Apex Triggers

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iApex Triggers:

Triggers are the Custom Apex Code, which will execute the Business Logic
automatically based on certain events.

By using Triggers, we can implement the Complex Business Logics, Complex

Validations, De-Duplication Processes, and the Complex Transactional Flows.

By using Triggers, we can Perform all the DML operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE,
UNDELETE, UPSERT, MERGE) on all object records at a time. And we can retrieve the
records from the objects by using SOQL Queries.

Triggers can be fired on both "Before and After" operations on the specified

Validation Rule --> Before Insert, Before Update

Formula ---> After Insert, After Update
Rollup Summary --> After Insert, After Update, After Delete, After UnDelete
Workflow Rule --> After Insert, After Update
Process Builder --> After Insert, After Update
Sharing Rules --> After Insert, After Update
Assignment Rules --> After Insert, After Update

Each Trigger should be associated with an "Object". And an object can have
one or more Triggers.

Trigger <TriggerName> ON <ObjectName>(<Trigger Events>)
// Write the Business Logic..

Trigger AccountsTrigger ON Account(<Trigger Events>)
// Write the Business Logic..

Trigger CaseTrigger ON Case(<Trigger Events>)

// Write the Business Logic..

Trigger PositionTrigger ON Position__C(<Trigger Events>)

// Write the Business Logic..

Trigger Events:
By using Trigger Events, we can indicate when the Trigger Should get fired. A
Trigger can be get fired on Multiple Events.

Apex Provides the below Trigger Events.

1. Before Insert:
This event will fire the Trigger, Before inserting a New Record
inside the object.

By using this event, we can implement the Custom
Validations, Duplication Elimination Processes, Check the Object Level Permissions,
Field Level Permissions,...etc.

Trigger AccountsTrigger ON Account(Before Insert)
// Write the Validations Code,...etc.

2. Before Update:
By using this Event, we can fire the Trigger on Before Updating
an existing record in the object.

By using this Event, we can implement the "Custom
Validations, De-Duplication Processes, Check the Record Level Permissions, Check
the Object Level Permissions and Check the Field Level Permissions",..etc.

Trigger AccountsTrigger ON Account(Before Update)
// Write the Validations Code,...etc.

3. Before Delete:
This event will fire the Trigger on "Before Deleting the Record
from the object".

By using this event, we can implement the business logic to
verify the Record Level Permissions, Object Level Permissions, To Remove the
Related Childs in the Lookup Relationships, and To Prevent the Deletion of Childs
in Standard Functionalities,..etc.

Trigger AccountsTrigger ON Account(Before Delete)
// Write the Business Logic,...etc.

4. After Insert:
This event will fire the Trigger on "After Inserting" a Record
inside the object.

This event will be used to implement the "Sending the Email
Alerts to Users, To Share the Records to the Users, To Assign the Records to the
Users and To Update the Rollup Summary Field Values,...etc.".

Trigger AccountsTrigger ON Account(After Insert)
// Write the Business Logic,...etc.
5. After Update:
This Event will fire the Trigger "After Updating an Existing
Record" in the object.

By using this Event we can implement "Sending the Email
Notifications to the Users, Updating the Rollup Summary Field Values, We can
implement the Custom Sharing Mechanism, implement the Custom Assignment

Trigger AccountsTrigger ON Account(After Update)
// Write the Validations Code,...etc.

6. After Delete:
This event will fire the Trigger "After Deleting an existing
Record in the object".

By using this event we can Update the Rollup Summary field

Trigger AccountsTrigger ON Account(After Delete)
// Write the Business Logic..,...etc.

7. After UnDelete:
This event will fire the Trigger "Once a Deleted Record has been
Re-Stored back to the actual object".

By using this event, we can implement the "Sending Email
Alerts, Updating Rollup Summary Field Values, Firing Sharing Rules, Firing
Assignment Rules,...etc."

Trigger AccountsTrigger ON Account(After UnDelete)
// Write the Business Logic.,...etc.

