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of Entrepreneur
and Entrepreneurship,
Andre Damarizal Tanjung
Vol. 6, No.
/ Interior
2, September
Design at2017,
Shop as a Factor Influencing Customer
ISSN 2302-1802
Retention print
and Mediating
/ ISSN 2580-9393
Role of Perceived
online Customer Satisfaction / JEE, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2017, pp 43–54



Misbahuddin Azzuhri, Andre Damarizal Tanjung

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya

Abstract: This research aims to determine the effect of Interior Design, Perceived Customer Satis-
faction and Customer Retention on objects which is Captain Coffee Malang in simultaneously and
mediation. This study describes the causal relationship between the variables through hypothesis
testing. This research collect data with techniques by using questionnaires and literature study. This
study used 120 samples are consumers and customers of Captain Coffee Malang. Sampling using
purposive sampling. Test equipment used to test the research instruments namely validity, reliabil-
ity, and classical assumption. The analytical method used is the path coefficient analysis. Hypoth-
esis testing using t test using SPSS program. These results indicate that the interior design has a
significant influence on customer retention. The interior design also has a significant effect on
perceived customer satisfaction. Customer retention also has significant direct effect on customer
retention. Interior design significantly affects customer retention through perceived customer satis-

Keywords: interior design, perceived customer satisfaction, and customer retention

I ndonesia is one of the largest coffee produc-

ing country in the world. Hence coffee in
Indonesia has become one of products are ex-
Coffee shop is established for people who
want to enjoy a cup of coffee. Most coffee
shops provide various types and methods of
ported to other countries. Most of Indonesian brewing coffee starting from plain coffee until
are also a coffee lovers, even this has become the specialty coffee that is usually owned by the
their culture to consume beverage of coffee coffee shop producing its own homemade cof-
every day. Enjoying coffee culture has become a fee by blending its own coffee. Coffee shop
trend called hang out and drink coffee. Espe- usually gives free internet connection and com-
cially among youngsters’ people who really likes mon marketing strategies like discount, free
to hang out and drink coffee with their friends. drink, merchandise, and etc. In addition, some
Until now, drinking coffee culture has become a coffee shops change the atmosphere of the café
lifestyle for the people of Indonesia. Therefore, by upgrading property and stuff to get custom-
it is common to find a place to enjoy a cup of ers’ attention by giving them comfortable and
coffee from a small shop that has a cheap price cozy place.
to coffee shop that has an expensive price for a Nowadays, café as a place for eating is
cup of coffee. known as a master concept of coffee shop that
is developed into a sub concept that is café as
a place of hanging out. In more detail, café is
*Corresponding Author. demanded to have specific theme like a specific
e-mail: misbah@ub.ac.id (Misbahuddin Azzuhri) interior design concept. A room that is already

43 43
Misbahuddin Azzuhri, Andre Damarizal Tanjung / Interior Design at Coffee Shop as a Factor Influencing Customer
Retention and Mediating Role of Perceived Customer Satisfaction / JEE, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2017, pp 43–54

arranged neatly and has a specific theme would can act as an environmental variable, which
look very attractive to consumers than a room then causes a specific behavior like music or
that does not have any character of design. scent in a store may provoke a certain reaction
Interior design has an effect to human psychol- (Ebster & Garaus, 2011). Developing an attrac-
ogy that makes customers feel comfortable and tive environment atmospheric is an important
feel like at home. Therefore, the main goal of retail strategy to induce certain positive emo-
the interior design is the development of func- tional responses and ultimately affect consumer
tion, aesthetic enrichment, and improvement in purchase behavior (El-Adly & Eid, 2016). Cus-
psychological space. The consideration in inte- tomer satisfaction, in turn to be influenced by
rior design is thinking about interoperability perceived value. Perceived value, as it has been
aspects of a property. Café business owners defined herein, is the ratio of benefits received
prefer durable properties rather than perish- from providers relative to the costs sacrificed
ables properties. by customers (Yang & Peterson, 2004). Cus-
The interior design also requires good place- tomer satisfaction is the evaluation of the
ment of the right light because the light pro- customer’s emotional that describes the level of
vides an atmosphere of different interest in a customer trust to a service that provides posi-
room. The most important key in the choice of tive feelings. Further, the importance of satis-
interior design is done by identifying the physi- faction on retention is so well recognized that
cal space and room before putting any property. some major economies now measure satisfac-
Promotion and advertising is not too effective tion at the industry level using large sample
or maybe even a waste of time when the at- surveys to predict customer retention and fu-
tempts made is not in line with the store in ture financial performance. The more satisfied
terms of the way of putting the merchandising customers are, the greater is their retention
products effectively. A good design and in-store (Fornell, 1992). Retained customers will intent
promotions are one of the keys to give store to repurchase a needed product or service from
themes and help customers to find the items the same place and/or brand in the future. In
being advertised. contemporary marketing, it’s argued that satis-
The purpose of interior display is to de- faction is influenced by cognitive judgments,
velop desire for the merchandise, show what is such as expectations and disconfirmation, and
available, and encourage both impulse, show emotions derived from the pre, during, and post
what is available, and encourage both impulse consumption experiences (Oliver, 1994).
and planned buying (Bastow-Shoop, Zetocha, Based on this background, then arranged
& Passewitz, 1991). There are many situations some research objectives. First, to know the
where people try to influence other people’s significant and direct effect of interior design
mood by altering the atmospheric of the envi- toward customer perceived satisfaction. Sec-
ronment. Store atmospheric has more immedi- ond, to know the significant and direct effect of
ate effects on a customer’s in-store behavior perceived customer satisfaction toward customer
than do other marketing tools and techniques retention. Third, to know the significant and
like advertising, which are not present at the direct effect of interior design toward customer
point of sale. Every stimulus that happen around retention. Last, to know the significant and

