English-Operating Manual Iloc
English-Operating Manual Iloc
English-Operating Manual Iloc
For Official Use Only
1. This is the first issue of the Operating Manual of DFCCIL. This manual is meant to provide
guidance to DFCCIL staff involved in train operation train operators. In the beginning the
IR is expected to be the sole operator on DFCIIL.
2. In a manual of this kind it is not possible to foresee and provide instructions for every
eventuality. An attempt has been made to visualize various situations that are likely to
arise in day to day working and lay down instructions to meet them.
3. This manual does not supersede or alter in any way the Rules contained in General and
Subsidiary Rules of DFCCIL or any other statutory publication. In case of any discrepancy
in Hindi version, the English version of the same shall prevail.
4. This manual is solely for official use and is not for the information of public of for sale to
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
This version of the DFCCIL Operations Manual specifies operator access and operating requirements
for the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) network operated by the Dedicated Freight Corridor
Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL). It has been published by DFCCIL specifically for the use of
DFCCIL employees and Train Operators requiring access to the DFC network, including Third Party
Contractors that operate rail borne equipment or work trains.
It also contains important infrastructure and operational information about the DFC network.
Information regarding rolling stock provided in this operations manual is limited to addressing the
critical interfaces between rail traffic and the DFC infrastructure.
The terms and conditions upon which access is granted to the DFC network are specified in an Access
Agreement negotiated between DFCCIL and the Operator.
1.3 Compliance
Where applicable, operators and third parties requiring access to the DFC network shall comply with
the DFCCIL General Rules, Instructions, this Operations Manual, Station working rules and any other
instruction that may be issued pertaining to the safe operation of rail traffic on the DFC.
Above Rail Rail functions for which a Rail Operator working a train on the DFCCIL is responsible.
Access The contract that specifies the terms and conditions for access to the DFC network by
Agreement a Rail operator
Adjoining A Network that abuts the DFC network e.g. Indian Railways
Air Brake A braking system activated by a change of air pressure
Approved Any communication equipment or system which is capable of audio transmission
means of between the train controller, and /or stations and /or Locomotive Pilot and is
of approved under special instructions,
ASM Assistant Station Master
Attended A station on double line or single line at which a Station Master, Assistant Station
Station Master or qualified worker is located to perform duties including the operation of the
Signaling to side track a train allow another train to cross or pass.
Authorized means the Director (OP & BD), DFCR, empowered to issue instructions or to do any other thing;
Automatic Air A braking system where the loss of air pressure (e.g brake pipe pressure)
Brake automatically results in an emergency brake application
Axle Counter An electrical device which, when provided at two given points on the track, proves by
counting axles in and counting axles out, whether the section of the line between the
said two points is clear or occupied.
Bi-Directional Single or Parallel lines on which the signalling will permit trains to travel in either
Tracks direction.
Block working Trains cannot collide with each other if they are not permitted to occupy the same
section of track at the same time. Railway lines are divided into sections known as
blocks. In normal circumstances, only one train is permitted in each block at a time.
Brake Holding A test that proves the brakes on the rear three vehicles, and any other tested
Test vehicles, will remain applied for a long enough period of time in the event of a
breakaway, to allow the Locomotive Pilot to reach these vehicles and apply the hand
brakes, in order to secure the train.
Brake Inspection A test to ensure that all the brakes will apply and release in response to brake pipe pressure fall
and rise, brake pipe piston travel does not exceed limits and brake force cause the brake shoes
to be forced against the wheels and that all handbrakes are released.
Brake Pipe A test to ensure that the brake pipe is continuous through the train
Brake Pipe A test to determine whether there are excessive air leaks in the train that may interfere with
Leakage Test the operation of the air brake system and confirm that only one brake valve controls the train.
Compensated The allowance for the friction in a curve on a grade expressed as an increased steepness of the
Grade grade.
Danger Zone The zone within 2 meters of any live equipment in the 25KV AC traction system where there is
danger to life or injury from shock, burn, fire or explosion, attendant upon transmission,
transformation, conversion, distribution or use of electrical energy and in which no work is
permitted when the equipment is live.
Dedicated All tracks, signals and other rail infrastructure operated and managed by the DFCCIL.
Freight Corridor
DFC Dedicated Freight Corridor
Dedicated The rail organisation responsible for the management and operation of the DFC
Freight Corridor
Corporation of
India Ltd
DFCCIL Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited
Disabled Train A train with a failure such that it cannot complete its journey under its own power.
Distributed An arrangement to synchronise powering of two or more locomotives distributed along the
Power length of the train. The locomotives(s) located mid-train or at the rear is/are remote controlled
from the leading locomotive through radio transmission
Draw Capacity The strength of a vehicle (Couplers, draft gear, under frame etc) used to determine the load
that can be hauled behind the vehicle.
Electrified Line Track provided with Overhead equipment
Emergency Cock A readily accessible, manually operated valve or tap, in a vehicle with an automatic air brake
that exhaust the brake pipe to atmosphere causing an emergency brake application.
Sometimes referred to as an emergency brake pipe tap.
End of Train A device fitted to the trailing end of the last vehicle of a train
Marker (EOTM)
EOTT End of Train Telemetry
EP brake Electro- pneumatic brake
Full Train A locomotive hauled train inspection that include loading and security checks, full mechanical
Inspection inspection, brake pipe leakage test, air brake inspection and test, brake holding and pipe
continuity test.
Goods Train A train (other than a material train) intended solely or mainly for the carriage of animals or
Handbrake A mechanical device used to secure a rail vehicle against movement. Handbrake includes a
spring parking brake.
He, Him, His The term He, Him, His shall refer to both Males and Females performing the said duties.
May also be referred to as Rail Servant or Qualified Worker.
ICP Interface Coordination Plan
IR Indian Railways
Light Locomotive One or more locomotives operating while not attached to another vehicle.
Loading Outline The maximum height and width to which rail vehicle can be loaded for a particular route, as
prescribed in the operations Manual.
Locomotive Pilot The Rail Servant/Qualified Worker in charge of driving a locomotive or other self powered rail
borne equipment.
LOCOTROL Control of loco operations in long haul trains with multiple unit locomotives.
Marker Lights that indicate the front or rear of the train
May The term ‘may’ indicates the existence of an option
Modified A test to ensure the correct brake operation on the first three vehicles beyond the furthermost
Continuity test amalgamation point when a locomotive or vehicles are attached to or detached from a train.
Multiple Unit Two or more locomotives marshalled together to provide the power to move itself or with
Locomotive other vehicles
Multiple Unit A train consisting of two or more single unit trains coupled together and operated as one train
Network User A Person/Company accessing the DFC network by reason by access agreement or maintenance
agreement or other authority to be on the Network.
OCS Officer in Charge of the Site
ODC Over Dimensional Consignment
Operator An organisation that manages, operates or maintains rail traffic on the DFC network pursuant
to an Access Agreement
Operator A person authorized by an Operator’s behalf
Overhead The electrical conductors over the tracks together with their associated fittings, insulators and
equipment other attachments, by mean of which they are suspended and secured in position for the
purpose of electric traction.
OHE Overhead Equipment.
OHE Recording A vehicle usually self propelled, used for recording parameters of overhead equipment
ODC (Over A vehicle or load exceeding the loading outline for a particular section of track.
ODC train A train with ODC rolling stock
Over-length train A train exceeding the network infrastructure limits for train length.
Parallel line A railway line that runs parallel and can either be operated by the same rail operator or an
alternative rail operator.
Procedure A set of instructions written specifically for use by that organization.
Programmed, Regular vehicle or train maintenance cycle based on a fixed time interval or distance travelled
Preventive, to ensure that vehicles remain fit for use on the DFC network for at least the duration of the
Maintenance PPM cycle.
Qualified Worker A rail servant who possesses the necessary qualifications to perform specified tasks such as train
driving, shunting, Station Master, and any other tasks pertaining to the operation of the railway.
Railway Railways as defined under section 2 clause (31) of the Railways Act, 1989 and includes
Government and non-government Railways.
Railways Act Indian Railways Act, 1989
Railway Servant Staff of the Government Railways, DFCCIL, and any other non-government railways, on whom
any definite responsibility is entrusted by the relevant rules, procedures and other issued
manuals and instructions.
May also be referred to as the Qualified Worker.
Rail Operator An operator responsible for rail infrastructure, train control, signaling, and above rail operations
where applicable.
Rail-cum-Road A specially designed vehicle, capable of travelling on both road and rails and is used for
Vehicle, inspection and maintenance work.
The vehicle will normally run on road and would run on rails only on the section where some
works is required to be done.
It is treated as a ‘Train” when running on rails.
RCRV Rail-cum-Road Vehicle.
Registration and The formal process for operators to register and warrant rolling stock date with DFCCIL prior to
warranty being permitted to operate on the DFC network.
Rolling stock Any vehicle which operates on or uses a railway track, excluding a vehicle designed for both on
and off-track use when not operating on the track.
Rolling stock The three-dimensional size of a railway vehicle including its movement that consists of three
outline specific parts; the static outline, the basic kinematic outline and the swept kinematic outline.
Ruling grade The maximum grade on a section of track used by the operator to determine the motive power
required for a train and the load that can be hauled on that section of track.
Running Line The line governed by one or more signals and includes connections, if any, used by a train when
entering or leaving a station or when passing through a station or between stations.
Running Train A train which has started under an authority to proceed from a station or yard and has not
completed its journey.
Safeworking Rules and procedures issued by DFCCIL to mandate the requirements for safe operation on the
rules and DFC.
Safe working An integrated system of procedures and technology for the safe operation of trains and the
system protection of people and property on, or in the vicinity of the railway.
Scaled wheel A build-up of metallic material on a wheel tread’s surface. (Generally as a result of overheating
from sticking brakes or dragging brakes causing wheels to side on the rail).
Sectional The train running times between one location and the location in advance.
running times
Shall The word ‘Shall’ is to be understood as mandatory.
Should The word ‘Should’ is to be understood as non-mandatory.
Skidded wheels Flat areas on the wheel tread caused when wheels lock up under braking or seized axles and
the wheel’s slide or skid on the rail.
Special Instruction issued from time to time by the authorized officer in respect to particular case (s) or
instruction special circumstances;
Signal Control The system on which the points and signals are controlled by the Station Master at a station.
System The Signal Control System may consist of a VDU, Keyboard and mouse system or a Mimic with
push buttons and switches.
Station Master The Railway Servant/Qualified Worker on duty who is for the time being responsible for the
working of traffic within station limits, and includes any person who is for the time being in
independent charge of the working of any signals and responsible for working of trains under
the system of working in force.
SWR Station Working Rules.
Tower Wagon A vehicle usually self propelled, used for inspection & maintenance of overhead equipment
Train A locomotive with or without vehicles attached, or any self-propelled vehicle with or without a
trailer or vehicle (s) attached, which cannot be readily lifted off the track.
Train Control The control and management of all rail operations on the DFC network.
Train Controller A railway servant/qualified worker on duty who, for the time being is responsible for regulating
the working of traffic on a section of a railway provided with communication.
Train Consist A group of vehicles coupled together to form a train.
Train Manifest The listed order of the vehicles arranged to make up a complete train.
Train Graph The system used by Train Controllers to project, monitor and record the progress of trains over
a section of track. The train graph may be on paper or electronic.
Train Number A train or run number used to provide unique identification of a train.
Train Operator An accredited ‘Above Rail’ operator of rail rolling stock consisting of locomotives and or rail
vehicles, and can include track maintenance machines.
Train Parameters The properties of a train the Train Operator is required to document as part of the marshalling
Train Path The series of network segments over a particular interval through which a train can travel and
may include stopping points and intervals and fuelling stations and other set down or
changeover points (DFCCIL Access Agreement).
Train Protection System to control train speed in case of signal passing at danger
TSWR Traction Station Working Rule
TSWRD Traction Station Working Rule Diagram
Thermal Cracks Cracks in the running surface and adjacent areas of a wheel, caused by the thermal effect of
heating and cooling resulting from on-tread friction braking.
Track The combination or rails, rail connectors, sleepers, ballast, points and crossing, and substitute
devices where used.
Track Circuit An electrical circuit provided to detect the presence of vehicle on a portion of track, the rails of
the track forming part of the circuit;
Track A vehicle, usually self-propelled, used mainly for inspecting and maintaining track and
Maintenance infrastructure.
Track Speed The allowable maximum train speed for a portion of track.
Traction Loco The control & management of loco operations over DFC network
Traction Power The Control & management of traction power for rail operations over DFC network
Unattended A station where the points and signals are remotely operated from an attended station
Station elsewhere and a Station Master is not normally on duty.
Vehicle Any type of rolling stock that can operate on rail.
Wayside A device positioned on the rail network used to provide alerts of rolling stock or track
Monitoring infrastructure faults or anomalies.
2. DFCCIL Employee Responsibilities
2.1 Overview
DFC stations are divided into two categories i.e. junction station and crossing station. Stations
having interface with Indian railway are Junctions stations and stations built for splitting section
into block sections are termed as crossing stations.
All stations have a signal control system which, when required, will be operated by the SM or ASM
to admit a train onto or off the DFC Network.
The SM or ASM shall operate the signal control system and shall only allow trains to enter the DFC
network at a junction station when authorised by the DFCCIL train controller.
At stations provided with continuous track circuits/Axle Counter or at stations having EI
interlocking the method of testing shall be prescribed jointly by Signaling and Operating
Branch which shall be described in the Station Working Rules to be followed by station
m. He must ensure that the essential Safety equipment at his station are complete and if there is
any deficiency it should be made good without delay.
n. He shall conduct night and surprise inspections to check the alertness of staff and working of
signals, and points and visibility of the signals.
o. The Station Master shall inspect his station daily with a view to ensure efficient working of-
All equipment being in efficient working order. Deficiencies must be promptly rectified or
recorded in Petty Repairs Book
Safe and efficient working of trains.
Station Manager’s office, yards, and level crossing gates under his charge.
p. He shall see that train signal register, station Diary, Inspection Note Book, reference books and
other station record is properly maintained and preserved for a minimum period as prescribed.
q. He shall fix up responsibility in case of detention to trains outside or at the station and submit
full report to regional office.
r. He shall be responsible to ensure that all the operating staff working under him is relieved in
time for their periodical medical examination, refresher etc..
s. He shall maintain close contact and co-ordination with Panel ASM ,wherever provided, for
smooth running of trains and for better planning of operational work and will assist in case of
any abnormal working.
t. In case of abnormal working, he shall be responsible for manual operation (Hand Cranking)
points and piloting of trains.
u. At crossing Stations he shall also perform train passing duty.
v. All instructions received from superiors shall be recorded in an Order Book. Senior officers
should confirm these through a control order to avoid ambiguity. All such instructions shall be
implemented, provided these do not violate safety rules & procedures.
w. He shall be aware of TSWR, TSWRD & cautions to be observed in the electrified section.
x. He shall ensure that all staff under him have signed the assurance register regarding precautions
to be taken in electrified section.
2.3 DUTIES of Assistant Station Master (Executive) & Points Man (MTS)
The duties of each staff working at a station will be prescribed in the Station Working Rules
for individual movement. Apart from the same, each of the staff shall note down the following
additional duties indicated against each and observe them strictly.
Assistant Station Master (Executive):
a) They will turn up their duty right time as per their roster and will not leave their duty until all
train passing entries are correctly entered neat and clean in their duty hours till their duty
b) They will appear on their duty well dressed with Name badges so as to look Smart.
c) They will pass trains efficiently, safely in their duty hours without any delay.
d) They will always set the point against the Block line and will never adopt Short-Cut-Method
for train passing.
e) They will maintain Train Signal Register, Block Clearance Register, and Private Number Sheet
neat and clean without over-writing.
f) At the end of their duty, they will write physical position of the lines and Sign ‘OFF’ duty or
‘ON’ duty with their full Signature, date and time in Station Diary.
g) They will exchange Alright Signal with Guard and Drivers of through passing trains with Green
Hand Signal Flags/Hand Signal Lamp.
h) If they happen to see any danger with the running train they will show Red Danger Signal to
the Driver/Guard and take all possible steps to stop it in order to avoid derailment.
i) They will not take off signals unless the line is clear and free from all obstruction for the safe
passage of the train.
j) They will never change the points in face of approaching train unless it warrants avoiding
k) They will obey all legal orders of Section Controller in respect of train passing.
l) They will keep their essential equipment in good working condition and hand over the same
to their relief.
m) They will set Wall Clock in their shift hours once with Section Control.
n) They will not allow entry of Un-authorized person in the Panel office.
o) They will not allow handling of control cum indication Panel, Gears etc. by Un-authorized
p) They will be extra-vigilant for train passing during foggy weather, disconnection of points and
when relay room key has been given to S&T staff.
q) They will keep their Telephones, Furniture neat and clean and will keep utmost devotion to
r) They must not go off duty until the train for which line clear has been given or obtained has
reached the other end of the block section safely except when there is unusual delay due to
accident or other abnormal circumstances.
s) They will be responsible for safe passing of trains during failure of Home Signal & Starter
t) They will attend all accidents/unusual occurrences at their station promptly and report to
Station in charge, Sectional Traffic incharge and concerned officers.
u) He will maintain the muster roll of staff working under him shift wise.
v) He shall be aware of TSWR, TSWRD & cautions to be observed in the electrified section.
a) They will turn up on duty right time according to their roster, and will not leave their duty
unless relieved by a competent person.
b) They will wear uniform Name badges during their duty hours.
c) They will obey all official orders given by SM/ASM
d) They will clean SM/ASM office, Furniture, Telephones, Posters, and Photos etc. to the best
satisfaction of SM on duty.
e) They will clean essential equipment and keep them ready to use for Emergency use.
f) They will not allow any Un-authorized person in the SM’s office or to interfere with the safety
g) They will hand-over FORM 11 or FORM 12 stamped with DFCC logo & signed by SM/ASM to
the locomotive pilot after checking facing points and will wave Green Hand Signal Flag from
the foot of the signal to the locomotive pilot.
h) They will assist SM/ASM on duty and hand over all necessary messages, Safety Forms as
ordered by SM to the locomotive pilot and the Guard etc.
i) They will supply drinking water to the SM on and when ordered by SM/ASM.
j) They will maintain utmost devotion to duty and render all possible helps to the Railway staff.
k) He should be aware of cautions to be observed in electrified sections.
