Guidelines On Objective Tests

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In recent years there has become an increased awareness of the need OECD
for the consumer to have fruit available to eat which has reached a
satisfactory state of ripeness and which exhibits the true organoleptic
characteristics of the produce and of the variety concerned. TO GUIDELINES
In the framework of the Scheme, internal quality of fruit is defined as: ANDAND
“The degree, measured with objective criteria, to which a commodity
has reached a sufficient stage of development such as to enable its
quality, after harvesting and post harvest handling (including ripening,
where required) to be at least the minimum acceptable to the final

This document describes those methods of objective testing of fruits

that have emerged as beneficial to both Inspection Services, and the
fruit industry in general in determining acceptable levels of ripeness
and quality.

October 2018
Guidelines on Objective Tests




Produce UNECE Parameter UNECE

Document No

Apples FV 50 °Brix x
In recent years there has become an increased awareness of the need for the consumer to have
Avocados FV 42 dry matter content x fruit available to eat which has reached a satisfactory state of ripeness and which exhibits the true
organoleptic characteristics of the produce and of the variety concerned.
Kiwifruit FV 46 °Brix x
dry matter content x
In the framework of the Scheme, internal quality of fruit is defined as: “The degree, measured
with objective criteria, to which a commodity has reached a sufficient stage of development such
Melons FV 23 °Brix x as to enable its quality, after harvesting and post harvest handling (including ripening, where
required) to be at least the minimum acceptable to the final consumer”.
Peaches & Nectarines FV 26 °Brix x
This document describes those methods of objective testing of fruits that have emerged as
firmness (penetrometer) x
beneficial to both Inspection Services, and the fruit industry in general in determining acceptable
Table grapes FV 19 °Brix x levels of ripeness and quality.
sugar/acid ratio x

Watermelons FV 37 °Brix x

Citrus FV 14 juice content x

sugar content x
total soluble solids content (TSS) x

Dry produce DF … Moisture content x

Dried produce DF … Moisture content x

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests

TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.2 Determination of moisture content

Carry out the determination on two test portions of approximately 5 to 10 g each, unless indicated
otherwise by the instructions for use of the apparatus.

TAKING THE SAMPLES………………………………..…..…………………………………… 3 Spread the test portion over the base of the test receptacle, thoroughly cleaned in advance, and note
the weight of the test portion to within 1 mg.
REFRACTOMETER…………………………………….……………………………………....... 4 Follow the procedure indicated in the instructions for use of the apparatus for the product to be
tested, in particular with regard to the adjusting of temperatures, the duration of the test and the recording
DETERMINATION OF FIRMNESS OF A FRUIT BY PENETROMETER…………………..... 9 of the weight readings.


SUGAR/ACID RATIO…………………………………………………………..........……….….. 11 4. Expression of results
DETERMINATION OF THE JUICE CONTENT………………………………………….…….. 16 4.1 Result

DETERMINATION OF DRY MATTER CONTENT BY LABORATORY REFERENCE The result should be the arithmetic mean of the two determinations, provided that the conditions of
METHOD OR MICROWAVE-OVEN QUICK METHOD………………………………..…...… 18 repeatability (4.2) are satisfied. Report the result to one decimal place.

DETERMINATION OF TOTAL SOLUBLE SOLIDS BY VIS-NIR……………….....………… 22 4.2 Repeatability

DETERMINATION OF THE STARCH CONTENT OF APPLES AND PEARS USING AN The difference in absolute value between the respective results of the two determinations performed
IODINE SOLUTION………………………………………………………………………….…... 23 simultaneously or one immediately after the other by the same operator, under the same conditions on
identical test material, must not exceed 0.2%.


DETERMINATION OF THE MOISTURE CONTENT FOR DRY FRUIT……………………... 32 The test report must state the method used and the results obtained. The report must contain all
information necessary for the full identification of the sample.
PARAMETERS…………………………………...……….……………………………………… 36



Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests

7. Expression of results and test report

Follow all the instructions as specified in ISO 665-2000 (point 9 and 11) for method of calculation TAKING THE SAMPLES
and formulae, and for test report, without any modification. 10
8. Precision

For conditions of repeatability and reproducibility apply specifications of ISO 665-2000 (point 10.2
and 10.3) for soya beans.


The sample has to be taken in accordance with the “ Operating Rules for the Conformity Checks
of Produce Exported Under The “Scheme”” (published in document C(2006)95 – Annex II as
1. Principle amended).

Determination of the moisture content using a measuring apparatus based on the principle of loss of Quality control takes place by assessing bulk samples taken at random from different points in
mass by heating. The apparatus should include a halogen or infra-red lamp and a built-in analytical the lot to be inspected. It is based on the principle of presumption that the quality of the bulk sample is
balance, calibrated according to the laboratory method. representative of the quality of the lot.

The use of apparatus based on the principle of electrical conductivity or resistance, as Moisture Meters,
Moisture Testers and similar, is also allowed always at condition that the apparatus has to be calibrated
according with the laboratory reference method for the tested product.

2. Apparatus

2.1 Mechanical mill or food chopper.

2.2 3 mm round-holes sieve (unless indicated otherwise by the instructions for use of the apparatus).

2.3 Halogen or infrared lamp with built-in analytical balance sensitive to 1 mg or better.

3. Procedure

3.1 Preparation of sample

Follow the same instructions as given for the laboratory reference method (points 6.a and 6.b),
unless indicated otherwise by the instructions for use of the apparatus, particularly with regard to the
diameter of the fragments.

The main points specified are as follows:
 Moisture and volatile matter content is expressed as mass fraction, in percent, of the mass of the initial
 The result is the arithmetic mean of the two determinations; the difference between the two determinations
should not exceed 0.2% (mass fraction).
 The result has to be reported to one decimal place.

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests

5.4 Glass, porcelain or non-corrosive metal containers, provided with well-fitting lids, allowing the
DETERMINATION OF TOTAL SOLUBLE SOLIDS OR SUGAR (TSS) test portion to be spread to about 0.2 g/cm 2 (approximately 5 mm height).
5.5 Electric oven with thermostatic control capable of being regulated between 101 and 105º C in
normal operation.

During the development of the flesh of a fruit, in many species, nutrients are deposited as starch, 5.6 Desiccator containing an effective desiccant.
which during the ripening process is transformed into sugars. The progression of the ripening process
leads to increasing sugar levels.

This document describes an objective test to determine the total content of soluble solids (TSS) or 6. Procedure
sugar in a fruit by means of the refractometer. The method is especially suitable for ripe and juicy
fruit, with significant sugar content, as the determination of TSS is based on the capacity of sugars in a Follow the operating conditions as specified in ISO 665-2000 for oilseeds of medium size (point 7
juice to deviate light. and 7.3 of ISO 665-2000), but with the following specific modifications, concerning the preparation of the
test sample.
Although ISO 665-2000 sets up one initial period of 3 hours in the oven set at 103 ± 2º C, for nuts it is
A refractometer measures TSS as °Brix in 0.1% graduations. There are hand-held refractometers recommended one initial period of 6 hours.
as well as digital battery/mains-operated models available. All models apply similar principles.
However, the manufacturers’ instructions must always be followed. 6.a Determination of the moisture and volatile matter content of kernels:

Some refractometers automatically compensate for changes in temperature, whereas others may  For shelled nuts, homogenize the laboratory sample and take a minimum of 100 g of kernels as a
be calibrated to read accurately at a fixed temperature (usually 20°C). To obtain accurate readings at test sample.
temperatures other than 20°C it is necessary to refer to the International Temperature Correction Table
(1974) which is usually supplied with the instrument or ISO standard 2173 - (edition 2003).  For inshell nuts, take a minimum of 200 g and, using a nutcracker or hammer, remove the shells
and fragments or particles of shell, using the rest as a test sample. The kernel skin (cuticle or
spermoderm) is included in the test sample.

 Grind and sieve the test sample until the size of the particles obtained is no greater than 3 mm.
During the grinding operation, care should be taken to avoid the production of a paste (oily
flour), the overheating of the sample and the consequent loss of moisture content (for example, if
using a mechanical food chopper, by successive very short grinding and sieving operations).

 Spread evenly over the base of the vessel about 10 g of the ground product as a test portion,
replace the lid, and weigh the whole vessel. Carry out two determinations on the same test

6.b Determination of moisture and volatile matter content on whole nuts (shell plus kernel):
with scale for temperature correction 1
 Remove all the foreign matter (dust, stickers, etc.) from the test sample. Homogenize the
laboratory sample and take a minimum of 200 g of nuts as a test sample.

 Grind the whole nuts using either a Rass Mill, a Romer Mill or a Brabender apparatus or similar,
 LCD DIGITAL BENCH MODEL 1 without overheating the product.

Refractometers should not normally require re-calibration, however, the following calibration  Spread evenly over the base of the vessel about 15 g of the ground product as a test portion,
instructions may prove useful.2 If there is any doubt as to the accuracy of any reading it is important to replace the lid, and weigh the whole vessel. Carry out two determinations on the same test
consult the manufacturer’s instructions. sample.

These instruments are presented for information only. The OECD does not recommend the usage of any
particular make. 33

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Use of the refractometer

Depending on the purpose of the analysis, several drops of distilled water, sucrose solution or
juice are placed on the prism surface. The liquid on the prism plate should be free from bubbles or
floating particles of pulp or other matter.
- Hand-held model: The prism lid is closed. To get proper readings, the instrument is turned
towards the light. If necessary the eye piece is focused until a clear image appears. The
position at which the demarcation line between the light and dark regions crosses the vertical
METHOD 1 - LABORATORY REFERENCE METHOD scale gives the percentage soluble solids reading.
- LCD Digital model: Push the button to get the soluble solids reading in percent.

1. Scope and application

This reference method serves to determine the moisture and volatile matter content for both inshell Checking and re-calibration to zero
nuts and shelled nuts (kernels).
- A bottle of distilled water.
2. Reference
- A small bottle of 6 % sucrose solution. The solution should be stored in a bottle, kept
This method is based on the method prescribed by ISO: ISO 665-2000 Oilseeds - Determination of away from daylight and used within 48 hrs of preparation.
moisture and volatile matter content.
Several drops of distilled water are placed on the prism surface.

3. Definition Distilled water should give a reading of zero. If not and where possible, the refractometer must be
adjusted to read zero.
Moisture content and volatile matter content for dry produce (inshell nuts and shelled nuts): loss in
mass measured under the operating conditions specified in ISO 665-2000 for oilseeds of medium size (see The prism plate is wiped dry with a soft tissue free from fluffs.
point 7.3 of ISO 665-2000). The moisture content is expressed as mass fraction, in percent, of the mass of
the initial sample. Several drops of 6% sucrose solution are placed onto the clean and dry prism plate.

For whole nuts, when moisture content is expressed both on the whole nut and on the kernel, in The refractometer should give a reading of 6%. If the reading is not accurate:
cases of dispute between the two values, the moisture content value of the whole nut takes precedence.
a) A new fresh solution of accurate 6% sucrose may be required.
b) The refractometer may need to be repaired or replaced.
4. Principle
Taking care of the refractometer
Determination of the moisture and volatile matter content of a test portion by drying at103 ± 2º C in
an oven at atmospheric pressure, until practically constant mass is reached. Optical glass is relatively soft and damage can easily occur to prism surfaces. Care should be
taken not to scratch the prism and therefore metal and glass objects should be kept away from the
prism surface.
5. Apparatus (see ISO 665-2000 for more details)
Samples should be washed off the instrument as soon as possible with distilled water. A prism is
5.1 Analytical balance sensitive to 1 mg or better. susceptible to alkalis and acids if left in contact for any length of time. They should be washed clean
with a suitable solvent before being rinsed with distilled water and dried off with a soft tissue.
5.2 Mechanical mill.
Periodically it is an advantage to wipe the prism plate with alcohol to remove any oils which may
5.3 3 mm round-holes sieve. adhere. Alcohol must not be used on battery/mains operated models.

