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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.

20) (2018) 172-176

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Website: www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJET

Research paper

Drivers in the Implementation of Sustainable Construction

Management among Main Contractors
Nur Syamimi Zulkefli and Leo Yu Ling

Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang

Corresponding Author Email: nursyamimi@ump.edu.my


Sustainability practice has been introduced world widely across many industries including construction sector with the aims
to balance between the development of country and our Mother Nature. However, despite having various benefits, this
practice has not been widely implemented. The situation has resulted climate change or global warming to became more
serious compared to what happen previously. Therefore, this research has been conducted to identify what drive the
organization to implement sustainable construction in their projects. Comprehensive review of pertinent literature and
questionnaire survey were used to collect the research data. A total of 339 G7 contractors who registered under CIDB located
in Johor Bahru have been selected as respondents with only 53.10% of them respond to the survey. All the data were
analyzed by using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Findings from the research explain that introduction
series of tax incentives is the most significant driving factor for contractors to implement sustainable practices in construction

Keywords: Sustainable, Sustainable Construction, Sustainable Construction Management

1. Introduction more towards economic issue rather than environmental

issue [10]. Moreover, statistic from Construction Industry
Transformation Program (CITP) for year 2016-2020 shows
Construction industry is one of the important sectors in that Malaysia’s buildings and infrastructures being rated for
Malaysia due to it progressively contributes to the country’s environmental sustainability was less than 2%. If these
Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Together with other situations still continue, the climate change will become
sectors’, Malaysia had a positive growth which had achieved more serious and critical in our planet. Heat remains trap
4.7% of economic grew in 2013 [21]. However, a coin has inside the planet which may cause global temperature to
two sides; many researchers claimed that construction increase thus results Arctic ice to melt. Increment of sea
activities bring negative impacts to the social and level may increase the probability of flood to happen. Thus,
environmental. As mentioned by [17], both developed and in conjunction with these issues, this research is conducted
developing countries consume 40% of global energy to identify the drivers that may influence Main Contractors
annually and building sector releases 30% of greenhouse gas to implement sustainable construction management.
(GHG). So, in order to reduce the harm towards the
environment, sustainability practices being encouraged to
implement in the construction industry [10]. Kibert (1994) 2. Literature Review
explains seven principles which may help construction life
cycle to minimize the negative impact of construction Sustainable development was introduced around thirty years
activities. They are (1) Reduce resources; (2) Reuse ago by the World Commission on Environment and
resources; (3) Recycle resources; (4) Conserve natural Development. The definition of sustainable development
environment; (5) Diminish use of hazardous substances; (6) was given by “meets the needs of the present without
Focus on life cycle costing; and (7) Emphasize on quality. compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
Green building is also an approach of implementing own needs” (Brundtland Report 1987). In other words,
sustainability practice as the building is efficient use of
natural resources such as energy, water and raw materials. It sustainability focuses on three aspects which are
also provides a comfortable, healthy and productive indoor environment, society and economy. Malaysia government
environment for the users. had volunteered to reduce 40% of carbon dioxide emission
by 2020 and it had advocated sustainability concept in
Unfortunately, research from [1] revealed Malaysia Eleventh Malaysia Plan (2016-2020) and Construction
construction industry is still at infancy stage in applying Industry Transformation Programme (CITP). Some example
sustainability matters. Besides, most developers prioritize of sustainable construction concept includes: First, using

Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 173

biodegradable oil instead of diesel in construction machines environment [28]. Besides that, subsidies given by the
which can reduce pollution and take care of worker’s health government for fuel or energy getting lesser and lesser
[19]. Second, using green-mix concrete can help to reduce which mean they encouraged all the organizations adopt
wastes in construction process because it made up of energy efficiency in theirs construction process (MIDA,
recycled concrete aggregated and aluminium can fibres [26]. 2016). Research from [6] also mentioned that increase in
Third, using prefabricated construction method (IBS) can India’s fuel prices causing people start to look for lifecycle
also reduce waste at construction site as building materials cost implications of products and services.
are made in factory and workers do not need to stay long
time at site ([14]; [23]; [29];[31]). Fourth, using waste 3.4 Cost Saving
management such as reduce, reuse and recycle throughout
construction process which efficient use of raw materials As mentioned by [28], reduce energy consumption will lead
and take care environment ([20]; [25]; [27]). Fifth, usage of to financial benefits as a building consumed 73% electricity
green technologies in the building such as solar panel which based on the result provided by United Sates Energy
may help to reduce the electricity consumption ([7]; [9]). Information Administration (EIA). Therefore, in order to cut
down the cost, reduce energy consumption is the best way.
3. Drivers on Implementation of At the same time, it also reduces the emissions of carbon
dioxide from the construction activities which have less
Sustainable Construction Management deteriorated to the environment.

