Data from the path shown to enter the
Operator Password screen.
3 The Backup Config Data screen displays, showing ten selectable options
described below. These include a Node ID and Comments field, which you can
use to enter node-specific details.
· Card Port and Equipment Config Data; this file contains the shelf
configuration, PDH port config, mapping, signal structure, CRC-4,
2Mbit/s output timing, consequential actions, interworking criteria,
SOH byte bypass and section trace information.
· Event Handling Config Data; this file contains the overall alarm and
event handling config data details - fault attributes, fault detectors,
event reporting, alarm scheme, event logs and alarm inversion
· Protection Config Data; this file contains the overall protection config
data details - core card protection, PDH tributary and STM-1.
· Comms Config Data; this file contains the overall comms config data
details - message/time based persistency, Link Access Protocol D
(LAPD) and Data Communications Channel (DCC) config parameters
and defaults.
4 Select the option(s) to back-up from the screen, and select OK.
Note: The download time will vary depending on the number of files
selected at any one time. For a total backup, the backup time may
last from several minutes up to an hour.
6 Select OK to continue.
· The screen shows the data currently being backed-up, for example
Alarm Configuration.
· You can abort the backup at any time before it completes by selecting
Note: If an error message displays, the download has failed. Take the
appropriate corrective action.
Path: LCT - Local Craft Terminal opening window > Configuration > Restore
SDH/Card Config Data
Path: LCTS - Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Status > NE
Configuration > Restore
1 Select Restore SDH/Card Config Data from the path shown to enter the
Operator Password screen.
3 This displays the Select Restore SDH/Card Config Data Backup screen.
4 Place the disk provided into the correct drive and select OK.
Marconi Topic 5 1PHA60140AAH
Copyright- Refer to title page Page 59 Issue: 02
SMA1/4UC LCT Manual
Release 3.1 After-Commissioning Procedures
5 The Restore File Header Data screen displays, showing the relevant choice
of options: File Name, Directory Selected, and Drive.
7 A Warning screen appears stating that the process will take some time to
download. Select OK to continue.
Note: If an error message displays, the download has failed. Take the
appropriate corrective action.
This function is mainly used where IS-IS routing nodes are interworking with ISRA
nodes (earlier equipment using interim routing algorithms).
Note: It is possible that the IS-IS routing protocol will be operating within groups of,
or adjacent to, NEs not operating the same routing protocol or in the same
area. Interworking strategy must be decided during network planning and is
beyond the scope of this manual.
Note: Once you have selected the desired file, it is analysed to extract the file name
of the ‘.isd’ file that corresponds with the attached NE (correspondence being
achieved through the NSAP). The NSAP of the attached NE is that formed by
using the first area and combining it with the System ID and the NSAP
Selector. If a match cannot be found and the command is rejected, then you
are informed of this fact. The reason for the failure is also displayed at the
Note: If an ‘.isd’ file can be found, then it is sent to the NE. This file can contain one
or both types of ISD config data, these being a Reachable Address Prefix
configuration message, and a Manual Adjacency configuration message. If the
NE rejects either of these messages, then you are informed of the reason for
Path: LCT - Local Craft Terminal opening window > Configuration > Restore IS-
IS Static Data
Path: LCTS - Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Status > Restore IS-IS
Static Data
1 Select Restore IS-IS Static Data from the path shown to display the operator
Password screen.
2 Log in as described in Chapter 4:, LCT Log in. This displays the Select
Restore Backup File to Restore screen.
3 Place the disk provided into the correct drive, or select the file to be restored
from the hard disk, and select OK.
4 The Restore File Header Data screen displays, showing the relevant choice
of options: File Name, Directory Selected, and Drive.
8 Select OK to continue.
Note: If an error message displays, the download has failed. Take the
appropriate corrective action.
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Chapter 8:
Card Pop-Up Menus
8.1 Introduction
Once you have configured a slot with an appropriate card, the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window shows the card details in that slot. The pop-up menu for that slot
now shows functions that depend on the card configured in the slot.
1 Select the required card/slot. Call up the pop-up menu for that card (see
Chapter 2:, LCT Presentation And Operation for details). This shows a pop-up
menu appropriate to the type of card selected (see Figure 8-1: Example Card
Pop-up Menu
2 Select the required option from the pop-up menu and refer to the appropriate
procedure. Procedures are listed alphabetically in the following sections.
3 Table 8-1 shows which functions are available for which cards.
Bank Status
- Download (Partitioned No No No
Cards) No No No Yes
No No No
- Upgrade NE No Yes (SMC) No No
No No No
- Download - No Yes (SMC) No No
No No No
- Switch Banks - No Yes (SMC) No No
No No No
- Align Banks - No Yes (SMC) No No
No No No
- Delete Banks - No Yes (SMC) No No
Yes No Yes
Card Forced Restoration - No Yes No No
Yes No No
Core Card Protection - No No No No
Yes No Yes
- Software Inventory - No Yes No Yes
Yes No Yes
Reset Card/unit - Yes No Yes Yes
No No No
Set Card Online No No No Yes
No No No
Set Card Operational - No No No Yes
No No No
STM-1 to STM-4 Upgrade - Yes No No No
Note: The functions in Available Facilities Selectable from Individual Cards marked
Yes are selectable on a per card basis from the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window. Availability depends on the type of card selected
At the transmitting SMA1/4UC, the switch unit sends identical signals to both the A and
B STM-N cards for one line direction (East or West). The two STM-N cards
independently process the signal and transmit nominally identical STM-N optical signals
to the two optical fibres, denoted ‘Working channel’ and ‘Protection channel’. Both of
these STM-N cards are considered to be in-traffic, since revenue-earning traffic could
be disrupted if either card is removed (because traffic could be switched to the
protection card just as it is removed).
At the receiving SMA1/4UC two separate STM-N cards receive the two signals, process
these and pass them to the switch unit. The ‘in-traffic’ LEDs of both the STM-N cards
are lit. The switch unit selects one of the signals for onward processing.
Upon failure of the selected channel, the switch unit can automatically select the
protection signal in preference to the failed working channel signal.
Failure of a channel is detected by the appropriate STM-N card and signalled directly to
the switch unit.
Note: If MSP is created whilst worker traffic is errored, spurious alarms such as switch
fail may be momentarily raised.
1+1 MSP can only be set up between two line cards or two tributary cards. 1+1 MSP
between line and tributary is not possible.
· Ports A on the two cards form a protection pair, and Ports B form a protection
· Port A on one card and Port B on the other card cannot form a protection pair
· Ports A and B on one of the cards are the designated worker ports.
Note: (B) Intra-card MSP and Inter MSP is available for Dual and Quad port STM-1
Worker Protection
Path: (Core Line Card) Card pop-up menu > 1+1 MSP Core Protection > Intra or
Inter > Line West or Line East > Create
1 Select a protection STM-N or a core line card to display a menu for the card.
2 Select Create from the path shown to display the STM-1 MSP screen as in. The
screen shows the 1+1 MSP state of the selected card.
Note: On the Dual STM-1 Inter card, Port #1/Port #2 can be individually
selected and used for specific STM-1 1+1 MSP protection (select Port
1 on NBT 2 to be protected by Port 1 on NBT 1, etc.). With Intra 1+1
MSP protection however, the selection method is such that Port #1 is
1+1 MSP protected by Port #2 on the same card. The Quad STM-1
card is fully flexible.
Note: For Auxiliary Channel Protection to operate over MSP sections, you
must ensure that the 1+1 MSP Section is configured for bi-directional
3 In the MSP Selection section of the STM-1 MSP screen select a worker slot/port
from the Worker Slot/Port box. Select a protection slot/port from the second
dropdown menu. See the part screen illustration (MSP Selection detail) in
Figure 8-3: MSP Selection
4 Amend the entries in all other permissible fields of the STM-1 MSP screen as
revertive mode, traffic does not switch back to the original worker once
it recovers.
Note: Although you can configure the preferred operating mode, the
SMA1/4UC can automatically select a different mode for actual
operation under certain specific circumstances. There are two reasons
for this:
-5 -9
- SD Mechanism: Disabled, 10 to 10 , USE or CDEG.
· Operator Command:
Note: The Force To Worker command has a higher priority than locally
detected failures on the worker channel/card and hence traffic remains
· Wait to Restore Period:this is the period that the system waits after
recovery from failure before traffic is restored from a protection card to
the original worker when protection is revertive, in the range 0 to 30
minutes (default =10).
6 Select Cancel in the 1+1 MSP Protection screen to return to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Note: Operator commands are not backed up/restored on 1+1 protected CellSpan or
P-Switch cards using the LCT.If 1+1 protection has been configured on
CellSpan or P Switch cards, wait 5 minutes (to allow the cards to settle) before
setting any operator commands using the amend screen.
2 Select Amend from the path shown to display the Select STM-1 MSP for
Amendment screen as in Figure 8-4
3 Select the MSP type from the list in the Amendment screen and select Amend.
4 The STM-1 MSP screen is then displayed (The screen shows the STM-1 MSP
state with the Worker and Protection Slot/Port boxes greyed out.
7 Select Cancel in the STM-1 MSP screen to return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
Note: This feature must not be applied unless traffic has firstly been forced back to the
worker card and is being carried error free.
2 Select Delete from the path shown to display the Select STM-1 MSP for
Deletion screen as in Figure 8-6.
3 Select the MSP Type from the list in the Deletion screen and select Delete to
delete protection from the selected STM-1 card, or select Cancel to return to the
Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
4 The Delete 1+1 MSP dialogue box asks for confirmation of the deletion. See
Figure 8-7.
5 Select Yes to delete protection from the selected card and return to the Local
Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
To Avoid Traffic Disruption During Maintenance When Traffic Cards (Core Cards,
Tributary Cards) Are Inserted Or Removed From The Equipment Shelf, You Must
First Apply A Force Core Protection Switch To Put Traffic Onto The Card That Will
Stay In Service. After Completion Of Maintenance, And Replacement Of The Core
Card, You Can Set The Core Card Protection As Required.
The Core Card Protection scheme protects against failure of the operating card/unit by
providing a second card/unit, installed in the SMA1/4UC and already configured to
duplicate the functioning mode of the original.
Note: If you apply a Forced Switch in error to a non-existent core card (for example
from A to B when no B is fitted), a Clear command will not restore traffic back to
the original card. To get traffic back, you must apply a Forced Switch back to
the original card.
Path: Core Card pop-up menu > Switch Card > Core Card Protection
1 Select the Switch Card, which is within the core card, to display its pop-up
Figure 8-8: Core Card Pop-up Menu (Core Card Protection Highlighted)
2 Select Core Card Protection to display the Core Card Protection screen
(see.above diagram) The screen has two fields; one is a read-only field that
shows the current Core Card Protection State, the other allows selection of
options to change the state.
Clear (clears any existing operator command setting and returns to the normal
switch card/unit protection mode of operation).
· Forced Switch to A.
· Forced Switch to B.
3 Select Apply to send the data to the Comms/Controller Card, which responds
with a Warning stating that traffic errors may occur.
5 Select Cancel in the Core Card Protection screen to return to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Card pop-up menu > Alarms > Source Active Alarms
3 Select the desired Alarm Source to display active alarms from that source.
Path: Card pop-up menu > Alarms > All Intermittent Alarms
1 Select a configured card to display a pop-up menu applicable to that card.
2 Select All Intermittent Alarms from the path shown to access the Intermittent
Alarm screen, which shows a list of active intermittent alarms reported via that
card (see Figure 8-10)
3 Refresh: refreshes the log and takes you to the last entry.
4 Select OK to exit this screen and return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
Alarm Inversion
This command allows you to toggle an alarm raised by the selected card between an
inverted and inverted state as you wish:
2 Select Analogue Monitor to display the STM-n Analogue Monitor screen for
that card (see Figure 8-12).
· -33dBm to 0dBm (Rx), however if the result is less than -33dBm this
displays as
< -33dBm,
and if the result is greater than 0dBm, this displays as
> 0dBm
Bank Status
Partitioned cards allow you to download software to them. They each have two memory
banks that you can download the software to. One bank is the current bank containing
the software currently in use. The other bank is the non-current bank.
The non-current bank may or may not contain software. The management functions
allow you to download new software to the non-current bank. You can then either copy
this over to the current bank or switch banks, changing the current bank to non-current
and the non-current to current.
Note: In the SMA1/4UC the Comms and Controller Units are part of the Core A card
and they are accessed through the Bank Status option on the Core A card
Controller popup menu.
Path: Core A Card Controller Unit pop-up menu > Bank Status
After selecting this menu option the following figure is displayed which allows you to
access the software banks on the individual partitioned cards.
The Bank Status screen displays the bank status of both banks of all software for all
card types. These card types are also known as partitions.
For each card type (partition) and bank, the following information is provided:
· Card type:
- Non-Current: The bank contains valid software but it is not being used.
- Inhibited: The bank has been inhibited from the Controller, and will not be
downloaded to the relevant traffic card.
- Empty: The bank does not contain any software. In this case the 25
characters representing the software version are blanks.
Path: Core A Card Controller Unit pop-up menu > Bank Status>Global
· Upgrade NE
· Download
· Download Binary
Upgrade NE
Note: This function is not available through the LCTS running under ServiceOn Optical
Element Manager.
You should only use this function to switch the banks of all partitions when all the NE
software has been upgraded.
This function causes all non-current banks to become current and all current banks to
become non-current. All card types that are fitted in the NE are switched in a single
operation. Use this where individual downloads would create an interim state whereby
the individual cards would be incompatible with each other, thus making the NE
Path: Core A Card Controller Unit menu > Bank Status>Global> Upgrade NE
1 Select Upgrade NE from the path shown to display the Warning screen.
3 From the File menu select Close to return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
This function allows you to configure the bank status for specific partitions to be current,
non-current as required Note that this operation does not perform a download to cards.
It is mainly used when a new SMC card is being fitted into the element, and allows for
the initial configuration of the SMC.
Note: Do not use this feature for the general management of the SMC. Also, note that
the LCT does not allow an invalid configuration.
Select Bank Status from the path shown to display the Bank Status screen. Once into
this screen select the card type and then Global and Set Bank Status. This displays the
Set Bank Status screen
Path: Core A Card Controller Unit menu > Bank Status>Global>Download
Note: There is a binary lownlaod available for some of the cards which have large
software application files like the Controller/Comms and Core cards. This option
is provided in order to speed up the download times required for these
Path: Core A Card Controller Unit menu > Bank Status>Global> Download
Path: Core A Card Controller Unit pop-up menu > Bank Status>Partition
Switch Banks
Path: Core A Card Controller Unit menu > Bank Status>Partition> Switch Banks
You can switch banks on a particular partitioned card, setting current to non-current and
vice versa. If the non-current bank is empty, or if the software versions of the two banks
of a protected pair are different, this option is greyed out.
2 Select Yes in the confirmation box to switch the software banks and return to
the Bank Status screen.
Align Banks
Path: Core A Card Controller Unit menu > Bank Status>Partition>Align Banks
Use this function to copy the current bank software down to the non-current bank. The
function also allows you to specify which bank is marked as current after the operation
is completed. The status of the bank that is being copied to must be Inactive or Empty.
It is not permitted to copy to the Active bank.
Delete Bank
Path: Core A Card Controller Unit menu > Bank Status>Partition>Delete Bank
This reloads the content of the software bank that is active for the specified card, back
onto the card. A forced download results in the control unit downloading software to the
designated card/slot even if its current software version is the same as the version to be
loaded. The software is loaded without the loss of traffic or any other adverse effect on
the card.
2 Select Force Restoration from the path shown. You are asked to confirm your
2 Select Connect to Test Bus to display the Connect to Test Bus screen see
Figure 8-19).. The screen has two input fields Trib Card and Trib Port.
3 Set the Trib Card field content to the required value (Core 2M Trib A or Core
2M trib B or None).
Use the appropriate Inventory function to view inventory details of all cards when the
NE is on-line. When the NE is off-line only the inventory details of the Controller Card
are available.
You can request inventory data for any card/unit physically fitted into the NE
irrespective of whether it has been logically added to the NE or not, apart from the 2M
LTUs. You can also read inventory out of the optical SFP modules (line interfaces).
There are up to four inventory functions, depending on the card/unit chosen, as follows:
· Hardware Inventory: showing Unit Code, Build State, Serial No, etc.)
· All Inventory: displays hardware, software and customer inventory details for
any selected card fitted in the SMA1/4UC .
The four functions are essentially similar, but yield different results as their names
You can access these functions through the card pop-up menu selected from the Local
Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window. Each xxx Inventory screen is read-only apart from
the customer inventory, which you can write to.
2 Select xxx Inventory from the path shown to display the xxx Inventory screen.
The screen is read-only and shows all the relevant details (see Figure 8-20).
3 Select OK to exit this screen and return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
Note: When multiple units are selected (for example Optical Interface Card),
the master card is usually the card shown on the LCT screen.
However, all constituent inventories are also shown.
Path: Card pop-up menu > LED Options > LED User Override
2 Select LED User Override from the path shown to display the LED Override
screen. This shows the current state of the function:
LED Test
The on-card LEDs can be tested on a per-card basis. Do this by selecting the
appropriate card from the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window. All LEDs on the
selected card/unit light for two seconds and are then unlit for two seconds. They then
return to the lit/unlit state they were in before the test.
Path: Card pop-up menu > LED Options > LED Test
2 Select LED Test from the path shown to display a Question box.
4 If the command is successful, then you are returned to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Note: The Fault LED on the Comms/Controller Card will not light up if the test
is initiated from the Comms, but will light if initiated from the Controller.
Be aware that when optical module units are fitted and installed, an optical signal
may be generated despite the modules being unconfigured.
Both optical modules (Port 1 and Port 2) of a Flexible Dual STM 1 card can be
individually configured.
Note: Flexible dual STM-1 cards can be fitted in generic trib slots. Flexible Dual STM-
1 Card pop-up menu > Optical Module Config
2 Select Optical Module Config to display the STM-n Optical Module Config
screen for that card (see Figure 8-21).
3 Click on Port 1. A pop-up menu appears showing all the available optical
modules available for that port. Select a suitable module. (See the menus in
Figure 8-21).
5 When the ports are configured as appropriate, select Apply and then Cancel to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
SFP Unit
On clicking on these units, they display pop-up menus similar to those in Figure 8-21.
Re-configure Card/unit
Use this function to reconfigure a configured card/unit For the core card, you can
reconfigure the functional blocks (for example the switch, core tributary and optical
3 Select Yes. This sends the re-configure instruction to the Core /CCU Card. If all
is satisfactory, you are automatically returned to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
Reset Card/unit
Use this function to reset a configured card/unit For the Core A card, reset applies to
the whole unit.
Reset causes the selected card to be reset and the start-up sequence is effected as at
power-up. The selected card is, as near as is possible, completely reset (restored to its
original state).
2 Select Reset Card/Unit to display the card reset Warning screen that provides a
warning message that traffic may be affected by the resetting the card.
3 Select OK to send details to the Core A card Card. The Comms/Controller Card
responds and returns you to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Non-Specific System Card pop-up menu > Set Default Card Config
1 Select the appropriate card from the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window
to display its pop–up menu.
3 A screen warns you that this function will overwrite any current configuration
with the default one. Select Yes to continue.