Misbahuddin Azzuhri, Andre Damarizal Tanjung / Interior Design at Coffee Shop as a Factor Influencing Customer
Retention and Mediating Role of Perceived Customer Satisfaction / JEE, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2017, pp 43–54

direct effect of interior design toward customer younger adult people are more likely to spend
retention through perceived customer satisfac- their time to drink coffee in a café and hang out
tion. with friends. People in adult age are not really
spend their time in coffee shop. However, some-
times they looking a new atmosphere to relax
outside and drink coffee in a coffee shop.
This research uses quantitative approach Furthermore, the local visitor becomes
focusing on hypothesis testing that aims at know- dominant that totaling 115 respondents or
ing the relationship between independent vari- 95.83%, while the rest are foreigners who vis-
able toward dependent variable through inter- ited Captain Coffee. Meanwhile, 5 foreign visi-
vening variable. This type of research is ex- tors are exchange students from college that
planatory research which explains the causal located near Captain Coffee. The highest is in
relationship between one variable with other category Rp1,000,000–Rp2,000,000 with
variables through hypothesis testing. The loca- 35.83% from all because in Captain Coffee
tion of this research is done in Captain Coffee mostly visitor is youngster or young adult people
Malang with the number of respondents 120 who just finished their school and had a stan-
people. The sampling technique used in this dard salary. Student has the most that the re-
study is purposive sampling where the specified spondent with as many as 39 respondents or
criteria are respondents who have had experi- 32.50%, followed by entrepreneurship respon-
ence of the coffee shop Captain Coffee Malang. dent or 32 by 26.6% of all respondents. Both of
Data were collected using a questionnaire occupation have become the most dominant
which the instrument research tested with va- respondents as the respondent had plenty of
lidity and reliability. Data were analyzed using time to spare. The majority of educational back-
SPSS version 21 to determine the characteris- ground of visitors from Captain Coffee is high
tics of respondents and the distribution of re- school. The characteristic of respondent can be
sponses. Furthermore, hypothesis testing is done seen at Figure 1 and 2.
by using path analysis.

Respondent Characteristic
Based on the results of collecting data, the
respondents had male sex as many as 79 people
or 65.83%, while the women as many as 41
people or 34.17%. This result indicates that the
respondent of Captain Coffee is experience by
both sexes. On age categories, the result showed
that the majority of customer and consumer in
Captain Coffee is in the age between 17-23 Figure 1. Characteristic of Respondent Based on Age
years old, which is 38.33% this means that the Source: Primary Data Processed (2016)

Misbahuddin Azzuhri, Andre Damarizal Tanjung / Interior Design at Coffee Shop as a Factor Influencing Customer
Retention and Mediating Role of Perceived Customer Satisfaction / JEE, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2017, pp 43–54

