Yumul Notes Criminal Law I
Yumul Notes Criminal Law I
Yumul Notes Criminal Law I
No common law crimes in the Philippines. Court Retroactive application prejudicial to the accused
decisions are not sources of criminal law, because is an ex post facto law.
they merely explain the meaning of, and apply
the law as enacted by the legislature. The lawmakers decided to pass a law revoking
the amnesty of Trillanes. It is not valid because it
Limitations on the power of the legislature to is an ex post facto law. It deprives a person
enact penal laws (constitutional limitations): accused of a crime some lawful protection to
1. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder which he has become entitled, such as the
shall be enacted (Art. III, Sec. 22) – protection of a former conviction or acquittal, or
Reyes a proclamation of amnesty
2. No person shall be held to answer for a
criminal offense without due process of Right which may be waived – confrontation and
law (Art. III, Section 14[1]) – Reyes cross-examination.
3. Criminal laws must be of general Right which may not be waived – to be informed
application and must clearly define the of the nature and cause of the accusation against
acts and omissions punished as crimes – him.
Reyes Reason: first are personal, and the latter involve
4. The law must be general in application public interest which may be affected.
(equal protection) – Boado
C.A. No. 408 – Articles of War Example of law of preferential application: R.A.
No. 75 (duly accredited foreign diplomatic and
The prosecution of an accused before a court- consular agents in the PH)
martial is a bar to another prosecution for the
same offense. Section 7: reciprocity rule
Cases where our criminal law does not apply even TERRITORIAL. (Jurisdiction or the place where
if the crime is committed by a person residing or applicable) Criminal laws undertake to punish
sojourning in the PH: crimes committed within Philippine territory.
Exceptions: except as provided in the treaties
and laws of preferential application (Art. 2, RPC) Principle of territoriality – penal laws of the PH
and subject to the principles of public are enforceable only within its territory.
international law and to treaty stipulations (Art.
14, NCC). Sojourn – to stay in a place in a temporary
Example of treaties or treaty stipulations: Visiting
Forces Agreement Extent of PH territory for purposes of criminal
a. PH authorities shall have jurisdiction over law: Art. 2, RPC and Art. 1, 1987 Constitution
US personnel with respect to offenses
How can a domestic servant be exempt? – when Felonies are committed not only by means
accredited by the PH government through of deceit (dolo) but also by means of fault
registration with the DFA. (culpa).
When are they not exempt? – When a Filipino
citizen and the procedure related to a debt he/she There is deceit when the act is performed
contracted prior to entering the service; and also, with deliberate intent; and there is fault
section 7 (rule of reciprocity) when the wrongful act results from
imprudence, negligence, lack of foresight,
Exclusive jurisdiction – is present when the crime or lack of skill.
is punishable only by the laws of one country, to Mistakes in Article 3:
which the exclusive jurisdiction will pertain. 1. “punishable by law” – “law” should be
“RPC” or “this code”.
Concurrent jurisdiction – when the crime is 2. Proper translation of dolo is malice.
punishable under the laws of both countries. 3. Redundant – lack of foresight or lack of
Primary jurisdiction – preferred jurisdiction when
there is concurrency. Felonies – acts or omissions punishable by the
Embassy of other countries here in the PH are still
part of PH territory, thus subject to its Elements of felonies:
jurisdiction. 1. There must be an act or omission.
2. Act or omission must be punishable by
Embassy remains under the jurisdiction of the the RPC.
host state. The embassy rule only applies when 3. The act is performed of the omission
beneficial to the host state. incurred by means of dolo or culpa.
Presidential, Parliamentary, and Judicial Act – any bodily movement tending to produce
immunities. some effect in the external world.
To avoid delay.
To avoid disrespect. Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege – there is
To avoid distrust to government no crime where there is no law punishing it.
To allow these high officials to perform Classifications of crimes:
their duties without the fear of a. As to commission (Art. 3)
Physical impossibility – when extraneous A person committing suicide jumped from the 5th
circumstances unknown to the actor or beyond floor of a building and fell on a passerby on the
his control prevent the consummation of the ground, causing the latter’s death, while the first
intended crime as the act cannot be completed. survived the suicide. The suicidal person was
Example: stealing from a vault that turned out ro liable for reckless imprudence resulting to
be empty. homicide because his negligent act of jumping
from the building caused the death of another
Felonies against persons: person.
a. Parricide Apply: Article 365, RPC (Quasi-offense).
b. Murder Note: Article 4(1), RPC cannot be applied because
c. Homicide this applies to intentional felonies.
d. Infanticide
e. Abortion You entered a room and saw inside two persons,
f. Duel one was holding a bolo and the other dead on the
g. Physical injuries floor. The death of the latter proves the intent to
h. Rape kill of the former.
During a fight, A cut off the finger of B. B, out of Basis of Article 5(2) – dura lex sed lex (the law is
spite and to make A more liable, did not consult harsh but it is the law).
medical attention and let her would naturally
fester and turn into infection, causing his death. Article 5 is applicable to violation of special law in
A is still liable for B’s death, because not light of Article 10, RPC (suppletory application).
submitting to medical treatment is not an efficient Also, jurisprudence has applied it to special laws.
intervening cause. Victim is not obliged to submit In Cahulogan vs. People, the court applied Article
to medical treatment. 5(2) for violation of the Anti-Fencing Law.
B, out of spite, dipped his open wound into a petri Note: A proper decision is different from acquittal
dish contaminated with virus, in order to put A or dismissal. The court may still render a
into greater liability. In this case, A is not liable. conviction e.g. if the acts of the accused
The act of B constitutes an independent cause constitute another lesser crime.
distinct from the felony committed by A. The
proximate cause of B’s death is actually B’s own Article 247 is not a crime. In the case of People
intentional act of exposing her wound to virus. vs. Abarca, the Court considered Article 247 a
defense of the accused rather than a crime.