On successful completion, the card configuration is reset to the default settings and you
are returned to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Non-Specific System Card pop-up menu > Signal Label Configuration
4 Select Apply to apply your changes and return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
The function performs the appropriate upgrade and maintains existing traffic
Note: Observe the safety precautions and card replacement details (see the
Maintenance Manual for details) whilst performing the following procedures.
Note: All protection features (for example MSP) must first be disabled.
Note: If adjacent slots are required for the upgrade and such adjacent slots are not
currently ‘unconfigured’ the upgrade will not be permitted.
The operation of mixed STM-n line interfaces is allowed (for example Line East
operating at STM-1 and Line West operating at STM-4, etc.
1 Select a specific line STM-1 card to display a menu for that card.
2 Select STM-4 Upgrade and then select the required STM-4 card type. A
Warning screen displays.
3 Select OK to continue.
4 This displays the STM-4 Upgrade cards in the correct positions on the Local
Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
5 Make sure that any change between the STM-1 and STM-4 state is reflected in
the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window depicting the shelf layout.
If re-configuration from STM-4 to STM-1 is required, then you must do this from the
Shelf Configuration function.
Once a Packetspan card has been configured the operational/control status must be
enabled. This can be done by using the Ethernet Domain menu as shown below.
First Set Operative to commission the card and then use the Status. Menu to Set
Blank Page
Chapter 9:
File Menu
Log Out
The Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window is controllable via the standard
Windows control buttons for Minimise, Maximise/Restore and Quit - refer to the
Windows documentation for details. Selecting Quit leads to a request for confirmation.
Alternatively, follow the procedure below.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > File > Logout
1 Select Logout from the path shown above and in Figure 9-1: Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC. This leads to a question/warning message. Select Yes to
return to the Local Craft Terminal opening window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal opening window > File > Exit
1 Select Exit from the path shown from the Local Craft Terminal opening
This leads to a question/warning message. Select Yes to close down the LCT
Note: You can now disconnect the LCT. This leaves the Comms/Controller
operational and on-line. The SMA1/4UCs configuration and operation
are not affected and, in particular, traffic is not disturbed.
Blank Page
Chapter 10:
Configuration Menu
The first function from the Shelf menu, Configuration > Shelf > Configuration is
described in Chapter 6:, Commissioning, since you need to configure the shelf as part
of the commissioning procedure when installing a new SMA1/4UC or when
recommissioning a decommissioned SMA1/4UC .
This chapter covers the rest of the functions available from the Configuration menu.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Shelf > 1:N
Tributary Protection
1 Select 1:N Tributary Protection from the path shown to display the 1:N
Protection set-up screen, (see Figure 10-3).
3 The Create/Amend 1:N Tributary Protection screen for that card displays.
Note: The above figure shows the protection state of the selected card.
5 Select Cancel in the 1:N Protection screen to return to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window. The screen now displays the protection details
as in, which indicates that the protected card is fitted and is operational for Slot
6 Click on the OK button and the 1:N Add Worker Card screen is displayed.
8 The traffic is now on worker, returning to the 1:N Protection screen shown in
Figure 10-7 will confirm the state of the traffic
The screen shown in Figure 10-9 is displayed indicating that Switch A has been
selected and that Core Trib Protected has been automatically enabled with the Core B
Trib card protecting the Core A Trib card. To switch roles you can use Forced Switched
to B
Use this function to display the Shelf Details screen (showing slot number, card state,
configuration state, card type, resource state, protection state and whether alarms exist
for the slot). The screen is view only.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Shelf > Details
1 Select Details from the path shown to display the Shelf Details screen (see
Figure 10-10), which shows details of the equipment fitted in the shelf.
2 Select OK to exit this screen and return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
The three functions all operate in a similar way to that described for Print Hardware
inventory details described below.
Individual card inventories can be accessed from the card level pop-up menus, directly
from the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Note: A request for inventory details can only be accepted when the NE is on-line. All
details for physically fitted cards will be supplied on request (apart from the data
associated with the auxiliary cards/slots for this product release), even if the
cards have not been logically added to the NE.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Shelf > Inventory
> Print Hardware
1 Select Print Hardware from the path shown to display the Print screen. Refer to
2.8, Print Function in Chapter 2:, LCT Presentation And Operation for details of
the print function.
2 Set the print options as required and then select OK to print the shelf hardware
inventory details.
3 Select Cancel to exit this screen and return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
This allows you to request that the configuration of any cards physically fitted in the
shelf, in slots that are currently unconfigured, is adopted into the LCT.
If it is not possible for whatever reason then a ’cannot adopt’ warning is returned.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Shelf > Adopt
New Units
2 The system asks you to confirm your action. Select Yes to continue.
3 Physically installed cards in currently unconfigured slots are adopted and the
shelf layout on the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window is updated
NE Name
The EM operator can give the NE a name using up to 48 ASCII characters. The name is
used to identify the NE on screen and on reports.
Use this function to view the name. You cannot enter or amend any details through this
function as the screen is read only.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Shelf >
1 Select SMA1/4UC from the path shown. This calls up the SMA1/4UC bulletin
SNC Persistency
Use this function to display and globally amend SNC (Protection) Persistency checking
on connections.
Note: When a global change is applied, then all locally generated card or connection
SNC persistency levels are overridden.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Global Reset >
SNC Persistency
1 Select SNC Persistency from the path shown to display the Global SNC
Protection Persistency screen. The screen allows you to set the SNC
Protection Persistency, see Figure 10-12 for details.
2 Set the content of the Persistence field as required. The available range settings
are 0.0-20 seconds in 0.1-second steps.
Note: The WTR period must be set to greater than the persistency period.
3 Select Apply to send the data to the Comms/Controller Card.
Section SD Configuration
Use this function to view the current setting of section Signal Degrade Thresholds, or
change the settings on a global basis. This configuration forms part of the 1+1 MSP
Switching Criteria. If it is Disabled, it will not contribute to the switching criteria.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Global Reset >
Signal Degrade > Section SD Config
1 Select Section SD Config from the path shown to access the screen shown
in.Figure 10-13.
Note: USE parameters must not be set to 0 for this product release.
-5 -9
· SD Mechanism: Disabled, 10 to 10 , USE or CDEG.
4 You are asked to confirm your action as this will reset any previously-configured
values for individual sections. Select OK to continue.
5 Select Cancel in the Section SD Config screen to return to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path SD Configuration
Use this function to view the current setting of path Signal Degrade Thresholds, or
change the settings on a global basis.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Global Reset >
Signal Degrade > Path SD Config
1 Select Path SD Config from the path shown to access the screen shown
in.Figure 10-14
4 You are asked to confirm your action as this will reset any previously-configured
values for individual paths. Select OK to continue.
5 Select Cancel in the Path SD Config screen to return to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Port SD Configuration
Use this function to view the current setting of port Signal Degrade Thresholds, or
change the settings on a global basis.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Global Reset >
Signal Degrade > Port SD Config
1 Select Port SD Config from the path shown to access the screen shown in
Figure 10-15.
Note: USE parameters must not be set to 0 for this product release.
-5 -9
· SD Mechanism: Disabled, 10 to 10 , USE or CDEG.
4 You are asked to confirm your action as this will reset any previously-configured
values for individual ports. Select OK to continue.
5 Select Cancel in the Port SD Config screen to return to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
MSP Protection
If Multiplex Section Protection is set to revertive, use this function to set the period of
time (Wait to Restore (WTR)) following restoration of the worker channel after which the
traffic switches back to the worker channel.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Global Reset >
Wait to Restore > MSP Protection
1 Select MSP Protection from the path shown to display the Global MS
Protection WTR Period screen. The screen presents the current Global MS
Protection WTR Period setting, see Figure 10-16 for details.
2 Set the content of the WTR Period field as required in the range 0-30 minutes
in 1-minute steps.
4 You are asked to confirm your action as this will reset any previously-configured
values for individual sections. Select OK to continue.
Path Protection
If Path Protection is set to revertive, use this function to set the period of time (Wait to
Restore (WTR)) following restoration of the worker path after which the traffic switches
back to the worker path.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Global Reset >
Wait to Restore > Path Protection
1 Select Path Protection from the path shown to display the Global Path
Protection WTR Period screen. The screen shows the current Global Path
Protection WTR Period setting, see Figure 10-17 or details.
2 Set the content of the WTR Period field as required in the range 0-30 minutes in
1-minute steps.
4 You are asked to confirm your action as this will reset any previously-configured
values for individual paths. Select OK to continue.
Port Protection
If Port Protection is set to revertive, use this function to set the period of time (Wait to
Restore (WTR)) following restoration of the worker port after which the traffic switches
back to the worker port.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Global Reset >
Wait to Restore > Port Protection
1 Select Port Protection from the path shown to display the Global Port
Protection WTR Period screen. The screen shows the current Global Port
Protection WTR Period setting, see Figure 10-18 for details.
2 Set the content of the WTR field as required in the range 0-30 minutes in 1-
minute steps.
4 You are asked to confirm your action as this will reset any previously-configured
values for individual ports. Select OK to continue.
This window is used to enable/disable the four output alarms interfaces. The default
state is disabled.
Note: On configuring a Non Specific System Card, the Real Card Type must also be
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Set NSSC Real
Card Types
1 Select Set NSSC Real Card Types from the path shown to display the screen.
2 Set the Real Card Type and Real Variant according to the specification supplied
with the appropriate card.
4 Select Cancel to exit the screen and return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
If you set as an NSSC a card like a Packetspan ETO-100 card in quad mode the
LCT allows you to configure VC-12 connections to be made on the AU#3 and
AU#4 of the ETO even though this is not supported. This causes all fitted switch
cards to report failed against the linecard that has the VC-12 connect made to it.
Transport Layer
Comms can be defined during commissioning as described in Chapter 6:,
Commissioning. Use this function to change the values defined during commissioning,
or if comms were not previously commissioned, use this function along with Gateway
Interface Configuration and Network Layer Configuration to define your comms
The Transport Layer Configuration screen (Figure 10-20) allows you to amend the:
· Window Timeout.
The Network Planner supplies the three transport layer components. Initially, the screen
contains defaults supplied by the Comms/Controller at commissioning.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms >
Transport Layer
1 Select Transport Layer from the path shown to display the Transport Layer
Configuration screen (Figure 10-20). This example shows the
Comms/Controller default values.
Gateway Interface
Comms can be defined during commissioning as described in Chapter 6:,
Commissioning. Use this function to change the values defined during commissioning,
or if comms were not previously commissioned, use this function along with Transport
Layer Configuration and Network Layer Configuration to define your comms
The Information to set up the gateway interface configuration is usually supplied by the
Network Planner. However, the SMA1/4UC also has predetermined default conditions
(from the Comms/Controller at commissioning) and these are shown in. Figure 10-21.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms >
Gateway Interface
1 Select Gateway Interface from the path shown to display the Gateway Interface
Configuration screen (Figure 10-21).
The Information to set up the gateway interface configuration is usually supplied by the
Network Planner. However, the SMA1/4UC also has predetermined default conditions
(from the Comms/Controller at commissioning) and these are shown in. Figure 10-22
These details should not be altered without consulting the Network Planner.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms >
Network Layer Configuration
1 Select Network Layer from the path shown to display the Network Layer
Configuration screen (Figure 10-22).
Note: The NSAP Selector field is greyed out and cannot be changed.
Note: System ID Length must be defined before the System ID field can be
Note: Modification of the System ID length will invalidate any existing NSAP
and also result in the deletion of all existing manual adjacencies.
· System ID: First, select a value for the System ID Length in the range
0-8 characters (default 0). 0 is an invalid value so a value within the
specified range must be selected to continue. Then enter the value for
the System ID (in Hexadecimal characters only). The number of
characters must be equal to twice that specified for the System ID
Length. (System ID is greyed out until the System ID Length has been
Note: Enter the value for each Manual Area Address (in Hexadecimal
characters only). For further information, see Manual Area Address
· The number of configured NSAPs may not exceed the value of the Maximum
Area Addresses
· An area address is always displayed in its entirety (AFI, IDI and HO-DSP are
never displayed).
Use this function to view and amend the current IS-IS/ES-IS system configuration. The
information to be entered in the fields shown on the screen is normally supplied by the
Network Planner. However, the SMA1/4UC predetermined default conditions are shown
in Figure 10-24.
Note: In the IS-IS/ES-IS System Configuration screen the abbreviation IS-IS stands
for Intermediate System-Intermediates System routing, whilst ES-IS means End
System-Intermediates System routing.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms > IS-IS
Config > IS-IS/ES-IS System Config
1 Select IS-IS/ES-IS System Config from the path shown to display the screen in
Figure 10-24.
· Figure 10-24 shows the system default values. These can be set as a
whole with Step 3.
2 Set the timers, intervals and miscellaneous input fields to those supplied by the
Network Planners and proceed to Step 5.
To reset all values back to their default settings, select Default to display the screen in
Figure 10-25: IS-IS Warning
3 To set the IS-IS/ES-IS System Configuration and DCC IS-IS Metrics to the
default values, select OK.
Use this function to view and amend DCC-IS-IS Metric values, or set the Metrics to
predetermined default values (DCCr 20 & DCCm 15).
1 Select DCC IS-IS Metrics from the path shown to display the DCC IS-IS Metrics
screen (Figure 10-26).
2 To amend DCC IS-IS Metrics, first select a port and then Amend. The Amend
DCCr IS-IS Metrics screen shown in:Figure 10-27.
3 Set the Metric Value for Level 1 and 2 in the range 1 to 63, and the External
Domain as required and select OK.
4 Figure 10-27 displays the port and its new values. For amendments to further
ports, repeat the procedure from Step 2 as necessary. To set the default values,
continue to the following procedure.
5 Select Apply in the DCC IS-IS Metrics screen to send the data to the
Comms/Controller Card.
Note: If you select Cancel before you select Apply, a Warning message
tells you that you will lose all changes unless you apply them first.
2 To set all the DCC IS-IS Metrics and IS-IS/ES-IS System Configurations to the
default values, select OK.
3 Select Apply in the DCC IS-IS Metrics screen to send the data to the
Comms/Controller Card.
Note: If you select Cancel before you select Apply, a Warning message
tells you that you will lose all changes unless you apply them first.
Note: If the Port is Type Q, then the Port ID is not displayed. Only the Sub-Network
Point of Attachment (SNPA) is displayed. If the port type is DCCr or DCCm
however, then Port ID does display but the SNPA is not displayed.
Note: When a RAP is configured onto the Q interface, then the SNPA field is
configured with the host LAN card MAC address.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms > IS-IS
Config > Reachable Address Prefixes
1 Select Reachable Address Prefixes from the path shown to display the screen
as in Figure 10-29.
2 To create RAPs, select Create from the Functions menu in the Reachable
Address Prefixes window to display the Create Reachable Address Prefix
screen shown in Figure 10-30.
Note: If the Port Type is DCCr or DCCm, then the SNPA field is replaced by the Port
ID fields as in Figure 10-31.
4 Select OK to add the RAP to the list in the Reachable Address Prefix screen
5 Select Apply in the Reachable Address Prefix screen to apply any changes.
Note: If you select Cancel before you Apply a Warning message tells you
that you will lose all changes unless you apply them first
6 Select Close from the File menu in the parent Reachable Address Prefixes
screen and OK warning message to return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
Note: If you select Cancel before you select Apply a Warning message tells
you that you will lose all chnages unless you apply them first.
5 Select Close from the File menu in the parent Reachable Address Prefixes
screen and OK warning message to return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
4 You are returned to the Reachable Address Prefixes screen where the
selected RAP will have been deleted.
Note: If you select Cancel before you select Apply a Warning message tells
you that you will lose all chnages unless you apply them first
6 Select Close from the File menu in the Reachable Address Prefixes screen
and OK warning message to return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC
Manual Adjacencies
To support end systems that do not run ES-IS, a method is required to enter this
information manually, and this is called Manual Adjacency.
These manual adjacencies are mapped against either DCC ports or the Ethernet Q Port
and are user accessible.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms > IS-IS
Config > Manual Adjacencies
1 Select Manual Adjacencies from the path shown to display the screen as
in.Figure 10-33.
Note: In the Create screen, if the port is type Q, then the Port ID is not displayed
(SNPA only). If the port type is DCCr or DCCm, then the SNPA will not be
Note: On dual port STM-1 cards, the ports are designated Port 1 and Port 2
Note: The quad card has four ports, designated Ports 1-4.
3 Select OK to add the manual adjacency to the parent window. You are returned
to the parent screen where the selected manual adjacency is created.
Note: If you select Cancel before you select Apply a Warning message tells
you that you will lose all changes unless you apply them first.
5 Select Close from the File menu to return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
4 You are returned to the parent screen where the selected manual adjacency is
Note: If you select Cancel before you select Apply a Warning message tells
you that you will lose all changes unless you apply them first.
6 Select Close from the File menu and OK the warning message to return to the
Local Craft Terminal:SMA1/4UC window.
3 To delete the selected manual adjacency, select Yes. You are returned to the
parent screen where the selected manual adjacency will have been deleted.
Note: When deleting a manual adjacency, all entries associated with it are
also deleted (all lines sharing the same Port ID).
5 Select Close from the File menu and OK the warning message to return to the
Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
If 1:N protection is in use, performance data is available only from the worker card. If a
protection switch occurs in this case, the performance data from the new worker card is
added to that for the old worker card and reported together.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms >
Performance Counts > Global
1 Select Global from the path shown to display the screen illustrated in.Figure
4 Select OK to exit this screen and return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
Note: In the Per Interface Comms Performance Counts screen the abbreviation
LAPD is Link Access Protocol D-channel, whilst IS-IS is Network Layer
Intermediate System-Intermediates System routing.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms >
Performance Counts > Per DCC Interface
1 Select Per DCC Interface from the path shown to display the screen illustrated
in.Figure 10-37.
4 Select OK to exit this screen and return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
Note: In the Per Interface Comms Performance Counts screen the abbreviation
LAPD is Link Access Protocol D-channel, whilst IS-IS is Network Layer
Intermediate System-Intermediates System routing.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms > Clear
Performance Counts > Per DCC Interface
1 Select Per DCC Interface from the path shown to display a screen similar to that
illustrated in.Figure 10-37.
3 Select OK to clear the counts for that port (answer YES to confirm the reset – a
new Question window opens) and return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
The Comms Message Based Persistency Thresholds screen (Figure 10-38) allows
you to amend the Comms Message Based Persistency Thresholds on a per alarm basis
for the comms alarm types shown (0-80% in 5% steps).
When required, the Network Planner supplies the alarm components. Under normal
conditions the screen contains defaults (On=10% and Off= 5%) from the
Comms/Controller at commissioning.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms >
Message Based Persistency Thresholds
1 Select Message Based Persistency Thresholds from the path shown to display
the Comms Message Based Persistency Thresholds screen (Figure 10-38.)
The Comms Time Based Persistency Thresholds screen (Figure 10-39) allows you
to amend the SOH Parity Fail and LAPD Link Layer Queue Overflow (Tx) time based
persistency thresholds. Initially, the screen contains defaults from the Comms/Controller
at commissioning.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms >
Comms Time Based Persistency
1 Select Comms Time Based Persistency from the path shown to display the
Comms Time Based Persistency Thresholds screen (Figure 10-39).
2 The On/Off threshold range is 1-15 in one unit steps, the on default is 8, the off
default is 4.
