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SC, ST, OBC Scholarship 17.10.2022

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No. F.DE.18-3(24)/PLG/E-DISTRICT SCHEMES/2022-23/ S778-S182 Dated:14-10 -202

Schemes for SC/ST/oBC
Subject: Launching of various Centrally & State Sponsored scholarship/welfare
students on the e-district portal for the Academic Session 2022-23.

The Department for Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Min., Govt of NCT of Delhi has launched the following

State Sponsored scholarship/welfare schemes for SC/ST/OBC students (Academic Session 2022-23)
Centrally &
the e-district portal:
Reimbursement of Tuition Fees for SC/ST/OBC categories students of classesI to XII, studying in Recognized

Public/Private Schools of Delhi- State Funded Scheme

State Funded Scheme
Mukhyamantri Vidyarthi Pratibha Yojna for SC/ST/OBC students

3. Post-Matric Scholarship for OBC, EBC and DNT students (Under
PM YASASVI)- Centrally Sponsored Scheme
PM YASASVI)- Centrally Sponsored
4. Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC, EBC and DNT students (Under
5. Post-Matric Scholarship for SC students- Centrally Sponsored
6. Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC students-Centrally Sponsored
for Welfare of SC/ST/OBc/MIN. in r/o aforesaid
Note: Detailed Guidelines issued by the Department available on the
schemes are attached herewith. The details/guidelines
of all aforesaid schemes are also

website http://scstwelfare.delhigovt.nic.in

to make aware/encourage to eligible

students to apply
Further, all Head of Schools are hereby requested
2022-23 on the e-district
schemes for the Academic Session
online under the aforesaid scholarship/welfare
portal, directly.

information on the Notice Board regarding

the launching of the aforesaid
All HoSs must ensure displaying of
a Nodal Officer to assist the eligible
Help Desk in school and further to nominate
schemes and setting up of a
the e-district portal.
students to apply in aforesaid schemes online on

Students is implemented by
Schemes of similar types for Minority
Note: Various Scholarship/Welfare
e-district portal}
Revenue Department, Govt of NCT of Delhi are on the

Caut y
All Head ofSchools Pvt/MCD/NDMC/DCB Schools
(C.K. Duta
Delhi Govt./Govt. Aided/Recognized Unaided Jt. Director (Planning)
SCHEMES/2022-23/ S
7 7 E S782 Dated:-14y-10-2024
No. F.DE.18-3(24)/PLG/E-DISTRICT
Copy to:
Secretariat, Delhi-110054.
Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Old
1. PS to Secretary (Education), Old Secretariat, Delhi-110054.
Govt. of NCT of Delhi,
2. PS to the Director (Education),
Education, Govt of NCT
of Delhi.
3. All RDs, Directorate of ensure proper
a w a r e n e s s among students for
with the advice to
4. All DDEs (Districts/Zones)
Session 2022-23. Vikash
schemes for the Academic Govt of NCT of Delhi, B-Block, 2nd Floor,
the welfare of SC/ST/OBC,
5. DeputyDirector (Sch), Deptt for
New Delhi-110002.
Bhawan, I.P. Estate,
(C.K. Dutta)
Jt. Director (Planning)
State funded scholarship schemess
1. Reimbursement of Tuition Fecs for SC/ST/OBCcategories students studving in
class Itn N
family income below Rs.3.00 lakh per
Attention: For SC/ST/OBC students with
reimbursement of tuilion and other compuisory fees in recognized public schools in

Terms and conditions

Family income should not exceed Rs. 3.00 Lakh per Annum. Income certificate
issued by competent authority of Delhi should be valid at the time of submission ot

application required.
issucd in the name of
The applicant should upload Caste Certiticate (SC/ST/OBC)
Commissioner (Revenuc). GNCTD.
student or his father's name h SDM/Deputy
certitieate is not issued by the
Domicile Certificate of Delhi if the caste (SC)
of Delhi is required.
compctent authority of Govt. ofNCT

T h e school in which he/she is studying should

be recognize/atiliated with Dept. of

TEducation, Ciovt. of D«lhi 'Municipal local bodies of Delhi.

of NCT
be eligible for such benetits.
Repeaters in a particular class will not

Xl will be entitled for reimbursement of
Students studying in elasses I tu and
sill be teimburscd tw only those seoring 50%
fees, Lab fee and Library fecs
above murks and having not less tl an 70 altendanee in the preceding year.