Personal ailment does not constitute an efficient Despite imposing the penalty of destierro
intervening cause. (banishment), this penalty serves more as a
protection to the accused rather than a
ARTICLE 5: Whenever a court has punishment.
knowledge of any act which it may deem
proper to repress and which is not If A was married to B, and one day A caught B
punishable by law, it shall render the having sex with C, A would be charged with the
proper decision and shall report to the crime of homicide, not charged with Article 247
Chief Executive, through the Department of because Article 247 is a defense available to the
Justice, the reasons which induce the court accused. It is an exception circumstance that can
to believe that said act should be made the excuse him from criminal liability. It is not a crime
subject of penal legislation. that can be charged. If during the killing of C, A
injured other people, A is liable of negligence
In the same way, the court shall submit to resulting to physical injuries.
the Chief Executive, through the
Department of Justice, such statement as
There is an attempt when the offender Over acts – some physical activity or deed,
commences the commission of a felony indicating the intention to commit a particular
directly by overt acts, and does not perform crime, more than a mere planning or preparation,
all the acts of execution which should which if carried to its complete termination
produce the felony by reason of some cause following its natural course, without being
or accident other than his own frustrated by external obstacles nor by the
spontaneous desistance. voluntary desistance of the perpetrator, will
logically and necessarily ripen into a concrete
Consummated stage – all acts of execution are offense.
present hence the offender is in the objective
stage Indeterminate offense – the purpose of the
offender in performing an act is not certain and
Frustrated stage – the offender has also reached may pertain to more than one offense. Its nature
the objective stage for he has performed all the in relation to its objective is ambiguous.
acts which would produce the felony, but the Manner of committing the crime:
crime was not committed for reasons 1. Formal crimes – crimes consummated by
independent of his will. In both consummated a single act. There is no attempted or
and frustrated stages, offender is in the objective frustrated formal crimes.
stage because having performed all acts for the a. Slander, libel, physical injuries, act of
accomplishment of the crime, there is nothing lasciviousness, threats, coercion,
more left for him to do. alarms and scandal.
b. Intent is absent such as in culpa and
Note: If the reason is dependent on his will, as malum prohibitum.
when in homicide, the wound is fatal but he 2. Crimes consummated by mere attempt
himself brought the victim to the hospital, it is not or proposal or by overt act.
frustrated homicide but some other crime like 3. Felony by omission.
physical injuries. 4. Crimes requiring the intervention of two
persons to commit them are
Attempted stage – the offender is still in the consummated by mere agreement.
subjective stage because he has not performed 5. Material crimes – those that involves the
all acts necessary for its accomplishment. stages of execution (attempted,
frustrated, consummated).
A and B are enemies. While B was outside, A fired A conspiracy exists when two or more
a shot towards him, but the bullet hit C who was persons come to an agreement concerning
at that time beside B. A is criminally liable for the the commission of a felony and decide to
complex crime of homicide and attempted commit it.
Legal basis: Article 4(1) and Article 6(3). A is There is a proposal when the person who
liable both for trying to kill B and the resulting has decided to commit a felony proposes its
crime of killing C. The case is an example of execution to some other person or persons.
aberratio ictus or mistake in the blow which
produces a complex crime. Penalty for the more General rule: conspiracy and proposal to commit
serious crime in its maximum period shall be felony are not punishable.
imposed (Article 49). Exception: they are punishable only in the cases
in which the law specially provides a penalty
Afa, intending to rob San Beda, purchased a therefor.
picklock. Afa told Yums of this fact which Yums
reported to the police. Afa went home and was Two concepts of conspiracy:
apprehended by the police. Afa is not liable for 1. As a crime itself – mere act of conspiring
attempted robbery, because possession of is defined and punished as a crime.
picklock is only a preparatory act and not an over o Conspiracy to commit treason
act indicating the intention to commit robbery. o Conspiracy to commit coup
However, RPC defines possession of picklocks as d’etat, rebellion or insurrection
a different felony, thus still punishabe. o Conspiracy to commit sedition
o Monopolies and combinations in
Arson is consummated by burning the property of restraint of trade
another, no matter how small the burn is. 2. As a basis of incurring criminal liability –
conspiracy ceases to be a crime but is
In attempted homicide or murder, if injuries are absorbed by the crime itself; crime
inflicted, there is a crime of physical injuries. transforms e.g. from conspiracy to
commit rebellion to rebellion.
a. Conspiracy by prior agreement –
ARTICLE 7: Light felonies are punishable conspirator is liable as long as he
only when they have been consummated, appeared in the situs of the
with the exception of those committed crime.
against persons or property. b. Implied conspiracy – conspiracy
is instantaneous at the moment
Mistake in Article 7: of the commission of the crime.
A conspirator may be liable differently if there is In conspiracy to commit murder, they are not
present a circumstance personal to him. liable because such is not punishable by law but
if they perform the crime of murder, the
The acts of the defendants must show a common conspiracy makes them all liable. The act of one
design. is the act of all.