The Level 1 Routing Table shows the state of routing, and also what is happening within
a particular IS-IS area.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms >
Routing Table > Level 1
1 Select Level 1 from the path shown to display the screen in Figure 10-40.
· Port: Q or DCC ID
The Level 2 Routing Table shows the state of routing, and also what is happening
between the IS-IS areas.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms >
Routing Table > Level 2
1 Select Level 2 from the path shown to display the screen as in Figure 10-41.
· Port: Q or DCC ID
This function allows you to test the connectivity of the Network Layer software between
NEs using the NSAP of the NE.
In normal operation this feature sends out an echo request PDU (Packet Data Unit) and
looks to receive an answer. On receiving an echo response the success or failure of this
command is displayed, together with details of the route (if Route Trace is invoked).
The Mode of Operation may be set to either Single or Multiple shot and Path Trace
may be set to On (single shot only) or Off.
Note: It is not possible to CLNS (Connection Less Mode Network Service) Ping at
Interim Routing NEs, or through an Interim Routing Domain as these NEs are
unable to route this particular type of packet.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms >
1 Select CLNS Ping from the path shown to display the CLNS Ping screen
in.Figure 10-42.
You can stop this function whilst a multiple shot is in progress by selecting Stop
in the CLNS Ping screen.
Note: After clicking Stop during a multiple shot, a delay of up to 120 seconds
can occur whilst the local NE polls the remote NEs (receive) awaiting a
Refer to the related product user manual for a description of the communications
system within SMA1/4UC networks, in particular for the Data Communication Channel
(DCC) function and configuration.
Use this function to view the current configuration and, subject to the above
considerations, change it.
Note: When you logically add a card, it adopts the default DCC and LAPD
configuration parameters. You can then modify these values as required.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms > DCC
Configuration > Working
1 Select Working from the path shown to display the screen in Figure 10-43. The
screen contains a list of ports.
2 Select Amend in the Working DCC Configuration screen to display the screen
shown in Figure 10-44.
4 Select OK in the Amend DCC Configuration screen and then Apply in the
parent Working DCC Configuration screen to add the amended DCC
Note: You must Apply any changes to save them. If you make changes and
select Cancel before you select Apply, a Warning message informs
you that the changes will be lost.
5 Select Cancel and OK the warning message to return to the Local Craft
Terminal:SMA1/4UC window.
Use this function to view and amend the current default DCC Configuration settings.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms > DCC
Configuration > Default
1 Select Default from the path shown to display the screen in Figure 10-45. The
screen contains a list of ports.
2 Select Amend in the Default DCC Configuration screen to display the screen
shown in Figure 10-46.
3 Select OK in the Amend DCC Configuration screen and then Apply in the
parent Default DCC Configuration screen to add the amended DCC
Note: You must Apply any changes to save them. If you make changes and
select Cancel before you select Apply, a Warning message informs
you that the changes will be lost.
4 Select Cancel and OK the warning message to return to the Local Craft
Terminal:SMA1/4UC window.
Use this function to view the current configuration and, subject to the above warning,
change it.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms >
LAPD Configuration > Working
1 Select Working from the path shown to display the screen in Figure 10-47. The
screen contains a list of ports.
2 Select Amend from the LAPD Configuration screen to display the screen
shown in.Figure 10-48.
Note: If the Max packet size is set to a figure greater than 1534 this may lead
to failure.
4 Select OK in the Amend LAPD DCC screen and then Apply in the parent
window to effect the modified DCC configuration.
Note: You must Apply any changes to save them. If you make changes and
select Cancel before you select Apply, a Warning message informs
you that the changes will be lost.
Use this function to view and amend the current default LAPD configuration.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Comms >
Default LAPD Configuration
1 Select Default LAPD Configuration from the path shown to display the screen as
in Figure 10-49.The screen contains a list of ports.
2 Select Amend from the Default LAPD Configuration screen to display the
screen shown in Figure 10-50
Note: If the Max packet size is set to a figure greater than 1534 this may lead
to failure.
4 Select OK in the Amend LAPD DCCm Configuration screen and then Apply
in the parent Default LAPD Configuration window to effect the modified LAPD
Note: You must Apply any changes to save them. If you make changes and
select Cancel before you select Apply, a Warning message informs
you that the changes will be lost.
Before starting any procedure associated with synchronisation, you must be thoroughly
conversant with the information provided in the related SMA1/4UC product manual.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Sync > SETG
Sync Mode
1 Select SETG Sync Mode from the path shown to access the Sync Mode
screen. The screen presents data relating to the current synchronisation mode,
see. Figure 10-51.
Note: When Revertive Sync Switch is invoked, set a Wait to Restore (WTR)
period of at least 1 minute to avoid chattering.
Note: Only enable this option once the equipment has been configured for
SASE timing. To provide SASE timing the external output priority table
will have to be operator configured. For details of this feature, see
Synchronisation in the relevant associated product manual.
Note: SSMB Quality Level: for each binary value in the range 0000 to 1110
you can set the quality level to a value in the range 1 to 16.
Before starting any procedure associated with synchronisation, you must be thoroughly
conversant with the detailed synchronisation information provided in the related
SMA1/4UC product manual.
· On SMA1/4UC
The sources in each case display on the left of the screen under Source, the
destinations display to the right of the source. The sources being West A, West B, East
A, East B, Ext/tributary, SASE Bus and Equip Clock. Destinations are Equip and Ext.
- The SMA1/4UC will accept a sync source without checking its quality. A
poor quality clock may cause alarms to be generated.
- In the LCT Sync screens, a failed tributary, Ext 1 or Ext 2 configured sync
source is displayed in Single SETG screens as being Not Selected.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Sync > Single
1 Select Single SETG from the path shown to display the Single SETG screen.
The screen presents data relating to the sources currently in use for the timing
sinks and has various amendable fields for each sink (destination) see Figure
10-52 for details.
2 In each Equip Destination field, the options are: ~~ (not used), 1; 2; 3. In each
Ext Destination field the options are: ~~ (not used), 1; 2; 3; 4.
Note: The entries indicate the priority allocated to that source, None indicates
not used, and 1 to 6 the priority in descending order.
· If line or SASE bus sources are selected in the priority table the
equipment will usually be used in SASE Timing Mode (see SETG
Synchronisation Parameters and the associated product manual). In
this case, leave the Equipment Clock field blank (no entry in the given
3 The Source SSMB fields show the Rx Code and the Cfg code and Rx/Cfg
status. The codes are configurable in the range 0000 to 1111; the status can be
Rx or Cfg.
Note: Whenever Single SETG Mode is selected, then the Received Loop
Timing Indication is not presented.
Before starting any procedure associated with synchronisation you must be thoroughly
conversant with the information provided in the related SMA1/4UC product manual.
The tributary ports selected as Ext/tributary and SASE bus sources can also be
configured and the SSMB value assigned to PDH tributary ports and external ports. If
SSMB Mode is disabled, then the configured SSMB codes will be ignored.
You can allocate priorities to three possible synchronisation sources to define the order
in which they are automatically selected for use. The sources are External 1, External 2,
and Tributary.
Note: In the LCT Sync screens, a failed tributary, Ext 1 or Ext 2 configured sync
source is displayed in Single SETG screens as being Not Selected.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Sync >
Ext/tributary Source
Note: When configuring any new sync sources, allow 20 seconds for alarms
to clear. This is due to the length of time taken for the frequency-
checking algorithm to operate.
2 In the Ext/tributary Sync - Source pane, change the desired field or fields as
required. In each field, the options are: ~~ (not used), 1; 2; or 3.
Note: The entries indicate the priority allocated to that source, ~~ (not used),
and 1 to 3 the priority in descending order.
Note: If you select a Trib Sync source, you must set the Source SSMB to
Config as the tributary cannot extract the SSM from the incoming
signal and as such Rx is not valid.
Note: If you wish to select a tributary port, first select a Card and Port (from
the Tributary Sync Source pane) before setting the Tributary Priority in
the Ext/tributary Sync - Source pane. When you set the Tributary
Priority, TB1 (Timing Bus 1) is always indicated as the source in use,
no matter which tributary is being used as the source.
Note: An OK indication for an external timing input informs you that the level
of the input signal is within limits. It does not indicate frequency
Note: Tributary card options depend upon the shelf type and the cards
configured in the tributary slots.
The Source SSMB fields show the Rx Code and the Cfg code and Rx/Cfg
status. The codes are configurable in the range 0000 to 1111; the status can be
Rx or Cfg.
3 In the Tributary Sync Source pane, the following settings are available
(depending on the shelf variant):
· Port None, Port 1 to Port 4/16/32 (for STM-1 tributary card, set this to
Port 1, for Dual STM-1, set it to Port 1-2 and for Quad STM-1, set it to
Port 1-4).
2M clock (G703.10)
2M AIS data (G703.6)
1.5M clock (G703.10)
1.5M AIS data (G703.6)
2M G703 framed
2M G703 framed with SSMB
The external I/P and O/P SSMB positions in TS0 fields can be changed between
4 and 8 (that is representing bits 4-8 in TS0) to suit actual customer
Note: If the external input frequency and type are to be changed, then it is
important to disable selection of the external input whilst making these
changes. Inadvertently setting the input frequency and type incorrectly
will cause the external outputs to become squelched.
Should squelching occur and not recover, then you will have to
temporarily deselect the external inputs as the source of timing either
5 In the SASE Bus Source pane you can set the Card and Port for all configured
STM-n tributary cards and CellSpan 155 cards.
Diagnostic Reset
Diagnostic Reset allows the configuration data of selected cards/units (which must be
logically configured in the sub-rack) to be automatically reset after a given time period.
You can also manually reset any operator-set parameters for loopbacks, PRBS injection
and error injection. You can do this independently of the automatic reset by disabling
the automatic reset and applying any manual resets.
Note: The RESET command may affect traffic, therefore any request must be
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Diagnostic
1 Select Diagnostic Reset from the path shown to display the Diagnostic Reset
2 You can disable the diagnostic reset, or enable it by setting the operating time to
between five and 60 minutes in 5-minute intervals. You can also set the manual
reset options for Loopback, PRBS Injection and Error Injection.
3 Select Apply to send the reset instruction to the Core A card card.
Note: The Automatic Reset time will apply to NEW loopbacks and injections.
Manual Reset will remove the present loopbacks and injections
AIS Injection
An All-Ones (AIS) signal can be injected (to enable fault finding) on the multiplexer.
Before you can do this, you must first enable the feature. Use this function to globally
enable or disable the overall AIS injection facility.
Note: Disable this feature when applying PRBS to a 34/45Mbit/s tributary card (See
PRBS Injection on page 216. for further details).
Note: The Injection of AIS may affect traffic, therefore any request must be confirmed.
The optional injection of AIS is used in the forward direction when tributary
loopbacks are applied, and in the backwards direction when PRBS is injected.
Note: When 34M tributary PRBS injection is enabled, global AIS must be inserted in
tributary PDH output. The 34M ASIC PRBS detector detects the injected AIS
signal instead of the PRBS received from the switch, thus successful PRBS
detection is not possible unless global AIS is disabled.
For further details on the various types of loopback that may be applied to an
SMA1/4UC, see the relevant section (Data Loopbacks) in the Maintenance Manual.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > AIS Injection
1 Select AIS Injection from the path shown to display the AIS Injection screen.
3 Select Cancel in the AIS Injection screen to return to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
The SOH Bytes are transmitted in the STM-N signal carried via the SMA1/4UC and are
designated E1, E2. F1 and Row 7 Column 8, Row 8 Column 8, etc. to Row 9 Column 9
respectively. All of these appear on a single screen and each group of bytes can be
bypassed as required in the given fields. With bypass enabled, the relevant byte is
passed transparently between STM-N Line East and West.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > SOH Byte
1 Select SOH Byte Bypass from the path shown to display the SOH Byte Bypass
screen (see Figure 10-57). This screen shows the SOH byte states in the three
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Auxiliary
Overhead Byte
1 Select Auxiliary Overhead Byte from the path shown to display the Auxiliary
Overhead Byte Configuration screen. This screen shows the Auxiliary
Overhead Byte Configuration for both Auxiliary Port 1 West and Auxiliary Port 2
East, as indicated by the selectable tabs on this screen.
· Fixed to Line A
· Fixed to Line B
3 Select the Auxiliary Source using the Auxiliary Source box. In the SMA1/4UC
we have that:
4 Select the relevant OH Byte to be used for the Auxiliary Channel, from the
tabulated buttons on the right hand side of the screen.
Interworking Criterion
Interworking Criterion allows for backwards compatibility between product ranges,
enabling you to configure the signal transmitted in all unused VC-n channels.
You can globally configure the Interworking Criterion. This feature configures the
Criterion to be one of the following:
Note: Interworking Criterion is required for interworking between the 1.1 and 1.2
product ranges. It is essential that it is set up correctly so that the signal label
processing function will detect any unequipped signal label mismatches. If it is
not set correctly, then the processing function will not detect unequipped signal
label mismatches.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Interworking
1 Select Interworking Criterion from the path shown to access the Interworking
Criterion screen, which shows the current criterion setting.
Note: Networks including SMA1/4UC 1.1 - Selecting this will cause the TU
pointer of all unequipped channels to be set to 0000H.
Note: Networks excluding SMA1/4UC 1.1 All 1s - Selecting this will cause the
unequipped VC signal to be transmitted in all unused VC-n timeslots.
All bits/bytes that are not defined in all unequipped VCs will be set to 1.
Note: Networks excluding SMA1/4UC 1.1 All 0s -- Selecting this will cause
the unequipped VC signal to be transmitted in all unused VC-n
timeslots. All bits/bytes that are not defined in all unequipped VCs will
be set to 0.
2 Amend the setting as required and select Apply to send the data to the
Comms/Controller Card.
4 Make sure the new information is displayed and conforms to the changes you
made. Select Cancel to exit the Interworking Criterion screen and return to
the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Date and Time
1 Select Date and Time from the path shown to display the Date and Time
screen. Depending on previous operations, the current display could be either
the default values (Day 1, Month January, Year 1990, 0 hours and 0 minutes) or
previously specified values.
4 Make sure that the new time and date displayed conform to the changes. Select
Cancel to exit the Set Date and Time screen and return to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Note: An alarm is raised (Priority 1) on the LCT if the real time clock has not
been set since the controller card was powered up. It will only be
cleared when a new time and date are set.
The selected password should contain a minimum of eight and a maximum of fifteen
ASCII printable characters (a ’space‘ is not a valid character).
For security reasons, the new password is not echoed in the field as it is entered, but is
indicated by a series of stars (********).
The password is only accepted once it has been verified by re-typing the new password
and the Comms/Controller Card has validated it. Then the new password replaces the
existing password.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > Change
1 Select Change Password from the path shown to access the Change
Password screen.
· Old Password
· New Password
When verifying the new password, it must exactly match your entry in the New
Password field.
2 When you are happy with the settings, select OK to send the data to the
Comms/Controller Card.
Note: If the password is accepted, you can continue using the LCT. You need
to enter the new password to allow access when you subsequently log
back in.
3 Select Cancel in the Change Password screen to return to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
· Add a user
Add User
Use this to add a new casual or system user to the LCT. There can be up to 10 LCT
users, including all ADMIN users.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > LCT User Admin
> Function > Add User
1 Select Add User from the path shown to access the Add User screen.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > LCT User Admin
> Function > Change User Password
1 Select the user whose password you want to change from the list in the Local
Craft Terminal - Users window, then select Change User Password from the
path shown.
· Old Password
· New Password
When verifying the new password, it must exactly match your entry in the New
Password field.
Note: If the password is accepted and the user is currently logged on, they
can continue using the application. The user must enter the new
password to allow access when subsequently logging back in.
3 Select Cancel in the Change Password screen to return to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Delete User
This function allows an Administration operator to delete the currently selected casual
or system user from the list. As only one user can be logged onto the LCT at a time,
there is no risk of deleting a user who is currently logged in.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > User
Administration > Function > Delete User
1 Select User Administration from the path shown to display the Local Craft
Terminal Users screen.
2 Select the user to be deleted, and then select Delete User from the path shown
to access the Delete User confirmation box.
3 Select Yes. This sends the data to the SMA1/4UC Comms/Controller Card.
4 The selected user is deleted from the Local Craft Terminal Users screen.
Select File and Close to return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC
Set EM Password
This allows you to set the EM password back to the system default setting, which is
‘EMACCESS’. This is useful where the EM user has forgotten their password - you can
set it back to the default setting and they can log in again and change their password as
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > User
Administration > Local Craft Terminal Users screen > Function > Set EM
1 Select User Administration from the path shown to display the Local Craft
Terminal Users screen.
2 Select Set EM Password from the path shown to access the Set EM Password
confirmation box.
3 Select Yes. This sends the data to the SMA1/4UC Comms/Controller Card.
4 From the Local Craft Terminal Users screen, select File and Close to return to
the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Security Settings
This allows you to set the LCT-wide security settings. These dictate that if a user enters
their user name or password incorrectly, whether they should be locked out of the
system, and if so for how long.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Configuration > User
Administration > Function > Security Settings
1 Select User Administration from the path shown to display the Local Craft
Terminal Users screen.
2 Select Security Settings from the path shown to display the LCT Security
Settings screen.
Chapter 11:
Fault Management Menu
Figure 11-1: Fault Management Menu
Note: The menu contents may vary depending on the equipment and alarm schemes
in use.
· An ‘Alarms Exist’ flag on the status line informs you when alarms exist on the
NE. This flag will display from when the first alarm appears until the last alarm
is cleared.
· Another flag on the status line informs you that one or more alarms have
changed state since a specific operator action was last performed. This
specific operator action involves clearing the changed state indication
illustrated by the flag featured on the screen. If you do not respond to the
changed state transition, then the flag is removed for 1 second before being
restored for each subsequent transition. An audible warning is also given for
each change of status. You can disable the audible alarm.
Clearing Alarm Events is automatically reported to the EM, depending on the presence
of the EM and whether the corresponding raising alarm/event was reported to the EM.
The expected behaviour is outlined in Clearing Alarm Events below:
Note: Clearing Alarm Events is always reported when the corresponding Raising
Alarm Event is reported, irrespective of the inhibit state of the relevant fault type
at the time of clearing and the enable/disable state of the alarm event reporting.
For each clearing alarm event, an event record is created and placed in the
Historical Alarm Event Log.
If you do not respond to the changed state transition, then the icon/flag is removed for 1
second before being restored for each subsequent transition. An audible warning is also
given for each change of status. You can disable this audible alarm.
Status Events are autonomously reported to the EM, but depend on the:
· Prevailing state of the inhibit attribute for the relevant state change (resource
or management),
Status event records are generated for each event and are placed in either the current
status event or historical status event log, depending on the previously explained
criteria. The expected behaviour is outlined in Table 11-3: Status Event Criteria below:
Resource Status Event EM Destination Report To
Event Event
Event Inhibit Reporting Present Log EM
Status events are recognised whenever changes are made to the configuration of a NE.
They can occur under the following circumstances:
· Synch Re-selection
· HO Path Protection
· LO Path Protection
Due to the modular construction of a NE, a single fault condition is detected at multiple
points within it. These multiple point alarm events can be altered globally from the NE
Alarm Event Type Configuration screen (see Figure 11-2). Each fault type therefore
has a unique identity indicating its source.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Alarm
Event Config
1 Select NE Alarm Event Config from the path shown to display the NE Alarm
Event Config screen.
