Risk & Opportunity Assessment - Production
Risk & Opportunity Assessment - Production
Risk & Opportunity Assessment - Production
: TM-ROA-01
Logo Risk and Opportunity Assessment Rev. No.: 00
Team : M/s Rajesh Kumar………………….. Next due Date for review : 01/06/18
Material Planning
Non - OEM BOM frequent Resulting in shortage of material Can create Regular meetings with Sales &
4 3 3 9 #2
changes problem in QMS performance Purchase
Mismatch in physical & If mismatched, dispatch schedule will be delayed A class monthly inventory & quaterly
6 3 3 9 #2
system stock Can create problem in QMS performance invontory for all parts
change in plan will take more time to produce Multi skilled manpower
18 Change in plan 3 2 6 #2
number Can create problem in QMS performance Provision of over time
Production Planning
Sub Assy material if sub assembly is not ready, delay in production
20 Production Planning Daily advance planning meeting 2 2 4 #2
readiness can create problem in Organization performance
On Job. Training
Rejection Tag
If control os not available, chances of mixing up
Rejection Bin
55 Control of NG parts with OK parts will result in Loss or degradation of 5 2 10 2
Rejection storage Area
secondary function
Short supply results in extra freight cost Can Regular shortage meeting with
69 Short Supply 3 3 9 2
create problem in QMS performance purchase
Risk Index
Severity (S) Rank Occurrence (O) Rank
Risk----Effect of uncertainty
Almost certain (Very Note 1: An effect is a deviation from the
Key driver for Customer & QMS performance 5 5 25 expected — positive or negative.
Note 2: Uncertainty is the state, even
Key driver to Interested Parties 4 Likely (High) 4 16 partial, of efficiency of information related
to, understanding or knowledge of, an
Can create problem in Organization event, its consequence, or likelihood.
3 Possible (Moderate) 3 9
Can create problem in Functional /
2 Unlikely (Low) 2 4 Risks and opportunities ----
Departmental / Process performance
Potential adverse effects (threats) and
Negligible effect 1 Rare (Very Low) 1 1 potential beneficial effects (opportunities)
Action Criteria :
i) Risk Priority # 1: Either Severity (S) = 5 or Risk Index SXO > 16, Risk Priority #2: if Risk Index SXO ≤ 16;
ii) Action shall be taken on those Risks which have been identififed as Risk Priority #1