3.1 Government Regulation, Policies, Tax 3.5 Client’s Awareness and Demands
Incentives and Penalties
Sustainable construction should not only base on the supply
Government effort has a crucial role in bringing the side which are developers or contractors, but also demand
sustainability to the forefront [10]. Government not only side from clients [22]. Clients have the power to create a
advocate sustainability through regulation and policy such market for supporting sustainable construction if they have
as National Green Technology Policy (NGTP) and Chapter enough of knowledge and awareness about the sustainability
Six in Eleventh Malaysia Plan is Pursuing Green Growth for concept [24]. However, customer demand also interrelated
Sustainability and Resilience but also incorporate it in tax to the cost. When clients realize the advantages of
incentive and penalties. When more tax breaks and subsidies implement sustainable practices such as saving cost in
were provided by the government, this will indirectly operation and maintenance, they will request developers to
increase the implementation of sustainable or green fulfill their want, thus, demand of implementation of
construction ([6]; [3]). [15]) mention that green materials sustainable construction will increase [24]. For instance,
and technologies always been recognized as high cost. So, it produce sustainable or green housing. By giving fiscal
became a burden for contractors in pursuing sustainability incentives to clients, it helps them to reduce the expenses of
practices. However, when appropriate financial incentives sustainable practices [5].
are providing for them, they will try to implement
sustainable construction management in their construction 3.6 Increase Organization Image and Reputation
process. While, UK government introduced landfill tax and
climate change levy to urge their local people to generate Any companies that have primarily adopted sustainable
less waste and use renewable energy during construction construction will be known as the industry trendsetter. They
process [22]. can take this as an opportunity to build up their company
name in the market and high probability they will become
3.2 International pressure the market leader [8]. Industry rating system is an
intermediary for the companies to proof that they had
Global warming and climate change became an important integrated sustainable element in their construction process.
topic at international level. Several developed countries In Malaysia, Green Building Index (GBI) will certify the
have increased the control of carbon footprint that produced green building projects in four categories which are
by each developing countries such as India for the certified, silver, gold and platinum. Buildings that have been
development purpose. Furthermore, international protocols certified have different status from others normal buildings.
and expectations have brought significant effects on the So, companies who want to have a good image and
implementation of green practices such as increase the reputation will frequently implement the sustainable
awareness and understanding of green construction [16]. For practices in their project. [28] explained when the
instance, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a companies have good or green image; it can also directly
shared vision for every country to let our planet become increase the sales of the company which brought financial
better and healthier in 2030. So, every country will try to benefits to the company. The public will also appreciate
increase the implementation of sustainability practices for their acts as they provide the society with a clean and green
protecting the planet. environment. This shows that those companies not only
focus on profit but also social and environmental
3.3 High Fuel Prices Increase Energy Cost responsibility [12].

Energy consumption for construction industry considers Table 1 shows clearly various drivers on implementation of
higher than other human activities. Together with rising sustainable construction management derived from the
energy cost, the organization tends to shift from literature.
conventional construction to sustainable construction, in
order to save money and consider more towards the
174 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Table 1 Driver in Implementation of Sustainable Construction Management

Arif et al. Pitt Liu Diyana & AlSanad, Bohari et al.
Abidin, N.Z. Windapo, A.O.
et al. et al. Abidin S.
(2009) (2016)
(2009) (2014)
(2009) (2012) (2013) (2015)
1. Government
-regulation/ policies/ laws
      
- incentive/tax/ penalties 
2. International Pressure 
3. High fuel prices > energy
 
4. Cost saving     
5. Client awareness and
   
6. Increase organization
     
image and reputation

4. Results and Discussion previously involved in sustainable or green project. This

indicates main contractor in Johor Bahru are somehow
similar with other states or countries which is less likely
Statistical analysis by using SPSS software has been implement sustainable method. However, when being asked
conducted. Out of 339 questionnaire distributed, 180 whether they have any intention to implement sustainability
(53.1%) G7 contractors from Johor Bahru respond to the practices in future construction project, 59.4% (107) of
survey. As shown in the figure (refer with Figure 1), out of respondents answered yes.
180 respondents, only 24.4% (44) of contractor had

