2 Inclusive Education in The Philippines
2 Inclusive Education in The Philippines
2 Inclusive Education in The Philippines
0 10-July-2020
Study Guide in Prof. Ed 103 – Foundations of Inclusive and Special Education Module No. 2
In striving to educate as many children as possible and with limited funds to build a separate special
education infrastructure to cater to the needs of children with disabilities, inclusive education was officially
adopted in 1997 by the Department of Education in the Philippines as a viable educational alternative.
Inclusive Education is the core principle of the K to 12 Basic Education Program. This promotes the right of
every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education. Through inclusive education,
all Filipinos will realize their full potential and meaningfully contribute to building the nation2 The inclusiveness
of the K to 12 Education.
On this learning module, you will understand and be aware of the Philippine’s Department of Education on
its Vision, Mission, and the Policy Guidelines on the K-12 Basic Education Program.
1. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of concepts related to inclusive and special education that
promote supportive environments to diverse learners (like inclusion, integration, mainstream, transition,
etc.) as indicated in the DepEd Inclusive Education Policy;
2. Demonstrate knowledge of responsive special and inclusive education programs for diverse learners;
3. Compare and contrast Inclusive Education in the Philippines with that of International standards.
I. Definitions
Inclusive education
The 2009 Department of Education Order No. 72 defines inclusive education as the philosophy of
accepting all children regardless of race, size, shape, colour, ability or disability with support from school staff,
students, parents and the community. The more recent 2013 Enhanced Basic Education Act refers to gifted and
talented children; learners with disabilities; learners of the madrasa curriculum; indigenous peoples; and
learners in difficult circumstances, such as geographical isolation, chronic illness, abuse, or displacement due to
armed conflict, urban resettlement or disaster as target groups of inclusive education.
Study Guide in Prof. Ed 103 – Foundations of Inclusive and Special Education Module No. 2
Considered an inclusive and learner-centered teaching and learning strategy, the 2016 Basic Education
Research Agenda defines inclusive education as a cross-cutting issue implemented through special education,
indigenous peoples’ education, madrasa education, the country's Alternative Learning System and alternative
delivery modes.
Special education (SPED) is part of the country's education system and is implemented through a
specific program targeting both children with disabilities and gifted and talented learners, who need a
systematic and deliberate process to achieve functional literacy and achieve their individual potential
and capability. Supporting the 1997 Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, the 1997 Department Order
No. 26 on Institutionalization of SPED Programs in All Schools established at least one special
education center for children with special needs in all schools. Called resource centers for inclusive
education, the centers were intended to support the integration of children with disabilities into regular
schools through the production of appropriate teaching materials and continuous assessment. Specific
guidelines to set up special education centers in regular schools were defined in 2000.
The 2019 Special Education Act aims literally to institutionalize inclusive education through the
institutionalization of at least one special education center in each school division and three such
centers in larger divisions, equipped with adequate qualified staff and administered by the principal of
the regular school.
Indigenous peoples’ schools are registered within the Department of Education and mainstreamed in
the national education system but benefit from some flexibility in terms of curriculum, teacher
recruitment and school calendar.
Madrasa education was institutionalized in 2004 through the Standard Curriculum for Elementary and
Public Schools and Private Madaris (i.e. madrasa schools), and then improved with the Refined
Elementary Madrasah Curriculum in 2011 in public elementary schools with at least 15 Muslim students
and in private madaris. Madrasa education is provided in public and private schools within the context
of Muslim culture, customs, traditions and interests through the integration of the Arabic Language and
Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) in the basic education curriculum.
The Alternative Learning System is a parallel learning system to the formal education system usually
conducted in community learning centers. Established by the 2001 Governance of Basic Education Act,
it provides an opportunity for the out-of-school population to access and complete basic education.
Alternative delivery mode programs are based on self-learning modules to cater for learners in difficult
and different circumstances.
The 1987 Philippine Constitution enshrines the right to quality education for all citizens and mandates
the state to take appropriate steps to make it accessible to all (Art. 14, Section 1). The state must also establish
an integrated education system build upon the needs of the people (Art. 14, Section 2). The 2013 Enhanced
Basic Education Act calls for learner-oriented and responsive education provision according to the needs,
cognitive and cultural capacity, circumstances and diversity of all learners through target-based programs. The
2015 Education Plan reaffirms the overarching nature of inclusive education for the policy and planning
framework for education for all.
The 1997 Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, amended in 2007, mandates the state to ensure that
persons with disabilities have access to quality education, making special education provision able to serve
various types of impairments, in particular the visually impaired, hearing impaired, those with intellectual
disabilities and other types of exceptional children throughout the country.
Study Guide in Prof. Ed 103 – Foundations of Inclusive and Special Education Module No. 2
Memorandum orders in 2000, 2006 and 2008 contained provisions on reasonable accommodation in
higher education. In particular, the 2008 Manual of Regulations for Private Higher Education encourages private
higher education institutions to admit students with disabilities.