The whole range of alarm types can be found on this screen. A full list of these
alarms (in alphabetical order) and the procedures required to clear the condition
or fault find on the equipment may be found in the associated Maintenance
2 Select the required Alarm Event Type from the scrolling list.
3 In the Set Alarm Event Type Configuration fields, select the settings required:
Note: The contents of the Local Indication area depend on the alarm scheme
in operation.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > All
Disabled Alarms
1 Select All Disabled Alarms from the path shown to display the Disabled Alarms
screen showing a list of all currently disabled alarms.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > All
Inhibited Alarms
1 Select All Inhibited Alarms from the path shown to display the Inhibited Alarms
screen that shows a list of all currently Inhibited alarms.
Alarm Persistence
This allows you to set a persistence period that an alarm’s raising or clearing must
persist for before the alarm is flagged as being raised or cleared. If it does not persist
for this period, the alarm is flagged as intermittent.
Alarm Persistency can be applied to the fault types illustrated Figure 11-6, the Alarm
Persistence screen).
Due to the modular construction of a NE, a single persistence can be applied to multiple
points within the NE. These multiple point conditions can be changed globally for the
NE in the Alarm Persistence screen.
Each fault type's persistency value is loaded to a counter. When a transition occurs the
counter will decrement. If a further transition occurs before the expiry of the current
timer, then the timer is re-loaded with the selected persistency value and the detector
output will be seen as being intermittent. On expiry of the timer the detector output can
be either cleared or raised as appropriate.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > Fault
Detectors > Alarm Persistence
1 Select Alarm Persistence from the path shown to display the Alarm
Persistence screen that shows the current status of the facility.
2 Set the Alarm Persistence for each alarm type to the required value:
Off, 1, 3, 10 or 30 seconds as appropriate.
Fault Action
Fault actions are generally carried out as a direct result of the detection of a fault
condition. Selectable fault actions can be disabled on certain fault types as illustrated in
Figure 11-7. Such disabling does not interfere with the fault event processing function.
For fault types where fault actions are defined but are not configurable, this information
display as read only.
· The insertion of all ones signal (AIS) into a downstream traffic path
· The insertion of Remote Defect Indication (RDI) into the return path
Note: Section Trace Mismatch RDI and AIS, should also be treated as pairs.
For example both should be set to either Enabled (a) or Disabled
(blank) as necessary.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > Fault
Detectors > Fault Action
1 Select Fault Action from the path shown to display the Fault Action screen.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > Fault
Detectors > Event Detection Thresholds
1 Select Event Detection Thresholds from the path shown to display the Event
Detection Thresholds screen, which shows the current threshold settings.
2 Select the required field and set the error detection threshold to the required
values. The values shown in Table 11-4 show the ranges available.
'Alarm flood' limits are incorporated into the SMA1/4UC. This option is used to limit the
Historic Logs being “flooded” with alarms. The following alarms have fixed 30-second
· Rx Au Rejustifier Fail
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > Fault
Detectors > Diagnostic Alarm Persistency
1 Select Diagnostic Alarm Persistency from the path shown to display the
Diagnostic Alarm Persistency screen showing the currently set persistency
2 Configure the persistency duration in the Persistency field box to the required
Alarm Audible Warning is the automatic audible warning of alarms reported at the LCT.
The facility can be either enabled or disabled.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > Event
Reporting > Alarm Audible Warning
1 Select Alarm Audible Warning from the path shown to display the Alarm
Audible Warning screen, which shows the current status.
Status Audible Warning is the automatic audible warning of Status Events reported at
the LCT. The facility can be either enabled or disabled.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > Event
Reporting > Status Audible Warning
1 Select Status Audible Warning from the path shown to display the Status
Audible Warning screen, which shows the current state.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > Event
Reporting > Performance Audible Warning
1 Select Performance Audible Warning from the path shown to display the
Performance Audible Warning screen, which shows the current state.
This function causes the Alarm LED to light (LEDs Auto) or to not to light (LEDs
Inhibited) on all cards, apart from the fault LEDs on the power supply units.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > Local
Alarm Scheme > LED Global Inhibit
1 Select LED Global Inhibit from the path shown to display the LED Global
Inhibit screen, which shows the current state of the facility (LEDs Auto or LEDs
The Comms/Controller only outputs the indications (Top of Rack/Shelf Display LEDs)
when the Alarm Bus Driver is Enabled.
The LCT and the EM operators each have a measure of control over the Alarm Bus
Driver. The effects are that for the bus driver to be enabled, both must call for it to be
enabled. If either operator calls for it to be disabled, the bus driver is disabled. If the EM
fails, the associated control automatically calls for enabled (provision is not revertive).
Use this function to display the current state of the Alarm Bus Driver (Top of Rack and
End of Shelf) and change it as required.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > Local
Alarm Scheme > Alarm Bus Driver
1 Select Alarm Bus Driver from the path shown to display the Alarm Bus Driver
screen, which shows its current state(s), Top of Rack (ToR) and End of Shelf
2 Set the Alarm Bus Driver ToR and EoS to the required value (Enabled or
Use this function to globally cancel all locally raised and unserviced alarms using the
Bw7R scheme.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > Cancel
Local Alarms
1 Select Cancel Local Alarms from the path shown to access the Cancel Local
Alarms screen, which asks for confirmation that you want to continue.
2 Select Yes to cancel all local alarms and return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Historic Alarm > All
1 Select All from the path shown to display the NE Historic Alarm Log screen.
You can clear events from the log but you cannot amend the log entries.
· Refresh: refreshes the log and takes you to the last entry.
Note: For Clear Log, you are asked for confirmation of your action. Select
Yes to clear the log.
You set this period in the Set NE Historic Alarm Log Filter screen. It consists of the
date in Day, Month and Year format, together with the time in hours and minutes (for
both start and end times).
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Historic Alarm > Set Filter
1 Select Set Filter from the path shown to display the Set NE Historic Alarm Log
Filter screen, which shows the current Historic Alarm Log Filter date and time
3 Select OK to accept the settings and open the Historic Alarm Log with those
records that match the filter settings, or select Cancel to return to the Local
Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Historic Alarm > Intermittent
1 Select Intermittent from the path shown to display the NE Historic Alarm Log
screen, which shows the Historic Alarm Log but containing only intermittent
alarm entries. You can clear entries from the log but you cannot amend the log
· Refresh: refreshes the log and takes you to the last entry.
Note: For Clear Log, you are asked to confirm your action. Select Yes to
clear the log.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Historic Status > All
1 Select All from the path shown to display the NE Historic Status Event Log
screen. You can clear entries from this screen but you cannot amend the log
· Refresh: refreshes the log and takes you to the last entry.
Note: For Clear Log, you are asked for confirmation of your action. Select
Yes to clear the log.
You set this period in the Set NE Historic Status Log Filter screen. It consists of the
date in Day, Month and Year format, together with the time in hours and minutes (for
both start and end times).
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Historic Status > Set Filter
1 Select Set Filter from the path shown to display the NE Historic Status Event
Log Filter screen, which shows the current NE Historic Status Log Filter date
and time range limits.
3 Select OK to accept the settings and open the Historic Status Event Log with
those records that match the filter settings, or select Cancel to return to the
Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Historic Status > All
1 Select All from the path shown to display the NE Historic Performance Event
Log screen. You can clear entries from this screen but you cannot amend the
log entries.
· Refresh: refreshes the log and takes you to the last entry.
Note: For Clear Log, you are asked for confirmation of your action. Select
Yes to clear the log.
You set this period in the Set NE Historic Performance Log Filter screen. It consists
of the date in Day, Month and Year format, together with the time in hours and minutes
(for both start and end times).
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Historic Performance > Set Filter
1 Select Set Filter from the path shown to display the Set NE Historic
Performance Log Filter screen, which shows the current NE Historic
Performance Log Filter date and time range limits.
3 Select OK to accept the settings and open the Historic Performance Log with
those records that match the filter settings, or select Cancel to return to the
Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Historic Performance > Inhibited
1 Select Inhibited from the path shown to display the NE Historic Performance
Event Log screen, which shows the Historic Performance Event Log but
containing only inhibited event entries. You can clear entries from the log but
you cannot amend the log entries.
· Refresh: refreshes the log and takes you to the last entry.
Note: For Clear Log, you are asked to confirm your action. Select Yes to
clear the log.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Current Status
1 Select Current Status from the path shown to display the NE Current Status
Event Log screen.
· Refresh: refreshes the log and takes you to the last entry.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Current Performance
1 Select Current Performance from the path shown to display the NE Current
Performance Event Log screen.
· Refresh: refreshes the log and takes you to the last entry.
This section describes the xxx Event Log Attributes function, as the procedure for
setting the Attributes works in the same way for all five functions.
The Attribute setting dictates how a log should behave once it gets full.
Use this function to set the attribute to Wrap or Halt. In either case, the log generates a
threshold alarm event when the pre-configured percentage of the allocated log memory
is in use. This percentage is set in the Log Capacity Alarm Threshold. The threshold
alarm remains active until the log is cleared (at which point the data integrity attribute
reverts to true).
· Wrap: In this state the log continues to store event records until full and then
starts to overwrite the oldest existing records (setting the data integrity
attribute to false and thus raising a log full alarm).
· Halt: In this state the log continues to store event records until full (setting the
data integrity attribute to false and thus raising a log full alarm). No new event
records can be stored until the log has either been cleared or reconfigured to
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Configure > xxx Event Log Attributes
1 Select xxx Event Log Attributes from the path shown to display the xxx Alarm
Event Log Attributes screen.
Capacity Alarm Thresholds for the equipment can be configured to operate to the
values of 50%, 60%, 70% or 80%. The default value being 70%. These calculations are
performed on the ratio of memory used for records (not management overhead) to
maximum memory required by the log.
A separate alarm event is raised for each log that reaches its threshold.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > NE Event
Logs > Configure > Log Capacity Alarm Threshold
1 Select Log Capacity Alarm Threshold from the path shown to access the NE
Log Capacity Alarm Threshold screen.
2 Set the threshold as required to one of the following values 50%, 60%, 70% or
80% (70% is the default value).
You can display the card alarm state from this screen as long as the graphical alarm
condition is enabled, see. If the graphical display is disabled, then no indication is
shown at the LCT.
Note: The LED indications detailed on the LCT screen (see Figure 11-16) are a
snapshot, and only change when the screen is refreshed (see Refresh
Graphical Alarms on Page 187.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > Graphical
Alarms > Display
1 Select Display from the path shown to display the Graphical Alarms screen,
which has two buttons On and Off showing the current state of the facility.
2 Set the required value either On (LEDs displayed) or Off (LEDs not displayed).
4 Select Cancel to return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window and
investigate alarm conditions as necessary by selecting the appropriate card on
which an LED symbol is present.
You can display the card alarm state from this screen as long as the graphical alarm
condition is enabled. This information can be updated as and when required by using
the Refresh procedure outlined in the following text.
Note: This procedure is only effective when the Graphical Display feature is enabled,
the cards are logically configured and physically fitted in the shelf.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Fault Management > Graphical
Alarms > Refresh
Select Yes to refresh the Graphical Alarm Display and send the data to the
Comms/Controller Card. If all is OK, then you are returned to the Local Craft
Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Blank Page
Chapter 12:
Status Menu
Figure 12-1: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC Window - Status Menu (LCT)
Figure 12-2: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC Window - Status Menu (LCTS)
Note: For the LCTS running under ServiceOn Optical Element Manager:
· NE Configuration leads to a further menu with the three further options listed
below. These are covered in Chapter 7:, After-Commissioning Procedures:
Set NE Online/offline
Use this function to set the Comms/Controller on/off-line. You must set the
Comms/Controller on-line to make the NE operative.
When taken off-line, the Comms/Controller will lose all communications between the
cards in the NE, and it will need to be set on-line again so that the NE can become
operative once more.
Note: Do not set the NE Off Line without consulting the Network Management
Controller, as it can cause serious problems to the network. This function is
usually required during an upgrade procedure that is being carried out from an
EM under control of the Network Management Controller.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Status > Set NE Online/Offline
2 Select the Set NE Online or Set NE Offline radio button as required and select
OK to effect the change.
3 If you are setting the NE on-line, the following screen warns that this will
reconfigure the traffic cards.
4 Select OK to set the NE on-line and return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
5 If you are setting the NE off-line, the a screen warns that whilst the NE is off-line
any configuration changes will be stored on the Controller only.
6 Select OK to set the NE off-line and return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
Remote NE Management
Refer to the related product user manual for a description of the communications
system within SDH networks, for the function and applicability of Network Addresses.
Refer to that chapter for full operational details. Use this function to enter a remote NE’s
address. This function then allows the remote NE to behave as though it is connected to
the local NE. The Network Planner should supply the remote NE's address.
Note: This function is a duplication of the function available from the Local Craft
Terminal opening menu, described in Chapter 7: After-Commissioning
Decommission NE
Decommissioning the SMA1/4UC renders the Comms/Controller inoperative and the
multiplexer’s existing configuration (alarm set–up, synchronisation, cross connection
configuration and so on), will be lost.
The SMA1/4UC will have to be recommissioned before it can be put back into service.
This procedure is rarely used, normally only if a complete equipment is being moved, or
a new Comms/Controller Card is being installed for example.
Inspect the Comms/Controller Card to make sure that the amber LED is not
flashing (indicating it is still communicating with the multiplexer) before powering
down the multiplexer. At this point you can exit or recommission the multiplexer.
Blank Page
Chapter 13:
Connections Menu
In cross connections windows referred to in this chapter, it is best to use the
mouse when selecting the source/destination card. If you need to use the cursor
keys instead of the mouse, then you must allow the windows to refresh after each
keystroke before making the next keystroke.
The Connections menu leads to the Cross Connection Details screen that has a
menu structure of its own as shown in Figure 13-3.
Display Cross-connections
Use this function to view the cross-connection status of STM-N cards and tributary
cards on an individual card/slot basis.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen
2 Select the card in the Source Card box from which the cross-connection is to
originate. This box contains a pop up list of slots/cards to which connection
procedures are applicable.
3 This screen presents a list of current cross connections for that card. See Figure
4 Select Print from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
print out a copy of the screen or Close to return to the Local Craft Terminal:
SMA1/4UC window.
The rest of this chapter describes the other functions available from the menus on the
Cross-Connection Details screen. In the above example a Packetspan card has been
chosen and only File and Path are available.
Figure 13-3 displays a composite image of the functionality available but what is
actually available depends on the type of card selected in the Cross Connections
Details screen
Note: Port Menu - Port Configuration leads to a further Port Configuration screen
with its own menu structure - see Figure 13-52 on page 245
You can enable or disable the expected path trace ID on a per path basis. The path
trace ID consists of a fifteen-byte string of ASCII characters.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Card > HOVC Config
2 Select the line card on which the cross-connection exists from the Source Card
box to display the Cross-Connection Details screen for that card (for example
Core A Line West), showing current cross-connections.
3 Make sure that the line from which the cross-connection originates is shown as
connected, and select the relevant cross-connection.
4 Select Card and then HOVC Config from the path shown to access the HOVC
Config screen. The screen has three tabs - HOVC #1, HOVC #1 TC and Traffic
Mode. Figure 13-4 describes the HOVC #1 tab.
Path SD Config: SD Mechanism USE
Pipeline to Subnetwork
Pipeline Mode Config No Pipeline
No Pipeline
TC SD Config TC SD Mechanism USE USE
1-20 5
Note: To avoid a temporary mismatch and possible burst of AIS when altering a
Tandem Trace ID:
Note: This traffic mode is only available to Concatenation to Virtual STM-4 card.
Path Trace Insertion Disabled
Note: If VC4 C to V Mode is set to Standard VC4 Mode, then Path Trace Insertion
and Buffer Overflow Threshold are set to their default values and you cannot
change them.
9 Select Close from the File menu in Cross-Connection Details screen to return
to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Section Configuration
You can independently configure the transmitted and expected section path trace ID on
a per line basis.
Note: Section traces must be configured when using Single Fibre Working (SFW) on
the dual STM-1 optical card.
You can enable or disable the expected section trace ID on a per line basis and the
Transmitted Section Trace Detection (single fibre operation). The section trace ID
consists of a fifteen-byte string of ASCII characters.
Section trace identities can be set for STM line cards or STM tributaries.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Card > Section Config
2 Select the required slot from which the cross-connection is to originate, from the
Source Card box. This will display the cross connection details for that card.
-5 -9
· Section SD Config - SD Mechanism: Disabled, 10 to 10 or
USE/CDEG (the default is USE)
7 Select Close from the File menu in Cross Connection Details screen to return
to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
You can also view traffic path performance reports on a selected path basis. See Path
Performance Reports on page 233
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Card > Performance > Reports
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display a list of current
3 Select Reports.from the path shown to access the All Performance Reporting
States screen. See Figure 13-10.
4 Select a Primitive Type that you want to work with from the list.
6 Select Apply and Cancel to close the Performance Reporting States screen
and return to the All Performance Reporting States screen as shown in Figure
7 To view the Performance Reports screen for the selected primitive type, select
Report from the All Performance Reporting States screen.
11 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
The records display on a per card type basis. The available options depend on the type
of card selected
Note: Un available Time is a term for a period of time that starts at the beginning of
the first second of a period of SES (Severely Errored Second) that exceeds the
Start of Unavailability Event (SUE) threshold. This period ends at the beginning
of the first second of a period of non-SES that exceeds the Termination of
Unavailability Event (TUE) threshold.
Note: Traffic Path Performance Reports can be viewed on a selected path basis. To
do so, use the options from the Path menu - see Path Performance Reports for
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Card > Performance > UAT/CSES
Records > Required End > Display or Clear
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display a list of cross
connections for that card, then select the port that you want to work with from
the list available.
3 Select either UAT Records or CSES Records from the path shown, and the
required end, then either Display or Clear as required.
· Display shows the UAT/CSES Records screen for the chosen end (RS
Near-end, etc.). See Figure 13-13 which shows the UAT Records
screen. Select OK to close this screen.
· Clear clears the last six performance records. You are asked for
confirmation before continuing.
4 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
You can view and amend Traffic Path Performance Exception Thresholds on a selected
path basis. To do so, use the Path menu - see Path Performance Reports for details).
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Card > Performance > Exception
Thresholds > Required End
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display the cross-
connections for that card.
3 Select the required end from the path shown to access the Exception
Thresholds screen for that end (see Figure 13-43).
7 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Card > SOH Byte Values
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display the Cross-
Connection Details screen for that card. The screen presents a list of current
3 Select SOH Byte Values from the path shown to access the Section OH Byte
Values screen shown in Figure 13-15.
5 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
13.3.1 Loopbacks
There are loopback functions for, Section, Tributary and HOVC. The operation for each
function is similar.
As an aid to fault diagnosis, this function loops back the signal path at specific points in
a card. Two types of loopback are available:
· Inward (Loopback to Switch). This effectively loops the card input (receive)
port to card output (transmit) port, i.e. loops back the incoming signal.
· Outward (Loopback to Line). This effectively loops the card output to card
input; i.e. loops back the outgoing signal.
