Implementing The Division Operation On A Database Containing Uncertain Data

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Implementing the Division Operation on a Database Containing Uncertain Data

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Chiao Tung University Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C.

Frank S.C. Tseng

Department of Computer Science National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C. Email: Fax: 886-35-723694

Arbee L.P. Chen

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Chiao Tung University Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C.

Wei-Pang Yang

Uncertain data in databases were originally denoted as null values, which were later generalized to partial values. Based on the concept of partial values, we have further generalized the notion to probabilistic partial values. In this paper, an important operation | division, is fully studied to handle partial values and probabilistic partial values. Due to the uncertainty of partial values and probabilistic partial values, the corresponding extended division may produce maybe tuples and maybe tuples with degrees of uncertainty, respectively. To process this extended division, we decompose a relation consisting of partial values or probabilistic partial values into a set of relations containing only de nite values. Bipartite graph matching techniques are then applied to develop e cient algorithms for the extended division that handles partial values. The re nement on the maybe result is also discussed. Finally, we study the extended division that handles probabilistic partial values. keywords: partial values, probabilistic partial values, graph matching, uncertain data.


To whom all correspondence should be sent.

1 Introduction 2 Division for De nite Data 3 Generalizing Division to Handle Data with Partial Values 1 2

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

Preliminaries for Partial Values : : : : : : : : : : : The Extended Division for Handling Partial Values Preliminaries for Graph Theory : : : : : : : : : : : Algorithms for the Extended Division \ b " : : : : : An Example : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Further Re nement on Maybe Result : : : : : : : : Re ning Maybe Answers into True Answers : : : :

: : : : : : :

: : : : : : :

: : : : : : :

: : : : : : :

: : : : : : :

: : : : : : :

: : : : : : :

: : : : : : :

: : : : : : :

: : : : : : :

: : : : : : :

: : : : : : :

: : : : : : :

4 7 10 11 15 18 20

4 Generalizing Division to Handle Data with Probabilistic Partial Values 21

4.1 Preliminaries for Probabilistic Partial Values : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 21 4.2 The Extended Division for Handling Probabilistic Partial Values : : : : : : 25

5 Discussion and Conclusion



Management of uncertain data has been recognized as an important research area in database systems 29]. Null values were originally adopted to represent the meaning of \values unknown at present" in database systems. Codd 12] pioneers the work on extended relational algebra to manipulate null values. From then on, incomplete information in relational databases have been extensively studied 5, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26]. The update semantics with null values in relational databases have been discussed in 1, 2]. Codd 13, 14] distinguishes null values into applicable and inapplicable values. Besides, the relationship between null values and functional dependencies has been studied in 22, 23, 39, 40]. 27] gives a concise review of handling null values by algebraic approaches. The null value concept has been generalized to the concept of partial values by Grant 19]. Instead of being treated as an atomic value, an attribute value in a table is considered as a nonempty subset of the corresponding domain. A partial value in Grant 19] is represented as an interval such that exactly one of the values in the interval is the \true" value of the partial value. In DeMichiel 16], however, a partial value is considered to correspond to a nite set of possible values such that exactly one of the values in that set is the \true" value of the partial value. Motro 29] refers to this kind of partial values as disjunctive data. Therefore, an applicable null value is a partial value which corresponds to the whole domain. Lipski 24] provides a general discussion on manipulating uncertain information including partial values. Following the notion of disjunctive data, we discuss the elimination of redundant partial values in 36], aggregate evaluation in 8] and the relationships among disjunctive data in 9] 10] 11]. Furthermore, in 37] 38] 33] 34], we generalize partial values to probabilistic partial values and provide probabilistic approaches to query processing in heterogeneous database systems. Among the previous research works and current commercial database systems, an important operation | the division, has not been taken into account for discussion and direct support. However, as we have pointed out in 35], this operation is needed for dealing with a query involving universal quanti ers. For example, based on the Suppliersand-Parts database in 15], the query 1

\Get supplier numbers for suppliers who supply all parts." corresponds to sno pno (Shipments) pno (Parts) (refer to 15, Section 6.5.9]). Since it is not a primitive operator in the relational model, we need to implement the division by other primitive operators, which can be very cumbersome. In the following sections, we rst de ne the division operation for de nite data and give an algorithm to directly implement this operation is given in Section 2. Then, we de ne the extended division for handling partial values and generalize the algorithm in Section 3. This generalized algorithm is developed by employing the bipartite graph matching technique 7]. In Section 4, we study the extended division for probabilistic partial values. Finally, Section 5 concludes our work.

Division for De nite Data

s can be de ned to be the relation

Let r(X Y ) and s(Y ) be relations. The result of r q as follows 27]:

q(X ) = ft j for every tuple ts 2 s there is a tuple tr 2 r such that tr:X = t and tr:Y = tsg:
This de nition can also be speci ed as:

q(X ) = ft j (ftg s) rg:

In the following, an algorithm that directly implements this de nition will be presented. A de nition is needed for the algorithm and is stated as follows.
Definition 2.1 For a relation r(X Y ), X and Y possibly composite, the grouping of r

by X , denoted

(r), is an operation that groups r(X Y ) by X into (X Y ) such that


(X Y ) f(x (x)) j (x 2 r:X ) ^ (8t 2 r)((t:X = x) ) t:Y 2 (x))g:

Notice that (X Y ) is also called a nested relation 30]. For example, consider the following relation r(X Y )

X a a d d d

Y x z w x z


(r) is
X Y a fx, zg d fw, x, zg

We give the algorithm as follows.