By using Cronbach Alpha test, an instrument

could be said reliable if the score is greater than
> 0.6. Cronbach Alpha measuring the internal
consistency reliability of a group of items. It is
measures how well a set of variables or items
measures a single, uni-dimensional latent con-
struct (Andrew, Pedersen, & McEvoy, 2011).
Figure 2. Characteristic of Respondent Based on The value of the Cronbach alpha for all of the
Occupation variables is greater than 0.6. From the provi-
Source: Primary Data Processed (2016)
sions mentioned then all the variables used for
the study has been reliable.
Validity Test
Validity test is a technic to test question- Normality Test
naire as the instrument used in a research to get Check the normality of the data is the first
the data which can be considered as valid or step that must be done for each particular
not. The researcher analyses the validity of multivariate analysis, if the purpose is infer-
research instrument by entering the items of ence. If there is normality, and therefore the
respondents per each variable to put into calcu- residual will be independent and normally dis-
lation of validity analysis program named SPSS tributed. The difference between the value of
21 for Windows (Sekaran & Bougie, 2013). predictions with the actual score or error will
The testing of validity instrument in this re- be distributed as a symmetry around the value
search are by using Pearson’s Product Moment. of the means equal zero. Therefore, the only
It will determined the item if it is valid or way to detect the normality of the data was by
invalid with significance level of 5% as the way of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Ghozali,
critical value. The sig. r indicator each question 2011). According to the calculation, the sig.
is smaller than 0.05 (á = 0.05), which means result obtained is 0.352 and 0.993 or greater
that each indicator variable is valid, so it can be than 0.05; then the provisions is stated that the
concluded that these indicators can be used to normality assumption is fulfilled.
measure the research variables.
Linearity Test
Reliability Test
According to Cooper &Schindler (2008)
The reliability of measure indicates the linearity is an assumption of correlation analy-
extent to which it is without bias (error free) sis, that the collection of data can be described
and hence ensures consistent measurement by a straight line passing through data array.
across time and across the various items in the The method used in testing the linearity is test
instruments. In other words, the reliability of a curve estimation. The second relationship is
measure is an indication of the stability and said to be linear if the value of the variable
consistency with which the instrument mea- significance test is smaller than the alpha (5%)
sures the concept and helps to assess the good- used. Based on the calculation is known that
ness of a measure (Sekaran & Bougie, 2013). significant value for all variable linearity is 0.00,

Misbahuddin Azzuhri, Andre Damarizal Tanjung / Interior Design at Coffee Shop as a Factor Influencing Customer
Retention and Mediating Role of Perceived Customer Satisfaction / JEE, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2017, pp 43–54

which means under 0.05. With these results, According to Table 1 and 2, Interior De-
the data concluded that the model meets the sign have significant effect on Perceived Cus-
linearity assumption. tomer Satisfaction. Table 1 shows beta coeffi-
cient by 0.697 indicates that the influence of
Path Model Diagram Interior Design on Perceived Customer Satis-
faction, with tcount of 10.568 and probability of
Based on the relationship between vari-
0.000 (p<0.05), then the decision of H0 is
ables in this study, the model hypothesis data is
rejected, means the hypothesis Interior Design
described as follows.
significant effect on Perceived Customer Satis-
faction accepted. Directions positive relation-
ship indicates that the higher the Interior De-
sign will give rise to the Perceived Customer
Satisfaction. The value of determination coeffi-
cient was 0.486 or 48.6%. These results indi-
cate that the contribution of Interior Design on
Customer Satisfaction Perceived are 48.6%,
Figure 3. Path Model while the contribution of other variables be-
Description: yond the study models are 51.4%.
X = Interior Design
Y = Customer Retention
Z = Perceived Customer Satisfaction Coefficient Testing Path on Interior Design to-
e1 = Residue Variable (not discussed) ward Customer Retention
e2 = Residue Variable (not discussed)
Interior design give a significant effect on
Table 1 Coefficient Test toward Z Variable customer retention. Table shows the beta coef-
ficient by 0.406 indicates that the influence of
Independent Standardized the attributes of the Customer Retention, with
t count Probability Result
Variable Coefficient beta
tcount of 4.720 and a probability of 0.000 (p
X 0.697 10.568 0.000 t <0.05), then the decision of H0 is rejected,
Variable Z
means that the hypothesis Interior Design give
R square (R2) : 0,486 a significant effect on Customer Retention ac-
Source: Primary Data Processed (2016) cepted. Positive directions relationship indicates
that the higher the Interior Design will rise the
Table 2 Coefficient Test toward Y Variable
Customer Retention.
Independent Standardized t Probabilit
Variable Coefficient beta count y Coefficient Testing Path on Perceived Customer
Significan Satisfaction toward Customer Retention
X 0.406 4.720 0.000 t
Significan Perceived Customer Satisfaction give a sig-
Z 0.403 4.692 0.000 t
Dependent nificant effect to Customer Retention. Table 2
Variable Y shows the beta coefficient by 0.403 indicates
R square (R2) : 0.556
that the influence of Perceived Customer Satis-
Source: Primary Data Processed (2016) faction to Customer Retention, with tcount prob-