Trigger AccountsTrigger ON Account(Before Insert, After Insert, After
After Delete)
// Write the Validations Code,...etc.

All the Triggers information will get resides inside the "ApexTrigger"
object. Each Trigger Code will get stored inside a file with the extension ".apxt".

Trigger Context Variables:

By using this feature, we can identify the current status of the Trigger. So that
we can segregate the code to be executed based on the event.

We have 10 Trigger Context Variables

1. Boolean Trigger.IsInsert:
It returns TRUE, when the Trigger has been fired because of an insert
operation. Else it return FALSE.

2. Boolean Trigger.IsUpdate:
It returns TRUE, if the Trigger has been fired because of an update
operation. Else it returns FALSE.

3. Boolean Trigger.IsDelete:
It returns TRUE, if the Trigger has been fired because of a Delete
Operation. Else it returns FALSE.

4. Boolean Trigger.IsUnDelete:
It return TRUE, If the Trigger has been fired because of an "UnDelete"
operation. Else it returns FALSE.

5. Boolean Trigger.IsBefore:
It returns TRUE, If the Trigger is about to perform the operation. Else
it returns FALSE.

6. Boolean Trigger.IsAfter:
It returns TRUE, if the Trigger has been done with the operation. Else
it returns FALSE.

7. Boolean Trigger.IsExecuting:
It returns TRUE, if the Trigger is currently performing the operation.
Else it returns FALSE.
(i.e. Current Context is a Trigger. Not a VF Page, Not a WebService
Class, and Not an ExecuteAnonymous Call).

8. Integer Trigger.Size:
It returns the Number of Records has been included in the invocation.
Which includes both "Old and New Context Records".

9. Trigger.OperationType:
It returns the Event Name, because of which the Trigger has been fired.


Trigger AccountsTrigger ON Account(Before Insert, After Update, Before
Switch ON Trigger.OperationType
// Write the Business Logic..
// Write the Business Logic..
// Write the Business Logic..


Trigger AccountsTrigger ON Account(Before Insert, After Update, Before

if(Trigger.isInsert && Trigger.isBefore)
// Write the Business Logic..

if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate)

// Write the Business Logic..

if(Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isDelete)

// Write the Business Logic..

Trigger Code:
Trigger LeadTrigger ON Lead(Before Insert, Before Update, After Insert)
if( (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate) && Trigger.isBefore )
// Write the Validation Code..

if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isInsert)

// Write the Code to Copy the Lead Into Prospect object.

// Write the Code to Send the Email Alert.


10. List<SObjectDataType> Trigger.New:

Trigger.New is a Context Variable, which contains the Current
Context Records in the form of a List Collection.

(i.e. All the Newly Inserting Records will get placed inside the
Trigger.New for the Validations).

List<SObjectDataType> Trigger.New;

Trigger.New will be available in "Insert and Update" operations.
It will not be available in the Delete operation.

11. Trigger.Old:
Trigger.Old is Context Variable, which contains the Previous
context records in the form of "List Collection".

List<SObjectDataType> Trigger.Old;

Trigger.Old will be available in "Update and Delete"
operations. It will not be available in the "Insert" operation.

12. Trigger.OldMap:
Trigger.OldMap is Context Variable, which contains the Previous
context records in the form of "Map Collection".

Key --> Record Id
Value --> Complete Record

Map<ID, SObjectDataType> Trigger.OldMap;

Trigger.OldMap will be available in "Update and Delete"
operations. It will not be available in the "Insert" operation.

13. Trigger.NewMap
Trigger.NewMap is Context Variable, which contains the Current
context records in the form of "Map Collection".

Key --> Record Id
Value --> Complete Record

Map<ID, SObjectDataType> Trigger.NewMap;

Trigger.NewMap will be available in "Insert (After Insert)
and Update" operations. It will not be available in the "Delete" operation.

Trigger Bulkification:
Trigger AccountsTrigger ON Account(Before Insert)
if(Trigger.IsBefore && Trigger.isInsert)
for(Account acc : Trigger.New)
// Write the Validations Code..