Algorithm 2.1 : An Algorithm That Derives the Result of r(X Y )

s(Y ).

relations r(X, Y) and s(Y) without redundant tuples, X and Y possibly composite. the result of r(X Y )


s(Y ).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Ans = /* initialize Ans to be an empty set */ r (X Y ) = r(X Y ) s(Y ), where \ " denotes natural semijoin X (X Y ) = (r (X Y )) i.e. group r (X Y ) by X into (X Y ) | a nested relation. for each tuple ti 2 do f if (j ti:Y j==j s j) Ans = Ans fti:X g
0 0 0

2 Return(Ans) The natural semijoin in Step 2, r (X Y ) = r(X Y ) s(Y ), can be considered as a generalization of selection 4] it restricts r by the values that appear in s. That is, r = ft j t 2 r ^ t:Y 2 sg. By this, we have the following lemma.
0 0

Lemma 2.1 For all ti 2

> j s j) can never occur.


in Algorithm 2.1, j s j

max if j ti:Y j g that is, (j ti:Y j


Proof: Suppose there is a tuple ti 2 such that (j ti:Y j > j s j) then, by Step 3, there exists a tuple t 2 r with t:Y 62 s, a contradiction to r = ft j t 2 r ^ t:Y 2 sg. Hence, (j ti:Y j > j s j) never occurs and our lemma follows. 2 We show the correctness of Algorithm 2.1 in the following.

Theorem 2.1 Algorithm 2.1 is correct.

Proof: We denote the result produced by Algorithm 2.1 as A1 and the result of r(X Y ) s(Y ) as A2. By de nition, A2 = ft j (ftg s) rg. We want to show that A1 = A2. If t 2 A1 then there is a tuple 2 such that

:X Step5 t 2 :X r :X r:X and :Y Step5 fy1 y2 . . . y s g Step2 s: = = =

0 j j

Thus, we have ftg s = f :X g :Y r r: Therefore, t 2 A2. Hence, A1 A2. Conversely, if t 2 A2 then ftg s r. By Step 2 of Algorithm 2.1, we know ftg s r and, by Step 3, there exists a tuple 2 such that :X = t and :Y = s. Therefore, j :Y j = j s j and t will be collected into Ans and returned by Algorithm 2.1 in Step 5 and 7, respectively that is, t 2 A1. Hence A2 A1. By the above discussion, we conclude that A1 = A2. 2 Although the division operation for de nite data can be implemented by some primitive operators of relational algebra. In Section 3, however, we will show the extended division operation over partial values cannot be implemented using DeMichiel's de nitions of primitive operations 16]. Therefore, instead of using the primitive operators, Algorithm 2.1 will be used as a basis for generalizing division to deal with partial values.
0 0



Generalizing Division to Handle Data with Partial Values

3.1 Preliminaries for Partial Values

Partial values model data uncertainty in databases in the sense that, for an uncertain datum, its true value can be restricted in a speci c set of possible values 16] or an interval of values 19]. In our work, a partial value is represented by a set of possible values, in which exactly one of the value is true. It is formally de ned as follows.
Definition 3.1 A partial value, denoted = a1 a2 . . . an ], associates with n possible

values, a1 a2 . . . an, n 1, of the same domain, in which exactly one of the values in is the \true" value of .

For a partial value = a1 a2 . . . an], a function is de ned on it in 16], where maps the partial value to its corresponding nite set of possible values that is, ( ) = 4

fa1 a2 . . . ang. Recall that an applicable null value 13], @, can be considered as a partial value with (@) = D, where D is the whole domain. Besides, a relation containing partial

values is called a partial relation 16]. Otherwise, it will be called a de nite relation. Except for explicitly speci ed, a relation is considered to be partial hereafter. In the following, we will use and ( ) interchangeably when it does not cause confusion. For example, v 2 if v 2 ( ). The cardinality of a partial value is de ned as j ( ) j in 16]. When the cardinality of a partial value equals to 1, i.e., there exists only one possible value, say d, in the partial value, then the partial value d] actually corresponds to the de nite value d. On the other hand, a de nite value d can be represented as a partial value d]. Besides, a partial value with cardinality greater than 1 is referred to as a proper partial value in 16]. For any two proper partial values, say 1 and 2, 1 6= 2 even if ( 1) = ( 2). This is because the true value of 1 may not be the same as the true value of 2 .
Definition 3.2 If the proper partial values,

partial values, , and ( 1) = ( 2) = are quasi-duplicates of i 1 i k.

z }| { z }| {
1 2

. . . k k 2 are elements of a set of = ( k ), then we say 1 2 . . . i 1 i+1 . . . k