This function is applied to specific cards selected from the Cross-Connection Details
Loopbacks must only be applied to traffic paths that have been taken out of
service, and then only when you are fully aware of the network situation,
equipment configuration, and the effects on the network of applying loopbacks.
Refer to Data Loopbacks in the Maintenance Manual before proceeding.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Card > Maintenance > Loopbacks >
Section or HOVC#1
Error Injection
There are two error injection functions, Section and HOVC. The operation for both
functions is similar.
As a diagnostic aid, this function injects an STM-N error signal into the traffic path for
STM-n cards only. The facility is used to check the traffic path integrity, usually during
maintenance and in conjunction with the Loopbacks function.
Note: Error injection is not available if the connection is locked - see Set Admin State.
Note: B1, B2 error injection is not available on the STM-4c/v cards configured in
conversion mode.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Card > Maintenance > Error Injection >
Section or HOVC#1
2 Select the appropriate STM-n card from the Source Card box to display the
Cross-Connection Details screen for that card.
3 Select Section or HOVC#1 from the path shown to display the relevant STM-N
Error Injection screen (see Figure 13-16: STM-1 Section Error Injection and
Figure 13-17).
5 Select Apply to send the data to the SMA1/4UC Comms/Controller Card, which
displays a Warning that injecting errors may lead to a disruption of Traffic.
PRBS Injection
As a diagnostic aid, this function injects a Pseudo Random Binary Signal (PRBS) into
the traffic path at VC-4 level on the STM-n line/tributary cards. Use this function to
check the traffic path integrity, usually during maintenance and in conjunction with the
Loopbacks facility.
Note: PRBS injection is not available if the connection is locked - see Set Admin
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Card > Maintenance > PRBS Injection >
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display the cross
connection details for that card.
· The number of ports shown on the screen depends on the type of card
3 Select Card, Maintenance, PRBS Injection, HOVC to display the relevant PRBS
Injection screen (see Figure 13-18: STM-n PRBS Injection).
5 Select Apply to send the data to the Comms/Controller card, which displays a
Warning stating that injecting PRBS may lead to a disruption of traffic.
At the appropriate points of the system, a PRBS signal is injected as detailed in the
procedure PRBS Injection. The result for a receiving card can be called up as a read-
only screen accessed via the Cross-Connection Details screen.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Card > Maintenance > PRBS Detect >
2 Select an STM-n line/tributary card from the Source Card box to display the
cross connection details for that card.
· The number of ports shown on the screen depends on the type of card
3 Select Card, Maintenance, PRBS Detect, HOVC, to display the relevant PRBS
Detection screen (see Figure 13-19).
The default state is unlocked, but each termination can be locked or unlocked as
If manual diagnostics are already applied to a path that is subsequently locked, the
diagnostics are automatically removed.
A protection cross-connection adopts the same admin state as its associated worker
Locked Functions
The following actions are not available for locked connections:
· Modify the following PDH tributary input port configurations associated with
the connection:
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Set Admin State
2 Select the card from which the cross-connection is to originate, from the Source
Card box. This contains a drop-down list of slots/cards to which connection
procedures are applicable.
5 Select Set Admin State from the path shown to access the Set Admin State
screen (see Figure 13-20). This screen shows both the selected source port
(channel) and the selected destination port to which the connection is made,
together with their current admin status.
6 Change the Admin State and select OK to either lock or unlock the connection
and send the data to the Comms/Controller Card.
7 A Warning dialogue displays, which states that locking a connection will reset
any diagnostics currently being applied to it.
8 Select OK in the Warning to lock the connection and continue, or select Cancel
to return to the Set Admin State screen.
9 Make sure the details on the Cross-Connection Details screen are correctly
10 Select Close from the File menu in Cross Connection Details screen to return
to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
· Line-to-Line
· Line-to-Tributary
· Tributary-to-Tributary
Note: Several types of connection exist: Point to Point is the basic connection and is
illustrated as P-P in the screens. A multi-point connection is also configurable
and is illustrated as either Rx (Receive) or Tx (Transmit). A further option is
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Create Cross Connection >
Point to Point
2 Select the card from which the cross-connection is to originate, from the Source
Card box that contains a pop up list of cards to which connection procedures
are applicable.
4 Make sure that the port from which the cross-connection is to originate is
unconnected. Select the port and then select the Destination Card box.
5 Select the destination card. The Destination Card box lists cards to which the
intended cross-connection can be terminated. Make sure that the port to which
the cross-connection is to be made is shown as unconnected, then select the
required port.
6 Select Point to Point from the path shown to access the Create Cross-
Connections screen. (See Figure 13-21). This screen shows both the selected
source port and the selected destination port to which connection is to be made,
together with the traffic type.
7 Select the Traffic Type as required and select OK to send the data to the
Comms/Controller Card.
8 Make sure the details on the Cross-Connection Details screen are correct (the
display reflects the change).
9 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Note: Several types of cross-connection exist: point to point is the basic connection
and is illustrated as P-P in the screens. A multi-point connection also exists and
is illustrated as either Rx (Receive) or Tx (Transmit). A further option is
supervisory un-equipped which is shown as connection Sup. Uneq. and type
VC-12/2/3/4 SU.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Supervisory Unequipped >
2 Select the card from which the cross-connection is to originate, in the Source
Card box to display the Cross-Connection Details screen for that card. The
screen presents a list of current cross-connections (see Figure 13-22).
4 Select the Traffic Type required and select OK to send the data to the
Comms/Controller Card.
5 Make sure the details on the Cross-Connection Details screen are correct (the
entry is shown as changed).
6 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Note: Modify Path Trace ID is not available if the connection is locked - see Set Admin
State on page 233.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Supervisory Unequipped >
2 Select the card from the Source Card box to display the cross-connection
details. The screen shows a list of current cross-connections
4 Select Config from the path shown to access the Supervisory Unequipped
Details screen (see Figure 13-24).
-5 -6 -9
· Path SD Config: Disabled, 10 , 10 , etc. to 10 and USE/CDEG (the
default is USE.)
Note: USE/CDEG Off thresholds should always be set greater than the On
6 Make sure the details on the Cross-Connection Details screen are correct (the
display reflects changes).
7 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Note: If a connection is Locked, then it must firstly be unlocked before you can delete
it. See Supervisory Unequipped - Admin State below.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Supervisory Unequipped >
2 Select the card from which the cross-connection originates, in the Source Card
box to display the cross-connection details for that card.
4 Select Path > Supervisory Unequipped > Delete to access the Question box in
Figure 13-25.
6 Make sure the details on the Cross-Connection Details screen are correct (the
entry will be shown as changed).
7 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Supervisory Unequipped >
Admin State
2 Select the card from which the cross-connection originates, in the Source Card
box to display the Cross-Connection Details screen for that card.
3 Make sure that the Supervisory Un-equipped connection from which the admin
state is to be changed is either locked/unlocked.
5 Select Path, Supervisory Unequipped and Admin State to access the Set
Admin State screen (see Figure 13-26). This shows the selected port and the
current Admin State.
7 If you are setting the state to Locked, a Warning dialogue box states that
locking a connection will reset any diagnostics currently being applied to it.
9 Make sure the details on the Cross-Connection Details screen are correct (the
display will reflect changes).
10 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
You can create broadcast connections between a single source channel (from line or
tributary) to multiple destination channels (any mixture of line and tributary).
You can add cross-connections to expand an existing broadcast connection, the added
connection(s) adopt the admin state of the other constituent connections. The
constituent connections of a broadcast cross-connection have a single common admin
Note: Several types of connection exist: Point to Point is the basic connection and is
illustrated as P-P in the screens. A broadcast (multi-point) connection is also
configurable and is illustrated as either Rx (Receive) or Tx (Transmit). A further
option is supervisory unequipped which is shown as connection Sup. Uneq. and
type VC-12/2/3/4 SU.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Create Cross Connection >
2 Select the card from which the cross-connection is to originate, from the Source
Card box that contains a pop up list of slots/cards to which connection
procedures are applicable.
4 Make sure that the port (channel) from which the cross-connection is to
originate is shown as unconnected, and select the required path/port (e.g. LEA
Note: To create broadcast connections it is essential to select the transmit end card as
the source card and the receive as the destination card. The transmit port may
be selected repeatedly to build up the multiple ’legs’ of broadcast connections.
5 Select the destination slot. The Destination Slot portion of the screen shows a
list of slots/cards to which the intended cross-connection can be made. Make
sure that the port (channel) at which the cross-connection is to be made is
shown as unconnected, and select the required path/port (for example, LWA
7 The Create Cross-Connections screen (see Figure 13-27), shows both the
selected source port (channel) and also the selected destination port to which
connection is to be made, together with the traffic type.
8 If the type is amendable and you wish to change the traffic type or create a
connection, change the traffic type and select OK to send the data to the
Comms/Controller Card.
9 Make sure the details on the Create-Connection Details screen are correct
(the display reflects changes made). You can make further connections by
selecting a new destination card (Rx) and the same source as before.
10 Once you have set up the necessary broadcast connections, they may be
viewed by selecting the Tx connection card/port (e.g. Core A Line West) as the
source card. Select Path, Broadcast Cross-Connection Details. For an example
of a Broadcast Connection Details screen, see Figure 13-28.
Note: Broadcast connections can also be deleted and admin states amended from a
menu accessed via Connections in the Broadcast Connection Details screen.
These features can also be invoked from the main Cross-Connections screen,
but only at the Rx end.
Note: SNC Protection may also be added to a broadcast (Rx) connection. In doing so,
all Rx connections forming a multiple connection (from a single Tx connection)
will be protected by a single action. Likewise, removal of SNC protection (on a
single Rx connection forming a multiple group) causes all of the connections
previously protected in the multiple group to have SNC protection removed
11 To return to the Cross-Connection Details screen, select Close from the File
12 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Delete Cross-connection
Use this function to remove cross connections from a card.
Note: Delete Cross Connection is not available if the connection is locked - see Set
Admin State on page 233.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Delete Cross Connection
2 Select the card from which the cross-connection is to be deleted, to display the
Cross-Connections Details screen for that card. The screen presents a list of
current cross-connections
5 Make sure the details on the Cross-Connection Details screen are correct (the
display reflects changes made).
6 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Create/Amend SNC Protection
2 Select the card on which the cross-connection exists from the Source Card box
to display the cross connection details for that card.
3 Make sure that the tributary connection exists and select it. Then select the
required card from the Destination Card box, which lists the cards to which
protection can be extended. If you are creating protection, make sure that the
port (channel) for which protection is to be extended is unconnected, and select
the required path/port.
4 Select Create SNC Protection from the path shown (see Figure 13-29) to
access the Create SNC Protection screen.
Depending on the required option, select the appropriate tab: Operation, Signal
Degrade, Configuration, Tandem Connection. The screens are illustrated in
Figure 13-30 to Figure 13-33 below.
Note: Signal Degrade is not available if the connection is locked - see Set Admin
Note: The Force To Worker command has a higher priority than locally
detected failures on the worker channel/card and hence traffic remains
selected from the worker card regardless of any failure indications on
the worker channel/card
Note: The Force Switch To Protection command has a higher priority than
locally-detected failures on the protection channel/card and hence
traffic remains selected from the protection card regardless of any
failure indications on the protection channel/card
-5 -9
- Signal Degrade Mechanism: Disabled, 10 to 10 and
USE/CDEG (the default is USE)
Note: You can set a Global SNC Protection Persistency, see SNC
Persistency on page 120. When this global persistency is set, then all
locally generated card or connection persistency levels are overridden
· Wait to Restore: this is the period that the system waits after recovery
from failure before traffic is restored from a protection card to the
original worker when protection is revertive, in the range 0 to 30
minutes (default =10).
· Expected TC SD Config:
-5 -9
- TC SD Mechanism: Disabled, 10 to 10 and USE/CDEG (the
default is USE)
7 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Note: To make sure that changes have occurred, and are correctly displayed,
firstly exit the feature by selecting Cancel then re-enter the
Create/Amend SNC Protection screen after approximately 10
seconds have elapsed.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Delete SNC Protection
2 Select the appropriate tributary card (protection associated procedures are not
applicable to line cards) from the Source Card box. This displays the Cross-
Connection Details screen for that card with a list of current cross-connections.
3 Make sure that the tributary is cross-connected and protected. Select the port
from which protection is to be deleted.
4 Select Delete SNC Protection from the path shown. You are asked for
confirmation of the deletion (see Figure 13-34).
5 To delete SNC Protection, select Yes to send the data to the Comms/Controller
7 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Swap Worker/Protection
2 Select the appropriate tributary card (protection associated procedures are not
applicable to line cards) from the Source Card box to display the Cross-
Connection Details for that card which lists current cross-connections.
3 Make sure the tributary is cross-connected and protected. Select the port
(channel) at which the cross-connection worker/protection state is to be
4 Select Swap Worker/Protection from the path shown. You are asked to confirm
your action (see Figure 13-35).
5 To swap worker and protection channels, select Yes to send the data to the
Comms/Controller Card.
7 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
VC Configuration
Use this function to change the VC Configuration. You can set this to Enabled/Disabled
for each VC-n (n=12, 2, 3, or 4) path in a received STM-N signal for alarm monitoring.
The VC Configuration screen can be used to configure TC parameters.
You can specify the STM-N card or unit and the VC-n path to be monitored. When
enabled, the POM function recovers the VC-POH bytes/bits for signal label, BIP, Path
Trace ID and Path Status. The VC-n is unchanged and is passed through, whilst
corresponding alarm information is reported. Expected Path Trace, Section SD Config
and Signal Label can also be viewed from this screen (see Figure 13-36).
Note: Modify Path Trace ID is not available if the connection is locked - see Set Admin
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > VC Config
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display the Cross-
Connection Details screen for that card which lists current cross-connections.
3 Select the required connection, then select VC Config from the path shown to
access the VC Config screen (see Figure 13-36).
-5 -9
- SD Mechanism: Disabled, 10 to 10 and USE/CDEG (the default
is USE)
· Monitored Signal Label (varies with VC type): 0.181 Test Signal, Byte
Synchronous Floating, Asynchronous Floating, Equipped - Non
Specific (the default is Equipped - Non Specific)
· TC SD Config:
6 Select Close from the File menu in Cross Connection Details screen to return
to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
This feature can be Enabled/Disabled for each path type through a connected VC-n
path in a received STM-N signal.
You can specify the STM-N card or Unit and the VC-n path to be monitored. When
enabled the Path Overhead Monitor (POM) function recovers the VC-POH bytes/bits for
Signal Label, BIP, Path Trace ID and Path Status. The VC-n is unchanged and is
passed through, whilst corresponding alarm information is reported. Expected Path
Trace, Section SD Config and Signal Label can also be viewed from this screen (see
Figure 13-37).
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Through Path Config
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box. This displays the Cross-
Connection Details screen for that card which lists current cross-connections.
3 Select the connection that requires POH Monitoring, then select Through Path
Config from the path shown to access the Through Path Config screen (see
Figure 13-37).).
Note: USE Parameters must not be set to 0 for this product release.
· Path SD Config:
-5 -9
- SD mechanism: Disabled, 10 to 10 and USE/CDEG (the default
is USE)
· Monitored TC SD Config:
6 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
The POH bytes are transmitted in the line signal carried via the SMA1/4UC cards, and
appear on a single screen for each path on a selected card.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > POH Byte Values
3 Select the required connection from the Cross-Connection Details screen and
POH Byte Values from the path shown to display the POH Byte Values screen
shown in Figure 13-38.
Note: The POH Byte Values screen will vary between types of
5 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Note: Card Path Performance Reports can be viewed on a selected card basis. See
Card Performance Reports on page 202.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Performance > Reports
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display the cross-
connection details for that card.
· If the card is a PDH card, the screen presents a list of current cross-
connections. Select the connection for which the report is required.
· If the card is an STM-n card, you firstly need to select a Through Path
from the Cross-Connection Details to allow records to be read (see
Display Through Path Traffic on page 238).
3 Select Reports... from the path shown to access the All Performance
Reporting States screen. See Figure 13-16.
4 Select the Primitive Type that you want to work with from the list.
6 Select Apply then Cancel to close the Performance Reporting States screen
and return to the All Performance Reporting States screen as shown in Figure
7 To view the Performance Reports screen for the selected primitive type, select
Report to display the All Performance Reporting States screen. See Figure
Note: Scheduled reports (15 minute or 24 hour) are enabled at and reported
only to the EM. Exception reports are enabled and reported in the
Historic Performance Logs and to the EM.
9 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
The records display on a per card type basis. The available options depend on the type
of card selected.
Note: Unavailable Time is a term for a period of time that starts at the beginning of the
first second of a period of SES (Severely Errored Second) that exceeds the
Start of Unavailability Event (SUE) threshold. This period ends at the beginning
of the first second of a period of non-SES that exceeds the Termination of
Unavailability Event (TUE) threshold.
Note: Card Performance Reports can be viewed on a selected card basis. To do so,
use the options from the Card menu see Card Performance Reports for details.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Performance > UAT Records >
Path > End > Display or Clear
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display the cross
connection details for that card.
· If the card is a PDH card, the screen presents a list of current cross-
connections. Select the required connection.
· If the card is an STM-n card, you firstly need to select a Through Path
to allow the records to be read (see Display Through Path Traffic
238for details of how to do this).
3 Select either UAT Records or CSES Records from the path shown, and the
required end, then either Display or Clear as required.
· Display shows the UAT/CSES Records screen for the chosen end (RS
Near-end, etc.). See Figure 13-13 which shows the UAT Records
screen. Select OK to close this screen.
· Clear clears the last six performance records. You are asked for
confirmation before continuing.
Note: When you select UAT/CSES the reports do not have access to the
synchronisation feature.
4 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
You can view and amend Card Path Performance Exception Thresholds on a selected
card basis. To do so, use the Card menu, see Card Performance Exception Thresholds
on page 205 for details.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Performance > Exception
Thresholds > Path > End
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display the cross-
connections for that card.
· If the card is a PDH card, the screen presents a list of current cross-
· If the card is an STM-n card, you firstly need to select a Through Path
to allow records to be read (see Display Through Path Traffic on page
205 for details of how to do this).
3 Select the required end from the path shown to access the Exception
Thresholds screen for that end (see Figure 13-43).
7 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Performance > Display Through
Path > Traffic
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display the cross-
connection details. The screen presents a list of channels with their current
cross-connection states.
4 Select Traffic from the path shown to access the Display Through Path screen
- see Figure 13-44.
6 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Performance > Display Through
Path > Synchronisation
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display the cross-
connection details. The screen presents a list of current cross-connections.
4 Select Synchronisation from the path shown to access the Display Through
Path screen illustrated in Figure 13-4.
6 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Performance > Select Through
Path > Traffic
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display a list of current
4 Select Traffic from the path shown to display the Select Through Path screen,
see Figure 13-46.
7 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Path > Performance > Select Through
Path > Synchronisation
2 Select the appropriate card from the Source Card box to display a list of current
cross connections.
4 Select Synchronisation from the path shown to access the Select Through
Path screen illustrated in Figure 13-47.
7 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
13.5 Port
Select a port that has been configured on a Core Trib card as shown in Figure 13-48.
Selecting Port > Port Configuration from the Cross-Connection Details screen calls up
a new screen, the Port Configuration screen with its own menu structure as shown in.
Figure 13-50 and Figure 13-51.