It is always advisable to keep any liquids confined to the prism end of the refractometer.
Annex I of standard layout for UNECE standards concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of dry 2
and dried produce. The text describes the calibration and method of operation for the more traditional hand-held refractometer.
When using digital battery/main-operated models similar principles apply, however, the manufacturers’
instructions must always be followed.
Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests


To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 10 fruits of each size at 6. Procedure
random from the reduced sample. In case of small fruits packed in sales packages (e.g. strawberries,
cherries) take 10 sales packages and at least five fruits of each package or 10 primary samples if fruits Follow the operating conditions as specified in AOAC Official Method 972.20 - Moisture in Prunes
are packed in bulk in the package. and Raisins (Moisture Meter Method).

However, fruits should be free from defects such as sun scorch and pest or disease damage, which Carry out the determination on two test portions
may have affected the normal ripening process.

Sample preparation
7. Expression of results and test report
It is important that the juice sample used for measuring soluble solids is extracted in a uniform
7.1 Result
way and to take into account natural differences in the distribution of soluble solids within the fruit for
the species concerned.
The result should be the arithmetic mean of the two determinations. Report the result to one decimal
Although it is not possible to lay down precise guidelines for all produce which could be tested.
The overriding criteria is that the juice sample must be as far as possible representative of the whole
7.2 Test report
fruit. Dry fruit should be used, as any external moisture mixing with the juice will lower the reading.
The test report must state the method used and the results obtained. The report must contain all the
Where specific methods for sample preparation or juice extraction are given in marketing
information necessary for the complete identification of the sample.
standards or OECD brochures, it should be followed. In absence of such guidelines, sample
preparation and the juice extraction should be done in following way:

Apples, From each fruit two longitudinal slices

Pears, (from stem end to calyx-end) are taken, one
Peaches and from the most coloured side and one from
Nectarines the opposite. The core is removed. The
slice is squeezed longitudinally to get a
mixture of juice from all regions.

Apricots, Cut the fruit in half. Each half is measured
to get a mixture
P of juice from all regions.

Kiwifruit Cut the stem and blossom ends at a distance

of 15 mm from each end of the fruit and
squeeze the two slices separately.

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Using a small diameter metal borer (1 –
4 mm) a core of melon should be extracted
from the equatorial axis area. Each end of
the core should be discarded i.e. the skin
8. Repeatability and the flesh area immediately beneath it
and also the soft pulpy seed area. The
The difference between the results of two determinations carried out simultaneously or in rapid remaining flesh should be used to extract
succession by the same analyst, using the same apparatus and in the same laboratory, should not be greater Melons the juice for testing.
than 0.2 g of moisture per 100 g of sample.
Alternatively, two longitudinal slices (from stem end to calyx-end) are taken, one
from the side that touched the ground during growth and one from the opposite. From
METHOD 2: RAPID METHOD the middle of the slice a piece of fruit flesh is cut off, with the core and peel removed.
The remaining flesh is squeezed to extract the juice for testing.
1. Scope and application

This rapid method serves to determine the moisture for dried fruits. 8

2. Reference

This method is based on the method prescribed by AOAC: AOAC Official Method 972.20 -
Moisture in Prunes and Raisins (Moisture Meter Method). This method is also commonly used as
unofficial method for the determination of moisture content in other kinds of dried fruits.

3. Definition

Moisture content for dried fruits: conventionally, correlation between moisture content and
conductance-temperature measured under the operating conditions specified in AOAC Official Method Table At least 5 berries are taken from each bunch or sales package at different places of the
972.20. The moisture content is expressed as percentage by mass (grams per 100 grams). grapes bunch or sales package.
These berries can be squeezed and tested individually or all together to get a mixture
4. Principle of juice from these berries. However, it is possible to squeeze the whole bunch.

Determination of the conductance and temperature of a test portion by the moisture tester meter and
under the operating conditions specified in AOAC Official Method 972.20. The moisture tester meter has Water Two longitudinal slices (from stem end to calyx-end) are taken, one from the side that
to be calibrated according to the laboratory method, for each kind of dried fruit, taken into account the melon touched the ground during growth and one from the opposite. From the equatorial
variety or commercial type and the type of presentation (whole, pitted, slabs, dices, etc) and, when section a piece of fruit flesh is cut off, with the core and peel removed. The piece of
necessary, the crop year and/or the origin. fruit-flesh is squeezed.
5. Apparatus (see AOAC Official Method 972.20) fruits Cut each fruit in half crosswise and squeeze to extract all the juice.

5.1 Moisture tester meter type A series. Small fruits

e.g. At least 5 fruits are taken from each primary sample or sales package at different
5.2 Thermometer (if not incorporated to the moisture tester meter). Strawberries places of the package. These fruits can be squeezed and tested individually or all
, to get a mixture of juice from these fruits.
5.3 Mechanical mill or food chopper. Cherries

Tomatoes From each fruit two longitudinal slices (from stem end to calyx-end) are taken. The
slice is squeezed longitudinally to get a mixture of juice from all regions.

It is also possible to employ other rapid methods based on different conductance methods, or on the principle of
loss of mass by heating with apparatus including an halogen or infra-red lamp and a built-in analytical balance,
always at condition that the method and the apparatus has to be calibrated according the laboratory method.

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests


An equal number of drops from the prepared fruit juice or the prepared fruit are placed onto the 6. Procedure
refractometer prism plate. The reading on the prism scale is noted to one decimal place. After each test
the prism plate must be cleaned with (distilled) water and wiped dry with a soft tissue.  Follow the operating conditions as specified in AOAC Official Method 934.06 for Moisture in
Dried Fruits, with the following additional specifications, concerning the preparation of the test
 Homogenize the laboratory sample and take a minimum of 100 g of dried fruits as a test sample.
It is important to record the results, to one decimal place, as well as all the details concerning
With non-pitted stone fruits (apricots, prunes, peaches, dates, etc), remove the stones using the rest as a
method, variety and stage of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.
test sample.
Each reading for the individual fruit, bunch, primary sample or sales package is noted. The sum
 Grind or chop the test sample to obtain small particles, using either a mechanical mill or food
total of all readings are averaged (rounded to one decimal place) to give a mean figure.
chopper, without overheating the product, or cut and grind by hand if necessary, using knife, scissors,
If the juice is taken from two parts of the fruit (e.g. longitudinal slices, equatorial axis area) in a mortar and pestle or similar.
first step, the two readings for each individual fruit are averaged. In a second step the sum total of
 Use 5.0 to 10 g of the ground or chopped product as a test portion. Mix the test portion with circa
these readings should be averaged (round to one decimal place) to give a mean figure. The same
2 g of finely divided glass fiber filter or of washed sand, with the help of a spatula, and weigh to the
procedure is possible in case of small fruit or table grapes where single fruits or berries may be
nearest 0,001 g.
 When necessary, moisten the test portion and the glass fiber filter or the washed sand with a few
If the average readings of all fruit are equal to or greater than the limit specified in the standard,
millilitres of water, mix thoroughly with the help of the spatula, and heat the open dish on the steam-
the lot has reached the minimum maturity level.
bath to near dryness, before complete the drying in the vacuum oven.
If the average readings of 3 or more of the 10 fruits, bunches or sales packages are at least 10 per
 Carry out two determinations on the same test sample.
cent below the limit specified in the standard, a second sample needs to be taken and analysed
with other fruits of the reduced sample or from a new sample. If the average of the two samples is
below the limit specified in the standard, the lot fails the minimum maturity level and needs to be
7. Expression of results and test report
rejected. No tolerance is applied.
The moisture content, W, as percentage by mass of the sample (grams per 100 grams), is equal to:

M1  M 2
W 100
M1  M 0


M0 is the mass, in grams, of the dish and lid.5 6 7

M1 is the mass, in grams, of the dish and lid, and the test portion before drying. 1, 2

M2 is the mass, in grams, of the dish and lid, and the test portion after drying. 1, 2

Take as a result the arithmetic mean of the results of the two determinations, if the difference between
the results is smaller than 0.2%. The result has to be reported to one decimal place.

The test report shall show the method used and the results obtained. It shall mention any operating
details not specified or optional, and incidents, likely to have influenced the results. It shall also include all
the information necessary for the complete identification of the sample.

Weigh to the nearest 0.001 g.
In case, plus the glass fibre or washed sand, and spatula.
After heating, on the oven for 2 hours and cooling in the desiccator.

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests



The firmness of a fruit is linked to the state of maturity and ripeness and may be influenced by
the variety as well as the region of production and the growing conditions. This document describes an
METHOD 1 - LABORATORY REFERENCE METHOD objective test to determine the firmness of fruit by means of a penetrometer.

The penetrometer is used by producers, packers and distributors to help to determine the stage of
1. Scope and application ripeness of a fruit and by the retail trade to determine palatability for the consumer and shelf life for
their own records.
This reference method serves to determine the moisture for dried fruits, as dried or desiccated
apricots, figs, prunes, dates, grapes, apples, pears, etc. The determination of firmness of a fruit by means of the penetrometer is based on the pressure
necessary to push a plunger of specified size into the pulp of the fruit up to a specific depth.
2. Reference
This method is based on the method prescribed by AOAC: AOAC Official Method 934.06 - Moisture
in Dried Fruits.

3. Definition Penetrometers are available with dial gauges calibrated in

both metric (kg) and imperial (lbs) measurements and can
Moisture content for dried fruits: conventionally, loss in mass measured under the operating be obtained to cover different ranges of pressure suitable
conditions specified in AOAC Official Method 934.06. The moisture content is expressed as percentage by for measuring either soft or harder types of fruit,
mass (grams per 100 grams). depending on the variety and the stage of ripeness of the
produce to be tested.

Determination of the moisture content of a test portion by drying in an oven 6 h at 70 ± 1º C under Three detachable plungers are available:
pressure < 100 mm Hg (13.3 kPa).
 One of 8 mm (½ cm²) diameter generally suitable for use in testing softer produce (e.g.
5. Apparatus (see AOAC Official Method 934.06) peaches, nectarines, plums),

5.1 Analytical balance sensitive to 1 mg or better.  one of 11 mm (1 cm²) diameter generally suitable for use in testing harder fruit (e.g.
apples, pears) and
5.2 Mechanical mill or food chopper.
 a pointed plunger for use in testing avocados.
5.3 Non-corrosive metal dish, provided with well-fitting lid, about 8.5 cm of diameter, allowing the test
portion to be spread to about 0.2 g/cm2 or less. Ideally the penetrometer should be bench-mounted on a fixed, rigid drill stand to ensure that
pressure is applied at a steady controlled rate and at a constant angle to the fruit i.e. vertically
5.4 Electric vacuum oven with thermostatic control capable of being regulated in normal operation at 70 downwards. This is more difficult to achieve when using a hand-held penetrometer.
± 1º C under pressure < 100 mm Hg (13.3 kPa.).
If it is not practical to use a stand mounted penetrometer and it is necessary to use a hand-
5.5 Desiccator containing an effective desiccant. held one as in the field or market place - then particular care must be taken to ensure a smooth and
uniform application of pressure when taking readings. The method is the same for both the hand-held
5.6 Steam-bath and the mounted penetrometer and must be identical for each item of produce tested in order to obtain
consistent results.

If testing is done in a laboratory, a stand-model penetrometer should be used.

Annex I of standard layout for UNECE standards concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of dry
and dried produce. 3.
These instruments are presented for information only. The OECD does not recommend the usage of any
particular make.
Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests


To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 10 fruits of each size at DETERMINATION OF SKIN COLOUR BY OECD COLOUR GAUGES
random from the reduced sample. However, fruits should be free from defects such as sun scorch and
pest or disease damage, which may have affected the normal ripening process. The colour of fruit skin is a good indicator to describe the ripeness of a fruit or uniformity concerning
Sample Preparation
The use of colour gauges permits to define a colour stage or a range of colour stages to describe a
From two opposite sides of the equatorial area of the fruit a disc of peel (only skin depth) of up to certain grade of ripeness/maturity.
2 cm² (¾ sq. ins) is removed.
To get an objective result different colour gauges are elaborated.
Where fruit is of mixed colour, e.g. apples, the tests should be carried out where possible between
the highest and the lowest coloured portion of the surface. Material

Measurement The OECD SCHEME has elaborated Colour Gauges for Use by the Trade in Gauging the Skin
Colouring of
 Hold the fruit firmly with one hand, rest it on a rigid surface, such as a table top or the plate
at the base of the stand. - Apples (Golden Delicious) and

 The choice of plunger size and scale range used will depend on the type and the variety of - Tomatoes.
the produce being tested and its stage of maturity and ripeness.