1 2

By De nition 3.2, if = f a b] a b]g then 1 is a quasi-duplicate of 2, and vice versa. When a set of attributes fA1 A2 Amg is considered as a composite attribute A1A2 Am, its values can be computed from the values in this set of attributes as follows. A1 A2 Am A1A2 Am ^ m1 11 21 m1 11 ^ 21 ^ ^ 22 ^ ^ m2 12 22 m2 () 12 . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ^ 2n ^ ^ mn 1n 2n mn 1n The ^ denotes the cartesian product of partial values, which is de ned as follows.
Definition 3.3 The cartesian product a ^ b of the partial values a = a1 a2 . . . am ]

and b = b1 b2 . . . bn] is the partial value pairs (ai bj ) for every ai 2 a and bj 2 b. We regard ( 1j 2j . . . the \true" value of ( 1j
mj )


with (

a ^ b)

being a set of the ordered


^ 2j ^ . . . ^ mj as semantically-equivalent because if mj ) is the m-tuple (a1 a2 . . . am), where ai 2 ij and is


the \true" value of ij , then the \true" value of and vice versa.




is also (a1 a2 . . . am),

Example 3.1 Consider the following data values in the set of attributes fA1 A2g

A1 A2 1 a b] 2 3] c We can regard fA1 A2g as a composite attribute A1A2 and compute its data as A1A2 (1 a) (1 b)] (2 c) (3 c)]

A partial relation R(A1 A2 . . . Am) therefore can be regarded as a relation R(A1A2 Am) with the composite attribute A1A2 Am. That is, a partial relation can be considered as a set of partial values. By this, we have the following de nitions.
Definition 3.4 An interpretation,


= (a1 a2 . . . am), of a set of partial values, . . . mg, is an assignment of values from such that ai 2 i 1 i m.
1 2

= ( m)

By De nition 3.4, for a set of partial values = f is the set of all interpretations of .
Definition 3.5 For an interpretation


m g,

( 1)

( 2)


= (a1 a2 . . . am) of a set of partial values . . . mg, the value set of is denoted S = S1 i m faig. is denoted

j p, p =j 1 j j 2 j of a set of partial values = f 1 2 . . . mg, the family of value sets of F ( ) = S1 j p fS j g. If = then de ne F ( ) = .

Definition 3.6 For all interpretations, j , 1 Example 3.2 Consider the following relation r(X Y ).

j m j,

X Y a y a x y] We can regard fX Y g as a composite attribute XY and compute r to be


r XY (a y)] (a x) (a y)] Then there are two interpretations, 1 and 2, of r:


= ((a y) (a x)) and

= ((a y) (a y)):

Their corresponding value sets are

S 1 = f(a y)g f(a x)g = f(a y) (a x)g and S 2 = f(a y)g f(a y)g = f(a y)g:
Therefore, the family of value sets of r is F (r) = fS 1 g fS 2 g = ff(a y) (a x)g f(a y)gg which corresponds to the following two de nite relations:

S1 X Y a y a x

S2 X Y a y

3.2 The Extended Division for Handling Partial Values

In 16], DeMichiel presents a set of algebraic operations over partial values. However, the extended division for partial values is not studied. For relations containing partial values, due to the uncertainty of partial values, the result of an extended division may contain maybe tuples 5, 12, 16]. For a division operation with operands A(X Y ) and B (Y ) of de nite data, the following equation always holds.

A(X Y ) B (Y ) =

X (A) ; X (( X (A)

B ) ; A)

That is, the division operation for de nite data can be implemented by some primitive operators of relational algebra. However, in the following, we will show the extended division operation over partial values cannot be implemented using the above de nition and DeMichiel's de nitions of primitive operations. That is,

A(X Y ) b B (Y ) 6=

X (A) ; X (( X (A)
0 0 0 0

B ) ; A)

where b denotes the extended division for partial values and , ; , and in 16].
0 0

are as de ned

Lemma 3.1 If A(X Y ) and B (Y ) contain true tuples only, then

X (A) ; X (( X (A)
0 0 0 0 0

B ) ; A)
0 0

can never produce maybe results, where , ; , and

0 0

are as de ned in 16].

X (A)

Proof: By DeMichiel's De nition, the maybe result of


ft j (9u)(u 2 A ^ (status(u) = maybe) ^ (t = u:X ) ^(6 9v)(v 2 A ^ (v:X = u:X ) ^ (status(v) = true)))g:
Since, by assumption, A has no maybe tuples, the maybe result of empty. Thus, = ; =
X (A) ; X (( X (A)
0 0 0 0 0 0

X (A)

is therefore

X ((

B ) ; A)

B ) ; A)

By Lemma 3.1, we know that if we perform the extended division A(X Y ) b B (Y ) by X (A) ; X (( X (A) B ) ; A), then the maybe result tuples which should have been generated by the true tuples of the original relations A(X Y ) and B (Y ) will be lost. We de ne A(X Y ) b B (Y ) as a primitive operation in the following. In our work, we will assume a divisor contains no partial values, otherwise the extended division will never produce true results. The extended division for partial values is de ned as follows. Let the source relations be r(X Y ) and s(Y ), where X and Y are possibly composite. We denote the true result of r b s as T R.
0 0 0 0 0 0


The maybe result, denoted MR, is de ned as follows.





s) ft j (t 2

ui r

(ui:X )) ^ (ftg s) rg:


where denotes the conventional division for de nite relations. The following example illustrates this de nition. 8




s) ; T R

Example 3.3 Consider the relations r and s given below and suppose we want to com-

pute r(X Y )

s(Y ).

a x a z x b c] x z b c] z By the de nition, we can easily derive the true result of r(X Y ) b s(Y ) to be fag. To compute the maybe result, we rst transform r(X Y ) into the following equivalent relation r(XY ). r
(a (a (b x) (b z) There are four interpretations for r:


x)] z)] (c x)] (c z)]

(b (c (b (c

x) (a z) (b x) x) (a z) (b x) 2 x) (a z) (c x) 3 x) (a z) (c x) 4 and the corresponding value sets are shown below.