Figure 1 Summary Of Response

Nine drivers have been identified in this research and mean practices. The third effective driving factor is “Awareness to
analysis has been conducted to identify the significant level global warming and pollution have influence construction
of the drivers (refer with: Table 2 and Figure 2). The most industry to apply sustainable approach” with a mean value
significant driving factor is “Introduction series of tax of 3.8889. This finding is in line with research conducted by
incentives help to reduce the burden in implementing [2], which stated that sustainable approach has been applied
sustainable method” with a mean value of 4.5889. This due to its ability to mitigate the risks of global warming. By
result is in lieu with research conducted by [8] which stated using environmental friendly materials and reducing usage
that green or sustainable projects involving high cost result of natural resources, global warming can be controlled.
in demotivate stakeholders. To overcome this demotivation, Furthermore, interviewee in [6] mentioned that the benefit
government had provided direct and indirect incentives for of sustainable construction which is tackling climate change
stakeholders which can reduce their burden in venturing has attracted them to implement this concept. While, the less
green industry. The second effective driving factor is “The significant driving factor of implementing sustainable
launch of National Green Technology Policy has motivated practices is “Increasing in the price of energy causing
the construction industry to adopt sustainable practices” people change to use renewable energy such as solar
which has a mean value of 4.2722. This finding is similar energy” which has a mean value of 2.3278. This indicated
with research conducted by [8] which stated that Malaysia people are still prefer conventional methods instead of apply
government took initiative to reduce carbon dioxide, so by and learn a new technology method. As a result, they are
formulating new policies, code of practices and guidelines willing to pay for the high price.
enable to urge stakeholders in implementing sustainable
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 175

Table 2 Mean for Drivers in Implementation of Sustainable Construction Management

Keywords Drivers Mean
Tax Incentives Introduction series of tax incentives help to reduce the burden in implementing sustainable 4.5889
method in construction process
Launch of NGTP The launch of National Green Technology Policy has motivated the construction industry to 4.2722
adopt sustainable practices
Awareness Awareness to global warming and pollution have influence construction industry apply 3.8889
sustainable approach
Image and Sustainable practices boost up companies image in market and at the same time achieve 3.7167
Competitive competitive advantage
Information Available High availability of information encourage people to adopt sustainable practices 3.6778
GTFS (loan) Green Technology Finance Scheme (loans) promotes the local producers and users employing 3.6167
more sustainable or green method
Industry Rating Industry rating system such as LEED and GBI has induced buildings in attaining sustainable 3.5056
System criteria
Lower life cycle cost Lower life cycle cost attracts people to implement sustainable methods 3.4778
Energy price increase Increasing in the price of energy causing people change to use renewable energy such as solar 2.3278

Drivers in Implementation of Sustainable Construction Management

Energy price increase

Lower life cycle cost
Industry Rating System
GTFS (loan)
Information Available
Image and Competitive Advantage
Launch of NGTP
Tax Incentives
5 4 3 2 1 0
and Informa Lower
Tax Launch Industry Energy
Awaren Compet tion GTFS life
Incentiv of Rating price
ess itive Availab (loan) cycle
es NGTP System increase
Advant le cost
Drivers in Implementation of
Sustainable Construction 4.5889 4.2722 3.8889 3.7167 3.6778 3.6167 3.5056 3.4778 2.3278

Figure 2 Mean Analysis Drivers in Implementation of Sustainable Construction Management

5. Conclusion situation has indirectly influence many main contractors to

avoid using the practice. Involvement of government
nowadays in providing various kinds of tax incentives has
Construction industry has a direct impact towards country’s
growth and development. However, various literatures point significantly becoming a driving factor to the main
contractors to implement sustainable construction
out that activities which perform in construction industry
bring adverse effects to the environment. The situation has management.
finally led to emerging of sustainability practices to help
alleviate the environmental issues. Unfortunately, most of Acknowledgement
the journals revealed that this practice is less applicable in
the industry particularly in Malaysia. This concept is
normally practiced by large companies which have strong Special thanks are due to those who directly and indirectly
involved with this study. Thank you for all the commitment
financial, experience and expertise. Finding shows that
many respondents agree that they may adopt the sustainable and strong support especially for those who have spent their
precious time to respond to the survey, including financial
construction practices if they were provided by many tax
funding from UMP internal grant RDU1603135.
exemptions from the government. Many researches have
been conducted and it is proven that green practices involve
higher cost as compared to conventional practices. This
176 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

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