Assignment 2 Eng Man
Assignment 2 Eng Man
Assignment 2 Eng Man
4. What must be the concern of the engineer manager when structuring the organization?
- These are the things that the engineer manager should be concerned about when
structuring an organization:
a. Division of labor – determining the scope of work and how it is combined in a job.
b. Delegation of authority – the process of assigning various degrees of decision-
making authority to subordinates.
c. Departmentation – the grouping of related jobs, activities, or processes into major
organizational subunits.
d. Span of control – the number of people who report directly to a given manager.
e. Coordination – the inking of activities in the organization that serves to achieve a
common goal or objective.
5. What is the purpose of the formal organization?
- The formal organization is a social structure with clearly defined rules, objectives, and
practices that operates on a system of labor division and a hierarchy of power. The
purpose of these formal organizations is to help the members work together to
accomplish specific goals. To ensure that the work is completed in a coordinated and
effective manner, they rely on a division of labor and hierarchy of power and authority.
Each job or position within a formal organization has a distinct set of responsibilities,
roles, duties, and authorities to whom it reports.
7. What are the types of organizational structures? How may they be distinguished?
- An organization's organizational structure is the framework for its reporting
connections, which are typically represented by an organization chart. Organizations
may be classified into three types which are the functional organization, product or
market organization, and matrix organization. Functional organizations can be
distinguished by being very effective in small or single-business firms. Meanwhile,
product or market organization is commonly distinguished to large corporations. Lastly,
matrix organization can be distinguished by having a structure of two or more channels
of command.