= = = =
X Y a x a z b x b z By these value sets, we have

((a ((a ((a ((a

z)) z)) z)) and z))

X a a b c

Y x z x z

X a a c b
2 4

Y x z x z

X a a c c

Y x z x z

That is, SS i

1 3

s = fa bg S s = fag and S

s = fag s = fa cg:



s) = fa b cg. Therefore, the result q of r

s is

q X status a true b maybe c maybe Note that an extra status column is added for the result of an extended division to distinguish between true and maybe tuples. It does not correspond to a real attribute. 2 However, from the above de nition, it is not a trivial task to determine the result of an extended division. Since the interpretations of a partial relation r can be very large (refer to De nition 3.4), we need a more e cient algorithm for the extended division. In the following, we apply bipartite graph matching techniques to develop an algorithm for solving this problem.

3.3 Preliminaries for Graph Theory

In the following, some terminologies about graph theory are de ned 7, 6]. A graph G is denoted G = (V E ), where V is the set of vertices and E is the set of edges in the graph. An edge (x y) is said to join the vertices x and y. If (x y) 2 E then x and y are adjacent or neighboring vertices of G. For any set S V , we de ne the neighbor set of S in G, denoted N (S ), to be the set of all vertices adjacent to the vertices in S . A bipartite graph G = (V E ) is one whose vertex set V can be partitioned into two subsets X and Y , such that each edge in G joins a vertex in X and a vertex in Y . If two vertices are not joined by an edge, they are said to be independent. Similarly, two edges that do not share a common vertex are said to be independent. Given a subset S of V , the subgraph induced by S , denoted G S ], is the graph with vertex set S and edge set containing those edges of G joining two vertices of S . A clique of G is a subset S of V such that G S ] is a complete graph, that is, each pair of distinct vertices in G S ] is joined by an edge. A set of pairwise independent edges is called a matching. A matching of maximum cardinality is called a maximum matching. Besides, two more terms are de ned as follows.
Definition 3.7 Let S = fS1 S2 . . . Sn g be a family of sets and s = fs1 s2 . . . sm g.

The membership graph of S over s is a bipartite graph G = (V E ) = (X Y E ), where

X = s = fs1 s2 . . . sm g,

Y = S = fS1 S2 . . . Sng, and E = f(si Sj ) j si 2 Sj 1 i m 1 j ng:

Definition 3.8 For a bipartite graph G = (X Y E ), j X

j j Y j, we say that there is a complete matching M from X to Y if there is a matching of cardinality j X j that is,
each vertex in X is adjacent to a distinct vertex in Y.

3.4 Algorithms for the Extended Division \ "


In this section, we present two C -like algorithms to derive the (true and maybe) answer of an extended division operation. In the rst place, Algorithm 2.1 will be slightly modi ed for obtaining the true result of an extended division then this algorithm will be generalized to derive the maybe result.
Algorithm 3.1 : An Algorithm That Derives the True Result of an Extended Division.

relations r(X Y ) and s(Y ), where X and Y are possibly composite and s contains no partial values. the true result of r(X Y )


s(Y ).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

TrueAns = = initialize TrueAns to be an empty set = r = r with all tuples that contain proper partial values eliminated Perform r (X Y ) = r (X Y ) s(Y ), where \ " denotes semijoin X (X Y ) = (r (X Y )) for each tuple ti 2 do f if (j ti:Y j==j s j) TrueAns = TrueAns fti:X g
0 00 0 00


Except for Step 2, this algorithm is the same as Algorithm 2.1. Step 2 guarantees r to be a de nite relation. The following theorem veri es the correctness of Algorithm 3.1.
Theorem 3.1 Algorithm 3.1 correctly produces the true result of r(X Y )

s(Y ).


Proof: The proof is the same as that of Theorem 2.1, except that r and r in the proof of Theorem 2.1 are replaced by r and r , respectively. 2 Before presenting the algorithm that derives the maybe result for an extended division, we need some preliminary de nitions.
0 0 00

Definition 3.9 The partial semi-join of relation r(X Y ) by relation s(Y ), written r(X Y )

/ s(Y ), is an operation that produces the relation


r (X Y ) = ft j (8u 2 r)((u:Y \ s 6= ) ) (t:X = u:X ^ t:Y = (u:Y \ s)))g:

The following example illustrates this de nition.
Example 3.4 For the relations r and s given below,

X Y a z a w,u] b,c] x e x,y] e y,z]

Y x z

the result q = r(X Y ) / s(Y ) is

X a b,c] e e

Y z x x] z]

Definition 3.10 For a relation r(X Y ), X and Y possibly composite, the partial group-

ing of r by X , denoted r (r), is an operation that groups r(X Y ) by X into (X Y ) X that is r (r) = , where

(t:X )) ^ (8t 2 r)((x 2 (t:X )) ) t:Y 2 (x))g: 2 X X It is easy to verify that when r(X Y ) is a de nite relation, then r (r) = (r) (refer to De nition 2.1).