Spark proposed to Chocola to commit rebellion, ARTICLE 9: Grave felonies are those to
but Chocola refused. Chocola is not liable because which the law attaches the capital
ARTICLE 10: Offenses which are or in the Second. Reasonable necessity of the
future may be punishable under special means employed to prevent or repel
laws are not subject to the provisions of it.
this Code. This Code shall be
supplementary to such laws, unless the Third. Lack of sufficient provocation
latter should specially provide the contrary. on the part of the person defending
The first sentence is unnecessary, since it is 2. Anyone who acts in defense of the
already a settled rule in statutory construction person or rights of his spouse,
that special laws control or prevail over general ascendants, descendants, or
laws. Generalia specialibus non derogant. The legitimate, natural or adopted
first sentence may be removed. The true soul of brothers or sisters, or his relatives
the provision is provided in the second sentence. by affinity in the same degrees and
Special laws – define and penalize crimes not those of consanguinity within the
included in the RPC. fourth civil degree, provided that
the first and second requisites
The suppletory effect of the RPC cannot be prescribed in the next preceding
invoked where there is legal or physical circumstance are present, and the
impossibility of or a prohibition in the special law further requisite, in case the
against such supplementary application. provocation was given by the
person attacked, that the one
Suppletory application of the RPC to special laws making defense had no part therein.
finds relevance only when the provisions of the
special law are silent on a particular matter. 3. Anyone who acts in defense of the
person or rights of a stranger,
Effects when special laws use the nomenclature provided that the first and second
of the penalties in the RPC: requisites mentioned in the first
circumstance of this Article are
The effect of invoking self-defense is to place the Atty. Adi: Adequate to excite or scare a person.
burden on the accused to prove the fact of
legitimate defense thereby he admits the Atty. Adi: The law does not limit the application
commission of the act complained. of sufficient provocation to the offender. There is
no jurisprudence to support it.
Unlawful aggression – primordial requisite which Reyes added another element – that the
must at all times be present. provocation was made against the offender.
Aggression must be actual, sudden, unexpected
attack or imminent danger thereof, and not The requisite of lack of provocation is present
merely a threatening or intimidating attitude. when:
As an element of self-defense – there must be a There is civil liability to the one benefited by the
lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the act.
As a mitigating circumstance – there must be Sheldon and Meemaw were on a sinking boat. In
presence thereof on the part of the offended order to decrease the weight on the boat,
party. Sheldon threw in the sea the 20 LV bags owned
by Meemaw. Those benefited from the act will be
The reason why a person who acts in self-defense civilly liable, pursuant to Article 101. In this case,
do not incur criminal liability: Sheldon benefited.
a. No criminal intent
b. Instinct of self-preservation Paragraph 5 – Fulfillment of Duty or Exercise of a
c. Principle “stand ground when in the Right
right” is adopted
d. The state cannot always protect each Doctrine of “self-help” – Article 429, NCC.
citizen, that is why a person has the right
to protect himself. When possession has already been lost, he must
resort to judicial process in reclaiming his
Paragraph 2 – Defense of Relatives property, otherwise he could be liable for
In this case, the provocation was given by the
person attacked, and the person defending had Algie went on a vacation. When he returned
no part therein. home, he found that Kwillon has constructed a
shanty on his land and settled therein. Algie
Natural brother or sister – siblings outside the cannot dismantle the shanty of Kwillon because
marriage of your parents, which whom one the shanty is the property of Kwillon. Under the
shares one or both parents. doctrine of self-help, when there has been actual
dispossession, the use of reasonable force can
Relative of the 4th civil degree – first cousin, only be made immediately after the actual
siblings of my grandparents. invasion or usurpation. Thereafter, Algie must
seek the intervention of the court in order to
Paragraph 3 – Defense of Strangers retake his property.
In the present case, however, the impulse was Plea bargain – is an agreement in a criminal case
caused by the sudden revelation that she was between the prosecutor and the defendant
untrue to him, and his discovery of her in whereby the defendant agrees to plead guilty to
flagrante in the arms of another. the crime charged in return for some concession
from the prosecutor. When there is a plea
PEOPLE vs. BELLO bargain, the accused can no longer invoke
In this case, what Guillermo was asking from voluntary plea of guilt to mitigate the penalty
Alicia was that she (1) quit her job as a hostess; imposed, since by virtue of the bargain, a lesser
an ill-reputed profession corroborated by her crime has been charged than what the prosecutor
promiscuous relations with other men, and (2) originally intended to.
resume her job as a hostess. The Supreme Court
held that Alicia’s flat out refusal was an exhibition Public authority – in the case of People vs. Rodil,
of immorality itself. A monogamous illegitimate public authority include, but is not limited to,
relationship is definitely of higher standing than persons in authority. However, in the case of
ARTICLE 14: The following are aggravating 10. That the offender has been
circumstances: previously punished for an offense
1. That advantage be taken by the to which the law attaches an equal
offender of his public position. or greater penalty or for two or
Where one of the aggravating circumstances has Age, sex, rank, dwelling – only one credit is
been used as a qualifying circumstance, the given even though all of these are present.
others will be generic. For instance, since
treachery has qualified the crime as murder, Deliberately intended to offend or insult the age
evident premeditation should be considered as or sex of the offended. Thus, cannot co-exist with
generic. passion or obfuscation where the offender lost his
control or reason.
Disregard of rank is inherent direct assault. Committed in the palace of the Chief
Executive, etc. – offender must have sought
Age – elderly and the youth. any of the four places for the commission of the
Sex – inherent in the crime of rape.
Nighttime, uninhabited place, band, aid of
Dwelling (morada) – enclosures under the house. armed men
Not necessary that the house be owned by the
offended (may be appreciated whether the Nighttime (nocturnidad) – from sunset up to
dweller is a lessee, a boarder, or a bed spacer). sunrise (Article 13, NCC)
Intended for rest and comfort.
Nighttime absorbed in treachery if it is a part of
Based on jurisprudence, even the first step of the the treacherous means to insure execution of
staircase is considered part of the dwelling. crime.