 If the size of plunger is mandatory in marketing standards, the given size has been used.

 It is recommended that the size of the plunger chosen and the particular scale used should be
such as to give readings in the middle range of the scale.

 Zero the penetrometer and place the plunger head against the flesh in the peeled area of the
fruit. Apply steady downward pressure until the plunger has penetrated the flesh of the fruit up to
the depth mark (half way up) on the plunger. Slow, steady pressure is essential as sharp uneven
movements may give unreliable results. Remove the plunger and note the reading on the
penetrometer dial, to one decimal place. Colour gauge for tomatoes (open) Colour gauge for apples
 Repeat the process on the opposite side of the same fruit after first zeroing the penetrometer. Note: To prevent discolouration, the colour gauges should not be exposed to daylight permanently. In case
of discolouration the colour gauges have to be replaced.
 It is very important to conduct all tests as uniformly and carefully as possible in order to
allow an accurate comparison of results.
Results To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 10 fruits at random from the
reduced sample. However, fruits should be free from defects such as sun scorch and pest or disease
It is important to record the results, to one decimal place, as well as all the details concerning damage, which may have affected the normal ripening process.
plunger size, scale range used, variety and stage of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.
As a first step the two readings for each individual fruit are averaged. In a second step the sum
The colour of the fruits (typically background colour of the individual fruit) will be compared against
total of these readings should be averaged (to one decimal place) to give a mean figure.
the different colour steps of the colour gauge.
If the average readings of all fruit are equal to or less than the limit specified in the standard, the
The tests should be done by daylight or under fluorescent white light.
lot has reached the minimum maturity level.

If the average readings of 3 or more of the 10 fruits are at least 10 per cent above the limit Results
specified in the standard, a second sample needs to be taken and analysed with other fruits of the The colour code which matches the skin colour is noted.
reduced sample or from a new sample. If the average of the two samples is above the limit specified in
the standard, the lot fails the minimum maturity level and needs to be rejected. No tolerance is applied. If the colour of the fruit skin lies between two colour codes, both codes are noted.

Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests

Starch conversion chart for apples


It is the sugar/acid ratio which contributes towards giving many fruits their characteristic flavour
and so is an indicator of commercial and organoleptic ripeness. At the beginning of the ripening
process the sugar/acid ratio is low, because of low sugar content and high fruit acid content, this
makes the fruit taste sour. During the ripening process the fruit acids are degraded, the sugar content
increases and the sugar/acid ratio achieves a higher value. Overripe fruits have very low levels of fruit
acid and therefore lack characteristic flavour.

1 (C) Slight central discolouration Titration is a chemical process used in ascertaining the amount of constituent substance in a
sample, e.g. acids, by using a standard counter-active reagent, e.g. an alkali (NaOH).

Once the acid level in a sample has been determined it can be used to find the ratio of sugar to

There are two methods specified for the determination of the titratable acidity of fruits:

- Method using a coloured indicator;

- Potentiometric method, using a pH meter, which should be used for very coloured juices.

2(C) – 3(C) – 4(C): Central discolouration, from “coin” to “5-leaver clover” - A laboratory burette of 25 or 50ml capacity or an automatic burette is used. A 10ml pipette, beaker
(250ml), a filter (muslin cloth or fine filter) and an extractor or homogeniser.
- A bottle of distilled water.
- Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH): The Standard Laboratory solution of 0.1M which is used in the
actual titration is considered to be dilute, and can readily be
purchased in this form.
- Phenolphthalein: This is a 1% w/v solution of phenolphthalein in 95% v/v ethanol
which is flammable and toxic if ingested. This is only required for
the method using a coloured indicator.
- Indicator stripes: To check the exact point of neutrality an indicator stripe should be
used. Not necessary if pH Meter is used.
5(C) – 6(C) – 7(C): Increasing central discolouration with peripheral spots

To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 10 fruits of each size at
random from the reduced sample. However, fruits should be free from defects such as sun scorch and
pest or disease damage, which may have affected the normal ripening process.

8(C) – 9(C) -10(C): increasing peripheral discolouration

26 11
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests

Sample preparation Starch conversion chart for apples

Depending upon the type of produce, either cut the fruit in half and squeeze out the juice with an
extractor or a juice-press e.g. citrus fruits, or homogenise the flesh into a pulp. The juice of all
squeezed fruits is mixed. Radial type (R)

The skin and solids should not be included; the solids being filtered out through muslin cloth or
fine filter extracting as much juice as possible.

Use a clean and dry safety 10ml pipette. Draw up 10ml of juice and discharge it into a 250ml
beaker. Using another clean and dry pipette draw up 50ml of distilled water and add to the juice in the


Method using a coloured indicator 1 (R) Slight central discolouration

 Add 3 drops of phenolphthalein to the juice/water solution in each beaker from a dropping
pipette which is specifically kept for that purpose.

 Ensure the tap on the burette is shut and using a funnel pour the 0.1M solution of NaOH into
the burette until it reaches the zero mark. Do not spill the solution onto the skin.

 Slowly titrate the NaOH into the juice/water solution (with a 25ml burette or an automatic
burette). Care must be taken that the NaOH is dropped directly into the solution and does not
adhere to the glass, otherwise the reading may be false. While titrating care must be taken to
continually swirl the solution in the beaker to keep it thoroughly mixed. This is essential,
particularly when the solution nears neutrality. It is important to determine the point of neutrality
or the end point of titration very exactly. The phenolphthalein indicator changes very rapidly from
colourless to pink and the end point can easily be missed, which will give an inaccurate reading 2(R) – 3(R) – 4(R): Increasing radial discolouration
for the test. It is important therefore that towards the end of the titration the NaOH is added a drop
at a time.

 Using phenolphthalein as an indicator, the point of neutrality is reached when the indicator
changes from colourless to pink. The indicator colour must remain stable (persisting for 30
seconds) and be light pink when viewed over a white background. However, the shade can vary
depending on the type of juice being tested. If the point of neutrality is missed, i.e. the colour of
the indicator is too dark, the test is not acceptable and must be repeated. An indicator stripe should
be used to avoid the neutral point of pH 8.1.

 Read off the amount of the amount of NaOH used (titre) on the burette and record this
5(R) – 6(R) – 7(R): Increasing central discolouration with peripheral cracks
 Re-fill the burette for each subsequent test.
 Clean the equipment thoroughly and rinse with distilled water. Detergents must not be
Note: When testing very acidic juices e.g. lemons and limes a larger amount of NaOH is required.
Therefore, when the NaOH reaches the 25ml mark on the scale the burette tube should be recharged as
described above. When the end point is reached the various readings are added together and recorded
to produce a figure of NaOH used for each titration.

8(R) – 9(R) -10(R): increasing peripheral discolouration

Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests

Method using a pH meter

Measurement The point of neutrality i.e. the end point of titration may also be determined using a pH meter. The
precise method used will depend on the manufacturer instructions, but the following will provide a
 One half of each freshly cut surfaces of the fruit is evenly coated with iodine solution. This general guide.
can be applied using a dropper bottle, pipette or spray bottle.
Checking the pH meter
 The cut sections are left for one minute before the results are assessed.
 Make sure the pH meter has warmed up before use - allow about 30 minutes.
 The stage of ripeness (percentage surface of the fruit changing to a blue-black colour) must
be recorded.  Remove the electrode from the distilled water in the storage beaker and dry.
 Place the electrode into the beaker containing a buffer solution of pH 7 and calibrate the meter
 The amount of blue-black colour present on a tested sample may be directly related to the to the same figure.
ripeness of the fruit.
 Whenever readings are taken, ensure that the electrode is not in contact with the sides or base
Results of the beaker.
 Remove the electrode and - after rinsing in distilled water - place in the solution to be tested;
It is important to record the results as well as all the details concerning method, variety and stage the electrode should not have any contact with the glass.
of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.
The stage of ripeness (Code-No. of starch conversation chart) for each individual fruit is noted.
 Ensure the tap on the burette is shut and using a funnel pour the 0.1M solution of NaOH into
If the readings of all fruit are equal or less than the suitable ripe index, the lot has reached the the burette until it reaches the zero mark. Do not spill the solution onto the skin.
minimum maturity level.
 Slowly titrate the NaOH into the juice/water solution. Care must be taken that the NaOH is
If 3 or more of the 10 fruits do not reach the suitable ripeness index, a second sample needs to be dropped directly into the solution and does not adhere to the glass, otherwise the reading may be
taken and analysed with other fruits of the reduced sample or from a new sample. If the average of the false. While titrating care must be taken to continually swirl the solution in the beaker to keep it
two samples does not reach the suitable ripe index, the lot fails the minimum maturity level and needs thoroughly mixed. This is essential, particularly when the solution nears neutrality. It is important
to be rejected. No tolerance is applied. to determine the point of neutrality or the end point of titration very exactly. The end point can
easily be missed, which will give an inaccurate reading for the test. It is important therefore that
Note: Care should be taken when interpreting the results of this test as many varieties of apples and towards the end of the titration the NaOH is added a drop at a time.
pears ripen in different ways, and produce differing starch patterns. Varieties are suitable for eating at
different stages of maturity and ripeness, dependent on individual consumer preference.  Using a pH meter, while titrating the digital readout will be seen to climb from around 4
or 5. When the reading reaches 7 proceed carefully. The point of neutrality or the end point of
Health and Safety Guidelines titration is reached at pH 8.1. If this figure is exceeded the test is not acceptable and must be
Pure Iodine can cause severe irritation to the respiratory system, skin and eyes, and the solid will
burn the skin. It is recommended that gloves, goggles and protective clothing be worn when handling.  When the pH meter reads 8.1 read off the amount of NaOH used on the burette and
 Remove the electrode and rinse it in distilled water ready for the next test. Do not allow it
to become contaminated.
 Re-fill the burette for each subsequent test.
 Clean the equipment thoroughly and rinse with distilled water. Detergents must not be

Note: When testing very acidic juices e.g. lemons and limes a larger amount of NaOH is required.
Therefore, when the NaOH reaches the 25ml mark on the scale the burette tube should be recharged as
________________ described above. When the end point is reached the various readings are added together and recorded
to produce a figure of NaOH used for each titration.

24 13
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests

Calculation of the Sugar/Acid Ratio

The °Brix value of the fruit concerned must also be obtained before calculation of the sugar/acid DETERMINATION OF THE STARCH CONTENT OF APPLES AND PEARS
ratio is possible. USING AN IODINE SOLUTION
The calculations for determining the sugar/acid ratios of all produce are the same, but as some
products contain different acids the appropriate multiplication factor must be applied to each
calculation. Some products may contain more than one type of acid, it is the primary acid that is
tested. A list of these acids and multiplication factors are found below. During the development of the flesh of a fruit, nutrients are deposited as starch which during the
ripening process is transformed into sugars. The progression of the ripening process leads to
Factor for: - citric acid : 0.0064 (Citrus fruit) decreasing starch levels.

- malic acid : 0.0067 (Apples) This document describes an objective test to determine the amount of starch in the flesh of a fruit
- tartaric acid : 0.0075 (Grapes) using an iodine solution. Iodine turns a blue-black colour when it comes into contact with starch. As a
fruit ripens more starch is converted to sugar, and the blue-black area becomes less prominent.
Using citric acid as an example, 1ml 0.1M NaOH is equivalent to 0.0064g citric acid. Ripening usually takes place from the core of the fruit towards the skin. Ripening fruit will generally
show an increasing white ring around the core, if treated with iodine. But other patterns (i.e. an
increasing star around the core) are possible depending on variety.
Results expressed as percentage acid:
This test is particularly suitable for fruit such as apples, and to a lesser extent to pears. But it is
Percentage acid = Titre x acid factor x 100 useful only to determine the ripeness of fruit at harvest time. At the subsequent stages of marketing the
10 (ml juice) starch content – even of underdeveloped and unripe fruit may have decreased without sufficient
increase of ripeness.