(X Y ) = f(x (x)) j (x 2 Sti

Example 3.5 Let r(X Y ) be the relation listed below.


X Y a x b y c z a y a z a, c] w, x] a, b] x, z]

Then the partial grouping r (r) is

X a b c Y fx, y, z, w, x], x, z]g fy, x, z]g fz, w, x]g

We now discuss how a maybe result tuple of r(X Y ) b s(Y ) can be derived. The following theorem speci es the necessary and su cient condition for a true or maybe answer of an extended division.
Theorem 3.2 For a tuple (x (x)) in

=r(r), where (x) = f 1 2 . . . ng, there exists a complete matching M from s = fs1 s2 . . . sm g to S = (x) = f 1 2 . . . n g in the membership graph G = (s S E ) if and only if x is an answer (true or maybe) of r(X Y ) b s(Y ).
Proof: (() (1) If x is a true answer of r(X Y ) b s(Y ) then fxg s r. By regarding the elements of s as partial values with cardinality one, we have s = f s1] s2] . . . sm]g. X Then, by De nition 3.10, there exists a tuple (x (x)) 2 =r (r), such that s (x) = S . Hence, there is a complete matching M = f(s1 s1]) (s2 s2]) . . . (sm sm])g from s to S in the membership graph G = (s S E ). (2) If x is a maybe answer of r(X Y ) b s(Y ) then x 2 SSi (r)(Si s). That is, there exists an interpretation with value set S , such that fxg s S 2 F (r). Therefore, there is a tuple (x (x)) 2 with (x) = f 1 2 . . . m . . .g, such that si 2 i, for i = 1 2 . . . m. Hence, there is a complete matching M = f(s1 1) (s2 2) . . . (sm m)g from s to S in the membership graph G = (s S E ).


()) If there exists a complete matching M = f(s1 1) (s2 2) . . . (sm m)g in G = (s S E ), then si 2 i, for i = 1 2 . . . m. By De nition 3.10, r contains m tuples, t1 t2 . . . tm, such that x 2 ti:X and i = ti:Y , i = 1 2 . . . m. Therefore, there exists an interpretation = ((x s1) (x s2) . . . (x sm) . . .) of r with its value set S = f(x s1) (x s2) . . . (x sm) . . .g, which implies fxg s S 2 F (r). Hence, x 2 (S s) SSi (r)(Si s). When fxg s S r then x is a true result. Otherwise, x is a maybe result. 2 In the following, we present Algorithm 3.2, which is generalized from Algorithm 3.1, to derive the maybe result of an extended division.

Algorithm 3.2 : An Algorithm That Derives the Maybe Result of an Extended Division


relations r(X Y ), s(Y ) and the TrueAns obtained from Algorithm 3.1, where X and Y are possibly composite and s contains neither partial values nor maybe tuples. the maybe result of r(X Y )


s(Y ).

1. MaybeAns = 2. Perform r (X Y ) = r(X Y ) / s(Y ), where \/" denotes partial semi-join X 3. =r(r ) i.e., apply the partial grouping operation to r by X 4. for each tuple t 2 do f 5. if (t:X 2 TrueAns) continue = true result overrides maybe result = 6. if (j t:Y j<j s j) continue = prune impossible answer = 7. if (S j t:Y ( j ) 6= s) continue = prune impossible answer = 8. if (the membership graph of S = f 1 2 . . . ng over s, 8 j 2 t:Y has a complete matching M from s to S )f 9. MaybeAns = MaybeAns ft:X g 10. g 11. g 2 12. Return(MaybeAns) Note that Step 5, Step 6 and Step 7 are used to prune impossible answers. In Step 5, a true result reasonably overrides a maybe result. In Step 6, it is obvious that if
00 00 2


be an answer. That is, j t:Y ( j ) s is impossible. In proof, if S j t:Y ( j ) s then there exists an element in S j t:Y ( j ) but not in s, which implies there is a tuple t 2 r such that t:Y 6 s | a contradiction to the de nition of partial semi-join as used in Step 2. Except for these steps (i.e., Steps 2, 5, 6, and 7), this algorithm actually implements Theorem 3.1. Therefore, its correctness is also veri ed. For Step 8, an O(n2:5) algorithm in 20], can be used to nd a complete matching for a bipartite graph G = (V E ) = (X Y E ), where n is the number of nodes in G.
2 2 00 2

j t:Y j < j s j then t:X cannot be an answer, since there is no complete matching. For Step 7, we claim that if S j t:Y ( j ) = s then S j t:Y ( j ) s and t:X can never 6
2 2