Ways to Create Trigger:

2 Ways to Create the Triggers.

1. By using Standard Navigation.

Setup --> Build --> Develop --> Apex Triggers --> New.

2. By using Developer Console.

Click on your Name and expand it.

1. Click on "Developer Console" link.
2. Click on "File --> New --> Apex Trigger" in Developer
3. Enter the Trigger Name in the TextBox.
4. Select the "ObjectName", from the Picklist.
5. Click on "Ok" button.
6. Write the Code inside the Editor.
7. Save the Code by using "CTRL+S".

Create a Trigger on Account Object, to make sure "Account Industry, Fax and
WebSite Fields are Required".

Object Name: Account

Event Name : Before Insert, Before Update

trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before insert, before update)

if(Trigger.isBefore && (Trigger.IsInsert || Trigger.isUpdate) )
for(Account acc : Trigger.New)
if(acc.Industry == '' || acc.Industry == null)
acc.Industry.AddError('Please Select the Industry
else if(acc.Fax == '' || acc.Fax == null)
acc.Fax.AddError('Please Enter the Fax Number.');
else if(acc.Website == null || acc.Website == '')
acc.Website.AddError('Please Enter the Customer
Website Name.');

Create a Trigger on Lead Object, to Auto Populate the Annual Revenue based on
the Industry Name as below.

Industry Name AnnualRevenue

Banking 90,00,000
Finance 76,00,000
Insurance 45,00,000
Manufacturing 84,00,000
Education 74,00,000
Consulting 32,00,000
Energy 94,00,000

ObjectName: Lead Object

Event Name: Before Insert, Before Update

trigger LeadTrigger on Lead (before insert, before Update)

if(Trigger.isBefore && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate))
for(Lead ldRecord : Trigger.New)
Switch ON ldRecord.Industry
When 'Banking'
ldRecord.AnnualRevenue = 9000000;

When 'Finance'
ldRecord.AnnualRevenue = 7600000;
When 'Insurance'
ldRecord.AnnualRevenue = 4500000;
When 'Manufacturing'
ldRecord.AnnualRevenue = 8400000;
When 'Consulting'
ldRecord.AnnualRevenue = 3200000;
When 'Education'
ldRecord.AnnualRevenue = 7400000;
When 'Energy'
ldRecord.AnnualRevenue = 9400000;

Upon firing the Trigger, If the Record contains both "Validation Rule and
Before Trigger" on the same field. Then it will fire the "Before Trigger First".
And then it will fire the Validation Rule.

Create a Trigger on the Account Object, to Prevent the Deletion of an Active
Account Record.

ObjectName: Account Object

Event Name: Before Delete

trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before delete)

if(Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isDelete)
for(Account acc : Trigger.Old)
if(acc.Active__c == 'Yes')
acc.AddError('You Are Not Authorized to Delete an
Active Account Record.');

1. Create a Trigger on the Position Object, to make sure the "Minimum Pay
Field and Contact Number Fields are Required".

2. Create a Trigger on the Lead object, to MakeSure the Lead Address should
be Mandatory. (i.e. Street, City, State, PostalCode, Country)

3. Create a Trigger on the Case Object, to make sure each Case Record should
be Associated with an "Account and Contact".

4. Create a Trigger on the Contact Object, to make sure each Contact Record
should be associated with an "Account".

Create a Trigger on the Hiring Manager Object, to maintain the Uniqueness of
the Records based on the "Hiring Manager Name and Contact Number combination".

ObjectName: Hiring_Manager__C
Event Name : Before Insert, Before Update

trigger HiringManagerTrigger on Hiring_Manager__c (before insert, before

if(Trigger.isBefore && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate))
for(Hiring_Manager__C hrRecord : Trigger.New)
integer recordsCount = [Select count() from
name =: hrRecord.Name and

contact_number__C =: hrRecord.Contact_Number__c];

if(recordsCount > 0)
hrRecord.AddError('Duplicate Record Found with the
Same Details. Record Cannot be Acceptable.');

Create a Trigger to Prevent the Deletion of the Related Contact Records, upon
removing the Account Record from the Object.