Misbahuddin Azzuhri, Andre Damarizal Tanjung / Interior Design at Coffee Shop as a Factor Influencing Customer
Retention and Mediating Role of Perceived Customer Satisfaction / JEE, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2017, pp 43–54

ability by 4.692 and 0.000 (p <0.05), then the dent variable are the influence of Interior De-
decision of H0 is rejected, means that the sign (X) to the Customer Retention variable (Y)
hypothesis Perceived Customer Satisfaction have through intervening Perceived Customer Satis-
a significant effect to Customer Retention sig- faction (Z) is done by Sobel formula calcula-
nificantly are accepted. The coefficient of de- tion. The results of both tests are summarized
termination value is 0.556 or 55.6%. These as follows:
results indicate that the contribution of Interior P1 = 0.697
Design and Perceived Customer Satisfaction to Se1 = 0.051
Customer Retention by 55.6%, while the con- P2 = 0.403
tribution of other variables outside the model Se2 = 0.060
of this study 44.4%.
The magnitude of the standard error of
Path Model Interpretation indirect Interior Design (X) to Customer Re-
tention (Y) is the multiplication of the influence
In the relationship of Interior Design with of Interior Design (X) toward Perceived Cus-
Customer Retention there is a presumption of tomer Satisfaction (Z) with the Perceived Cus-
variables Perceived Customer Satisfaction as an tomer Satisfaction (Z) toward Customer Reten-
intervening variable. The calculation of the in- tion (Y), thus obtained as follows:
fluence of Perceived Customer Satisfaction as
an intervening variable is as follows: Se12 =
Structural equation: = 0.047
Y = PYX + (PZX ×PYZ)
Direct Effect Interior Design toward Customer Thus the value of the t test was obtained as
Retention is 0.406 follows:
Indirect Effect (IE) = PZX × PYZ
= = 5.994
= 0.697 × (0.403)
= 0.281
In addition, t value of 5.994 is bigger than
Total Effect (TE) = PYX+(PZX × PZY)
1.96, which means that the parameters of me-
= 0.406 + 0.281
diation is significant. Thus the model of indirect
= 0.687
influence of variables Interior Design of the
Testing result on the influence of media- Perceived Customer Satisfaction through Cus-
tion between intervening variables with depen- tomer Satisfaction Perceived can be rejected.

Table 3. Summary of Direct Effect, Indirect Effect, and Total Effect

Indirect Total
Variable Direct coefficient Standard of error t count
coefficient effect

X, Z, Y 0.697 0.403 0.051 0.060 0.281 0.047 5.994

Source: Primary Data Processed (2016)

Misbahuddin Azzuhri, Andre Damarizal Tanjung / Interior Design at Coffee Shop as a Factor Influencing Customer
Retention and Mediating Role of Perceived Customer Satisfaction / JEE, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2017, pp 43–54

Table 3 is revealed that Perceived Cus- and significant. The impact can be seen from
tomer Satisfaction is proven as an intervening their customers who feel comfortable and will-
variable in the relationship between the Interior ing to spend a lot more time in Captain Coffee
Design with Customer Retention. This is proven because the atmosphere is very comfortable
by the results of the calculation of Indirect and relaxing. Customer Retention has made
Effect that is valued 0.281. The total effect of customers become loyal and certainly, one of
Interior Design toward Customer Retention the factors that influence the customer is an
through Perceived Customer Satisfaction by interesting interior design and create a cozy
0.687. This shows that the improvement Per- atmosphere. As this will make them come back
ceived Customer Satisfaction would be a good and spend their time in places they like.
bridge for relations between Interior Design In the previous research regarding store
with Customer Retention. environment, few researchers have examined
several factors that affect customers such as
The Model Accuracy store atmosphere or physical attractiveness that
affects their intentions. The series of store
The accuracy of the model hypothesis of
environment factors such as social, design, and
the research data is measured from a relation-
ambience is possible to influence the customer
ship coefficient of determination (R2) in the
in their choice decision. There are some choice
both equation. The results of the model as
decision created by customer like whether they
will return to the store, whether they feel com-
R2model = 1 – (1 – R21) (1 – R22)
fortable in the store, whether they would rec-
= 1 – (1 – 0.486) (1 – 0,556)
ommend the store, etc. (Turhan, 2014).
= 1 – (0.514) (0.444)
= 1 – 0.228
The influence of Interior Design toward Per-
= 0.772 or 77.18%
ceived Customer Satisfaction
The result of the calculation accuracy of Based on the data that has been processed
the model by 77.18% explained that the contri- in this study, the result is an interior design
bution of the structural model to describe the provides a significant and positive impact on
relationship of the three the variables examined perceived customer satisfaction. Interior design
is at 77.18%. While the remaining 22.82% is is one of important elements in a store or a
explained by other variables that is not included coffee shop, which is beneficial to give interest
in this research model. to the customer. In addition, the interior design
also provides comfort to the customers. Inter-
est and enjoyment of customers give influence
on customer satisfaction. Some customers have
The influence of Interior Design toward Cus- a certain taste of satisfaction levels, so that
tomer Retention customer satisfaction is not a fixed thing. Each
The result of this research shows that the customers have their own perception on what
impact of influence of interior design toward makes them interested and comfortable. Cap-
customer retention interior design is positive tain Coffee gives a vintage atmosphere accom-