3.5 An Example
In the following, an example is presented to illustrate the whole processes of Algorithms 3.1 and 3.2. for saving space. We apply Algorithms 3.1 and 3.2 to derive the true result and maybe result of r(X Y ) b s(Y ), respectively. r X Y X Y a w d, e, f] y, z] a x d, f] x, z] a y e w, x] s a z e x Y a, b] w e w w b x f u, v, w, x] x b y f v, w] y b z g w z c v, x, y] g x c u, x, z] g, h] y c u, v, w, y] g, h] z d x, y] h w d x, y] h x, u] Recall that two proper partial values are not supposed to be equal even if they correspond to the same set of possible values. Therefore, the quasi-duplicate d x, y] 15
Example 3.6 Consider the following relations r(X Y ) and s(Y ), where r(X Y ) is wrapped

cannot be eliminated, or information may be lost. (However, under some circumstances, some quasi-duplicates may be eliminated without losing information. We have explored this problem in 36].) First, we apply Algorithm 3.1 to derive the true result. After Step 2, we get r as: r X Y X Y X Y a w b x e w a x b y g w a y b z g x a z e x h w After Step 3, r remains the same as r . So, by Step 4, we group r by X into as:
0 0 00 0 00

X Y a fw, x, y, zg b fx, y, zg e fx, wg g fx, wg h fwg For those tuples t's in , only the rst tuple satis es the condition of Step 6. Therefore, the true result is fag. Now we proceed to Algorithm 3.2. For convenience, we treat all the attribute values in r:Y as partial values (i.e., convert all de nite values into partial values with cardinality one) and represent this new relation, r , as follows.

X Y X Y a w] d, e, f] y, z] a x] d, f] x, z] a y] e w, x] a z] e x] a, b] w] e w] b x] f u, v, w, x] b y] f v, w] b z] g w] c v, x, y] g x] c u, x, z] g, h] y] c u, v, w, y] g, h] z] d x, y] h w] d x, y] h x, u] By performing partial semi-join in Step 2, we obtain r as



X Y X Y a w] d, e, f] y, z] a x] d, f] x, z] a y] e w, x] a z] e x] a, b] w] e w] b x] f w, x] b y] f w] b z] g w] c x, y] g x] c x, z] g, h] y] c w, y] g, h] z] d x, y] h w] d x, y] h x] After applying the partial grouping operation, we obtain as follows. X Y 1 a f w], x], y], z]g 2 b f w], x], y], z]g 3 c f x, y], x, z], w, y]g 4 d f x, y], x, y], y, z], x, z]g 5 e f y, z], w, x], x], w]g 6 f f y, z], x, z], w, x], w]g 7 g f w], x], y], z]g 8 h f w], x], y], z]g For those tuples in , the rst tuple satis es the condition in Step 5, the second, seventh, and eighth tuples satisfy the condition in Step 8. For the third and the fourth tuples, they satisfy the conditions in Steps 6 and 7, respectively. Therefore, they are not included into MaybeAns. Now, consider the fth tuple, we nd one of the maximum matchings as follows.


w x y z



- w,x] - x]


It does not satisfy the condition in Step 8. Finally, for the sixth tuple, we can nd a complete matching as follows. w Q kQ 3 y,z] ; @ QQ ; @Q QQ ; x,z] x Q @QQ; 3 k Q Q

After performing the for loop between Steps 4 and 11, we obtain MaybeAns = fb, f, g, hg. 2

QQ@;QQ QQ Q Q QQ s + ;;@@ QQ w] y QQ QQ @ QQ ; @ Q w,x] + s Q @ z ;

3.6 Further Re nement on Maybe Result

In the maybe result obtained by Algorithm 3.2, there may exist some inter-relationships among these maybe result tuples. We say that two maybe result tuples and of an extended division r(X Y ) b s(Y ) are strongly dependent if there exists one tuple t in the original relation r which contributes to both and to be the maybe result tuples and whose deletion makes both and no longer be in the maybe result. Since there is only one \true" value in t, and cannot coexist. In Example 3.6, g and h are strongly dependent. This is because, for example, the following tuple in the original relation r g, h] y contributes to both g and h to be maybe result tuples and whose deletion makes both g and h unable to be in the maybe result. If C is a subset of the maybe result of an extended division such that each pair of the elements in C are strongly dependent, then we say C is a strongly dependent clique. In a strongly dependent clique C , any two elements in C cannot coexist. Therefore, if C = fc1 c2 . . . cng is a strongly dependent clique, then we can represent fc1 c2 . . . cn g as a partial value c1 c2 . . . cn] and regard it as a maybe result tuple. That is, a maybe result tuple

c1 c2 . . . cn ] maybe

means that if this answer tuple exists then it must be exactly one of ci in c1 c2 . . . cn ]. In comparison, the original maybe result c1 maybe c2 maybe . . . . . . cn maybe means that the answer is (c1 _ c2 _ _ cn ) , where \_" is the inclusive-or operator and \ " is the exclusive-or operator, which does not capture the dependency. For example, in the following operation
X Y a, b] x, z] b, c] y, z] a, c] x, y]

Y x z

X a b c

status maybe maybe maybe

These answer tuples are pairwise strongly dependent. Therefore, the maximal strongly dependent clique is a

n bn cn

and the answer can be further re ned into a, b, c] maybe To nd a maximal strongly dependent clique in the maybe result MR of an extended division, we can construct a graph G = (V E ) as follows: 1. V = fm j m 2 MRg 2. E = f(mi mj ) j mi and mj are strongly dependentg. Then nd a maximal clique in G. Both the problems can be shown to be equivalent. That is, they can be transformed into each other. Unfortunately, nding a maximal clique on graphs is a well-known NP-hard problem 17].