VII. Ensure that the locomotive cabin is maintained clean at all times, and
VIII. Any other duties as prescribed.
Duties of Gateman
DFCCIL intends to introduce a system of working where the level crossing gates are completely
eliminated. However, in exceptional cases the gate working may become unavoidable and gate
working may be required during the transit period i.e. gate working may be required while ROB or
RUB is under construction. Duties of gatemen under all such cases will be as follows:-
a) At stations where gate is provided both for Indian Railway and DFCCIL lines and Indian Railway
Gateman is provided, the responsibility of DFCCIL gateman shall be limited to assisting Indian
Railway Gateman in gate operations.
b) He shall be responsible for proper operation of the gate as per SWRs for the passage of trains.
c) He shall ensure that no train suffers any detention on account of late closing of the gate.
d) He shall keep the channels of check-rails clean and shall clean the road within the railway limits
and water the area regularly.
e) He shall clean the gate lamps and hand signal lamps daily.
f) He shall keep the surroundings of his gate lodge clean tidy and neatly planted with shrubs,
plants etc.
g) He shall remain alert on duty till properly relieved. If he is required to leave the gate in an
emergency he shall close and lock the gate booms against the road traffic before leaving the
h) He shall ensure that the equipment at Level crossing are complete and in working orders.
i) He shall produce the public complaint book when required by public for lodging complaint and
to the railway officials for inspection.
j) He shall ensure that road traffic is not unnecessarily held up at the gate.
k) He shall stand in attention near the gate lodge facing the track and be prepared to repeat any
signal which the guard may intend to convey to the loco pilot or show caution or danger signal
should anything appear to be wrong with the train (such as hanging part, hot axle etc.) itself as
it passes.
l) He shall be polite and courteous in his behavior towards the public.
m) He shall report any defect in the gate to the ASM on duty without any delay.
n) He shall close the gate on sighting a train or when ordered by the ASM on panel duty.
o) He shall attract the attention of the loco pilots and guards by shouting and gesticulating instead
of showing danger signal in case of train parting; he will show green flag up and down during
day and white light during night.
p) He shall obey all lawful orders of the SM on duty.
q) In case of any obstruction, accident or damage to the gates, he shall protect the
gate/obstruction as per instructions and rules in force.
r) He shall ensure that the traction bonds at the crossing are intact and report any deficiency/
defect are reported to Traction power controller immediately.
3. DFCCIL Train Controller Responsibilities
3.1 Overview
The DFCCIL train controller is responsible for controlling a designated area of track on the DFC and
shall be competent in the train control board operations.
This may include but is not limited to:
I. Interface arrangements for network entry and exit, and associated documentation;
II. Route and infrastructure practical knowledge, including yards and other facilities;
III. Communications equipment and facilities;
IV. Train control or signalling panels and associated facilities;
V. Computing facilities;
VI. Train graphing and recording techniques;
VII. Emergency procedures, and
VIII. Other office equipment.
The chief controller will be overall Incharge of control office and shall be responsible for the total
transportation of the Corridor on day to day basis. His duties include –
a) A review of previous day’s performance to conform that all forecasts have been fully met.
For shortfalls, convincing reasons have to be pinpointed to prevent recurrence.
b) Prepare current forecast indicating assistance needed from Corporate Office, adjoining
corridor headquarter, adjoining Division and Railways.
c) Assistance needed will generally relate to interchange, loading and locomotive utilization.
d) Checking control chart and bringing to the notice of the Area Officer all avoidable
detention to trains.
e) Scrutiny of stock papers, Monitoring interchange obligation.
f) Watching detention to stock at stations and terminals.
g) Watching the work of yards/Freight terminals.
h) Maintaining liaison with neighboring Divisions/ Corridor.
i) Watching utilization of locos and their terminal detention.
j) Checking duty hours of running staff and balancing of crews.
k) Granting engineering, power blocks etc.
l) Attending control office in cases of accident.
m) Establishment work of control office.
3.2.2 Chief controller Movement ( Sr. Executive) / Dy. Chief Controller( Executive) / Shift
He is responsible for:
a) Running of goods train, preparing interchange forecast and monitoring the same, loco
b) Deputy Chief Controller shall remain in constant touch with corridor HQ, adjacent corridor
and adjacent IR Division through regular conference to facilitate the smooth flow of traffic.
c) Dealing immediately with significant detention or transport bottleneck and other unusual.
d) Keeping constant touch with the working of major terminals & yards and taking timely
action to deal with congestion.
e) Giving advice of serious accident to all concerned,
f) Supervising the running of ODCs.
g) Maintaining liaison with Traction loco controller and Traction power controller.
h) Plan and grant maintenance blocks.
i) Coordinate the work of various section controllers.
j) Maintain discipline among control staff in the absence of Chief controller.
k) Maintain coordination and liaison with various functionaries involved in train running.
a. Section Controller:
a) Reporting for the duty at the prescribed time and ascertaining the position of the section
from his reliever.
b) Ensure accurate time is maintained and is used for all procedures and communications;
c) Control and record each Authority and occupancy;
d) Provide permission to DFCCIL SM or ASM at stations to allow trains to enter the DFC
network after confirming that the train will effectively reach its destination and exit the
DFC network;
e) Accurately record:
i) The progress of train on the ‘Control’ graph including crossing, connections and
shunting reasons for detention etc.
ii) Communications, signalling and other infrastructure conditions as necessary for the
safe and efficient operation of the network. Advising stations in advance of the work
to be done on trains on move.
f) When vehicles are detached short of their destination at an unattended location,
record and maintain the status of the vehicle for subsequent movement as required
for the train operator concerned;
g) Ensure changes are recorded to train length, tonnage, locomotives and other
operational information, and provide the information to the train controller in the
adjoining jurisdiction as required;
h) Informing lobby and stations about the late running of the trains to avoid the calling of
Crew earlier than necessary or to put back train wherever advisable.
i) Informing major stations and concerned Section controller about the current running of
trains on the section and their anticipated arrivals well in time.
j) Keeping in close touch with concerned department regarding blocks of material trains
and working of material Trains so as to give the maximum possible time with least
detention to other traffic.
k) Incident management to include adjusting movement of the trains in view of the likely
impact of the incident, informing all concern.
l) Keeping a watch over damaged vehicles detached at road side stations and arranging
repair or transshipment of their contents and proper attention on the part of the train
examining staff.
m) Arrangement of ART & Material Van in case of accident.
n) Eliminating all possible detention to train and stock.
o) Watching the working of Yards & major terminals.
p) Making timely arrangements for the relief of Guards/Loco pilots whose duty Hours are
likely to exceed enroute.
3.3 Vigilance
Train controllers shall remain vigilant at all times and promptly respond to:
a) Emergencies;
b) Unusual occurrences;
c) The requirements of safeworking;
d) Incoming radio transmissions;
e) Incoming telephone calls, fax and other communications, and
f) Train notices, circulars and other instructions.
II. Complete any outstanding reports and computer data entries which were not able
to be completed during the shift.
At interface stations;
Yard or terminal locations;
Junctions; or
Any other situation where the control of facilities is not the normal responsibility of
the DFCCIL train controller, with responsibility for the adjacent network running
lines, but the facility is connected to the network running lines.
b) The interface between train control jurisdictions may be undertaken from the same or
different train control offices or locations. Train controllers whose jurisdictions interface with
another jurisdiction shall discuss as frequently as necessary to reach understanding in
relation to:
I. Anticipated train arrival and departure times;
II. The planning of train paths;
4. DFCCIL Train Control System
4.1 Overview
The DFCCIL train controller is in charge of all rail activities over the area of control on the DFC network
and no rail movement, or track occupancy may occur without the authority of the DFCCIL train
Station employees, Locomotive Pilots and other workers requiring access to the DFC network shall
comply with all instructions issued by the DFCCIL train controller provided the directions consistent
with the General Rules and Procedures, and other instruction.
b) Speak in announcing the train number, locomotive number or other distinct contact name
and the word ‘Speaks’;
IX. Wait for the train controller to respond;
ii) Commence transmission with the train controller;
iii) At the end of each transmission, use the word ‘over’ to confirm that the train controller
can respond;
iv) Repeat any direction issued by the train controller to ensure it is correct;
v) Ensure the train controller has understood information provided, and
vi) At the end of the transmission, the train number, locomotive number or other distinct
contact name and the word ‘Finish’.
In the event that there is requirement to urgently contact the train controller owing to an emergency,
the words ‘Emergency, Emergency, Emergency’ shall be broadcast on the train control radio
irrespective if it is already in use, and when acknowledge by the train controller, the details of the
emergency may then be transmitted.
When an Emergency call is heard on the train control radio, other users shall cease transmission to
allow the train controller to deal with the emergency call.
The DFCCIL train controller may, at discretion, permit a train to operate on the DFC network, or enter
a siding in special circumstances.
Train requiring to enter DFCCIL from IR Network
The DFCCIL SM or ASM shall not operate the signalling for a train to enter the DFC network from the
IR network without the permission of the DFCCIL train controller.
When advised by the IR SM or ASM, or IR train controller that a train requires to proceed from the IR
network to the DFC network, the DFCCIL SM or ASM shall contact the DFCCIL train controller and
request permission to accept the train.
The DFCCIL train controller shall not give permission for a train to enter onto the DFC network unless:
a) The train is planned to operate on the DFC network;
b) The train operator has provided the required train documentation for the train to operate
on the DFC network;
c) The Locomotive Pilot has contacted the DFCCIL train control to test communications and
provide train details;
d) The train is correctly equipped to operate on the DFC including:
i. Correct locomotives when entering the Corridor, and or
ii. End of Train Telemetry, or a guard in a brake van in exceptional cases with the prior
permission of DFCCIL control.
e) The DFCCIL train controller has been provided the locomotive and train running details for the
f) The DFCCIL train controller has been provided details of the train working including:
i) Shunting requirements on the DFC;
ii) Required Locomotive Pilot and guard (where applicable) changes along the DFC;
iii) Changes to locomotives or brake van whilst operating on the DFC, and
iv) Any other activity that may have an effect on train operations on the DFC network.
g) The train is ready to enter the DFC network unimpeded.
The DFCCIL train controller shall ensure that the correct conditions exist, as detailed, and provided
the train can be accepted, provide permission to the DFCCIL SM or ASM to accept the train and
including any other instructions applicable to the trains operation.
Upon receiving permission, the DFCCIL SM or ASM may operate the signalling to allow the train to be
signalled onto the DFC network and confer with the IR SM, ASM or IR train controller to allow the
train to proceed.
The DFCCIL SM or ASM shall record the time the train enters the DFC network and report the time to
the DFCCIL train controller.
If for any reason the train does not proceed expeditiously toward the DFC network as planned, the
DFCCIL SM or ASM shall immediately seek the reason from the IR SM, ASM or IR train controller, and
then advise DFCCIL train controller and seek further instruction regarding passage of the train.
Should the DFCCIL train controller provide an instruction that the train can no longer be accepted,
the DFCCIL SM or ASM shall immediately advise the IR SM, ASM or IR train controller and arrange for
the train to remain at its current location pending further direction.
The DFCCIL SM or ASM shall not cancel the signalling for the train unless it has been confirmed that
the train is stationary and it is safe to do so.
Train Requiring to Proceed from DFCCIL to IR network Train Controller Requirements
The DFCCIL train controller shall not allow a train on the DFC to approach a junction station unless
it is ensured that the train can be signalled of the DFC network toward the IR network without delay.
Upon the train approaching the station in the rear of the junction station, the DFCCIL train controller
shall liaise with the IR train controller and establish that the train can be accepted onto the IR network.
If the train cannot be accepted onto the IR network, the DFCCIL train controller shall arrange for the
train to be stopped at the station in the until it has been confirmed that the train can be accepted.
If the DFCCIL train controller considers that the train can be advanced to the junction station without
interruptions to other rail operations, the train may be advanced to the junction pending acceptance
onto the IR network. Junction Station Requirements
When a train requires to depart from the DFC network and proceed onto the IR Network, the DFCCIL
SM or ASM shall seek permission from the DFCCIL train controller.
Provided the DFCCIL train controller has granted permission, the DFCCIL SM or ASM shall contact
the IR SM or ASM, or IR train controller and seek permission for the train to be signalled toward the
IR Network.
The IR SM or ASM, with the permission of IR train controller shall operate the signalling to accept
the train and allow the DFCCIL SM or ASM to signal the train toward the IR Network.
Should the train be delayed, the DFCCIL SM or ASM shall advise the IR Station Master or IR train
controller of the delay and seek further direction. The DFCCIL train controller shall also be advised.
Immediately the train exits the DFC network, the DFCCIL SM or ASM shall record the train departure
and advise the DFCCIL train controller.
Train requiring to depart DFCCIL Station, Terminal or Siding
The DFCCIL SM or ASM shall not signal a train to depart from a station, junction or siding without
first obtaining the permission of the DFCCIL train controller.
When advised that a train is ready to depart, the DFCCIL SM or ASM shall contact the DFCCIL train
controller and request permission to signal the train to depart.
The DFCCIL train controller shall not give permission for a train to depart unless:
a) The train is planned to operate on the DFC network;
b) The train operator has provided the required train documentation for the train to operate
on the DFC network;
c) The Locomotive Pilot has contacted the DFCCIL train controller to test communications
and provided train details;
d) The train is correctly equipped to operate on the DFC including:
i. Correct locomotives when entering the Corridor, and or
ii. End of Train Telemetry, or a guard in a brake van only in exceptional cases with the
permission of DFCCIL control;
e) The DFCCIL train controller has been provided the locomotive and train running details for
the train,
f) The DFCCIL train controller has been provided details of the train working including:
i. Shunting requirements on the DFC;
ii. Required Locomotive Pilot and guard (where applicable) changes along the DFC;
iii. Changes to locomotives or brake van whilst operating on the DFC, and
iv. Any other activity that may have an effect on train operations on the DFC network.
v. The train is ready to depart unimpeded.
The DFCCIL train controller shall ensure that the correct conditions exist, as detailed, and provided
the train can be accepted, provide permission to the DFCCIL SM or ASM to signal the train to depart
and also any other instructions applicable to the trains operation.
Upon receiving permission, the DFCCIL SM or ASM may operate the signalling system to allow the
train to be signalled to proceed.
The DFCCIL SM or ASM shall record the time the train departs and report the time to the DFCCIL
train controller.
If for any reason the train does not depart as planned, the DFCCIL SM or ASM shall immediately seek
the reason from the Locomotive Pilot, and then advise DFCCIL train controller and seek further
Should the DFCCIL train controller provide an instruction that the train can no longer be allowed to
move due to changed network conditions arising out of delay in departure, the DFCCIL SM or ASM
shall immediately advise the Locomotive Pilot and arrange for the train to remain at its current
location pending further direction.
The DFCCIL SM or ASM shall not cancel the signalling for the train unless it has been confirmed that
the train is stationary and it is safe to do so.
Train Requiring to Proceed through DFCCIL Station or Junction Signals at Stations located on double line automatic section
Where signals at DFCCIL stations are normally in Auto mode, they will operate automatically to
proceed after the passage of each train, and will only be operated to stop when required
At DFCCIL stations where signals are in auto mode, the DFCCIL SM or ASM shall not place signals to
stop a train unless directed by the train controller. Stations where signals are not in Auto Mode located on double line automatic section
At stations or junctions where the signals do not operate in Auto mode, the signals must remain at
stop and the DFCCIL SM or ASM shall not place the signals to proceed for a train without the
permission of the DFCCIL train controller.