Inclusion of children with special needs was promoted in the 2013 Early Years Act, for example through
the use of Filipino Sign Language as the visual language of the deaf community, and in 2013 with
the Enhanced Basic Education Act, which encourages the implementation of the Alternative Learning System to
cater for the needs of the target group. The 2015 Education Plan calls for an expansion of the current basic
education services through the multiplication of special education classes within the regular elementary and
secondary schools and through the inclusion of learners with disabilities into existing regular classes.
Gender equality is enshrined in the 1987 Constitution (Art. 14, Section 14). The 2009 Philippine Magna
Carta of Women establishes a non-discriminatory and pro-gender equality and equity framework for policy
formulation and implementation. In relation to education, it reaffirms the right of equal access and elimination of
discrimination in education, scholarships and training. In addition, it declares unlawful the discrimination in
education of women due pregnancy out of marriage in the form of expulsion, non-readmission or enrolment
In 2013, a joint memorandum was adopted by various government bodies, including the Department of
Education, to mainstream gender perspectives in local planning, programming and budgeting.
In response to the distinct education needs of indigenous communities, the 2004 department order
titled Permit to Operate Primary Schools for Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Communities allows the school
curriculum to be adjusted according to the cultural interest of the community, as long as core learning
competencies are cultivated. Based on the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act, a 2010 department order on
the Alternative Learning System curriculum for indigenous peoples’ education draws on the Alternative Learning
System curriculum while taking into account the concerns of indigenous peoples. The 2013 Enhanced Basic
Education Act reaffirms that basic education for kindergarten and for the first three years of elementary
education must be provided in languages understood by the learners. It further mandates the Department of
Education to formulate a mother-language transition program from the first local language to English for other
At the policy level, the 2011 department order Adopting the National Indigenous Peoples Education
Policy Framework aimed to create an inclusive and respectful education system for learners belonging to
Study Guide in Prof. Ed 103 – Foundations of Inclusive and Special Education Module No. 2
minority groups, ensuring universal and equitable access of all indigenous people to quality and relevant basic
education and providing adequate and culturally appropriate learning resources and environments. In particular,
the framework intends to integrate indigenous knowledge systems and practices and recruit and train teachers
and learning facilitators engaged in implementing education programs for indigenous people. Since 2012–13,
mother tongue-based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) has been implemented nationwide, with 19 local
languages now used for instruction.
The Philippines’ Response to Indigenous and Muslim Education (PRIME) progra is an education
development initiative of the Department of Education that seeks to improve equitable access to and quality of
basic education for girls and boys in disadvantaged indigenous and Muslim communities.
Within the school health and nutrition programs, the breakfast feeding program aims to improve the
nutritional status of its beneficiaries and increase their attendance rate. Expanded to 14 regions, the program
serves undernourished children from kindergarten to grade 3. With the introduction of implementation
guidelines in 2012, the feeding initiative was renamed School-Based Feeding Program and gave more flexibility
to schools.
With the aim of addressing the poorest Filipinos, the Conditional Cash Transfer programme provides a
monthly education subsidy to encourage school attendance.
Street children
The 2015 Education Plan calls for strengthening current partnership between government agencies and
partners and the Department of Education to reach out to street children and their families and provide them
with basic education and other basic services.
IV. Governance
According to the 2015 new organizational structure of the Department of Education, the Bureau of
Learning Delivery is in charge of the Student Inclusion division.
At present, the Bureau of Alternative Learning System, under the Department of Education, is in charge
of non-formal education. Strengthened in 2004, it addresses the learning needs of all marginalized learners,
including indigenous learners. Madaris are also under the jurisdiction of the Department of Education, although
most of them are private and locally managed.
Development programs and service delivery for persons with disabilities, including in education, are
managed by the National Council on Disability Affairs, a national government agency with the mandate to
Study Guide in Prof. Ed 103 – Foundations of Inclusive and Special Education Module No. 2
formulate policies and coordinate the activities of all public and private organizations dealing with disability
issues and concerns.
Through the 2013 Department Order No. 27, the Department of Education institutionalized the Gender and
Development Focal Point Systems, an institutional mechanism to ensure gender mainstreaming in government
offices at the national, regional and school levels.
According to the 2019 Special Education Act, local governments bear the responsibility for special
education institutions, the organization of parent–teacher associations and coordination with other civil society
V. Learning Environments
The 1983 Act to Enhance the Mobility of Disabled Persons by Requiring Certain Buildings, Institutions,
Establishments and Public Utilities to install Facilities and Other Devices sets specific provisions to ensure
access to school to some specific groups of people with disabilities.
The 2009 Philippine Magna Carta of Women calls for a revision of educational materials and curricula
to avoid gender stereotypes and images and ensure that gender-sensitive language is used. Gender-related
modules have been developed and launched in the basic education curriculum.