Reimbursement amount Rs.

Tuition fecs, lab Fess & Library Fees (Mavimum
48,000/-or actual paid whichever isless) should be
Bank Account with
Bank Account should be in the
name of the student (Joint
active and seeded with Aadhaar no of student.
paren/Guardian is also permissible),
academic session should be uploaded on the
Original Fees receipts for the current
4. Mukhyamantri Vidyarthi_ Pratibha Yojna for
students SCiSTIOBC
Attention: SC/ST/OBC students of class IX to XIlI of
public schools affiliated to Directorate of Govermment/Aided/Recognized
Education/Kendriya Vidyalaya
Sangathan/National Open School/Schools affiliated to NDMC/Delhi Cantonment Board,
East Delhi Municipal Corporation, North Delhi Municipal Corporation and South Delhi
Municipal Corporation
Terms and Conditions:

a) The applicant should be resident of GNCT of Delhi.

b) The scholarship amount is Rs. 5000/- per annum for the students studying in class IX and
X and have secured minimum 50% marks in the previous class and Rs. 10.000/- pdf
annum for the students studying in class XI and XII have secured 60% marks in the
previous class.
c) Family income should not exceed Rs. 8.00 Lakh as per with the EWS income limit,
subject to cxclusions notified by G»vermment of India and annual income limit tor
students who secured minimum 75% marks in previous class, no income limit is
The EWS certificate is to be issued by the competent authority of Govt. Of
NCT of Delhi.
d) The applicant should upload (SC/ST/OBC) issued in the name of
Castc Certificate
student or his father's name by SDM/Deputy Commissioner (Revenue), GNCTD,
Domicile Certificate of Delhi if the caste (SC) certiticate is not issucd by the competent

authority of Govt. of NCT of IDelhi.

will no! be eliyible for this scheme.
e) Repcaters in a particular class Bank Account with
Account should be in the name of the student (Joint
The account should be active and seeded with
parent/Guardian is also permissible).
Aadhaar no of student.

Amount of Assistance:

IX to X Class Rs. 5,000/- Per annum

Rs.10,000/- Per annum.
b) XI to XII Class
Centrally Sponsored Scholarship Schemess
Ministry of Social Justice and Empor rerment, GOVT. OF
1. Post Matric Scholarship for OBCStudents. (PM YASASVI)

Department for the Welfare of SC/STIOBC. is implementing centrally

Sponsored Scheme of Post Matric Scholarship to the students belonging to OBC
category for pursuing further studies at post matriculation/ post secondary
(College/University) levels within India.

The scholarship includes the following components for the complete duration of the

Category of courses Yearly (in Rs.)

Acade.iic Tuition fee Total
Group I: Degree and Post Graduate 10000 10000 20000
level Professional couses
Group 2: Other Professional courses 8000 5000 13000
leading to Degree, Diploma,
Group 3: Graduate and Post 60C0 2000 8000
Graduate courses not covered under
Group I& Group II
Group 4: All post-matriculation (Post 5000 5000
Class X level) non-degree courses

Terms& Conditions
1. Scholarship is available to all OBC students whose parents/ guardians income
from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2.5 Lakth per annum who are pursuing

post matriculation/post secondary (college/university) level studies in Govt.

Recognized institution.
2. Regular attendance record not less than 75% in the previous year should be

pre- requisite for availing scholarship.