When advised that a train is approaching a station, the DFCCIL SM or ASM shall contact the DFCCIL
train controller and seek instructions regarding the passage of the train.
The DFCCIL train controller shall provide the necessary instructions to the DFCCIL SM or ASM
regarding the trains working.
If the train is to continue, the DFCCIL SM or ASM shall operate the signals to proceed for the train’s
If the train is to stop or to be placed into the station siding, the DFCCIL SM or ASM shall to operate
the applicable points and signals to route the train as directed by the DFCCIL train controller.
The DFCCIL SM or ASM is to provide time updates to the DFCCIL train controller regarding the train
movement at the station.
23 Stations on single line absolute block section
At single line absolute block section train reception, dispatch or run through, line nomination shall
be done by the DFCCIL controller and SM shall follow all valid instructions of Train controller in this
ii. the vehicles shall be secured with safety chains fastened to the rail and padlocked and
the sprags or wooden wedges or skids shall also be used to prevent rolling down of
b) As far as possible, such vehicles shall be stabled on lines that are isolated from the
running lines;
i. before the locomotive of the train is detached to shunt the vehicle(s), the competent
DFCCIL/Railway servant provided for shunting, or in his absence the Assistant Loco pilot of
the locomotive shall ensure that brakes of the portion of the train being left behind is
adequately secured against any movement which may obstruct the adjacent line;
ii. before uncoupling the vehicle(s) being stabled it shall be ensured that they have been
secured as in clause above.
iii. No detached vehicle shall be kept on a running line at any time.
i. a minimum of six wagons at each end, in a load of upto 60 vehicles, shall be secured by either
applying hand brakes by assistant Loco pilot and secured with at least two safety chains one
at either end fastened to the rail and padlocked by the Station Master. Further at least four
sprags/wooden wedges be used, two each below the outermost pair of wheels. In case the
load exceeds 60 vehicles it shall be treated as two separate loads;
ii. The vehicles of stabled load shall be coupled together. In case, the stabled load has to be split
for any reason and also in case of a long haul train each split part shall be treated as a separate
load for the purpose of securing;
iii. when stabled on a running line, action as per extant instructions shall also be taken and
remarks made in TSR in red ink to the effect that "line No................ " is blocked.
iv. Normally a full train shall not be stabled on a running line having gradient more than 1 in
400 except in emergency at stations where stabling is allowed in Station Working Rule.
v. In case of stabling of train with locomotive attached or stabling of light engine(s) before
shutting down the locomotive, the Loco pilot shall additionally ensure that every given brake,
including hand brake and parking brake have been applied, and locomotive secured with
wooden wedges.
e) In case a train is stalled in block section besides protecting the train in terms of DFGR &
SR rule 223 , the vehicles shall also be secured when either the locomotive is to be
detached or being shut down or a portion of the train is left behind or the continuity of
brake has been affected due to accident.
b) Immediately communicate with the train controller of any parallel line and provide details
of the stationary train;
c) Advise the traction power controller of the stationary train and establish if there has
been any disruption to the overhead traction supply,
d) Advise the DFCCIL SM or ASM at either end of the section of the stationary train and request
Signals to be placed at ‘ON’ if required.
e) Put in place emergency management protocols.
Once it has been established that no parallel lines are obstructed and it is safe for trains to pass, the
DFCCIL train controller shall advise the train controller of the parallel lines and any other trains
operating on the DFC network.
The Station Master or Assistant Station Master at the station of end may also be directed to place
the signalling to proceed.
5. DFCCIL Traction Power Control System
5.1 Overview
DFCCIL Traction Power Control is located in the respective DFCCIL train control centres and are
responsible for:
a) Monitoring the overhead power supply over the allocated area of control;
b) Guide the DFCCIL train controller, SM or ASM at stations, Locomotive Pilots and
other operating staff in dealing with issues associated with the overhead power
c) Arranging maintenance blocks for the overhead equipment;
d) Arranging alternative power supply in case of tripping etc., through remote control;
e) Monitoring overhead equipment failures and taking remedial action;
f) Monitoring detention of trains owing to overhead equipment issues;
g) Authorising the manual isolation of the overhead power supply, and
h) Responding to emergencies and incidents where the overhead power supply may be or
is affected.
A DFCCIL traction power controller is allocated to specific areas of control and shall work closely
with the train controller to ensure efficient operation of the DFC.
5.3 Traction Power Control Communications
Locomotive Pilots encountering issues with the overhead equipment shall report the issue to the
DFCCIL train control and seek assistance to resolve the issue.
The DFCCIL train controller may request the Locomotive Pilot to directly communicate with the
DFCCIL traction power controller if it is considered more appropriate.
Each station and junction is provided with phone communications providing the DFCCIL SM or ASM
direct communications with the DFCCIL traction power controller.
When communicating with the DFCCIL traction power controller the SM or ASM shall ensure correct
information about the condition of overhead equipment and its location is relayed and all discussions
are understood.
6. DFCCIL Traction Locomotive Control/Crew Control
6.1 General Responsibilities of the Locomotive Controller
The DFCCIL Locomotive Controller is located in the respective DFCCIL train control centres and are
responsible for:
a) Ensuring IR or the respective Train Operator have provided sufficient locomotive resources
to allow effective operation of trains in the DFCCIL network;
b) Liaise with IR or the respective Train Operator regarding issues associated with locomotive
allocation and arrange changes as may be required;
c) Liaise with IR or the respective Train Operator when a locomotive becomes defective and
make arrangements for relief locomotives to assist the train operations;
d) Liaise with the Traction power Controller for issues associated with traction power/OHE;
e) Where locomotives are detached from trains, liaise with the IR or the respective Train
Operator, regarding repair of the locomotives and the clearing of the locomotives from the
DFCCIL network;
f) Liaising with the DFCCIL Train Controller regarding issues associated with locomotives and
resolution actions;
g) Liaise with nominated loco inspector for assistance to loco pilot in trouble shooting any
abnormality enroute.
h) Monitoring of locomotives operating on the DFCCIL network, and
i) Ensuring locomotives are allocated to work trains operating on the DFCCIL network.
A DFCCIL locomotive controller is allocated to specific areas of control and shall work closely with
the train controller to ensure efficient operation of the DFC
7. DFCCIL Wagon Control
8. Train Operator Requirements on DFC Network
In the starting phase IR will be the sole operator over DFC. It is expected that MOR will subsequently
establish the legal and operational framework to allow Operators other than IR to access DFC
network. The operator requirement for two phases as outlined above will differ. When IR is the sole
operator, IR and DFCCIL will establish an operating protocol containing at least following indicative
It is expected that to allow Operators other than IR, MOR will establish a legal and executive
framework to address following issues:-
a) Licensing of Rail Operators: Licensing of operators will mainly address the financial and
technical capability or the Operator and relationship between MOR, Operator and DFCCIL.
b) Safety: For establishing the safety system required to be complied by the operators, MOR
may set up a regulator or an executive body backed by Legislation or executive orders.
The institution set up will establish the requirement for
i. Rolling stock & Locomotive – Registration, maintenance and operation over DFC
and IR.
ii. Manpower : Competence, training, fit to work, drug and alcohol requirements
while on duty
iii. Incident and unusual reporting
iv. Accidents and Accident enquiry.
Operators may be required to set up a Safety Management System to ensure compliance to the
items listed above. A review and compliance monitoring body may also be established to ensure
satisfactory compliance with the requirements of the SMS.
This chapter seeks to lay out the details of Operator requirements for
i. Rolling stock & Locomotive
ii. Manpower, Medical Standards, Hours of Work, Competence
iii. Safety performance monitoring and review
iv. Other Requirements
A. Staff Requirements
8.1Operators requiring to operate rolling stock on the DFC Network shall comply with applicable
DFCCIL safety and operating requirements. Train operators accessing to the DFC Network and
DFCCIL shall:
a) Identify rail safety related worker functions undertaken within their operations.
These include but are not limited to:
i. Driving and operation of trains;
ii. Controlling and signaling the movement of trains;
iii. Working on track infrastructure or rolling stock;
iv. Shunting and terminal operations, and
v. Other activities that require employees to be on or near the track that require either
training or supervision.
b) For each of the functions identified, determine for each individual worker the following:
I. Capacity to perform the function; and
II. Competence.
c) For each of the functions identified, specify and maintain the following:
I. Medical standards;
II. Operations, required competence, and
III. Engineering systems competence.
the influence of other drugs when about to, or engaged in carrying out rail safety related worker
functions on the DFC network.
DFCCIL and train operator shall have in place systems that include but not limited to:
a) Intermittent or random testing of all employees;
b) Testing when it is suspected that an employee is attempting to start work under
the influence of alcohol or other drugs;
c) Testing after incidents or accidents where the involvement of alcohol or other drugs could
be a factor, and
d) DFCCIL and train operators shall ensure compliance with relevant regulations and directives
related to detection and quantification of drugs of abuse in urine of employees.
8.5 Competencies
Operations and Safety
DFCCIL and train operators shall ensure that systems for the development and maintenance of
employee competence are in place and take into account the following:
a) Employees shall be certified as competent in the relevant safety requirements described
in the DFCCIL General Rules, Procedures and other manuals and instructions;
b) Assessments should be conducted according to the level of risk arising from the work carried
out for each employee;
c) The maximum period between assessments for any employee shall be no longer than three
d) Where the requirement for assessment exceeds the specified period by more than three
months, the employee not completing the re-assessment shall not carry out any operational
and safety functions on the DFC network;
e) An employee’s safety competence shall be re-assessed, according to the level of risk
arising, where the worker has not engaged in performing operational safety for a
prolonged continuous period and be withdrawn if the continuous period exceeds twelve
months. Reinstatement shall occur once re- assessment is successfully completed, and
f) An employee’s competence shall cease to be recognised where such competence has
been withdrawn or suspended.
c) That operations & safety forms are retained for a minimum of four weeks. During this period,
they shall be made readily available for request by, or exchange between, organisations
allowing comparisons with other documents and recordings, for example train graphs and
voice recordings. Following this period, the completed forms shall be managed by the
organisation in accordance with their own requirements and legislation.
b) Whether the employee requires the safety keys to carry out rail safety work, and
c) The requirement to withdraw the keys upon the employee’s termination or completion
of employment.
Brakes are repaired or vehicles remarshaled or detached and brakes cut out as detailed below
All IR trains must have a valid brake power certificate to operate on the DFC network. Under
normal circumstances the brake power should not become invalid while on transit over DFC.
In case of any lapses in Brake Power certificates, DFCCIL shall not be tasked or responsible in
any manner whatsoever, in restoring the same and this shall be sole responsibility of IR.
All private operators must have internal controls and provisions into their respective safety
management systems to ensure that all trains have valid brake power certification (internal
or through external agency) in line with requirements of DFCCIL and its various agreements
with the operator. Such certification must be valid at all times during train’s passage through
DFC Network unless it is involved in long haul formation. For long haul formation, instructions
will be issued by DFCCIL which will also cover the issue of valid BPC. In case of any lapses in
Brake Power certificates, DFCCIL shall not be tasked or responsible in any manner whatsoever,
in restoring the same and this shall be sole responsibility of the operator.
DFCCIL and Train Operators shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the following:
a) Instructions issued by IR for
(i) allowing isolated vehicles,
(ii) Coupling of unbraked vehicles and,
(iii) identification of wagons with isolated brakes should be followed by Train
C. Locomotive requirements
8.9Locomotive Pilot Competency
a) Train operators and DFCCIL shall ensure that Locomotive Pilots are competent in the
I. DFCCIL General Rules and Procedures;
II. Interface arrangements for network entry and exit, and associated documentation;
III. The processes of the operations manual.
b) To be in control of a train on the DFC network, the Locomotive Pilots shall be competent
in operational and practical requirements relating to the following:
Train preparation, testing and management;
Locomotives and rolling stock types to be operated; and
Route and infrastructure knowledge, including yards and other facilities, for the areas
over which the Locomotive Pilots is required to operate.
8.10 Locomotive Equipment
a) When operating on the DFC network, Locomotive Pilots shall ensure the following equipment
is provided and is in good working order:
i. A watch or clock;
ii. Approved personal safety equipment;
iii. Locomotive communications equipment for on train and off train communications;
iv. Operational End of Train Telemetry Equipment where a guard is not on the train;
v. Safe working keys;
vi. Forms required as per DFCCIL General Rules and other circulars.
vii. Emergency Equipment as prescribed
viii. First aid supplies as prescribed.
ix. For operation during foggy weather
b) Prior to allowing a train to enter the DFC network, Locomotive Pilot shall ensure that:
i. All necessary air brake tests have been performed and are within required limits;
ii. Locomotive headlights are tested on high and low beam and, and where fitted, ‘ditch
lights’ are checked and are fully operational;
iii. Where fitted, locomotive identification lights are fully operational;
iv. The locomotive whistle/horn is fully operational;
v. Where a guard is not on the train, the End of Train Telemetry is operational, and
vi. The locomotive communications equipment is fully operational.
vii. Sanders and wipers are in working condition.
viii. No safety equipment is in bypass condition
ix. Locomotive pantograph is fit for high rise OHE if required to operate on WDFC.
c) The Locomotive Pilot shall ensure that a locomotive, when attached to another locomotive
or to a train, is securely and correctly coupled.
d) When preparing locomotives, the Locomotive Pilot shall enter details as required into the
data logger or similar device or facility, if provided, on each locomotive before working the
train. At subsequent crew changes, the details shall be entered on the leading locomotive
e) Should the train have an operating locomotive midway of the train consist, and it is required
to assist with hauling the train, the driver shall ensure that the remote operating equipment
such as Locotrol for the locomotive is tested and operational;
f) A Locomotive Pilot shall not render inoperative any device provided for the safe operation
of the locomotive unless authorised and appropriate instructions accompany the action, and
g) If the vigilance control system becomes defective, and it becomes necessary for the
Locomotive Pilot to isolate the device, the matter shall be reported in accordance with train
operator's instructions. In all instances the DFCCIL train controller shall be advised.
8.11 Locomotive Speedometer
a) Prior to entering the DFC network, or as soon as practicable the Locomotive Pilot shall ensure
that the locomotive speedometer is working;
b) In case of speedometer failure during the run, the DFCCIL train controller and Locomotive
Controller shall be advised and the Locomotive Pilot shall measure train speed as detailed in
the DFCCIL General & Subsidiary Rules and Procedures.
8.13.1 Normal use of locomotive Whistle
a) Locomotive Pilots shall sound the locomotive whistle clearly and distinctly;
b) The intensity, length and repetition shall be as per G&SR;
c) The Locomotive Pilot shall sound the locomotive whistle in the following
I. Before moving a locomotive from stop and, as far as practicable, having seen
that no person is in a position of danger;
II. When approaching and passing another train;
III. When shunting is being performed;
IV. When approaching workers on or near the track on which the train is
V. When approaching level crossings, bridges and tunnels;
VI. When indicated by whistle signs situated at the track side; and
VII. When operating a work train with workers riding or working in or near rolling
stock, before starting or reducing speed.
d) The Locomotive Pilot shall not sound the locomotive whistle without a valid reason
to do so.
a) If the locomotive whistle fails at any time on the DFC network, the Locomotive Pilot
shall report to the DFCCIL train controller and locomotive controller and operate
the train as directed by the DFCCIL train controller.
The Driver must:
i. Attempt to repair the fault;
ii. Change the locomotive in consultation with train controller ; or
iv. If the Locomotive Pilot considers that occupants of vehicles or persons walking
or working on or near the track have not become aware of the approach of the
train the Locomotive Pilot shall:
Attempt to stop the train; and
8.14.1 General
These procedures must be read in conjunction with the DFCCIL General Rules and Procedures.
a) The Locomotive Pilot shall ensure that the headlight is on at all times during night
time or when visibility is impaired, in the full position, whenever the train is
moving on the running lines, except as set out in Items (c), (d) and (e) below;
b) The Locomotive Pilot shall ensure that the headlight is turned off when the train is
waiting to cross another train. However, the headlight shall only be turned off after
the train has been confirmed as standing in clear and the points have been set to
protect the train;
c) The Locomotive Pilot of an over-length train shall dim, but not turn off the headlight,
i. The train is authorized to enter a station;
ii. The train is waiting to cross another train, and
iii. The train has stopped; it is not in clear of the clearance point (due to it being
over length) at a station.
d) The Locomotive Pilot of the over length train shall only turn the headlight off when:
i. The Locomotive Pilot establishes voice communications with the Locomotive Pilot
of the approaching train, before it arrives, and
ii. The conditions of entry are clearly established so that the train can be stopped
before the points.
e) The Locomotive Pilot shall dim the headlight or if “marker” or “Flasher”, lights are
fitted, switch off the headlight when:
i. Passing through locations where shunting is occurring;
ii. Standing close behind another train;
iii. Approaching junctions, terminals or stations;
iv. Approaching locations where the train is to stop;
v. When motor vehicles are approaching (on nearby roads) from the opposite
direction, and
vi. Approaching a train operating in the opposite direction on a parallel track.
f) The marker” or “Flasher” lights fitted to the leading locomotive, they shall be left
on in each of the circumstances described in Items (c), (d) and (e).