The sugar acid ratio = °Brix value

Percentage acid
 Iodine solution
The iodine solution is prepared by dissolving 10g of potassium iodide in 30ml of distilled water
OR and then adding 3g of iodine. Once the iodine has dissolved the mixture is made up to 1 litre by
Results expressed as acid in gram/litre: adding distilled water at 10° - 30°C. This solution can be stored for up to 6 months in a cool (4 to
7°C) dark place.
g/l acid = Titre x acid factor x 100 x 10
10 (ml juice) Note: The chemicals and the prepared solution will stain, so should be kept away from the skin and
from fabrics.

The sugar acid ratio = °Brix value x 10 Sampling

g/l acid
To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, a sample of 10 fruits minimum of each size is taken at
random from the reduced sample. However, fruits should be free from defects such as sun scorch and
pest or disease damage, which may have affected the normal ripening process.
E.g.: In case of citric acid the result would be expressed as:

Percentage citric acid Gram/ litre acid Sample preparation

Using a sharp knife each fruit is sliced crosswise in half. It is very important that the surfaces are
Percentage Citric Acid = Titre x 0.0064 x 100 g/l Citric Acid = Titre x 0.0064 x 100 x 10 cleanly cut, without any additional damage occurring to the flesh of the fruit or the skin. Additional
10ml juice 10 (ml juice) damage of this type may cause further starches to be released, from the damaged cells, leading to an
inaccurate result.
This formula can be simplified to: This formula can be simplified to:
Percentage Citric Acid = Titre x 0,064 g/l Citric Acid = Titre x 0,64

The sugar acid ratio = °Brix value The sugar Acid Ratio = °Brix value x 10
Percentage acid g/l Citric Acid

14 23
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests


It is important to record the results, to one decimal place, as well as all the details concerning
method, variety and stage of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.

DETERMINATION OF TOTAL SOLUBLE SOLIDS BY VIS-NIR If the result achieves the limit specified in the standard, the lot has reached the minimum maturity

If the result is at least 10 per cent less than the limit specified in the standard, a second sample
needs to be taken and analysed with other fruits of the reduced sample or from a new sample. If the
To determine the optimum harvest date as well as fruit quality development in post-harvest average of the two samples is less than the limit specified in the standard, the lot fails the minimum
period, rapid non-destructive sensing methods are available. Optical spectroscopy in visible (VIS) and maturity level and needs to be rejected. No tolerance is applied.
near infrared (NIR) spectrum range have been successful for many years to study quality properties of
agricultural products. Health and Safety Guidelines
The spectral signature of fresh fruit and vegetables shows in the 400 to 1100 nm region two Sodium Hydroxide in its undiluted form is extremely corrosive to body tissue. Skin contact
dominant absorption bands. The first one is the absorption band of chlorophyll at about 670 nm in the causes irritation almost immediately and continued contact causes burns. The 0.1 Molar solution used
VIS region (400 to 750 nm), additional absorption between 500 and 600 nm is caused by red blush in this test is much safer. However, it is recommended that protective coats are worn when using, and
pigments. The second absorption band is due to water at about 970 nm in the short wave NIR region that it is used only in a well ventilated room.
(750 to 1100 nm), close to the water absorption band, sugar and other carbohydrates contribute to
additional light absorption in NIR region. Phenolphthalein is highly flammable and should be used with care. It should be stored and used
away from naked flames or other sources of ignition. It is toxic if ingested.
There exist many studies on food quality by using VIS-NIR spectroscopy analysing the
reflectance and transmittance spectra of fresh fruit. It was concluded that it would be possible to
predict simultaneously the contents of soluble solids, sugars and chlorophyll with a single spectrum
from 400 to 1000 nm, which would allow to develop multidimensional predictors of consumer

To determine quality parameters of fresh fruit, specific adaptation of sensor probe to fruit species
as well as to desired quality information is necessary. Ground colour which is caused due to
chlorophyll content in fruit skin and adjacent cell tissue could be determined by using a sensor probe
for diffuse reflectance measurement on fruit surface. However, determination of internal quality
parameters like TSS content requires the use of a sensor probe for partial or complete light
transmission through fruit. The light path length through fruit cell tissue as well as the morphological ________________
fruit characteristics affect the measure spectral signature.

For the wavelength range from 400 to 1100nm very promising low-cost miniaturised
spectrometer modules are commercially available with attached photometric sensors based on silicon.
Therefore, this spectrum range is expected to be attractive for agricultural applications.

As the method described above is an indirect method to determine quality parameters, it is

necessary to establish for each species, growing area, season and eventually variety a calibration curve
adjusted to results obtained by appropriate laboratory reference methods.


22 15
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests


 Weigh an empty dish and record its weight as the tare weight (A).
 Cut the fruit longitudinally in two parts, eliminating the seed and the seminal tegument.

 From one part of the fruit, 1.5 mm-thick slices must be cut with the help of the slicer (around
The juice content is an essential parameter to determine the quality of different fruits, especially 5 -10 gram).
for citrus fruit.
 Deposit the slices without overlap on a numbered Petri dish. For each fruit a separate Petri
Material dish is needed.
- Extractor or juice press (simple household press, citrus press, household centrifuge)  Weigh each glass-slide which contains the sample and record the weight (B).
- Filter (muslin cloth, fine filter or strainer)  Put the glass-slides into the microwave oven. It must be checked beforehand, for this
thickness of the sample slice, that the desiccation is constant and that no brown coloration due to
- Scale burning will appear. Establish a power of 800 W and after 4 minutes, weigh the sample directly,
without allowing it to cool in the desiccator. Return the sample into the microwave for 1 minute
- Beaker and weigh it again. Repeat the process until the weight is constant or the difference of the mass
between two consecutive weighings is not greater than 0.5 mg. The total time of desiccation
Sampling ranges between 4 and 7 minutes. The final weight will be (C).
To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 2kg of fruits each size at Calculation
random from the reduced sample.
Calculate the dry matter content as following:
However, fruits should be free from defects such as sun scorch and pest or disease damage, which
may have affected the normal ripening process. Percentage dry matter = (C-A) x 100
Sample preparation

Cut the fruit in half crosswise and squeeze each half to extract all the juice with an extractor or a
juice press. The squeezing of each half should be done as thorough as possible in order to extract all A = weight of Petri dish
the juice.
B = total weight of fresh sample + Petri dish
The extracted juice is then filtered through muslin cloth, fine filter or strainer.
C = total weight of dry sample + Petri dish

Determine the total weight (1g scale) of Results

- fruit It is important to record the results, to one decimal place, as well as all the details concerning
method, power settings, variety and stage of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.
- beaker
If the readings of all fruit are equal to or greater than the limit specified in the standard, the lot
extracted juice has reached the minimum maturity level.
If the readings are below the limit specified in the standard, a second sample needs to be taken
Calculation of juice content with other fruits of the reduced sample or from a new sample and analysed by the laboratory reference
method before the lot will be reject.
The juice content is calculated in following way:

Juice percentage = Total weight of juice (in g) – beaker weight (in g) X 100
Total weight of fruit (in g) ________________

16 21
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests


The percentage of dry matter is calculated by: Results

Percentage dry matter = (C-A) x 100 It is important to record the results, to one decimal place, as well as all the details concerning
(B-A) method, variety and stage of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.

A = weight of Petri dish If the result is equal or greater than the limit specified in the standard, the lot has reached the
minimum juice content.
B = total weight of fresh sample + Petri dish
C = total weight of dry sample + Petri dish If the result is at least 10 per cent below the limit specified in the standard, a second sample needs
to be taken and analysed with other fruits of the reduced sample or from a new sample. If the average
Results of the two samples is below the limit specified in the standard, the lot fails the minimum juice content
and needs to be rejected. No tolerance is applied.
It is important to record the results, to one decimal place, as well as all the details concerning
method, variety and stage of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.

If the average readings of all fruit are equal to or greater than the limit specified in the standard,
the lot has reached the minimum maturity level.

If the average readings of at least 30% of the fruits are at least 10 per cent below the limit
specified in the standard, a second sample needs to be taken and analysed with other fruits of the
reduced sample or from a new sample. If the average of the two samples is below the limit specified in
the standard, the lot fails the minimum maturity level and needs to be rejected. No tolerance is applied.



This method allows to determine the loss of mass during the process of desiccation of the fruit.

Materials and instruments

- Analytical scale with gradation of 0.01 g

- Microwave-oven, capable of reaching a power of 800 W
- Spatula or spoon
- Petri dish (8 cm in diameter)
- Knife, vegetable peeler,
- Slicer, food processor with chopping blade or cheese grater
- Calculator, data sheet


To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 10 fruits of each size at
random from the reduced sample. However, fruits should be firm and free from defects such as sun
scorch and pest or disease damage, which may have affected the normal ripening process.

20 17
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests


 Each time that samples are weighed, they must be controlled until the nearest centigram.

DETERMINATION OF DRY MATTER CONTENT BY LABORATORY REFERENCE  Weight and number each Petri dish (one for each chosen fruit) and take note of the

Introduction: Preparation of the fruit:

 Take a sample of 10 gram of flesh using the slicer / peeler / grater. The sample will be taken
The accepted method for determination of percent dry matter is drying the sample in a (vacuum)
by removing thin slices of flesh (thickness 1.5 – 2mm) from all around the cut.
oven at 70 °C until consecutive weighings made at 2 h intervals vary by less than 3 mg (AOAC
Methods 1980). Although several samples can be dried at any one time, this method has the
 In case of avocados or kiwifruit the fruit has to be prepared in following way:
disadvantage of usually requiring samples to be dried overnight to complete the test.

Microwave drying technology has its merits due to its speed, simplicity, low cost, and  Avocados: Cut the fruit along the longitudinal diameter, eliminate the seed and
repeatability, but it results in localised drying and gives a high variability in drying times dependant on the seminal tegument and remove the outer skin without peeling the flesh. The
power settings and sample type. thickness of the slice should be 2mm. A total of 20 gram of fresh weight should be
sampled per fruit. The peeling should be taken from the face of one quarter.
The laboratory reference method shall be used in case of rejection and dispute.
 Kiwifruit: Cut the fruit along the equatorial diameter. The thickness of the slice
should be 3mm. A total of 10 - 20 gram of fresh weight should be sampled per fruit.

 Place the slices on the Petri dish and cut the slices into smaller pieces in order to facilitate
the drying process. Write down the total weight of the fresh sample + Petri dish (B). The weighing
should be done immediately after placing the sample on the dish in order to avoid loss of water
from it.
This method allows to determine the loss of mass during the process of desiccation of the fruit.  The oven should be warmed to the required temperature before the samples are put inside.
(An accurate thermometer placed in a cup filled with vegetable oil should be placed inside the
Materials and instruments oven to achieve the most accurate temperature readings).
 Analytical scale with gradation of 0.01g (error factor of around 0.1 - 0.3% dry matter)  To reduce the effect of the maillard reaction, the oven should be operated by relatively low
 (Vacuum) Oven with air flow of 60°C - 105°C temperature.

 Desiccator  Dry the sample in the oven with an air flow of 70° C for until constant weigh is reached
 Spatula or spoon (around 4 – 6 hours).

 Petri dishes (8 cm in diameter)  In case of avocados or kiwifruit drying should be done in following way:
 Knife
 Avocados: 60° C until constant weigh is reached (around 18 hours),
 Slicer, vegetable peeler or grater
 Kiwifruit: 65° C until constant weigh reached (around 8 hours).
 Food processor with chopping blade or cheese grater
 Calculator, data sheet  After the drying, weigh the sample and note the total weight of the dry sample + Petri
dish (C). Weighing should take place within 15 minutes from taking the samples out of the oven.