Misbahuddin Azzuhri, Andre Damarizal Tanjung / Interior Design at Coffee Shop as a Factor Influencing Customer
Retention and Mediating Role of Perceived Customer Satisfaction / JEE, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2017, pp 43–54

panied by antique furniture and decoration the customer feel satisfied with what they earn
items. Customers who like antique and love art or they expect, then it will create customer
will certainly feel comfortable with the interior retention. This has implications for all custom-
design that has been set by Captain Coffee. ers because the object of this study is coffee
The influence of Perceived Customer Satisfac- There is partial significant relationship
tion toward Customer Retention between perceived value and store atmospheric
stating that interior design has a direct effect on
Customer satisfaction is a major factor in
the perceived value customer satisfaction and
assessing the quality of service. The higher the
this is one part of a strategy to create business
quality level the higher the level of customer
success. The impact on the effect of atmo-
satisfaction. The results of this study have shown
spheric store is useful to create customer be-
a significant and positive impact on the per-
havior intentions that will result in customer
ceived influence of customer satisfaction on
retention. Favorable environment can motivate
customer retention. The behavior of customers
behavioral approaches, such as the desire to
who are willing to spend more time at Captain
stay, the desire to look around and discover the
Coffee and willing to invite other people to go
environment, and to communicate with the
to Captain Coffee can be called as a customer
people in the environment, while unfavorable
retention. The benefit is a company does not
environment might have direct approach to the
need to spend too much on marketing and
adverse effects of which it is in the form of
advertising, because satisfied customers will
avoidance behavior (Jalil, Fikry, & Zainuddin,
continue to spread the good news that they
have experienced in Captain Coffee, it can also
be referred as positive word of mouth. In addi-
tion to the size of customer satisfaction, cus- IMPLICATIONS
tomer retention also has a very strong influence
This study has theoretical implication for
on the profit, and increasing retention that
future research in the field of marketing of
occurs will result in an increase in profit.
customer satisfaction. The satisfaction of the
customer is not out of consumer behavior.
The influence of Interior Design toward Cus- Consumer expectations of the goods or services
tomer Retention through Perceived Customer have been formed before consumers buy goods
Satisfaction and services. Customer satisfaction was de-
The results of studies have shown a posi- pends on the perceptions and expectations of
tive and significant impact on the influence of consumers. Consumer expectations influenced
interior design to customer retention through by their experience with what they get. There-
perceived customer satisfaction. The influence fore, this study examines perceive customer
of interior design has a positive impact on satisfaction that the customer experience at a
customer satisfaction that will make the cus- coffee shop named Captain Coffee by using
tomers to come back. The interior design also interior design as one factor that makes cus-
affects the customer’s purchase decision. When tomers feel satisfied with what they get from