ObjectName : Account Object.

Event Name : Before Delete

trigger PreventContactsDeletionTrigger on Account (before delete)

if(Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isDelete)
List<Contact> lstContacts = [Select id, firstname, lastname,

Where accountid IN : Trigger.OldMap.KeySet()];

if(! lstContacts.isEmpty())
for(Contact con : lstContacts)
con.AccountId = null;

update lstContacts;

1. Create a Trigger on the Hiring Manager Object, to Remove all the Related
Records upon removing the Hiring Manager Record from the object.

Hiring Manager (Parent)

| (Lookup Relationship)
--- Position (Child)

Create a Trigger to Synchronize the Account Record Changes into the Related
Contact Record fields as below.

Source Field Target Field

Account:Phone ---> Contact:Phone
Account:Fax ---> Contact:Fax
Account:BillingStreet ---> Contact:MailingStreet
Account:BillingCity ---> Contact:MailingCity
Account:BillingState ---> Contact:MailingState
Account:BillingPostalCode ---> Contact:MailingPostalCode
Account:BillingCountry ---> Contact:MailingCountry

Object Name: Account Object

Event Name : After Update

trigger PreventContactsDeletionTrigger on Account (After Update)

if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate)
// Get the Related Contacts based on the Updated Accounts.
List<Contact> lstContacts = [Select id, firstname, lastname,
phone, fax, accountid,

mailingStreet, mailingCity, mailingState, mailingCountry, mailingPostalCode

from Contact

Where accountid in : Trigger.NewMap.KeySet() ];

if(! lstContacts.isEmpty())
for(Contact con : lstContacts)
con.Phone = Trigger.NewMap.Get(con.AccountId).phone;
con.Fax = Trigger.NewMap.Get(con.AccountId).Fax;
con.MailingStreet =
con.MailingCity =
con.MailingState =
con.MailingPostalCode =
con.MailingCountry =

Account acc = Trigger.NewMap.Get(con.AccountId);

con.Phone = acc.Phone;
con.Fax = acc.Fax;
con.MailingCity = acc.BillingCity;
con.MailingState = acc.BillingState;
con.MailingStreet = acc.BillingStreet;
con.MailingPostalCode = acc.BillingPostalCode;
con.MailingCountry = acc.BillingCountry;

update lstContacts;
Custom Settings:

2 Types of Custom Settings.

1. List Custom Settings:

Data can be accessible in the entire organization.
--> Accessed through Apex, VF, WebServices, API's.

2. Hierarchy Custom Settings:

Data can be accessible based on the "User and Profile".
--> Accessed through Apex, VF, WebServices, API's, Formula

Storage Limitation:
Organization Wide : Max. of 10 MB Storage.

Salesforce Licenses : 1 MB
2 Salesforce Licenses : 2 MB
5 Salesforce Licenses : 5 MB
10 Salesforce Licenses : 10 MB
15 Salesforce Licenses : 10 MB

Free Developer Edition : (2 Salesforce Licenses) - 2 MB.

// Get All the Records from the CustomSetting.
Map<String, RegionDetails__c> regDetails = RegionDetails__c.GetAll();

for(RegionDetails__c reg : regDetails.Values())

system.debug('Region Details..: '+ reg);

// Get a Specific Region Information..

system.debug('Americas Region Details..: '+

// Get the Region Manager Name of the specified Region..

System.debug('Middle East Region Manager Name....: '+
RegionDetails__C.GetValues('Middle East').Region_Manager_Name__c);

Lead Conversion Process:


Lead --> Person / Organization / Business

--> Showed interest in our products / services.

Marketing Team --> Campaigns <-- Leads
--> Sales Team.