If the locomotive headlight fails at any time on the DFC network, the Locomotive Pilot
shall report to the DFCCIL train controller and locomotive controller.
If it is not possible to carry out any of these alternatives to enable headlight, ‘marker”
or “Flasher”, lights to be displayed, the driver shall proceed as detailed in the DFCCIL
General Rules and Procedures.
Should a train or locomotive pass a signal displaying stop, the driver shall immediately stop
the train report the event to the DFCCIL train controller and advise the reason the train has
passed the signal.
If the signal has reverted to stop as the train was approaching, the DFCCIL train controller shall
contact the DFCCIL SM or ASM at the station and establish the cause for the signalling restoring
to stop and if established that a signal fault has occurred, authorise the train as detailed in the
DFCCIL General Rules and Procedures.
The DFCCIL train controller shall advise the S&T Controller of the event and make
arrangements for the signal fault to be rectified. DFCCIL shall also initiate an investigation and
submit outcomes to the appropriate authority.
8.16.2 Locomotive Pilot Error
If it is found that the Locomotive Pilot has allowed the train to pass the signal at stop in error,
the DFCCIL train controller shall not allow the train to be moved by the Locomotive Pilot and
arrangements shall be made the Locomotive Pilot relieved.
If there is requirement to move the train owing to safety reasons, the assisting driver may be
permitted to move the train into a safe position but only as directed by the DFCCIL train
controller and the SM or ASM at the station.
DFCCIL will be responsible for investigating the reason for the train passing the signal at stop
and providing outcomes, recommendations and corrective actions to DFCCIL
a) The conducting of formal internal audits of procedural systems and physical assets
within appropriate intervals;
b) The regular observation of employees undertaking activities on the job;
c) The initiation of corrective action where there is evidence of non-compliance;
d) The prompt exchange of information between affected organisations when serious
non-compliance is detected, and
e) The maintenance of safety compliance monitoring records.
8.19.2 Performance Review
DFCCIL and train operators shall review safety performance including incident data, reports and
Problems identified during safety performance reviews shall be subject to appropriate corrective
action and post review to ensure their effectiveness.
DFCCIL and train operators shall implement and participate in joint safety performance review
meetings where incidents require corrective actions that may affect more than one organisation.
E. Other Requirements
a) Proposed timetable for trains to have access to the DFC network, and
b) Class of each train including its operational performance restrictions and limits.
DFCCIL and the train operator shall maintain appropriate accreditation before the train service
c) Other warnings and restrictions (e.g. loading, clearances, those to compensate for the
effects of weather and other natural occurrences), and
d) Means of communicating the restrictions such as the following:
i. Track side sign boards to identify speed restrictions;
ii. The regular issue of restriction information; and
iii. Advice to Locomotive Pilots of details of new restrictions that may be imposed between
regular issues of restriction information by the network. This information should be
provided as soon as practicable such as not to jeopardize safety, and detail whether
trackside signs have been installed.
Train operators shall ensure Locomotive Pilots are issued with current restrictions, warnings and
other important notices issued by DFCCIL.
Train operators shall ensure that trains requiring to access the DFC network are correctly marshalled
and ready to enter expeditiously.
The train operator shall ensure that all train marshalling activities, including the detaching and
attaching of locomotives, brake vans, combining or splitting of trains occur prior to entry to the DFC
8.25.2 Shunting on the DFC
When a train requires to shunt on the DFC after network entry, including the detachment or
attachment of locomotives, brake vans or the combination or splitting of trains, this may only be
performed provided it has been included in the train plan for the train.
Any activities that are not planned may only be undertaken provided the DFCCIL train controller
authorises the shunting activities and then only provided the shunting activities will not have impacts
on other trains operating on the DFC.
ii. Requirements for immediately informing the emergency services or controlling authority
of the situation via a situation report containing information in a format consistent with
Emergency Services requirements;
iii. Requirements for ongoing situation reports to be also provided to the emergency
services controlling authority and railway organisation representatives, and
iv. Procedures for ensuring the maintenance of constant communication with, and at the
Emergency site and keeping the site informed of the progress of the emergency services
i. Secure the portion of train behind the fire and uncouple that portion of the train;
ii. Pull the front portion with the burning vehicle(s) forward and clear of the secured rear
portion; and
iii. Uncouple the burning vehicles(s) and pull forward once again to isolate that portion.
The Locomotive Pilot shall remain in constant communication with DFCCIL train controller to:
i. Seek assistance as required;
ii. Report actions that have been taken; and
iii. Arrange recovery, track clearance and whatever is required for the resumption of
normal operations.
Sanding equipment on locomotives may affect the integrity of the signalling system in track circuited
In track circuited area where locomotives do not have de-sanding equipment, the Locomotive Pilot
must limit the application of sand where practicable.
The train operator shall ensure that locomotive communications equipment as prescribed by
DFCCIL is provided, maintained and is compatible with the equipment used by DFCCIL train control.
Train operators may request radio frequencies directly from DFCCIL.
9. Wayside Monitoring Devices
10. Rolling Stock operating on DFC Network
11. Train Diversions
Owing to network disruption, DFCCIL may be required to divert rail services of the DFC network and
onto the IR network provided the IR network can accept the increase in rail traffic.
When there is a requirement to divert rail traffic, the DFCCIL train controller shall liaise with the IR train
controller and come to an agreement on the process and timing that will allow the rail traffic to be diverted
onto the IR network and then back onto the DFC network at the next unaffected junction station.
The DFCCIL train controller shall also liaise with the train operators and ensure that the train is able
to be diverted ensuring that the Locomotive Pilot has appropriate competencies and route
knowledge to operate on the IR network, and the train meets the operating requirements of IR such
as axle load and Maximum Moving Dimensions (MMD) permitted.
12. Safe working Operations
12.1 Rule books
DFCCIL is responsible for the management and distribution of the DFCCIL General Rules and
Procedures to train operators and other employees performing safety related activities.
Train operators are responsible for obtaining the DFCCIL General Rules and Procedures, and ensuring
that all employees requiring to perform safety related task on the DFC are issued a copy for their own
personal use.
12.2 Safe working Forms and Safety Equipment
Train operators shall establish systems and manage the supply, maintenance and provision of safe
working forms and safety equipment for use by employees. This includes, but is not limited to safe
working forms and safety equipment:
a) Issued directly to employees, and
b) Provided on locomotives, rolling stock or track maintenance vehicles for their use.
Systems established by DFCCIL, Operators and Maintainers for safeworking forms shall include, but
not be limited to:
a) Supply and provision;
b) Collection and internal audit;
c) Retention for a minimum of four weeks for access by DFCCIL where there has been
an incident, and
d) Archiving within the organisation (as per Appendix B)
Safety equipment includes but is not limited to:
a) Watches and clocks;
b) Safe working keys;
c) Radios and telephones (fixed or mobile);
d) End of train monitors and markers;
e) Emergency equipment for train protection including sufficient detonators / audible
warning devices, red and green flags, hand lamps and torches, and
f) Personal protective equipment for normal and emergency use for all conditions of
the Network.
Systems established by DFCCIL, Operators and Maintainers for safety equipment shall include, but
not be limited to:
a) Security for issue, storage and withdrawal from rail safety workers;
b) Provision and security of fixed equipment on locomotives, rolling stock or track maintenance;
c) Vehicles for the use of rail safety workers, and
12.3 Time
All operations on the DFC network operate on 24 hour time.
13. Train Service Planning
Operators shall provide the DFCCIL locomotive controller with:
a) Advice of locomotive allocations at least three hours prior to the service commencing use
of the DFC network, and
b) Timely advice of subsequent changes due to operational reasons.
14. Rolling Stock Outlines and Load Restrictions
14.1 Overview
Train operators shall establish systems and manage all requirements associated with compliance to
DFCCIL network rolling stock outlines and load restrictions.
Figure 14-2 Maximum Moving Dimensions – Western Corridor (in mm)
a) Any loading exceeding the dimensions shown in Figures 17-1 and 17-2 are classified as out of
gauge and may only be conveyed under special conditions as determined by DFCCIL.
b) Loading outlines include lashings, chains and securing equipment.
i. Axle load limits taking into account weight distribution, or
ii. Train height and width maximums.
b) Loading shall be secured to prevent movement during transit due to train and
vehicle dynamic Forces;
c) Securing devices shall be correctly selected, protected against working loose, falling off
or trailing from the wagon en route;
d) Securing devices used shall be maintained in good condition and fit for use on the
DFC network;
e) Loading-specific segregation requirements shall be established and practiced ;
f) Loading shall not protrude more than the length prescribed by DFCCIL beyond the headstock
of any vehicle;
g) Locking mechanisms on doors, containers and open vehicles shall be maintained in
good condition and fit for use in respect of opening, closing, security and locking;
h) Containers shall be placed on wagons subject to:
i. Operators ensuring that loading is to be evenly distributed within the container;
ii. Even distribution of loading between bogies;
iii. Loading of container trains should be done as prescribed by DFCCIL;
iv. Container(s) loaded in open wagons are located, secured centrally and evenly
distributed over the bogies;
v. Open wagon side doors are secured against opening;
vi. Open wagons without side doors are not operated with a vacant container position, and
vii. Open wagons are free of loose items.
i) Double stacking shall be subject to:
i. Full height containers limited to container height not exceeding the overall height limits;
ii. Not exceeding maximum container loading limits;
iii. Containers shall be secured to each other at all four points by inbuilt spigots and locking
pins or portable marine twist locks.
iv. Container securement devices shall be in good condition and fit for use on the DFCCIL
v. Loading of double stack containers should be done as per instructions issue by DFCCIL.
j) Train examination shall ensure integrity of freight loading in respect of security and weight
distribution, overloading, and adherence to the maximum loading gauge dimensions, as well
as doors being closed. Detailed instructions regarding dimensions, classification and
examination of ODC consignment originating from DFC will be issued separately.
Consignments, which when loaded upon a wagon, would infringe the maximum standard moving
dimension, at any point, on the entire route, from the booking station to the destination, including
via break of gauge is called an Over Dimensional Consignment (ODC). Therefore, any consignment
exceeding the dimension quoted below for IR shall not be registered for booking unless prior sanction
for its acceptance has been obtained from the Zonal headquarters.
A. Maximum Moving Dimensions from rail level (at any point) for IR network:
14.6 Classification of ODC consignment originating or terminating on IR and transiting over DFC:
ODCs are divided into 3 classes according to the minimum clearance available between the
consignment and minimum fixed structure profile.
Class ‘A’: Those ODC loads, which has a gross clearance of 22.86 cm (9 inches) and above.
Class ‘B’: Those ODC loads, which has a gross clearance of 15.24 cm (6 inches) and above, but less
than 22.86 cm (9 inches),
Class ‘C’: Those ODC loads, which has a gross clearance of less than 15.24 cm (6 inches) but not
less than 10.16 cm (4 inches).
Sanctioning Authority
separate TI by DFCCIL/IR
Instructions instructions separately
regarding will be
speed over issued.
DFC will be
issued by
For ODCs originating and terminating on DFC and not transiting through IR, the classification and
procedure for allowing movement of such ODCs will be separately issued by DFCCIL.
a) For non-divisible loads that cannot be reasonably reduced within the loading
outline dimensions to conform to the DFCCIL structure gauge;
b) DFCCIL shall not consider ODC loading requests for divisible items only to increase vehicle
c) A request for each proposed ODC load on a train path shall be submitted to DFCCIL Short
Term Train Planning department for approval as published;
d) If there is any doubt regarding ODC loading, it will not be approved by DFCCIL;
e) ODC loads shall not operate without authorisation from DFCCIL, and
f) ODC loading and train path arrangements include acceptability by the receiving
system and is to be arranged by the Operator.
Train operators shall establish systems and manage all requirements associated with the transport
and carriage of dangerous goods including, but not limited to:
a) Compliance with the relevant processes and acts;
b) Separation between dangerous goods on rail vehicles and marshalling of rolling
stock containing dangerous goods, and
c) Dangerous goods shall comply with the provisions of the Dangerous Goods Code; and any
regulations, provisions or exemptions to that code as approved by the Competent Authority.
15. Train Marshalling
15.1 Overview
Train operators shall establish systems and manage all requirements associated with the
marshalling of trains, which involves making up the train consist, including locomotives.
16. Train Inspection
Train operators shall establish systems and manage all requirements associated with the inspection
of trains and vehicles.
Each train shall be examined by competent employee to ensure that all functions of the train and its
constituent carriages/wagons etc. are working correctly.
The competent employee shall sign a certificate of safety test indicating duration of its validity.
The minimum inspection requirements including but not limited to trains prior to, and following
entry to the DFC network, are set out in table below:
Table 16.1 - Train Inspection and Testing prior to entry onto DFC network
Circumstance Requirements
All trains prior to DFC network entry. Should have a valid BPC.
After train locomotives are attached to a pre-inspected train. Should have a valid BPC
The pre-inspection shall be carried out less than 24 hours prior
to the attachment and effective security is maintained.
Light Locomotive Consist. Should be fit for movement
A multiple unit train after amalgamation or division of trains Should have a valid BPC
where brake pipe continuity has been affected.
Table 16.2Train Inspection and Testing following entry onto DFC network
After more than one block rake of wagons is attached to the same
train in transit
After a wagon or wagons / rake are attached and become one of the
last three wagons on the train in transit.
After a block rake of wagons is detached from a train in transit, (not Separate Instructions will
be issued by DFCCIL
including the last three vehicles).
After a train has been standing on the DFC network with locomotives
attached provided the brake pipe is maintained fully charged and
effective security of the train has been maintained.
After a train has been standing on the DFC network without
locomotives for not more than 24 hours and effective security of the
train has been maintained.
After a train has been standing on the DFC network with or without
locomotives for more than 24 hours and effective security of the
train has been maintained.
17. Train Documentation
17.1 Overview
Train operators shall establish systems and manage all requirements associated with train
Note: Documents may be in electronic format.
e) Applicable safeworking forms;
f) Location and details of vehicles to be attached/detached en route, and
g) Operator specific documentation.
18. Train Failures
d) The train operator’s representatives shall provide the DFCCIL traction locomotive controller
with an assurance that a disabled train or a defective vehicle is safe to travel before
continuing, being assisted or removed;
e) Before a train that has divided, remarshaled or had vehicles detached continues, the DFCCIL
train controller shall be provided with an assurance that the train is safe to travel;
f) The train operator’s representative shall in all cases advise the DFCCIL traction locomotive
controller of any speed or other restrictions or limitations that will apply to the train as a
result of technical incompatibilities or for any other reason, and
g) A disabled train hauled may travel at normal speed provided the loco pilot is at the front
and in full control of the automatic air brake of the whole train and there are no other
Operator imposed speed restrictions.
When a vehicle on a train, including a locomotive, is suspected of being, or becomes defective, it shall
be inspected and assessed by the train operator’s representative and either:
a) Repaired, or
b) Made safe to travel, or
c) Removed from the train.
Note: Defective vehicles may be detected by observation or by a wayside monitoring device.
19. Track Maintenance Machines
20. Interface Coordination Plan (ICP)
20.1 General
An Interface Coordination Plan (ICP) be agreed upon and implemented by those parties involved in
safety related functions associated with the running of the railway, and may be between two or more
parties. The Plan should form a part of the binding agreement between the parties involved.
The two main functions of the ICP are to:
a) Define the responsibilities of each party involved, and the information that is required to
be communicated across the interface, and
b) Ensure the compatibility of the physical assets and procedural systems of each functional
area of the railway.
The ICP should be developed in conjunction with the implementation of new, or modification of
existing, systems and equipment, such that due consideration of the compatibility issues can be
addressed from the point of conception by each party to the Plan.
The ICP shall describe the activities of each functional area in which each party will be involved, the
subject matter that has been considered, and the interfaces across which coordination has been
20.3 Confidentiality issues
It is recognised that there are a number of issues with respect to the confidentiality of information
which may arise in the preparation and implementation of an ICP, in particular the passing on of
information to a competitor.
It shall not be acceptable for operators or their contractors to refuse information to network owners
and vice versa on the grounds of confidentiality where that information is required to ensure
operational or engineering compatibility.
Procedures for the handling of confidential information should be agreed.
It should be noted that the interfaces do not have to be the same for each of the above and may vary.
