Study of Gunn-Oscillator Characteristic
Study of Gunn-Oscillator Characteristic
Study of Gunn-Oscillator Characteristic
The diodes are classified into different types based on their working principles and
characteristics. These include Generic diode, Schotty diode, Shockley diode,
Constant-current diode, Zener diode, Light emitting diode, Photodiode, Tunnel
diode, Varactor, Vacuum tube, Laser diode, PIN diode, Peltier diode, Gunn diode,
and so on. A Gunn Diode is considered as a type of diode even though it does not
contain any typical PN diode junction like the other diodes, but it consists of two
electrodes. This diode is also called as a Transferred Electronic Device. This diode is
a negative differential resistance device, which is frequently used as a low-power
oscillator to generate microwaves. It consists of only N-type semiconductor in
which electrons are the majority charge carriers. To generate short radio waves
such as microwaves, it utilizes the Gunn Effect. For the construction of these
diodes, only N-type material is used, which is due to the transferred electron effect
applicable only to N-type materials and is not applicable to the P-type materials.
The frequency can be varied by varying the thickness of the active layer while
doping. Gunn diodes are used to build oscillators for generating microwaves with
frequencies ranging from 10 GHz to THz.
Gunn diode oscillator
A Gunn Diode Oscillator (also known as a Gunn oscillators or transferred electron device
oscillator) are a cheap source of microwave power and comprise of Gunn diode or
transferred electron device (TED) as their major component. They perform a similiar
funciton as Reflex Klystron Oscillators. In Gunn oscillators, the Gunn diode will be placed
in a resonant cavity. It is a Negative Differential Resistance device – also called as
transferred electron device oscillator – which is a tuned circuit consisting of Gunn diode
with DC bias voltage applied to it. And, this is termed as biasing the diode into negative
resistance region.
The negative differential resistance, combined with the timing properties of the
intermediate layer, is responsible for the diode's largest use: in electronic oscillators at
microwave frequencies and above. A microwave oscillator can be created simply by
applying a DC voltage to bias the device into its negative resistance region. In effect, the
negative differential resistance of the diode cancels the positive resistance of the load
circuit, thus creating a circuit with zero differential resistance, which will produce
spontaneous oscillations. The oscillation frequency is determined partly by the properties
of the middle diode layer, but can be tuned by external factors. In practical oscillators, an
electronic resonator is usually added to control frequency, in the form of a waveguide,
microwave cavity or YIG sphere. The diode is usually mounted inside the cavity. The diode
cancels the loss resistance of the resonator, so it produces oscillations at its resonant
frequency. The frequency can be tuned mechanically, by adjusting the size of the cavity,
or in case of YIG spheres by changing the magnetic field. Gunn diodes are used to build
oscillators in the 10 GHz to high (THz) frequency range. Gallium arsenide Gunn diodes are
made for frequencies up to 200 GHz, gallium nitride materials can reach up to 3 terahertz.
Gunn effect
In materials displaying the Gunn effect, such as gallium arsenide or cadmium
sulfide, electrons can exist in two states of mobility, or ease of movement.
Electrons in the state of higher mobility move through the solid more easily than
electrons in the lower mobility state. When no electrical voltage is applied to the
material, most of its electrons are in the high mobility state. When an electrical
voltage is applied, all its electrons begin to move just as in ordinary conductors.
This motion constitutes an electrical current, and in most solids greater voltages
cause increased movement of all the electrons and hence greater current flow. In
Gunn-effect materials, however, a sufficiently strong electrical voltage may force
some of the electrons into the state of lower mobility, causing them to move more
slowly and decreasing the electrical conductivity of the material. In electronic
circuits incorporating the Gunn diode, this unusual relationship between voltage
and current (motion) results in the generation of high-frequency alternating
current from a direct-current source. The below figure is a good demonstration to
understand how it works:
Application of Gunn Diode
Because of their high frequency capability, Gunn diodes are mainly used at
microwave frequencies and above. They can produce some of the highest output
power of any semiconductor devices at these frequencies. Their most common use
is in oscillators, but they are also used in microwave amplifiers to amplify signals.
Because the diode is a one-port (two terminal) device, an amplifier circuit must
separate the outgoing amplified signal from the incoming input signal to prevent
coupling. Here are some leading applications:
1) Sensors and Measuring Devices: The Gunn diode oscillators are used in
the generation of microwave power for applications such as airborne
collision avoidance radar, sensors to monitor the flow of traffic, anti-lock
brakes, car radar detectors, automatic door openers, burglar alarms, motion
detectors, pedestrian safety devices, sensors to avoid derailment of trains,
moisture content monitors, and remote vibration detectors.
2) Radio Amateur Use: The diode is mounted into the three-inch waveguide
and to drive the diode it is approximately modulated with the supply of low
voltage say less than 12v power supply of direct current is used. One end of
the waveguide is fed to the horn antenna and another end is blocked to form
a resonant cavity.
3) Radio Astronomy: For milli-meter and sub-milli-meter wave radio
astronomy transmitters, these Gun oscillators are used as the local
oscillators. The Gunn diode is mounted in such a way that the cavity is tuned
to resonate at the rate of twice the fundamental frequency of the diode. By
adjusting the micrometre the cavity length is changed. Over a tuning range
of 50%, these Gunn diodes are capable of generating power over 50mW. For
the application of the sub-milli-meter wave radio astronomy transmitter, the
Gunn oscillator frequency is multiplied by the diode frequency.
for the purpose of this experiment, we are going to use gunn-oscillator in order to
generate a high frequency microwave. We got a figure that relates the demand
frequency and its corresponding length on the oscillator. For example, in this
experiment we ought to generate a 9-GHZ microwave, we must adjust the
micrometer screw on 10cm.
After that, the generated wave will pass an isolator, which permit signals only by
one direction. Isolator is important to prevent the signal backward moving and
saving the transmitter from this large power. Then the signal will arrive to another
part, slotted line, which is a measuring system; by using a sliding carriage, we can
measure the maximum amplitude of the generated signal. After setting the slotted
line meter on an appropriate value, we should start measure the current in mA to
the corresponding values of voltage.
Voltage(v) Current(mA) state
0 0 no
0.49 78 no
1.08 137 no
1.57 156 no
1.92 212 no
2.56 294 no
3 358 no
3.55 432 no
4 466 no
4.5 476 no
5 481 no
5.5 459 yes
6 453 yes
6.5 451 yes
7.09 443 yes
1. Define the negative resistance of the gun diode.
Negative resistance does not ordinarily arise in nature. a point is reached
when on increasing the voltage the current through the device starts
decreasing. The point of maximum current is known as the peak point. The
region on the curve that shows the decrease in current with an increase in
voltage is known as the negative resistance region of the curve. For this
experiment, from 0 voltage up to nearly 5V, the characteristic was normally
performed ohm laws: by increasing the voltage value, current also increases.
𝐼 = . But at a certain point, when we increased the voltage, the current
decreased, this region is called negative resistance region, and in this region
the wave is generated.