To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 15 fruits at random from the
reduced sample.

However, fruits should be firm and free from defects such as sun scorch and pest or disease
damage, which may have affected the normal ripening process.

18 19
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests


 Each time that samples are weighed, they must be controlled until the nearest centigram.

DETERMINATION OF DRY MATTER CONTENT BY LABORATORY REFERENCE  Weight and number each Petri dish (one for each chosen fruit) and take note of the

Introduction: Preparation of the fruit:

 Take a sample of 10 gram of flesh using the slicer / peeler / grater. The sample will be taken
The accepted method for determination of percent dry matter is drying the sample in a (vacuum)
by removing thin slices of flesh (thickness 1.5 – 2mm) from all around the cut.
oven at 70 °C until consecutive weighings made at 2 h intervals vary by less than 3 mg (AOAC
Methods 1980). Although several samples can be dried at any one time, this method has the
 In case of avocados or kiwifruit the fruit has to be prepared in following way:
disadvantage of usually requiring samples to be dried overnight to complete the test.

Microwave drying technology has its merits due to its speed, simplicity, low cost, and  Avocados: Cut the fruit along the longitudinal diameter, eliminate the seed and
repeatability, but it results in localised drying and gives a high variability in drying times dependant on the seminal tegument and remove the outer skin without peeling the flesh. The
power settings and sample type. thickness of the slice should be 2mm. A total of 20 gram of fresh weight should be
sampled per fruit. The peeling should be taken from the face of one quarter.
The laboratory reference method shall be used in case of rejection and dispute.
 Kiwifruit: Cut the fruit along the equatorial diameter. The thickness of the slice
should be 3mm. A total of 10 - 20 gram of fresh weight should be sampled per fruit.

 Place the slices on the Petri dish and cut the slices into smaller pieces in order to facilitate
the drying process. Write down the total weight of the fresh sample + Petri dish (B). The weighing
should be done immediately after placing the sample on the dish in order to avoid loss of water
from it.
This method allows to determine the loss of mass during the process of desiccation of the fruit.  The oven should be warmed to the required temperature before the samples are put inside.
(An accurate thermometer placed in a cup filled with vegetable oil should be placed inside the
Materials and instruments oven to achieve the most accurate temperature readings).
 Analytical scale with gradation of 0.01g (error factor of around 0.1 - 0.3% dry matter)  To reduce the effect of the maillard reaction, the oven should be operated by relatively low
 (Vacuum) Oven with air flow of 60°C - 105°C temperature.

 Desiccator  Dry the sample in the oven with an air flow of 70° C for until constant weigh is reached
 Spatula or spoon (around 4 – 6 hours).

 Petri dishes (8 cm in diameter)  In case of avocados or kiwifruit drying should be done in following way:
 Knife
 Avocados: 60° C until constant weigh is reached (around 18 hours),
 Slicer, vegetable peeler or grater
 Kiwifruit: 65° C until constant weigh reached (around 8 hours).
 Food processor with chopping blade or cheese grater
 Calculator, data sheet  After the drying, weigh the sample and note the total weight of the dry sample + Petri
dish (C). Weighing should take place within 15 minutes from taking the samples out of the oven.

To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 15 fruits at random from the
reduced sample.

However, fruits should be firm and free from defects such as sun scorch and pest or disease
damage, which may have affected the normal ripening process.

18 19
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests


The percentage of dry matter is calculated by: Results

Percentage dry matter = (C-A) x 100 It is important to record the results, to one decimal place, as well as all the details concerning
(B-A) method, variety and stage of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.

A = weight of Petri dish If the result is equal or greater than the limit specified in the standard, the lot has reached the
minimum juice content.
B = total weight of fresh sample + Petri dish
C = total weight of dry sample + Petri dish If the result is at least 10 per cent below the limit specified in the standard, a second sample needs
to be taken and analysed with other fruits of the reduced sample or from a new sample. If the average
Results of the two samples is below the limit specified in the standard, the lot fails the minimum juice content
and needs to be rejected. No tolerance is applied.
It is important to record the results, to one decimal place, as well as all the details concerning
method, variety and stage of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.

If the average readings of all fruit are equal to or greater than the limit specified in the standard,
the lot has reached the minimum maturity level.

If the average readings of at least 30% of the fruits are at least 10 per cent below the limit
specified in the standard, a second sample needs to be taken and analysed with other fruits of the
reduced sample or from a new sample. If the average of the two samples is below the limit specified in
the standard, the lot fails the minimum maturity level and needs to be rejected. No tolerance is applied.



This method allows to determine the loss of mass during the process of desiccation of the fruit.

Materials and instruments

- Analytical scale with gradation of 0.01 g

- Microwave-oven, capable of reaching a power of 800 W
- Spatula or spoon
- Petri dish (8 cm in diameter)
- Knife, vegetable peeler,
- Slicer, food processor with chopping blade or cheese grater
- Calculator, data sheet


To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 10 fruits of each size at
random from the reduced sample. However, fruits should be firm and free from defects such as sun
scorch and pest or disease damage, which may have affected the normal ripening process.

20 17
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests


 Weigh an empty dish and record its weight as the tare weight (A).
 Cut the fruit longitudinally in two parts, eliminating the seed and the seminal tegument.

 From one part of the fruit, 1.5 mm-thick slices must be cut with the help of the slicer (around
The juice content is an essential parameter to determine the quality of different fruits, especially 5 -10 gram).
for citrus fruit.
 Deposit the slices without overlap on a numbered Petri dish. For each fruit a separate Petri
Material dish is needed.
- Extractor or juice press (simple household press, citrus press, household centrifuge)  Weigh each glass-slide which contains the sample and record the weight (B).
- Filter (muslin cloth, fine filter or strainer)  Put the glass-slides into the microwave oven. It must be checked beforehand, for this
thickness of the sample slice, that the desiccation is constant and that no brown coloration due to
- Scale burning will appear. Establish a power of 800 W and after 4 minutes, weigh the sample directly,
without allowing it to cool in the desiccator. Return the sample into the microwave for 1 minute
- Beaker and weigh it again. Repeat the process until the weight is constant or the difference of the mass
between two consecutive weighings is not greater than 0.5 mg. The total time of desiccation
Sampling ranges between 4 and 7 minutes. The final weight will be (C).
To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 2kg of fruits each size at Calculation
random from the reduced sample.
Calculate the dry matter content as following:
However, fruits should be free from defects such as sun scorch and pest or disease damage, which
may have affected the normal ripening process. Percentage dry matter = (C-A) x 100
Sample preparation

Cut the fruit in half crosswise and squeeze each half to extract all the juice with an extractor or a
juice press. The squeezing of each half should be done as thorough as possible in order to extract all A = weight of Petri dish
the juice.
B = total weight of fresh sample + Petri dish
The extracted juice is then filtered through muslin cloth, fine filter or strainer.
C = total weight of dry sample + Petri dish

Determine the total weight (1g scale) of Results

- fruit It is important to record the results, to one decimal place, as well as all the details concerning
method, power settings, variety and stage of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.
- beaker
If the readings of all fruit are equal to or greater than the limit specified in the standard, the lot
extracted juice has reached the minimum maturity level.
If the readings are below the limit specified in the standard, a second sample needs to be taken
Calculation of juice content with other fruits of the reduced sample or from a new sample and analysed by the laboratory reference
method before the lot will be reject.
The juice content is calculated in following way:

Juice percentage = Total weight of juice (in g) – beaker weight (in g) X 100
Total weight of fruit (in g) ________________

16 21
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests


It is important to record the results, to one decimal place, as well as all the details concerning
method, variety and stage of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.

DETERMINATION OF TOTAL SOLUBLE SOLIDS BY VIS-NIR If the result achieves the limit specified in the standard, the lot has reached the minimum maturity

If the result is at least 10 per cent less than the limit specified in the standard, a second sample
needs to be taken and analysed with other fruits of the reduced sample or from a new sample. If the
To determine the optimum harvest date as well as fruit quality development in post-harvest average of the two samples is less than the limit specified in the standard, the lot fails the minimum
period, rapid non-destructive sensing methods are available. Optical spectroscopy in visible (VIS) and maturity level and needs to be rejected. No tolerance is applied.
near infrared (NIR) spectrum range have been successful for many years to study quality properties of
agricultural products. Health and Safety Guidelines
The spectral signature of fresh fruit and vegetables shows in the 400 to 1100 nm region two Sodium Hydroxide in its undiluted form is extremely corrosive to body tissue. Skin contact
dominant absorption bands. The first one is the absorption band of chlorophyll at about 670 nm in the causes irritation almost immediately and continued contact causes burns. The 0.1 Molar solution used
VIS region (400 to 750 nm), additional absorption between 500 and 600 nm is caused by red blush in this test is much safer. However, it is recommended that protective coats are worn when using, and
pigments. The second absorption band is due to water at about 970 nm in the short wave NIR region that it is used only in a well ventilated room.
(750 to 1100 nm), close to the water absorption band, sugar and other carbohydrates contribute to
additional light absorption in NIR region. Phenolphthalein is highly flammable and should be used with care. It should be stored and used
away from naked flames or other sources of ignition. It is toxic if ingested.
There exist many studies on food quality by using VIS-NIR spectroscopy analysing the
reflectance and transmittance spectra of fresh fruit. It was concluded that it would be possible to
predict simultaneously the contents of soluble solids, sugars and chlorophyll with a single spectrum
from 400 to 1000 nm, which would allow to develop multidimensional predictors of consumer

To determine quality parameters of fresh fruit, specific adaptation of sensor probe to fruit species
as well as to desired quality information is necessary. Ground colour which is caused due to
chlorophyll content in fruit skin and adjacent cell tissue could be determined by using a sensor probe
for diffuse reflectance measurement on fruit surface. However, determination of internal quality
parameters like TSS content requires the use of a sensor probe for partial or complete light
transmission through fruit. The light path length through fruit cell tissue as well as the morphological ________________
fruit characteristics affect the measure spectral signature.

For the wavelength range from 400 to 1100nm very promising low-cost miniaturised
spectrometer modules are commercially available with attached photometric sensors based on silicon.
Therefore, this spectrum range is expected to be attractive for agricultural applications.

As the method described above is an indirect method to determine quality parameters, it is

necessary to establish for each species, growing area, season and eventually variety a calibration curve
adjusted to results obtained by appropriate laboratory reference methods.


22 15
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests

Calculation of the Sugar/Acid Ratio

The °Brix value of the fruit concerned must also be obtained before calculation of the sugar/acid DETERMINATION OF THE STARCH CONTENT OF APPLES AND PEARS
ratio is possible. USING AN IODINE SOLUTION
The calculations for determining the sugar/acid ratios of all produce are the same, but as some
products contain different acids the appropriate multiplication factor must be applied to each
calculation. Some products may contain more than one type of acid, it is the primary acid that is
tested. A list of these acids and multiplication factors are found below. During the development of the flesh of a fruit, nutrients are deposited as starch which during the
ripening process is transformed into sugars. The progression of the ripening process leads to
Factor for: - citric acid : 0.0064 (Citrus fruit) decreasing starch levels.

- malic acid : 0.0067 (Apples) This document describes an objective test to determine the amount of starch in the flesh of a fruit
- tartaric acid : 0.0075 (Grapes) using an iodine solution. Iodine turns a blue-black colour when it comes into contact with starch. As a
fruit ripens more starch is converted to sugar, and the blue-black area becomes less prominent.
Using citric acid as an example, 1ml 0.1M NaOH is equivalent to 0.0064g citric acid. Ripening usually takes place from the core of the fruit towards the skin. Ripening fruit will generally
show an increasing white ring around the core, if treated with iodine. But other patterns (i.e. an
increasing star around the core) are possible depending on variety.
Results expressed as percentage acid:
This test is particularly suitable for fruit such as apples, and to a lesser extent to pears. But it is
Percentage acid = Titre x acid factor x 100 useful only to determine the ripeness of fruit at harvest time. At the subsequent stages of marketing the
10 (ml juice) starch content – even of underdeveloped and unripe fruit may have decreased without sufficient
increase of ripeness.