Misbahuddin Azzuhri, Andre Damarizal Tanjung / Interior Design at Coffee Shop as a Factor Influencing Customer
Retention and Mediating Role of Perceived Customer Satisfaction / JEE, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2017, pp 43–54

the different atmosphere. Perception of cus- by a community or a loyal customer to increase

tomer satisfaction with interior design influ- profitability. Customer retention is also a con-
enced by environment that makes them com- sumer behavior that shows signs that have be-
fortable. This study aimed to improve customer come loyal customers. When it has created
satisfaction not just from the environmental customer retention, then the customer will cre-
side in Captain Coffee. This study is expected ate word-of-mouth that makes them come back
to be the beginning of a search to other factors to Captain Coffee and invite other prospective
that affect customer satisfaction to become customers.
customer retention. Customer satisfaction is the most impor-
Most of customers has an interest in inte- tant thing in the business world. Based on
rior design of a coffee shop as their interest in research that has been processed, Captain Cof-
buying. Therefore, it can be concluded from fee Customers are satisfied with the existing
this study that the interior design is one factor interior design in Captain Coffee. Satisfaction
to attract customers. Design on a place where obtained in this study only covers from the
the customer buys or consumes is a significant atmosphere and environment in Captain Cof-
thing to keep customers satisfied with the cre- fee. For further research, it will be expected to
ation of positive feelings and comfortable in a use other factors such as satisfying customer
place. Effort to design buying environments to service quality, product quality, social environ-
produce specific emotional effects on buyers ment, and etc.
will enhance reviews their purchase probability. The measurement that typically used by
The influence of the physical environment is managers is customer satisfaction because it
primarily affective and poorly designed store covers all types of products and services. The
shopping environment may reduce pleasure. satisfaction of the customer is strongly influ-
Customer perception in interior design are Be- enced by the expectations of customers. Even
come more favorable, they will be more satis- common behavior from a manager is to im-
fied with the store and perceived customer prove a product and services to find customers’
satisfaction will fully mediate the customer re- expectations (Keiningham, Cooil, Aksoy,
tention (Turhan, 2014). Andreassen, & Winer, 2007).
The meaning of customer retention is a Perceived customer satisfaction is the be-
customer who has decided to buy a product or havior of consumers about their hopes for some-
service continuation. Therefore, the relation- thing that makes them satisfied. When custom-
ship between customer retention and perceived ers are purchasing an item or service that they
customer satisfaction is very close to creating do not know, then they will have to assume
customer loyalty to a company. Captain Coffee either the mind is good or bad things. There-
is one of the new coffee shop in the city of fore, to get a good feedback, a company must
Malang and do not have a lot of repeat custom- create and meet the desires of what makes
ers. So many coffee shop and café in the city of customers satisfied. Captain Coffee is a new
Malang will be a challenge for the new estab- coffee shop, by consequence to attract cus-
lished coffee shop like Captain Coffee to create tomer satisfaction then it should create some-
their own market. Because it must be created thing that their customers expect, one of them

Misbahuddin Azzuhri, Andre Damarizal Tanjung / Interior Design at Coffee Shop as a Factor Influencing Customer
Retention and Mediating Role of Perceived Customer Satisfaction / JEE, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2017, pp 43–54

is a place of comfort. Interior design has an make a comfortable atmosphere for them, then
important role in increasing customer expecta- they will not hesitate to spend more time in a
tions in the fields of atmosphere and comfort of place they love and it will be create customer
customers. When the customer expectations retention for the coffee shop.
are met, then the higher will be the perceived
customer satisfaction.
It is expected that coffee shop can main-
LIMITATIONS tain and improve services towards Interior De-
Although the research findings provide some sign, because the interior design variable has a
insights to researcher, these findings should be significant influence on the Perceived Customer
viewed in light of some limitations. To summa- Satisfaction and Customer Retention, such as
rize, the limitations associated with the re- by creating a comfortable atmosphere and good
search findings are: (1) This study is only shown social environment to rise the customer reten-
the significance variables then the respondents tion. This research is also expected to become
who fill the questionnaire cannot be decided as a reference for further study to examine the
loyal customer who doing customer retention. concept of marketing, especially in the field of
(2) This study only discusses the influence of interior design, perceived customer satisfaction,
interior design. Therefore, this study did not and customer retention. Researchers also ex-
mention other factors that may can affect per- pect future research will be able to discover
ceive customer satisfaction and customer reten- new things for the development of further re-
tion. (3) When filling out questionnaire, respon- search.
dents were not guided to answering all the
question in the questionnaire. Some respondent
may fill the questionnaire not from their actual
feeling which is can affect to the result of Andrew, D.P., Pedersen, P.M., & McEvoy, C.D.
analysis. 2011. Research Methods and Design in
Sport Management. Champaign: Human
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customers are interested in interior design that study of the relationship between shop-

Misbahuddin Azzuhri, Andre Damarizal Tanjung / Interior Design at Coffee Shop as a Factor Influencing Customer
Retention and Mediating Role of Perceived Customer Satisfaction / JEE, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2017, pp 43–54

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