Dwelling is not aggravated when: Crime must be covered by darkness. If the light
a. Offended has given provocation. was bright enough to see what was going on and
b. Both the offended and offender live to recognize the assailants, nocturnity is not
therein. aggravating under either the subjective or
c. Dwelling is inherent in the crime such as objectives tests.
trespass to dwelling or robbery in an
inhabited place. In order to be aggravating, the existence of
nighttime should pass either the objective or
Not appreciated in crimes of abduction and illegal subjective test.
detention when the victim is taken from her
house. Nighttime becomes only aggravating when:
Objective test – nighttime facilitated the
Not necessary that the accused enters the commission of the crime.
dwelling of the victim to commit the offense. Subjective test – the offender specially sought the
darkness to ensure impunity.
Abuse of confidence or obvious
ungratefulness requisites: Generally, an aggravating circumstance
a. Offended had trusted the offender. enumerated in Article 14 is generic or specific,
b. Offender abused such trust. unless specified by law to be special or qualifying
c. Such abuse of confidence facilitated to a certain crime. When both band and abuse of
commission of the crime. superior strength are present in a case, band will
absorb abuse of superior strength when both are
The confidence between the parties must be of the same kind of aggravating circumstance.
immediate and personal. When both are generic, band will absorb abuse of
superior strength; when both are qualifying, band
Harvey owed Donna 20 pesos. Donna asked will absorb abuse of superior strength; but when
Harvey to pay almost on a daily basis but Harvey band is generic and abuse of superior strength is
still failed to pay. One day, Harvey invited Donna qualifying, as in the crime of murder, band will
to go to a bar. They partied and got drunk. On not absorb abuse of superior strength.
their way home, Harvey stabbed Donna. Abuse of
confidence is not present because the mere fact Darkness – obscruridad.
that Harvey and Donna went together to a bar
doesn’t mean that they shared a relationship of
Quasi-recidivism – the offender has been Sufficient lapse of time – a period sufficient to
previously convicted by final judgement and arrive at a calm judgement, such that the criminal
before beginning to serve such sentence, or while act is preceded by cool thought and reflection.
serving the same, he committed felony. It shall
be punished by the maximum period of the Evident premeditation means the lapse of a
penalty prescribed by law for the new felony. period sufficient in a judicial sense to afford full
opportunity for meditation and reflection and
The first crime may be a felony or an offense but sufficient to allow the conscience of the actor to
the second must be a felony. overcome the resolution of his will.
Means of inundation, fire, poison, Not appreciated when the one killed is not the
explosion, stranding of a vessel or one intended to be killed.
intentional damage thereto, derailment of
a locomotive, and any other artifice Aberratio ictus in evident premeditation and
involving great waste or ruin treachery:
Evident premeditation – not aggravating.
The difference between Article 14(7) and Article Treachery – still aggravating.
Craft, fraud, disguise
Reason for use of motor vehicles as aggravating Father-daughter relationship in rape cases is a
circumstance – pose difficulty to the authorities special circumstance (R.A. 7659) hence,
in apprehending them. relationship as an alternative circumstance
should no longer be applied. Without R.A. 7659,
ARTICLE 15: Alternative circumstances are it would still be.
those which must be taken into
consideration as aggravating or mitigating Intoxication
according to the nature and effects of the
crime and the other conditions attending To avail this as a mitigating, it must be shown
its commission. They are the relationship, that:
intoxication, and the degree of instruction 1. Quantity of the alcohol taken sufficient to
and education of the offender. produce the effect of obfuscating reason.
2. Not habitual and intentional.
The alternative circumstance of
relationship shall be taken into High education could be aggravating but is never
consideration when the offended party is mitigating. Low education could be mitigating but
the spouse, ascendant, legitimate, natural, never aggravating.
or adopted brother or sister, or relative by
affinity in the same degrees of the In abortion, it is inherent.
ARTICLE 16: The following are criminally
The intoxication of the offender shall be liable for grave and less grave felonies:
taken into consideration as a mitigating 1. Principals.
circumstance when the offender has 2. Accomplices.
committed a felony in a state of 3. Accessories.
intoxication, if the same is not habitual or
subsequent to the plan to commit said Accessories not liable for light felonies because
felony; but when the intoxication is the law does not deal with trifles (de minimis non
habitual or intentional, it shall be curat lex).
considered as an aggravating
circumstance. The following are criminally liable for light
Relationship 1. Principals.
2. Accomplices.
Stepparents and stepchildren are included
because they are relatives by affinity but not ARTICLE 17: The following are considered
stepbrothers/stepsisters because the law principals:
specified only legitimate, natural, or adopted. 1. Those who take a direct part in the
execution of the act;
In conspiracy by prior agreement, the principal by Accomplices – are those who are not principals
direct participation who does not appear at the but cooperate in the execution of the offense by
crime scene is not liable. previous or simultaneous acts, and they are also
a. Non-appearance is deemed assistance. called accessories before the fact.
b. Conspiracy is generally not a crime unless
the law especially provides a penalty Unlike in principals, conspiracy is not a
therefor. By merely conspiring, he has requirement in accomplices.
not yet committed any crime unless he
would appear at the site of the crime and They know the criminal design and cooperate in
perform any act directly or indirectly in a manner which is not indispensable to the
the execution of the plan. common of the crime.
c. No basis for criminal liability as there is
no criminal participation. Principals plan. They tell the accomplice about
their plan. The accomplice concur.
Principal by inducement – the mastermind,
without him the crime would not be possible so Requisites:
even if he did not go to the actual site of the a. Knowledge of the criminal design
crime, he is still liable. b. Not a principal.
c. Cooperate by previous or simultaneous
His command should be obeyed by either: acts.