21. Coordination of Emergency Rescue Operations
21.1 Purpose
The purpose of this operating procedure is:
To delineate responsibilities and procedures for the control and coordination of all
responses to emergency situations on the mainline.
To provide step by step guidance on how to deal with incidents should they happen
Train operators and DFCCIL employees shall provide suitable training to ensure all tasks are known
in the event of a serious incident.
21.3 Definitions
21.5 Responsibility of Site Management
Management of an emergency on the DFCCIL network is the responsibility of DFCCIL.
Management may include participation from an adjoining rail network should that network be
When an event occurs on the DFC network:
a) The GGM (Transportation) or designated DFCCIL control office supervisor, is responsible for
the overall control and coordination of emergency situations on the DFC network for train
operation. Executive Director of the concerned corridor will nominate Officer in Charge(OCSS)
of site (Normally the senior most officer on the site shall be designated as OCS).
b) The OCS is responsible for overall control and coordination of all activities at the incident scene
under instructions of the DFCCIL train controller, and where applicable, the IR train controller;
c) Traction, track and structure, signalling, and telecommunication, fire service & security
personnel are responsible for providing technical assistance to the DFCCIL train controller and
d) The train operators wagon control is responsible for providing technical assistance to the
DFCCIL train controller and OCS;
e) IR and DFCCIL employees are responsible for providing information, rendering first aid,
mobilizing medical , fire services and assistance from civil administration, including police and
providing all other assistance in alleviating suffering and hardship to people;
f) Security Agency nominated by DFCCI/IR will be responsible for securing the incident scene
and for performing/directing investigation activities in compliance with existing procedures.
(in case of incidents caused by criminal acts);
g) The senior police official at the scene are responsible for controlling and coordinating all
police activities at all times. In doing so, this official has final authority to determine when
these activities are complete and shall coordinate these activities with the OCS, and
h) Security personnel are responsible for assisting the civil and railway police; fire services
personnel, medical services or station staff as directed by OCS.
When none of the above mentioned personnel are present at the scene, the DFCCIL train controller
shall appoint an OCS as directed by GGM (Transportation)/ ED of the corridor concerned.
The method of managing an emergency situation will be in compliance with the applicable DFCCIL
Emergency Management Plan and where applicable, the DFCCIL General Rules and Procedures, the
IR General Rules and Procedures (where applicable) or as directed by the DFCCIL train controller
during incidents not covered by the relevant General Rules or Procedures.
The OCS is responsible for issuing directions to personnel and authorising the mobilization of
equipment required at the scene on the DFC network and to command the removal of any
unnecessary personnel or equipment from the scene. This does not apply to police or Fire
Department personnel.
The OCS must continuously coordinate all activities with the Indian Railway OCS where a parallel line
is affected.
Entry into the incident area by the news media or other visitors must be authorised shall be
coordinated with DFCCIL train controller, the Rail Manager, OCS and or Police.
When it is necessary to notify the Fire Services, and or to seek medical assistance the following
information shall be provided:
a) Identification of caller;
b) Nature of problem (give in plain English, /Hindi e.g., fire, flood, smoke, injuries);
c) Type of assistance requested; be specific
d) Specific location of the problem and the best access points;
21.7 Procedure
Duty of DFCCIL Train Controller
Immediately when an incident/accident/disaster is reported the DFCCIL train controller shall:
a) Establish the location of the event;
b) Immediately warn the IR train controller of the event;
c) Immediately warn the loco pilot of all trains operating on the DFC network within the specific
area to approach the site prepared to stop;
d) Advise the DFCCIL SM or ASM at stations either side of the incident and request that signals
to be placed at stop;
e) Request the DFCCIL SM at a nominated station to attend the site;
f) Advise the Chief Controller/Operations Manager of the event;
g) Commence arranging emergency services to attend the site;
h) Continue to liaise with field personnel regarding ongoing management of the site, and
i) Appoint an OCS.
Dealing with Goods Train on the DFCCIL Railway Network
In case of involvement of Goods Train on the DFC network, following actions will be taken promptly
in coordination with the train operator:
a) Make arrangements of adequate labour by mobilising resources available at other
stations as well as from the market locally, for unloading of material from the wagons
involved in accident;
b) Allocate adequate tarpaulins to cover the contents so that these are saved from weather,
c) Make arrangements for retrieval of loose materials lying at the site of accident;
The train operator will be responsible for
a) Advising consignor/consignee of the event;
b) Arrangements of road transport for evacuation of the contents from the site of accident,
c) Supply of adequate empty stock for transhipment /disposal of the contents. Labour for
transhipment/ disposal activity will be arranged by Operator.
22. Preferential schedule and rationalization
b) It lists the Sponsoring Authority and Accepting Authority for programmed traffic.
(Copy of Priority Schedule can be obtained from Indian Railways website)
Under section 71 of Railways Act 1989, Railway Board has been empowered to charge freight
over route, which may not be the shortest between alighting point and destination. The
Rationalization order indicating the route through which the freight is to be charged is issued
by traffic transportation branch, Railway Board.
Revised rule 125 of IRCA Goods Tariff Part I (Volume-I) vide Board’s letter no. ECR/1125/94/3
dated 6/10/94 through which it has been that directed unless there is specific instruction in
writing from the centre or his authorised agent to the contrary, goods will be despatched by
the route optionally feasible and freight charges will be levied by the shortest route.
However, charging of freight by shortest route is subject to any instructions issued under
rationalized order issued from time to time.
23. Station Working Rules
General Rules 149 of DFCCIL, stipulates
“Rule 149 Station Working Rules.- In addition to the General Rules and Subsidiary rules for
DFCCIL, each station shall be provided with Station Working Rules (SWR) applicable to the
station issued under special instructions. It shall give complete description of train operation
in normal as well as in abnormal condition as per the lay out and signalling equipment of the
station. The SWR must invariably be updated immediately in case of any changes in the lay
out or signalling equipment or introduction of any innovation or device to facilitate train
operation or to ensure safety. Each page of the SWR must be numbered along with Station
code. Each page should be initialled and last page signed in full by designated Operating and
Signalling officials, affixing their designation, appointed in this behalf by the authorised
officer of DFCR.
A copy of the station working rules or a relevant extract thereof shall be kept at stations and
level crossing concern. SWR is to be issued in Bi-lingual i.e. in English and Hindi (Devnagri
Script) form.”
In compliance with the stipulation of General Rules, SWRs will be prepared for all DFCCIL
a) Under the provisions of DFC GR 149, the authority to issue SWRs rests with the officer
appointed in this behalf by the authorised officer of DFCCIL.
b) SWRs are issued in conformity with the G&SR and Operations manual of DFCCIL and
cannot, in any way supersede them. In case of any conflict, the provisions of G&SR and
Operations manual will prevail.
a) At stations where relaxation has been obtained from provisions of General Rules under
approved special instructions, the approval of CRS already obtained, if applicable, shall
find place in the SWRs.
b) DFCCIL administration must obtain sanction of the CRS, when the SWRs are revised
because of any work listed in para 1302 of the Indian Railways PWay Manual.
“1302. Works requiring the sanction of Commissioner of Railway Safety and Notice
therefor -
(1) Under section 20 of Indian Railways Act and chapter VI of the "Rules for opening
of a Railway or Section of a Railway for the public carriage of passengers,1933", the
sanction of Commissioner of Railway Safety is required for the execution of any work
on the open line, which will affect the running of trains carrying passengers and any
temporary arrangement necessary for carrying it out, except in cases of emergency.
(2) For the commencement and opening of the following works, when they are
connected with or form part of Railway already opened, the sanction of the
Commissioner of railway safety shall be obtained:
(e) The construction (but not the removal) of an ash pit on a running line.
(f) Heavy regarding of running lines involving lowering/ raising of track in excess of
(g) New bridges including road over and under bridges, foot over- bridges,
strengthening, raising; reconstruction or extension of existing bridges, addition or
replacement of existing girders, including provision of temporary girders.
(h) Provision of new level crossing, shifting of existing level crossing on running lines,
demanning and downgrading of level crossing, manning of unmanned level crossings,
upgrading of level crossing involving changes in the method of working or operation
(such as interlocking, provision of lifting barriers in place of gates etc.) and closing
down of level crossings.
(i) Permanent diversion (deviation) more than 2 kms. in length without any station in
between and irrespective of length, when a new station is involved.
Note: - Permanent diversions more than 2 kms. in length, and irrespective of length
when a new station is involved, are to be treated as new lines covered by the
provisions of section 17 to 19 of Indian Railway Act.
(k) Temporary diversion irrespective of length, except those laid for restoration of
through communication after accident.
(3) Application for any alterations, reconstruction or additions that require the sanction of
Commissioner of Railway Safety should ordinarily be made 30 days in advance of the
expected commencement of such work.
If for any reason a sanctioned work is not taken in hand within 12 months from the date
of sanction, the Commissioner of Railway Safety should be approached for renewal of the
a) SWRs are the functional rules governing the working of stations. These need to be
prepared with care and attention as any deficiency in these rules can endanger safety,
in which case the officers signing the SWRs shall also be held responsible along with
other staff for breach of safety rules.
b) It is obligatory that the rule diagram of the ground conditions are compared at site to
confirm accuracy of Rule Diagram. In absence of officials signing the SWR having
verified it personally, the AM/Traffic and AM/Signal will, after having jointly inspected
the site shall certify in writing that the actual layout conforms to what is shown in the
Rule Diagram and the number of points and signals quoted therein are correct.
23.6 Reviewing of SWRs:
In case of a new station commencing operations, the SWR should be reviewed after one
year. After that the SWRs should be reviewed once in every five years. In case the review
brings out the necessity of carrying out changes, the SWRs should be re-issued. In the event
of more than three correction slips having to be issued, the SWRs should be reissued
without waiting for the periodical review to be conducted every five years as mentioned
a) The AM/Traffic is responsible to see that SWRs of stations on his section are correct
and upto date. He will also be responsible to ensure that the station staff viz. Station
Master and Assistant Station Master/ Pointsman and any other staff who are in any
way connected with train passing duties, possess correct knowledge of the Rule
Diagram and the SWRs and observe them strictly.
b) AM/Traffic will also check the SWRs, Rule Diagram, and point out irregularities, if any,
detected by him. If he finds that certain rules are impracticable thereby forcing the
staff to infringe them, he shall immediately bring this matter to the notice of the
nominated operations officer. If he detects any error or omissions, which, in any way,
affect safe running of trains, he shall take immediate steps at the spot as necessary
for safe working of trains and report the matter to the nominated Operations officer
including the necessary amendment/ modification required in the SWRs.
a) All the staff who are in any way associated with train passing duties, must sign a
declaration in the Assurance Register in token of having studied the SWRs, Rule
Diagram and other instructions pertaining to their duties and understood the same
and that they are in a position to take up duties independently at the Station. The
Station Master/ Assistant Station Master shall also certify that the staff concerned
has understood the instructions pertaining to their duties.
b) Fresh assurance shall be obtained in the Assurance Register from the staff
concerned when:
i) He joins at the station as a new member,
ii) There is any change in the Station Working Rules,
iii) He resumes duty at the station after an absence of 15 consecutive days or
a) One of the two copies supplied to the AGM/JGM (Transportation & Safety), one will
be for his office record and the other will kept reserved for being carried in the
Inspection Specials
b) Out of two copies supplied to the stations, one will be kept with the Station Master
and the other will always be kept in a case provided for the purpose in the office of
Station Master on duty.
c) The number of the copies suitably increased for the stations where additional
places for train operations are provided so that a copy of the Station Working Rule
is kept there at as prescribed by the GGM (Transportation).
a) The SWRs framed as per the format are self-contained, brief, precise to the
point and written in simple spoken language and
b) General and Subsidiary Rules need not be reproduced in the SWRs. Relevant
GR/SR number, may be mentioned in bracket against each para when
c) Nominated Operations, Signal and Electrical officials are required to add those
special items or features having a bearing on safety in operation at the
concerned Station, which is not covered by the format given in Appendix A.
24. Temporary Working order and Non-Interlock Working of
24.1 Temporary Working Orders
Temporary Working Order (TWO) is an embodiment of detailed instructions issued and
circulated by the AGM/JGM Operation whenever any pre-planned work of signalling,
electrical (OHE) or engineering (Civil) department is to be executed, requiring special safety
precautions to be observed by staff.
a) Circumstances under which ‘TWO’ is to be issued:
i) When the nature of work is such that it will require the imposition of speed restriction
for more than one day.
ii) In all the cases when addition or alteration in the layout of the Interface or yard or to
permanent signalling and interlocking arrangements are to be made.
iii) Over hauling of the signal.
iv) The nature of the work involves temporary cessation of working of the trains.
v) For construction of all new installations on or near the track, such as new station, foot
over bridge, OHE, renewal of track, providing temporary diversions, etc.
The draft of TWO shall be prepared by the supervisor concerned viz. Depot Engineer Civil
for engineering works, by the Depot Engineer S&T for signalling and interlocking work and
the Depot Engineer Electrical for electrical works detailing the requirement of the work
and precaution to be observed. This preplanning of the work is known as Draft of TWO.
Draft TWO is submitted by the above listed official to their Corridor Officers i.e. GM
Infrastructure for the corridor. After the draft TWO is checked and justified by the GM
Infrastructure, S/he will send the draft TWO to the GGM Transportation who will include
instructions for regulation of Traffic during the execution of work and will issue the TWO
with detailed instructions including the safety precautions to be observed during execution
of work.
b) In another sense, at an interlocked station when points and signals become defective,
station becomes non-interlocked for the purpose of working.
In both the cases the safeguards ingrained through normal functioning of various signalling
equipment are missing and as such responsibility of the part of staff increases manifold. N.I.
working puts staff under severe strain and hence prone for lapses. Unflagging attention from
every quarter is the need of the hour so that safety is ensured.
Non – Interlocked working entails not only slowing down of train operations; it is also a less
safe system as compared to interlocked working. Since it is desirable to avoid NI altogether,
both from safety as also customer convenience point of view, attempt must be made at the
project proposal stage itself to dispense with NI altogether and undertake the work by means
of traffic blocks.
Instructions given below are in addition to any rules for Non – Interlocked working as may be
prescribed by DFCCIL. They must be read together with existing provisions in DFCR- GR and
other manuals.
b) For new S&T gears, there is no need of NI and the work can be managed through well-
planned pre-change over works (insertions of point & crossing etc). The final change
over to new gears can be carried out under partial or complete traffic block.
c) At the project proposal stage itself, S&T department should make it clear whether the
project requires NI or not; and if it does, the duration of such NI. This fact must be
mentioned in the check list on the original tracing itself.
d) AGM/JGM Operations or any other official must quantify the actual impact of such NI,
and deduce it to monetary terms, by calculating anticipated losses on account of
freight traffic. These should include losses on account of cancellation, detention to
trains and imposition of restriction on booking/movement of freight traffic.
f) This traffic cost of NI should be communicated to S&T, who will evaluate if new gears
can be installed without resorting to NI for less than the expected cost of proposed NI,
if necessary by constructing a new building etc. as the case may be.
g) If new gears can be installed in a new building and commissioned under traffic block
at a cost that is comparatively less than the overall traffic cost of proposed NI, then
the project should be recorded as one to be taken up without NI.
h) This entire exercise must be carried out under the personal supervision of Executive
Director of the corridor who will ensure that all estimates are reasonable and no
figures are unrealistic both with regard to duration of NI or the anticipated traffic cost.
i) Thus, NI will be undertaken only if found to be unavoidable, and this fact will be
recorded on the original tracing, to be signed by officers concerned, and the Executive
Stations with road connectivity on corridor are covered under this heading of
Minor Works.
i) Duration of NI working for Minor Works:
The nature of Minor works should be such that it can be divided into
independent modules of 10 hours each. Such independent modules may not
be interlinked and must allow for interlock working after each module. The
cumulative duration of such works shall not exceed more than one day. S&T
department must suitably augment the strength of their NI gang so that
required works can be completed during this time frame.
NI working should start at 0800 hrs. in the morning and completed by 1800
hrs. so that the interlocked working commences after 1800 hrs and station is
handed back to traffic.
iv) Emergency and other crossovers including sidings and
interfaces taking off from the station should be set for normal
position and clamped and padlocked. The keys of all padlocked
points must be kept in the personal custody of the overall in-
charge of NI working to prevent their being used even by
c) Train Running on double line section during NI working :
ii) At road side stations on double line, route must be set for main line in each
direction and clamped and padlocked.
