Sts g5
Sts g5
Sts g5
- Human being is the highest form of these living organisms, said to have
characteristics which cannot be substantiated through mere science.
- Biologists describe human as having the attributes of living organisms, including
plants and animals. This designates that human being is a complex matter
capable of performing in sustaining processes.
Smith (2012)
- Smith shared that, we can’t turn to science for an answer because in the first
place, science identified human with varied opinion and limited evidence.
- But further stressed that “Biologists aren’t equipped to tell us whether an
organism is a human organism because “human” is a folk- category rather a
Heidegger used the term “dasein” which literally means “being there” focuses on the
“modes of existence” or the “who” of “Dasein”. The “modes of existences” is
fundamentally established by two things.
- Aristotle’s teachings suggest that each man’s life has a purpose and that the
function of one’s life is to attain that purpose.
- For Aristotle, happiness (earthly) is the highest desire and ambition of all human
beings. And to achieve it, one must cultivate the highest virtues within one self.
- Aristotle believed that human beings have a natural desire and capacity to know
and understand the truth, to pursue moral excellence, and to instantiate their
ideals in the world through action.
- these actions are geared toward one’s proper and desired end- flourishing,
happiness or eudemonia.
- Epicurus born 341 B.C and he was the Greek philosopher who contradicted
metaphysical philosophers.
- He believed that balance and temperance were created a space or
happiness. His view is not more of how happiness can be define but more on
theory about the real source to experience it. Furthermore, it agrees that ethical
doctrine which claims pleasure in the norm of morality- hedonism
- reiterates the intelligent choice and practical wisdom to measure pleasure
against pain to attain well-being.
- We lived in the world where science and technology are the face point of the
changing society, advances and continuous technological growth are the results
of the intensified application of scientific knowledge to deliver progress in the
- The rise of information technologies has made global communications
possible. The introduction of gene therapy, stem cells and cloning has improved
the medical and health sectors.
- Nanotechnology and robotics made industries flourished. Economic growth and
global standing were achieved through innovations. Scientific applications
continuously provide convenience to human lives. All these and more completes
the story of changes, innovations, and progress which impacts the ethical and
moral preference of human in the modern Society.
• The term “good” is commonly used interchangeably with the term “right”. Traes
explained that the adjectives good and right are related in meaning, but are not
synonyms. It makes no sense to speak of a “right person” when we mean a “good
person” or the right action as a meaning for good action.
Taking the right action means correctly applying a norm, premise, presupposition, rule,
standard, or law. This explains that the term “right” reasons are being used to justify
the principle and its application.
Being good involves having the character and personal qualities that were justified by
reason as having moral worth.
Aristotelean View
- As Younkin's expounded, that the view of Aristotle states that the good is what is
- For Aristotle, the good is what is good for purposeful, goal-directed entities. He
defines the good proper to human being as the activities in which the life
functions specific to human beings are most fully realized.
- It acknowledges the fact that human being is endowed with his own rational mind
and free will. Timbreza (2008), as elucidated by Gripaldo (2013), explained that
in natural ethician’s view, “good is that which is suitable to and proper for human
nature. Whenever it is not proper for human nature, it is bad and must be
avoided.” Acting rightly means doing the right thing based on the voice of
conscience, otherwise, feeling of guilt, self-reproach, and remorse well be felt. It
follows that a person, as human being, has his own consciousness of functions,
survival, and means of having the life he envisioned.
- No one can deny that fact science and technology has profound impact on how
modern man thinks and appreciates matter. It can be concretely seen in the
present conditions of man in the society. The desire to feel satisfaction of
research and development through genetic engineering, cloning, and the likes
opened endless doors for the skeptics.