According to the 2013 Enhanced Basic Education Act, the national basic education curriculum must be learner-
centred, inclusive and developmentally appropriate, culturally sensitive, consistent with the principles and
framework of MTB-MLE and flexible in order to allow schools to localize and indigenize according to the
Learning materials
Appropriate learning materials have been prepared to support the indigenous peoples’ curriculum, open
to consultation and translated into 14 different languages. Indigenization of learning materials is encouraged in
Occidental Mindoro and Oriental Mindoro provinces.
According to the 2000 Memorandum Order No. 23 on Quality Education for Learners with Special
Needs, teacher training institutions must include special education courses at the undergraduate and graduate
Study Guide in Prof. Ed 103 – Foundations of Inclusive and Special Education Module No. 2
levels and provide further learning opportunities for qualified special education teachers through scholarship
programmes, in coordination with the Commission on Higher Education and other government and non-
government agencies.
The 2009 Philippine Magna Carta of Women calls for capacity building on gender and development for teachers
and personnel involved in the education sector.
Within the Basic Education Information System (BEIS), all Department of Education offices and
units gather relevant data from schools, learning centres and education programmes for the effective planning
and implementation of education programmes.
1. Multigrade Education
One of the continuing initiatives of the Department of Education (DepEd) along its thrust of increasing
access to quality elementary education is strengthening the implementation of the Multigrade Program in the
Philippine Education (MPPE) Multigrade Education Program addresses pressing concerns and issues on the
provision of customized teaching and learning materials for multigrade classes and professional development of
This Special Education Program specifically aims to enhance access and upgrade the quality of SPED
programs and services, as well as to raise the efficiency of education services directed towards all recognized
SPED Centers for elementary and secondary schools with classes for learners with special needs. The ultimate
goal of SPEd is the inclusion of children with special needs into the regular school system and eventually, in the
3. Madrasah Education
The Madrasah Education Program (MEP) aims to provide the Muslim learners with appropriate and relevant
educational opportunities within the context of their cultures, customs, traditions and interests through the
integration of the Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) program in the basic education
curriculum so that the Muslim citizens shall have the intellectual and educational capacity to participate actively
in the social, economic and political endeavours of the country.
The Indigenous People’s Education (IPEd) Program is DepEd’s response to the right of Indigenous People
(IP) to basic education that is responsive to their context, respects their identities, and promotes their
indigenous knowledge, skills, and other aspects of their cultural heritage. Additionally, the IPEd Program
supports the realization of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, which subscribes to the following standards
and principles that are: inclusive, culture-sensitive, and flexible enough to enable and allow schools to localize,
indigenize, and enhance based on the community’s educational and social context.
Study Guide in Prof. Ed 103 – Foundations of Inclusive and Special Education Module No. 2
Alternative Learning System is a program aimed at providing an alternative path of learning for the out-of-
school youth and adults who are basically literate but have not completed 10 years of basic education as
mandated by the Philippine Constitution. Through this program, school dropouts will be able to complete
elementary and secondary education outside the formal system.
ADM is a tried and tested alternative modality of education delivery within the confines of the formal system
that allows schools to deliver quality education to marginalized students and those at risk of dropping out in
order to help them overcome personal, social, and economic constraints in their schooling (Republic No. 10618
(An Act Establishing Rural Farm Schools as ADM of Secondary Education and Appropriating Funds Therefor).8
Additionally, ADM may also be defined as follows: 1. Instructional or learning modalities that do not strictly
follow the typical set-up for regular classroom instruction 2. An alternative way of delivering and providing
education to learners who are enrolled in the formal school but for various reasons cannot attend school
regularly and are at risk of dropping out. 3. It is one of the two categories of Flexible Learning Options. One of
which is Alternative Learning System. 4. It is flexible in terms of time and duration of the instruction, the place of
instruction and the modes of instruction depending on the context and needs of the learners.
ALS-EST: The Alternative Learning System (ALS) Integrated Education and Skills Training Program
modifies the regular ALS program by integrating Technical Vocational Training and other skills training. The
program will utilize existing DepEd expertise, particularly from remaining technical high schools and select
Senior High Schools, and leverage partnerships with SUCs, LGUS, private sector and CSOs, to provide the
technical-vocational and other skills training components attuned to the demands and opportunities of the local
community and the country. The ALS Integrated Education and Skills Training Program aims to produce ALS
completers that not only are able to catch up with basic academic education, but have also acquired technical
competencies suitable for immediate employment. Thus, this program will be able to help fulfill the state’s
obligation to provide basic education, at the same time mitigating the problem of a considerable number of out-
of-school and unemployed youth.
Study Guide in Prof. Ed 103 – Foundations of Inclusive and Special Education Module No. 2
Indigenous Peoples Education, ALS, Alternative Delivery Mode, Alternative Learning System –
Education Skills and Training.
“What are your understanding with the implementation and execution of Inclusive Education in our schools?
What are the best features of inclusive Education in our country?”
DO 21 s. 2019 Policy Guidelines on the K-12 Basic Education Program
DO 72 s. 2009 Inclusive Education as Strategy for Increasing Participation Rate of Children
Study Guide in Prof. Ed 103 – Foundations of Inclusive and Special Education Module No. 2