Port Configurations
All 2, 34, 40, 45 and 140Mbit/s PDH signals are mapped into VC-12s, VC-3s and VC-4s
respectively. The traffic types can be either structured or unstructured on a per port
basis. You can view the type of traffic (default value Unstructured) and alter it to suit
your requirements as necessary.
Port Configuration details can be viewed on a selected card type basis. Available
options depend on the type of card selected: 1.5, 2, 34, 45,140Mbit/s.
Note: Port configuration is not available if the connection is locked - see Set Admin
State on page 211.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Port > Port Configuration > Port
Configuration screen > Port > Port Configuration
2 Select the appropriate tributary card from the Source Card box to display the
cross-connection details screen for that card. The screen presents a list of
current cross-connections.
3 Select an existing tributary connection to gain access to the port option from the
Cross-Connection Details screen.
4 Select Port > Port Configuration from the Cross-Connection Details screen to
access the Port Configuration window.
5 Select Port > Port Config (see) to access the Port Configuration screen in
Figure 13-52.
Note: The screen in Figure 13-52 shows a 45Mbit/s tributary. For other
tributaries such as 34Mbit/s and 140Mbit/s for instance, the screen
details will vary. On 1.5Mbit/s tributaries, only unstructured framing
should be selected.
Note: When this condition is enabled and the NT1 loopbacks are applied,
then they will override any previously set-up 2Mbit/s loopbacks. This
feature should not be enabled/applied without gaining the approval of
the Network Controller.
6 Change the settings as required for the card type (Structured or Unstructured)
· Mapping:
-5 -6 -9
· SD Config: Disabled, 10 , 10 , etc. to 10 and USE/CDEG (the
default is USE)
Note: USE/CDEG Off thresholds should always be set greater than the On
9 Select Close from the File menu in the Port Configuration screen to return to
the Cross-Connection Details screen.
10 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Note: Once a port is selected from the Port Configuration screen then it can
be cross-connected, protected, amended and deleted, etc. as
necessary see Create/Amend Port Protection on page 256and Delete
Port Protection on page 258 for details.
Note: Do not attempt to delete the port protection connection from the
Cross-connections window. Port protection connections should be
deleted from the Port Config window.
The path trace ID consists of a fifteen-byte string of ASCII characters. Path trace
identities cannot be set for STM-n tributary cards.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Port > Port Configuration > Port
Configuration screen > Port > Connected Port Configuration
2 Select the card, on which the cross-connection exists, from the Source Card box
to display the cross-connection details for that card. The screen presents a list
of current cross-connections.
3 Make sure that the port from which the cross-connection originates is shown as
4 Select an existing tributary connection to gain access to the port option from the
Cross-Connection Details screen.
5 Select Port Configuration from the path shown to access the Port
Configuration window.
6 Select the required port in the window and Connected Port Config from the path
shown to access the Connected Port Config screen (see Figure 13-54).
Note: It may be necessary to move the Port Config window to reveal the
Cross-Connections window to identify the connected port's
7 Change the field settings as required. The possible field entries are shown
-5 -6 -9
· SD Mechanism: Disabled, 10 , 10 , etc. to 10 and USE/CDEG (the
default is USE)
Note: USE/CDEG Off thresholds should always be set greater than the On
10 Select Close from the File menu in the Port Configuration screen to return to the
Cross-Connection Details screen.
11 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Note: Once a port is selected from the Port Configuration screen then it can
be protected, amended and deleted, etc. as necessary see
Create/Amend Port Protection on page 256 and Delete Port Protection
on page 258 for details.
You can select a specific port configured for asynchronous mapping, and configure the
synchronisation of the 2Mbit/s output at any given time from the Cross-Connection
Details screen. Port Configuration details can then be viewed and altered on a per card
type basis.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Port > Port Configuration > Port
Configuration screen > Port > 2M Output Buffer Timing Configuration
2 Select a 2Mbit/s tributary card from the Source Card box to display the cross-
connection details for that card. The screen presents a list of current cross-
4 Select Port Config from the path shown to access the Port Configuration
screen (see Figure 13-55).
5 Select the required connection port number and 2M Output Timing Buffer Config
to access the 2M Output Timing Buffer Config screen (see Figure 13-56). The
screen shows the 2Mbit/s Output Timing field.
6 Select the Output Timing mode required (Normal Timing, Synchronous Data
Channel or Plesiochronous Channel Timing Buffer, Synchronous Channel
Timing Buffer or Wander Buffer).
Note: If you select Wander Buffer, then configure the Wander Timing Source;
see Wander Buffer Synchronisation Source on page 251.
Note: Once a port is selected from the Port Configuration screen then it can
be cross-connected, protected, amended and deleted, etc. as
necessary - see Create/Amend Port Protection on page 256 and
Delete Port Protection on page 258 for details.
You can set-up a specific port at any given time from the Cross-Connection Details
screen as a synchronisation source (wander buffer synchronisation source). Port
configuration details can then be viewed and altered on a per card type basis.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Port > Port Configuration > Port
Configuration screen > Port > Wander Buffer Sync Source
2 Select a 2Mbit/s tributary card from the Source Card box to display the Cross-
Connection Details screen for that card.
4 Select Port Config from the path shown to access the Port Configuration
screen (see Figure 13-57).
5 Select the required connection and Wander Buffer Sync Source to access the
Wander Buffer Sync Source screen (see Figure 13-58). The screen shows the
2Mbit/s Wander Buffer Sync Source field.
Note: Once a port is selected from the Port Configuration screen then it can
be protected, amended and deleted, etc. as necessary see
Create/Amend Port Protection on page 256 and Delete Port Protection
on page 258 for details.
CRC-4 Monitoring
Use this function to enable/disable CRC-4 Monitoring on a per port basis once you have
selected a 2Mbit/s tributary card with its ports set for structured signals.
Note: CRC-4 monitoring is not available if the connection is locked - see Set Admin
State on page 211.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Port > Port Configuration > Port
Configuration screen > Port > CRC-4 Monitoring
2 Select a 2Mbit/s tributary card from the Source Card box to display the Cross-
Connection Details screen for that card. The screen presents a list of current
4 Select Port Config from the path shown to access the Port Configuration
5 Select the required connection port number and CRC-4 Monitoring to access
the CRC-4 Monitoring status screen (see Figure 13-60: CRC-4 Monitoring).
The screen shows the current state of CRC-4 Monitoring, (Enabled or Disabled).
Note: When Disabled, the FAW is monitored and the configuration also
determines error rate alarm calculations/performance monitoring.
Note: Once a port is selected from the Port Configuration screen then it can
be cross-connected, protected, amended and deleted, etc. as
necessary - see Create/Amend Port Protection on page 256 and
Delete Port Protection on page 258 for details.
CRC-4 Insertion
Use this function to enable/disable CRC-4 Insertion on a per port basis once you have
selected a 2Mbit/s tributary card with its ports set for structured signals.
Note: CRC-4 insertion is not available if the connection is locked - see Set Admin
State on page 211.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Port > Port Configuration > Port
Configuration screen > Port > CRC-4 Insertion
2 Select a 2Mbit/s tributary card from the Source Card box to display the Cross-
Connection Details screen for that card. The screen presents a list of current
4 Select Port Config from the path shown to access the Port Configuration
Note: Select the required connection port number and CRC-4 Insertion to
access the CRC-4 Insertion status screen (see Figure 13-62). The
screen shows the current state of CRC-4 Insertion (Enabled or
Note: When Disabled, the FAW is monitored and the configuration also
determines error rate alarm calculations/performance monitoring.
Note: Once a port is selected from the Port Configuration screen then it can be
cross-connected, protected, amended and deleted, etc. as necessary - see
Connections Menu and Delete Port Protection for details.
Note: Do not attempt to delete a port protection from the Cross-connections window.
Port protection should only be deleted from the Port Config window.
Port Protection allows the VC-12 (2Mbit/s), VC-3 (34/45Mbit/s) and VC-4 (140Mbit/s)
path to be protected by a duplicate path provided by way of a second Line.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Port > Port Configuration > Port
Configuration screen > Port > Create/Amend Port Protection
2 Select an appropriate tributary card from the Source Card box to display a list of
current cross-connections.
4 Select Port Config from the path shown to access the Port Configuration
5 Select the source card in the Source Card box, then select the destination in the
Destination Card box, and finally select the port connections in the lists shown
for the source and destination cards.
6 Once the ports are selected, then select Create or Amend from the path shown
(one option may be greyed out).
Note: The Force Switch To Protection command has a higher priority than
locally-detected failures on the protection port and hence traffic
remains selected from the protection port regardless of any failure
indications on the protection.
11 Select Close from the File menu in the Port Configuration screen to return to
the Cross-Connection Details screen.
12 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Note: Do not attempt to delete port protection from the Cross-connections window.
Port protection should only be deleted from the Port Config window.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Connections > Connections >
Cross-Connection Details screen > Port > Port Configuration > Port
Configuration screen > Port > Delete Port Protection
2 Select the appropriate tributary card from the Source Card box to display the
cross-connection details for that card. The screen presents a list of current
3 Select Port Config from the path shown to access the Port Configuration
screen (see Figure 13-65).
4 Select the source card in the Source Card box, then select the destination in the
Destination Card box, and finally select the port connections in the lists shown
for the source and destination cards.
6 Select Yes to delete protection from the selected card and return to the Port
Configuration screen. This action sends data to the Comms/Controller Card.
7 Select Close from the File menu in the Port Configuration screen to return to
the Cross-Connection Details screen.
8 Select Close from the File menu in the Cross-Connection Details screen to
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Blank Page
Chapter 14:
Performance Menu
Figure 14-1: Performance Menu
Use this function to set the 24-hour end time as required to a value within 15-minute
steps. Monitoring will begin 24 hours before this end time and will end at the selected
time. For example, if the current time is 06:00 and you set this end time to 07:15,
monitoring will begin at 07:15 today and stop at 07:15 tomorrow.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Performance > Set 24 Hour End
1 Select Set 24-Hour End from the path shown to display the Set 24-Hour End
Time screen which shows the current 24-Hour Period End Time.
4 To change the 24-Hour End Time, select OK in the message box. This returns
you to the Set 24-Hour End Time screen which shows the new 24-hour end
5 Select Cancel to exit the screen back to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC
Use the appropriate function to clear records of the required type. The Clear All
Records function clears all current 15-minute and 24-hour records together.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Performance > Clear > Current
15 Min/24 Hour/All Records
1 Select Clear and the required type of records from the path shown. This
displays an appropriate Warning screen. Figure 14-3 shows the warning for
clearing 15-minute reports.
2 To clear the reports, select OK, else select Cancel. In either case, you are
returned to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Performance Thresholds
Performance Thresholds are associated with monitoring the performance of the overall
equipment. They can be either globally set on a per-system basis, or individually set as
You can display and amend the thresholds through the Performance Thresholds
screen. Reports will be generated when the respective thresholds are exceeded.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Performance > Thresholds >
Performance Thresholds
2 Select the required threshold and amend its value in the Modify Threshold field
as required.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Performance > Thresholds >
Default Thresholds
1 Select Default Thresholds from the path shown to display a Question box,
which asks for confirmation.
3 You are warned that this will reset All threshold values on cards ports and paths
to their default values. If you wish to continue, select OK to set the defaults and
return to the Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window.
Synchronisation Thresholds
Synchronisation Event Report Thresholds are associated with the performance of the
overall equipment. They can be either globally set on a per system basis, or individually
as required.
Use this function to display and amend the current synchronisation event report
thresholds for the equipment.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Performance > Thresholds >
2 Select the required threshold and amend its value in the Modify Threshold field
as required.
Use this function to display and amend the current performance event report thresholds
for the equipment.
Note: All CSES Reports (e.g. RS Near End CSES) can have their threshold levels set
between 1-9, with a default value of 5.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Performance > Thresholds >
1 Select CSES from the path shown to display the CSES Thresholds screen,
showing the current threshold values.
2 Select the required threshold and amend its value in the Modify Threshold field.
Once established, you can display and alter the current performance event report
thresholds for the equipment.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Performance > Thresholds >
Trib Input SES Thresholds
1 Select Trib Input SES Thresholds from the path shown to display the Trib Input
SES Thresholds screen, showing the current threshold values.
2 Select the required threshold and amend its value in the Modify Threshold field.
Delaying allows you to delay the sending of scheduled reports. Each NE in a network
should have its delay set to a different value to maximise the probability that all NEs
within a network send reports at different times.
Once established, the default delay state can be enabled or disabled. The delay value
may be displayed and amended as required.
Note: The default delay period mentioned in this text (417 seconds) is included for
completeness. It will vary between equipment, as the Comms/Controller
generates it in a pseudo-random manner within the range of 0-889 seconds,
with 1-second granularity.
Path: Local Craft Terminal: SMA1/4UC window > Performance > Scheduled
Reporting Delays
Blank Page
Chapter 15:
NE Configuration
15.1 Initial Configuration
Initial configuration of the SMA1/4UC is carried out using the Commissioning facility on
the LCT.
The shelf and cards should be logically configured and brought to the operational state
by use of the LCT (Refer to the LCT Operator Manual for the correct procedure).
Configuration can be carried out remotely from any other SMA1/4UC element on the
same network (provided the Core A Card has previously been commissioned locally).
Note: The Core A Card must be initially configured in order to recognise the presence
of cards in the shelf. If a card is being configured with the Core A card in the Off-
line state, then a ‘card missing’ message will be displayed, even if the card is
present in the shelf. The Core A Card is brought ‘on-line’ at the end of
Commissioning by bringing the NE ‘on-line’.
1 Connect the LCT to the SMA1/4UC. The Welcome screen should indicate that
the SMA1/4UC type is a SMA-1/4 Ultra Compact, and the Controller state is
Off-Line and Uncommissioned. The Communications state may also be
2 From the Welcome screen menu select Commission then the Comms option to
display the Login screen. Login using ADMIN (use upper case) as the User
Name and enter the current password. (SDHMUXES)
3 Either enter the settings provided by the Network Planner on the Transport
Layer screen or accept the defaults. Select Apply followed by Continue, when
it becomes available, to display the Gateway Interface Configuration screen.
Then enter the NE Ethernet MAC addresses as per the Network Planner’s
instructions. Confirm that the details are correct then select Apply then
Continue, when it becomes available, to display the Network Layer
Configuration screen. (OK the Qualifier screen) Card Missing if it appears.
the default. Set the Mode (Routing Table) to Level 1 for Non-Gateway NE and
Level 2 for a Gateway NE.
7 From the Welcome screen menu select Commission then the Mux Controller
option. Login using ADMIN (use upper case) as the User Name and enter the
current password.
8 You will now get the option to Set Commissioning Parameters, set these as per
the customers requirements. The default options are:-
Note: The Adopt function will adopt the card already fitted, & will immediately
show (if suitable) the card in the slot.
13 Repeat this process of selecting each card or module interface in turn, selecting
the Configure/Adopt state, & selecting the correct traffic type (if applicable) until
the desired shelf configuration is complete.
14 When all cards have been configured on the LCT select Apply then OK the
qualifier screen. (The Qualifier window will display all the cards that have just
been configured). Select Continue, when it becomes available.
16 Wait until the Mux Controller led (amber LED) on Core A has ceased flashing
and is permanently lit before continuing.
Note: Some partitions on a new SMA1/4UC may be set to Empty. These cannot be re-
1 From the Welcome screen menu select File then, from the resulting menu, the
Login option. Login using ADMIN (use upper case) as the User Name and enter
the current password to display the Top Level screen.
The LCT main screen will be displayed. the following diagram is an example
2 Select the Mux Controller on the Core A card, and then using the mouse Right
Click over the card, then from the resulting menu, select SMC option then Bank
3 Select, in turn, each card partition from the list displayed then, from the on
screen menu, select Global and from the resulting menu select Set Bank Status
and select the OK qualifier at the end.
4 On the Set Bank Status screen set the status of SMC-1 to Current and SMC-2
to Non-Current for each Generic card type. Then select OK & Close, to return to
the Bank Status screen.
5 When all partitions have been set select File then Close from the Bank Status
screen, to return to the Top Level screen.
15.3 Synchronisation
For initial commissioning the SMA1/4UC Sync mode needs to be free running which is
the default settings but should be confirmed as follows:-
1 Via the Configuration option from the Top Level menu select Sync then SETG
Sync Mode. Confirm that the SETG Sync Mode option is set to Free running.
All other options should be left at the defaults.
2 Select Apply then select Cancel to return to the Top Level screen. Wait until
the 3rd LED down on the Mux Controller has ceased flashing and is
permanently lit before continuing.
2 Select: Source Card field & choose line module Core A Line East (for
7 Select the Apply button, then Cancel to revert back to the Cross-Connection
Details screen.
8 Repeat steps as appropriate, for the other Core Line module(s) fitted.
1 From the Top Level menu select the Fault Management option.
2 Select Fault Detectors then Fault Action from the resulting menus to display the
Fault Action screen.
3 If any fault actions are set i.e. Data-AIS or RAI (indicated by a Tick) for Trib
Input AIS within the PDH Ports area of the screen then they should be
4 Confirm that no actions are selected for Trib Input AIS then select Apply then
Cancel to return to the Top Level screen.
1 From the Top Level menu select the Configuration option then Diagnostic Reset
to display the Diagnostic Reset screen.
2 Ensure the following are deselected Loopback PRBS Injection Error Injection
3 Ensure that Automatic Reset is set to Disabled then Apply. Select Cancel to
return to the Top Level screen.
3 Select OK & OK again to confirm, & return to the Top Level screen.
4 It could take several minutes to bring the NE on-line, this will depend on the
card complement. Completion is indicated when, the Mux Controller (MC)
Amber led on the Core A card stops flashing, and the Amber led on other
equipped cards are permanently ON.
Blank Page
Chapter 16:
Functional Checks At SMA1/4UC Nodes
Carry out the following tests on each SMA1/4UC PRIOR to it being connected into the
2 Operate the upper switch on the Optical STM-n card front for at least 12
seconds. This will energise the laser for 90 seconds.
3 Confirm the launch level from the card under test is within the limits below.
STM-1 I-1.1
1310 nm -8.0 to –15.0 dBm
Intra-Office/Short Haul DFW S-1.1
1550Tx/1310Rx 0 to –3.0 dBm
Long Haul SFW
1536 nm RED L-1.2
1554 nm BLUE
STM-4 I-4.1
1310 nm -8.0 to –15.0 dBm
Intra-Office/Short Haul DFW S-4.1
1310 nm
STM-4 L-4.1+
+2.0 to –3.0 dBm
Long Haul DFW L-4.2
1550 nm
16.2 Alarms
Note: Attenuated test leads are NOT required to loop back Optical STM-1
1310/1550nm, or STM-4 1310nm cards. They ARE required for STM-4
2 Loop the STM-1 Output and Input of all equipped STM-1 Electrical Mux cards.
3 The only alarms present on the SMA1/4UC should be those expected at this
Note: The Port X Trib Input Loss of Signal alarms will not be raised if the shelf is
commissioned with Trib input mode of Xconn.
Historic Alarm/Event Log Threshold Exceedence alarms may be present and can be
cleared by selecting Clear_log the event logs via the LCT. I.e. From the Main menu
select Fault Management®NE Event Logs®Historical Alarms®All
An EM Comms Link Fail alarm may also be present. This will clear when
communication with MV-36 is established.