The sugar acid ratio = °Brix value

Percentage acid
 Iodine solution
The iodine solution is prepared by dissolving 10g of potassium iodide in 30ml of distilled water
OR and then adding 3g of iodine. Once the iodine has dissolved the mixture is made up to 1 litre by
Results expressed as acid in gram/litre: adding distilled water at 10° - 30°C. This solution can be stored for up to 6 months in a cool (4 to
7°C) dark place.
g/l acid = Titre x acid factor x 100 x 10
10 (ml juice) Note: The chemicals and the prepared solution will stain, so should be kept away from the skin and
from fabrics.

The sugar acid ratio = °Brix value x 10 Sampling

g/l acid
To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, a sample of 10 fruits minimum of each size is taken at
random from the reduced sample. However, fruits should be free from defects such as sun scorch and
pest or disease damage, which may have affected the normal ripening process.
E.g.: In case of citric acid the result would be expressed as:

Percentage citric acid Gram/ litre acid Sample preparation

Using a sharp knife each fruit is sliced crosswise in half. It is very important that the surfaces are
Percentage Citric Acid = Titre x 0.0064 x 100 g/l Citric Acid = Titre x 0.0064 x 100 x 10 cleanly cut, without any additional damage occurring to the flesh of the fruit or the skin. Additional
10ml juice 10 (ml juice) damage of this type may cause further starches to be released, from the damaged cells, leading to an
inaccurate result.
This formula can be simplified to: This formula can be simplified to:
Percentage Citric Acid = Titre x 0,064 g/l Citric Acid = Titre x 0,64

The sugar acid ratio = °Brix value The sugar Acid Ratio = °Brix value x 10
Percentage acid g/l Citric Acid

14 23
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests

Method using a pH meter

Measurement The point of neutrality i.e. the end point of titration may also be determined using a pH meter. The
precise method used will depend on the manufacturer instructions, but the following will provide a
 One half of each freshly cut surfaces of the fruit is evenly coated with iodine solution. This general guide.
can be applied using a dropper bottle, pipette or spray bottle.
Checking the pH meter
 The cut sections are left for one minute before the results are assessed.
 Make sure the pH meter has warmed up before use - allow about 30 minutes.
 The stage of ripeness (percentage surface of the fruit changing to a blue-black colour) must
be recorded.  Remove the electrode from the distilled water in the storage beaker and dry.
 Place the electrode into the beaker containing a buffer solution of pH 7 and calibrate the meter
 The amount of blue-black colour present on a tested sample may be directly related to the to the same figure.
ripeness of the fruit.
 Whenever readings are taken, ensure that the electrode is not in contact with the sides or base
Results of the beaker.
 Remove the electrode and - after rinsing in distilled water - place in the solution to be tested;
It is important to record the results as well as all the details concerning method, variety and stage the electrode should not have any contact with the glass.
of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.
The stage of ripeness (Code-No. of starch conversation chart) for each individual fruit is noted.
 Ensure the tap on the burette is shut and using a funnel pour the 0.1M solution of NaOH into
If the readings of all fruit are equal or less than the suitable ripe index, the lot has reached the the burette until it reaches the zero mark. Do not spill the solution onto the skin.
minimum maturity level.
 Slowly titrate the NaOH into the juice/water solution. Care must be taken that the NaOH is
If 3 or more of the 10 fruits do not reach the suitable ripeness index, a second sample needs to be dropped directly into the solution and does not adhere to the glass, otherwise the reading may be
taken and analysed with other fruits of the reduced sample or from a new sample. If the average of the false. While titrating care must be taken to continually swirl the solution in the beaker to keep it
two samples does not reach the suitable ripe index, the lot fails the minimum maturity level and needs thoroughly mixed. This is essential, particularly when the solution nears neutrality. It is important
to be rejected. No tolerance is applied. to determine the point of neutrality or the end point of titration very exactly. The end point can
easily be missed, which will give an inaccurate reading for the test. It is important therefore that
Note: Care should be taken when interpreting the results of this test as many varieties of apples and towards the end of the titration the NaOH is added a drop at a time.
pears ripen in different ways, and produce differing starch patterns. Varieties are suitable for eating at
different stages of maturity and ripeness, dependent on individual consumer preference.  Using a pH meter, while titrating the digital readout will be seen to climb from around 4
or 5. When the reading reaches 7 proceed carefully. The point of neutrality or the end point of
Health and Safety Guidelines titration is reached at pH 8.1. If this figure is exceeded the test is not acceptable and must be
Pure Iodine can cause severe irritation to the respiratory system, skin and eyes, and the solid will
burn the skin. It is recommended that gloves, goggles and protective clothing be worn when handling.  When the pH meter reads 8.1 read off the amount of NaOH used on the burette and
 Remove the electrode and rinse it in distilled water ready for the next test. Do not allow it
to become contaminated.
 Re-fill the burette for each subsequent test.
 Clean the equipment thoroughly and rinse with distilled water. Detergents must not be

Note: When testing very acidic juices e.g. lemons and limes a larger amount of NaOH is required.
Therefore, when the NaOH reaches the 25ml mark on the scale the burette tube should be recharged as
________________ described above. When the end point is reached the various readings are added together and recorded
to produce a figure of NaOH used for each titration.

24 13
Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests

Sample preparation Starch conversion chart for apples

Depending upon the type of produce, either cut the fruit in half and squeeze out the juice with an
extractor or a juice-press e.g. citrus fruits, or homogenise the flesh into a pulp. The juice of all
squeezed fruits is mixed. Radial type (R)

The skin and solids should not be included; the solids being filtered out through muslin cloth or
fine filter extracting as much juice as possible.

Use a clean and dry safety 10ml pipette. Draw up 10ml of juice and discharge it into a 250ml
beaker. Using another clean and dry pipette draw up 50ml of distilled water and add to the juice in the


Method using a coloured indicator 1 (R) Slight central discolouration

 Add 3 drops of phenolphthalein to the juice/water solution in each beaker from a dropping
pipette which is specifically kept for that purpose.

 Ensure the tap on the burette is shut and using a funnel pour the 0.1M solution of NaOH into
the burette until it reaches the zero mark. Do not spill the solution onto the skin.

 Slowly titrate the NaOH into the juice/water solution (with a 25ml burette or an automatic
burette). Care must be taken that the NaOH is dropped directly into the solution and does not
adhere to the glass, otherwise the reading may be false. While titrating care must be taken to
continually swirl the solution in the beaker to keep it thoroughly mixed. This is essential,
particularly when the solution nears neutrality. It is important to determine the point of neutrality
or the end point of titration very exactly. The phenolphthalein indicator changes very rapidly from
colourless to pink and the end point can easily be missed, which will give an inaccurate reading 2(R) – 3(R) – 4(R): Increasing radial discolouration
for the test. It is important therefore that towards the end of the titration the NaOH is added a drop
at a time.

 Using phenolphthalein as an indicator, the point of neutrality is reached when the indicator
changes from colourless to pink. The indicator colour must remain stable (persisting for 30
seconds) and be light pink when viewed over a white background. However, the shade can vary
depending on the type of juice being tested. If the point of neutrality is missed, i.e. the colour of
the indicator is too dark, the test is not acceptable and must be repeated. An indicator stripe should
be used to avoid the neutral point of pH 8.1.

 Read off the amount of the amount of NaOH used (titre) on the burette and record this
5(R) – 6(R) – 7(R): Increasing central discolouration with peripheral cracks
 Re-fill the burette for each subsequent test.
 Clean the equipment thoroughly and rinse with distilled water. Detergents must not be
Note: When testing very acidic juices e.g. lemons and limes a larger amount of NaOH is required.
Therefore, when the NaOH reaches the 25ml mark on the scale the burette tube should be recharged as
described above. When the end point is reached the various readings are added together and recorded
to produce a figure of NaOH used for each titration.

8(R) – 9(R) -10(R): increasing peripheral discolouration

Guidelines on Objective Tests Guidelines on Objective Tests

Starch conversion chart for apples


It is the sugar/acid ratio which contributes towards giving many fruits their characteristic flavour
and so is an indicator of commercial and organoleptic ripeness. At the beginning of the ripening
process the sugar/acid ratio is low, because of low sugar content and high fruit acid content, this
makes the fruit taste sour. During the ripening process the fruit acids are degraded, the sugar content
increases and the sugar/acid ratio achieves a higher value. Overripe fruits have very low levels of fruit
acid and therefore lack characteristic flavour.

1 (C) Slight central discolouration Titration is a chemical process used in ascertaining the amount of constituent substance in a
sample, e.g. acids, by using a standard counter-active reagent, e.g. an alkali (NaOH).

Once the acid level in a sample has been determined it can be used to find the ratio of sugar to

There are two methods specified for the determination of the titratable acidity of fruits:

- Method using a coloured indicator;

- Potentiometric method, using a pH meter, which should be used for very coloured juices.

2(C) – 3(C) – 4(C): Central discolouration, from “coin” to “5-leaver clover” - A laboratory burette of 25 or 50ml capacity or an automatic burette is used. A 10ml pipette, beaker
(250ml), a filter (muslin cloth or fine filter) and an extractor or homogeniser.
- A bottle of distilled water.
- Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH): The Standard Laboratory solution of 0.1M which is used in the
actual titration is considered to be dilute, and can readily be
purchased in this form.
- Phenolphthalein: This is a 1% w/v solution of phenolphthalein in 95% v/v ethanol
which is flammable and toxic if ingested. This is only required for
the method using a coloured indicator.
- Indicator stripes: To check the exact point of neutrality an indicator stripe should be
used. Not necessary if pH Meter is used.
5(C) – 6(C) – 7(C): Increasing central discolouration with peripheral spots

To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 10 fruits of each size at
random from the reduced sample. However, fruits should be free from defects such as sun scorch and
pest or disease damage, which may have affected the normal ripening process.

8(C) – 9(C) -10(C): increasing peripheral discolouration

26 11
Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests


To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 10 fruits of each size at DETERMINATION OF SKIN COLOUR BY OECD COLOUR GAUGES
random from the reduced sample. However, fruits should be free from defects such as sun scorch and
pest or disease damage, which may have affected the normal ripening process. The colour of fruit skin is a good indicator to describe the ripeness of a fruit or uniformity concerning
Sample Preparation
The use of colour gauges permits to define a colour stage or a range of colour stages to describe a
From two opposite sides of the equatorial area of the fruit a disc of peel (only skin depth) of up to certain grade of ripeness/maturity.
2 cm² (¾ sq. ins) is removed.
To get an objective result different colour gauges are elaborated.
Where fruit is of mixed colour, e.g. apples, the tests should be carried out where possible between
the highest and the lowest coloured portion of the surface. Material

Measurement The OECD SCHEME has elaborated Colour Gauges for Use by the Trade in Gauging the Skin
Colouring of
 Hold the fruit firmly with one hand, rest it on a rigid surface, such as a table top or the plate
at the base of the stand. - Apples (Golden Delicious) and

 The choice of plunger size and scale range used will depend on the type and the variety of - Tomatoes.
the produce being tested and its stage of maturity and ripeness.

 If the size of plunger is mandatory in marketing standards, the given size has been used.

 It is recommended that the size of the plunger chosen and the particular scale used should be
such as to give readings in the middle range of the scale.