24.6.2 Sanctions, clearances and preparatory works:
a) Signal Plan must be finalised in Corridor Headquarters at least 45 days in advance.
b) All plans and clearances including CRS sanctions that are required for NI working
must be available at least 1 month before commencement of NI working.
g) Lessons learnt during previous NIs must be gone through in detail so that
shortcomings of earlier occasions are avoided.
c) PERT (Planning Evaluation Review Technique) chart should be made out detailing
various activities to be completed on a day-to-day basis.
d) For round the clock working PERT chart should be made out detailing various
activities to be completed on a shift to shift basis.
f) The concerned department in -charge shall camp near the non-interlocked area
till completion of non-interlocked working.
g) Overall in charge for NI working will be GGM Transportation GGM Safety as the
case may be for both Safety and Operations.
a) The concerned officials responsible for carrying out the work should send a
‘circular notice’ to theGGM Transportation, &GGM Safety, Station Master & in
charge of IMD/ISMD at least two months in advance.
b) They will advise as to when the work will be undertaken with a request to issue
special instructions.
c) GGM Transportation& Station Master & in charge of IMD/ISMD on receiving
such ‘circular notice’ get special instructions prepared for that station. These
are then issued to all concerned.
d) Green notice is to be issued by GGM Transportation. It should incorporate the
i) Details of existing yard or Interface layout and its various provisions.
ii) List of all works to be completed by Civil Engg./S&T/Elec. before start of NI.
iii) List of all works to be undertaken by Civil Engg./S&T/Elec. during NI period.
iv) Additional facilities to be made available after commissioning of new works.
v) Existing facilities that are to be dismantled.
vi) Details of Interface or yard layout to be made available after completion of
e) Signalling Plan must indicate permissible routings and simultaneous movement
facilities to be made available.
f) Signalling Plan must invariably indicate whether any of existing facilities for
train movement are to be
(i) either curtailed,
(ii) modified or
(iii) restricted.
d) Trains demanding same point either at the same time or within 10 minutes
must be identified since this is the time required before an existing setting
of points can be changed. In case of conflicting moves, the less important
moves have to be cancelled or rescheduled.
e) Crossing and precedence must be restricted to the bare minimum with few
specific routes being selected for most movements.
f) As a thumb rule, only 80% of the reduced capacity as worked out should
be utilized since unforeseen failures such as, equipment failures etc. are
likely to take up the remaining 20% of the available capacity.
g) In all such planning it is better to keep adequate cushion in train operations
and initially cancel or reschedule number of trains than what may be
required. In case NI working progresses smoothly without major
detentions and it is felt that some of the cancelled trains can be restored,
the same may be done after a week or so.
h) Clear corridor for all trains must be charted out, with exact number of
moves possible, and operating restrictions must be imposed, if required.
i) More time must be spent in precise planning of each move during NI
period, such that the station is not brought under pressure at any time.
Crew Changing:
a) Crew changing, if required, may be planned at adjoining stations.
b) Controlling of Trains:
24.6.7 HOER :
Meticulous detailed planning must be carried out for drawing up roster of staff
to be deputed for NI working. While drawing up roster of staff for various shift
duties, following guidelines must be followed:
a) Duty Roster should be drawn up for the entire duration of NI period.
b) Duty rosters drawn up should be openly displayed and given wide
c) No staff shall be permitted to mutually exchange his duty roster with any
other staff, without prior permission of his supervisor at site.
d) Level ‘N + 1’ shall be responsible for ensuring that level ‘N’ has followed all
instructions, etc. as laid down above.
e) Last Night Shift Duty:
i) Regular staff permanently posted at the NI station must be
rostered during the last night shift.
ii) Second preference should be for staff who have previously
worked at that station.
iii) Best and most competent supervisors should be deployed for
last night shift duty.
f) First Night Shift Duty:
i) Regular staff permanently posted at the NI station, if still
available for deployment after covering last night shift, should
be rostered for first night shift duty.
ii) Second preference should be for staff who have previously
worked at that station.
iii) Amongst outstation staff preference should be as follows :
Senior staff having previous experience of NI working.
Staff who are presently posted at major junctions or
c) Static information of SWR will continue to be valid. These include :
i) Inter – station distances.
ii) Description of Interface or yard layout.
iii) Level crossing gates.
d) The temporary working instruction shall be supplied to SM/ASM in
advance for study by them and for explaining to the staff working under
e) The instruction should be prepared in Hindi, English and Vernacular
language and assurance to the fact that they have understood shall be
f) Readymade charts indicating normal and reverse position of points for
specific routes must be prepared for each “goomty” . Modified working
charts of all Signal and S&T assets must be prepared at least 15 days in
g) Compliance report must be submitted by Station Master at least 10
days in advance.
h) These modified working charts must be printed, laminated and
displayed in at each point of importance as mentioned in the chart and
also given to each staff concerned.
i) Draft instructions and modified working charts must be computerized
and prepared in advance. Thereafter these should be revised on a day
to day basis. Actual revision should take into account the progress of
work as per the original time schedule.
j) A checklist of items to be inspected jointly by Traffic, Signal and
Permanent Way Supervisor should be drawn and controlling officers
should monitor that instructions in the checklist are complied with.
k) The exact location on the stock rail where clamps are to be fixed must
be marked with white paint and clamps should actually be fitted to
check that there are no obstructions.
l) It may not be possible to fix clamps on motor operated points provided
with second leading stretcher bar. In all such cases provision must be
made for cotter bolting of points.
m) In any case, cotter bolting of points must always be preferred as
compared to clamping and padlocking since it is a much faster method.
n) Normal/reverse position of points should be painted on tongue rail to
indicate position of the road.
a) Before the SM/ASM/Points man and other staff connected with train
passing work are allowed independent duty, the Station Master shall
obtain their verbal assurance that they have understood the same.
b) With regard to station staff :
i) SM/AM Traffic should explain detailed working.
ii) Test their knowledge.
iii) Satisfy himself that they can work independently.
c) Before starting actual non-interlocked working, a “mock drill” or
“hands-on” demonstration/training should be given to all staff for at
least 1 to 3 days in advance (depending on the size of the station) to
familiarize them thoroughly with the type of work they have to handle.
d) This should be carried out in all the 3 shifts to ascertain difficulties, if
any, which may be encountered during NI working.
e) Teams already formed for different shifts should be deputed as per
f) “Mock drills” should be carried out without actually disconnecting
signal gears, points etc.
g) Whatever deficiencies are noticed during this period should be
rectified before introduction of actual NI. This experience should also
be used to accurately estimate capacity to be available during N.I. and
the number of trains planned to handled should be accordingly revised.
h) Written assurances are required to be obtained before staff connected
with train passing duties are allowed to work independently.
i) This written assurance should be taken from the staff only after :
i) They have participated in the “mock drill”.
ii) Worked independently as per their laid down roster.
iii) Successfully carried out all responsibilities entrusted to them
during the “mock drill”.
j) No staff should be deployed unless proper entries are made in the
“Assurance Register” and relevant signatures obtained.
a) All aspects of working during NI, and changes post-NI should be clearly
documented and explained at all Loco pilot/Guard lobbies, whose staff
pass through that yard or Interface.
b) For this purpose crew supervisors, senior staff as deputed by DFCCIL
will be nominated to visit these lobbies, with yard plans and camp at
these lobbies.
c) Assurance of each and every running staff regarding these changes
should be recorded in respective lobby assurance registers, and
complete report submitted to AGM/JGM Transportation ,Safety,
Electrical, Mechanical, S&T and Civil on return.
d) DFCCIL shall also pass on detailed program of NI working to all private
train operators and Indian Railways for further dissemination in their
concerned staff.
e) All Train control staff should be appropriately briefed.
f) The section controllers working at OCC must be fully conversant with
the proposed changes pre-NI, restricted movement during the course
of NI working and post-NI facilities to be made available.
24.6.13 Telecommunication, Lighting and Medical :
a) Absolutely fail safe arrangements must be made regarding
communication between the station and two adjoining stations on
either side so that under no circumstances should there be a
situation of total failure of communication between these stations.
a) Safety equipment required for each location such as level crossing gate
etc. must be spelt out in detail and full complement arranged.
b) Adequate spares must be arranged for safety equipment such as hand
signal flags, detonators, , clamps and pad locks etc.
c) LED based flashing Hand Signal Lamp must be provided to each such
location for better visibility.
d) Clamps & padlocks must be thoroughly tested to be in proper working
e) Adequate spares for each affected S&T asset, as prescribed by rules for
such situations, must be kept in reach.
f) Adequate arrangements for extra spares, lighting, safety clothing &
gear, catering etc must be made at each affected S&T asset where a
staff needs to be deployed during NI working
i) SM’s office.
ii) Central place at the station.
iii) Level crossing gates (if available)
iv) Any other location as may be deemed necessary.
c) Movement of trains to and from the block sections should be
controlled by taking off the last stop signal.
24.6.18 Failures :
ii) Correspondence of yard/interface layout as per new SWR.
iii) Correspondence of movements permitted as per new
The below procedure for operation of VDU is for purpose of explanation only. There
may be variations based on OEM’s design of Electronic Interlocking. For details of any
particular EI system installed at any station, the Station Working Rules (SWR) of that
stations may be referred.
4.1 Route Setting & Signal (Main, Calling ON and Shunt Signals)
"Signal S2" and "DZ" exit spot button are taken as an example and the control
sequence is same for all routes.
First click on S2 Signal entry spot button (placed near S2 signal). After pressing the S2
entry spot button, click on DZ exit spot button. Then by clicking SET button, route set
command is transmitted to EI.
If the interlocking conditions are satisfied, EI sets the route and signal is cleared. The
corresponding route set and signal clear indication are updated on EI terminal screen.
If some signals stand on same signal pole, kind of signal shall be selected after clicking
entry spot button. Pop up menu comes up by clicking entry spot button. User can
select kind of signal to be set.
First click on EGSB button. After pressing the EGBS button, click on S1 entry spot
button (placed near S1 signal). Then by clicking SET button, signal cancel command is
transmitted to EI.
After a signal cancel operation, a cleared signal will be put back to red. The
corresponding signal cancel indication will be updated on EI terminal screen.
EGBS button
First click on ERRB button. After pressing the ERRB button, password and user name
input is required in password dialogue. And, click on S1 entry spot button (placed near
S1 signal). Then by clicking SET button, emergency full route release command is
transmitted to EI.
After an emergency full route release operation, track sections will be released. The
corresponding track section indication will be updated on EI terminal screen.
ERRB button
Emergency Full Route Release
First click on SERRB button. After pressing the SERRB button, password and user name
input is required in password dialogue. And, click on track section.
Then by clicking SET button, emergency sub route release command is transmitted to
After an emergency sub route release operation, track sections will be released. The
corresponding track section indication will be updated on EI terminal screen.
SERRB button
Track Section
First, click on "Point symbol". After pressing "Point symbol", select open direction on
pop up menu. Then by clicking SET button, normal point operation command is
transmitted to EI.
If the interlocking conditions are satisfied, EI sets the point. The corresponding point
indication is updated on EI terminal screen.
First, click on "EBPU" push button. After pressing EBPU button, password and user
name input is required in password dialogue. Click on "Point symbol" and select open
direction on pop up menu. Then by clicking SET button, emergency point operation
command is transmitted to EI.
If the interlocking conditions are satisfied, EI sets the point. The corresponding point
indication is updated on EI terminal screen.
EBPU button
First click on GSB button. After pressing the "GSB” button, click on CH1 symbol. Then
by clicking SET button, crank handle operation command is transmitted to EI. In case
of cancel of crank handle operation, first click GSRB button instead of GSB button.
If the interlocking conditions are satisfied, EI releases crank handle.
Similarly, the release control from "LC Gate" can be given as explained for Crank
Handle operation.
First click on AGGN button. After pressing the "AGGN” button, click on S2 entry spot
button. Then by clicking SET button, A/ AG marker set operation command is
transmitted to EI.
In case of reset A/ AG marker operation, first click AGGRN button instead of AGGN
AGGN button
AGGNR button
4.10 Signal Block/ Unblock
"S1" is taken as an example and the control sequence is same for all routes.
First click on BLOCK button. After pressing the BLOCK button, click on S1 entry spot
button (placed near S1 signal). Then by clicking SET button, signal block command is
transmitted to EI. In case of unblocking, click on UNBLOCK button instead of BLOCK
button. And after pressing UNBLOCK button, password and user name input is
required in password dialogue.
After a signal block operation, S1 exit spot button will be put back to red.
BLOCK button
UNBLOCK button
First click on BLOCK button. After pressing the BLOCK button, click on point 202 signal
symbol. Then by clicking SET button, point block command is transmitted to EI. In case
of unblocking, click on UNBLOCK button instead of BLOCK button. And after pressing
UNBLOCK button, password and user name input is required in password dialogue.
After a point block operation, point symbol will be put back to red.
First click on LVB button on site. While pressing LVB button, track section name of
101AXT coloured in yellow. While pressing the LVB button, click on STATION YARD
button. And, click on Track Section button. Then by clicking SET button, point block
command is transmitted to EI. After pressing SET button, track section name of
101AXT coloured in green as preparatory mode. In case of block section, click on UP
or DN button instead of STATION YARD button.
UP BLOCK button
DN BLOCK button
SM KEY button
SM KEY IN Operation
In case of slot working reset operation, first click GSRB button instead of GSB button.
If the interlocking conditions are satisfied, EI operates slot working set/ reset.
SLOT button
NOTE:- Separate registers shall be kept for recording the operation of each counter or
alternatively separate set of pages may be earmarked in the register for every counter.
26. System of Communication
(i) Direct Line Consoles shall be provided for Assistant Controller and Traffic
Controller at OCC.
(ii) Direct Lines Consoles shall be provided for Chief Controller, Deputy Chief
Controller, Traction Power Controller, Signalling Fault Management Controller
and Track Controller.
(iii) Direct Line Consoles shall be provided for Station Controllers in SCR of each
(iv) The Direct Line Console shall provide selection facilities in the form of push
button and/or soft keys with visual display unit for user to perform, but not be
limited to, the following functions as a minimum:
(a) originate outgoing calls to the selected user;
(b) select and answer any incoming calls destined for the Direct Line
Telephone Console;
(c) originate outgoing calls to a pre-defined group of users;
(d) originate outgoing calls to a group or all users defined by the Direct Line
Telephone Console at the time before the call is placed;
(e) make conference calls to add additional users to an established call
(f) patch calls or put through two individual users for call connection;
(g) transfer call to PBX extension; and
(h) make and receive emergency call (override facility).
(v) The Direct Line Console shall be equipped with, but not be limited to, the
following facilities:
(a) handset;
(b) push button or soft key for each Direct Line Telephone;
(c) 12-push button keypad for dialling;
(d) adjustable volume control for speaker and ringer;
(e) hands-free operation through built-in speaker and microphone;
(f) powered by the Central communications processor;
(g) visual display of details for incoming and outgoing calls;
(h) display of call duration;
(i) system clock display;
(j) lamp for message waiting;
(k) lamp for ringing signal; and
(l) transmit DTMF signal when call has been connected.
(vi) The Direct Line Communication System shall support a minimum of 8
simultaneous incoming calls to the Direct Line Console to be queued before
these calls are answered. The identity of the calling parties in the queue shall be
displayed on the Direct Line Console in ascending order of the incoming
sequence. Console Controller shall be able to answer calls in queue in any
sequence. Call answered shall be removed immediately from the display.
(vii) The selection facilities of the Direct Line Console, in the form of physical push
button and/or soft key, shall be labelled with identity of the called party or
functions of the selection facilities.
(viii) The selection facilities shall provide selection status indication in the form of LCD
or LED displays.
(ix) Dedicated push button and/or soft keys shall be assigned to each telephone line
which can be connected to the Direct Line Telephone/Console.
(x) At least 10 spare push buttons and/or soft keys shall be provided for assignment
of additional functions or Console/Telephone.
(xi) The push buttons and/or soft keys of similar functions or nature shall be grouped
together to facilitate the user to locate the required selection.
(xii) The Direct Line Console shall also be provided with functions for operation as an
ordinary telephone set. The Direct Line Console shall be equipped with keypad
for dialling to originate administrative telephone network call and support on-
hook dialling.
(xiii) The Direct Line Console shall give different audio and visual indication for normal
and emergency calls.
2.3 Indian Railway Telephone Network shall be integrated with Direct Line
Communication System, so that one touch dialling can be done from Direct Line
Console to important Operation Locations of Indian Railway.
2.4 Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) Lines shall also be integrated with Direct Line
Communication System, so that one touch dialling can be done from Direct Line
Console to Electric Power Companies, Emergency Services etc.
2.5 Direct Line Telephones:
(i) Direct Line Telephone shall be provided in the other locations such as IR
Sectional Control Centre, Interfacing Station Master Room of IR, LC Gates, Crew
Control Rooms, Depot Control Rooms, Switching/Feeding Posts, TPC
Maintenance Staff Rooms, Important Civil Engineering Maintenance & Work
related Locations and Important S&T Maintenance & Work related Locations
etc., to meet the desired communication requirement.
(ii) It shall be possible from Direct Line Telephone to make normal and emergency
direct line calls to the designated controllers in OCC. Different audio and visual
indications shall be provided for incoming direct line calls on the Direct Line
Consoles or Direct Line Telephone for normal and emergency calls.