3. Students pursuing C A. 1.C.V.A. C.S. /1.C.F.A. shall be treated as day

scholars for the purpose of academic allowance. Students studying through

correspondence/online courses shall not be eligible for academic allowance.

previous year Mark

4. Upload all relevant documents like Aadhaar, Bank details,
fee fee structure, income certificate & caste
sheet, original receipts,
effect that the student is not getting any
5. A certificate from the institution to the
other scholarship/stipend.
course/commencement of class and completion
6. Date of admission in the

entitled to receive
of the parents/guardian will be
7. Only two boys
restriction will, however,
not apply to girls. Accordingly,
scholarships. This
will not adversely
availed by girls of same parents/guardian
of same
of availing scholarship upto two boys
affect admissibility

in respect of all previous
of certificate, Diploma, Degree etc.
8. Upload a copy

examination passed. Commissioner

issued by competent authority
9. Income certificate submission of
valid at the time of
of Delhi should be
(Revenue), GNCTD)

application. time of
be taken once only, i.e. at the
10.Income Certificate is required to

admission to courses.
Institute Verification page and
situated outside Delhi, the
11.For Institutes
should be uploaded by the applicant on E
verification page

district portal. Govt. of NCT of

certificate issued by the
12.Upload a copy
of Caste without giving any
treated as
wil be
13. Incomplete
of the scheme
be per Juidelines
given as institute with
14. Hostel rent will concerned

official letter head of

should be on the
15. Fee institute.
head of
and signature of the
16.Candidates who after passing one stag> of education are studying in the
same stage of education in different sut ect e.g. M.Sc. After 1.A. or B.Com.
After B.A. or M.A. in other subject will not e eligible.
their educational career in one
17.Students who, after having completec
professional line, e.g., LLB after B.T/B. Ec will not be eligible.
of Social Justice &
18.Follow the guidelines of the scheme issue d by the Ministry

Empowerment, Govt. of India.

with his/her Aadhaar.
19.Bank account of the student should be se :ded
give1 scholarship as prescribed in this
20.All eligible OBC candidates will be

scheme as well as capping fixed by the de partment.

official website of
of the scholarship scheme als) available on the
the department i.e. www.scstwelfare.delh
discretion of
scheme can be che nged at any time at the
22.The provisions of this
the Central/State Government.

Scheme of Prc-Matric Schol arship to
forstudies in India.(PM YASASI D the Other Backward Classes

The objective of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Pre-Matric Scholarship
for OBC students
(who not covered under SC, ST
or OBC) is welfare and
motivation to the children of the se
categories by
providing financial assistance
at pre-matriculation or seconda y state.

Scholarship under the Scheem will be available for studies in India only and
will be awarded by the Govern nent of the State/Union Terriroty to which the
applicant belongs i.e. where he she domiciled.

Scholarship award will be s anctioned in the case of students whose
parents/guardians income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2.5 Lakh per
annum. The students should be studying in class IX and X on a ful-time basis
in Government schools only. Tt ay should belongs to OBC.

Institution of Study
The scholarship will be tenabe only in such institutions and for such pre-
matriculation courses, which t ave been duly recognized by the concerned
State Government and Union T erritory Administrations.

Coverage Value of Scholarship

The students shall be given a c insolidated acedemic allowance of Rs. 4000/

per annum.
Other Conditions for Award:
The Scholarship will be provided for students studying (Class IX & X) in
Government Schools only.
Income certificate issued by competent authority (SDM/Deputy
Commissioner (Revenue), GNCTD) of Delhi should be valid at the time of

submission of application.
The award will be discontinued if a stucent fails to secure annual promotion

except in case of unavoidable reasor s to be certified by the competent

authority of the scheme.

conditions of
ii. If a student violates school discipline cr any other terms and

spended or even cancelled, subject

the scholarship, scholarship may be su

The State
to the satisfaction of the compel ent school authority.
directly cancel the
Government/ Union Territory Administ ations can also

satisfied of the reasors of violation of these regulations

award if duly
governing the scheme.

instituti in to another would not normally be

iV. Migration of students from one

under exceptional
allowed during the course of acader nic year except
academic career.
circumstances and in the interest of stu lent's
not be allowed to
benefits under tnis scheme shall
ii. The scholar obtaining
olher Pre- Natric scholarship
avail of benefits under any
attendance record not less
th in 75% in the previous year
iv. Regular
be pre- requisite for availing scholarshi
entitled to receive
parents/iuardian will be
V. Only two boys of the same

to girls. Accordingly
restriction will, how1 ver, not apply
scholarships. This
parents/guardian will not adversely
scholarships availed by girls of same
of same
of availing schclarship upto two boys
affect admissibility

for grant of the
with disabilities should be coyered
VI. At least 5% students.
1ould be reserved for girl
30% of the beneficiaries s
Scholarship. discretion
can be cnanged
at any time at the
this scheme
vii. The provisions of
of the

Mode of Applyings-

1. Guidelines of the scholarship cheme available on the official website of the

department i.e. www.scstwelfa e.delhigovt.nic.in.