 Zero the penetrometer and place the plunger head against the flesh in the peeled area of the
fruit. Apply steady downward pressure until the plunger has penetrated the flesh of the fruit up to
the depth mark (half way up) on the plunger. Slow, steady pressure is essential as sharp uneven
movements may give unreliable results. Remove the plunger and note the reading on the
penetrometer dial, to one decimal place. Colour gauge for tomatoes (open) Colour gauge for apples
 Repeat the process on the opposite side of the same fruit after first zeroing the penetrometer. Note: To prevent discolouration, the colour gauges should not be exposed to daylight permanently. In case
of discolouration the colour gauges have to be replaced.
 It is very important to conduct all tests as uniformly and carefully as possible in order to
allow an accurate comparison of results.
Results To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 10 fruits at random from the
reduced sample. However, fruits should be free from defects such as sun scorch and pest or disease
It is important to record the results, to one decimal place, as well as all the details concerning damage, which may have affected the normal ripening process.
plunger size, scale range used, variety and stage of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.
As a first step the two readings for each individual fruit are averaged. In a second step the sum
The colour of the fruits (typically background colour of the individual fruit) will be compared against
total of these readings should be averaged (to one decimal place) to give a mean figure.
the different colour steps of the colour gauge.
If the average readings of all fruit are equal to or less than the limit specified in the standard, the
The tests should be done by daylight or under fluorescent white light.
lot has reached the minimum maturity level.

If the average readings of 3 or more of the 10 fruits are at least 10 per cent above the limit Results
specified in the standard, a second sample needs to be taken and analysed with other fruits of the The colour code which matches the skin colour is noted.
reduced sample or from a new sample. If the average of the two samples is above the limit specified in
the standard, the lot fails the minimum maturity level and needs to be rejected. No tolerance is applied. If the colour of the fruit skin lies between two colour codes, both codes are noted.

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests



The firmness of a fruit is linked to the state of maturity and ripeness and may be influenced by
the variety as well as the region of production and the growing conditions. This document describes an
METHOD 1 - LABORATORY REFERENCE METHOD objective test to determine the firmness of fruit by means of a penetrometer.

The penetrometer is used by producers, packers and distributors to help to determine the stage of
1. Scope and application ripeness of a fruit and by the retail trade to determine palatability for the consumer and shelf life for
their own records.
This reference method serves to determine the moisture for dried fruits, as dried or desiccated
apricots, figs, prunes, dates, grapes, apples, pears, etc. The determination of firmness of a fruit by means of the penetrometer is based on the pressure
necessary to push a plunger of specified size into the pulp of the fruit up to a specific depth.
2. Reference
This method is based on the method prescribed by AOAC: AOAC Official Method 934.06 - Moisture
in Dried Fruits.

3. Definition Penetrometers are available with dial gauges calibrated in

both metric (kg) and imperial (lbs) measurements and can
Moisture content for dried fruits: conventionally, loss in mass measured under the operating be obtained to cover different ranges of pressure suitable
conditions specified in AOAC Official Method 934.06. The moisture content is expressed as percentage by for measuring either soft or harder types of fruit,
mass (grams per 100 grams). depending on the variety and the stage of ripeness of the
produce to be tested.

Determination of the moisture content of a test portion by drying in an oven 6 h at 70 ± 1º C under Three detachable plungers are available:
pressure < 100 mm Hg (13.3 kPa).
 One of 8 mm (½ cm²) diameter generally suitable for use in testing softer produce (e.g.
5. Apparatus (see AOAC Official Method 934.06) peaches, nectarines, plums),

5.1 Analytical balance sensitive to 1 mg or better.  one of 11 mm (1 cm²) diameter generally suitable for use in testing harder fruit (e.g.
apples, pears) and
5.2 Mechanical mill or food chopper.
 a pointed plunger for use in testing avocados.
5.3 Non-corrosive metal dish, provided with well-fitting lid, about 8.5 cm of diameter, allowing the test
portion to be spread to about 0.2 g/cm2 or less. Ideally the penetrometer should be bench-mounted on a fixed, rigid drill stand to ensure that
pressure is applied at a steady controlled rate and at a constant angle to the fruit i.e. vertically
5.4 Electric vacuum oven with thermostatic control capable of being regulated in normal operation at 70 downwards. This is more difficult to achieve when using a hand-held penetrometer.
± 1º C under pressure < 100 mm Hg (13.3 kPa.).
If it is not practical to use a stand mounted penetrometer and it is necessary to use a hand-
5.5 Desiccator containing an effective desiccant. held one as in the field or market place - then particular care must be taken to ensure a smooth and
uniform application of pressure when taking readings. The method is the same for both the hand-held
5.6 Steam-bath and the mounted penetrometer and must be identical for each item of produce tested in order to obtain
consistent results.

If testing is done in a laboratory, a stand-model penetrometer should be used.

Annex I of standard layout for UNECE standards concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of dry
and dried produce. 3.
These instruments are presented for information only. The OECD does not recommend the usage of any
particular make.
Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests


An equal number of drops from the prepared fruit juice or the prepared fruit are placed onto the 6. Procedure
refractometer prism plate. The reading on the prism scale is noted to one decimal place. After each test
the prism plate must be cleaned with (distilled) water and wiped dry with a soft tissue.  Follow the operating conditions as specified in AOAC Official Method 934.06 for Moisture in
Dried Fruits, with the following additional specifications, concerning the preparation of the test
 Homogenize the laboratory sample and take a minimum of 100 g of dried fruits as a test sample.
It is important to record the results, to one decimal place, as well as all the details concerning
With non-pitted stone fruits (apricots, prunes, peaches, dates, etc), remove the stones using the rest as a
method, variety and stage of maturity and ripeness of the produce being tested.
test sample.
Each reading for the individual fruit, bunch, primary sample or sales package is noted. The sum
 Grind or chop the test sample to obtain small particles, using either a mechanical mill or food
total of all readings are averaged (rounded to one decimal place) to give a mean figure.
chopper, without overheating the product, or cut and grind by hand if necessary, using knife, scissors,
If the juice is taken from two parts of the fruit (e.g. longitudinal slices, equatorial axis area) in a mortar and pestle or similar.
first step, the two readings for each individual fruit are averaged. In a second step the sum total of
 Use 5.0 to 10 g of the ground or chopped product as a test portion. Mix the test portion with circa
these readings should be averaged (round to one decimal place) to give a mean figure. The same
2 g of finely divided glass fiber filter or of washed sand, with the help of a spatula, and weigh to the
procedure is possible in case of small fruit or table grapes where single fruits or berries may be
nearest 0,001 g.
 When necessary, moisten the test portion and the glass fiber filter or the washed sand with a few
If the average readings of all fruit are equal to or greater than the limit specified in the standard,
millilitres of water, mix thoroughly with the help of the spatula, and heat the open dish on the steam-
the lot has reached the minimum maturity level.
bath to near dryness, before complete the drying in the vacuum oven.
If the average readings of 3 or more of the 10 fruits, bunches or sales packages are at least 10 per
 Carry out two determinations on the same test sample.
cent below the limit specified in the standard, a second sample needs to be taken and analysed
with other fruits of the reduced sample or from a new sample. If the average of the two samples is
below the limit specified in the standard, the lot fails the minimum maturity level and needs to be
7. Expression of results and test report
rejected. No tolerance is applied.
The moisture content, W, as percentage by mass of the sample (grams per 100 grams), is equal to:

M1  M 2
W 100
M1  M 0


M0 is the mass, in grams, of the dish and lid.5 6 7

M1 is the mass, in grams, of the dish and lid, and the test portion before drying. 1, 2

M2 is the mass, in grams, of the dish and lid, and the test portion after drying. 1, 2

Take as a result the arithmetic mean of the results of the two determinations, if the difference between
the results is smaller than 0.2%. The result has to be reported to one decimal place.

The test report shall show the method used and the results obtained. It shall mention any operating
details not specified or optional, and incidents, likely to have influenced the results. It shall also include all
the information necessary for the complete identification of the sample.

Weigh to the nearest 0.001 g.
In case, plus the glass fibre or washed sand, and spatula.
After heating, on the oven for 2 hours and cooling in the desiccator.

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Using a small diameter metal borer (1 –
4 mm) a core of melon should be extracted
from the equatorial axis area. Each end of
the core should be discarded i.e. the skin
8. Repeatability and the flesh area immediately beneath it
and also the soft pulpy seed area. The
The difference between the results of two determinations carried out simultaneously or in rapid remaining flesh should be used to extract
succession by the same analyst, using the same apparatus and in the same laboratory, should not be greater Melons the juice for testing.
than 0.2 g of moisture per 100 g of sample.
Alternatively, two longitudinal slices (from stem end to calyx-end) are taken, one
from the side that touched the ground during growth and one from the opposite. From
METHOD 2: RAPID METHOD the middle of the slice a piece of fruit flesh is cut off, with the core and peel removed.
The remaining flesh is squeezed to extract the juice for testing.
1. Scope and application

This rapid method serves to determine the moisture for dried fruits. 8

2. Reference

This method is based on the method prescribed by AOAC: AOAC Official Method 972.20 -
Moisture in Prunes and Raisins (Moisture Meter Method). This method is also commonly used as
unofficial method for the determination of moisture content in other kinds of dried fruits.

3. Definition

Moisture content for dried fruits: conventionally, correlation between moisture content and
conductance-temperature measured under the operating conditions specified in AOAC Official Method Table At least 5 berries are taken from each bunch or sales package at different places of the
972.20. The moisture content is expressed as percentage by mass (grams per 100 grams). grapes bunch or sales package.
These berries can be squeezed and tested individually or all together to get a mixture
4. Principle of juice from these berries. However, it is possible to squeeze the whole bunch.

Determination of the conductance and temperature of a test portion by the moisture tester meter and
under the operating conditions specified in AOAC Official Method 972.20. The moisture tester meter has Water Two longitudinal slices (from stem end to calyx-end) are taken, one from the side that
to be calibrated according to the laboratory method, for each kind of dried fruit, taken into account the melon touched the ground during growth and one from the opposite. From the equatorial
variety or commercial type and the type of presentation (whole, pitted, slabs, dices, etc) and, when section a piece of fruit flesh is cut off, with the core and peel removed. The piece of
necessary, the crop year and/or the origin. fruit-flesh is squeezed.
5. Apparatus (see AOAC Official Method 972.20) fruits Cut each fruit in half crosswise and squeeze to extract all the juice.

5.1 Moisture tester meter type A series. Small fruits

e.g. At least 5 fruits are taken from each primary sample or sales package at different
5.2 Thermometer (if not incorporated to the moisture tester meter). Strawberries places of the package. These fruits can be squeezed and tested individually or all
, to get a mixture of juice from these fruits.
5.3 Mechanical mill or food chopper. Cherries

Tomatoes From each fruit two longitudinal slices (from stem end to calyx-end) are taken. The
slice is squeezed longitudinally to get a mixture of juice from all regions.

It is also possible to employ other rapid methods based on different conductance methods, or on the principle of
loss of mass by heating with apparatus including an halogen or infra-red lamp and a built-in analytical balance,
always at condition that the method and the apparatus has to be calibrated according the laboratory method.

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests


To evaluate the lot selected for inspection, take a sample of at least 10 fruits of each size at 6. Procedure
random from the reduced sample. In case of small fruits packed in sales packages (e.g. strawberries,
cherries) take 10 sales packages and at least five fruits of each package or 10 primary samples if fruits Follow the operating conditions as specified in AOAC Official Method 972.20 - Moisture in Prunes
are packed in bulk in the package. and Raisins (Moisture Meter Method).

However, fruits should be free from defects such as sun scorch and pest or disease damage, which Carry out the determination on two test portions
may have affected the normal ripening process.

Sample preparation
7. Expression of results and test report
It is important that the juice sample used for measuring soluble solids is extracted in a uniform
7.1 Result
way and to take into account natural differences in the distribution of soluble solids within the fruit for
the species concerned.
The result should be the arithmetic mean of the two determinations. Report the result to one decimal
Although it is not possible to lay down precise guidelines for all produce which could be tested.
The overriding criteria is that the juice sample must be as far as possible representative of the whole
7.2 Test report
fruit. Dry fruit should be used, as any external moisture mixing with the juice will lower the reading.
The test report must state the method used and the results obtained. The report must contain all the
Where specific methods for sample preparation or juice extraction are given in marketing
information necessary for the complete identification of the sample.
standards or OECD brochures, it should be followed. In absence of such guidelines, sample
preparation and the juice extraction should be done in following way:

Apples, From each fruit two longitudinal slices

Pears, (from stem end to calyx-end) are taken, one
Peaches and from the most coloured side and one from
Nectarines the opposite. The core is removed. The
slice is squeezed longitudinally to get a
mixture of juice from all regions.