1 From the LCT Top Level menu select Connections then the appropriate tributary
card, from the resulting list, to display the Cross Connection Details screen.
2 Select Port 1 on the source Trib card e.g. Core A Trib1, then display the
Destination Card selection field from which select Line West then its Port 1.
3 Select Path from the Cross Connection Details screen menu then the Create
Cross Connection and Point to Point options.
4 Select a Traffic Type of VC-12 (2Mbit/s card and 34Mbit/s Transmux card), VC-
3 (34/45 Mbit/s Cards), or VC-4 (140 Mbit/s/STM-1/STM-4 Cards) then OK to
create the cross connection.
6 If a second Tributary of the same type is to be tested and a Line East Interface
is present repeat but making cross connections from Line East instead of Line
7 If further Tributary cards are to be tested repeat dividing the VC-n connections
equally between Line East (if fitted) and Line West.
8 Return to the Top Level by selecting Window from the Cross Connection
Details screen menu then selecting Close.
2 Select Historic Status then All from the sub menus to view the log. Selecting the
Clear _Log option will clear the log. Confirm the request by selecting Yes in the
message box displayed.
3 View and clear if necessary the Historic Alarm log in a similar manner.
16.5.1 64x2 Mbit/s Core Trib Card or 3x34/45 Mb/s Generic Trib with 75W
Unbalanced Terminations.
1 Ensure that Line West and Line East are looped back on themselves via
suitable test cables.
2 Using the procedure described in 16.3 create cross connections from Core A
Trib1 to Line West, and from Core A Trib2 to Line East (if fitted) for all 64 x 2M
Core Trib ports.
3 To ensure that no cable reversals exits the following test should be carried out
sequentially until all ports are connected in tandem.
4 Apply an appropriate test signal to Port 1 I/P of Core A Trib1 which is cross-
connected to Line West/East, i.e.:-
5 View the Active Alarms for the Tributary under test and confirm that the
appropriate Port Loss of Input alarm has cleared.
6 Ensure an error free PRBS signal is present on the same Port O/P then loop the
O/P to the adjacent Port I/P (if applicable).
7 Loop the O/P of Core A Trib1 port 32 to the adjacent Core A Trib2 port1 I/P.
8 Repeat until all Port O/Ps and I/Ps of Core A Trib1/Trib2 are connected in
tandem and an error free PRBS signal is present at Core A Trib2 port 32 O/P.
10 Clear the Event Logs, and then GENTLY agitate each cable at its connection
point at the DDF and at the equipment face. Also GENTLY tap each unit
(including LTUs) in the shelf. No induced alarms or errors shall be recorded in
either case. Confirm by interrogating the Event Logs.
16.5.2 64x2 Mbit/s Core Trib Card or 3x34/45 Mb/s Generic Trib with 120W
Balanced Terminations.
Note: The Cabling Between the 24 Port RJ45 Patch Panel Interface & The Subrack
Should Be Included As Part Of The Equipment Set Up For This Test.
· Port 1 to Port 2
· Port 3 to Port 4
· Port 5 to Port 6
· Port 7 to Port 8
· Port 9 to Port 10
· Port 11 to Port 12
· Port 13 to Port 14
· Port 15 to Port 16
· Port 17 to Port 18
· Port 19 to Port 20
· Port 21 to Port 22
· Port 23 to Port 24
2 Connect a Balun connector (that converts RJ45 to Type 43) to Port 1 of the
patch panel, using a CAT5 2 pair cross-over cable.
4 Apply an appropriate test signal to Port 1 I/P of Core A Trib1, that is connected
to Patch Panel port 1. i.e.:-
16.5.3 2048 Kbit/s HDB3 2^15-1 PRBS for 2Mbit/s Trib cards.
1 Connect a second Balun connector (that converts RJ45 to Type 43) to Port 2 of
the patch panel, using a CAT5 2 pair cross-over cable. The Tx & Rx connectors
at the Type 43 end of the balun is looped back with a 75W U-Link.
3 View the Active Alarms for the Tributary under test and confirm that Ports 1 & 2
Loss of Input alarms have cleared.
Note: To ensure that no cable reversals exits the following steps should be
carried out sequentially until all ports on the patch panel are connected
in tandem, externally by CAT5 test cables & internally by Cross
4 Disconnect the second Balun connector from Port 2 & connect it to Port 4 of the
patch panel
5 Connect Port 2 & Port 3 of the patch panel together, using a CAT5 2 pair cross-
over cable.
7 With reference to Figure 4.1, repeat moving down the Patch Panel sequentially,
until all 24 Port O/Ps and I/Ps of the patch panel/Tributary card are connected in
8 Verify that an error free PRBS signal is present at the Traffic Analyser that is still
connected to Port 1 of the patch panel. And confirm that all Loss of Input
alarms have cleared for all 24 ports at the Patch Panel being tested.
9 Clear the Event Logs then GENTLY agitate each cable at its connection point at
the Patch Panel and at the equipment face. Also GENTLY tap each unit
(including LTUs) in the shelf. No induced alarms or errors shall be recorded in
either case. Confirm by interrogating the Event Logs.
10 Repeat all of the above steps for other Core A Trib1 & Core A Trib2 2Mb/s ports
that are connected to any other 24 x RJ45 Patch Panels.
Figure 16-1: 2Mb/s 120W Balanced Tributary Test At RJ45 Patch Panel
24 x Port RJ45
Patch Panel
2 Mb/s Balun Connector
RJ45 - Type 43 Converter
75W Coax 4
Test Leads
Key 10
Software Cross Connection
“CAT 5” 2 Pair Cross-over Cable
75W U-Link 20
10A HD Type 43 21
Balun Connector 23
RJ45 - Type 43 Converter
1 Using the procedure in Section 16.3 cross connect all ports of the STM-1
Tributary under test to Line West or Line East at the VC-4 level.
2 With Line West and Line East looped back on themselves, via suitable test
cables, apply an STM-1 SIGNAL with the VC-4 containing 140 Mbit/s CMI 2^23-
1 PRBS, to Port#1 I/P of the STM-1 Tributary card under test.
3 View the Active Alarms for the Tributary under test and confirm that the
appropriate Port Loss of Input alarm has cleared.
4 Confirm an error free PRBS signal is present on the same Port O/P, then loop
the O/P to the adjacent Port I/P (if applicable).
5 Repeat until all Port O/Ps and I/Ps of the Tributary card are connected in
tandem and an error free PRBS signal is present at the final port O/P.
6 To include other Tributary cards of the same type connected to Line West/East
in the monitored loop, connect the last port O/P of the preceding card to Port 1
I/P of the next. Repeat as necessary.
7 Clear the Event Logs then GENTLY agitate each cable at its connection point at
the DDF and at the equipment face. Also GENTLY tap each unit in the shelf. No
induced alarms or errors shall be recorded in either case. Confirm by
interrogating the Event Logs.
1 Using the procedure in Section 16.3 cross connect all ports of the STM-4
Tributary under test to Line West or Line East at the VC-4 level.
2 With Line West and Line East looped back, via suitable test cables, apply an
STM-1 signal with the VC-4 for STM-1#1 containing 140 Mbit/s CMI 2^23-1
PRBS, to the I/P of the STM-4 Tributary under test and confirm that the signal is
alarm & error free at the O/P port for STM-1#1.
3 View the Active Alarms for the STM-4 Tributary under test and confirm that the
appropriate Port Loss of Input alarm has cleared.
5 Clear the Event Logs then GENTLY agitate each cable at its connection point at
the ODF and at the equipment face. Also GENTLY tap each unit in the shelf. No
induced alarms or errors shall be recorded in either case. Confirm by
interrogating the Event Logs. Setup HOVC Config Traffic Mode for VC4 c/v Conversion
1 Select Connections Connections from the Top Level Menu to display the Cross
Connection Details screen.
2 Select the required slot (STM 4 C to V) from the Source Card field combo box.
3 Select Card and then HOVC Config from pull down menu to access the HOVC
Config screen. See Figure below.
4 If the VC4 C to V Optimux card was selected correctly in the Cross Connection
Details screen the Traffic Mode tab in the HOVC Config screen will be
selectable. Click on the Traffic Mode tab. The contents of this tab are shown in
the above figure.
5 In the Traffic Mode tab change the VC4 C to V Mode option (default) to
Conversion Mode using the VC4 C to V Mode combo box.
6 Click Apply.
9 Select Close from File option in Cross Connection Details screen to revert to
the Top Level Menu.
The VC-4 signals for STM-1#1, STM-1#2, STM-1#3, & STM-1#4 contains 140 Mbit/s
CMI 2^23-1 PRBS.
1 Cross connect all VC-4 Channels from Generic Trib 1 (or Generic Trib) to Line
West or Line East at the VC-4 level.
2 With Line West and Line East looped back via suitable test cables, apply an
STM-4 VC4-4c signal to the I/P of the STM-4 VC4-4c/v Tributary under test and
confirm that the signal is alarm & error free at the O/P port.
3 View the Active Alarms for the STM-4 VC4-4c/v Tributary under test and confirm
that the appropriate Port Loss of Input alarm has cleared.
4 Clear the Event Logs then GENTLY agitate each cable at its connection point at
the ODF and at the equipment face. Also GENTLY tap each unit in the shelf. No
induced alarms or errors shall be recorded in either case. Confirm by
interrogating the Event Logs.
1 Cross connect all sixteen ports of the 34Mbit/s Transmux under test to Line
West or Line East at the VC-12 level
2 With Line West & Line East looped back apply a 34 Mbit/s HDB3 signal
containing a Structured payload to the I/P of the Transmux under and monitor
at its O/P. The Transmitter and Receiver should be Coupled and use the
Internal Clock Sync. Results should be set to display bit errors.
3 View the Alarms for the 34 Mbit/s Transmux under test and confirm that the
Loss of Input alarm has cleared.
4 From the Transmitter apply a 2 Mbit/s 2^15-1 PRBS test signal into each
channel in turn and confirm that an error free signal is indicated on the Receiver
for the same channel.
5 Clear the Event Logs then GENTLY agitate each cable at its connection point at
the DDF and at the equipment face. Also GENTLY tap each unit (including
LTUs) in the shelf. No induced alarms or errors shall be recorded in either case.
Confirm by interrogating the Event Logs.
1 With the conditions still set up from one of the Loss Of Signal Alarm And Error
Free Check tests confirm that the Error Detector displays an error free signal.
2 Select the Core A card SWITCH module, right click & from the drop-down menu
select option Core Card Protection.
3 From the Core Card Protection screen, check that the Protection state displays
Switch A Selected.
5 After a few seconds, verify that the Protection State is Forced Switch to B.
Select the Clear option then Apply & OK to confirm.
6 The Protection State will change to Switch B Selected, select Cancel to return
to the main screen.
8 Confirm that the test signal, after an initial burst of errors resumes error free
9 Select the Core A card SWITCH module, right click & from the drop-down menu
select option Core Card Protection.
11 Replace the Protection Core B card, confirm that the test signal, after an initial
burst of errors resumes error free operation.
Note: 2Mb/s 1:1 Core Trib protection does not require configuring, it is automatically
provided as part of the Core card Protection scheme.
1 With the conditions still set up from the Loss Of Signal Alarm And Error Free
Check tests confirm that the Error Detector displays an error free signal.
2 Remove the CORE TRIB A unit. Check there is an initial burst of errors followed
by normal error-free operation.
4 From the CORE TRIB B (Protection) unit select path: Switch®Core Card
8 Check that traffic is switched back to the CORE TRIB A unit, with an initial burst
of errors.
Note: 1:N Protection is available for groups of cards fitted in the Generic Tributary
slots which have an associated LTU position.
5 Then from the 1:N Protection screen, select Apply to put Protection on Generic
Trib 2.
6 Press Cancel then OK in the 1:N Protection screen to revert back to the Top
Level Menu.
9 Check that the protection card is fitted and is operational for slot S1_02.
2 Apply a 34/45 Mbit/s PRBS signal to any I/P port of the Worker Generic
Tributary 1 unit, confirm it is error free at the same port O/P.
3 Remove the Worker Generic Tributary 1 unit. Check there is an initial burst of
errors followed by normal error-free operation.
6 Then select Generic Tributary 2 Protection Trib, then right click and select
Protection then Amend.
8 Check that traffic has switched back to the Worker Generic Tributary 1 unit, with
an initial burst of errors.
2 Delete all TEST cross connections between the tributary cards and Line
End of section
Chapter 17:
Subnetwork SMA1/4UC Integration
Prior to starting the following tests agree a test path configuration through the Sub-
network being commissioned with the Network Planner.
Confirm that all necessary external cabling (Ext and TRIB Sync feeds, DDF, ODF,
Comms etc.) is in place.
It is assumed that test paths will be 2 Mbit/s but if Tributary card equipping cannot
support this then STM-1, 140 Mbit/s or 34 Mbit/s test paths may be utilised and the test
signal altered accordingly.
The tests assume a ring configuration (See Ring A Figure 17-1) and that testing will
start from the first NE moving to the next NE in the East to West direction. If a Gateway
NE is part of the Sub-network then it should be the first NE. In station testing of a NE
must have been completed before carrying out Sections 17.1 to 17.5.
At the first NE in a ring configuration Line West receive optical power levels can be only
be measured following integration of the final NE into the ring.
At subsequent NEs Line East receive optical power levels can only be measured after
all tests on the preceding section and in-station tests at the next NE have been
17.1 MV 36 Communication
The SMA-1/4 Ultra Compact equipment can be managed by MV36/38. Where the Sub-
network is to be monitored by either of the Network Managers confirm that Comms
have been established to the Gateway SMA1/4UC.
On subsequent NEs confirm that Comms are established to the Network Manager as
they are integrated into the Sub-network.
If the settings required by the Network Planner for DCCm and DCCr are not the Default
then re-set via the LCT using the following procedure:
3 When all required DCCm/DCCr channels have been amended select Apply &
Cancel then OK to apply changes, it will then return to the Top Level screen.
Note: Working and Default configuration screens should be set using the
same values otherwise if the Mux Controller goes Off line for any
reason (e.g. during firmware upgrade) Comms may be adversely
affected as the default values will be set when the Controller is
brought back On-line.
Note: The following table shows the Allocation of DCC channels for the
4 x STM-1 Generic Trib cards, and their representation on the
Network Manager.
5 If the LAPD settings required by the Network Planner are not the Default (User
for Line East and STM-n Tributaries Network for Line West) re-set via the LCT
using the following procedure:
6 From the LCT Top Level screen select a STM-n module/card slot, then LAPD
Config & Working. From the resulting menu configure LAPDs as instructed by
the Network Planner i.e.:
7 Select Amend for each LAPD to be changed. Amend the screen as required
then select OK to return to the parent configuration screen.
8 Select Apply then Cancel then OK to return to the Top Level screen.
9 Repeat for the LAPD Default Configuration screen using the same settings.
(The Note. also applies.)
1 From the LCT Top Level screen menu select Config followed by Comms then
IS-IS Config.
3 Select Functions then Create and enter the details provided by the Network
Planner. Select OK then OK to confirm changes, then Cancel to return to the
parent screen.
5 Select Close then OK from the File option to return to the Top Level screen.
The Network Planner may also require that the factory default settings for IS-IS/ES-IS
System Configuration and/or DCC IS-IS Metrics require changing.
Screens for amending or resetting defaults for both these items are accessed via the IS-
IS Config menu displayed as in a. Parameters should not be altered unless instructed to
by the Network Planner.
17.2 NE Synchronisation
As a NE is integrated into the Sub-network, Sync Mode, Single or Multiple SETG and
Ext/Trib Sync parameters for the NE are to be configured as instructed in the
Customer’s Network Planning document. Synchronisation details should be
downloaded from MV36 where possible.
Where the first NE is NOT the Ringmaster then Sync alarms may be present until the
Ringmaster has been integrated into the Sub-network.
1 Select Fault Management from the LCT Top Level screen then from the
resulting menu the NE Alarm Event Config option.
2 In the Alarm Event Type Config screen, select the Alarm Event type to be
amended then set Alarm Event Class, Inhibit State and Local Indication options
as required.
4 Where a report of an Alarm Event is not required at the NE or NM then set the
Disable State to Disabled otherwise leave at the default state of Not Disabled.
5 Select Apply to down load to the SMA1/4UC. Select Cancel to return to the Top
Level screen when all alarms have been amended.
The operation of any SMA1/4UC User Alarm utilised to monitor the Fault/No, Fault
State of equipment not under direct Network Manager control, is to be confirmed by
introducing or simulating a fault condition, on the alarm cable connected to the
equipment being monitored. Confirm that the correct User Alarm is reported to MV36,
& confirm with the Network Manager Operator that relevant alarms are being displayed
on both the Individual Cards and Element Manager Real Time Monitor.
2 On the corresponding Line West Rx fibre at the NE under test confirm that the
Rx optical power is within ±1.5 dB of the Launch Power plus fibre attenuation
(where known). The minimum recommended receive levels for commissioning is
as follows:
Note: It may be necessary to operate the upper switch on the optical card at
the transmitting end for at least 12 seconds to energise the laser.
1310 nm L-1.1
STM-1 Long Haul -10.0 dBm -34.0 dBm
1550 nm L-1.2
3 Connect the Rx fibre tail, via any system attenuator where specified by the
Network Planner, to the appropriate Optical I/P port of Line West at the NE
under test. A fixed (Diamond) 5 or 10dB attenuator, as required, is to be fitted to
STM-4 1550nm interfaces if the Receive level is greater than the appropriate
MAX I/P Level in the table.
Note: Repeat (1) to (3) for the return fibre, from Line West, at the NE under
test, to Line East at the preceding NE.
It is essential that all optical connections to optical couplers are inspected and
2 For Co-directional SFW, connect both Line East optical O/Ps to the correct
Coupler ports.
4 For Co-directional SFW connect one Coupler O/P to the correct Line West
Optical I/P and the other to the optical power meter.
5 With the optical meter set for the correct wavelength confirm that the Rx optical
power at the appropriate Coupler O/P is within ±1.5 dB of the Launch Power
plus fibre attenuation (where known) plus 3dB penalty for Coupler loss. The
maximum & minimum recommended receive levels for commissioning is given
in the following table.
7 Connect the correct Coupler port, via any system attenuator where required, to
the Optical I/P port of Line West at the NE under test. A fixed (Diamond) 5 or
10dB attenuator, as required, is to be fitted to STM-4 1550nm interfaces.
8 Repeat for the return direction, from Line West, at the NE under test, to Line
East at the preceding NE.
9 When fibres for both directions of transmission have been connected, confirm
that the Loss of Signal alarms clear at both ends. Any unexpected alarms
should be investigated and cleared.
1 At the first NE apply a 2048 Kbit HDB3 2^15-1 PRBS signal to the I/P of the first
2Mbit/s port.
2 At the first NE loop all test path 2Mbit/s ports in tandem and monitor the signal
at the O/P of the last 2Mbit/s port.
4 Confirm that an error free signal is present at the first NE and no alarms are
present at any NE in the monitored loop. Any alarms should be investigated and
cleared before proceeding.
5 GENTLY agitate the optical connectors on the Optical Interface cards for Line
West at the NE under test and Line East at the preceding NE and confirm that
no alarms or errors are induced.