1. Command (precepto)
a. Irresistible force Principal by Inducement vs. Accomplice
b. Uncontrollable fear a. First – cooperation is indispensable.
2. Consideration (pacto) Second – cooperation is not
a. Price indispensable.
b. Reward b. First – has a part in planning.
c. Promise Second – only concurs with the plan.
Accessories – called accessory after the fact. Article 23: A pardon by the offended party
does not extinguish criminal action except
Have knowledge of the commission of the crime, as provided in Article 344 of this Code; but
and did not participate in such commission. civil liabilities with regard to the interest of
the injured party is extinguished by his
Accomplice vs. Accessory express waiver.
a. Accomplice – participates before or
during the commission of the offense. Article 36: A pardon shall not work the
Accessory – subsequent thereto. restoration of the right to hold public office,
b. Accomplice – knows the criminal design. or the right of suffrage, unless such rights
Accessory – knows the commission of the be expressly restored by the terms of the
crime. pardon.
c. Accomplice – no exemption from liability.
Accessory – some are exempted under A pardon shall in no case exempt the culprit
Article 20. from the payment of the civil indemnity
d. Accomplice – liable for light felonies. imposed upon him by the sentence.
Accessory – not liable for light felonies.
Article 29: Deduction of preventive
Corpus delicti – is the body or substance of the imprisonment
crime. It is a compound fact made up of two
things: Preventive imprisonment is applicable if the
1. Criminal event offense is not bailable. Bail does not apply to
2. Criminal agency causing the first offenses punishable by reclusion perpetua if
evidence of guilt is strong.
P.D. 1829 – Obstruction of Justice – those who
assist the principal to escape may be prosecuted Full credit for detention shall be granted if the
not as accessory but as a principal provided that detention prisoner agrees in writing to abide by
a separate information is prepared for the same disciplinary rules imposed on convicts
obstruction. unless:
a. They are recidivists or convicted
ARTICLE 20: The penalties prescribed for previously twice or more of any crime.
accessories shall not be imposed upon
those who are such with respect to their
Life Imprisonment vs. Reclusion Perpetua ARTICLE 34: Civil interdiction shall deprive
the offender during the time of his
Life Imprisonment Reclusion sentence of the rights of parental authority,
Perpetua or guardianship, either as to the person or
Under special For violation of property of any ward, of marital authority,
laws. the RPC. of the right to manage his property, and of
Has no fixed With fixed the right to dispose of such property by any
duration. duration. act or any conveyance inter vivos.
Without accessory Has accessory
penalties. penalties. A civilly interdicted convict cannot appoint an
agent for the act of the agent is the act of the
Although reclusion perpetua has a definite term it principal. What cannot be done directly, cannot
remains indivisible. be done indirectly.
Bond to keep peace – a principal penalty but The convict may execute a last will of testament
unenforceable because there is no crime in Book because it will dispose his property not upon
II for which it can be enforced. making the will but upon death.
Bond to keep peace vs. Bond for good behavior ARTICLE 38: Pecuniary Liabilities
a. First – principal penalty, not prescribed
for any felony.
Continuous or continued crime (delito One or more divisible penalty in their full extent
continuado) – offender is impelled by a single – the next lower shall be that immediately
criminal impulse but committed a series of overt following the lesser.
acts at about the same time in about the same Example: prision mayor to reclusion temporal –
place and all overt acts violate one and the same prision correccional
provision of law. Applied in special laws.
One or more indivisible plus divisible in its
Single larceny doctrine (taking of several things, maximum – medium and minimum periods of
whether belonging to the same or different that divisible penalty and the maximum period of
owners, at the same time and place constitutes that immediately following.
but one larceny) replaced separate larceny Example: reclusion temporal in its maximum to
doctrine. reclusion perpetua – prision mayor in its
minimum to reclusion temporal in its medium
Continuing or transitory crime – where any of the
elements of the offense were committed in Several periods different divisible penalties
different places. Example: prision mayor in its medium to reclusion
temporal in its minimum – prision correccional in
ARTICLE 49: Error in personae its medium to prision mayor in its minimum.
Penalty for the lesser crime in its maximum ARTICLE 63: Rules for application of
period. indivisible penalties
ARTICLE 50-57: Penalty for attempted and Two classes of penalties here:
frustrated felonies on the accomplices and a. Single indivisible penalty – reclusion
accessories perpetua or death.
b. Two indivisible penalties – reclusion
Cosummated perpetua to death.
Principal As provided
Accomplice Less 1 degree Modifying circumstances are not considered
Accessory Les 2 degrees because there are no periods.
Roberto and Ricardo have had a long-standing dispute regarding conflicting claims over the ownership of
a parcel of land. One night, Roberto was so enraged that he decided to kill Ricardo. Roberto asked his best
friend, Rafael, to lend him a gun and drive him to Ricardo's house. Rafael knew about Roberto's plan to kill
Ricardo, but agreed to lend him a gun nevertheless. Rafael also drove Roberto to the street corner nearest
the house of Ricardo. Rafael waited for him there, until the task had been accomplished, so that he could
drive Roberto to the next town to evade arrest. Roberto also asked another friend, Ruel, to stand guard
outside Ricardo's house, for the purpose of warning him in case there was any danger or possible witnesses,
and to keep other persons away from the vicinity. All three - Roberto, Rafael and Ruel - agreed to the plan
and their respective roles.