2. Applicants should upload Cast Certificate issued in the name of studentor

his father's name by SDM/Dept ty Commissioner (Revenue)

Govt of NCT
3. Eligible students studying in Gevt.Schools of Dte. Of Education,
Vidyalaya Sangathan
of Delhi/ N.D.M.C /Delhi cante nment Board / Kendriya

need to apply online

Minist of Social Justice and Empowerment,
4. Follow the guidelines of y

of India.

Conditions for Scholarship:

other backward classes.
I. Students should belong to

centrally/state funded
He/She should not b: getting any
III. To be eligible no percent age of marks.

copy of Caste 'ertificate

issued by competent Authority
IV. Upload a
of Delhi,
Domicile Certificate of st
idents issued by competent authority
of Govt.
is 1ot issued by the competent authority
if the caste certificate

of NCT of Delhi. with

shoul i be in the name of the student & seeded
VI. The Bank account
Aadhaar of student.
Cl. ss candidates will be given scholarship
VII. All Other Backward
es of the scheme.
prescribed in the guidelir
Post Matric Scholarship for SC
students s
Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/0BCAlin. have taken over
Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Post Matric implementation of
Schol:rship to the students belonging to SC
category for pursuing further studies at
post matriculation post sccondary
(college/University) levels within India.
Value of Scholarship

The value of scholarship includes the

following for complete duration of the courSC
Maintenance allowance.
11. Reimbursement of compulsory non-refundable fecs.
i1. Study tour charges
Study tour charges.
Thesis typing/printing charges for reseach scholars
1. Book allowance for students pursuing comespndence courses.

vii. Book bank facility for specified courses, and

vi Additional allowance for students with for the complete duration of thecourse

The details are as follows:

Rate of Maintenance
Allowance (Per annum)
Hostellers Day Seholars
Groups 7000
Group I 13500

6) Degree and Post Graduate level

courses in Medicine (Allopathic. Indian
and other recognized systems of medicines).
Engineering. Technology. Planning.
Architecture, Design. Fashion Technology.
Agriculture, Veterinary & Allied Sciences,
Management, Business Finance / Admiuistrti on,
Computer Science! Applications.
(i) Post Graduate Diploma courses in various
Branches of management & medicine.
C.AMC. W.AJC.S/1.C.F.A. etc.
M. Phil, Ph.D. and Post Doctoral Progranme
ll nd
(D. Litt, D.Sc.etc ), Group I, Group
Group 1ll courses.

(v) L.L.M 9500

Group I
Professional Courses leading to Degre. Diple n
Certificate in areas like Phanacy (3.

Scanned with CamScanner

Nursing (B Nursing). LLB. BPS, her P'ara-mcdical
Branches like rehabilitation,
diagn stics et
Conmmunication. llotel Man: yement &
Travel/Tourism/ Hospitality Mana Catering.
Interior Dccoration. Nutrition & Denment
Commercial Art, Financial Servic s
(.g. Banking. Insurance, Taxation cte.)
For which entrance
qualification is minimum
Sr. Sccondary (10+2).
(ii) Post Graduate courses not covered under
Group I e.g. MA/M Sc/M.Con/M d./M. Pharma ctc.
Group lI 6000 3000

All other courses leading to a graduate de rec not

Covered under Group1& llc.g. BA/B Sc BComctc._
Group IV 4000 2500

All post-matriculation level non-degree ce arses

For which entrance qualification is High chool
(Class X), c.g. senior sccondary certificate
(Class XI and XIl); both general and voca ional stream,
ITI courses. 3 ycar diploma courses in Pol technics, ctc.