3. Control Communication System on omnibus voice channel
3.1 Control Communication System shall be provided to meet omnibus voice
communication requirement of Train Traffic Control.
3.2 This is provided for communication with one-touch button selective calling facility
between the Traffic Controller in the OCC and Station Controller at Stations, IR
Sectional Control Centres along the DFC Route, Depot Control Rooms, Crew Control
Rooms, and other important locations along the route.
4. Emergency Communication through Portable Control Telephone
Emergency Control Communication which is an omnibus communication channel
terminating at OCC with the Traction Power Controller shall be provided. This
Emergency Control Communication shall not have selective calling facility. Emergency
Control Communication shall have Emergency Sockets as per IR Standards for RE Areas
at all the Automatic Signals to which this omnibus communication channel is
terminated. The Portable Telephone of IR Standard for RE Areas which will be carried
by the crew, can be plugged in case of emergency. This Emergency Control
Communication channel can be switched to the other controllers by the Traction
Power Controller. For better availability, two emergency control communication
channel shall be provided, one terminating on the signal posts of Up track and the
second one terminating on the signal posts of Down track.
5. VHF Transceivers
5.1 25 Watt VHF Transceivers shall be installed in Station Control Room and any other
specified place. Omni-Directional Antenna for 25 Watt VHF Transceivers shall be
mounted on a suitable Pole/Mast at a height of 15 meters from the ground level.
5.2 Provision of Voice Recording of conversation taking place on 25 Watt VHF Transceivers
shall be provided through Voice Recording Equipment. This recording shall be Date
and Time Stamped along with Stamping of Station Identity and VHF Channel Identity.
Storage of Voice Communication shall follow FIFO (First-In-First-Out) methodology.
There shall be an Ethernet Interface Port through which Recorded Voice can be
transferred to Laptop for replay or taking backup on CD/DVD. It shall be able to replay
the Voice Recordings by simple operation of some feature/function key.
5.3 5 Watt walkie-talkie sets are provided for point to point communication.
6.1 Mobile Train Radio communication is a digital wireless network based on GSM-R
(Global System for Mobile Communication-Railway) designed on EIRENE (European
Integrated Railway Radio Enhanced Network) Functional requirement specification
(FRS) and System Requirement specification (SRS).
6.2 To meet the operational and maintenance requirements, MTRC system based on
GSM-R shall support the following services:
- Voice services:
- point-to-point voice calls;
- public emergency calls;
- broadcast voice calls;
- group voice calls;
- multi-party voice calls;
- Data services:
- text message bearer service;
- bearer service for general data applications;
- bearer service for automatic fax;
- bearer service for train control applications;
- Direct mode facility for local set-to-set operation without network infrastructure;
- fast and guaranteed call set-up;
- seamless communication support for train speeds up to 500 km/h;
- automatic and manual test modes with fault indications;
- control over mobile network selection;
- control over system configuration.
1 Cab Radio/ The radio and associated user and other interfaces
Fixed Radio installed in the cab of a locomotive/Station Master room
Terminal and for use of principally by the locomotive driver/ Station
Master. The driver/ Station Master man-machine
interface of Radio shall comprise of the display, control
panel, loudspeaker and handset.
2 General A standard radio closely based on commercially available
Purpose Radio units for general use. The man-machine interface of
(GPH) General Purpose Radio shall comprise of the display,
control panel, loudspeaker and microphone.
(iv) Allow the controller to establish railway emergency call or railway operation
priority call to any mobile by selection from the display.
(v) Allow the controller to make, close, enter and leave group calls.
(vi) Allow the controller to send and receive text messages.
(vii) Transfer its call to another Radio Dispatcher Consoles.
(viii) If a railway emergency call is not answered it shall automatically be transferred
to the Chief Controller or any other controller’s console.
(ix) The Chief Controller shall have the provision of taking over the functions of any
of the Traffic Controllers in their absence.
6.6.1 Stage 1: Warning
(i) A Railway emergency call shall be able to be initiated by using a simple MMI
action (eg a single MMI action for the Cab and Operational radios).
(ii) A connection of Railway emergency priority shall be established to a pre-
determined set of receiving mobiles and controller(s).
(iii) If the system is not able to connect the call, the system shall automatically keep
trying to connect the call for 30 seconds.
(iv) During this period the user shall be provided with an audible and visual
indication that the system is trying to connect the call.
(v) After the 30 second period, if the connection was unsuccessful, the system shall
provide another audible and visual indication that it was unable to connect the
(vi) An audible indication of 5 seconds shall be provided to originating and receiving
users that the emergency function has been activated.
(vii) Different indications at the originating and receiving terminal may be provided.
(viii) A continuous visual indication that the emergency function has been activated
shall be provided at the originating and all receiving terminals.
(ix) In the event that a train enters the affected area after the warning stage is
complete, the same audible and visual indications shall be provided.
6.6.2 Stage 2: Information
(i) A speech connection shall be established immediately following the warning
tone, to allow the originator of the emergency call, to give information
concerning the nature of the emergency.
(ii) Speech should be possible to allow a controller receiving the warning tone to
give information.
(iii) Additionally, speech should be possible to allow other mobile users receiving the
warning tone to give information.
(iv) The information shall be received by the same set of users who received the
warning tone.
6.6.3 Stage 3: Terminate Railway emergency call
(i) A Railway emergency call may only be terminated by:
- the originator of the call;
- a controller participating in the call;
- the network following a (nationally determined) period of no speech.
(ii) If the radio moves out of the area whilst the emergency call is in progress, an
audible and visual indication of the loss of the call shall be provided to the user.
6.7 Receipt of Railway emergency calls
(i) Authorised mobiles shall be able to receive a Railway emergency call at any time
while the mobile is powered up.
(ii) For Railway emergency calls initiated by a mobile, the controller’s display will
- location;
- the functional identity of the originating mobile, which includes the following:
- the train number, if allocated;
- the engine number, if no train number is available;
- the coach number of the leading cab, if neither a train number nor an engine
number is available.
6.8 Confirmation of Railway emergency calls
(i) For post-incident analysis, it is important that the origination and reception of
Railway emergency calls by mobiles is confirmed by a message sent to a ground-
based central location (and also recorded in the on-train recording device).
(ii) The confirmation shall be generated automatically without input from the user.
(iii) The confirmation message shall commence at the end of the call or if the radio
moves out of the call area.
(iv) If the radio loses contact with the network, the mechanism shall commence as
soon as possible on regaining communications, for up to a maximum of 5
minutes without achieving contact.
(v) For Railway emergency calls initiated by a mobile, the automatic confirmation
message of the initiating mobile shall contain:
- the time at call establishment;
- the time at clear down;
- the functional number of the call originator;
- the train number and engine number of the call originator, if a train.
(vi) For Railway emergency calls received by a mobile, the automatic confirmation
message of the receiving mobile shall contain:
- the time at which the call was first received;
- the time at which the call was lost (or terminated);
- the group identity of the sender;
- the functional number of the recipient;
- the train number and engine number of the recipient, if a train.
Appendix A
(i) The Station working rules (SWR) must be read in conjunction with General &
subsidiary Rules and Operating Manual. These rules do not in any way
supersede any rule in the above books. The language of SWR should be simple,
brief and unambiguous applying provision of rules to the specific conditions at
the relevant station. These rules must be in simple language intelligible to
ordinary DFCCIL staff. However, relevant GR/SR Numbers may be mentioned
in the brackets.
(ii) The SWR must be page numbered with the station name code written on each
page and signed by the nominated operating officer and Signal & Telecom
Engineer at interlocked stations and at non-interlocked stations by Nominated
Operations officer ,Civil Engineering officer. The officers must sign at each
page of SWR. Nominated Electrical officer shall also be associated in electrified
sections to finalize the Traction Station working rule(TSWR) and Traction
Station Working Rule Diagram(TSWRD)..
(iii) The SWR should be issued afresh after every five years or after issue of three
amendment slips and reviewed as and when required.
(iv) Any innovations introduced to facilitate train operation should be incorporated
in SWR.
2. Description of station
2.1 General (Location)
--------(Name of the station) is a-------class station on the------------(name of the section)
double/single line Electrified section of -------.DFCCIL on --------------- route. It is situated
at KM ------- from-----( a nominated point on the DFCCIL).
-------Station is situated between -------- (Name of adjacent station on one side) in the-
-------- (North/South/ East/West) side at a distance of ----- km and----------- (Name of
adjacent station on the other side) in the -------- (North/South/ East/West) at a
distance of ------km.
In case of IBS signal being provided in the adjacent section the mention of the same
need to be made as follows: The section between------ &------ (name of the section on
which the IBS is provided) has been split into two Block sections by providing Track
Circuit/Axle Counters and Intermediate Block Stop Signal at Km. --------and Km. ------
on Up and Dn lines respectively, which are controlled by Track Circuit/Electronic Axle
In case the adjacent section is provided with the automatic signals, necessary mention
of the same need to be made in the SWR literature.
In case of outlying sidings/DK station taking off from the section its name and Km in
Up/Dn direction should be mentioned. Their detailed working instructions should be
given in Appendix ‘F’.
Points up to which block section in rear terminates and the point from which the block
section in advance starts should be indicated in tabular format:
Between The point from which the point at which the Stations. The “Block
Section”“Block Section” ends commences
The gradients in the yard and the adjacent block sections should be mentioned with
their locations. Any gradient which are steep enough to warrant special precaution
in train operation should be mentioned.
Under this head, information pertaining to the number of running lines in the main
yard, (namely UP Loop, UP Main, DN Main and Common Loop etc.), Goods
sheds/siding, Hot Axle siding, passing sidings, engineering sidings, sidings taking off
from the yard with the details whether electrified etc. And how they are isolated from
the running lines should be mentioned. The information in relation to provision of on
the running lines/goods sidings should be given.
The direction of movements on all the lines and Clear Standing Room of running lines
in terms of metres need to be specified.
Any special feature of the yard such as catch siding, slip siding, non-standard turn outs,
curves, spring points etc. having bearing on the operation of trains need to be
Detailed working of the gate along with the particulars regarding LC gate No., location,
class, normal position, whether communication provided or not and whether Train
Protection and Warning System (TPWS) provided or not, how the gate is operated etc,
need to be mentioned in Appendix ’A’.
4.1 The Standard of interlocking, type of signalling (MACLS), method of operating the
signals/points from VDU, provision of axle counters/ track circuits on running lines,
Calling-On Signals/ IBS, special signalling features such as stop boards at terminal
stations, emergency cross-overs, permanently locked points, motor operated points,
emergency/ crank handle keys and their custody, indications (electric type) of points/
trap points/ signals/ track circuits/ axle counters need to be mentioned. The detailed
description of the Video Display Unit for route setting using point/signal/gate control
switches, individual operation of points, operations of gates within the station limits,
setting of points using the crank handle and the maintenance of proper records of
emergency operation counters provided on the panel need to be mentioned here.
Procedure for working of stations provided with Train Protection and Warning System
need to be mentioned. The procedure for resetting of the system in case of failure of
Axle counter on berthing portion as well as IBS section, emergency operation of points,
emergency route cancellation, clearing of block etc. also need to be mentioned from
operations point of view.
(Details of signalling and interlocking should, however, be given in Appendix ‘B’ and
details of Train Protection and Warning System, if provided, be given in Appendix ‘C’).
The sources of Power supply for Signalling such as DN AT/UP AT/ Local supply (State
Electricity Board)/Diesel Generator/UPS/Integrated Power Supply etc. Should be
mentioned here. It should be clearly mentioned whether the change over from one
source of supply to the other shall be automatic or manual in case of failure of normal
source of supply. The procedure for manual change over should be described.
The availability of the telecommunication facilities at the station and their operational
aspects should be clearly defined:
i) Section Control/Dy. Control/Traction Power Control Telephone, etc.
ii) Auto/DOT Telephones,
iii) Magneto Telephone with the gates,
iv) IBS Telephone with IBS at Km. -------,
v) Telephone with Axle Counter reset boxes,
vi) Telephone for yard communication,
vii) VHF Sets, and
viii) Mobile Train Radio Communication (MTRC)
The duties of the train working operational staff such as Station Master, Pointsman
and Gateman for train operation should be mentioned in detail in Appendix ‘D’ giving
specific references to the G&SR of the DFCR-GR and the Operating Manual.
The availability of above operation staff provided at the Station in each shift with their
duties for working of trains should be mentioned in Appendix ‘D’.
Responsibility for ascertaining clearance of lines and zones of responsibility of each of
the staff on duty should be clearly mentioned here. Mention should be made that
Private Number Book should be under the custody of train passing staff who is
authorised to use it.
Every train passing staff posted newly at the station or leave reserve staff at the station
or regular staff who has resumed his duties after more than 15 days absence must go
through Station Working Rules in force and give assurance in the prescribed Assurance
Under this head, principles of the System of Working in force on the stations should
be described briefly and clearly as applicable to the station. Specific points on the track
upto which the line is required to be kept clear must be indicated. Mention of outlying
sidings, if involved, may also be made.
This needs to be mentioned here giving reference to the relevant provisions of the
Station Master should ensure that signal is put back to ‘ON’ after passage of the train
as per 5.22 .2(b)
This should mention the specific setting of points and traps for achieving the desired
signal overlaps/isolations to Sand Humps/sidings etc. While receiving trains
simultaneously, crossing and giving precedence to trains at the station.
6.5 Complete Arrival of Trains
Responsibility for verification of complete arrival of trains before closing the block
section should be made clear. In case Block Proving by Axle Counter (BPAC) installed
on the section, the procedure of block working should be mentioned, giving reference
to the relevant provisions of G&SR and Operating Manual.
Particulars regarding starting of trains from running lines, non-signalled lines, issue of
caution orders etc should be mentioned giving reference to the provision of G&SR and
Operating Manual. In case IBS is provided, the procedure for despatch of trains up to
the IBS and thereafter to the next station should be clearly defined.
6.7 Trains running through:
Working in case of failure of track circuits, points, signals, block instruments, axle
counters, Axle Counter Block, procedure for working over damaged points, reception
of trains on obstructed lines, non-signalled line including failure to read the occupation
of line by trolley or light engine etc. should be mentioned in detail here.
(i) The section where axle counters are provided in lieu of track circuits, Trolleys,
Motor Trolleys, Lorries etc., which are not insulated, shall not be allowed to
run except on line clear.
(ii) Motor trolleys/ Tower Wagon/ Material Lorries are not likely to actuate the
Axle counter correctly. When they are to run over the section split by Axle
counters, the whole section to be treated as one and next train to be started
after the last train has arrived complete.
(iii) In all other respects the working of a light Motor trolley shall conform to the
rules laid down for ordinary trolleys while running without block protection
and to those laid down for motor trolleys while running under block protection
or following another light motor trolley or a motor trolley.
(iv) Any other restriction on movement of trolleys/ motor trolleys/material
lorries/tower wagons etc.
7. Blocking of line:
The precautions to be taken by the Station Master, when lines are blocked by stabled
vehicles or otherwise for maintenance works, to be detailed here.
8. Shunting:
8.5 Shunting on double line. Block back Block forward following a train travelling
away. Up to IBS, beyond IBS, during failureof block instrument on double line.
8.6 Shunting in the siding taking off from station yard/ goods yard.
9. Abnormal conditions
(a) The Rules To Be Observed In The Event Of Abnormal Conditions.
(i) The detailed procedure for emergency crank handle operation of motor
operated points at different lines at the station from operation point of view
should be mentioned here.
(ii) Procedure for Emergency operation of point with point zone axle
counter/track circuit failure and emergency route release, giving reference to
DFCR- GR, Rule 207.
Mention should be made that before taking off Calling-on Signal during failure of track
circuit/axle counter, the route and the clearance of the track over which train would
pass to be verified by SM/ASM.
(ii) The entries in failure register to be done with message to the Section
Position of the Visibility Test Object in each Zone of operation and the officials
authorised to check the V.T.O from a nominated place at the station should be
mentioned here.
In Foggy or tempestuous weather or in dust storm when V.T.O. cannot be seen from
the SM’s Office, the SM shall send trained men to act as fog signalmen. Instructions
regarding their selection from Traffic and Engineering Departments, entry of their
names in the Fog Signal Register and taking assurance by the SM to be mentioned
Normal period for which Station Operating Registers and Records are required to be preserved:
Period of
Description of the Book/Form preservation from
the date of
Train passing registers/Books/Forms 1 year
Muster Roll Permanent record
Caution order register and Caution Order books 1 year
Load Stable Register 1 year
Damaged Stock Register/ Sick Wagon Register 3 years
Control Order Book/Conference Book 3 years
HQ Leaving Permission Register 1 year
Tools and Plant Register Permanent Record
In calculating the one year or the three years period, the year to which the
books and documents relate, and the year in which they are to be
destroyed should be excluded.