On the agreed date, Rafael drove Roberto and Ruel to the nearest corner near Ricardo's house. Roberto
and Ruel walked about 50 meters where Ruel took his post as guard, and Roberto walked about five (5)
meters more, aimed the gun at Ricardo's bedroom, and peppered it with bullets. When he thought that he
had accomplished his plan, Roberto ran away, followed by Ruel, and together they rode in Rafael's car
where they drove to the next town to spend the night there. It turned out that Ricardo was out of town
when the incident happened, and no one was in his room at the time it was peppered with bullets. Thus,
no one was killed or injured during the incident.
(b) If a crime was committed, what is the degree of participation of Roberto, Rafael, and Ruel? (2.5%)
Rico, a hit man, positioned himself at the rooftop of a nearby building of a bank, to serve as a lookout for
Red and Rod while the two were robbing the bank, as the three of them had previously planned. Ramiro,
a policeman, responded to the reported robbery. Rico saw Ramiro and, to eliminate the danger of Red and
Rod being caught, pulled the trigger of his rifle, intending to kill Ramiro. He missed as Ramiro slipped and
fell down to the ground. Instead, a woman depositor who was coming out of the bank was fatally shot.
After their apprehension, Rico, Red, and Rod were charged with the special complex crime of robbery with
homicide. Rico's defense was that he never intended to shoot and kill the woman, only Ramiro. Red and
Rod's defense was that they were not responsible for the death of the woman as they had no participation
On February 5, 2017, Rho Rio Fraternity held initiation rites. Present were: (i) Redmont, the Lord Chancellor
and head of the fraternity; (ii) ten (10) members, one (1) of whom was Ric, and (iii) five (5) neophytes,
one (1) of whom was Ronald. Absent were: (i) Rollie, the fraternity's Vice Chancellor and who actually
planned the initiation; and (ii) Ronnie, the owner of the house where the initiation was conducted.
Due to the severe beating suffered by Ronald on that occasion, he lost consciousness and was brought to
the nearest hospital by Redmont and Ric. However, Ronald was declared dead on arrival at the hospital.
During the investigation of the case, it was found out that, although Ronald really wanted to join the
fraternity because his father is also a member of the same fraternity, it was his best friend Ric who
ultimately convinced him to join the fraternity and, as a prerequisite thereto, undergo initiation. It was also
shown that Redmont and Ric did not actually participate in the beating of the neophytes (hazing). The two
(2) either merely watched the hazing or helped in preparing food. And, lastly, two (2) days prior thereto,
Ronnie texted Rollie that the fraternity may use his house as the venue for the planned initiation.
Aside from those who actually participated in the hazing, Redmont, Rollie, Ric, and Ronnie were criminally
charged for the hazing of Ronald that resulted in the latter's death.
On the way home from work, Rica lost her necklace to a snatcher. A week later, she saw what looked like
her necklace on display in a jewelry store in Raon. Believing that the necklace on display was the same
necklace snatched from her the week before, she surreptitiously took the necklace without the knowledge
and consent of the store owner. Later, the loss of the necklace was discovered, and Rica was shown on
the CCTV camera of the store as the culprit. Accordingly, Rica was charged with theft of the necklace. Rica
raised the defense that she could not be guilty as charged because she was the owner of the necklace and
that the element of intent to gain was lacking.
(b) It is proven that the store acquired the necklace from another person who was the real owner of the
necklace? (2.5%)
With a promise of reward, Robert asked Romy to bring him a young girl that he (Robert) can have carnal
knowledge with. Romy agreed, seized an eight-year old girl and brought her to Robert. After receiving his
reward, Romy left while Robert proceeded to have carnal knowledge with the girl.
(a) For what felony may Robert and Romy be charged? (2.5%)
(b) Will your answer in (a) be the same if the victim is a 15-year old lass who was enticed, through cunning
and deceit of Romy, to voluntarily go to the house of Robert where the latter subsequently had carnal
knowledge with her? (2.5%)
A group of homeless and destitute persons invaded and occupied the houses built by the National Housing
Authority (NHA) for certain military personnel. To gain entry to the houses, the group intimidated the
security guards posted at the entrance gate with the firearms they were carrying and destroyed the
padlocks of the doors of the houses with the use of crowbars and hammers. They claimed that they would
occupy the houses and live therein because the houses were idle and they were entitled to free housing
from the government.
For the reason that the houses were already awarded to military personnel who have been found to have
fully complied with the requirements for the award thereof, NHA demanded the group to vacate within ten
(10) days from notice the houses they occupied and were still occupying. Despite the lapse of the deadline,
the group refused to vacate the houses in question.
What is the criminal liability of the members of the group, if any, for their actions? (5%)
Robbie and Rannie are both inmates of the National Penitentiary, serving the maximum penalty for robbery
which they committed some years before and for which they have been sentenced by final judgment. One
day, Robbie tried to collect money owed by Rannie. Rannie insisted that he did not owe Robbie anything,
and after a shouting episode, Rannie kicked Robbie in the stomach. Robbie fell to the ground in pain, and
Rannie left him to go to the toilet to relieve himself. As Rannie was opening the door to the toilet and with
his back turned against Robbie, Robbie stabbed him in the back with a bladed weapon that he had
concealed in his waist. Hurt, Rannie ran to the nearest "kubol" where he fell. Robbie ran after him· and,
while Rannie was lying on the ground, Robbie continued to stab him, inflicting a total of 15 stab wounds.
He died on the spot. Robbie immediately surrendered to the Chief Warden. When prosecuted for the murder
of Rannie, Robbie raised provocation and voluntary surrender as mitigating circumstances. The prosecution,
on the other hand, claimed that there was treachery in the commission of the crime.