3.7 Re ning Maybe Answers into True Answers

We observe that, in some cases, some maybe result tuples can be further re ned into a true result tuple. We present this idea by an example followed by its formal description.
Example 3.7 Consider the following relations r(X Y ) and s(Y ).

X a a, b, c] b c

Y x y x x

Y x y

The answer of q = r(X Y ) b s(Y ) is

X a b c

q status maybe maybe maybe q

which can be re ned into

X status a, b, c] true

This is because the second tuple of r is exactly one of (a, y), (b, y), and (c, y).

This re nement on the maybe result of r(X Y ) b s(Y ) can be obtained when there is a tuple t 2 r with 1. (t:X ) = fm1 m2 . . . mk g, k 2, and 2. t:Y contains a de nite value only, such that, 1. the deletion of t makes k maybe answer tuples, m1 m2 . . . mk , no longer be in the maybe result, and 2. (fm1 m2 . . . mk g (s ; t:Y )) r. 20

If this condition is satis ed, then these maybe answers, m1 m2 . . . mk , can be grouped into a single partial value m1 m2 . . . mk ] with status true. This is because the true value of t:X can be exactly one of mi's, which implies there must be exactly one mi satis es fmig s r. The semantic meaning for an answer tuple with true/maybe status can be clari ed as follows. 1. a tuple a, b] maybe means that either (i) it is either a or b or (ii) it is nothing. 2. a tuple a maybe means that it is either a or nothing. 3. a tuple a, b] true means that it is either a or b. 4. a tuple a true means that it is a, de nitely.

Generalizing Division to Handle Data with Probabilistic Partial Values

Although we can re ne maybe results into more informative answers, users have no way to distinguish which maybe tuple is the most possible answer. In 37] 38], the concept of partial values is generalized to probabilistic partial values, and a probabilistic approach to query processing in heterogeneous database systems is provided. We employ the concept of probabilistic partial values to provide maybe answer tuples with degrees of uncertainty. This will make the comparison among maybe answer tuples possible, and provide more informative answers for users. In this section, we study the extended division for dealing with probabilistic partial values.

4.1 Preliminaries for Probabilistic Partial Values

We generalize partial values to probabilistic partial values by regarding an attribute as a discrete random variable 28, 3]. Sadri 31, 32] has developed a probabilistic approach to modeling uncertainty in databases. In Sadri's work, the degree of uncertainty is attached on tuple level. However, in our work, the degree of uncertainty is on the level of attribute values. 21

Our approach stems from the idea of a probabilistic relational data model proposed by Barbara, Garcia-Molina and Porter 3]. By assuming keys are de nite, the probability of an attribute value is a conditional probability depending on the key value of that tuple. To illustrate, consider the following relation, where name is the key attribute. name city specialty age 0:4 0:5 0:1 Jesse Taipei , Hsinchu , Kaohsiung ] SE 30 0 :2 0:8 Annie Kaohsiung DB , AI ] 27 This relation describes two entities, \Jesse" and \Annie". The probability that Jesse's city is Taipei is Prob(city = \Taipei" j name = \Jesse") = 0:4 Now we de ne a probabilistic partial value as follows.
Definition 4.1 A probabilistic partial value, denoted

= ap1 ap2 . . . apn ], associates 1 2 n with n possible values, a1 a2 . . . an, of the same domain D f g, where each ai associates with a probability pi 6= 0 such that Pn=1 pi = 1. i A relation consisting of tuples with probabilistic partial values is called a probabilistic partial relation. In general, probabilities can be assigned according to the timeliness of data, statistical information, etc. In 37] 38], we present an application to show how to assign the probabilities of a partial value in heterogeneous database systems. The equality of probabilistic partial values is de ned as follows.
Definition 4.2 Two probabilistic partial values, say a = ap1 ap2 . . . apn ] and b = 1 2 n

bq1 bq2 . . . bqn ], are said to be equal, denoted 1 2 n i = 1 . . . n.

= b, if ai = bi and pi = qi, for each

Notice that, however, two proper partial values can never be equal (refer to Section 3.1). We also use to denote the function that maps a probabilistic partial value to its corresponding nite set of possible values. That is, for a probabilistic partial value = bp1 bp2 . . . bpn ], ( ) = fbp1 bp2 . . . bpn g. Besides, a de nite value d can be regarded as 1 2 1 2 n n a probabilistic partial value d1], and vice versa. In the following, ( ) and are used interchangeably when it does not cause confusion. We de ne the cartesian product of two probabilistic partial values as follows. 22

Definition 4.3 The cartesian product a

of the probabilistic partial values a = ap1 ap2 . . . apm ] and b = bq1 bq2 . . . bqn ] is the probabilistic partial value a b with 1 2 1 2 n m ( a b) being a set of the ordered pairs (ai bj ) with probability pi qj for every api 2 a i qj and bj 2 b.