Lead (3 Mandatory Fields: LastName, Company, Status)

--> Ready To Buy the Product
--> Convert
--> Customer
---> 3 Records.
1. Account Record
2. Contact Record
3. Opportunity

Lead Record Details(Source) Target Records

Lead:FirstName --> Convert ---> Contact:FirstName
Lead:LastName --> Convert ---> Contact:LastName
Lead:Title --> Convert ---> Contact:Title
Lead:Phone --> Convert ---> Contact:Phone, Account:Phone
Lead:Mobile --> Convert ---> Contact:Mobile
Lead:Fax --> Convert ---> Contact:Fax, Account:Fax
Lead:Email --> Convert ---> Contact:Email
Lead:Industry --> Convert ---> Account:Industry
Lead:Rating --> Convert ---> Account:Rating
Lead:AnnualRevenue --> Convert ---> Account:AnnualRevenue
Lead:Status --> Convert --->
Lead:City --> Convert ---> Account:BillingCity,
Lead:Street --> Convert ---> Account:BillingStreet,
Lead:State --> Convert ---> Account:BillingState,
Lead:PostalCode --> Convert ---> Account:BillingPostalCode,

Lead:Country --> Convert ---> Account:BillingCountry,

Lead:Company --> Convert ---> Account:Name, Opportunity:Name

PAN Number__C --> Convert ---> Account:PanNumber__C

PassportNumber__C --> Convert ---> Contact:PassportNumber__C

Hidden Fields (Lead):

1. IsConverted: Boolean
--> Lead:IsConverted --> TRUE (Converted Lead)
Lead:IsConverted --> FALSE (Not Converted /
UnConverted Lead)
2. ConvertedAccountID:
--> Contains the Account Record ID has been generated due
to the Lead

3. ConvertedContactID:
--> Contains the Contact Record ID has been generated due
to the Lead

4. ConvertedOpportunityID:
--> Contains the Opportunity Record ID has been generated
due to the Lead

Database.LeadConvert Class:
In Salesforce, we have to convert the lead records seperately one by one. We don't
have such options, to convert bulk lead records at a time.

By using "Database.LeadConvert" class, we can convert one or more lead records

through programatically at a time.

To hold the Lead record details, we have to create the object of

"Database.LeadConvert" class.

Database.LeadConvert lconvert = new Database.LeadConvert();

Ex: To Hold the Multiple Lead Records to be get Converted, We have to use "List"

List<Database.LeadConvert> lstConvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();

Database.LeadConvert class provides a set of methods, which are used to describe
the conversion settings.

1. SetLeadId(<Lead Record ID>):

It is used to specify the "Lead RecordID" to be get converted.


2. SetSendNotificationEmail(<Boolean>):
It is used to indicate to send the Email Notification to Lead Record owner,
regarding the Lead Conversion.


3. SetDoNotCreateOpportunity(<Boolean>):
By using this method, we can prevent the generation of an opportunity record,
upon lead conversion.
TRUE --> Opportunity will not created.
FALSE --> Opportunity record will get created.


4. SetConvertedStatus(string):
This method is used to indicate the status to be assigned to the LEad, once
it get converted.

All the "LeadStatus" values exist in "LeadStatus" object, We can query the
values as below.

string LeadStatusValue = [select masterlabel from

LeadStatus where isConverted= true];


5. Database.ConvertLead(List<ID>):
This method is used to Convert the specified lead record id's.

We can track the Lead Conversion status of each lead record by using
"Database.LeadConvertResult[]" class.

Database.LeadConvertResult[] results =

Create a Trigger to Auto-Convert the Lead Records as the Customers upon
Changing the Lead Status as "Closed - Converted".