(b) Can the mitigating circumstances raised by Robbie, if proven, lower the penalty for the crime
committed? (2.5%)
Randy was prosecuted for forcible abduction attended by the aggravating circumstance of recidivism. After
trial, the court held that the prosecutor was able to prove the charge. Nonetheless, it appreciated in favor
of Randy, on the basis of the defense's evidence, the mitigating circumstances of voluntary surrender,
uncontrollable fear, and provocation. Under Art. 342 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC), the penalty for
forcible abduction is reclusion temporal.
Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, what penalty should be imposed on Randy? (5%)
Rashid asked Rene to lend him PhP50,000, payable in six (6) months and, as payment for the loan, Rashid
issued a postdated check for the said amount plus the agreed interest. Rashid assured Rene that the
account would have sufficient funds on maturity date. On that date, Rene presented the check to the
drawee bank for payment but it was dishonored for the reason that it was drawn against insufficient funds
Rene sent Rashid a timely notice of dishonor of the check and demanded the latter to make good the same
within five (5) days from notice. After the lapse of the five (5)-day notice, Rene redeposited the check with
the drawee bank but it was again dishonored for the same reason, i.e., DAIF. Rene thereafter filed two (2)
separate criminal actions against Rashid: (1) Estafa under Art. 315(2)(d) of the RPC, as amended by R.A.
No. 4885, i.e, estafa committed by postdating a check, or issuing a check in payment of an obligation
without sufficient funds in the bank; and (2) Violation of B.P. 22 or the Bouncing Checks Law.
(b) If the check is presented for payment after four (4) months, but before it becomes stale, can the two
actions still proceed? (2.5%)
Rafa caught his wife, Rachel, in the act of having sexual intercourse with Rocco in the maid's room of their
own house. Rafa shot both lovers in the chest, but they survived. Rafa charged Rachel and Rocco with
adultery, while Rachel and Rocco charged Rafa with frustrated parricide and frustrated homicide.
In the adultery case, Rachel and Rocco raised the defense that Rafa and Rachel, prior to the incident in
question, executed a notarized document whereby they agreed to live separately and allowed each of them
to get a new partner and live with anyone of their choice as husband and wife. This document was executed
after Rachel discovered that Rafa was cohabiting with another woman. Thus, they also raised the defense
of in pari delicto. In the frustrated parricide and frustrated homicide cases, Rafa raised the defense that,
having caught them in flagrante delicto, he has no criminal liability.
(b) Will the actions for frustrated parricide and frustrated homicide prosper? (2.5%)
Wielding loose firearms, Rene and Roan held up a bank. After taking the bank's money, the robbers ran
towards their getaway car, pursued by the bank security guards. As the security guards were closing in on
the robbers, the two fired their firearms at the pursuing security guards. As a result, one of the security
guards was hit on the head causing his immediate death.
For the taking of the bank's money and killing of the security guard with the use of loose firearms, the
robbers were charged in court in two separate informations, one for robbery with homicide attended by
the aggravating circumstance of use of loose firearms, and the other for illegal possession of firearms.
When Rosario came home, she found her room in disarray, and her money and valuables gone. She
confronted Rocky, who confessed to taking the money and valuables in order to pay his debts.
The brothers Roberto and Ricardo Ratute, both Filipino citizens, led a group of armed men in seizing a
southern island in the Philippines, and declaring war against the duly constituted government of the
country. The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), led by its Chief of Staff, General Riturban, responded
and a full scale war ensued between the AFP and the armed men led by the brothers. The armed conflict
raged for months.
When the brothers-led armed men were running out of supplies, Ricalde, also a Filipino, and a good friend
and supporter of the Ratute brothers, was tasked to leave for abroad in order to solicit arms and funding
Ricalde and Riboli were charged with conspiracy to commit treason. During the hearing of the two cases,
the government only presented as witness, General Riturban, who testified on the activities of the Ratute
brothers, Ricalde, and Riboli.
(a) Can Ricalde and Riboli be convicted of the crime of conspiracy to commit treason? (2.5%)
(b) Will the testimony of General Riturban, assuming he can testify on acts within his personal knowledge,
be sufficient to convict the Ratute brothers, Ricalde, and Riboli? (2.5%)
Robin and Rowell are best friends and have been classmates since grade school. When the boys graduated
from high school, their parents gifted them with a trip to Amsterdam, all expenses paid. At age 16, this
was their first European trip. Thrilled with a sense of freedom, they decided to try what Amsterdam was
known for. One night, they scampered out of their hotel room, went to the De Wallen, better known as the
Before returning to Manila, they bought a dozen lollipops laced with cannabis, as souvenir and "pasalubong"
for their friends. They were accosted at the Manila International Airport and were charged with importation
of dangerous drugs under the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. They were also charged with
use of dangerous drugs after pictures of them in the "coffee shop" in Amsterdam were posted on Facebook,
showing them smoking and taking shots of a whole menu of cannabis and marijuana products. Their own
captions on their Facebook posts clearly admitted that they were using the dangerous products. The
pictures were posted by them through Private Messenger (PM) only for their close friends, but Roccino, the
older brother of one of their best friends, was able to get hold of his younger brother's password, and
without authority from his brother, accessed his PM and shared Robin and Rowell's Amsterdam photos on
(a) Can Robin and Rowell be prosecuted for use of dangerous drugs for their one-night use of these
products in Amsterdam? (2.5%)
(c) If found liable under either (a) or (b) above, what is the penalty that may be imposed on them? (2.5%)
(d) Can Roccino be prosecuted for the act of accessing and sharing on Facebook the private pictures sent
by PM to his brother? If yes, for what crime? (2.5%)
During the presentation of the prosecution's evidence, Reichter was called to the witness stand with the
stated purpose that he would testify that his wife Rima had shot him in the stomach with a .38 caliber
pistol, resulting in near fatal injuries. Upon objection of the defense on the ground of the marital
disqualification rule, the presiding judge (Judge Rossano) disallowed Reichter from testifying in the case.
