Ghulam Yaseen
Ghulam Yaseen
Ghulam Yaseen
Clinical Pathology
Online Covid 19 by PCR 06 Offline
The test for Novel Corona Virus (SARS-COV-2) has been performed using Real time RT-PCR, in which the target RNA in the specimen
(Nasopharyngeal/Oropharyngeal swab, sputum or Bronchial lavage) is extracted and subjected to amplification and detection/quantification with
high sensitivity reagents kits.
1. The negative results must be interpreted in the light if clinical presentation, patient’s history and epidemiological information. A single negative
result does not completely exclude possibility of infection. Repeat test may be required in 24-48 hours, if clinically indicated. Such patients are
advised to consider them as suspected cases and observe all necessary precautions until cleared by a 2nd Negative test report.
2. In case of positive test result, the patient is recommended to stay in isolation and observe other precautionary measures; take symptomatic
treatment and should seek immediate medical advice in case of shortness of breath.
3. Other tests required for timely treatment decision in symptomatic cases, include Blood CP with absolute lymphocyte count, serum ferritin, LDH,
CRP, D-Dimmer, CPK, Troponins, ALT, Creatinine and X-ray chest PA View.
4. Negative result in already knows positive case will require confirmation after 24-48 hours with a fresh sample.
This is a computer generated report, therefore signatures are not required. Page 1 of 1
Registered with NIH