Object Name: Lead Object

Event Name : After Update

Create a CheckBox Field with the name "Do Not Create Opportunity" in
the Lead Object.

trigger AutoLeadConvertTrigger on Lead (After Update)

if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate)
LeadStatus lStatus = [Select id, MasterLabel, isConverted
from LeadStatus
isConverted = true];

List<Database.LeadConvert> lstConvert = new


for(Lead ldRecord : Trigger.New)

if(ldRecord.Status == 'Closed - Converted' &&
ldRecord.IsConverted == false)
Database.LeadConvert lConvert = new





// Add the record to Collection..


if(! lstConvert.isEmpty())
Database.LeadConvertResult[] result =
Database.convertLead(lstConvert, false);

Trigger Handler Factory:

Trigger Code:
trigger AutoLeadConvertTrigger on Lead (After Update)
if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate)

LeadHandlerUtility Class Code:

public class LeadHandlerUtility
Public static void AfterUpdate(List<Lead> lstLeads)
// Get Lead Status Values..
LeadStatus lStatus = [Select id, MasterLabel, isConverted
from LeadStatus
Where isConverted = true
Limit 1];

// Create a Collection to Hold all the Lead Records, which needs to be get
List<Database.LeadConvert> leadsToConvert = new

// Trigger.New --> Contains All the recently updated Lead Records.

for(Lead ldRecord : lstLeads)
if(ldRecord.Status == 'Closed - Converted' && ldRecord.IsConverted ==
// Store the Lead Record details inside the
"Database.LeadConvert" Class.
Database.LeadConvert ldConvert = new Database.LeadConvert();



// Add the record to Collection..


// Convert the Lead Records as Customers.

if(! leadsToConvert.isEmpty())
Database.LeadConvertResult[] results =
Database.convertLead(leadsToConvert, false);

Create the Triggers to Synchronize the Records between the Hiring Manager and
Recruiter Objects.

1. Upon Creating Hiring Manager:

Copy the Record into the Recruiter Object.

2. Once the Hiring Manager Record has been Updated:

Sync the Changes into the Associated Child Record.

3. Once the Recruiter Record has been Updated:

Sync the Changes to the Associated Hiring Manager Record.

Hiring Manager Trigger:

trigger SyncHiringManagerRecordsTrigger on Hiring_Manager__c (after insert, after
if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isInsert)

if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate)

Map<ID, Hiring_Manager__C> hrRecordsUpdated = new Map<ID,

for(Hiring_Manager__C hr : Trigger.New)
// Check weather the HR Record has been modified.
if( (Trigger.OldMap.Get(hr.Id).Name != hr.Name) ||
(Trigger.oldMap.Get(hr.Id).Location__C != hr.Location__c) ||
(Trigger.OldMap.Get(hr.id).Contact_Number__C !=
hr.Contact_Number__c) ||
(Trigger.oldMap.Get(hr.id).Email_id__C != hr.Email_ID__c) )
hrRecordsUpdated.Put(hr.Id, hr);

if(! hrRecordsUpdated.isEmpty())

Hiring Manager Handler Class:

* @ Author : Feroz Baig
* @ Description : This Class Contains all the Business Logics to be used to
Synchronize the
* Data from Hiring Manager to Recruiter and Vice-Versa.
* @ Version : 1.0
* @ Created Date : May 28,2020
* @ References : SyncHiringManagerRecordsTrigger
* @ Modified By :
* Modifed By Modifed Date Reason
* -------------------------------------------
* Shiva May 28, 2020 Due to Fix the Defect #23890
public class HiringManagerSyncHandler
* @ Method Name : AfterInsert
* @ Description : This Method will Create the Recruiter Records based on the
Hiring Manager
Record Details.
* @ Parameters:
* @Param Name : lstHRRecords @Type : List<Hiring_Manager__C>
* @ Returns : N/A
* @ Throws : N/A
* @ References : SyncHiringManagerRecordsTrigger
* @ Version : 1.0

Public static void AfterInsert(List<Hiring_Manager__C> lstHRRecords)

if(! lstHRRecords.isEmpty())
List<Recruiter__C> lstRecruiters = new List<Recruiter__C>();

for(Hiring_Manager__C hr : lstHRRecords)
// Create a Recruiter Record..
Recruiter__C rec = new Recruiter__C();

rec.Name = hr.Name;
rec.Location_Name__c = hr.Location__c;
rec.Contact_Number__c = hr.Contact_Number__c;
rec.Email_Address__c = hr.Email_ID__c;

rec.HiringManagerID__c = hr.Id;

// Add the record to Collection..