Its motion for reconsideration having been denied, the People of the Philippines went up on certiorari to
the Court of Appeals (CA) questioning Judge Rossano's ruling.
After due proceedings, the CA rendered judgment declaring Judge Rossano's ruling void ab initio for having
been made with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, and directing Judge
Rossano to allow Reichter to testify in the criminal case for the stated purpose. This is based on the fact
that the marital privilege rule does not apply where a spouse committed the crime against the other.
As the CA decision became final and executory, the criminal case before the RTC was calendared for trial.
At the scheduled trial, the prosecution called Reichter to the witness stand in order to testify on the same
matter it earlier announced. The defense objected on the ground that the CA erred in its disposition of the
certiorari case. Judge Rossano sustained the objection and again disallowed Reichter from testifying in the
criminal case. Repeated pleas from the prosecution for Judge Rossano to reconsider his ruling and to allow
Reichter to testify fell on deaf ears.
May Judge Rossano be convicted of a crime? If yes, what crime did he commit? (5%)
For the past five years, Ruben and Rorie had been living together as husband and wife without the benefit
of marriage. Initially, they had a happy relationship which was blessed with a daughter, Rona, who was
born on March 1, 2014. However, the partners' relationship became sour when Ruben began indulging in
vices, such as women and alcohol, causing frequent arguments between them. Their relationship got worse
when, even for slight mistakes, Ruben would lay his hands on Rorie. One day, a tipsy Ruben barged into
their house and, for no reason, repeatedly punched Rorie in the stomach. To avoid further harm, Rorie ran
out of the house. But Ruben pursued her and stripped her naked in full view of their neighbors; and then
he vanished.
Ten days later, Ruben came back to Rorie and pleaded for forgiveness. However, Rorie expressed her wish
to live separately from Ruben and asked him to continue providing financial support for their daughter
Rona. At that time, Ruben was earning enough to support a family. He threatened to withdraw the support
he was giving to Rona unless Rorie would agree to live with him again. But Rorie was steadfast in refusing
to live with Ruben again, and insisted on her demand for support for Rona. As the ex-lovers could not reach
an agreement, no further support was given by Ruben.
Robina bought from Ramsey a seaside property located in Romblon. At that time, she was in the process
of returning to the Philippines as a returning resident, after retiring from her work in Russia, and was
planning to set up a diving school in the area. In a non-notarized "Kasunduan ng Pagbibili," Ramsey
represented the property as alienable and disposable, and that he had a valid title to the property. When
the sale was completed, and as she was applying for permits and licenses for her school, she found out
that the property was a public non-alienable and non-disposable land which Ramsey had bought from
someone who only had a foreshore lease over the same. As she was bent on setting up the diving school
in the area, having made all the preparations and having already bought all the equipment, she filed a
Miscellaneous Lease Application (MLA) with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
at the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office in Romblon. In her application, she stated
that she was a Filipino citizen, although she was still a naturalized Russian citizen at that time. It was only
six months after she filed the MLA that she filed her petition for dual citizenship under R.A. No. 9225. When
DENR discovered that, at the time of filing the MLA, she was still a Russian citizen, her application was
denied and she was charged with falsification of a public document for misrepresenting herself as a Filipino
citizen. Infuriated, Robina also filed charges against Ramsey for falsification of a private document for
stating in their "Kasunduan" that the property was alienable and disposable.
In the case for falsification of a public document, Robina's defense was that, at the time she filed the MLA,
she had every intention to reacquire Philippine citizenship, as in fact she filed for dual citizenship six months
thereafter, and that she had no intent to gain or to injure the Philippine government since she expected
that her application for dual citizenship would be approved before the MLA could be approved. On the other
hand, she claimed in the action against Ramsey that intent to gain was present since he received the
purchase price as a result of his misrepresentation. Ramsey's defense was that he had a valid Transfer
Certificate of Title in his name, and he had a right to rely on his title.
(a) Will the case for falsification of public document filed against Robina prosper? (2.5%)
(b) Will the case for falsification of private document filed against Ramsey prosper? (2.5%)
Mrs. Robinson is a teacher at an elementary school. In one of her classes, she found, to her consternation,
that an 8-year old Richard was always the cause of distraction, as he was fond of bullying classmates
smaller in size than him.
One morning, Reymart, a 7-year old pupil, cried loudly and complained to Mrs. Robinson that Richard had
boxed him on the ear. Confronted by Mrs. Robinson about Reymart's accusation, Richard sheepishly
admitted the same. Because of this, Mrs. Robinson ordered Richard to lie face down on a desk during class.
After Richard obliged, Mrs. Robinson hit him ten (10) times on the legs with a ruler and pinched his ears.
Richard ran home and reported to his mother what he had suffered at the hands of Mrs. Robinson. When
Richard's parents went to Mrs. Robinson to complain, she interposed the defense that she merely performed
her duty as a teacher to discipline erring pupils.
Richard's parents ask your advice on what actions can be instituted against Mrs. Robinson for acts
committed on their minor child.
(a) May Mrs. Robinson be charged with child abuse OR slight physical injuries? (2.5%)
(b) May Mrs. Robinson be charged with child abuse AND slight physical
injuries? (2.5%)
Ricky was driving his car when he was flagged down by a traffic enforcer for overspeeding. Realizing his
undoing, but in a hurry for a meeting, Ricky shoved a PhP500 bill in the traffic enforcer's pocket and
whispered to the latter to refrain from issuing him a traffic violation receipt. The traffic enforcer still issued
him a ticket, and returned his money.