Record pertaining to Court Cases, departmental enquiries should not be
destroyed till three years from the date the case is decided.
Record pertaining to public claims etc., or those under reference from railways,
should not be destroyed without permission from ED concerned.
Form 1 Form 1 Form 1
[See Rule 65 (a)] [See Rule 65 (a)] [See Rule 65 (a)]
Dedicated Freight Corridor Railway Dedicated Freight Corridor Railway Dedicated Freight Corridor Railway
Sr. No.----- Sr. No.---- Sr. No.------
Signal and Telecommunication Department Signal and Telecommunication Department Signal and Telecommunication Department
DISCONNECTION / RECONNECTION No. -------------- No.-----------------
Notice for reconnecting signaling gear Notice to Station Master for disconnecting signalling
To gear.
The Station Master on duty at ----------------
Station/cabin. The Station Master on duty at ----------Station.
It is proposed to disconnect the following
The Station Master on duty at -------------- station.
Gears:------------------------------------------------------ Please note that the disconnected gear(s)referred to in
notice no. -----------------
On ----/----/20----
------------------------------------ Please note that the
to-------- hour------minutes to attend failure / for
maintenance. has / have been reconnected following gears will be disconnected
Signature of Station Master Time---- hour------minutes to---- hour------minutes attend failure/for maintenance.
Disconnection allowed/ notallowed on ----/---/20--
-- Expected duration of disconnection)------------------
Notice of reconnection received at ------ hour------minutes
on ----/---- 20---. Junior Engineer/Section Engineer(Signal) /
at ------- hour------minutes
------------------------ Date ------------
Signature of Station Master Time -----------
Signature of Station Master
Disconnection will be allowed at ------- hour------ *Fill in details of the gears to be disconnected.
minutes on --/----/---- 20---- -------------------------------------------
Notice about disconnection
------------------------- received at --- hour------minutes on ----/------/--- 20---.
Signature of Station Master
Reconnected at ----------------- hour------minutes on ------------------------
-----/---/-----20---- Signature of Station Master
Disconnection allowed/**not
----------------------- allowed on ----/---/20----
Junior Engineer/Section Engineer(Signal) / at ------- hour------minutes ------------------------
Technician(Signal) Signature of Station Master
Disconnection will be allowed at ------- hour------
Notice of reconnection received at ------ hour------ minutes on ----/----/---- 20----.
on ----/---- 20---. -------------------------
--------------------------------- Signature of Station Master
Signature of Station Master
*Fill in the details of the gear/s to be
Form 2
[See Rule 97(2) (a)]
Sr. No._____
Paper Line Clear working between ______________ station and ______________ station.
Line Clear asked by ___________________(Name of Station Master on duty) from ____________ Station Master on duty at __________________station for
train No.__________*UP or DN.
Last train in the block section was ______________*UP or DN, which cleared block section at___________station.
Line clear *granted or received under Private Number _____________________ (in words) _______ (in figures).
* To
You are authorised to pass *Starter or *Intermediate Starter or *Advanced Starter at ‘ON’.
Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
Form 3
[See Rule 103(2) (b)]
Sr. No.______
(Loco Pilot, Guard and Record)
Please perform shunting as indicated below as per instructions of Station staff or Guard:
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________
*You are authorised to pass ___________________________________signal in the ‘ON’ position and proceed *up to or beyond
***Section between _______station and _________ station is *blocked back or blocked forward. For this purpose and *Token or Tablet or Shunting Key has
been extracted and kept in *safe personal custody or block instrument has been turned to ‘Train On Line’ position and locked.
Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
Form 4
[See Rule 117(6)]
Sr. No.______
All signals between __________ Station and _____________ Station have failed. Line
Clear has been received from ________________ Station under his Private No. (In words)
__________________(in figures)_______.
*You are, hereby, authorised to proceed cautiously on* Up or Down line at a speed not exceeding twenty five kilo meters per hour and further fifteen kilo
meters per hour during bad weather impairing visibility and while passing over facing points.
You are also authorised to pass Automatic or Semi-Automatic or Manual Stop or Gate signals in between station ___________ and _____________station
at ‘ON’ on this authority.
You shall stop outside the first Stop Signal at ______________________ Station and thereafter be guided by the instructions of the Station Master of that
Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
I have understood the contents of this authority.
Form 5
[See Rule 136(2) (b)]
Sr. No.______
Your train is being received on line No.(in words) ____________(in figures)________ which is obstructed.
You are hereby authorised to pass *Up or Down*Outer or Home or Routing Signals in ‘ON’ position cautiously at a speed not exceeding fifteen kilo meters per
hour on being accompanied by the bearer of this Authority. You are required to bring your train to a stand observing hand danger signal being exhibited forty five
meters before the obstruction.
Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
Form 6
[See Rule 137(1) (d)]
Sr. No.______
Your train is being received on non-signalled line No. (in words) _______________(in figures)______.
You are hereby authorised to pass *Up or Down *Outer or Home or Routing Signals in ‘ON’ position cautiously at a speed not exceeding fifteen kilo meters per
hour on being accompanied by the bearer of this Authority. You are required to bring your train to a stand before stop board or fouling mark of line on which
your train is being received.
Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
Form 7
[See Rule 138(1) (b)]
Sr. No.______
Your train is being started from line No. (in words)__________(in figure_________ which is * a non-signalled line or having a common
departure signal.
You are authorised to pass *Starter or Intermediate Starter or Advanced Starter bearing No. ________________________ in the ‘ON’ position and leave the Yard
cautiously at a speed not exceeding fifteen kilo meters per hour over the points duly accompanied by the competent Railway servant up to last set of points of line
No.____(in figures) and ________________(in words).
Line clear is obtained on *Block Instrument or Approved Means of communication from _________ Station.
* Private No. received from station in advance (In words) ________________________(In figures) ____ .
Token or Paper line clear ticket No. ___________.
Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
Signature of Loco Pilot ______________ Date ________
Form 8
[See Rule 155(1)]
Sr. No.______
(Loco Pilot, Guard and Record)
The Loco Pilot of Train No. and Name____________.
You are hereby instructed to exercise the following speed restrictions:-
Sl. Stations between Kilometers or position of Indicators if Speed (kilometre Cause or Remarks
No. provided per hour)
From To From To
Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
Form 9
[See Rule 155(6)]
Sr. No.______
(Loco Pilot, Guard and Record)
Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
Form 10
[See Rule 211(3) (a)]
Sr. No.______
AT _______________ STATION
As per advice of Station Master on duty at ___________________ Station, *Up or Down * Outer or Home or Routing Home signal bearing
number____________________________________ *is or are out of order.
You are hereby authorised to pass such signals at ‘ON’ on being hand signalled at the foot of Home signal at a speed not exceeding fifteen kilo meters per hour.
Signature of Station Master
SM Stamp
Signature of Loco Pilot
Date ___/___/20____
Form 11
[See Rule 211(3) (b)]
Sr. No.______
You are hereby authorised to pass the defective * Outer or Home or Routing Home signal at ‘ON’ position at a speed not exceeding fifteen kilometers per
The train will be admitted on line number (in words)______________and (figures) ____.
Signature of Station Master
SM Stamp
Signature of Loco Pilot
Form 12
[See Rule 212(1) (c)]
Sr. No.______
The Loco Pilot of Train No._____________ Up or Down, waiting to depart from line No._____
(1) You are hereby authorised to pass the *Starter or Intermediate Starter or Advanced Starter signals at ‘ON’ position.
(In case of failure of Advanced Starter Signal or Last Stop Signal) - Line clear has been obtained on _______________(means of communication)
from_____________ station. Private No. received is (in figures)________(in words) __________________ .
*(3) Applicable for Intermediate Block signal or Modified Automatic Block Signal- You are authorised to pass Intermediate Block Signal or Modified Automatic
Block Signal at ‘ON’ without stopping. Line Clear has been obtained on ___________________ (means of communication) from _______________
station. Private number received is ________________ (in words) ______(in figures)
___________________ __________
Signature of Loco Pilot Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
Form 13
[See Rule 218(2)]
Sr. No.______
Date ___/___/20___
No.______________ Time_____hours_____ minutes
Station Master ____________ station
Station Master ____________ station
(1) Temporary Single Line Working is proposed to be introduced on *Up or Down line between __________and ___________station due to
* (2) _________________stations shall be closed during Temporary Single Line Working.
(3) Obstruction on * Up or Down exists at ___________________kilometer
(4) Last train No. _________ * Up or Down over the line on which Temporary Single Working is been introduced has arrived at my station at
Private No. ______________(in words)_________________(in figures).
Signature of Station Master
Station Master ____________ station
Station Master ____________ station
Refer your message no. _____________________. I have understood that Temporary Single Line Working is proposed to be introduced on *Up or Down line
between __________and ___________stations due to ___________________________________________. Last train No. __________* Up or Down left my
station on the line on which Temporary Single Working is being introduced has arrived complete at your station.
Signature of Station Master
Form 14
[See Rule 218(4) (e)]
Sr. No.______
The line is clear and you are authorised to proceed on Up or Down Line up to _____________station, Private No. received from station in advance is (in
words)_____________________(in figures)_____.
You are authorised to pass *Starter or Intermediate Starter or Advanced Starter Signals bearing Nos. __________________________at ‘ON’.
* Observe hand signal at the foot of the 1st starter signal.
* You are authorised to pass signals of intermediate ______________________station at ‘ON’ which has* or have* been closed temporarily for single line
* Your train shall start from the line not provided with departing signals. Start on being piloted by the railway servant on duty at station.
* (i) Your train is going on *Right line or Wrong line. The obstruction exists at kilometers ________on *Up or Down line. Switch On flasher light when
proceeding on Wrong line.
* (ii) You have to inform the Gate men and Trackman enroute regarding Introduction of single line working on *Up line or Down line.
*(iii) Your Train is the First Train to work under Temporary Single Line working. Speed of your train shall be restricted to twenty five kilometers per hour
subject to observance of other speed restriction in force.
*(iv) Observe “Neutral section” on the line on which your Train is going. (For electrified section).
*(v) *There are no Trap Points on the line in question or Trap points have been clamped or cotter bolted or spiked.
* (v) Following are the caution Orders in force in Block Section-
Sr No Station between KILOMETRAGE Speed (Kilometer Cause or
per hour) Remarks
From To From To
Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
I /We have understood the contents of this authority.
___________________ _____________
Signature of Loco Pilot Signature of Guard
*Strike out whichever is not applicable.
Form 15
[See Rule 218(5) (b)]
Sr. No.______
To Loco Pilot
(1) You are hereby authorized to proceed with your train from ___________________ station
to _____________________ station
*(2) Train No. ____________ ahead of your train left this station at _________________ hours
_______________ Minutes.
*(3) Train No. _______________shall follow your train from this Station at _________ hours _________________ minutes.
*(4) You are required to observe a speed restriction of _______________ kilometers per hour.
Signed __________________
Station Master at __________
(Station stamp)
Signature of the Loco Pilot at __________________ station.
Form 16
[See Rule 218(10)]
Sr. No.______
(Loco Pilot and Record)
Your train will be received on line No. (in words) _____________(in figures)______.
You are hereby authorised enter cautiously at a speed not exceeding fifteen kilometers per hour on being accompanied by the bearer of this Authority.
Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
Form 17
[See Rule 218(11) (c)]
Sr. No.______
(A) For station proposing to restoring normal Working.
Date ___/___/20___
No.______________ Time_____hours____ minutes
Station Master ____________ station
Station Master ____________ station
* (1) Normal Working shall be introduced between __________and ___________station after arrival of train No.______ at your station.
*(2) Normal Working shall be introduced between __________and ___________station after train No.______ arrived at my station at ________hrs.
(3) The obstruction on *Up or Down line at Km _________________has been removed as per information received from _________________vide No.
Signature of Station Master
Station Master ____________ station
Station Master ____________ station
*(1) Refer your message no. _____________________. Train No. _______ has arrived complete at my station at ______hours. Normal working shall be restored
on *Up or Down line between __________and ___________stations.
*(2) Refer your message no. _____________________. Train No. _______ which left last has arrived your station complete at ______hours. Normal working
shall be restored on *Up or Down line between __________and ___________stations.
Signature of Station Master
Form 18
(Loco Pilot, Guard and Record)
Station _____________ Date: ___/____20__. Time __ hours___ minutes
(1) This order is being given due to Obstruction of UP or DN line between__________ Station and ___________station at Kilometers__________.
(2) You are hereby authorised to proceed cautiously without Line clear. From ___________ station up to kilometers _________on *UP or DOWN Line with
your Train.
(3) You shall bring your Train to a stop short of kilometers _______ and thereafter be guided by the instructions from the Competent Authority at the site.
(4) You shall clear the section at station ___________________
(1) You are permitted to work your Train upto kilometers ________ between Station __________and _________stations with the speed of twenty five
kilometers per hour when view ahead is clear and ten kilometers per hour at night or when view ahead is not clear or when brake-van is leading.
(2) Caution Orders in force in the Block Section are as under:-
Sl. No. Station between Kilometrage Speed (kilometre per Cause
hour) or
From To From To
Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
I have understood the contents of this authority.
Form 19
[See Rule 257(d)]
Sr. No.______
_____________ (Officer-in-charge) Motor Trolley No.______.
You are hereby being permitted to follow *Train No.__________ or Motor Trolley No.________ in the block section upto______________Station.
The Train No.__________/Motor Trolley No.________ left this station at___ hours ____minutes
You are also authorised to pass *Up or Down_________ signals at ‘ON’ position.
On arrival at ___________________ Station you are required to hand over this permit to Station Master on duty.
Signature of Station Master
Station Stamp
Received ____________
Form 20 Form 20 Form 20
[See Rule 259 (1)] [See Rule 259 (1))] [See Rule 259 (1)]
Dedicated Freight Corridor Railway Dedicated Freight Corridor Railway Dedicated Freight Corridor Railway
Sr. Sr. No.______ Sr. No.______
No. ___________
Date __/__/20__ Time __ hour ___minutes To To
No. ___________ The Station Master ______ The Station Master _________
To **___________No. ___________ is required to work
The Station Master _________ **___________No. ___________ has arrived at between _______ station and ___________station on
**___________No.____ is required to work between ___ _____________ station at ___ hour ___minutes has been *Up or Down /_________line from __ hour
station and ________station on Up or Down line from ___ removed from the track at km ______. Block section is ___minutes to__ hour ___minutes on full block.
hour__ minutes to__ hour __ minutes on full block. The clear and free from obstruction. Token or Tablet or Paper The Section will be cleared at ______ station at ___
Section will be cleared at ______ station at ___hour Line Clear Ticket No. is being surrendered to resume hour ___minutes
___minutes normal Train Working..
________________________ Signature of official-in-charge
Signature of Official In Charge _______________ Date __/__/20___Time __ hour ___minutes.
*The block cannot be permitted or will be granted after Signature of *The block cannot be permitted or will be granted after
passage of Train No. ________ * UP or DOWN. official-in-charge passage of Train No. ________________ * UP or
*The UP or DOWN Line has been blocked for your Removal report received at ____ hour ___minutes on DOWN.
**___________and block will be removed only on receipt date ___/____/20__. *The UP or DOWN Line has been blocked for your
of the removal report of **___________ No. Token or **No. ________ and block will be removed only on
Tablet or Paper Line Clear Ticket No. _____ issued to you. ______________ receipt of the removal report of **________No.____
Private Number___________ (in words)___(in figures). Signature of SM Token or Tablet or Paper Line Clear Ticket No. _____
You are advised to ensure clearance of Block Section within Station Stamp issued to you.
Block permitted. Private Number___________ (in words) ______(in
_______________________ figures).
Signature of Station Master *Strike out whichever is not applicable. You are advised to ensure clearance of block section
Station Stamp **Push or Cycle or Moped or Motor Trolly or Rail Dolly within block permitted.
or Ladder Trolly etc. whichever is applicable to be filled.
Date __/__/20__Time __hour__ minutes _____________
Reference: No. ___________ Signature of Station Master
**___________ No._____has arrived at ______ station at
____hour ___ minutes / has been removed from the track at Station Stamp
kilometers ______. Block section is clear and free from
obstruction. Token or tablet or Paper Line Clear Ticket no. Date__/__/20__
is being surrendered to resume normal Train Working. Time__ hour ___minutes
________________________ _________________________
Signature of official-in-charge Signature of official-in-charge
Removal report received at ____ hour ___minutes on date
___/____/20__. Date __/__/20___
_____________ Time __ hour ___minutes
Signature of Station Master *Strike out whichever is not applicable.
**Push or Cycle or Moped or Motor Trolly or Rail
Station Stamp Dolly or Ladder Trolly etc. whichever is applicable to
*Strike out whichever is not applicable. be filled.
**Push or Cycle or Moped or Motor Trolly or Rail Dolly or
Ladder Trolly etc. whichever is applicable to be filled.