// Insert the Records..

if(! lstRecruiters.isEmpty())
insert lstRecruiters;

* @ Method Name : AfterUpdate
* @ Description : This Method will Synchronize the Related Recruiter Records
based on the latest
values of Hiring Manager Records.
* @ Parameters:
* @Param Name : mapHRRecords @Type : Map<ID, Hiring_Manager__C>
* @ Returns : N/A
* @ Throws : N/A
* @ References : SyncHiringManagerRecordsTrigger
* @ Version : 1.0
Public static void AfterUpdate(Map<ID, Hiring_Manager__C> mapHRRecords, Boolean
List<Recruiter__C> lstRecruiters = [Select id, name, location_name__c,
from Recruiter__C
Where hiringmanagerid__C
IN : mapHRRecords.KeySet()];

if(! lstRecruiters.isEmpty())
List<Recruiter__C> recruitersToUpdate = new List<Recruiter__C>();

for(Recruiter__C rec : lstRecruiters)

Hiring_Manager__C hr = mapHRRecords.Get(rec.HiringManagerID__c);

rec.Name = hr.Name;
rec.Location_Name__c = hr.Location__c;
rec.Email_Address__c = hr.Email_ID__c;
rec.Contact_Number__c = hr.Contact_Number__c;


if(! recruitersToUpdate.isEmpty())
Update recruitersToUpdate;

Trigger Best Practices:

1. Trigger should support bulk records as well - Always use "For Loop" to process
records inside the trigger.

2. Always check for null pointer exceptions.

3. Always use try and catch block in the trigger to handle Exceptions.

4. Differentiate events with separate blocks to avoid usage of trigger.new and


5. Do not use DML operations inside the for loop. Add them to the list and
update/insert/delete the list out side the for loop.

6. Do not use SOQL and SOSL statements inside for loop.

7. Write the Proper Test Classes for the Trigger. And maintain minimum 1% of code
coverage for each trigger. And Overall organization wide, we have to maintain 75%
of code coverage while moving the code from sandbox to production environment.

8.Avoid recursiveness in triggers by putting the proper conditions.

Recursive Triggers can be avoided by using the "Static Boolean" variables.

Do not execute the trigger on all the update. Only execute the trigger on
specific update.

Here the trigger will get executed on update of stagename field only and will
not trigger on other field's update

To avoid recursive use the below code:

if(Trigger.isUpdate && opp.stagename == 'Qualification' && opp.stagename !=



Error Code:

if(Trigger.isUpdate && opp.stagename == 'Qualification')


9. As a Best Practice, it is Recommended to maintain only One Trigger per an

Object. Because, We don't have the option in salesforce to control the execution
order of triggers.

10. It is recommended to maintain Trigger Handler Factory.(i.e instead of writing

the Trigger code inside the Trigger, we can write the code in a Class and call the
class from the trigger.)

Order of Execution in Triggers in Salesforce:

1. The original record is loaded from the database (or initialized for an insert

2. The new record field values are loaded from the request and overwrite the old

3. All before triggers execute (TRIGGERS)

4. System validation occurs, such as verifying that all required fields have a non-
null value, and running any user-defined validation rules (VALIDATIONS)

5. The record is saved to the database, but not yet committed

6. All after triggers execute

7. Assignment rules execute

8. Auto-response rules execute

9. Workflow rules executed (WORKFLOW)

10. If there are workflow field updates, the record is updated again.

11. If the record was updated with workflow field updates, before and after
triggers fire one more time (and only one more time) along with Standard Validation
Rules. (Note: In this case, Custom validation rules will not fire.)

12. Escalation rules execute.

13. All DML operations are committed to the database

14. Post-commit logic executes, such as sending email.

1. Implement the Rollup Summary Functionality between Account and Case

1. Create a Trigger on "Case Object".

2. Add the Events:

Pre-Requisite: Create a Number DataType Field in "Account Object", to

Store the
Number of Related Cases available for each

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