By assuming non-key attributes of a relation to be independent, a tuple of a relation r(A1 A2 . . . Am), 1 2 . . . m , can be transformed into the semantically-equivalent probabilistic partial value, 1 2 . . . m.
Example 4.1 Consider the following relation r(A1 A2)

A1 A2 0:2 b0:8] 1 a 0:3 30:7 ] 2 c We can regard fA1 A2g as a composite attribute A1A2 and transform r in the following: r r A1A2 A1A2 1 0:2 (1 b)1 0:8] = (1 a)0:2 (1 b)0:8] (1 a) (2 c)0:3 1 (3 c)0:7 1] (2 c)0:3 (3 c)0:7] 2
That is, a probabilistic partial relation R(A1 A2 . . . Am) can be regarded as a relation R(A1A2 Am) with the composite attribute A1A2 Am. Therefore, a probabilistic partial relation can be considered as a set of probabilistic partial values. By this, we have the following de nitions.
Definition 4.4 An interpretation, = (bp1 bp2 . . . bpm ), of a set of probabilistic partial 1 2 m

values, = f m.


m g, is an

assignment of values from such that bpi 2 i


1 i

By De nition 4.4, for a set of partial values = f 1 is the set of all interpretations of .


m g,

( 1)

( 2)

( m)

Definition 4.5 For an interpretation = (bp1 bp2 . . . bpm ) of a set of probabilistic par1 2 m

tial values = f 1 2 . . . mg, the probabilistic value set of is denoted V = S1 with probability p = Q1 i m pi . 23

i m fbi g

For simplicity, we use V p to represent both a probabilistic value set V and its probability p.
Definition 4.6 For all interpretations, j , 1

q, q =j 1 j j 2 j j m j, of a set of probabilistic partial values = f 1 2 . . . m g, the family of probabilistic value sets of is denoted G ( ) = S1 j q fV j g, where V j has the probability p j = P = then de ne G ( ) = . ( k)(V k =V j ) p k . If j

r X Y a y a x0:3 y0:7] We can regard fX Y g as a composite attribute XY and compute r to be r XY (a y)1] (a x)0:3 (a y)0:7] Then there are two interpretations, 1 and 2, of r:

Example 4.2 Consider the following relation r(X Y ).

= ((a y)1 (a x)0:3) and

= ((a y)1 (a y)0:7):

Their corresponding value sets are

V 1 = f(a y) (a x)g and V 2 = f(a y)g:

with the corresponding probabilities

p 1 = 1 0:3 = 0:3 and p 2 = 1 0:7 = 0:7:

Therefore, the family of value sets of r is G (r) = V p1 1 V p2 2 = ff(a y) (a x)g0:3 f(a y)g0:7g which corresponds to the following two relations:

V 01:3 X Y a y a x

V 02:7 X Y a y

4.2 The Extended Division for Handling Probabilistic Partial Values

In this section, we de ne the extended division for probabilistic partial values, denoted , as follows. We assume the divisor of an extended division contains de nite values only. Let the operands of an extended division be r(X Y ) and s(Y ), where X and Y are possibly composite. The result of r s is de ned as follows.

ftp j (t 2




(V i s)) ^ (p =

p (8V i 2G (r))(t2(V i s)) i

p i )g:

The following example illustrates this.

Example 4.3 For the relations r and s given below,

3 a x 31 y 2 ] b y 1 4 a x4 y 3 ] there are four interpretations,

x y

1 4 = ((a x) 31 (b y)1 (a x) 31 ) 1 (a y ) 4 ) 2 = ((a x) 3 (b y ) 1 2 1 3 = ((a y ) 3 (b y ) (a x) 4 ) and 3 2 1 4 = ((a y ) 3 (b y ) (a y ) 4 ): The corresponding probabilistic value sets are shown below.

X Y a x b y a y By these probabilistic value sets, we have

X Y a x b y

V 12 1

V 42

X a b a

V 63

Y y y x

X Y a y b y

V 24

V 12 s = 1
Therefore, the result q = r

V 42 s = fag V 63 s = fag and V 24 s = :


s is

P 1 1

probability 5 f 4 6 g = 12

To compute the probability of an answer tuple of r(X Y ) s(Y ), all interpretations of r should be generated and then their corresponding probabilistic value sets be computed. However, this can be very time-consuming | in the worst case, its time complexity is exponential.

Discussion and Conclusion

Understanding and accommodating various types of uncertain data in databases have been an active research area. Moreover, the division operation is rarely discussed, especially when a database contains uncertain data. However, to process a query involving a universal quanti er, it is usually necessary to perform the division operation. In this paper, we study the extended divisions for partial values and probabilistic partial values. The concept of probabilistic partial values is a generalization from that of partial values, which is in turn a generalization from that of null values. Due to the uncertainties of partial values and probabilistic partial values, the extended divisions may produce maybe tuples and maybe tuples with probabilities. By employing the bipartite graph matching technique, we have shown the maybe result of an extended division for partial values can be obtained e ciently. We have also discussed the re nement on the maybe result to produce a more informative answer. However, as we have shown, the re nement process may corresponds to some NP-hard problem and therefore we have the trade-o between a more informative answer and the computational e ciency on the extended division operation over partial values. Since maybe tuples cannot be compared to distinguish their degrees of uncertainty, maybe tuples with probabilities is more informative than that just with maybe status. However, it is time-consuming to derive the answer of an extended division that handles probabilistic partial values. Therefore, it is a trade-o between an e cient algorithm and a more informative answer. In the near future, we will investigate the parallelism of processing an extended division which handles probabilistic partial values, and develop an e cient parallel algorithm to speed up the computation. 26


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