1 In the LCT Top Level screen select the required STM-n card/port then the path:
1+1 MSP Core Protection®Inter®Line West(or East) then Create. The STM-
n card/port to be protected will be indicated at the top of the Core Inter Card
MSP screen.
3 Confirm details are correct then Apply to the SMA. Close the window via the
Cancel option.
5 If this is not the case, Apply the Operator command Force Switch to Worker
followed by a Clear command. Select Cancel to close the window.
6 Repeat the above at the distant terminating end of the MSP protected link when
it becomes available.
1 Select the path: 1+1 MSP Core Protection®Inter®Line West(or East) and
confirm that the Protection State is No Request – Traffic on Worker.
2 Confirm that the test path is operating error free and that the test signal has
been routed over the MSP protected link to be tested. Re-configure cross
connections as necessary.
3 Remove a Worker card and confirm that after an initial burst of errors the test
path resumes error free working.
4 Select the path: 1+1 MSP Core Protection®Inter®Line West(or East) and
confirm that traffic is now on Protection.
5 Replace the working card. If Non-revertive MSP is configured confirm that the
test path remains error free. Traffic will remain on the Protection card. If
Revertive MSP is configured then traffic will return to the Working card and a
burst of errors will occur on the test path. If Non-revertive MSP is configured
Apply the operator command Force Switch to Worker followed by a Clear
command. Confirm that after an initial burst of errors the test path resumes error
free working.
6 If Unidirectional MSP is configured repeat the test at the distant end of the
protected link.
EOW functionality is provided by an external stand-alone unit (SP52A) which plugs into
the Comms/Aux/Ancillary card.
Where an EOW has been included with the Subnetwork being commissioned confirm
that both way calling and speech is possible between each NE and the EOW
1 Lift the handset and confirm that the Green LED on the EOW card lights and
dialling tone is present.
Note: If the Green LED remains OFF and the Intrusion tone (Two pulses at
regular intervals) is heard press the upper switch (through the hole
provided) on the EOW card. This resets all EOW cards present in the
network. Re-start the process from paragraph (a).
2 Dial the number of the required site (00 for an omnibus call). The Awaiting
Answer tone (single pulse at 2.4second intervals) will be present until the call is
3 An incoming selective call will cause the Green LED to flash. An incoming
omnibus call will cause the Green and Yellow LEDs to flash. The buzzer will
sound in both cases.
4 Answer an incoming call by lifting the handset. The Green LED will light
permanently and the buzzer will cease.
5 Confirm that two way speech is possible by pressing the lower button on the
EOW card. The Yellow LED will light permanently. Replace the handset on
3 Confirm that the Mux Controller is On-Line and no configuration data has been
lost and no unexpected alarms are present.
S IT E “ B ”
W est
N E :A 1 0 2 M b it/s
S M A -1 A c ce s s
( 1)
W e st E a st
N E :A 4
S M A -4
(2 )
E a st (2 ) PRC B
N E:A2
S M A -4
( 1) W est
W e st (1 )
N E :A 5
R ing “A ” S M A -4
( 2) E a st
2 M b it/s N E :A 9 (1)
A c ce ss S M A -1 PRC A E M -O S
W est
W e st E ast W e st E a st
N E :B 1 N E :B 2
S M A -4 S M A -4
(2 ) (1) (2)
S IT E “ A ”
R ing “B ”
( 2) (1 ) (2) (1)
N E :B 4 N E :B 3
S M A -4 S M A -4
E a st W est E a st W es t
NE :B5 2 M b it/s
K ey (1 ) (2) = F ig u re s in b r ac k ets a re S yn c P rio rities
S M A -1 A c ce ss
W est
= In ter co n n ectio n b etw e en S u bn e tw o rk s
= 2 M b it /s a cc ess f or S u b n e tw or k T es ts S IT E “ C ”
Tx Tx
1310nm 1550nm
1310/1550nm 1310/1550nm
STM-n Filter/Coupler Filter/Coupler STM-n
Unit Unit
Rx Rx
For contra directional SFW only, the 1550nm unit is managed as a 1310nm unit.
Two 1310/1550nm universal couplers (1HAW 20045 AAW/ABP/ACG) are required. The
couplers have three ports of which one is a common connection, one is for 1310nm and
the other is for 1550nm.
Using wavelengths of 1310nm and 1550nm travelling in the same direction over two
Tx Tx
1310nm 1310nm
1310/1550nm 1310/1550nm
STM-n Filter/Coupler Filter/Coupler STM-n
Unit Unit
Rx Rx
Tx Tx
1550nm 1550nm
1310/1550nm 1310/1550nm
STM-n Filter/Coupler Filter/Coupler STM-n
Unit Unit
Rx Rx
Four 1310/1550nm universal couplers (1HAW 20045 AAW/ABP/ACG) are required. The
couplers have three ports of which one is a common connection, one is for 1310nm and
the other is for 1550nm.
A fibre tray, 1HAM 60938 AAS, containing two FC/PC universal couplers is an
alternative for 2x1HAW 20045 AAW used in the above figures.
Using red and blue wavelengths of 1536nm (red) and 1554nm (blue) travelling in
opposite directions on the same fibre.
Tx Tx
1536nm 1554nm
1536/1554nm 1554/1536nm
STM-n Filter/Coupler Filter/Coupler STM-n
Unit Unit
Rx Rx
Two couplers, one for 1536nm Tx/1554nm Rx (1HAW 20044 ABM/ADW/AFG) the other
for 1536nm Rx/1554nm Tx (1HAW 20044 AAU/ACE/AEP), are required. The couplers
have three ports of which one is a common connection, one is for Tx connection and
the other is for Rx connection. The couplers are not interchangeable.
Using red and blue wavelengths of 1536nm (red) and 1554nm (blue) travelling in the
same direction over two fibres.
Tx Tx
1536nm 1536/1554nm 1536/1554nm
STM-n Uni-dir Rx Uni-dir Tx STM-n
Unit Filter/Coupler Filter/Coupler Unit
Rx Rx
Tx Tx
1554nm 1536/1554nm 1536/1554nm 1536nm
STM-n Uni-dir Tx Uni-dir Rx STM-n
Unit Filter/Coupler Filter/Coupler Unit
Rx Rx
Four couplers, two for 1536nm Tx/1554nm Tx (1HAW 20048 AAD/ACN/AEX) and two
for 1536nm Rx/1554nm Rx (1HAW 20048 ABV/ADF/AFQ), are required. The couplers
have three ports of which one is a common connection, one is for 1536nm connection
and the other is for 1554nm connection. The couplers are not interchangeable.
End of section
Chapter 18:
Subnetwork Tests
The tests described in this Section are only to be carried out over the Sub-network
being commissioned when ALL NEs have been integrated including any appended
SMA-1s / SMA-4s.
The possible topologies for a Sub-network are too numerous to give a method of test for
each possible situation therefore, the simplified diagram of a Sub-network in Figure
17-1(Ring A), is used to create examples for the tests in the following Sections. Actual
on site tests should follow a similar procedure but will need tailoring to a particular Sub-
When creating test paths the TRAIL facility on MV36 should be demonstrated at least
once during test path set-up. Trails could be setup using the LCT or MV36 (using the
LCTs), but only by doing cross connections on a one-per-NE-at-a-time basis.
During the following tests confirm that communication between MV36 and the Sub-
network are maintained/re-established to each NE.
The example test uses VC-12 SNCP protection but it can be adapted for VC-3 or VC-4
SNCP protection by setting up the appropriate type of test path.
2 ENABLE revertive VC-12 protection for the test path via Line West of NE: A1 to
Line East at NE: A4.
3 At Site B loop the test path back on itself, confirm that the path is operating error
free at Site A and the Sub-network is alarm free.
3 At NE:A1 confirm that, after an initial burst of errors, the test path resumes error
free operation.
4 Confirm that alarms have been reported correctly to the relevant Network
Manager. Acknowledge all alarm reports.
5 Confirm via the NM that the test path is now operating over the protection path
(Line West from NE:A1 to Line East at NE:A4).
6 At NE:A4 re-connect the signals at LINE WEST and confirm that all alarms
reported to the NM are clear.
7 Confirm via the NM that the test path is operating over the working path (Line
East from NE:A1 to Line West at NE:A4).
13 Confirm that alarms have been reported correctly to the NM. Acknowledge all
14 At NE:A4 reconnect the signals to LINE EAST and WEST for normal operation.
15 Confirm that, after an initial burst of errors, the test path resumes error free
16 Confirm that all alarms previously reported to the NM are now reported as
Cleared. Acknowledge all reports and confirm that the Sub-network is now
alarm free.
17 Confirm via the NM that the test path is operating over the working path (Line
East from NE:A1 to Line West at NE:A4).
The tests described use Figure 17-1 as an example in which Sync is provided to the
Sub-network clockwise from NE: A1 with a secondary PRC source available at NE:A5.
The tests will need to be tailored to the individual Sub-network.
During the following tests confirm that Comms between the NM and the Sub-network
are maintained to each NE at all times.
Note: If the Sub-network is not a ring then protection cannot be enabled and
the test path will show AIS during disconnections.
2 Confirm that the Sub-network Sync Plan is correctly reflected on the Network
Manager and the Priority 1 Sources are in use at each NE. It is assumed, for
these example tests, that Revertive mode is enabled.
3 Confirm that the Network Manager shows an alarm free status for the Sub-
3 Confirm that the test path, after an initial burst of errors, resumes error free
4 Confirm that Line and Sync failures have been correctly reported to the NM for
NE:A2, A3 and A4.
5 Confirm that the Priority 2 Sync Source (Line East) at NE:A2 and A3 is now in
use and the Priority 1 source is shown as failed.
6 Confirm that NE:A4 is now using Priority 2 source (Ext 1) and that NE:A1, A5
and A6 remain on Priority 1.
9 Confirm that the alarms reported to the Network Manager have cleared and the
Sub-network is alarm free.
10 Confirm that the test path, after an initial burst of errors, resumes error free
12 Confirm that Line and Sync failures have been correctly reported to the Network
Manager for NE:A5 and A6.
14 Confirm that the Priority 2 Sync Source (Line East) at NE:A5 and A6 is now in
use and the Priority 1 source is shown as failed. Confirm that NE:A1, A2, A3
and A4 remain on Priority 1.
17 Confirm that the alarms reported to the Network Manager have cleared and the
Sub-network is alarm free.
19 If necessary make further fibre disconnections at other points within the Sub-
network. Confirm that Sync switching is correct in each case.
3 Confirm that a Sync Fail alarm for Ext 1 is reported to the Network Manager.
4 Confirm that the test path maintains remains error free operation.
5 Confirm that Sync Fail Alarms are reported correctly to the Network Manager for
NE:A1, A2, A3, A4 and A4.
6 Confirm that at NE:A1 the Priority 2 Sync (Line East), is in use and the Priority
1 has failed.
7 Confirm that the Priority 2 timing sources (Line East) at NE:A2 and A3 are in
use and the priority 1 sources are failed.
8 Confirm that NE:A4 is using Priority 2 timing source (Ext 1) and priority 1 has
10 Confirm that the test path remains error free and that synchronisation returns to
11 Confirm that the Sync Fail Alarms previously reported to the Network Manager
have cleared.
3 Confirm that an Ext 1 (and 2 if two external timing sources) Sync Fail alarm is
reported correctly to MV36 for NE:A1 and A4.
4 Monitor the test path for a period of FIVE MINUTES and confirm that no errors
7 After the WTR period confirm that the Priority 1 timing sources are now back in
use at all NEs in the Sub-network (i.e. Synchronisation has returned to normal).
8 Confirm that the Sync Fail Alarms previously reported to the Network Manager
have cleared.
If the subnetwork being commissioned is being integrated to another network, then only
perform the Integrated Subnetwork Performance Test detailed in section
2 Loop the test path at Site B and confirm it is operating error free at Site A.
5 Confirm that MV36 indicates an alarm free status for the network then monitor
the test path for a period of 1.5 hours. No errors or alarms should occur during
this period.
6 Interrogate the Performance reports and confirm that no errors or alarms have
Where dual Gateways are utilised disconnect the Ethernet connection to the Primary
Gateway and confirm that communications are re-established to each NE via the
Secondary Gateway confirmed.
2 The Network Manager should be in communication with each NE and the Sub-
network should be in an alarm free state. Any inverted alarms other than Trib
Input Fails should have a known reason for the failure.
Chapter 19:
EOW Unit SMA1/4 UC
19.1 Installation and Configuration of the Unit
1 Remove the two (2) Pozi screws that fix the bracket to the side panel.
2 Flip the bracket 180° on its short axis so that the face of the ETSI flange points
3 Flip the bracket 180° on its long axis so the face of the 19” flange points
4 Re-insert the two (2) Pozi™ screws that fix the bracket to the side panel.
6 Mount the EOW in the rack and secure tightly with the four (4) M6x16mm slot-
head screws.
7 Connect the Protective Earth Connection of the EOW to a suitable earth point
on the rack.
8 Connect the network ports (East and West) to the SDH equipment.
The EOW will execute its power-up sequence and should be fully-operational
approximately 5 seconds after the power is connected.
Note: If the first keyed digit of the Unit Telephone Number is ‘0’, the operation is
The Unit Telephone Number may be retrieved via the handset key sequence:
The EOW will respond with the value of the Unit Telephone Number as a set of flashes
of the green status LED 3 and as a sequence of audible tone cadences on the handset
The Node Type of the EOW may be set via the handset key sequence:
where n=1 for Slave, n=2 for Ring Master, n=3 for Fixed Master.
The Node Type of the EOW may be retrieved via the handset key sequence:
The EOW will respond with the value of the Node Type as a set of flashes of the green
status LED and as a sequence of audible tone cadences on the handset
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
The operator can configure any of the items by selecting the appropriate option. Options
that are not applicable (e.g. configuration of parameters that are valid only in certain
modes) will be displayed without their option identifier.
In general, each choice will display a list of options or configuration instructions. After
choosing an option/configuration value, the menu will be redisplayed with the new
Note: The operator may return to the menu by pressing the ESC key at any time.
The following sections describe the options/configuration values for each of the choices.
1 - In Service (default)
2 - Bypassed
1 – Slave (default)
2 – Ring Master
3 – Fixed Master
1 – Port 1 (default)
2 – Port 2
3 – Port 1 and 2
1 – Port 1
2 – Port 2 (default)
1 – Port 1 (default)
2 – Port 2
1 – A-law (default)
2 – A-law (Framed)
1 – A-law (default)
2 – A-law (Framed)
1 – Enabled –4dBr
2 – Enabled –10dBr
3 – Disabled (default)
Note: If the EOW is powered-up without the LT connected, it immediately runs the
application. See 19.2.2.
Note: The onboard flash memory may only be written 1000 times before its behaviour
is no longer guaranteed. The number of application updates records the number
of times that the software download function (see has been used.
Validating checksum...
Followed by the main configuration screen as follows (factory settings display contain
the default values for the unit)
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
The status of the EOW is displayed as a set of binary nibbles for use with diagnostic
procedures (see 19.3.1).
The operator can configure the EOW by selecting the appropriate option (see
In addition, the operator can send a network reset code by selecting option A. The
operator is prompted to confirm the action:
This function forces all EOW’s in the network to their initial state (configuration data not
In addition, the operator can restore the default settings by selecting option B. The
operator is prompted to confirm the action:
· If the Green LED comes on, wait for the “proceed to dial” tone and then dial
the number (for a multi-party call dial 00).
· If the Green LED remains off and the intrusion tone is heard, then this is the
first call following power up and all EOWs must be reset by pressing the reset
· If the Green LED is on, the EOW is in use and you will hear the EOW busy
tone. To join this call, press and hold the intrusion button (which causes all
other users to hear the intrusion tone) You may participate in the call whilst
the intrusion button has no effect. If the intrusion button has no effect, the
EOW is either in the originating or awaiting answer phase of a call.
· The Green and Yellow LEDs both flashing and the buzzer silent indicates that
an omnibus call arrived, was not answered within 60 seconds, but is still in
progress. To join the call, lift the handset to listen only, or press the intrusion
button to join the call.
· When the call is answered, the awaiting answer tone stops and you will be
able to speak. If you made an omnibus call, you will not hear the other users
speaking unless they wish you to (by joining the call).
· If the call is not answered within 60 seconds, it will be aborted and you will
hear the EOW busy tone. Hang up and try again later.
· Lift the handset. The buzzer will stop and Green LED will light permanently.
You can now talk to the caller.
· If the handset was off-hook when the selective call arrived, replace it on-hook
and proceed as above.
· Lift the handset. The buzzer will stop, the Green LED will light the Yellow LED
will continue to flash. You can now listen to the caller and any other users who
have established a speaking connection.
· If the handset was off-hook when the multi-party call arrived, replace it and
then proceed as above.
If more than 60 seconds has elapsed since the call arrived, the Green and Yellow LEDs
will be flashing but the buzzer will have silenced. This means that an omnibus call
arrived, was not answered at this location within 60 seconds, but is still in progress (it
was answered elsewhere). You can join the call to listen by picking up the handset.
· If you want to speak in an omnibus call, press the intrude button. The yellow
LED will light permanently.
· If you wish to continue just listening, press the intrude button. The Yellow LED
will flash and anything that you say will not be heard by other parties to the
call. You can toggle between listen only and talk by pressing the intrude
Note: An omnibus call does not end until the call originator hangs up, or until the EOW
network is reset.
· Momentarily press the intrude button. The Yellow LED will light, the speech
connection will be temporarily halted and you will hear the proceed to dial
tone. Dial the number of the third party.
Note: If the call is not answered within 60 seconds, it will be aborted and the Yellow
LED will go off.
The speech connection will be restored, current parties will hear the awaiting answer
tone and when the call is answered, the awaiting answer tone will stop and the three-
way connection will have been established.
· If you change your mind at any time while the Yellow LED is on, press the
intrude button.
Note: Additional users can only be added by the first two parties of a call. If the third
member presses the intrude button, it will have no effect.
If you originated the call or answered a selective call, the Green LED will go off and the
EOW network will be clear for use by other parties.
If you answered an omnibus call or were an additional user in a selective call, the EOW
network will not be cleared and the Green LED will remain lit. The other members of the
call can continue.
Note: If a user is holding the network unintentionally (this could happen if a user
making an omnibus call fails to clear at the end of the call, or both parties in a
selective call fail to clear), pressing the RESET button will clear the network.
The EOW supports a red status LED that is lit when there is at least 1 alarm condition
on the unit. The local terminal application displays the status of the EOW unit on the
second line of the screen. The status value is updated each time the screen is
refreshed. The status values are displayed in binary as a set of nibbles (4 bits, where bit
1 is leftmost):
Fourth nibble: bit 1: West RIC detected (only applicable when there is a
RingMaster or Fixed Master EOW present in a ring configuration)
Note: Normal, error-free conditions in a ring configuration slave unit are indicated by
the sequence 0000 0000 000x 110x.
Unit does not EOW not powered Check power cable attached
work Check voltage on power cable (20-72Vdc)
Faulty cable to SDH Check diagnostic bits on LT; verify that RX/TX sync and
clocks are present
Hardware problem Power cycle the unit, observe LED flashes, buzzer and
relay activations and listen for call progress tone
Red LED lit Low voltage detected Check voltage on power cable (should be -48Vdc)
(-37Vdc to -20Vdc)