Apricots, Cut the fruit in half. Each half is measured
to get a mixture
P of juice from all regions.

Kiwifruit Cut the stem and blossom ends at a distance

of 15 mm from each end of the fruit and
squeeze the two slices separately.

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Use of the refractometer

Depending on the purpose of the analysis, several drops of distilled water, sucrose solution or
juice are placed on the prism surface. The liquid on the prism plate should be free from bubbles or
floating particles of pulp or other matter.
- Hand-held model: The prism lid is closed. To get proper readings, the instrument is turned
towards the light. If necessary the eye piece is focused until a clear image appears. The
position at which the demarcation line between the light and dark regions crosses the vertical
METHOD 1 - LABORATORY REFERENCE METHOD scale gives the percentage soluble solids reading.
- LCD Digital model: Push the button to get the soluble solids reading in percent.

1. Scope and application

This reference method serves to determine the moisture and volatile matter content for both inshell Checking and re-calibration to zero
nuts and shelled nuts (kernels).
- A bottle of distilled water.
2. Reference
- A small bottle of 6 % sucrose solution. The solution should be stored in a bottle, kept
This method is based on the method prescribed by ISO: ISO 665-2000 Oilseeds - Determination of away from daylight and used within 48 hrs of preparation.
moisture and volatile matter content.
Several drops of distilled water are placed on the prism surface.

3. Definition Distilled water should give a reading of zero. If not and where possible, the refractometer must be
adjusted to read zero.
Moisture content and volatile matter content for dry produce (inshell nuts and shelled nuts): loss in
mass measured under the operating conditions specified in ISO 665-2000 for oilseeds of medium size (see The prism plate is wiped dry with a soft tissue free from fluffs.
point 7.3 of ISO 665-2000). The moisture content is expressed as mass fraction, in percent, of the mass of
the initial sample. Several drops of 6% sucrose solution are placed onto the clean and dry prism plate.

For whole nuts, when moisture content is expressed both on the whole nut and on the kernel, in The refractometer should give a reading of 6%. If the reading is not accurate:
cases of dispute between the two values, the moisture content value of the whole nut takes precedence.
a) A new fresh solution of accurate 6% sucrose may be required.
b) The refractometer may need to be repaired or replaced.
4. Principle
Taking care of the refractometer
Determination of the moisture and volatile matter content of a test portion by drying at103 ± 2º C in
an oven at atmospheric pressure, until practically constant mass is reached. Optical glass is relatively soft and damage can easily occur to prism surfaces. Care should be
taken not to scratch the prism and therefore metal and glass objects should be kept away from the
prism surface.
5. Apparatus (see ISO 665-2000 for more details)
Samples should be washed off the instrument as soon as possible with distilled water. A prism is
5.1 Analytical balance sensitive to 1 mg or better. susceptible to alkalis and acids if left in contact for any length of time. They should be washed clean
with a suitable solvent before being rinsed with distilled water and dried off with a soft tissue.
5.2 Mechanical mill.
Periodically it is an advantage to wipe the prism plate with alcohol to remove any oils which may
5.3 3 mm round-holes sieve. adhere. Alcohol must not be used on battery/mains operated models.

It is always advisable to keep any liquids confined to the prism end of the refractometer.
Annex I of standard layout for UNECE standards concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of dry 2
and dried produce. The text describes the calibration and method of operation for the more traditional hand-held refractometer.
When using digital battery/main-operated models similar principles apply, however, the manufacturers’
instructions must always be followed.
Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests

5.4 Glass, porcelain or non-corrosive metal containers, provided with well-fitting lids, allowing the
DETERMINATION OF TOTAL SOLUBLE SOLIDS OR SUGAR (TSS) test portion to be spread to about 0.2 g/cm 2 (approximately 5 mm height).
5.5 Electric oven with thermostatic control capable of being regulated between 101 and 105º C in
normal operation.

During the development of the flesh of a fruit, in many species, nutrients are deposited as starch, 5.6 Desiccator containing an effective desiccant.
which during the ripening process is transformed into sugars. The progression of the ripening process
leads to increasing sugar levels.

This document describes an objective test to determine the total content of soluble solids (TSS) or 6. Procedure
sugar in a fruit by means of the refractometer. The method is especially suitable for ripe and juicy
fruit, with significant sugar content, as the determination of TSS is based on the capacity of sugars in a Follow the operating conditions as specified in ISO 665-2000 for oilseeds of medium size (point 7
juice to deviate light. and 7.3 of ISO 665-2000), but with the following specific modifications, concerning the preparation of the
test sample.
Although ISO 665-2000 sets up one initial period of 3 hours in the oven set at 103 ± 2º C, for nuts it is
A refractometer measures TSS as °Brix in 0.1% graduations. There are hand-held refractometers recommended one initial period of 6 hours.
as well as digital battery/mains-operated models available. All models apply similar principles.
However, the manufacturers’ instructions must always be followed. 6.a Determination of the moisture and volatile matter content of kernels:

Some refractometers automatically compensate for changes in temperature, whereas others may  For shelled nuts, homogenize the laboratory sample and take a minimum of 100 g of kernels as a
be calibrated to read accurately at a fixed temperature (usually 20°C). To obtain accurate readings at test sample.
temperatures other than 20°C it is necessary to refer to the International Temperature Correction Table
(1974) which is usually supplied with the instrument or ISO standard 2173 - (edition 2003).  For inshell nuts, take a minimum of 200 g and, using a nutcracker or hammer, remove the shells
and fragments or particles of shell, using the rest as a test sample. The kernel skin (cuticle or
spermoderm) is included in the test sample.

 Grind and sieve the test sample until the size of the particles obtained is no greater than 3 mm.
During the grinding operation, care should be taken to avoid the production of a paste (oily
flour), the overheating of the sample and the consequent loss of moisture content (for example, if
using a mechanical food chopper, by successive very short grinding and sieving operations).

 Spread evenly over the base of the vessel about 10 g of the ground product as a test portion,
replace the lid, and weigh the whole vessel. Carry out two determinations on the same test

6.b Determination of moisture and volatile matter content on whole nuts (shell plus kernel):
with scale for temperature correction 1
 Remove all the foreign matter (dust, stickers, etc.) from the test sample. Homogenize the
laboratory sample and take a minimum of 200 g of nuts as a test sample.

 Grind the whole nuts using either a Rass Mill, a Romer Mill or a Brabender apparatus or similar,
 LCD DIGITAL BENCH MODEL 1 without overheating the product.

Refractometers should not normally require re-calibration, however, the following calibration  Spread evenly over the base of the vessel about 15 g of the ground product as a test portion,
instructions may prove useful.2 If there is any doubt as to the accuracy of any reading it is important to replace the lid, and weigh the whole vessel. Carry out two determinations on the same test
consult the manufacturer’s instructions. sample.

These instruments are presented for information only. The OECD does not recommend the usage of any
particular make. 33

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests

7. Expression of results and test report

Follow all the instructions as specified in ISO 665-2000 (point 9 and 11) for method of calculation TAKING THE SAMPLES
and formulae, and for test report, without any modification. 10
8. Precision

For conditions of repeatability and reproducibility apply specifications of ISO 665-2000 (point 10.2
and 10.3) for soya beans.


The sample has to be taken in accordance with the “ Operating Rules for the Conformity Checks
of Produce Exported Under The “Scheme”” (published in document C(2006)95 – Annex II as
1. Principle amended).

Determination of the moisture content using a measuring apparatus based on the principle of loss of Quality control takes place by assessing bulk samples taken at random from different points in
mass by heating. The apparatus should include a halogen or infra-red lamp and a built-in analytical the lot to be inspected. It is based on the principle of presumption that the quality of the bulk sample is
balance, calibrated according to the laboratory method. representative of the quality of the lot.

The use of apparatus based on the principle of electrical conductivity or resistance, as Moisture Meters,
Moisture Testers and similar, is also allowed always at condition that the apparatus has to be calibrated
according with the laboratory reference method for the tested product.

2. Apparatus

2.1 Mechanical mill or food chopper.

2.2 3 mm round-holes sieve (unless indicated otherwise by the instructions for use of the apparatus).

2.3 Halogen or infrared lamp with built-in analytical balance sensitive to 1 mg or better.

3. Procedure

3.1 Preparation of sample

Follow the same instructions as given for the laboratory reference method (points 6.a and 6.b),
unless indicated otherwise by the instructions for use of the apparatus, particularly with regard to the
diameter of the fragments.

The main points specified are as follows:
 Moisture and volatile matter content is expressed as mass fraction, in percent, of the mass of the initial
 The result is the arithmetic mean of the two determinations; the difference between the two determinations
should not exceed 0.2% (mass fraction).
 The result has to be reported to one decimal place.

Guidelines on Objective Tests

Guidelines on Objective Tests

TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.2 Determination of moisture content

Carry out the determination on two test portions of approximately 5 to 10 g each, unless indicated
otherwise by the instructions for use of the apparatus.

TAKING THE SAMPLES………………………………..…..…………………………………… 3 Spread the test portion over the base of the test receptacle, thoroughly cleaned in advance, and note
the weight of the test portion to within 1 mg.
REFRACTOMETER…………………………………….……………………………………....... 4 Follow the procedure indicated in the instructions for use of the apparatus for the product to be
tested, in particular with regard to the adjusting of temperatures, the duration of the test and the recording
DETERMINATION OF FIRMNESS OF A FRUIT BY PENETROMETER…………………..... 9 of the weight readings.


SUGAR/ACID RATIO…………………………………………………………..........……….….. 11 4. Expression of results
DETERMINATION OF THE JUICE CONTENT………………………………………….…….. 16 4.1 Result

DETERMINATION OF DRY MATTER CONTENT BY LABORATORY REFERENCE The result should be the arithmetic mean of the two determinations, provided that the conditions of
METHOD OR MICROWAVE-OVEN QUICK METHOD………………………………..…...… 18 repeatability (4.2) are satisfied. Report the result to one decimal place.

DETERMINATION OF TOTAL SOLUBLE SOLIDS BY VIS-NIR……………….....………… 22 4.2 Repeatability

DETERMINATION OF THE STARCH CONTENT OF APPLES AND PEARS USING AN The difference in absolute value between the respective results of the two determinations performed
IODINE SOLUTION………………………………………………………………………….…... 23 simultaneously or one immediately after the other by the same operator, under the same conditions on
identical test material, must not exceed 0.2%.


DETERMINATION OF THE MOISTURE CONTENT FOR DRY FRUIT……………………... 32 The test report must state the method used and the results obtained. The report must contain all
information necessary for the full identification of the sample.
PARAMETERS…………………………………...……….……………………………………… 36



Guidelines on Objective Tests


State of year 2017

Produce UNECE Parameter UNECE

Document No

Apples FV 50 °Brix x

Avocados FV 42 dry matter content x

Kiwifruit FV 46 °Brix x
dry matter content x

Melons FV 23 °Brix x

Peaches & Nectarines FV 26 °Brix x

firmness (penetrometer) x

Pineapples FV 49 °Brix x

Table grapes FV 19 °Brix x

sugar/acid ratio x

Watermelons FV 37 °Brix x

Citrus FV 14 juice content x

°Brix x
sugar/acid ratio x

Dry produce DF … Moisture content x

Dried produce DF … Moisture content x

In recent years there has become an increased awareness of the need
for the consumer to have fruit available to eat which has reached a
satisfactory state of ripeness and which exhibits the true organoleptic
characteristics of the produce and of the variety concerned.

In the framework of the Scheme, internal quality of fruit is defined as:

“The degree, measured with objective criteria, to which a commodity
has reached a sufficient stage of development such as to enable its
quality, after harvesting and post harvest handling (including ripening,
where required) to be at least the minimum acceptable to the final

This document describes those methods of objective testing of fruits

that have emerged as beneficial to both Inspection Services, and the
fruit industry in general in determining acceptable levels of ripeness
and quality.


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