Ten Percent extra allowanccs shall be p ovided for Divyang Studcnts

I. The applicant should be resident o GNCT of Delhi.
2. Scholarship is available to all SC tudents whose parents/ guardians income from al

sourccs docs not excecd Rs.5Lakh per annum who arc pursuing post

matriculation/post secondary (col 2ye/university) level studies in Govt. Recognized

3. Upload all rclevant documents lik Aadhaar, Bank details, previous ycar Mark sheet.

fee fee structure, certificate & caste certificate.

original receipts, ncome

family/pa ents are also eligible subject to the income limit of

4 All the children of same
the parents. Students availing any other scholarship/stipend such as merit scholarship

will not be eligible for the scholars ip.

the eflect that the student is not getting any other
5. A certificate from the institution t

6. attendance record not less than 75% in the previous year should be
pre-requisite for availing schol:rship.

Scanned with CamScanner

7. Datc of admission in the
course/commencement of class and completion of coursc.
8. Upload a copy of certificate, Diploina, Degree ctc. in respect of all
examination passed.
9. Income certificate issued by competent authority (SDM/Deputy Commissioner
(Revenue), GNCTD) of Delhi should be valid at the time of submission of
10. For Institutes situated outside Delhi, the Institute Verification page and
parentguardian verification page should be uploaded by the applicant on E-district

11. Upload a copy of Caste certificate isued by the Govt. of NCT of NCT of Delh.

12. Incomplete application will be treated as cancelled without giving any information.

13. Hostel rent will be given as per guide lines ofthe scheme.
14. Fee structure should be on the official letter head of concerned institute with stamp

and signature of head of institute.

in the same stage of
15. Candidates who after passing one stage of education are studying
1.A. B.Com. After B.A. or M.A. in
c.g. I.Sc. Aftcr
education in different subject
other subject will not be eligible.
educational in one professional line,
who, after having complete their
16. Students
academic year 1980-81,
L.L.B. after B.T/B.Ed. will not be cligiblc. From the
courses are allowei.
studies in two professional
enrolment/registration. tuition, games, Union, Library,
17. Scholars will be paid
and such o:her fees compulsorily payable by the
Magazine, Medical Examination
scholar to the institution or University/Board. Refundable deposits like
be excluded.
money, security deposit will, however.
of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. Of
18. Follow the guidelines of Ministry
with his/her Aadhaar.
19. Bank account ofthe student should be seeded
20. All eligible Scheduled Caste candidates will be given scholarship as prescribed in this


scheme can be changed at any time at the discretion of

21.The provisions of this
the Central/State Government.

Scanned with CamScanner

Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Students NC
Caste studying in Classes IX &X belonging to Scheduled
(Centrally sponsored Scheme- Ministry of Social Justice and
Government of India) Empowerment,
A. Conditions for Scholarship:
. Students should belong to Scheduled Castc.
2. His/Hcr Parents/Guardian's Incomc should not exceed Rs. 2.5 Lakh Per annum.

3. He/She should not be getting any other centrally/state funded Scholarship.

4. The Scholarship will be given to the students of Classes IX and X who are studying in

a Government school or in a School recognized by Govt. of a Central/State Board or

Secondary Education.
S. To be eligible no percentage of marks.
6. Upload a copy of Caste Certificate issued by competent Authority should be uploaded
on the portal (Performa available on E-district portal), Domicile Certificatc of Delhi if

the compctent authority of Govt. of NCT of

the caste certificate is not issued by
7. The Bank account should be in the name of the students & seeded with Aadhaar of

8. Income certificate issued bycompetent authority (SDM/Deputy
(Revenue), GNCTD) of Delhi should be valid at the time of submission of

Class Scholarship Amount in (Rs. Per

Sr. No. Category
Day Scholar Hosteller
Scheduled Caste IX to X Rs. 3500/- Rs. 7000/

B. How to Apply:

issued in the of student or his

upload Caste Certilicate
1. Applicants should
father's name of SDM/Deputy
Commissioner (Revenue) GNCTD.

Caste (SC) certif+cate is not issued by the

2. Domicile Certificate of Delhi, if the
of Delhi.
competent authority of Govt. of NCT

Scanned with CamScanner

3. Follow the guidelines of the scheme issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment, Govt. Of India.
4 Bank account of the student should be secded with his/her Aadhaar.
All cligible Scheduled Caste candidates will be given scholarship as prescribed in this
6. The provisions of this scheme can be changed at any time at the discretion or

the Central/State Government.

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